Exam 1

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The vitamins essential for normal adult bone maintenance and repair are:

C and D3

Which cells of the epidermis produce the fibrous protein keratin?

Melanocytes B Langerhan's cells C Merkel cells D None of the above (ANSWER)

What would be considered the most dangerous type of skin cancer?


Mucous secretions that coat the passageways of the digestive and respiratory tracts result from _ secretion.


Which of the following body systems is a fast-acting control system?

Nervous system

The microscope field is the ________.

area you see through the lenses of the microscope

Which glands produce earwax?

ceruminous glands

You pick up a vertebra to identify it and note that the transverse processes contain foramina. This unique feature identifies the vertebra as coming from the ________ region of the vertebral column.


This tough, strong, connective tissue is found beneath the epithelial tissue of the skin. It is packed with collagen fibers that run in all different directions.

dense irregular

Abduction requires the action of two muscles, and adduction requires the action of __________.

four muscles

The first step in tissue repair is:


The __________ girdle attaches the upper limb to the axial skeleton.


A dendritic or Langerhan cell is a specialized:

phagocytic cell

All of the following are short bones except ________.


The study of the function of the human body is termed ___.


The increasingly forceful labor contractions during childbirth are an example of:

positive feedback

The ____ ligament reinforces the knee joint.

posterior cruciate

Movement of the forearm includes __________.

pronation and supination

The dermis has two major layers. Which layer constitutes 80% of the dermis and is responsible for the tension lines in the skin?

reticular layer

In a cell, proteins are synthesized at the __.


The site of protein synthesis is:


A disease caused by vitamin D deficiency in children is termed:


The organelle responsible for a variety of functions centering on the synthesis of lipids and carbohydrates is:


Cradle cap in infants is called:


An example of a sesamoid bone is the ________.


Epithelial cells are specialized to ________.

secrete, filter, and absorb

The nose is _ to the lips.


The anterior joint between the two pubic bones is a:


Which of the following is an example of a cartilaginous joint


The ________ is a substage lens that concentrates light on the specimen.


A needle would pierce the epidermal layers of the forearm in which order?

corneum, granulosum, spinosum, basale

FOOSH is an acronym that stands for Fall on Out-Stretched Hand. All of the following injuries are possible after a FOOSH except:

distal phalanx fracture.

Sudoriferous glands are categorized as two distinct types. Which of the following are the two types?

eccrine and apocrine

The most important characteristic for designating a bone as a long bone is:

elongated length

Glands, such as the thyroid, that secrete their products directly into the blood rather then through ducts are classified as:


Which of the following glands secrete hormones into the blood via tissue fluids?


The presence of an epiphyseal line indicates

epiphyseal growth has ended

Which structure allows the diaphysis of the bone to increase in length until early childhood?

epiphyseal plate

When using the higher power objective lenses, you would use this part of the microscope to focus the specimen.

fine adjustment knob

Movement of the elbow joint movement is limited to __________.

flexion and extension

This is a passageway for blood vessels and nerves.


This single bone of the skull underlies the area we commonly call the forehead.


Pick the membranous organelle resembles a stack of flattened sacs with vesicles budding out.

golgi apparatus

The organelle where modification, sorting and packaging of proteins occurs in the:

golgi apparatus

Which of the following is NOT a survival need?


This part of the rib articulates with the appropriate vertebra.


Which of the following bone markings helps form joints?


These two organs are found in the thorax.

heart and lungs

A type of cell junction common in cardiac and smooth muscle tissue is the:

Gap Junction

During exercise the body cools itself by sweating. Sweating in response to an elevated body temperature is an example of what process?


The non-pathologic loss of bone that occurs with aging is called:


What structure is responsible for tactile sensation?

Pacinian corpuscle

Which specific body cavity would be opened to perform a hysterectomy?

Pelvic cavity

The membrane found wrapping the bones, except within the joint cavity, is the:


Each of the following is a function of the integumentary system, except:

Synthesis of vitamin C

Without lateral rotation of the humerus by the teres minor and infraspinatus muscles, the maximum angle of abduction by the deltoid would be __________.

90 degrees

Simple epithelia have ________.

one type of epithelial cell, arranged in a single layer

The composition of the secretions of the eccrine glands is:

99% water, sodium chloride, trace amounts of wastes, and vitamin C

For intramembranous ossification to take place, which of the following is necessary?

ossification centers form in the fibrous connective tissue membrane

Which of the following bone cell types is primarily responsible for initiating ossification of bone?


Bones are constantly undergoing resorption for various reasons. Which of the following cells accomplishes this process?


Bones are covered and lined by a protective tissue called periosteum. The inner (osteogenic) layer consists primarily of:

osteogenic cells

What is the structural unit of compact bone?


Select the bone disorder in which bone resorption outpaces bone deposit, leaving the person with thin and often very fragile bones?


Where would you find thick skin?

palms of hands and soles of feet

Which hormone increases osteoclast activity to release more calcium ions into the bloodstream?

parathyroid hormone

The hormones that coordinate the storage, absorption, and excretion of calcium ions are:

Calcitonin and parathyroid hormone

Which layer accounts for 3/4 thickness of the epidermal layer?


Two-thirds of the weight of bone is accounted for by:

Crystals of calcium phosphate

A ___ membrane has an epithelium that is stratified and supported by dense connective tissues.


Select the correct statement regarding adipose tissue:

its primary function is nutrient storage

What additional component associated with skin epithelium is not seen in oral epithelium?


These small paired bones of the orbit contain a passageway through which tears pass.


A trochanter is a ________.

large, irregularly shaped projection

The mammary region is ________ to the sternal region.


The cranial bones almost entirely surround the brain and protect it. Which of the following terms best describes the relationship between the cranial bones and the brain?

The cranial bones are superficial to the brain.

You begin your observations using the ________ lens and the ________ adjustment knob.

lowest-power, coarse

This organ is found in the thoracic cavity.


The lower jawbone, or __________, articulates with the temporal bones in the only freely movable joints in the skull.


The ________ is the only facial bone with a sinus.


Select the most correct statement about skin cancer:

melanomas are rare but must be removed quickly to prevent them from metastasizing

The __________ skeleton is made up of 126 bones of the limbs and girdles.


The effector in a negative feedback loop produces changes that:

are opposite to the change produced by the initial stimulus

The ________ is the structure responsible for goose bumps.

arrector pili

The cells in this layer of epidermis are dead, and their flat, scale-like remnants are filled with keratin.

stratum corneum

The only place you will find (Blank) is in the skin that covers the palms, fingertips, and soles of the feet.

stratum lucidum

Spongy bone contains:

trabecular bone

Collections of specialized cells and cell products that perform a relatively limited number of functions are called:


The process of bone growth at the epiphyseal cartilage is similar to:

Endochondral ossification

The __________ skeleton consists of bones that surround the body's center of gravity.


The diaphragm is a physical separation between the abdominal and pelvic cavities.


You should always begin observation of specimens with the oil immersion lens.


In anatomical position, the ________.

feet are slightly apart, and the toes point forward

The cribriform foramina, through which the fibers of cranial nerve I pass, are located in the ________ bone on the floor of the skull.


The strongest, heaviest bone of the body is in the thigh. It is the __________.


The arm consists of one long bone, the __________.


This bone does not articulate with any other bone in the body. Muscles of the neck and tongue attach to it.


These facial bones increase the ability of the nasal passageways to warm and humidify incoming air.

inferior nasal conchae

Select the correct statement regarding tissue repair:

inflammation causes capillaries to dilate and become permeable

Growth of cartilage from within cartilage is termed:

interstitial growth

Vertebrae belong to this category of bones.


A fontanelle __________.

is a fibrous membraneallows for compression of the skull during birthis found only in the fetal skullall of the above

Ossification of the ends of long bones:

is produced by secondary ossification centers

This foramen lies between the temporal and occipital bones on the inferior surface of the skull. A major vein and several cranial nerves pass through it.

jugular foramen

These important bone markings are located on the sternum.

jugular notch and xiphisternal joint

The transverse processes of vertebrae point ________, while the spinous process points ________.

laterally, posteriorly

A ciliated version of pseudostratified columnar epithelium containing mucus-secreting goblet cells:

lines most of the respiratory tract

Epithelial tissues are found ________.

lining hollow organs

The femur is an example of a(n) __________ bone.


The __________ , or "knee cap," is a sesamoid bone that is found within the quadriceps tendon.

patella Submit

Which of the following is NOT a function of epithelia?

storing energy reserves

This epithelial tissue has many cell layers. It forms the outer layer of the skin.

stratified squamous

The most superficial layer of the epidermis is the __________.

stratum corneum

The spinal cord is found in this body cavity.


This facial bone forms part of the nasal septum.



within the cartilage divide and secrete new matrix

These are the cheekbones of the face.


Each foot has a total of __________ bones.


Which of the following is NOT a main part of the generalized cell?

Extracellular Matrix

Epithelial tissues can be classified according to cell shape. __________ epithelial cells are scalelike and flattened.


Movement of the forearm causing the arm/hand to face up would be called ____.


If a cell lacked ribosomes, it would not be bale to:

Synthesize proteins

The knee is proximal to the ankle. Which of these other terms could also be used to correctly describe the relationship between the knee and the ankle?

The knee is superior to the ankle.

What is not true of epithelial cells?

They are richly vascularized.

Which of the following are small muscles located in the dermis that causes goosebumps?

arrector pili muscle

The thoracic cage includes all of the bones below except the ________.


Inability to absorb digested nutrients and secrete mucus might indicate a disorder in which epithelial tissue?

simple columnar

This epithelial tissue forms the kidney tubules, and the ducts and secretory portions of small glands.

simple cuboidal

Which of the following epithelia forms the walls of the air sacs across which gas exchange occurs in the lungs?

simple squamous

The hypophyseal fossa of the sella turcica, surrounds the pituitary gland, and is a part of the ________ bone.


The ________ is a median posterior projection arising at the junction of two laminae of the vertebral body.

spinous process

Which type of skin cancer appears as a scaly reddened papule and will tend to grow rapidly and metastasize?

squamous cell carcinoma

Which of the following is not a function of the skin?

synthesizing vitamin C

The cranial bones that house the organs of hearing are the ________ bones.


In humans the effect of the hormone calcitonin is to:

temporarily decrease blood calcium levels

4.Which of the following is an example of dense connective tissue?


The ________ plane divides the body into superior and inferior parts.


The thoracic cavity contains the (blank) and is found (Blank) to the vertebral cavity.

heart and lungs; anterior

A condyle differs from an epicondyle in that the condyle ________.

helps form a joint

These keystone bones of the face contact all other facial bones except the mandible.


Which type of section passes through the cranial, vertebral (spinal), thoracic, and abdominopelvic cavities?

midsagittal (medial)

In a cell, ATP is produced by the _.


The working distance for a 10× objective lens is ________.

much greater than the working distance for the 100× objective lens

The total magnification of an object can be found by ________.

multiplying the power of the objective lens by the power of the ocular lens

Which bone is not a part of the orbit?


The foramen magnum is located in which bone of the skull?


This layer of the dermis is responsible for fingerprints.

papillary layer

The knee is _ to the ankle.


Only one component bone of the right coxal bone articulates with this same bone component on the other side of the body. Which of the following bone components fits this description?


You have learned that the objective lens magnifies the object on the slide, producing the ________ image, and that the ocular lens magnifies that image, forming the ________ image.

real, virtual

The prime mover of elbow extension is the __________.

triceps brachii

A major function of the serous membrane is to decrease friction.


Interstitial fluid represents one type of extracellular material.


Positive feedback mechanisms tend to enhance the original stimulus so that the response is accelerated.


The fingers of the hand and the toes of the foot—with the exception of the great toe and the thumb—each have three phalanges.


The mediastinum is the region between the:

two pleural cavities

The __________ plane runs longitudinally and divides the body into right and left sides.


Groups of cells that are similar in structure and perform a common or related function form a(n):


The term superficial refers to a structure that is __________.

toward or at the body surface

Functions of connective tissue include:

A stablishing a structural framework for the body B Storing energy reserves C Providing protection for delicate organs D All of these (ANSWER)

What physical force is best resisted by having multiple layers of oral squamous epithelium?


A plane through the body that passes perpendicular to the long axis of the body and divides the body into a superior and an inferior section is a:

Transverse section

This body cavity does not have a bony protection.


The hip joint is stabilized by:

acetabular labrum

A reduction in the lateral angle of the glenohumeral joint in relation to the anatomical position would be called __________.


The umbilical region of the human is on the ________ surface, and the umbilical region of the dog is on the ________ surface.

anterior, inferior

This set of body terms for orientation and direction depends on anatomical position; the terms have different meanings for humans and four-legged animals.


3.Which of the following is NOT a function of epithelia?

b. storing energy reserves

Beginning at the basement membrane and traveling toward the free surface, the epidermis includes the following strata:

basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum

The muscle that generates the most power during elbow flexion is the __________.


The structures that limit the range of motion of a joint and provide mechanical support across or around the joint are:

bursae B tendons C menisci D all of these (ANSWER)

In the epiphyseal plate, cartilage grows:

by pushing the epiphysis away from the diaphysis

Prevention of osteoporosis includes adequate intake of:

calcium and vitamin D

Adjacent osteocytes communicate via gap junctions found within:


The fiber type that gives connective tissue great tensile strength is:


The reason that intervertebral discs exhibit a large amount of tensile strength, which allows them to absorb shock, is because they possess:

collagen fibers

Which of the following is NOT a discussed primary function of the skeletal system?


This tissue type is a covering and lining tissue. It also includes glands.


In anatomical position, the body is lying down.


The right hypochondriac region contains the majority of the stomach


The ________ of the microscope carries three or four objective lenses.


Blood cell formation occurs in:

red bone marrow

Which of the following epithelia most easily permits diffusion?

Simple squamous

The frontal plane divides the body into ________.

anterior and posterior parts

Which of the following is NOT found in cartilage but is found in bone?

blood vessels

Adding bony matrix to injury sites is known as:

bone deposition

What tissue forms the model for endochondral ossification?


This is the most abundant and widely distributed tissue type in the body.


estrogen deficiency due to menopause

decreased epiphyseal plate activity

As you increase the total magnification of the specimen, the working distance ________.


Which of the following is the single most important stimulus for epiphyseal plate activity during infancy and childhood?

growth hormone

The eyes are ____ to the ears.


A matrix is a characteristic of which type of tissue?


The two major components of the integumentary system are:

Cutaneous membrane and the accessory structures

Which of the following cells and their functions are correctly matched?

dendritic cells- activates the immune system

The ________ on the axis (C2) forms a pivot point with the atlas (C1) that allows you to nod a "no."


These structures are seen in a midsagittal section of the human.

nose, umbilicus (navel)

The __________ , on the posterior thorax, are roughly triangular in shape. They have NO direct attachment to the axial skeleton but are held in place by trunk muscles.


This layer of the epidermis contains translucent cells filled with keratin fibrils. It is found only in thick skin.

stratum lucidum

If your ocular lens is 10×, and you are using your 45× objective lens to view a slide, the total magnification is ________.


Which of the following is NOT an example of negative feedback?

A rise in estrogen during the menstrual cycle increases the number of progesterone receptors in the uterus

What glands are not active til puberty?

Apocrine glands

When taking a popliteal pulse, you would be feeling what region of the body?

Behind the knee

The most abundant connections between cells in the superficial layers of the skin are:


What type of tissue is located between the bones in a symphysis?


Which sectional plane could divide the body so that the face remains intact?

Frontal section

The (Blank) muscles accomplish abduction of the hip.

Gluteus medius and gluteus minimus

The three major types of cartilage in the body are:

Hyaline, elastic and fibrous

These organelles are fatal to the cell if they burst.


The basic functional unit of compact bone is the haversian system or:


The primary reason that osteoporosis accelerates after menopause in women is:

Reduced levels of circulating estrogens

What type of burn affects the epidermal layer and the upper region of the dermis?

Second degree

What is true about apocrine sweat glands?

They are located predominantly in axillary and genital areas.

The two major body cavities of the trunk are:

Thoracic and abdominopelvic cavity

2.Functions of connective tissue include:

a. establishing a structural framework for the body b. transporting fluids and dissolved materials c. storing energy reserves d. all of the above (ANSWER)

6. Which of the following joints is the most stable:

a. hip b. shoulder c. knee d. none of the above (Answer)

1.The four basic tissue types in the body are:

a. neural, epithelial, muscle, connective

Movement of the shoulder laterally away from the body is called __________.


This connective tissue consists of large round densely packed cells with the nucleus pushed to one side.


Abduction and adduction always refer to movements of the:

appendicular skeleton

squamous epithelial cells

are thin and flat, like fish scales

Bones of the skeleton are connected at junctions called ________.


This connective tissue is made of hard calcified matrix and stores calcium and other minerals.

bone (osseous tissue)

What is a threat to life from a third-degree burn?

catastrophic fluid loss (aka blood)

Which of the following bone belongs to the appendicular skeleton?


5. Which type of tissue gets its characteristics from a matrix rather than cells?

connective tissue

The dorsal body cavity can be divided into the __________ cavity, which contains the brain, and the __________ cavity, which contains the spinal cord.

cranial; vertebral

Eight bones make up the __________ , which encloses and protects the brain.


As you increase the total magnification of the specimen, the size of the field ________.


Which of the following is a modification of the simple columnar epithelium that allows for efficient absorption along portions of the digestive tract?

dense microvilli

This connective tissue is packed with parallel collagen fibers, attaches muscles to bone, and can withstand great stress when pulled in one direction.

dense regular

This connective tissue looks like strands of wavy hair. It is very strong and attaches muscles to bones.

dense regular

Pressure receptors, called lamellar (Pacinian) corpuscles, are located in this layer of the integument.

dermal reticular layer

Joints typically located between the ends of adjacent long bones are:


Seven pairs of ribs articulate ________ with the sternum.

directly via costal cartilages

Failure of homeostatic regulation in the body results in:


The shape of the external ear is maintained by:

elastic cartilage

You are studying a pelvis that is wide and shallow. The acetabula are small and far apart. The pubic arch/angle is rounded and greater than 90°. It appears to be tilted forward, with a wide, short sacrum. Is this a male or a female pelvis? __________


The hand consists of three groups of bones. The carpals make up the wrist. The __________ make up the palm, and the phalanges make up the fingers.


Pick the rod-shaped organelles that have a double-membrane wall and that oxidize foodstuffs to make ATP.


Tissue that is specialized for contraction is:

muscle tissue

What is the primary mechanism to maintain homeostasis?

negative feedback

All the following are examples of connective tissue EXCEPT __________.


The ducts of __________ glands usually empty into a hair follicle but may also open directly on the skin surface.


These glands are found all over the skin except in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. They produce an oily substance that lubricates skin and hair.

sebaceous glands

Burns that result in injury to the epidermis and the upper regions of the dermis would be classified as:

second degree

The portion of a hair that projects from the scalp surface is known as the __________.


The terms: long, short, flat and irregular are used to classify bones based on their:


This tissue can look like the hexagonal tiles of a bathroom floor. It also forms the air sacs of the lungs.

simple squamous epithelium

All the following are functions of the skin EXCEPT __________.

site of vitamin A synthesis

Which of the following bone belongs to the axial skeleton and is a flat bone?


Which of the following bones belongs to the axial skeleton?


From deep to superficial, the layers of the epidermis of thin skin are ________.

stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum corneum

Which of the following is an example of dense regular connective tissue?


Which of the following muscles assists during extension of the glenohumeral joint, but is not as a prime mover?

teres major

The nucleus is referred to as the:

the control center of the cell

Which of the following structures is an attachment site for muscles or ligaments?


The area of intracellular fluid packed with the organelles of a cell is called __.


The __________ is a prime mover of the glenohumeral joint during flexion.


How many pairs of ribs are there?


Your lab microscope is parfocal. This means that __________.

the slide should be almost in focus when changing to higher magnifications

Which bone would likely take the longest to heal?

thigh bone of an elderly individual

Costal facets are found on the ________ vertebrae.


The axial skeleton can be divided into the skull, the vertebral column, and the __________.

thoracic cage

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