Exam 2

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What are the end products of the electron transport chain? What is the purpose of this final step of aerobic respiration (metabolism)?

the end product of the electron transport chain is ATP. The purpose of this step allows the production of ATP.


the physiological need to eat

Metabolism is regulated by ________.

the presence and activity of enzymes, hormones such as insulin, and ATP levels in the individual cells


the psychological drive to eat

Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach speeds up the rate at which alcohol enters the bloodstream, as compared to drinking after eating food.


All of the following processes can produce ketones, EXCEPT:

excess calories in

Alcohol digestion is a complex process


The majority of alcohol detoxification occurs in the stomach.


Glucose is stored in muscle tissue as ________.


During a period of brief fasting, for example skipping a meal, the brain relies on:

glycogen which is catabolized to glucose as a primary ATP source

Which of the following is (a) benefit(s) of regular and consistent exercise?

improved balance, more efficient heart function, better sleep habits

resistance exercise


When someone consumes more protein or fat than is needed, the excess energy:

is stored as fat in adipose tissue

Compared to men, the basal metabolic rate of women is ________.


When an athlete's maximal performance is desired, carbohydrates are a more efficient fuel than fat because:

more ATP is produced per unit of oxygen consumed

A standard drink supplies approximately this many grams of alcohol


A 150-pound man is 5 foot, 10" and wants to know his BMI. The weight measurement he needs is that he weighs 70 kilograms (you're welcome!). His height in CENTIMETERS can be found by multiplying his height in inches by 2.54. There are 100 centimeters in 1 meter. His BMI is:

22 and he is a healthy weight

Moderate alcohol consumption translates to_____ounces of beer per day for men and_____ounces of wine per day for women.

24 and 5

When body mass index (BMI) exceeds____,health risks from being overweight may start. It is especially advisable to consider weight loss if your BMI exceeds____, since health risks increase with obesity.

25, 30

Research suggests that genetic inheritance explains this percentage of weight differences between people


Wine generally contains ________ alcohol by volume.


Alcohol is not a nutrient but it does yield energy; one gram of alcohol has this many kilocalories


Hameed is training for a half-marathon. On long-run days, which of the following snacks would be the most appropriate to consume after 1 hour of running and why?

A banana and pretzels because they provide carbohydrates, which help prevent fatigue


A state in which we no longer have the drive to eat

The energy currency the body uses is ________.


Regarding athletic performance, promotion of mental alertness by athletes can be achieved with this ergogenic aid that increases heart rate and basal metabolic rate. In a dose of 3-9 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, athletes can use:


Binge drinking is classified as 4 or more drinks per occasion for men and 5 or more drinks per occasion for women


Bulimia is characterized by a BMI of 17.5 or below, a false body perception, and rigid dieting.


The advantage(s) of participating in different types of exercise is/are ________.

promoting activities that are more interesting and thus more likely to be continued, strengthening a variety of muscle groups, reducing the chances of injury

All of the following are associated with aerobic metabolism of glucose, EXCEPT:

provides most energy needed for events that require a quick burst of energy

When identical twins are raised apart, they tend to show these types of weight-gain patterns, both in weight and body fat distribution


Body fat makes this hormone, called the "fullness hormone" which can help people stop eating


There is no set water intake recommendation that fits all populations. One of the best ways to determine whether an individual is well hydrated is to:

Look at the color of your urine. It should be clear or light yellow if hydrated

The type of exercise performed


Juan runs at a fairly intense pace twice a week for 30 minutes and walk to and from the bus three days a week. His walk to the bus is 5 minutes round-trip each day. On Saturdays he lifts weights for 45 minutes. He wonders if he is hitting the Healthy People 2020 goal for exercise? Is he?


Some have a genetic predisposition to being this, because they inherit a "thrifty metabolism" which causes them to use energy minimally.


Sales of sugar-sweetened soda pop continue to decline, yet sales of other sweetened beverages, such as sports drinks, are increasing. Obesity researchers conducted a study to determine the associations between sports drinks and body mass index (BMI) gains among adolescents and young adults. They observed that intake of sports drinks appears to promote increases in BMI for both adolescents and young adults. Field AE: Association of sports drinks with weight gain among adolescents and young adults. Obesity 22:2238, 2014. The objective of the study was to:

determine the relationship between intake of sports drinks and BMI among teens and young adults

The highest concentration of ethanol is found in ________.

distilled spirits

To celebrate her birthday, Lisa's friends decide to take her out to dinner. One friend at her dinner has a double margarita before their main dish arrives. After they eat, a couple hours later, she has another double margarita with an extra shot of tequila. Is this friend's behavior considered binge drinking? Why or why not?

The friends behavior is considered binge drinking because 4 or more drinks were consumed in an occasion which is considered binge drinking for a women.

An activity that uses muscular strength to move a weight

The level of effort needed to perform an exercise

Low to moderate intakes of alcohol activate the alcohol dehydrogenase pathway for its metabolism, while higher intakes activate the microsomal ethanol oxidizing system.


Based on what you've learned from class, select the strategies that would be useful and healthful to help underweight individuals gain weight.

Use olive oil to prepare pasta and sauteed vegetables, instead of just sauce, Add peanut butter to a snack of sliced apples , Increase portion size at each meal and snack, Add nuts or seeds to a fruit smoothie

A body mass index of 40 represents ________.

a high risk for health problems

In fatty acid synthesis, the "starting" molecule is ________.


The ADH pathway of alcohol metabolism converts ethanol into


The adaptation that allows humans to utilize fats and produce ketones during times of fasting when insulin is low helps to maintain our metabolism because this process:

acts to protect body proteins

An exercise type that uses large muscle groups, continuously and rhythmically


The first couple drinks of alcohol are metabolized with...

alcohol dehydrogenase

In low-intensity exercise, aerobic metabolism of glucose will result in

carbon dioxide and water

Commercial alcoholic beverage prouduction relies on this to ferment simple sugars in the absence of oxygen to generate energy and alcohol


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