exam 1(1-3)

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41 atomic #, Niobium, 92.9064 atomic mass, group 5 Transition Metal

Which of the following are chemical properties of matter?


What element has the symbol F?




How many neutrons are in a ⁴He atom?


convert 2.30 hours to second

2.30 hr x 60.min/1hrx60.0s/1min=8280s

Which quantum state (n,ℓ,mℓ) is NOT possible?


The halogens are found in Group ___

7A (17)

The following picture would be best described as

A liquid compound

Which of the following is a physical change

An apple is cut into quarters

The element symbol for arsenic is


Which of the following is an ionic compound?


What element is designated by the orbital diagram below?


All of the following pairs of ions are isoelectronic except which one?

Fe²⁺ and Mn³⁺

Because electron energy levels are quantized, which of the following is true? I) Atomic emission spectra are a series of discrete lines. II) Atomic emission spectra are continuous. III) Electrons may only occupy a discrete set of energy levels. IV) Electrons may occupy a continuous range of energy levels.

I) Atomic emission spectra are a series of discrete lines III) Electrons may only occupy a discrete set of energy levels.

What type of bonding is present in SrCl2

Ionic bonds only

The element symbol for potassium is _____


What is the noble gas core in the electron configuration for Ru?


Which of the following is an extensive physical property of matter?


Which of the following states of matter is pictured below?


You have a 100 gram sample of each of the following metals. Which sample has the largest volume?

Magnesium, d= 1.74 g/cm3 (FEEDBACK: 100gx 1cm3/1.74g=57.5cm3

The law of conservation of mass is best described as which of the following statements?

Matter can neither be created nor destroyed.

Which of the following groups of elements tend to form cations?


Which of the following is most likely to form a +2 ion?


Which of the following is best classified as a covalent compound?


Which of the following series of isoelectronic ions (Mg²⁺, N³⁻, F⁻, Si⁴⁺) has the ionic radii in order of largest to smallest?

N³⁻ > F⁻ > Mg²⁺ > Si⁴⁺

Which of the following states that no two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers?

Pauli exclusion principle

Which of the following is NOT a metalloid?


Rank the following atoms in order of increasing first ionization energies (i.e., lowest to highest): Rb, F, Mg, B, N.

Rb < Mg < B < N < F

Rank the following atoms in order of decreasing size (i.e., largest to smallest): Rb, F, Mg, B, N.

Rb > Mg > B > N > F

What element with a mass number of 100 has 56 neutrons in its nucleus?

Ruthenium (RU) (FEEDBACK: step1 100=x+56 step 2 44=x

What is the empirical formula of a molecule containing four sulfur atoms and four fluorine atoms?


The element symbol for tin is _____


A homogeneous mixture is also called a ____________.


Which of the following elements would be chemically similar to calcium (Ca)?


Which of the following metals would be expected to have the smallest atomic radius?

Tantalum (Ta)

If a hydrogen (H) atom and a helium (He) atom travel at the same speed, which of the following is true about the de Broglie wavelengths of the atoms?

The H atom is about 4 times longer than the He atom.

The Millikan oil drop experiment determined

The charge of the electron

The cathode ray tube experiment determined:

The existence of electrons

In the photoelectric effect, if the intensity of light shone on a metal increases, what will happen?

There will be more electrons ejected

Ignoring the sign, which has a greater magnitude of charge?

They have equal charges

Which of these statements is true concerning the following reaction? Na(g) → Na⁺(g) + e⁻.

This is an ionization process.

Which element is classified as a transition metal?

Zirconium (Zr)

Which of the following is best classified as an ionic compound?


If light has a lot of energy, it will have:

a small wavelength

Based on the positions of the following elements on the periodic table, which of them would you expect to form a 3+ cation?

both A scandium and B aluminum

The symbol Cr represents the element ____


What happens to the energy of a photon if the wavelength is doubled?

energy is reduced by one-half

What type of light on the electromagnetic spectrum has the highest energy per photon?

gramma waves

Which of the following is NOT a rare earth (lanthanide) element?


Kelvin is the SI unit for which physical quantity?

temperature (FEEDBACK: c=K-273.15)

What does the mass number of an atom represent?

the total number of protons and neutrons in the atom

True or false: two electrons can simultaneously occupy the same (n,ℓ,mℓ) orbital.


Which of the following would be an isotope of ¹⁴N?


An unknown element X has the following isotopes: ²⁵X (80.50% abundant, mass = 25.03 amu) and ²⁷X (19.50% abundant, mass = 26.98 amu). What is the average atomic mass of X in amu?

(0.8050 x25.03) + (0.1950 x 26.98) step2: (20.15)+(5.261)=25.41amu

An unknown element X has the following isotopes: ⁵²X (89.00% abundant), ⁴⁹X (8.00% abundant), ⁵⁰X (3.00% abundant). What is the average atomic mass in amu of X?

(0.8900 x52) + (0.0800 x49) + (0.0300 x50) = 51.7 52amu

Determine the molar mass of C₂H₇N. Provide an answer to two decimal places.

(2x12.01g) + (7x1.01g) + 14.01g=45.10g

Determine the molar mass of Ca(OH)₂. Provide an answer to two decimal places.

(40.08g/mol) + (6;00g/mol x2) (1.01g/molx2) = 74.1 g/mol

You measured the mass of a dry powder on a balance to be 23.76 g. What would you report as the uncertainty of this measurement?


A race car has maximum speed of 0.104 km/s what is this speed in miles per hour

0.104 km/sx60s/1minx60min/1hrx0.6214mi/1km=233mi/hr

A chemist encounters an unknown metal. They drop the metal into a graduated cylinder containing water, and find the volume change is 4.1 mL. If the metal weighs 3.5 g, what is the density of the metal in g/mL?

0.85 g/mL (FEEDBACK: d=3.5g/4.1mL)

If n = 2, what is the maximum allowed value for ℓ?


What is the maximum number of electrons that can have the following set of quantum numbers? n = 4, ℓ = 3, mℓ = 3, ms = -½



1 atomic #, Hydrogen, 1.008 atomic mass, group 1 Alkali metal

Atoms formula

1 mole = 6.022x1023

A solution is made by dissolving 8 grams of a salt in 100 cm³ of water (density = 1 g/cm³). Assuming the volume does not change, what is the density of the solution?

1.08 g/cm3 (FEEDBACK: 8g+100g/100cm3)

How many atoms of vanadium are in 1.28 grams of vanadium

1.28gVx 1molV/50.94gV x6.022x1023 atoms V/1 molV= 1.51x1022 atoms V

determine the mass in grams of 1.6x10-3 mol glucose C6H12O6

1.6x10-3 mol C6H12O6x 180.18 gC6H12O6/1C6H12O6= 0.29g C6H12O6

How many electrons can be assigned to orbitals designated by the quantum numbers n = 3, ℓ = 2?


In a ground state atom of Kr how many electrons total will have the quantum number ℓ = 2?



10 atomic #, neon, 20.1797 atomic mass, group 18 noble gases

You were given a dose of 500 mg rather than 500 μg of a drug. How much more of the drug did you receive?

1000 time more (FEEDBACK: 500mg x 1000ug/1mg=500000ug/ 500ug=1,000 times)


104 atomic #, Rutherfordium, 261 atomic mass, group 4 Transition Metal


105 atomic #, Dubnium, 262 atomic mass, group 5 Transition Metal


106 atomic #, Seaborgium, 266 atomic mass, group 6 Transition Metal


107 atomic #, Bohrium, 264 atomic mass, group 7 Transition Metal


108 atomic #, Hassium, 277 atomic mass group 8 Transition Metal


109 atomic #, Meeitnerium, 268 atomic mass, group 8 Transition Metal


11 atomic #, Sodium, 22.9898 atomic mass, group 1 Alkali metal


110 atomic #, Darmstadtium, 281 atomic mass, group 10 Transition Metal


111 atomic #, Roentgenium, 272 atomic mass, group 11 Transition Metal


112 atomic #, Copernicium atomic mass, group 12 Transition Metal

What is the atomic symbol and mass number for an atom containing 50 protons and 64 neutrons?

114Sn (FEEDBACK:50 +64=114)


12 atomic #, Magnesium, 24.3050 atomic mass, group 2 Alkaline earth metals

What is the mass number of tin-120?



13 atomic #, Aluminum, 26.9815 atomic mass, group 13 Transition Metal

What is the mass number for an atom of barium containing 56 protons and 82 neutrons?

138 (FEEDBACK: 56=82=138


14 atomic #, Silicon, 28.0855 atomic mass, group 14 Transition Metal

A popular car has a gas tank that holds a maximum of 14.5 gallons of fuel. what is the size of the tank in liters

14.5gal x 3.785L/1gal=54.9L

How many neutrons are in an atom of uranium-235?

143 ( FEEDBACK: has a mass of 235 uranium has 92 protons therefore has 143 neutrons)

An unknown element is a mixture of isotopes ¹⁵¹X (atomic mass = 150.99 amu) and ¹⁵³X (atomic mass = 153.03 amu). The average atomic mass of X is 151.69 amu. What is the percent abundance of ¹⁵³X?

153.03(x) amu+150.99(1-x) amu=151.69amu (153.03-150.99)x=151.69-150.99 x=151.69-150.99=0.70/153.03-150.99=2.04=0.343 0.343x100% 34.5%


15atomic #, Phosphorus, 30.9736 atomic mass, group 15 pnictogens


16 atomic #, Sulfur, 32.065 atomic mass, group 16 chalcogens


17 atomic #, Chlorine, 35.453 atomic mass, group 17 halogens


18 atomic #,Argon, 39.948 atomic mass, group 18 noble gases


19 atomic #, Potassium, #9.0983 atomic mass, group 1 Alkali metal

Which of the following contains the most moles of atoms?

1g of helium

The ground state electron configuration of an Al atom is


What is the electron configuration of K⁺


What is the electron configuration of Co²⁺?


The ground state electron configuration of a Se atom is


Which of the following is the electron configuration of a neutral Fe atom?


When an electron in excited energy level drops to a lower energy level, a photon is emitted. If the electron is dropping to n=1, which transition will emit the longest wavelength? n=______ to n=1.



2 atomic #, Helium, 4.0026 atomic mass, group 18 noble gases

A patient is prescribed 100.0mg/day of antibiotic for 2 weeks. the antibiotic is available in vails that contain 20.0 mg/vial of the drug. how many vials are necessary for the entire treatment?

2 weeks x7 days/1wkx100.0 mg/1daysx1 vials/20.0mg=70.0 vials

what is the mass in grams of 2.50 gal of water? the density of water is 1.00 g/ml



20 atomic#, Calcium, 40.078 atomic mass, group 2 Alkaline earth metals


21 atomic #, Scandium, 44.9559 atomic mass, group 3 Transition Metal


22 atomic #, Titanium, 47.867 atomic mass, group 4 Transition Metal

The answer to the calculation below with the correct number of significant figures is 3.42+ 45.96/0.21

220 ( FEEDBACK: 222.2771429 sig fig 2)


23 atomic #, Vanadium, 50.9415 atomic mass, group 5 Transition Metal


24 atomic #, Chromium, 51.9961 atomic mass, group 6 Transition Metal


25 atomic #, Manganese, 54.9380 atomic mass, group 7 Transition Metal

how many moles of propylene (C3H6) are in 25.0g of the substance

25.0 gC3H6 x 1 mol C3H6/42.09gC3H6= 0.594 molC3h6

A chemist has a block of gold metal (density is 19.3 g/mL). They drop the metal into a graduated cylinder containing water, and find the volume change is 1.30 mL. What is the mass of the block, in grams?

25.1g (FEEDBACK:19.3xg/1.30mL)


26 atomic #, Iron, 55.845 atomic mass, group 8 Transition Metal


27 atomic #, Cobalt, 58.9332 atomic mass group 9 Transition Metal

How many hydrogen atoms are in 27 molecules of diborane, B₂H₆?



28 atomic #, Nickel, 58.6934 atomic mass, group 10 Transition Metal


29 atomic #, Copper, 63.546 atomic mass, group 11 Transition Metal

How many chlorine atoms are in 29 molecules of chloroform, CHCl₃?

29x3= 87

How many significant figures does the number 67,200 have?



3 atomic #, Lithium, 6.941 atomic mass, group 1 Alkali metal

A cooking recipe lists adding 3.0 qt of water as a step. How many mL of water is this?

3.0 qtx 1L/1.0567qtx1000mL/1L=2800mL

A liquid in the lab has a density of 1.17g/c3 what is the volume in liters of 3.02 kg of the liquid?

3.02kgx102g/1kgc1cm3/1.17gx0.001L/1cm3 =2.58L

The number 3780000 written in scientific notation would be



30 atomic #, Zinc, 65.409 atomic mass, group 12 Transition Metal


31 atomic #, Gallium, 69.723 atomic mass, group 13 Transition Metal


32 atomic #, Germanium, 72.64 atomic mass, group 14 Transition Metal

convert 32.1 in to centimeters

32.1 in x 2.54cm/1in = 81.5 cm


33 atomic #, Arsenic, 74.9216 group 15 pnictogens


34 atomic #, Selenium, 78.96 atomic mass, group 16 chalcogens


35 atomic #, Bromine, 79.904 atomic mass, group 17 halogens


36 atomic #, Krypton, 83.798 atomic mass, group 18 noble gases


37 atomic #, Cesium, 132.9055 atomic mass, group 1 Alkali metal


37 atomic #, Rubidium, 85.4678 atomic mass, group1 Alkali metal

How many protons are in an atom of strontium-90?



38 atmoic #, Strontium, 87.62 atomic mass, group 2 Alkaline earth metals


39 atomic #, Yttrium, 88.9059 atomic mass, group 3 Transition Metal

Which of the following orbitals cannot exist?


For which atomic orbital does n = 3 and ℓ = 1?



4 atomic #, Beryllium, 9.0122 atomic mass, group 2 Alkaline earth metals

determine the number of mole in 4.21x1023 molecules of CaCl2

4.21x1023 molecules of CaCl2 x 1 molCaCl2/6.022x1023 molecules CaCl2= 0.699 molCaCl2


40 atomic # ,Zirconium, 91.224 atomic mass, group 4 Transition Metal


42 atomic #, Molybdenum, 95.94 atomic mass, group 6 Transition Metal


43 atomic #, Technetium, 98 atomic mass, group 7 Transition Metal

A popular car has an engine that is reported to have a volume of 4320 cm3. what is the size in cubic inches

4320 cm3x 1in3/16.387cm3=264in3


44 atomic #, Ruthenium, 101.07 atomic mass, group 8 Transition Metal


45 atomic #, Rhodium, 102.9055 atomic mass, group 9 Transition Metal

The answer to the calculation below with the correct number of significant figures is 67.2(45.67-44.98)

46 (FEEDBACK: 67.2(45.67-44.98)= step 1 (45.67-44.98) step 2 6.72x0.69=)


46 atomic #, Palladium, 106.42 atomic mass, group 10 Transition Metal


47 atomic #, silver, 107.8682 atomic mass, group 11 Transition Metal


48 atomic #, Cadmium, 112.411 atomic mass, group 12 Transition Metal


49 atomic #, Indium, 114.818 atomic mass, group 13 Transition Metal

In a multi-electron atom, which orbital will have the highest energy


How many significant figures does the number 0.054901 have?


How many significant figures does the number 48.050 have?



5 atomic #, Boron, 10.811 atomic mass, group 13 Transition Metal

A large stone weights 53.0 kg how many pounds does it weight

5.30kg x 2.205lb/1kg=117lb


50 atomic #, Tin, 118.710 atomic mass, group 14 Transition Metal


51 atomic #, Antimony, 121.760 atomic mass, group 15 pnictogens


52 atomic #, Tellurium, 127.60 atomic mass, group 16 chalcogens


53 atomic #, Iodine, 126.9045 atomic mass, group 17 halogens


54 atomic #, Xenon, 131.293 atomic mass , group 18 noble gases

An atom of the isotope ¹³³Cs contains how many protons (p), neutrons (n), and electrons (e)?

55p,78n,55e (FEEDBACK: step 1: 133=55+x step 2: 78=x)


56 atomic #, Barium, 137.327 atomic mass, group 2 Alkaline earth metals

What is the atomic number for an element whose mass number is 138, which contains 81 neutrons per atom?

57 (FEEDBAK: 138-81+57)

How many electrons can be assigned to orbitals designated by the quantum numbers n = 2, ℓ = 1?



6 atomic #, carbon, 12.0107 atomic mass, group 14 Transition Metal

The bay of Fundy in Nova scotia, Canada is reported to have the largest tides in the world with high tide and low tide occurring two times per day. the tides can measure over approximately 50.0 ft in height at the Hopewell rocks at Hopewell cape, on a specific day height increase was recorded as a rate of 6.08 ft per hour what is the rate in meter per second

6.08 ft/hr x 1 hr/60 minx 1in/60sx0.3048m/60 min=5.15x10-4m/s

The number 0.00000620 written in scientific notation would be

6.20 x10^-6

Which of the following atoms has the same number of neutrons as ⁵⁹Ni?

60Cu ( FEEDBACK: Step1: 59 mass =28protons+x Step2: 31neutron=x 59Ni step1: 60mass=29+x step2: 31neutrons =x)

What is the mass number for an atom of nickel containing 28 protons and 33 neutrons?

61 (FEEDBACK: 28+33=61


7 atomic #, Nitrogen,14.0087 atomic #, group 15 pnictogens

What is the wavelength (in nm) of a photon if the energy is 7.26 × 10⁻¹⁹ J? (h = 6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ J • s)

7.26x10-19j=6.626x10-34jxs)(3.00x108m/s)/λ λ= 2.74x10-7 m step2: 2.74x10-7 mx 1x109nm/1m=274nm

an atom of a particular element has a volume of 7.8x10-31 m3 what is this volume in cubic nanometers

7.8x10-31 m3x (108)3 nm3/1m3=7.8x10-4nm3


72 atomic #, Hafnium, 178.49 atmoic mass, group 4 Transition Metal


73 atomic #, Tantalum, 180.9479 atomic mass, group 5 Transition Metal


74 atomic #, Tungsten, 183.84 atomic mass, group 6 Transition Metal


75 atomic mass, Rhenium, 186.207 atomic mass, group 7 Transition Metal

a human hair is 75.0 um across how many inches is this

75.0 um x 0.001/2.54 um=0.00300 in


76 atomic #, Osmium, 190.23 atomic mass, group 8 Transition Metal


77 atomic #, Iridium, 192.217 atomic mass Group 9 Transition Metal


78 atomic #, Platinum, 195.078 atomic mass, group 10 Transition Metal


79 atomic #, Gold, 196.96666 atomic mass, group 11 Transition Metal


8 atomic #, Oxygen, 15.9994 atomic mass, group 16 chalcogens

The number 875000 written in scientific notation would be



80 atomic #, Mercury 200.59 atomic mass, group 12 Transition Metal


81 atomic #, Thallium, 204.3833 atomic mass, group 13 Transition Metal


82 atomic #, Lead, 207.2 atomic mass, group 14 Transition Metal


83 atomic #, Bismuth, 208.9804 atomic mass, group 15 pnictogens


84 atomic #, Polonium, 209 atomic mass, group 16 chalcogens


86 atomic #, Radon, 222 atomic mass, group 18 noble gases


87 atomic #, Francium, 233 atomic mass, group 1 Alkali metal


88 atomic #, Radium, 226 atomic mass, group2 Alkaline earth metals


9 atomic #, Fluorine, 18.9984 atomic mass, group 17 halogens

Calculate the wavelength in meters of electromagnetic radiation that has a frequency of 980.0 kHz. (c = 3.00 X 10⁸ m/s)

980.0khzx1000hz/1khz=9.800x105hz=9.800x105s-1 λ=c/v=3.00x108m/s/9.800x105s-1=306.1m

How many hydrogen atoms are in three formula units of ammonium benzoate, C₆H₅COONH₄?


How would you determine the formula weight of NaCl?

Add the mass of sodium (22.99 amu) plus the mass of chlorine together (35.45 amu).

What is the formula of a compound containing Al³⁺ and S²⁻ ions?


Which of the following contains the highest number of atoms?

All contain an equal number of atoms

Which color (frequency) of light travels the fastest in a vacuum

All have the same speed

If you go mini-golfing, in which of these scenarios are you precise but not accurate?

All of your shots are off, but they all go to the same place.

Which of the following pairs of ions represent isoelectronic species?

Al³⁺ and O²⁻

Predict the chemical formula for the ionic compound formed by Au³⁺ and HSO₃⁻


What is the formula for an ionic compound containing Ba²⁺ ions and Cl⁻ ions?


Which of the following is an alkaline earth metal?


Which of the following is a main group element?


Polystyrene is made up of a series of styrene (C₈H₈) monomer units. What is the empirical formula for styrene?


Predict the chemical formula for the ionic compound formed by Ca²⁺ and ClO₃⁻


The density of water is approximately 1 g/cm³. Which of these objects will float on water?

Cedar wood block, d=0.380 g/cm3 (FEEDBACK: 1x g/cm3=)

Which of the following is a pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means?

Chemical Element

Which of the following is a pure substance that can be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means?


Which of the following is a chemical change?

Cooking an egg

The element symbol for copper is


Predict the chemical formula for the ionic compound formed by Cu²⁺ and P³⁻


Density fomula


Which of the following are physical properties of matter?


What is the energy of a mole of photons that have a wavelength of 705 nm?

E(6.626x10-34jxs)(3.00x108m/s)/7.05x10-7m =2.81957x10-19j step2: 2.81957x10-19j /1 photon x 6.02x23 photon / 1 mol =1.70x105j

A photon has a frequency of 8.6 × 10⁸ Hz. What is the energy of this photon?

E=(6.626x10-34j.s)(8.6x108 1/s) =5.7x10-25j

Determine the energy of a photon with a wavelength of 364 nm.

E=(6.626x10-34jxs)(3.00x108 m/s)/3.64x10-7m=5.46x10-19j

Einstein's work on the photoelectric effect validated and made extensive use of which of the following equations?


Which of the following is true concerning successive ionizations of an atom and its ions?

Each successive ionization requires increasing amounts of energy.

The energy released in the reaction F(g) + e⁻ → F⁻(g) is known as the

Electron affinity

Cathode rays are composed of what fundamental particle?


Bohr formula

En = -2.18 x 10 ^ -18 J / n^2

photon formula

Ephoton = hv

What group (G) and period (P) does the element molybdenum (Mo) belong to?

G = 6, P =5

Which of the following states of matter is pictured below?


alkali metals

Group 1 (Li,Na,K,Rb,Cs,Fr)


Group 17 (F,Cl,Br,I,At,Ts)

The accepted value for the density of iron is 7.9 g/mL. Which of the following sets of experimental data for the density of iron is the most accurate?

Group 1: 7.98 g/mL, 7.85 g/mL

alkaline earth metals

Group 2 (Be,Mg,Ca,Sr,Ba,Ra)

The accepted value for the density of iron is 7.9 g/mL. Which of the following sets of experimental data for the density of iron is the most precise?

Group 2: 7.65 g/mL, 7.64 g/mL

Columns on the periodic table are known as


Which of the following compounds does not contain a polyatomic ion?


The atomic radii of zirconium (Zr) and hafnium (Hf) are nearly the same despite the fact that hafnium has 32 more protons and electrons. Which of the following bests explains this phenomenon?

Hafnium contains electrons in the 4f orbitals. These 4f electrons do not effectively shield the higher nuclear charge and thus Zeff is higher than might be otherwise expected.

Italian dressing contains olive oil and vinegar, which will separate out from each other if left to sit. This makes the dressing a:

Heterogeneous Mixture

What quantum mechanics principle states that electrons are added to atomic orbitals with the same energy so that each orbital is singularly occupied with electrons having the same spin?

Hund's rule

Which of the following statements about subatomic particles are false? I. Neutrons reside inside of the nucleus. II. The atomic number is equal to the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. III. Electrons are more massive than protons.

II. The atomic number is equal to the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. III. Electrons are more massive than protons.

Consider these electron transitions in a hydrogen atom: I. n = 2 → n = 1 II. n = 3 → n = 1 III. n= 1 → n = 4 Which of the electron transitions would release the most energy?

II. n = 3 → n = 1

Excited hydrogen atoms emit radiation in which region(s) of the electromagnetic spectrum?

IR, visible, and UV

Which periodic trend quantifies the amount of energy required to remove an electron from a neutral, gaseous atom?

Ionization Energy

Which of the following electron configurations is incorrect?

Mn [Ar]4s²4d⁵

Considering periodic trends, valence electrons in which of the following atoms experience the greatest effective nuclear charge (Zeff)?


Which element is classified as a noble gas?

Neon (ne)

Which subatomic particle is found in the nucleus and has no charge?


If a kicker kicks a 38-yard field goal to win the championship game. You are asked to convert the distance to meters. Consider how yards and meters compare in size to each other. Indicate how you would expect the number of yards to the field goal to compare to the number of meters.

Number of yards > Number of meters

Similar properties recur periodically when elements are arranged according to increasing atomic number is the statement of the ______.

Periodic Law

Of the following compounds, which contains a metalloid?


Which is not one of Dalton's hypotheses of atomic theory?

The atoms of one element are the same as atoms of another element.

In which direction in a given period of the periodic table does melting point tend to increase?

The closer an atom is to having a half-full valence shell, the higher the melting point (high in the 'middle' of the period and low at the ends).

Which of the following laws explains the following statement? Acetylene gas, regardless of its method of preparation, always has the same carbon to hydrogen ratio.

The law of definite proportions

In two chemical reactions, 4.0 grams of oxygen combine with 3.0 grams of carbon to form one compound, and 8.0 grams of oxygen combine with 3 grams of carbon to form another. This can be explained by:

The law of multiple proportions

The atomic mass of germanium (Ge) on the periodic table is 72.630 amu. Which of the following best explains why the atomic mass is a fraction between 72 and 73?

The presence of different isotopes

What is the atomic symbol for the element in Group 4B (4) and the fourth period?


A student is determining the density of an unknown metal with a mass of 32.56 g. The student partially fills a graduated cylinder with water and measures the volume of the water by itself as 14.78 mL. The student then adds the metal to the water and measures the new volume as 20.44 mL. What is the identity of the metal?

Tin, d = 5.75 g/mL(FEEDBACK: 20.44mL-14.78mL=5.66mL d=32.56g/ 5.66mL=)

Which electron configuration violates Hund's rule?


Which of the following is the electron configuration for Ba


A white powder mixture is placed into water. Some of the powder sinks to the bottom of the container, some rises to the top. The separation of the powder mixture is an example of

a physical change

An atom has nine protons and ten electrons. This makes it:

an ion

Which of the following is an intensive physical property of a lump of coal?


What type of bonding is present in C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁?

covalent bond only

Energy of a photon is ______ proportional to frequency, and _______ proportional to wavelength.

directly and inversely

Density is defined as mass _____________ volume.

divided by

In which direction on the periodic table does metallic character increase?

down and to the left

The trend towards smaller atomic radii as one moves to the right in a period is _____.

due to the effective nuclear charge increasing.

The net charge on an atom of a given element changes as ______ are added or removed.


In the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, the energy required to excite an electron from n = 2 to n = 3 is _______________ the energy required to excite an electron from n = 3 to n = 4?

greater than

Nobel Gas

group 18 (He,Ne,Ar,Kr,Xe,Rn)

transition metal

group 3 -12 (Sc;Y,Ti;Zr;Hf;Rf,V;Nb;Ta;Db,Cr;Mo;W;Sg,Mn;Tc;Re;Bh,Fe;Ru;Os;Hs,Co;Rh;Ir;Mt,Ni;Pd;Pt;Ds,Cu;Ag;Au;Rg,Zn;Cd;Hg;Cn)

Elements that are most similar in their properties are found

in the same group.

What is observed when a noble gas is heated and the emitted light shone through a prism?

individual lines of varying colors

Classify the following compounds as ionic or covalent: BaO, Fe₂O₃, ZnO.


Which of the following metric prefixes corresponds to 10³?


Red light has a _____ frequency and a _____ wavelength than ultraviolet rays.

lower , longer

Which of the following metric prefixes corresponds to 10⁻³


Carbon dioxide is a _____ compound composed two types of _____ atoms.

molecular; nonmetal

Rutherford's gold foil experiment determined that

most of the space in an atom is empty except for a concentrated area called the nucleus.

Which of the following sets of quantum numbers can describe a 3p electron?

n = 3, ℓ = 1, mℓ = 1

A ground state atom of As could not have any electrons with which of the following configurations?

n = 4, ℓ = 2, mℓ = 0, ms = +½

If ℓ = 0, which of the following may be true?


Which two particles of the atom have nearly identical masses?

proton and neutron

The nucleus of an atom contains

protons and neutrons

Which particle(s) may be found in the nucleus of an atom?

protons and neutrons

Which type of electromagnetic radiation has the largest wavelength?

radio waves

Which of the following is a transition metal?


Which of the following states of matter is pictured below?


Light wave A has a greater frequency than light wave B. Which has a greater wavelength?

wave B

What is the energy, in J, of light that must be absorbed by a hydrogen atom to transition an electron from n = 3 to n = 6? Submit an answer to three signficant figures.

ΔEi→f= ΔE3→6=2.18x10-18j(1/6^2-1/3^2)=-1.82x10-19j

For a hydrogen atom, calculate the wavelength of light (in m) that would be emitted for the orbital transition of n(initial) = 2 to n(final) = 1. Submit an answer to four significant figures. The Rydberg constant is 1.09678 x 10⁷ m⁻¹.

λ- 1/1.09678x10^7(1-1/2^2)=1.216x10-7m

the de broglie equation


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