Exam # 2 - Adolescent Psych

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A heightened sense of self-consciousness, which can lead a young person to believe that he or she is the focus of everyone's attention, is a phenomenon known as: A) the imaginary audience. B) interpersonal vanity. C) the personal fable. D) adolescent self-righteousness.


According to a longitudinal study by Jerald Bachman and his colleagues, by the time individuals reach their mid-twenties, _____ their use of alcohol and drugs. A. many would have reduced B. most would have increased C. almost all would have ceased D. most would have been addicted to


According to feminist writers, which is NOT a reason why rape is pervasive in the American culture? A) Women dress provocatively. B) Males are socialized to be sexually aggressive. C) Males are socialized to regard females as inferior. D) Males view their pleasure as more important than women's concerns.


An approach that emphasizes connections across domains over time to influence pathways and outcomes is A) developmental cascades. B) internalizing problems. C) externalizing problems. D) developmental psychopathology approach.


An example of a status offense is: A) truancy. B) cocaine use. C) theft. D) driving while intoxicated.


Anita works in an office where her boss asks her out repeatedly, uses work situations to make sexual comments and jokes, and even goes so far to relate what kinds of porn he likes to watch to her. This is an example of A) hostile environment sexual harassment. B) qid pro quo sexual harassment. C) retaliation sexual harassment. D) proactive sexual harassment.


Brody believes that he is the only one who has ever felt the way he does. He recently fell in love with someone and he believes that no one has ever been in love like this before. Elkind would argue that this is an example of A) the personal fable. B) the imaginary audience. C) the immaturity of the amygdala. D) convergent thinking.


Changes in the levels of dopamine and serotonin, which alter the way neurons communicate with each other, are examples of: A) neurotransmitters. B) synapses. C) limbic system. D) pruning.


Cigarette smoking is likely to begin in grades ____. A. 7 through 9 B. 10 through 12 C. 5 through 7 D. 9 through 11


Disorders in which the young person's problems are turned outward (i.e., "acting out") are: A) externalizing disorders. B) antisocial behavior disorders. C) aggressive disorders. D) internalizing disorders.


Females are more likely than males to respond to stress with A) tend and befriend. B) cry and sigh. C) fight or flight. D) shove or love.


Leila, 14, feels that nobody understands her, especially her parents and teachers. Leila's feelings reflect the _____ aspect of an adolescent's egocentrism. A. personal fable B. imaginary audience C. self-fulfilling prophecy D. collective myth


Many of the cognitive changes thought to influence religious development—such as adolescents' increased ability to think more abstractly, idealistically, and logically—involve: A. Piaget's cognitive developmental theory. B. Erikson's psychosocial theory. C. Freud's psychoanalytic theory. D. Lorenz's ethological theory.


Predictors of adolescent problems are referred to as A) risk factors. B) SES indicators. C) pathogens. D) psychogens.


Recent research reviews found that abstinence-only programs: A. do not reduce HIV risk behaviors. B. prevent adolescent pregnancies better than sex-education programs emphasizing contraceptive knowledge. C. have a marked effect in delaying the initiation of sexual intercourse. D. are overall better at improving the sexual behaviors of adolescents than sex-education programs that emphasize contraception knowledge.


Scientists have found that new brain cells can be generated in adolescents due to the process of A) plasticity. B) reincarnation. C) regeneration. D) pruning.


Sexual victimization (e.g., date rape) is most likely to be experienced by which of the following adolescents? A) a lower-class female adolescent B) a middle-class female adolescent C) a lower-class male adolescent D) a middle-class male adolescent


Studies suggest that in regard to drug use, the most psychologically healthy group of adolescents is: A) experimenters. B) frequent users. C) irrational abstainers. D) Both a and c


The extent to which someone is oriented toward heterosexual activity, homosexual activity, or both is known as their: A) sexual orientation. B) sexual socialization. C) sex-role behavior. D) gender identity.


The fatty substance that acts as insulation around brain cells allowing them to function faster and more efficiently is known as: A) myelin. B) leptin. C) dopamine. D) cortical fluid.


The tendency to interpret ambiguous interactions with others as deliberately offensive and to react aggressively is known as: A) hostile attributional bias. B) attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. C) life-course persistent antisocial behavior. D) juvenile delinquency.


Thinking about thinking is called A) metacognition. B) a schema. C) a scaffold. D) ideation.


Which of the following risks related to sexual activity can be reduced significantly by the use of contraceptives? A. Sexually transmitted infections B. Lack of emotional preparedness C. Drug use and delinquency D. Promiscuity


_____ is associated with lower drug use by adolescents. A) Parental control and monitoring B) Witnessing a sibling with a substance abuse problem C) Witnessing friends' problems with drugs D) All of these


_____, if untreated, can cause cardiovascular disease, blindness, liver damage, and mental problems in its tertiary phase. A) Syphilis B) Herpes C) AIDS D) Gonorrhea


A state of self-absorption in which the world is viewed from one's own point of view. A. Imaginary Audience B. Egocentism C. Personal Fable D. Made-up stories


According to Jean Piaget, around age 11, the fourth and final stage of cognitive development, the _____ stage, begins. A. concrete operational B. formal operational C. postoperational D. passive operational


Among the changes in the brain that occur in adolescence is the thickening of the _____, where fibers connect the brain's left and right hemispheres, improving adolescents' ability to process information. A. amygdala B. corpus callosum C. parietal lobe D. temporal lobe


An adolescent's belief that his or her own behavior is a primary focus of other' attention and concerns. A. Egocentrism B. Imaginary Audience C. Personal Fable D. Grades


Between February and September, Harry, a 14-year-old, ran away from home and got involved in a series of breaking-and-entering offenses. His parents say he is "out of control." The court psychiatrist will likely diagnose him as A) being a delinquent. B) having a conduct disorder. C) a problem child. D) having poor parents.


Binge drinking peaks at about: A. 16 to 18 years of age. B. 21 to 22 years of age. C. 17 to 19 years of age. D. 24 to 26 years of age.


Examples of risk-taking behaviors include all of the following, except: A) experimentation with illegal drugs. B) having sex with contraception. C) delinquent activity. D) "fast and furious"-type driving.


Full maturation of the _____ is not complete until sometime between adolescence and early adulthood. This part of the brain is in control of planning, decision-making, goal-setting, and metacognition. A) limbic system B) prefrontal cortex C) neurons D) neurotransmitters


Individuals who become distressed easily are said to display: A) comorbidity. B) negative affectivity. C) ADHD. D) antisocial tendency.


Miranda's boss asks her to dinner and implies that he will give her a promotion and a raise if they have sex. This is an example of A) hostile environment sexual harassment. B) qid pro quo sexual harassment. C) retaliation sexual harassment. D) proactive sexual harassment.


Piaget described the stage of cognitive development that emerges between adolescence and adulthood as the: A) sensorimotor period. B) formal operations period. C) preoperational period. D) concrete operations period.


Recent research has found that use of illicit drugs by secondary school students has from the late 1990s into the 21st century. A) increased B) decreased C) stayed the same D) declined for some drugs and increased for others


Scientists who think adolescent problems are primarily due to distorted thoughts, emotional turmoil, inappropriate learning, and troubled relationships are stressing _____ factors. A) biological B) psychological C) social D) anthropological


Sexuality is a(n) _____ part of adolescent development. A) abnormal B) normal C) unhealthy D) unimportant


Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are not caused by: A) viruses. B) condoms. C) bacteria. D) parasites.


The heightened susceptibility to peer pressure of individuals around the age of 14 is most often seen when the behavior in question is: A) prosocial behavior. B) antisocial behavior. C) enabling behavior. D) constraining behavior.


The most likely victim of a juvenile assault is: A) a child. B) an adolescent. C) an adult. D) an elderly person.


The part of the brain that involves reasoning, decision making, and self-control is the A) amygdala. B) prefrontal cortex. C) corpus callosum. D) gray matter.


What is a major cause of adolescent violence? A) Poor grades B) Powerlessness and rage C) Having no friends D) Access to the Internet


What is the only drug used by a substantial number of high school seniors on a daily basis? A) alcohol B) nicotine (cigarettes) C) Ecstasy D) marijuana


When adolescents become extremely skeptical, and begin doubting the certainty of things that they had previously believed, they are demonstrating: A) multiple dimensions. B) adolescent relativism. C) metacognition. D) abstract reasoning.


Which of the following behaviors decrease(s) during emerging adulthood? A) well-being B) theft and property damage C) alcohol use D) sex with multiple partners


Which statement about adolescents' sexual behavior is NOT true? A) Sexual self-report information is often inaccurate. B) Sexually explicit TV shows have little effect on adolescents' sexual behavior. C) U.S. adolescents are increasingly engaging in oral sex at an earlier age. D) Adolescents are guided by sexual scripts.


_____ believe that Piaget's theory does not adequately focus on attention, memory and cognitive strategies and that cognitive development is more specific in many respects than Piaget described. A) Metacognitians B) Neo-Piagetians C) Competency-based developmentalists D) Information-processing developmentalists


A recent national study of adolescent sexual behavior from 1991 to 2007 revealed that sexual experience and having multiple sexual partners in adolescence: A. has steadily risen from the 1990s to the present. B. has declined from the early 1990s to the present. C. declined from the early 1990s through the early 2000s, and then increased recently. D. rose steadily through the 1990s and early 2000s, and has seen a decline recently. C. declined from the early 1990s through the early 2000s, and then increased recently.


Adolescents' egocentric and erroneous belief that their feelings and experiences are unique is known as the: A) imaginary audience. B) interpersonal vanity. C) personal fable. D) hypothetical thinking.


During adolescence, the brain may lose many of its redundant neuronal connections, leading to improved information processing, through a process known as: A) myelination. B) functional magnetic resonance imaging. C) synaptic pruning. D) neocortical expansion.


In regard to adolescent risk-taking behavior, researchers working from a behavioral decision theory framework have proposed that adolescents: A) use different cognitive processes than adults to make decisions. B) are more likely than adults to feel invulnerable and untouchable. C) evaluate the desirability of consequences differently than adults. D) are more irrational and illogical than adults in social decision-making situations.


Individuals who have a higher need for _____ may be more likely to engage in risky behaviors compared to their peers. A) approval B) engagement C) sensation-seeking D) helping others


Marijuana is a(n) A) stimulant. B) depressant. C) hallucinogen. D) anabolic steroid.


Nathan has recently taken to abusing prescription painkillers. What is likely to be his main source of the drug? A. Unscrupulous pharmacists B. Drug dealers targeting high school students C. The medicine cabinets of their parents or of friends' parents D. The Internet


Piagetian theorists believe that the foundation of formal-operational thinking that clearly differentiates adolescents' thought from that of children is: A) introspection. B) intellectualization. C) propositional logic. D) self-consciousness.


Raul is getting into a lot of fights at school and showing an increase in truancy. This would indicate an increase in A) developmental cascades. B) internalizing problems. C) externalizing problems. D) developmental psychopathology approach.


Sexual harassment is a manifestation of: A. genuine attraction toward the victim. B. a lack of empathy that the behavior is offensive and unwelcome. C. power of one person over another. D. contempt for the victim.


Susceptibility to peer pressure has been shown to: A) decrease throughout the course of adolescence. B) increase throughout the course of adolescence. C) increase until middle adolescence and then decrease. D) be difficult to measure and has never been successfully graphed.


The _____ is adolescents' belief that others are as interested in them as they themselves are, as well as attention-getting behavior—attempts to be noticed, visible, and "on stage." A. personal fable B. stage fear C. imaginary audience D. collective myth


The adolescent's ability to understand sarcasm in comparison to a child is indicative of the advanced ability to engage in: A) metacognition. B) hypothetical thinking. C) multidimensional thinking. D) relativistic thinking.


The large part of the brain that processes emotions, and may make individuals more emotional, more responsive to stress, and less responsive to rewards, is known as the: A) hypothalamus. B) synaptic cleft. C) limbic system. D) endocrine system


The view held by some adolescents that what happens to them is unique, exceptional, and shared by no one else. A. Imaginary Audience B. Egocentism C. Personal Fable D. Made-up stories


There tends to be a high level of comorbidity in internalizing disorders, which tend to share the subjective state of: A) excitement. B) relaxation. C) distress. D) wonderment.


Today, it is more accepted to view sexual orientation as: A. an either/or proposition. B. heterosexual or homosexual. C. a continuum from exclusive male-female relations to exclusive same-sex relations. D. having different physiological responses during sexual arousal.


Which of the following best represents Keating's (2004) conclusions regarding differences in cognitive processes between children and adolescents? A) there is general consensus about differences in these processes B) there are no substantial differences in cognitive processes C) it is unlikely a single factor distinguishes thinking in childhood from adolescence D) researchers from differing theoretical perspectives agree about these processes


Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for abuse of alcohol by adolescents and emerging adults? A) heredity B) family influences C) involvement in sports D) personality factors


Which one of the following is clearly the least effective method of contraception used by American adolescents? A) condoms B) birth control pill C) withdrawal method D) total abstinence


Youngsters whose antisocial behaviors begin before adolescence and continue into adulthood are typically referred to as exhibiting: A) hostile attributional bias. B) attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. C) life-course persistent antisocial behavior. D) adolescent-limited antisocial behavior.


A nationally representative sample of middle and high school youngsters found that over ____ of the female students had received unwanted sexual attention while in school. A) 20% B) 40% C) 60% D) 80%


A neuron has three basic parts A) cell body, dendrites, synapses. B) cell body, axon, neurotransmitters. C) cell body, dendrites, myelination. D) cell body, dendrites, axon.


A period of rapid growth and change in height and weight is known as ______ A. Menarche B. Puberty C. Primary Sex Characteristics D. Adolescent Growth Spurt


A researcher studies the problems that develop through the interaction of social, psychological and biological processes. They are taking a _____ approach. A) biological B) psychological C) social D) biopshcyosocial


About _____ college men admit to forcing sexual activity. A. a quarter of B. 3 in 4 C. 1 in 10 D. half


According to Piaget, unlike the concrete operational child, the formal operational adolescent can demonstrate A) assimilation. B) reversible mental operations. C) conservation ability. D) hypothetical-deductive reasoning.


According to a recent study, approximately _____ % of adolescents have had sexual intercourse by age 20. A) 24 B) 33 C) 52 D) 77


According to the University of Michigan survey "Monitoring the Future," approximately what percentage of American high school seniors have tried marijuana? A) 10 B) 25 C) 33 D) 45


According to the study by Lloyd Johnston and his colleagues at the Institute of Social Research at the University of Michigan monitoring the drug use of America's high school seniors in a wide range of public and private high schools: A. the U.S. now has one of the lowest rates of adolescent drug use of any industrialized nation. B. there has been a marked increase in the use of illicit drugs over the past decade. C. illicit drug use has been at the same level since 1990. D. illicit drug use has declined in recent years.


Adolescent _____ is the heightened self-consciousness of adolescents. A. mirror complex B. ethnocentrism C. solipsism D. egocentrism


Adolescent egotism is an aspect of social cognition that involves two types of social thinking: A) stereotype threat and Flynn effect. B) experience and plasticity. C) inductive and deductive reasoning. D) imaginary audience and personal fable.


Adolescents' thought processes, unlike those of children, are not necessarily tied to: A) logic. B) abstract ideas. C) fantasy. D) concrete events.


Among adolescents the most widely used drug is A) marijuana. B) cocaine. C) barbiturates. D) alcohol.


Cigarette use has reportedly declined significantly compared to levels in 1997. What is most likely the greatest deterrent to smoking among American adolescents? A) getting caught by parents B) getting caught by school faculty or administration C) antismoking campaigns on TV and in print media D) the 70% increase in the price of cigarettes between 1997 and 2001


Connie has learned some important ideas in her adolescent development class. She wants to use this information to help her teenage cousins make wise decisions and to think creatively. Connie is using the higher order, complex cognitive process called A) brainstorming. B) deductive reasoning. C) executive function. D) hypothetical-deductive reasoning.


Erikson's stage during adolescence is ___________________, where adolescents seek to determine what is unique and distinctive about themselves. Those who do not find a suitable identity, tend to follow a dysfunctional path because their sense of self is "diffuse." There are a lot of social pressures to achieve a secure identity (or at least have clear career or major goals). A. INDUSTRY-VERSUS-INFERIORITY STAGE B. AUTONOMY-VERSUS-SHAME-AND-DOUBT STAGE C. IDENTITY-VERSUS-IDENTITY ASSUMING STAGE D. IDENTITY-VERSUS-IDENTITY-CONFUSION STAGE


Exposure to violence has been linked to all but: A) aggressive behavior toward others. B) greater tolerance of violence. C) desensitization to the effects of violence on others. D) heightened aversion toward violence.


How is homosexuality regarded by mental health experts? A) It is a form of psychopathology. B) It is an indicator of an underlying psychological disturbance. C) It is a condition warranting psychological treatment. D) It is one of several types of sexual orientations, such as heterosexual or bisexual.


If committed by a minor, which of the following would be considered a status offense? A) robbery B) rape C) homicide D) sexual promiscuity


Improvements in all of the following domains during adolescence have been linked with the information processing perspective, except: A) processing speed. B) metacognitive abilities. C) attention. D) adolescent egocentrism.


In a single act of unprotected sex with an infected partner, a teenage girl has a _______ risk of contracting gonorrhea. A. 20 percent B. 30 percent C. 40 percent D. 50 percent


One study of adolescent girls found that _____% of the girls said they had been sexually harassed at least once. A) 50 B) 66 C) 75 D) 90


Piaget's theory of cognitive development would support which of the following conclusions regarding achievement of formal-operational thinking? A) insecure children are more likely to achieve formal-operational thought compared to their more secure peers B) all adolescents employ formal-operational thought regularly C) all adolescents use formal-operational thought in a variety of situations D) not all adolescents, or adults, develop formal operational thinking


The increased risk of antisocial behavior and drug abuse among early maturing males is: A) greatest among white males. B) greatest among African-American males. C) greatest among Mexican American males. D) comparable across white, African-American, and Mexican American males.


The monitoring of one's own cognitive activity during the process of thinking is: A) multidimensional thinking. B) automatization. C) propositional logic. D) metacognition.


The most important risk factor for contracting HIV among adolescents is whether they: A) use drugs. B) have multiple sexual partners. C) have been sexually abused. D) have used drugs, or have had multiple sex partners, or have been sexually abused.


The typical adolescent who smokes cigarettes begins in what grade? A) after high school graduation B) 11th and 12th C) 9th and 10th D) 7th and 8th


Valium and Xanax are A) stimulants. B) hallucinogens. C) opiates. D) depressants.


Which of the following best illustrates the relationship between sexual orientation and sex-role behavior? A) heterosexual men behave in masculine ways, whereas gay men typically behave in feminine ways B) heterosexual men behave in masculine ways, whereas gay men behave in either masculine or feminine ways C) heterosexual men behave in feminine or masculine ways, whereas gay men behave exclusively in feminine ways D) both heterosexual and gay men may behave in masculine, feminine, or both masculine and feminine ways because sexual orientation is unrelated to sex-role behavior


Which of the following is an example of an internalizing disorder? A) aggression B) substance abuse C) truancy D) anxiety


Which of the following is true of rape? A. Men in prisons are vulnerable to rape, usually by homosexual males. B. Men and women are equally likely to be victims of rape. C. A lower level of men's sexual narcissism was linked to a greater likelihood that they would engage in sexual aggression. D. Rapes are underreported.


Which of the following is true regarding drug use among 8th graders? A) 20% report drinking alcohol regularly B) nearly half of all adolescents have experimented with alcohol by the 8th grade C) nearly 1 in 10 8th graders smokes cigarettes at least once a month D) All of the above


Which one of the following is not associated with delinquency? A) violence B) defiance C) truancy D) sexual abstinence


_______________ is the Piagetian stage during which people develop the ability to think abstractly. Piaget asserted that children enter this stage at the beginning of adolescence. According to Piaget, full capabilities of using principles of logic unfold gradually, throughout early adolescence (approximately ages 12 to 15). A. Identity-Versus-Identity-Confusion Stage B. Perging C.Bulimia D. Formal Operations Stage


This theorist suggested that adolescent egocentrism is characterized by "the imaginary audience" and the "personal fable."

David Elkind

Explain Piagets's stage 4 of cognitive development

Logical Thinking, reasoning abstract, hypothetical, conceptual Metacognition—think about thinking; more aware of our thinking processes

Which of the following is true of an adolescent's developing sexual identity?

Some adolescents are very active sexually.

What is hypothetical-deductive reasoning?

The ability to think logically about things that may never happen

index offense

acts that are illegal regardless of the perpetrator's age

growth spurt

age 11-13 period of rapid growth change in height/weight

What is the most commonly used substance?



area of brain responsible for voluntary activities of body


area of brain used for balance/control of body

axon terminal

branches at end of axon


branchlike parts of a neuron that receive information from other cells


cell body main part of neuron that dendrites branch off of

glial cells

cells in nervous system support, nourish, protect neurons

Myelination is important in development because:

children cannot perform certain functions if the area of the brain controlling those functions is not myelinated.

What is date/acquaintance rape?

coercive sex with a person known by victim

What is meant by sexual orientation?

continuum from exclusive male-female relations to exclusive same-sex relations.


control center of cell

What motivates adolescents to use substances?

curiosity older peers looks like fun numb feelings relieve boredom/fatigue to be cool

What is rape according to MA state law ?

defined by 3 elements: penetration of any orifice by any object force/threat of force against the will of victim any sexual activity that's forced/coerced/unwanted

parts of neuron

dendrites soma nucleus axon hillock axon axon terminal axon terminal buds

status offense

drinking under age, truancy, sexual promiscuity

Distinguish between empathy and sympathy.

empathy - an ability to understand and feel what another person is feeling, not in a physical sense, but in an emotional sense. sympathy - the ability to imagine or project oneself into another person's position and experience all the sensations involved in that position

axon terminal buds

ends of axon terminals branch


fear responses...attaches emotions to memories, processes emotions portion of brain's limbic system

Who drinks more, college or non-college adolescents? What are the percentages for each?

full-time college students higher prevalence rate (69%) non-college students (55%)

What are some viral STIs?

genital herpes aids genital warts


getting rid of things not used and flourishing the cells that are used - i.e. use it or lose it

What are some bacterial STIs?

gonorrhea syphilis chlamydia

temporal lobe

hearing/ears middle bottom of brain

brain plasticity

how brain adapts to environment developmental: grows and changes over time adaptive: adapts to injuries

What are some different types of aggression?

instrumental aggression - deliberate and planned (to attain goal); affective - driven by anger (harm person); impulsive; premeditated; proactive; reactive

What is statutory rape?

intercourse with a person under age of legal consent

What direction does information flow and what is axon potential?

left to right quick travel through neuron to fire an action

The prefrontal cortex is involved in tasks of:

maintaining attention to tasks.

According to David Elkind, what 3 elements describe adolescent egocentrism?

naïve idealism personal fable imaginary audience

Myelination occurs in the brain when:

nerve cells become insulated with a layer of fat.

What is rape according to CT state law ?

not termed as rape - "sexual assault" with varying degrees 1st degree: compels another person to engage in intercourse by use of force/threat of force intercourse with another person under age of 13 and more than two years older sexual assault aided by 2 or more present persons intercourse with mentally incapacitated person( unable to consent)

axon hillcock

portion of neuron that connects cell body to axon impulses neuron receives from all dendrites are summed up here to determine whether action potential will be initiated

Distinguish between prosocial and antisocial behaviors.

prosocial - positive actions that benefit others, prompted by empathy, moral values, and a sense of personal responsibility rather than a desire for personal gain

prefrontal cortex function

responsible for reasoning executive functions ...leads to impulse control decision-making planning for future organizing self- perception

limbic system function

set of structures in brain that control: emotion memories arousal.

juvenile delinquency

socially unacceptable behavior status offenses criminal acts

frontal lobe

thinking front of brain

parietal lobe

touch/skin middle top of brain

What is sexual harassment?

unwelcome sexual advances requests for sexual favors other verbal/physical conduct of a sexual nature

occipital lobe

vision/eyes back of brain

When is a person diagnosed with conduct disorder?

when emotional states become predominant and uncontrollable repetitive/persistent pattern of behavior rights of others or basic social rules are violated exhibits behavior patterns in a variety of settings—at home, at school, and in social situations—and they cause significant impairment in his or her social, academic, and family functioning.


wire like structure that extends from soma to axon terminal like highway-messages travel through from soma to other neurons

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