EXAM 2 19th Century ART

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Théodore Rousseau, The Forest in Winter at Sunset, 1845-67, oil on canvas

"Artistic testament"; worked on for 22 years Winter, red sky, gnarled trees; indestructibility of nature, potential for regeneration Raw intensity not popular with collectors (preferred lyrical, pastoral) Heavily impasto work, gains popularity in the next generation.

Honoré Daumier, Good-bye My Dear, I Am going to My Editors, 1844, lithograph

"blue stockings"- feminists of the day Women takes literary manuscript to editor, husband watches baby Mocked Stael, Sand, Colet (poets or novelists) "upside-down world" Women are the ones in public and men are in home with children.

Eugène Delacroix, Study for Scenes from the Massacre at Chios, 1824, watercolor and pencil

- He liked sketching with colors and did not make traditional pencil sketches; thought in terms of color and patches. Very influential for later impressionist.

Gustave Courbet, Entrance to the Puits Noir Valley, 1865

- Napoleon 3rd collection, gentle valley scene. A style that is not overworked, but instead one that has rapid brush strokes, airy style.

Théodore Géricault, The Raft of the Medusa, 1818-19

-Contemporary event from history that just happened to be centered on the male nude. The subject is of the French frigate medusa, that was carrying colonists and soldiers to Senegal. Wrecked off the African coast in the summer of 1816 lifeboats had room for only half of those on board. Carpenters assembled a raft for the colonists and low rank soldiers they left the group to die. 150 survivors drifted away for 12 days and only 15 survived. Survivors speak of the account and gets leaked to the press and a scandal starts and it was an example of a nepotism. Neither important as a historical event, not propaganda because it has common people very interesting anti heroic work. These people were real and suffered. Critics would not praise it because of the submissive political ambiance.

François Rude, The Departure of the Volunteers of 1792, 1833-6

-Decorate the pillars with sculptures on the arch., this is supposed to praise the volunteers that fighted against the Austro Prussican invaders after the French Revolution. The military and the monarchy had been overthrowne so someone had to protect the area.

Théodore Géricault, Charging Chasseur, 1812

-Field of battle, we have the episode right before Napoleons fall and right after Chasseur is the French light cavalry man who jumps away from the unseen attacker, and turns to strike, it is strong in the sense of space horse moves away at a diagonal from the viewer. The model moves beyond the limits of classism. The drama is due to the diagonal organization. Pendants: is the name given to one of two paintings conceived as a pair.

Peter Cornelius, The Last Judgment, 1836-39, fresco, Ludwigskirche, Munich

-Massive fresco in Munich, last judgment of Michelangelo himself in the Vatican. Angels trumpeting the end of days. It is very theological and symbolic. The color and poses were easy to grasp. The structure is rigidly symmetrical. More Akin to Northern design.

Charles Garnier, the Grand Staircase in the Opéra, 1861-75, engraving from Charles

-Opulent dual staircase, arches and paired columns, chandeliers throughout. The interior is decorated by sculptures.

Rosa Bonheur, Plowing in the Nivernais Region, 1849

-Rural themes; she does not showcase the hardships of rustic life. Peasants are content with their lives. bucolic

Johann Erdmann Hummel, Granite Bowl in the Pleasure Gardens of Berlin, ca.1831

-The example of the new interest in straight forward prosaic approach. See the enjoyment that the individuals are experiencing. No owe of nature.

Gustave Courbet, The Wave, 1870

-Water scenes are prevalent, same technique. Power of waves crashing before us not relaxing and a barrier of rock protecting us. Dangerous area in the foreground. The impasto used here is to communicate the foamy crests as palatable a specific way to appreciate the virtuoso techniques

Julia Margaret Cameron, Portrait of Sir John Herschel, 1867, albumen print

-attempt to communicate a character by way of informality. Deep lighting effects. Suited to reflect the character of the sitter.

Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, The Dance, 1866

1 of 4 allegories sculptures, nude male with worshipped by entourage of nude and scantily dressed women. The model in the center looks a lot by the allegorical figures, reversing the figures, by the gender change. It is very scandalous at the time. It resembles a pagan bacchanalia. Women are not ideal, real pump women, drunken smiles, they were too real.

Richard Redgrave, The Poor Teacher, 1845, oil on canvas

5 replicas for collections, produced for collectors. It is genre that people are familiar with. It is clearer for readers to interpret. Dark and cavernous interior, it shows the ability to relate story and anecdote to the viewer. We have poverty but not brutal poverty.

James Pradier, Victory Figure: The Italian Campaign, 1853, tomb of Napoleon

Allegory of victory, conservativism emphasis. Some of the major works at this time are religious. There is a religious revival.

Edouard Manet, Olympia, 1863

Dispensed, nude from what it is in modern times. Portrait of a nude woman with a black maid holding flowers and a black cat on the corner. The first modern nude for it shows a woman exactly as it is. It is a painting of a prostitute a play of the word cat house. Subtle changes by Manet infuriated critiques.

Eugène Delacroix, Arab Cavalry Practicing a Charge, 1832

Another example of post-colonial interpretation. Showing the other as violent. Prone to barbaric action, men are brutal and violent. The orients represent for the west passion of fevered pitch. Played into stereotypes.

Dante Gabriel Rosetti, Ecce Ancilla Domini, 1849-50

Art as a vehicle for representing ideas instead of narrative scenes. Realistic fashion with life drawing. Combined with different references. The White Lilly represents purity, blue represents virgin and red represents the blood of Christ. Simply areas of flat color and space.

Jean-Baptiste-Louis Gros, View of the Seine and the Louvre, 1847, dauguerrotype

Document places, picture postcards of the day.

William Holman Hunt, Light of the World, 1851-3, retouched 1858, 1886

Bearded Christ dressed as a priest, crown of thorns, halo around it. Weeds represent idle affection, neglected orchard represents uncared for riches, lantern represents conservator of truth and the rust on the door corrosion of the living faculties. Elements are laden symbolically, over symbolism is what appeals to the people

Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre, Still Life in Studio, 1837, daguerreotype

Daguerreotype: copper plates polished with silver, coated with silver halide particles deposited by iodine vapor. It could only make a single impression. Common subject; exposure time 15-30 min. Recreate the same subject for fine art. Exposure time was long and no crisp detail, stationary art. Photography as a painting, objectively record the world.

Jean-François Millet, The Gleaners, 1857

Began to idealize his subjects, anonymous figures in a monochromatic earth tone color. Seasons, astrology, class, allegory. Farmers allowed indigent laborers t glean leftover of ears and they were supervised by a constable. Poorest of the poor, unable to do anything besides picking up. scraps

Jean-Léon Gérôme, Pygmalion and Galatea, ca.1890

Best known work. Pygmalion's love of sculpture of ideal womanhood makes come to life. By having the statue kiss. Ideal woman that came to life. Famed king that embraces the statue that is leaning over to kiss him. Daily life is the interest here. King who cannot find a pure woman, carves one.

William Frith, At the Seaside (Ramsgate Sands), 1854

Bought by queen Victoria showcasing the leisure activities of the bourgeoise . It is a Genre painting from anecdotal towards descriptive accounts of the middle class. Exact contemporary. They are meant to entertain the viewer.

John Martin, Great Day of His Wrath, 1852

Episode from revelation 6:17, the end of the world can be seen. Small figures fall and scream. The forces of nature will be exploding, it appears to be similar to the sublime work of Turner but different than burkes lofty notion.

Bertall (Albert d'Arnoux), "Music, Painting, Sculpture," 1846

Cartoon where we find Delacroix and Ingres, the two main artists representing that classicism and romanticism are represented in the center of the cartoon. Delacoix holds up a pig bladder filled with color labeled "color law"; placard" "line is a myth" and Ingres on the other hand points to the line on the ground, placard: there is only gray, nothing but gray Museum of the History of France: public teaching purposes museum.

Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine, Chapelle Expiatoire (Expiatory Chapel), 1816-21, Place Louis XVI, Paris

Chapel, built on grounds where Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were buried. Now expiation is an atonement for sins symbolic atonement for French people's sin of guillotining the king and queen. Centralized domes structure that combines Greco-Roman, Etruscan, Renaissance, and Medieval styles. It is common and known as eclectic historicism. eclectic historicism: you take elements styles from different periods and put it together to communicate something.

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Grande Odalisque, 1814

Classical approach to a nude carefully outlines, creping exoticism of the day. Avant-garde: refers to innovative or experimental concepts or works, or the group of people producing them.

Karl Theodor Piloty, Seni by the Corpse of Wallenstein, 1855

Episode from the 30 years' war, a treacherous individual that was murder, personal astrologer, defined the death on the stars. It is historically accurate and very meticulous.

Charles Cordier, Negro of the Sudan in Algerian Costume, ca.1856-7

Color of the stone is meant to create the color of the skin and Algerian costume. The principal of human types. Carefully record, physical and costumes. Polychrome: multi-coloured art, or things decorated in- or having several colors.

Christen Købke, View from the Embankment of Lake Sortedam, 1838

Danish painter shows us two women on landing plank overlooking a lake. Any spiritual symbolism has been replaced by the mundane. New prosaic and straight forward approach.

William Dyce, Mercy: Sir Gawain Swearing To Be Merciful and Never To Be Against Ladies, 1852, fresco

Death of author, the legend of classic Britain during Victorian. In this we have selected 5 scenes that exemplify the values of Victorian Britain, which are piety, hospitality, mercy, courtesy, and generosity.

Théodore Rousseau, Heath, Auvergne, 1842-3, oil on canvas

Devoid of ruins & picturesque structures; not dynamically or dramatically composed Painter of nature, rather than landscape painter; not interested in light & atmosphere, but tangible aspects of nature (birth, growth, decay)

Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, Portrait of Frau von Stierle-Holzmeister, ca.1819

Embodiment of the German middle class. They are both somewhat straight forward, it is very unflattering. Does not reflect their values.

Jean-François Millet, The Sower, 1850

Example of common labor who is sowing seed with his right hand. Portrait oriented. Deep chiaroscuro is settling. This is valued for their work; he wants to show how important the work is. Not a marker to radical art because it highlights the poor.

Alexandre Cabanel, The Birth of Venus, 1863

Extremely popular, the pose from Ingres. Awakens from her sleep, seductive, idealize and obtainable. No direct act contact, too challenging, everything is edited out major differences between two types of nudity.

Ary Scheffer, The Battle of Tolbiac, 1836

Foundation of France itself, Clovis I battled the Almanini in German-Belgian frontier in 496.We are minimizing the supernatural elements. We admire Delacroix and have medieval subject matter in a dynamic composition. Every figure has a clear outline and subdued colors with considered classical. Real example of Juste milieu

Jean-François Millet, Angelus, 1859:

Farmer and wife interrupt pulling potatoes to pray for angelus. One can see the church in the far back right distance. No religious in the scene but there is religious meaning behind it. Nostalgia for idyllic rustic past is appreciated in this painting.

Jean-Louis Ernest Meissonier, Memory of Civil War, or Barricade in the Rue de la Mortellerie, June 1848,1848

First contemporary picture Witnessed firsthand as an artillery captain in the National guard Cobblestones removed to make a barricade; government troops toppled, shot dead senseless death. Contemporary event, Monochromatic color palette, sober realism (not Romantic)

James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Symphony in White, No. 3, 1867

First work with musical tittle 2 girls are dressed in white, the composition makes it interesting since the colors fall in the same tonality.

Adolph Menzel, The Théâtre du Gymnase, 1856

Genre scene paintings. Very popular among German society. All of this is in anticipation of port impressionism.

William Holman Hunt, The Awakening Conscience, 1853-4

Genre scene, telling a moral story, prostitute sitting on a lap entertaining a wealthy man sees light and beauty of nature and she realized the evil of her situation. Little interest of improving life as a whole.

Garnier, Le Nouvel Opéra de Paris, 1880 Marcello, Pythian Sibyl, 1867-70

Greek prophetess at Apollos sanctuary, seated on tripod; body convulses as she receives divine message. Artistic aspiration of religious rapture. Twisting and turning appropriate for the interior of opera. Cast own shoulder left hand but lacks realism of Carpeaux, classically idea.

Théodore Géricault, Mutiny on the Raft, 1818, pen drawing

He drew a smaller raft to create more of a dramatic effect. Decided on different themes, mutinity, cannibalism, and rescue.

Honoré Daumier, The Heavy Burden, ca. 1850-53

He likes to paint the Parisian working class. Unwed mother who couldn't get a job as a domestic servant given their station as single moms. They brought clothes to be washed under the summer and winter. Hard and thankless work. He would exaggerate forms for social message, to show the heavy weight of that work. Heroic struggles of the underclass.

Théodore Géricault, Study of Arm and Two Feet, 1818-19

He wanted to study what dead flesh would look like which made him travel to a morgue in Paris to study it. To show accurate dead flesh, convening this timelessness. Recasting famous motif in modern history painting. Cannibalize people they knew. The figures are arrange to maximize the emotional and dramatic impact.

Charles Garnier, Opéra, 1861-75, Place de L'Opéra, Paris

High end street with a six story shops, office buildings, and extended sidewalks for street life. All of it leads to the central piece which is the opera. It epitomizes the second empire culture and wealth; prosperous bourgeoise enjoyed opera theatre, concerts, restaurants. Eclectic approach, façade 4 artistic elements of opera, composition, instrumental music, drama, lyric dance.

Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier, The Painting Connoisseurs, 1860

Historical genre painting, 18th century artist at work in studio with three admirers. Tradition of troubadour painters, but surpass in authenticity, they want historical accuracy, everything was carefully researched. Style was very detailed and meticulously finished. Baudelaire disturbed taste for littleness.

Dante Gabriel Rosetti, Monna Vanna, 1866

Iconic rather than narrative. She isn't doing anything. It isn't an actual woman it is just an idealized picture of a woman. Venetian tradition, the experience of beauty is compared with sexual arousal. The notion of beauty will be tied to objectifying women

Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Altes Museum, 1823-30, Museumsinsel, Berlin

It houses a collection from ancient Greece and Rome, meant to compete with the Louvre, institutional prototype for museum. Design as a museum since the beginning. Unfrench in many ways. No limitations, roman imperial style was adopted by napoleon. But the museum was inspired by the Greek from the Stoa.

Rosa Bonheur, The Horse Fair, 1853

It is a massive work, considered very manly and it is going to be showcased the bi-weekly horse market in Paris. Horses were bought and sold. It is a tour de force of horse painting with a life-size figures shown in different poses and a variety of angles. She even puts a self-portrait in which she is asking special permission of the police to attend the event dressed as a guy. Force and bravura, sensation. For its own merits and because a woman painted it.

Joseph Noël Paton, The Reconciliation of Oberon and Titania, 1847

It is taken from Shakespeare summer nights dream, Victorian interest in the preternatural the psychic, etc. There was an overlap with science and art. We see the king of the fairies fallen asleep and his wife, a series that have different episodes of the fairies.

Jean-Pierre Cortot, Marie-Antoinette Seeking Solace with Religion, ca.1825

It moves away from classicism which is the revolution and the napoleon period, and the move towards pre-revolutionary past. The style seen in the baroque; the interior is meant to remind of the pantheon. Draw the viewer in with an allegorical figure and a historical figure. Brings together different styles in order to communicate something new.

Constantine Guys, Two Women Wearing Blue Feathers, watercolor

It's an artwork made in pencil and thinly watercolor suited to momentary scenes of urban street life. Women were street walkers wearing wide skirts and blue feathers, recorded what Bauldaire called elegant life.

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Hagar in the Wilderness, 1835:

It's inspired on Hagar and Ishmael and when they are sent to the wilderness after Sarah gets pregnant. Angel directs them as how to survive. In this painting we admire historical landscape is not used as a backdrop but as a part of the story. Hagar's emotional state is based on the landscape "desolate".

Marie, Princesse d'Orléans, Joan of Arc at Prayer, Salon of 1834, terracotta

King admired & had marble copy made for History Museum (several bronze copies. Not shown hearing voices, nor leading battle

Paulin Guérin, Portrait of Louis XVIII, Salon of 1819

Lacking in his artistic credentials and presentation, invites the expectator in even though he is following the same pattern of Louis the XIV. However, it fails to inspire for he seems overweight and overburdened by his costume. Académie des Beaux-Arts: Academy of fine arts, restores the Royal academy in France. grandes machines: large canvases. "gentleman's hang": Paintings hung from floor to ceiling in the salon

Oscar Gustav Rejlander, Two Ways of Life, 1858, photograph, gelatin silver print

Larger example, massive combination print. Very unvictorian because of the nudity, it is made up of 30 negatives. Interior of a bar, virtuous life, path that one should choose. Moralizing allegory.

Edwin Landseer, Windsor Castle in Modern Times, 1841-5

Man who has come home from a hunt, character. The scene shows feminine modesty and devotion. Almost a genre scene, tone for expectations of men and women in Victorian times. Meticulously painted in detail.

H. Béchard, Egyptian Peasant Girl, ca.1880, albumen print

Market for photos of indigenous peoples for scientific purposes. They wanted to develop different categories for people around the world.

Eugène Isabey, Château de Pont-Gibaud, Auvergne, 1830, lithograph

Medieval castle that moves over a rustic village, after a thunderstorm. Selecting an ancient structure

E. Thiesson,Louis-Jacques-Mandé Dauguerre, 1844, dauguerrotype

Mid-1840s, portrait photography- most common early use exposure time 10-50 seconds. Stiff formality from apparatus that clamped heads in place (less lively than painted portraits)

Gustave Courbet, The Burial at Ornans, 1849-50

Middle-class burial, Anti-heroic- scale reserved for history painting, Monochromatic color palette, Sober realism. New democratic art. Political fear: criticized for being dull & boring; glorifying a trivial subject New republican regime, provincial bourgeois could vote; large mass of new voters anti-heroic: Art that didn't show a heroic background. Using people that are not commonly heroic people.

David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson, Portrait of Thomas Duncan and his Brother, 1845 or earlier, modern print from calotype negative

Modern print fom catolype, much less detail. Informal poses, we are distracting from the lack of detail.

.Eugène Fromentin, Arab Falconer, 1863

More akin to orientalist scenes of Gros and Delacroix, outdoor rural scene, no sharp focus, it is open and suggestive. It has action that exemplifies this other culture, it is much more calming and it has an analogous color scheme of blue and green.

Eugène Delacroix, Massacre at Chios, 1822-24

Most contested paintings of the salon of 1824, it was criticized for formal qualities and emphasis on agony and suffering. The episode shown here is located in the Island of Chios trading port and it was during the Greek war of independence where the Ottoman Turks slaughtered 42,000 Greeks and 50,000 of them were slaved , 23,000 were exiled a year earlier barbarity of middle eastern culture. Ideas of freedom. The colors are dark and muddy. It lacks unity and focus. Dead and the living together. Orientalism, exoticism: brutality and barbarity of middle eastern culture. Eroticism, exotic themes, barbaric behavior.

Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier, The Emperor at Solferino, 1863

Napoleon III surveying battlefield at Solferino, Italy French assist piedmontese in fight. It shows a realistic and historically accurate of what was happening.

Théodore Géricault, Wounded Cuirassier Leaving the Field of Battle, Salon of 1814

Napoleon's feared "steel hammer" cavalry; staggers down slope, saber as crutch, looks over his shoulder and we can admire a scared horse. Less Dynamic but unprecedent, and it also monumentalized the anti-hero. Unwilling to shed more blood. anti-hero: someone who is retracting, not conquering not winning.

Henry Peach Robinson, Fading Away, 1858, photograph

Narrative genre, daughter is dying, mother and father are mourning the death. Her sister attends to her. Deathbeds scenes of children and adolescents common in novels. Combination print. Shot the different people all in sections that way they would all be in focus because it would be impossible to do it all at once. Combine it with multiple negatives to create a combination print.

Richard Dadd, The Fairy Feller's Master Stroke, 1855-64

Patient in bedlam, in the royal hospital. Interesting take on the fairy genre painting. Flat tapestry like design. Lack spatial progression and narrative contiguity. Inventive scenes with diminutive figures among giant flowers centered in feller

Antoine-Louis Barye, Tiger Seizing a Gazelle,1834, bronze

New foundries specialized in churning out 100s of small bronze copies; popularize "high art. wood engraving: Wood engraving is a printmaking and letterpress printing technique, in which an artist works an image or matrix of images into a block of wood.

Maxime Du Camp, View of Cairo: The Citadel and the Mohammed Ali Mosque, salt print

Non archeological views published in travel albums first of its kind at the time. Bridges the gap between contrived picturesque and modern travel photography that we know today. Chose view from maximum picturesque details, extremely visually interesting.

James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket, 1875

Only asthete to devote his attention to the landscape. The painting is a night scene, we do not see where it is taking place. Limited color schemes illuminated by bright bursts of color.

J.J. Grandville, Venus at the Opera, Au Autre Monde (Another World), 1844, wood engraving

Opera not for drama, but place to be seen Beautiful women feigns to ignore but is there to be seen. Beautiful fane ignorance that the men are all looking at them. Photography: Photos: light, Graphos: writing.

Gustave Courbet, The Stone Breakers, 1849

Painted a year after the revolution, monochromatic choice, figures are shown in a very straightforward fashion and anonymously. They can be anyone working, it was a job that anybody could do it. Very straight forward on poverty, torn clothes, poor meal. Monumentalizing the common. Contemporary event, entirely insignificant. Glorifying the mundane. It is difficult to climb out of poverty.

James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1 (The Artist's Mother),1871

Painting of his mother, the fact that his mother is present is incidental. Instead what we have is a compositional arrangement with overlapping planes

Horace Vernet, The Duc d'Orléans on his Way to the Hôtel-de-Ville, July 31, 1830, Salon of 1833

Painting that chow cases a historical event, while minimizing the role of the future king. Who has the tricolor riding into town hall. Days after the revolution in 1830, previous historical paintings glorify the leader. Less blatant propaganda, purpose to showcase a historical event. He is in the background. Unite France by pointing out the connection from past-present.

Hippolyte Flandrin, Christ's Entry into Jerusalem, 1842-4, fresco, Church of St. Germain, Paris

Painting that christ is in the direct center, most important part of the painting. mural paintings: frozen in time. A gridlike pattern locks the composition in place; the figures are taken from the Italian renaissance Flat stylized approach, not illustionistic like easlle painting.

Jean-François Millet, Grafting a Tree, 1859

Pea sent pictures, contented peasant pictures popular with collectors; they shows a type of nostalgia view from what the rustic living was actually like. Romantic picture, industries are taking over agriculture. Replaced by industry. Idyllic: pleasing or picturesque in natural simplicity. 2 : of, relating to, or being an idyll. Billed as the most famous painting in the world.

Honoré Daumier, The Fugitives, ca. 1849-50

Period of refugees are anonymous faceless in the journey of life.

Jules Dupré, Crossing the Bridge, 1838, oil on canvas

Pleasant rustic quality that appeals to people who are dwelling pastoral scenes in the city. As in England, Parisians regretted loss of pastoral countryside; urban centers expanding (nostalgia for country) Simple landscapes popular with middle class

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Portrait of Louis-François Bertin, 1832 Henri Lehmann, Portrait of Franz Liszt, 1840

Portraits also popular with middle class: bolster status & prestige, Ingres set tone for July Monarchy portraiture. New degree of realism/ psychological insight. Prosperity & self-confidence "Romantic cult of personality": fascination with stardom. Ingres' student Romantic portraiture: character of sitter/ emotional state. Most explicit with writers, artists, musicians. Liszt is a pianist and a composer. He Dramatically posed, arms folded, dramatic chiaroscuro, unkempt long hair; wrenched from moment of inspiration by spectator.

Adolph Menzel, The Flute Concert of Frederick the Great at Sanssouci, 1852

Showing an event that took place a century earlier, rococo style can be seen in the painting. Frederick the great was an amateur flautist at the center, Car Bach son of Johann Sebastian Bach, family and courtiers at the left.

Charles Barry and A.W.N. Pugin, Houses of Parliament, rebuilding begun 1840, London

Reflect an interest in the middle ages and gothic, looks like a Norman church. Inside the gothic style was more much spiritually pure. He brings all the best materials to craft a medieval structure.

Charles Marville, Intersection in Old Paris, one of 425 views of old Paris, ca.1865-9

Regretted from the medieval history and uniformity, government hired Charles Marville as a trained artist to make pictures before demolitions. New role for photography.

Jean-Léon Gérôme, The Cock Fight, 1847

Reputation, no heroes or philosophers, not morally didactic, capitalizes on the interesting of daily life. Subtle eroticism is going to be appreciated. The coloring and detailed style is taken from ingress.

Thomas Couture, Romans of the Decadence, 1847

Roman imperial scene, morning after night of cavorting, Reconcile Classicism and Romanticism (juste milieu), Excesses of the nouveau riche middle class of July Monarchy Roman Empire fell due to decadence of ruling class (believed) France will fall due to excesses of rich bourgeoisie reveler mockingly offers drink to statue of Roman republican hero. He was concerned about the poverty

John Everett Millais, The Death of Ophelia, 1851-2

Shakespeare Hamlet, the suicide of the rejected lover, she is bored up. She is surrounded by flowers, not overtly grotesque, it's a beautiful drawing, compared to the beauty of mermaid paintings. Combines idealism with detail, precedent "sexy suicide".

Paul Delaroche, The Children of Edward: Edward V, King of England and Richard, Duke of York, in the Tower of London, 1830

Shakespeare's Richard III being illustrated with the 12yeard old king of England and younger brother are both locked in the tower and end up being murdered by their jealous uncle, future Richard III A psychological drama

Honoré Daumier, Gargantua, 1831, lithograph

So virulent, summoned to court for libel; both imprisoned (ban on publication) Devour baskets of gold (levied taxes to fatten government); body of king- metaphor for government. Digests and expels documents: letters of appointment, court honors

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Venus Anadyomene, 1808

Standing type anadyomene birth Venus. Looks off not directly at the viewer. "display nude": standard for reclining nudes. de-sexed: aestheticized nude, streamlined, polished, no pubic hair.

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Bridge at Narni, 1826, oil on paper mounted on canvas

Studies in open air, you go out into a landscape. You see you paint, limited pallet, atmosphere of the morning is communicated with the shadows. Retained the naturalistic effect by using color and could be transfer to larger canvases later. en plein air: open air

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Fishing with Nets, Evening, 1847

Studies would be used for midsized scenes with accurate colors. Shows at salons and smaller exhibitions in provinces. Scenes were simple with water trees and figures, freely brushwork, very poetic, carefully considering different times of the day

Eugène Delacroix, Death of Sardanapalus, 1826

Subject of Lord Byron who also fought in the Greek war of independence from the Turks, he was considered a Greek hero. Narrative poem about an Assyrian king who was cornered by his enemies but instead of giving up he decided to destroy everything in his possession. Moves back into the image itself, forcing us to understand the barbaric moments. Sublime horror, satanic.

Jean-Léon Gérôme, Prayer in the Mosuqe, ca.1872

The accuracy for the interior is significant. Anticipates accuracy and ethnographic studies. Not moralistic but documentary.

John Everett Millais, Christ in the Carpenter's Shop, 1849-50

The religious subjects are common, showcase spirituality above materialism. Everything in the image shows the crucifixion and the significance of Christianity. Background, sheep representing Christ, he hurt his hand and it's showing foretelling crucifixion. Dove representing the holy spirit, triangle representing the trinity. Bowl water representing Baptism

Eugène Delacroix, Pietà, 1844

The technique is not renaissance with a lot of detail. Is it a classical or romantical approach.

Eugène Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People, 1830 (Salon of 1831)

The unofficial symbol of the French republic of this day. This painting it is really important to the French Charles X is overturned by the French People and all the classes are rising up simultaneously in the background. All are following lady liberty who is an allegorical figure holding a flag that is part of the revolution that later becomes the French flag. Also holding a musquet, everyone joins to do the revolution.

Eugène Guillaume, Instrumental Music, 1865-9

There. Was restrain, neoclassical approach, officially appreciated and approved.

Honoré Daumier, The Fugitives, ca. 1862-78, relief in patinated plaster

They march nude rather than clothed; classical character by the allegory of human life as aimless march from birth to death ("human condition") They don't showcase the rich but rather the opposite.

Gustave Courbet, Young Ladies on the Banks of the Seine (Summer), 1856

Two cocottes on. Banks of seine company of men. The front person has taken off her dress and laying on it as a pillow. She's actually in her underwear Slowly shifted focus to include a modern bourgeoise life.

Louis Visconti, Tomb of Napoleon, 1840-61, Les Invalides, Paris

Tomb to house Napoleon's ashes in the 17th century in a massive porphyry sarcophagus.

Edouard Manet, Le Déjeuner sur l'Herbe, 1863

Two cocottes are accompanied by two men dressed as university students. Demonstrate the effects of the sun by limiting the chiaroscuro to a single black lines. It appears very sketchy and unfinished. Nakedness vs nudity sexually inclined. Intended to shock modern object

Honoré Daumier, Rue Transnonain, April 15, 1834, 1834, lithograph

Unable to ban publication, not libelous, Same subject, but not royal propaganda Stone lithograph quickly draw up an image. Closest to a charcoal drawing. In spring of 1834 troops were send to end riots in poorer sections of Paris. In April 15, rioters shot army officers, soldier went through each house and killed everyone 20 men, women and children. It was known as the transnoninain massacre. Government bought most & destroyed; new censorship laws so turned to social satire (instead of political)

Eugène Delacroix, Women of Algiers in their Harem, 1834

Very different approach of understanding what this women look like. Epitomize Oriental culture with a moral corruption of the east. Odalisques: sexual excess depravity, proverbial laziness attributed to all foreign cultures. They wait around smoking hookas, excess sexuality. Exosticism =eroticism. Popular with the middle class. No nudity, but still same interest

Edward Coley Burne-Jones, Golden Stairs, 1876-80

Women are seen as the principal theme, hold musical instruments; It isn't a story of history or the bible. The colors are considered n tones and harmonies. The art form doesn't have to be sentimental.

Jules Breton, Recall of the Gleaners, 1859

Women recalled by guard, bringing them in for the harvest, they look content with the rich bounty. More stiff proud posture. Different ages of men reflected on agriculture. Praised realism every woman from a model and regional clothing of northern French landscapes rang truer than miller for people.

Charles Philipon, Les Poires (The Pears),1831, wood engraving

published humorous journals, political caricatures, social satire 1835, Louis-Philippe passed September laws restricting press, Accentuate heavy-jowled face, turn into pearPoire = "fathead"Multi-layered: with mask series, Louis-Philippe is figurehead, faceless & voiceless, but ministers as masks (hypocrisy & deceitful)

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