Exam 2

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In her introduction to her speech about the prescription drug Ritalin, Maryssa tells her audience that she has a brother on Ritalin. She is a. gaining attention. b. relating to her listeners. c. personalizing her topic. d. establishing personal credibility. e. previewing her main ideas.

Establishing personal credibility.

A content outline is a synonym for a script, written out in outline form


The Congressional Digest is a government publication that contains summaries of actual speeches given on the floor of Congress


3. Which is a participatory question? a. When was the last time you had a relaxing day in the country? b. Who is your favorite basketball player? c. Who can tell me the name of the last president to die in office? d. Do you ever wonder where your activity funds go? e. What motivates you to get out and volunteer?

Who can tell me the name of the last president to die in office?

Considering the audience at every stage of speechmaking and discovering ways that you can most effectively communicate with this particular group is called a. audience analysis. b. audience motivations. c. evaluating salience. d. demographic analysis.

Audience analysis.

Which is NOT a tip for organizing the main points of a speech? a. Limit the number of points to seven. b. Return to the tentative central idea and begin to flesh it out. c. Arrange supporting data under the main points. d. Put the points in order for maximum effectiveness. e. Choose the pattern that best meets the topic, the purpose, and the situation.

Limit the number of points to seven. The book says 2-5 points

Students who are interested in obtaining advanced degrees in Communication Studies attend a meeting with graduate school representatives. They are a(n) _______ audience. a. random audience b. passive audience c. motivated d. hostile audience e. unmotivated audience


A mind map is especially useful for a. topic selection. b. narrowing a topic. c. identifying a purpose. d. eliminating taboo or sensitive topics. e. pointing toward a logical thesis statement.

Narrowing a topic.

The next step after topic selection is a. narrowing the topic to a manageable size. b. deciding on a general purpose. c. analyzing the audience. d. deciding on the desired audience response. e. tentatively formulating a central idea.

Narrowing the topic to a manageable size.

A hypothetical example is _______ a. more persuasive. b. unethical because it's false. c. often useful when dealing with sensitive issues. d. brief, by definition. e. the same as a narrative.

Often useful when dealing with sensitive issues.

When you do a computer search for a book, you can search for the title, the author, or the topic


Wikipedia is a new style encyclopedia that features community-generated knowledge. You can add or correct entries you find there


You use source cards to record bibliographic information.


Your speaking outline should be a key word outline


1. When formulating a research plan, you should NOT ___ a. Analyze your topic. b. Budget enough time to research. c. Make use of the reference librarian. d. Use library books for every topic you research. e. Identify key terms for your topic.

Use library books for every topic you research.

"Recycling is the most important issue facing our community today" is an example of a fact.


Which is NOT a primary source? a. A diary written by a woman traveling in a covered wagon. b. A book of poetry by e. e. cummings. c. A newsreel showing a prison in Siberia. d. The Empire State Building. e. A movie review by Roger Ebert.

A movie review by Roger Ebert.

Drawing from your personal experiences is _______(108) a. not recommended in the text. b. less believable than something from a book would be. c. useful in demonstration or how-to speeches. d. essential for every topic. e. a secondary source.

A secondary source

_______ is an especially good way to invite the audience to respond internally to your topic. a. Asking a rhetorical question b. Establishing your credibility c. Telling a joke d. Previewing your ideas e. Beginning with a visual aid

Asking a rhetorical question

Which is NOT a factor to consider regarding international topics? a. Audiences generally relate to these topics readily. b. Look into topics from your own heritage and experiences. c. These topics are increasingly important in a shrinking world. d. The U.S. media regularly covers international subjects. e. The topics might be linked to fundamental values.

Audiences generally relate to these topics readily. MAYBE. Answer wasn't clearly stated in book. It made it sound like audiences DON'T always relate to these topics readily

The first part of your speech to plan is the a. introduction. b. body. c. conclusion. d. connectives. e. content outline.


Thinking of your audience according to cultural populations they represent is a. sexist and racist. b. perceiving their motivations. c. demographic analysis. d. ethnicity. e. psychological profiling.

Demographic analysis

Principles for organizing your speech are found in the canon of a. invention. b. disposition. c. style. d. memory. e. delivery.


In the course of your research for a speech about the space program you find a quotation by a rocket scientist who worked on the first moon launch. Using his words in your speech is _____(137) a. factual. b. a composite example. c. lay testimony. d. paraphrasing. e. expert testimony

Expert testimony

A politician who gives the same speech in Denver, Miami, Boston, and Seattle is wise, because the culture in the U.S. is so similar throughout


A speaker from a culture that believes it is futile to fight fate will probably choose a problem-solution organizational pattern (LOL)


After you've gathered your materials, you must search for the one way to organize your speech.


Ending a speech with "that's it" provides psychological closure for your audience.


In content outlines, use an A. for your first point, an a. for your first subpoint, and an (a) for the subpoint that follows.


In general, statistics involve your audience and are very intesting to most.


The pharmacy student in introduction of the chapter found that the process of creating an outline a. was a waste of her time except for her most detailed speeches. b. was the major reason she didn't want to take the course. c. helped her learn skills she could transfer to other courses. (183) d. was most useful when she used a traditional organizational pattern.

Helped her learn skills she could transfer to other courses.

An environmental activist who is addressing a group of builders and developers is most likely facing a(n) ___________ audience. a. passive b. concerted c. hostile d. absent e. organized

Hostile MAYBE. This specific example isn't in the book, and the examples in the book are much more extreme. Are builders and developers hostile toward environmental activists?

1. A good introduction answers all these listener questions EXCEPT ______ a. What's this all about? b. Why does this matter to me? c. How long will this take? d. Why listen to this speaker? e. What are the main ideas of the speech?

How long will this take?

What is one "secret" for making a good business presentation? a. Organized ideas are easier to understand. b. Working hard on your presentation will guarantee success. c. Taking a mental exit occasionally during your preparation relieves stress. d. Audiences like "stream of consciousness" presentations.

Organized ideas are easier to understand

If you quote a teen gang member who states his opinions about gangs, what type of support are you using? a. hypothetical example b. narrative c. literal analogy d. peer testimony e. expert testimony

Peer testimony

Focus groups in Kenya named ________ as the most convincing type of support. a. hypothetical examples b. vivid descriptions c. cultural proverbs d. percentages e. personal examples

Personal examples

A young woman approaches people walking through the mall and attempts to sell a new nail project. This is a(n) ______ audience. a. random b. passive c. selected d. concerted e. hostile


Janelle is aware of her Native American heritage when she goes to hear a speech about Zuni jewelry makers; then, her ethnicity is more ______ than when she attends her calculus lecture. a. androgynous b. salient c. complex d. ambiguous


Which is NOT part of the introduction? a. a statement of the central idea b. establishing why you are competent to speak on the topic c. drawing attention to the topic d. showing the audience why they should listen to this topic e. statistics to explain your main points

Statistics to explain your main points

Antoine's speech, "How to Make a Peanut Butter Sandwich," presented familiar, predictable information. What principle for choosing a topic or purpose should he have considered? a. Choose cognitive goals when you want your audience to believe something. b. Narrow the topic to a manageable size. c. Take a novel approach. d. Relate the topic to listener concerns. e. Incorporate humor as one way to maintain attention.

Take a novel approach

____________ is NOT an essential part of an outline's heading according to the text. a. The speaker's name. b. The finalized central idea c. The specific purpose statement d. A title e. A general purpose statement

The speaker's name.

According to the text, these openings are especially effective for engaging the audience a. rhetorical questions, statistics, and examples b. an intriguing question, reference to a current event, an example c. quoting your grandmother, using an example, telling a joke d. statistics, jokes, current events e. visual aids, descriptions, a statistic

This question doesn't make any sense, because the book uses every single one of these examples.

4. One study on cultural topics showed that a. requiring just one diversity issue speech significantly increased students' ability to take diverse perspectives. b. students who chose a topic related to their ethnicity greatly increased in empathy. c. students who did extensive research in diverse sources increased in empathy. d. in order to increase in empathy, students need to discuss diversity issues more than once during the term.

in order to increase in empathy, students need to discuss diversity issues more than once during the term.

Which outlining principle means to use a consistent pattern to vary numbers and letters? a. coordination. b. subordination. c. alternation. d. parallel points.


Making one point (causes) about equally weighted with the second point (effects) is an example of the principle of coordination


Which opening statement is best for a classroom speech about cloning? a. The purpose of my speech today is to tell you about the pros and cons of cloning. b. Hi. My name is Sam, and my topic today is cloning. c. Early in 1997, journalists flocked to England to see Dolly, a sheep who had been cloned there. d. I came upon the most interesting topic in one of my science classes. It's the topic of cloning, and I'd like to tell you about it today. e. Hi. How's everybody doing today?

Early in 1997, journalists flocked to England to see Dolly, a sheep who had been cloned there.

Which of the following students needs help in topic selection? Eliyahu decides to give the same speech on "Cooking Israeli Food" he gave his anthropology class. a. Oren speaks about his summer internship at the state capitol. b. Coral decides that no one needs to hear a speech about baking chocolate chip cookies. c. Tito goes to a newsstand and skims magazines such as Time. d. Yocheved carefully considers how her international topic can relate to her fellow students.

Eliyahu decides to give the same speech on "Cooking Israeli Food" he gave his anthropology class. (He can use the topic but must adapt the material.)

Dr. Vered Braun has written and spoken extensively about the history of Israel. She would be a(n) _____ source for an interview. a. lay and primary b. primary and expert c. expert and secondary d. peer and secondary

Expert and secondary

It's considered cheating to use research for one class as speech material for another.


Most of our beliefs are based on study or investigation of a subject


The "elite media" are expensive newspapers and magazines used predominately by wealthy, influential business and government leaders.


The best scale for dealing with value questions ranges from strongly agree, agree, neutral or no opinion, disagree, strongly disagree


The time of day you give your speech really has no bearing on how you give your speech


There are three sure fire ways to decide upon a speech topic


When your main ideas show a right-to-left or top-to-bottom direction, you are using a wave pattern.


When you use a mind map to record your ideas, it is important to keep the entire map on a single page.

False - MAYBE. Mind maps are discussed on page 121 and the answer is very unclear, however it says "there is no single right way to make a mind map" and "if space is limited, make source cards or list your references on a separate piece of paper"

You should highlight information you want to emphasize on your content outline, and refer to it as you speak.

False; book does not say to refer to CONTENT OUTLINE while speaking, it says to refer to NOTE CARDS

Using words like next or additionally signals the speaker you are coming to the end of your speech.

False; book says this is true of the phrases "in conclusion" and "finally."

The topical pattern is best for explaining a cycle, such as the sleep cycle

False; chronological organization would make sense according to p. 131

The most common organizational pattern is the chronological pattern

False; it doesn't say anywhere in the text that it's the most common

Because you are advocating a specific solution, the problem-solution pattern is only used to organize persuasive speeches.

False; it works for informational speeches as well

Quoting a well-known conservative who supports a well-known liberal position can be powerful evidence because a. it agrees with the "conventional wisdom." b. it gives a voice to an opinion other conservatives probably share but are afraid to say. c. listeners reason if she is willing to go against her party, she has probably thought through her opinion carefully. d. people would probably not hear this opinion otherwise.

Listeners reason if she is willing to go against her party, she has probably thought through her opinion carefully.

Which of these suggestions is the best way to avoid drowning in data? a. Do no more than four hours of research on the topic. b. Use only library sources like books and newspapers. c. Make critical evaluation a part of your plan from the very beginning. d. Keep a running list of all the sources you search. e. Use a variety of credible sources.

Make critical evaluation a part of your plan from the very beginning.

Using note cards can help you avoid cut-and-paste plagiarism


Secondary sources are __________ a. one step removed from the persons or events under study. b. the materials you find in print. c. not produced at the time the event took place. d. just about the same value as primary sources. e. always associated with interviewees.

One step removed from the persons or events under study.

To answer the listener question "Why should I listen to this speech?" you must a. gain attention. b. relate to your listeners. c. introduce your topic. d. establish personal credibility. e. preview your main ideas.

Relate to your listeners

A definition that is generally accepted by most members of a society is considered a fact


A heading provides a brief overview of your entire speech.


A major test of factual information is that it be verified by more than one observer.


A speech demonstrating a common procedure like how to make coffee wastes listener's time


Although listeners at a sports banquet may differ in age, sex, religious affiliation, and ethnicity, their mutual interest in the sport is probably more salient than their other characteristics.


Attitudes are our tendencies to like or dislike something


Audiences like to listen to speakers who are enthusiastic about their topics.


Creating a questionnaire to assess their beliefs and attitudes toward a topic is a good way to assess the audience's psychological approach to a topic.


Curiosity is a speaker characteristic generally related to good public speaking


Global warming supporters and detractors can come to widely different conclusions, based on the evidence they choose to accept


Many of the strategies used in the introduction can be used in the conclusion.


Our cultural values affect what evidence we accept or reject


Referring to the introduction provides psychological closure for listeners.


Reviewing your main ideas satisfies the, "tell them what you've told them" axiom


Sometimes your transition to the conclusion can be nonverbal instead of verbal.


The cause-effect pattern is sometimes contained within the problem-solution pattern


The chronological pattern is especially good for organizing biographical speeches


The details give facts; the choice of words make these facts easy to visualize.


The millennium generation is also known as the I-generation (the Internet-generation).


To end your speech memorably, you can use similar material that you used to gain attention in the introduction


To evaluate a conclusion, ask yourself how well the speech signals the end of the speech, reviews main ideas, provides psychological closure, and ends memorably


Using a photocopier to record research findings is as effective as using note cards for some people.


Outlines should include a heading that identifies your purpose and central idea.

True - I think. It's discussed on p. 184 but there's not really an answer

Content outlines should have all these elements EXCEPT a. an introduction, body, and conclusion. b. alternating numbers and letters. c. single sentence main points. d. major ideas written out in phrases. e. written out transition statements.

Written out transition statements.

2. When you create your content outline, first a. identify your organizational pattern and major ideas. b. write out your introduction. c. write out the first point with all its supporting material. d. make a bibliography of all your references. e. write out a script of your speech.

identify your organizational pattern and major ideas.

Using unexpected testimony can be powerful in persuasive speeches because a. the testimony is misleading. b. listeners will reason that someone willing to go against his or her peers has probably thought through his or her own opinions carefully c. listeners will be unfamiliar with these sources. d. culturally accepted sources are more important than personally accepted sources. e. they define identity and reflect people's needs.

listeners will reason that someone willing to go against his peers has probably thought through his own opinions carefully

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