Exam 2

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A massive efford dubbed as "MOSE Project" is underway in Venice in order to: A. prevent flooding B. promote passive tourism C. provide biblical information to tourists D. reduce the number of billboards on historic sites E. modernize accommodations


A new digital cassette recorder from Philips was a market failure, in part because advertisements did not clearly communicate the fact that the product could make CD-quality recordings using new cassette technology while still playing older analog tapes. This is an example of: A. communicability B. compatibility C. relative advantage D. divisibility E. complexity


A proposed merger between two Swiss-based global pharmaceutical companies, Ciba-Geigy AG and Sandoz AG, would be subject to review by regulators from which of the following? A) European Commission B) UN Conference on International Trade Law C) International Chamber of Commerce D) International Court of Justice E) none of the above


According to Hofstede, a cultural dimension which describes a society in which the social roles of men and women overlap, with neither gender exhibiting overly ambitious or competitive behavior is known as: A. Nurturing B. Achievement C. Individualistic D. Collectivistic E. Power distance


Airbnb has become a source of social glue and a new pattern of trust due to all of the following factors, except: A. perception that "strangers equal friends." B. the letter "A" C. the company's logo represents universal belonging D. a symbol for "pinning" a location E. a heart shape design in the logo


Any company doing business outside the home country should first carefully study the ________ in the target country. A) political culture B) nationalization C) political risk D) jurisdiction E) sovereignty


Anheuser-Busch and Miller Brewing both experienced market failures in the United Kingdom when they used the phrase "light beer" which was misinterpreted as: A. having light color B. having reduced alcohol levels C. having less quality D. having less quantity E. being low in calories


BlackBerry( formerly known as research in motion), the smartphone marketers is based in:


Which of the following is true about protection of computer software?

Copyright laws protect the actual code, while patent laws protect the idea.

An innovation can mean all of the following except: A. something new B. a product introduced for the first time C. when a product is newly introduced D. any product newly introduced in the world E. a product already introduced in a target market


Colgate discovered that in Spanish colgate is a verb form that means "go hang yourself." Whirlpool found that consumers in Italy, France, and Germany had trouble pronouncing the name. These are examples which show the importance of ________ in global marketing. A. semantics and phonology B. syntax and semantics C. semantics and morphology D. phonology and morphology E. syntax and morphology


Danes generally are not afraid of taking chances; they are comfortable doing things that are not carefully thought out or planned. Denmark's "flexicurity" policy combines free labor markets with adjustable welfare benefits. This is an example of the application of Hofstede's typology under the values which highlight: A. Gender differentiation B. Power distance C. Individualism/collectivism D. Uncertainty avoidance E. Future orientation


Engineers at a company in a developing country study an American computer chip design, copy it, and produce identical chips that are then sold to local computer makers. What form of intellectual property has been wrongly appropriated? A. copyright B. technological C. trademark D. patent E. trade secrets


Implementation of the Central American Free Trade Agreement with the United States created a free trade area known as DR-CAFTA that includes all SICA members except: A. Honduras B. Guatemala C. Nicaragua D. Panama E. Costa Rica


In 2005, representatives from several wine regions in the United States and the EU signed a Joint Declaration to Protect Wine Place & Origin. In addition, a Wine Accord signed by the United States and EU bans the: A) use of alcohol in public places. B) purchase of wine from country of origin. C) misuse of place names by marketers of wine products that do not originate in those places. D) misuse of labels which does not include the origin of ingredients. E) use of word "champagne" on wine made in the United States.


In high-context cultures, time is: A. Short B. Linear C. Common D. Polychronic E. Monochronic


Select the best answer that represents the lowest to the highest level of economic integration: A. customs union -> economic union -> free trade area -> common market B. common market -> economic union -> customs union -> free trade area C. economic union -> customs union -> common market -> free trade area D. free trade area -> customs union -> common market -> economic union E. common market -> free trade area -> economic union -> customs union


That social and cultural environments influence marketing opportunities and dynamics around the globe is illustrated by all of the following facts except: A. coffee culture continues to spread around the globe B. coffee brew is becoming popular in countries such as India and China C. conflict is brewing between government budget and consumer aspirations D. coffee became the hot beverage of choice in India E. consumers want to drink more coffee made from premium coffee beans


The German civil-law tradition prevails in all of the following countries except: A) Poland. B) Hungary. C) Czech Republic. D) Scandinavia. E) Germany.


The lesson that SRC (Self-Reference Criterion) teaches can be summarized as: A. The perceptual blockage and distortion about cultures are hard to reduce B. The prior success and ethnocentrism can override the SRC C. An unconscious reference ton one's cultural values is critical in global marketing D. An unbiased perception is a vital and critical skill in global marketing E. A person's perception of market needs is framed by others cultural experience


There are several preferred trade arrangements in latin america which include all of the following except: A. CARICOM B. the Andean Community C. SICA D. BRIC E. Mercosur


There is nothing inherently "good" or "bad" about any color of the spectrum and all associations and perceptions regarding color arise from culture. Which of the following statements is not true? A. red color is associated with "active", "vibrant", and "emotional" B. red color is a popular color in most parts of the world C. red color is tied to the traditions of viticulture and winemaking D. red color is highly preferred in Korea E. red color is preferred in many countries since it is the color of blood


Two countries that score low in uncertainty avoidance are: A. Austria and Belgium B. Japan and Hong Kong C. Ireland and ITaly D. United States and Canada E. Denmark and Finland


When members of the British royal family make diplomatic tours, ____ is a frequent wardrobe choice: A. orange B. green C. brown D. blue E. red


Which form of regional cooperation agreement, when fully implemented, entails creation of a unified central bank, the use of a single currency, and common policies on agriculture, social services and welfare? A) Free trade area B) Customs union C) Common market D) Economic union E) Dispute settlement body


Which of the following shows the correct order from the highest to the lowest environmental sensitivity level? A. integrated circuits -> food -> computers B. computers -> food -> integrated circuits C. integrated circuits -> computers -> food D. food -> computers -> integrated circuits E. None of these


Which of the following statement is not true related to the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA)? A. African companies will find it easier to gain access to financing from the US Export Import Bank B. AGOA represents a formal step TOWARD a US Africa free trade area C. The theme of the AGOA is "Trade, not Aid" D. It is designed to help African nations that help neighboring countries in need E. The law is designed to support African nations that make significant progress toward economic liberalization


Which of the following would constitute a copyright violation? A. printing and selling illegal copies of Harry Potter Books B. manufacturing and selling illegal videocassette copies of "Spiderman" C. manufacturing and selling illegal copies of Levi jeans D. A B and C E. A and B


_____ builds upon the elimination of internal tariff barriers, the establishment of common external barriers, and the free flow of factors A. Economic Union B. European Union C. Common Market D. Customs Union E. Free Trade Area


Because they are in transition, the markets of central and Eastern Europe present interesting opportunities and challenges which include

Exporting as an entry mode, lower wage rate, new sources of growth and first mover advantage.

Which member of the Central American Integration System has both the largest economy and the largest population?A) El SalvadorB) HondurasC) GuatemalaD) NicaraguaE) Costa Rica


Adopter categories are classifications of individuals within a market on the basis of their innovativeness. Recently Apple introduced the iPhone for which people waited in long lines before the doors opened. According to experts these 2.5 percent of people who bought the iPhone are categorized as:a. early adoptersb. innovatorsc. early majorityd. late majoritye. laggards


Any Western country doing business in Malaysia or the Middle East should have an understanding of:

Islamic law

he new country joining the EU at the beginning of 2015 is:


European countries would benefit by having an FTA with the United States,However,There are some Sticky points, which need resolution.

The US government would like easing of restriction for purchasing European goods.

NAFTA creates a free trade area, as opposed to a customs union or a common market, due to the fact that:

They promote economic growth through tariff elimination

According to EU regulations, Kraft parmesan cheese cannot be sold in Europe because:

Term such as Parmesan are used on the package labels

Companies such as Caterpillar have been unable to protect critical innovations in Japan because: A. products very similar to those made by US companies can be patented without fear of infringement B. inventions that are based on software can be easily downloaded C. the Japanese government enforces strict control over infringement rights for security reasons D. US patent laws now harmonize with those in the EU as well as Japan E. patents in Japan are broader than those in the US


For more than 40 years, Britain, a kingdom of 754,000 people in the Himalaya mountains, has relied on the following measure: A. GNH B. GNL C. GNP D. GTE E. GDP


Giving business cards with the left hand in Malaysia, showing soles of shoes to a host in Saudi Arabia, and winking one eye in India are all considered impolite interpersonal communication due to the fact that: A. people pick up nonverbal cues and understand intuitively without being told B. these actions distract people from hearing at meetings C. it is difficult to notice when one winks eyes since there are many people in India D. people are not aware of Western ways of doing business E. in Middle Eastern countries it is customary to take off shoes at the door


Lawyers are more important in: A. low context cultures B. the Korean culture C. the Japanese culture D. high context cultures E. Indian cultures


OPEC can be considered as a "cartel" which is a group of separate companies that collectively: A) sets prices, controls output, or takes other actions to maximize profits. B) dictates how other countries should use their products. C) produces more products in order to beat the competition. D) conducts activities that are considered illegal in the United States. E) works on forming a union against management of other companies.


One of the most exciting projects in the central american region in 2014 was: A. the enlargement of the Panama Canal B. Central America's effort to revive its common market C. the five original members' decision to reestablish the CACM D. the establishment of Guatemala as the region's headquarters E. the free trade agreement with the US


The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is fully adopted by all US states except: A. Louisiana B. Montana C. Wisconsin D. North Dakota E. Virginia


The business environment in Europe has undergone considerable transformation since 1992 with significant implications for all elements of the marketing mix except: A. Process B. Product C. Distribution D. Promotion E. Price


The governmental action to dispossess a foreign company or investor is known as: A. expropriation B. confiscation C. internationalization D. compensation E. nationalization


The original 6 members of the ASEAN included all of the following except: A. Sri Lanka B. Philippines C. Thailand D. Singapore E. Brunei


Which of the following ASEAN countries alone accounts for more than one third of 2014 two way trade exports with the United States? A. Singapore B. Brunei C. Vietnam D. Thailand E. Malaysia


Which of the following actions were approved both by the Antitrust Review in the EU as well as in the United States? A) acquisition of Honeywell (U.S.) by GE (U.S.) B) joint venture between music businesses of EMI group (Great Britain) and Time Warner (U.S.) C) merger of Sony Music (Japan) and BMG (Germany) D) merger of WorldCom (U.S.) and MCI (U.S.) E) British Airways (U.K.) and American Airlines (U.S.)


Which of the following best describes the legal basis for protection of trade secrets, patents, and copyrights in the United States? A. Trade secrets are protected by state law, while patents and copyrights are protected by federal statutes B. Trade secrets are protected by federal statutes, while patents and copyrights are protected by state law C. Trade secrets, patents, and copyrights are protected by federal statutes D. Trade secrets, patents, and copyrights are protected by state law E. Trade secrets, patents, and copyrights are not protected by any laws


Considering Hofstede's notion of culture as "the collective programming of the mind," then attitudes can be defined as:

A learned tendency to respond ina a consistent way to a given object or entity

Which ignores the following statements related Brexit is not accurate ?

A un budiness community was firmly against the Remain Camp

Which of the following shows the correct order of the product adaption process?


Argentina provides a good example of how a country can emerge from an economic crisis as a stronger global competitor as per the following statement: A) Argentina reduced the duties on consumer goods. B) Argentina devalued its currency for exports and capital transactions. C) Argentina added tariffs on imported wines. D) Argentina adopted the U.S. dollar as official currency. E) Argentina added tariffs on wine produced within the country.


As part of their alliance relationship, Northwest Airlines and KLM Royal Dutch set air fare prices jointly and coordinate flight schedules. Normally, such behavior would be considered harmful to competition, but the U.S. government has granted the two airlines special exemptions from laws concerning: A) intellectual property. B) antitrust. C) jurisdiction. D) licensing. E) arbitration.


Comparing and contrasting the diffusion of innovations in Western countries and in Asia, one can say that: A. in Western countries, the adoption process begins more slowly but ramps up more rapidly than it does in Asia B. in Asia, the adoption process begins more slowly but ramps up more rapidly than it does in Western countries C. the diffusion of innovation framework is applicable in Asia but not in the West D. the process occurs in an identical manner in both regions E. the diffusion of innovation framework is applicable in the West but not in Asia


In order to form a free trade area, South Africa has been in discussion with: a. Swaziland b. EU c. Namibia d. Angola e. Japan


The "Common Market of the South" in Latin America is used to describe: A. FTAA B. Mercosur C. Andean Community D. SICA E. CARICOM


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is located in: A. Tokyo B. Hague C. New York D. London E. Geneva


The World Trade Organization, which came into existence on January 1, 1995, is the successor of another organization with the abbreviation: A) DSB. B) GATT. C) FTAA. D) NAFTA. E) ASEAN.


The _____ the level of environmental sensitivity for a given product, the _____ the need for managers to address country specific economic, regulatory, technological, social, and cultural environmental conditions. A. lower;greater B. greater;greater C. stronger;greater D. lower;lower E. greater;lower


The high level of political risk currently evident in Russia can be attributed in part to: A. changing the national flag B. environment of uncertainty for foreign companies C. changing of name of the country D. excessive loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) E. participation in the WTO


The power distance dimension reflects the degree of trust among members of society. Thus, the higher the power distance (PDI), the: A. higher is tolerance for ambiguity B. lower is the level of trust C. lower is the harmony D. greater is uncertainty avoidance E. greater is male dominance


The unauthorized publication or reproduction of copyrighted work is referred to as: A. associative counterfeit B. piracy C. mistake D. imitation E. trade secrets


When the Coca-Cola company was developing its new Dasani bottled water brand, linguists helped guide the naming process. For example, the recurring "a" was chosen because it has a soothing sound. In linguistics, issues pertaining to letters and sounds are a matter of: A. Semiotics B. Phonology C. Synonym D. Syntax E. Semantics


Which of the following best sums up the experience of Walt Disney Company executives when creating Disney's theme park in Paris? A) They were guided by the "think global, act local" principle. B) They fell victim to the self-reference criterion. C) They exhibited a geocentric management orientation. D) They miscalculated the rate of diffusion of innovations in Europe. E) They had an unbiased perception of existing culture in Europe.


Which of the following statements is correct? A) The Paris Convention protects patents, the Berne Convention protects copyrights. B) The Paris Convention protects copyrights, the Berne Convention protects patents. C) The Berne Convention and Paris Convention are different names for the same thing. D) Neither the Berne Convention nor the Paris Convention is concerned with intellectual property. E) The International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Property is different from the Berne Convention.


Which of the following statements related to Brexit is not accurate? A. When the final votes were tallied, the "Exit" camp prevailed B. UK business community was firmly against the "Remain" camp C. Disillusionment was evident among members of the Tory party who had opposed Britain's initial inclusion in the EU D. In 2013, Prime Minister Cemeron was convinced that, after sufficient public debate, most UK citizens would opt for the status quo E. As a member of the EU, UK has access to the free, open market of nearly 500 million people


______ is gaining a reputation as a manufacturing center as well as the world's number one producer of the flat screen TV sets. A. Brazil B. Mexico C. Argentina D. Canada E. Panama


In West Africa, Burkina Faso, the Ivory Coast and Senegal are former French colonies, while Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Ghana are former British colonies. Based on this information, which of the following would be correct?

Burkina Faso, the Ivory Coast and Senegal are civil-code countries, while Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Ghana are common-law countries.

A company stands a better chance of having an international arbitration award upheld if its home country government has signed: A. the Paris Convention B. the Prague Convention C. the New York Convention D. the Vienna Convention E. the Geneva Convention


A customs union does not create a free trade area as compared to NAFTA due to: A. Decreased production costs B Reduced competition C. No common external tariffs D. Creation of a continental demand E. Ease of exporting commodities


A vice-president of an American software company introduced himself to a group of Korean partners and added "you may just call me John." Although this verbal cue shows the underlying reality that Americans have a high value on informality and equality, it needs adaptation due to the reason that: A) John is not a very popular name in Korea. B) it is difficult to translate John in Korean language. C) customs, hierarchies, and class structure of Korean culture have to be respected. D) Korean culture requires that first and last name be used in addressing guests. E) it is not appropriate to disclose nicknames in business meetings.


All of the following statements are true regarding services provided by Uber except: A. in Brussels, a court fines drivers who use the service B. in London and other major cities, drivers have staged demonstrations claiming unfair competition C. Uber is considered as an "information-society service" in 250 cities where it operates D. regulators in Germany succeeded in obtaining a temporary injunction banning the service E. Uber was banned in the Delhi region after a driver was accused of sexually assaulting a female passenger


Bhutan has relied on a measure besides economic growth, namely, gross national happiness (GNH). The GNH Index includes all of the following indicators except: A. psychological well-being. B. community vitality. C. economic vitality. D. environmental diversity. E. living standards.


Coca-Cola billboards were recently put up near the Piazza San Marco in Venice, which has numerous historical landmarks. The major reason for allowing the billboards at a prominent historical site is: A) Coke is a very popular drink in Italy. B) to introduce an American product in an emerging market. C) severe lack of funds for historic renovation. D) aesthetic. E) global marketing.


Counterfeiting is: A) the use of a formal legal document for illegal purposes. B) the ownership of a written, recorded, performed or filmed creative work. C) the unauthorized copying or production of a product. D) the use of a product name that has different meaning than the original brand. E) the use of a distinctive mark of a brand that is no longer producing the original brand.


Insisting on competitive bidding can cause complications in: A. Low and high context cultures B. The Korean culture C. Low-context cultures D. High-context cultures E. The Japanese culture


Is the key word of conducting business in the middle East A-Arab Spring b-Haggling C-Connection D-Discrimination E- Male dominance


Linguists have divided the study of languages into four main areas. The system of word formation is referred to as: A. semiotics B. phonology C. morphology D. syntax E. semantics


Political and Social instability in the Middle Eastern region can primarily be attributed to: a. desert conditions and lack of agricultural land b. cultural differences among nations c. a wide gap between rich and poor nations due to oil revenues d. lack of water purification facilities e. absence of Western corporations


The English-speaking CARICOM members in the eastern Caribbean are concerned with defending their privileged trading position with: A) Russia. B) China. C) the United States. D) the United Kingdom. E) Australia.


The European Commission has jurisdiction over European based companies as well as non-European ones that generate significant revenues in Europe. If Microsoft applies in Europe, the Commission has a right to all of the following except: A. it can demand substantial concessions before granting approval B. it can approve with minor modifications C. it can refer serious matters to the UN Security Council D. it can block a proposed merger E. it can block a proposed joint venture


The Middle East and North Africa are sometimes viewed as a regional entity referred to as: a. GCC b. AMU c. MENA d. ACC e. ECOWAS


The enlargement of the EU has impacted marketing strategies in the Eurozone countries by: A) making it difficult to export food products from one country to another. B) increasing the cost of production since the euro replaced local currency. C) shifting products from one market to another in the event of shortages. D) reduced tariffs and quotas for products imported from non-EU members. E) having less flexibility in the placement of factories.


The following criminal penalties may be imposed for violations of the FCPA'S (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) antibribery provisions except: A) corporations are subject to a fine of up to $2,000,000. B) officers, directors, stockholders, employees, and agents are subject to a fine of up to $100,000. C) fines imposed on individuals can be paid by their employer or principal. D) the fines may be much higher, up to twice the benefit sought by the defendant. E) in addition to fines, there may be imprisonment for up to five years


There are barriers in Japan for global marketers in terms of attitudes as well as laws. Barriers include all of the following except: A. any organization wishing to compete in Japan must be committed to providing top-quality products and services. B. repeat visits and extended socialization with distributors. C. goods marketed should have a semblance of western products and services. D. marketers must master the keiretsu system of tightly knit corporate alliances. E. trust has to be built before conducting successful business.


Together, innovators and early adopters make up about ________ of the potential market for a new product. A. 34% B. 26% C. 16% D. 12% E. 46%


Uber's rapid growth is an example that the ________ is gaining traction. A. ride sharing B. digital technology C. collaborative consumption D. tourism E. transport convenience


When companies operate abroad in the absence of home-country legal constraints, the best choice for the ethical conduct would be: A. to ignore bribery and act as if it does not exist B. to abandon any attempt to maintain company ethics C. to have a product that is clearly superior to that of the competition D. to maintain home-country ethics worldwide with no adaptations E. to adapt in varying degrees to local customs and practices


Which of the following can negatively influence the rate of diffusion of an innovation? A. divisibility B. high compatibility C. high complexity D. high level of communicability E. substantial relative advantage


What type of international disputes would be taken before the International Court of Justice?

Disputes between two nations

According to the Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index scores for 2010, the country which was listed as most corrupt was: A) Iraq. B) Uzbekistan. C) Chad. D) Afghanistan. E) Somalia.


Argentina was allowed to break from the CET and raise duties on consumer goods. This crisis had a silver lining, which is evident from all of the following points except: A. Low prices for land, inexpensive labor, and ideal growing conditions for the Malbec grape have combined to make Argentina's wine industry a major player in world markets. B. Argentina's wine exports to the United States were worth four times more when dollar revenues were converted into pesos. C. The currency devaluation made Argentine vineyard property cheaper to foreign buyers. D. Argentina can make better wine locally for less money than anywhere in the world. E. Argentina became known for the world's most expensive wines.


Bureaucacy is listed as a political risk category by: A. PRS B. WTO C. OPIC D. BERI E. EIU


Consten, a French company, had exclusive rights to import and distribute German Grundig's electronic products into France. One of the competitors started bringing "parallel imports" into France illegally, importing Grundig product bought from a foreign supplier. Which of the following does not represent an action taken by different legal bodies? A. The Paris Court of Appeal's judgement was based on a ruling by the European Commission B. Consten's complaint was upheld by two French courts C. The Paris Court of Appeals suspended the judgement of the French courts D. The European Commission ruled against Consten on the grounds that territorial protection proved to be damaging to the Common Market E. The European Commission ruled that Grundig was in violation of the laws of the Common Market


If a marketing manager plans to enter the newly industrializing countries (NICs) or other Asia markets with a product that has proved to be successful in the home market, the product's diffusion processes are likely to be: A. negligible since consumers will take time to assess the relative advantage B. less compatible in the Asian market C. similar to that in the home market D. much slower than in the home market E. much faster than in the home market


In 2014, the EU filed a complaint that the government of Washington state violated international trade rules by: A. Prohibiting internet gambling, the US was violating global trade agreements B. Charging that cotton subsidies depressed prices and disadvantaged producers in emerging markets C. Imposing tariffs on a range of products imported from Brazil D. Imposing 30% tariffs on a range of steel imports for a period of 3 years E. Extening tax incentives to Boeing for in state manufacture of the 777x jetliner


In Great Britain, the Wine and Spirit Association estimates that, on average, cars returning from France are loaded with 80 bottles of wine. This is most likely due to: A. trademarks and copyrights violation B. cross border smuggling C. antitrust scrutiny D. bribes accepted by officers E. high excise and VAT taxes


Islamic law is a comprehensive code based in part on: A. Ango-Saxon common law B. The Uniform Commercial Code C. Roman law and the Napoleonic Code D. The French Civil Code E. The Koran


Management strategic options pertaining to products that are facilitated by a single European market include: A. standardized packaging and labeling. B. consolidated production. C. shift from brand to benefit segmentation. D. seeking marketing economies. E. all of the above


Markets of Central and Eastern Europe present interesting opportunities and challenges. Companies such as 3M International, McDonald's, Philips Electronics, and Henkel are moving into the region for all of the following reasons except: A) the region is an important new source of growth. B) that the first company to penetrate a country market often emerges as leader. C) wage rates are much lower than those in Spain, Portugal, and Greece. D) the region offers attractive locations for low-cost manufacturing. E) core products and Western brand names need changes to meet consumer demands.


One of the basic elements of sociologist Everett Roger's Diffusion theory is the concept of an "adoption process." The first step in this adoption process is: a. interest b. evaluation c. trial d. adoption e. awareness


Procter and Gamble's introduction of All-Temperature Cheer laundry detergent in Japan was a flop at first. The problem was that Japanese women wash clothes in cold water- either tap or leftover bath water- so they don't care about all-temperature washing. Also, Cheer was first introduced in Japan at a time when the market for fabric softeners was rapidly expanding. However, when Japanese housewives added lots of fabric softener to the water, Cheer didn't produce many suds. P&G reformulated the product so it wouldn't be affected by fabric softeners, and ads for Cheer in Japan pledged superior cleaning in cold water, not all temperatures. Which of the following might have helped P&G avoid the initial problems with Cheer? A. Diffusion of innovation B. Polycentric orientation C. Maslow's hierarchy D. High vs. low context culture E. Self-reference criterion


The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) includes all of the following countries except: A. Saudi Arabia B. Bahrain C. Oman D. Kuwait E. Iraq


The US Justice Department objected to a recent patent license agreement between SC Johnson & Sons and Bayer AG. The antitrust unit at the Justice department objected to: A. the amount of royalties Johnson agreed to pay B. the hostile arrangement between Bayer and Johnson C. Bayer's attempts to circumvent FDA policies D. the duration of the license E. the exclusive nature of the license agreement


The five original members of the Central American Integration System did not include: A) El Salvador. B) Honduras. C) Guatemala. D) Nicaragua. E) Venezuela.


The introduction of the euro by the EU resulted in multifaceted advantages, which include: a. elimination of costs associated with currency conversion b. fixed exchange rate worldwide c. elimination of paper currency and coins d. withdrawal of French Francs from circulation e. a choice for using local or European currency


To speed adoption of a new product, a marketing team should: A. attempt to make a clean break with existing customer values B. design the maximum amount of complexity into the product C. rely heavily on word-of-mouth marketing D. discourage limited use on a "trial" basis E. ensure that features and benefits can be communicated or demonstrated


Various types of political risk insurance to U.S. companies is provided by: A) BERI (Business Environment Risk Intelligence). B) PRS Group. C) EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit). D) WTO (World Trade Organization). E) OPIC (Overseas Private Investment Corporation).


What do value added taxes (VAT) encourage in countries such as China? A. they protect companies from antitrust scrutiny B. global companies refrain from offering bribes C. they made trademarks and copyrights more valuable D. they make it harder to bribe officials E. they result in cross-border shopping


When Walt Disney Company's executives were planning to build a theme park in France, they firmly believed that the success of McDonald's and Coke as well as their success in Tokyo Disneyland ensures the runaway success of their plans. Disney policies prohibit sale or consumption of alcohol inside the theme parks which they also implemented in France. This proved to be a failure since consuming wine with the midday meal is a long-established custom in France. This is most likely a classical example of: A. An unbiased perception of existing culture in Europe B. The "think global, act local" principle C. A geocentric management orientation D. Miscalculation of the rate of diffusion of innovations in Europe E. being victim to the self-reference criterion


Which of the following is true about "coffee culture" in England? A. Starbucks succeeded in England only after changing the company's name to Seattle Coffee Company B. Starbucks-style coffee shops have been a flop because tea culture is too deeply engrained C. Starbucks has been successful in England since it starting selling beer D. Starbucks has been unsuccessful in its attempt to change the Brits' preference for tea E. American entrepreneurs found success in England with the Seattle Coffee Company which Starbucks later acquired


Which of the following is true about the innovation diffusion process in Asia? a. Japan has a high-context culture with a relatively homogeneous population b. Because risk avoidance is a cultural value, there are fewer innovators in Asia than in the United States c. Once innovators in Asia have tried a product, early adopters and the early majority quickly follow suit d. After a new product has achieved success in one Asian market, it is likely to be adopted in other Asian markets at an even faster rate e. all of the above are true


Which of the following is true of the arbitration framework created by the New York Convention? A. Signatory countries can require parties to an arbitration agreement to actually use arbitration B. There are limited grounds for appealing arbitration decisions C. Signatory countries recognize and can enforce arbitration judgments D. The grounds that are recognized are different than the typical appeals that are permitted in a court of law E. All of these


Which of the following statements does not reflect performance and service provided by Uber nationally and internationally? A. Uber has encountered resistance as its popularity has grown B. Industry observers hailed the company as a prime example of digital technology disrupting an established industry C. Uber's rapid growth was another example that the "sharing economy" also known as "collaborative consumption," was gaining traction D. In Brussels, a court fines drivers who use Uber service E. The European Commission conducted an inquiry and found Uber to be different than taxi services


While some food preferences remain deeply embedded in culture, there is plenty of evidence that global dietary preferences are converging. Examples of such a change can be predicted from: A. semiotics B. phonology C. synonym D. syntax E. semantics


The worlds newest common market includes all of teh following countries except Kenya Rwanda Tanzania Nigeria


Which of the following is true about revised U.S. patent laws?

Patents are valid for 20 years after the filing date of the application.

Which is not considered as long-term value>

search for truth

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