Exam 2

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According to the authors of your text, on average, women tend to be "choosier" when it comes to selecting a mate because of all but which of the following?

"Choosiness" is a learned behavior and has little to do with biology.

Which of the following is not true with regard to altruism?

A behavior that promotes the survival of one's relatives is known as gene selection.

In the study conducted by Clark and Hatfield (1989), the researchers found all but which of the following?

About 25% of the women asked by an attractive man (who was a stranger) agreed to "go to bed" with him.

Muscles in the eye can change the shape of the lens in order to allow one to have greater clarity by focusing an image in the environment onto the retina. This process is known as


Piaget believed that development occurs in specific stages. Psychologists today

Acknowledge his contributions to our understanding of development, but view this process more like the changing of the seasons than as a specific "graduation" day (from one stage to the next).

With regard to the visual system, whenever a stimulus is repeatedly presented/viewed, the visual system stops responding to the incoming stimulus. In psychophysics, this is a process referred to as sensory


Which of the following is not true about aggression?

Aggression always involves physical assault upon another.

Attraction to others is impacted by

All of the above: Proximity, Physical Factors, Psychological Factors

Flashing lights on signs often are used to promote products or business services. We often see these signs while driving. These signs involve the perception of movement due to alternating signals appearing in rapid succession. This illusion involves

Apparent motion

The authors of your text (which includes Dan Wegner) stated that stereotypes

Are no different than other types of thoughts (such as white bears). Trying not to use stereotypes can make matters worse.

Which of the following is inaccurate about moral development, according to Kohlberg's work?

At the preconventional stage, people are concerned about the consequences for the victim rather than the perpetrator.

Sensation is defined as

Awareness due to the activation (e.g., by a sound wave or light wave) and stimulation of a sense organ (e.g., auditory or visual).

Compared to less attractive people, which is not one of the characteristics the authors mention about beautiful people?

Beautiful people tend to have more education.

Light is measured in wavelengths. Which of the following is not one of the physical properties of light?


With regard to Erik Erikson's stages of development, which of the following is not accurate?

Children who are 3 to 6 years of age are dealing with industry vs. inferiority issues as they attend preschool, kindergarten, and first grade.

According to the Gestaltists, all but which of the following is a way to organize incoming sensory information?

Common traits

Color vision is made possible by


Which of the following is accurate regarding the preoperational stage of development?

Conservation skills have not yet developed.

According to the authors of your text, all great achievements by humans emerged due to


stereotyping can also lead to processing errors. Stereotyping involves

Drawing inferences about others based on categorical information.

If asked to explain why they chose their major, college students tend to do all but which of the following?

Encode more information about the situations in their friend's lives because friends willingly reveal so much about themselves.

Which of the following is the longest stage of prenatal development?


The area of the eye that is most tightly packed with cones is the


Which of the following is not true about Hering's opponent process theory of color vision?

Hering's opponent process theory totally replaced the Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory of color vision.

Regarding Kohlberg's work,

His original studies involved all males, and his findings may not explain how girls would respond to the same questions and situations.

Which of the following is accurate about women who are mothers?

In a study conducted in 2004, women reported that moment-to-moment happiness was higher for shopping than for taking care of their children, but that taking care of their children made them slightly happier than did doing housework.

Stereotype threat

Involves a fear of confirming an observer's stereotype.

Intentional sensory branding

Involves subtly exploiting the senses of consumers in order to increase product sales.

Object permanence

Involves the idea that an object continues to exist, even when it is not openly visible.


Involves the idea that quantitative properties of an object are invariant, even if they do change in appearance.

Later, we will discuss mate attraction. Some people view eye color as an important aspect of initial mate attraction. The part of the eye that is colored is known as the


Which of the following is not an accurate statement?

John Bowlby believed that, for human babies, attachment is a learned response.

Attributions involve

Making inferences about the causes of people's behaviors.

When faced with information that disconfirms a stereotype,

Many people will use subtyping in order to preserve the initial stereotype.

This person was a student of John Bowlby's and developed the Stange Situation that allows testing for attachment style in children. This person is

Mary Ainsworth

Which of the following is not accurate about the prisoner's dilemma game?

Mutual cooperation typically leads to large benefits for both players.

Which of the following is not accurate about prejudice?

New studies indicate that in the 21st Century, prejudice has almost totally been eliminated in the United States.

Which of the following is not accurate about the vase-face illusion?

One can see both the vase and the faces at the same time.

Which of the following is not accurate about love?

Passionate love is absolutely essential in determining whether a couple will remain married for many years.

Which of the following is not accurate about the sensorimotor period of development?

Recent studies indicate that children less than 2 years of age have no understanding of object permanence.

When an image falls in front of or behind this part of the eye, visual acuity is decreased. This part of the eye is known as the


Alexis is 18 months old. According to Piaget, she is most likely in which stage of cognitive development?


Earlier in the semester, we discussed how schemas allow us to organize incoming information about people, places, and events. Schemas begin to develop during which stage of cognitive development?


Which of the following is an example of a situational attribution?

She dropped the ball because the wind was blowing so hard.

Which of the following is an example of a dispositional attribution?

She received the gold medal because she spent eight hours a day practicing for over a year.

Which of the following is not one of the stages of prenatal development?


Theory of mind involves all but which of the following premises?

The ability to see things from one's own perspective, regardless of how others may perceive things

Harlow conducted studies with baby rhesus monkeys that had been separated from their mothers soon after birth. He found that

The baby monkeys preferred the warm, soft surrogate mother.

Which of the following is not accurate about photoreceptors?

The fovea is the part of the eye in which vision has the lowest acuity.

When incoming information has missing elements, we tend to fill in the gaps This process allows us to perceive the incoming information as a whole and is known as

The law of closure

Duke Ellington (who died in 1974) was an internationally recognized jazz composer and Franz Liszt (who died in 1886) was a classical composer. Both of these men experienced synesthesia, which means that

Their perceptual experience of one sense was evoked by another sense.

Which of the following is not true about findings using the Strange Situation?

There are three types of insecure behaviors: avoidant, ambivalent, and disorganized.

Which of the following is not true of phototransduction?

There are three types of photoreceptors that allow for transduction of incoming light waves.

Which of the following is not accurate about stereotypes?

They make life more efficient and tend to always lead to accurate judgments about others.

Although shooting movies in 3-D dates back to the early 1950s, if you have seen one of the more recent movies produced in 3-D (e.g., The Avengers, Man of Steel, Monsters University), you were able to see depth of the images due to the fact that

They take advantage of stereoscopic vision

Which of the following is not accurate?

Tobacco is viewed as a teratogen only if the mother herself smokes while pregnant.

Which of the following is not true about color vision?

Wavelengths are measured in kilometers.

Relative to gender differences and aggression, which of the following is inaccurate?

When men aggress, it is often in response to threats to their lives or their resources (e.g., money or property).

The Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory of color vision asserts that all but which of the following colors must be present in order to perceive all possible colors?


Fetal alcohol syndrome

is preventable

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