Exam 2: full study guide

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Treatment for group A 6-hemolytie streptococci (GAS) infection prevents which serious sequelae?

otitis media • Diabetes insipidus • Nephrotie syndrome © Acute rheumatie fever

The nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of a 1-year-old child who has been diagnosed with sickle cell anemia (SCA) during infancy and is now presenting with symptoms of the disease. The parent says to the nurse, "I don't understand. My child did not have any symptoms at all up until now."Which is the best response by the nurse?

• "It's not good to think about the past versus the condition your child is in now." • "Your child probably had symptoms this whole time; you just didn't notice them until now." "'Infants usually do not have symptoms, but the symptoms become apparent as children get older." "The type of sickle cell anemia your child has determines whether any symptoms will be present."

The nurse is teaching the parents how to provide care for their child with sickle cell anemia. Which intervention would the nurse include in the teaching?

• "Report a temperature of over 100°F" , "Provide daily fluid intake as specified." , "Enforce bladder control to avoid bed-wetting." • "Report immediately if the spleen size decreases."

Which teaching does the nurse provide to the parents about the computed tomography (CT) scan that is prescribed for their child with head trauma?

• "This scan helps detect structural brain abnormalities. • "This scan helps detect the severity of the trauma." • "This scan is done to assess cerebral edema." "This scan will help identify any seizure activity."

The health care provider prescribes a transcranial Doppler (TCD) test for a child with sickle cell anemia (SCA). The nurse would anticipate the health care provider explaining the reasoning for the test to the family with which statement?

• 'The test will help us know whether the child is at risk for cerebrovascular accident." "The test will help us identify the different types of abnormal hemoglobin." "The test will help us determine whether SCA was inherited by the child." O "The test will help us identify whether there are other coexisting conditions."

Which pregnant patient is a likely candidate for expectant management?

• A patient with a molar pregnancy that has a risk for vaginal bleeding • A patient who is 32 6/7 weeks of gestation and likely to deliver soon • A patient diagnosed with preeclampsia who is taking an antihypertensive medication • A patient with an incomplete miscarriage that has no bleeding or infection

The nurse is assessing a child with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). The nurse observes that there is no active bleeding in the child. Which medication does the nurse expect in the child's prescription?

• Anti-D antibody • Opioids (narcotics) • Kytril Penicillin prophylaxis

Which medication is administered to a child who presents with hemophilia A and is at risk for joint bleeding?

• Anti-D antibody prophylaxis • Intravenous heparin prophylaxis Primary prophylaxis Secondary prophylaxis

Which condition in a child indicates a deficiency of one of the factors (proteins) necessary for blood coagulation?

• Apheresis • Hemophilia • Aplastic anemia • Sickle cellanemia

Which condition would the nurse suspect in the child with rheumatic fever who develops clumsiness, inattention and nervousness?

• Chorea • Anaphylaxis • Dyslipidemia • Hypertension

The blood laboratory report of a 5-year-old child reveals a reduction in hemoglobin concentration below the normal value range. Which physiologic deficit does the nurse expect in the child?

• Cyanosis due to deoxygenated hemoglobin Iron-deficiency anemia due to decreased iron Reduction in oxygen-carrying capacity of blood Bone marrow failure due to reduction in hemoglobin

Which description best reflects the pattern of genetic transmission known as autosomal recessive inheritance?

• Disorders in which a single gene controls the particular trait Disorders in which the abnormal gene is carried on the X chromosome Disorders in which both genes of a pair must be abnormal for the disorder to be expressed • Disorders in which the abnormal gene for the trait is expressed even when the other member of the Dair is normal

Which condition of pregnancy is typically characterized by painless, bright red vaginal bleeding in the second or third trimester?

• Eclampsia • Preeclampsia • Pyelonephritis O Placenta previa

The nurse is assessing an infant with hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). The nurse observes hypertension and seizures in the child. Which treatment does the nurse expect the primary health care provider to prescribe?

• Hemodialysis • Steroid therapy • Kidney transplant • Blood transfusions

After determining a 7-month-old African-American infant girl has sickle cell anemia and is having a crisis, the health care team begins therapy. Which activities would the nurse determine as priorities for this infant?

• Immobilizing the patient's upper extremities, administering antibiotics, and transfusing blood products • Administering pain medication, initiating intravenous (IV) fluids and electrolytes, and administering oxygen Monitoring vital signs, inserting an indwelling urinary catheter, and encouraging activity to promote circulation • Preparing the infant for a transcranial Doppler test, administering penicillin, and administering meperidine for pain

The nurse finds that the hemoglobin levels in a child with anemia did not improve after taking oral iron supplements. Which action would the nurse take? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

• Increase iron-rich foods in the child's diet. 7 Assess the child for chronic hemoglobinuria. Suggest the parents provide fresh cow's milk to the child. Assess whether the child has gastrointestinal problems. Ask the parents if they administered the prescribed doses.

Which intervention would the nurse anticipate the provider to prescribe for a child recently treated for acute rheumatic fever (RF) who is at risk for a recurrence of RF?

• Intravenous (IV) antibiotics Monthly penicillin G injections Prostaglandin E 1 (Alprostadil) • Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

A child with sickle cell anemia (SCA) has a defective splenic function that increases the child's susceptibility to infections. In reviewing the chart, which prescription would the nurse anticipate by the primary health care provider?

• Pneumococcal vaccines • Oral penicillin prophylaxis • Chronic transfusion therapy • Antithymocyte globulin (ATG)

A child is prescribed oral iron for iron-deficiency anemia. Which intervention would the nurse utilize to ensure the absorption of iron in the child?

• Provide milk with medications. ) • Provide citrus juice with the oral iron. • Increase iron-rich foods in the diet. Ensure the child drinks adequate fluids.

An infant with sickle cell anemia (SCA) is prescribed the hemoglobin electrophoresis test. The nurse knows which description reflects the purpose of this test?

• To confirm the presence of SCA • To rule out disorders other than SCA To detect different types of hemoglobin • To identify whether the child is at risk for cerebrovascular accident

Which advice would the nurse give to the parents of an infant with iron deficiency to prevent the liquid iron supplement from staining the infant's teeth?

• Use a supplement with a low iron content. O Mix the iron with any kind of citrus fruit juice. Use a dropper toward the back of the mouth. Dilute with whole cow's milk or milk products.

The parent of a child with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) asks the nurse which kind of sport activity will be beneficial for the child. Which is the best response by the nurse?

"Avoid all kinds of sport activity." "Encourage swimming or walking." "Any kind of indoor activity is good." "Sports such as gymnastics are the best."

Which instructions will the nurse give to a patient who is prescribed methotrexate therapy for dissolving a tubal pregnancy?

"Discontinue folic acid supplements." "Get adequate exposure to sunlight." "Take stror Ben analgesics for severe pain." "Vaginal intercourse is safe during the therapy."

The nurse is caring for a preterm newborn with a family history of iron deficiency. What should the nurse suggest to the caregiver to prevent iron deficiency in the newborn?

"Provide cow's milk to the newborn instead of breast milk." "Give iron-containing formula milk instead of breast milk." "Provide spinach juice and mashed banana to the newborn regularly." O "Give daily iron supplements to the newborn until 4 months of age."

The nursing instructor is teaching a group of students about the use of antiretroviral drugs in the therapeutic management of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Which statement by the student indicates a need for additional instruction?

) "The drugs prevent further deterioration of the immune system "The drugs help prevent reproduction of the virus and cure HIV. "The protease inhibitor indinaviles an antiretroviral drug. "The drugs suppress viral replication and delay disease progression."

The nurse is admitting a young child to the hospital because bacterial meningitis is suspected. Which is the priority of nursing care?

) Initiate isolation precautions as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed. Initiate isolation precautions as soon as the causative agent is identified. • Administer antibiotic therapy as soon as it is prescribed. • Administer sedatives/analgesics on a preventive schedule to manage pain.

Which condition is associated with permanent visual impairment?

* • Myopia • Hyperopia • Amblyopia • Astigmatism

The nurse is preparing to discharge a 30-year-old woman who has experienced a miscarriage at 10 weeks of gestation. Which statement by the woman indicates a correct understanding of the discharge instructions?

- "I will not experience mood swings since I was only at 10 weeks of gestation." -"I will avoid sexual intercourse for 6 weeks and pregnancy for 6 months." -"I should eat foods that are high in iron and protein to help my body heal." -"I should expect the bleeding to be heavy and bright red for at least 1 week."

Which description depicts the reason for performing a throat culture on a child with pharyngeal inflammation and enlarged tonsils with exudate?

- "It is a test for bacterial tracheitis, an infection of the mucosa of the upper trachea." -"It is a test for the 'common cold' this caused by the rhinovirus or enteroviruses." -"It is a way to test for group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal infections, or GAS." -"It is a test for bronchiolitis, characterized by cough, tachypnea, and nasal flaring."

Which statement made by the nursing student about the management of molar pregnancy indicates effective learning?

- "Methotrexate therapy is prescribed to abort molar pregnancy." -"Expectant management is initiated as per the amount of bleeding." -"Suction curettage is the safest way of terminating molar pregnancy." -"Induction of labor with oxytocic agents is one of the treatment options."

A 5-year-old patient suffering from nephrotic syndrome is admitted to the hospital. With which roommate would the nurse manager assign the patient?

- A 5-year-old child with autism -A 3-year-old child with measles -A 3-year-old child with chickenpox - A4-year-old child with conjunctivitiO

The parents of a 5-year-old child report their child's persistent weight gain over days and weeks. While assessing the child, the nurse observes generalized edema along with irritability and lethargy. Which condition would the nurse interpret from the patient's symptoms?

- Hydrocele - Hypospadias - Cryptorchidism -Minimal-change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS)

A child reports to the nurse about abdominal discomfort and headache. On further assessment the nurse finds that the child's urine is smoky brown. Which condition does the nurse suspect in the child?

- Hyperlipidemia -Hypoalbuminemia -Chronic renal failure - Acute glomerulonephritis (AGN)

A blunt abdominal trauma causes fetal hemorrhage in a pregnant patient. The nurse finds that the patient is Rh negative. Which action will the nurse take?

- Initiate magnesium sulfate per protocol. -Administer oxytocin. - Administer prescribed RhoD) immunoglobulin. - Prepare the patient for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI.

A woman at 37 weeks of gestation is admitted with a placental abruption after a motor vehicle accident. Which assessment data are most indicative of her condition worsening?

- Pulse (P) 112, respiratory rate (RR) 32 breaths/min, blood -pressure (BP) 108/60; fetal heart rate (FHR) 166-178 -P 98, RR 22, BP 110/74; FHR 150-162 -P 88, RR 20, BP 114/70; FHR 140-158 -P 80, RR 18, BP 120/78; FHR 138-150

Which clinical screening tool does the nurse evaluate to identify ectopic pregnancy in a patient? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

- Quantitative human chorionic gonadotropin (B-hCG) levels - Transvaginal ultrasound - Progesterone level -Thyroid test reports - Kleihauer-Betke (KB) test

A patient presents with sudden onset of gross hematuria, proteinuria, and hypertension. In assessing this patient, the presence of throat discomfort over the past 2 weeks?

- Streptococcal pharyngitis can induce glomerulonephritis. - Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) initially presents with pharyngitis. -Hematuria is the primary indicator that the patient has nephrotic syndrome caused by E.coli. - Throat discomfort is an indication o/Sdema, which is the primary cause of nephrotic syndrome.

A child with minimal-change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) is prescribed steroid therapy. Which information does the nurse provide to the family before starting the therapy? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

- The nurse emphasizes the importance of long-term care. -The nurse informs the family about the side effects of the therapy. - The nurse emphasizes that dietary rules need to be followed strictly. -The nurse instructs the family how to detect signs of relapse or complications. -The nurse informs the family that thi child may have to stop attending school.

Which pregnancy outcome would be unlikely for a patient with an untreated STI?

- chorioamnionitis -Preterm birth -Post her birth -Premature rupture of membranes

Which advice would the nurse give the upset parents of a 4-year-old child after learning the child has been diagnosed with an inguinal hernia and needs to be admitted in the hospital for elective surgery?

-"'Do not tell the child about the upcoming hospital admission until the day of surgery." -"Do not tell the child about the surgery, as the child will get scared and may refuse it." -"Prepare the child for the hospital by saying that the child needs to be there for 1 hour." -"Prepare the child for hospital admit on and surgery by explaining it in simple language."

The parents of a 6-year-old child tell the nurse that they often find the child's bed wet in the morning. Which question does the nurse include in the assessment to identify other symptoms of enuresis? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

-"How often do you find the bed wet?" -"Tell me about the child's daily routine." -"Which medications does the child take?" -"Show me the child's latest blood report." -"How do you find the child's progre a ai school?"

A child with nephrotic syndrome is being treated with corticosteroids. The child's parents tell the nurse that the child has suddenly gained weight and the child's face has become round. How does the nurse respond?

-"The child needs to be assessed for other viral infections." -"You need to increase the child's fluid intake immediately." -"These side effects will diminish after completing the therapy." - "Have you made any dietary change in the child's care plan?"

A parent of a child with enuresis tells the nurse, "I am sure my child started bed-wetting because I have been scolding my child too much. I'm not a good parent." How does the nurse respond?

-"You must stop disciplining your child henceforth." -"Of course you are a good parent. Scolding is not bad." -"Enuresis is not caused due to emotional disturbance." -"Have patience. It doesn't do good tp think about these things now."

In caring for the patient with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), which order should the nurse anticipate?

-Administration of blood -Preparation of the patient for invasive hemodynamic monitoring -Restriction of intravascular fluids - Administration of steroids

During pregnancy, alcohol withdrawal may be treated using which medication

-Aminophylline -corticosteroids -benzodiazepines -disulfiram

Which nursing intervention is implemented while caring for a pregnant patient with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

-Assess for signs of bleeding. -Monitor urinary output. -Initiate electronic fetal monitoring. -Administer prescribed oxygen. -Provide suctioning once a day.

A patient is admitted with a relapse of minimal-change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS). Which probable cause does the nurse suspect for the relapse?

-Down syndrome - Abdominal injury - Bacterial pneumonia - Overdose of the medicine

The parents of a school-age child tell the nurse that the child goes to the toilet frequently and the urine smells strong. For which condition is the nurse likely to evaluate the child?

-Enuresis -Nephrotic syndrome - Urinary tract infection - Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR)

In caring for the patient with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), which order should the nurse anticipate?

-Expectant management. -Dilation and curettage. -Administration of oxytocin (Pitocin). -Prescription for ergonovine (Methergine).

The nurse is assessing a pregnant. Patient who has undergone bariatric surgery in the past which is a priority for the nurse to check in the patient's health records?

-Family history -Blood pressure -nutritional status -bowel glucose levels

Which test with the nurse recommend for the patient to help us is fetal genetic abnormalities

-Fetal heart activity -Fetal body movements -Nuchal translucency -Amniotic fluid volume

The nurse is providing care for a child with vesicoureteral reflux (VUR). Which symptom would the nurse be alert for while providing care? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

-Fever -Chills -Vomiting -Seizures -Headaches

An 18-month-old patient suffering from cryptorchidism is scheduled for orchiopexy. The parents want to inquire about the outcome of the surgery. Which would be the ideal response of the nurse to the parents' concern?

-Fluid accumulated in the scrotum will be drained. - The urinary stream will be directed ownward. - Stenosis of preputial opening of for(ski) will be corrected. -The undescended testicle will be saved from further damage.

The urine analysis of a 7-year-old patient detects acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. Which clinical manifestation does the nurse observe in the patient? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

-Gross discoloration of urine -Proteinuria or excess protein in urine -Hyperalbuminemia or albumin in ulte -Azotemia or excess nitrogen in blood -Culture of pharynx positive for streptococci

A family brings their toddler to the clinic because of frothy urine and a swollen face. Serum analysis confirms hypoalbuminemia and elevated hematocrit levels. The child is normotensive. Based on this clinical data, which care measure should the nurse anticipate in managing this patient?

-Hemodialysis to decrease edema -Immunosuppression with corticosteroids -Giving normal saline IV to decrease hematocrit -Decreasing protein in the diet to compensate for hypoalbuminemia

A young child is diagnosed with vesicoureteral reflux. The nurse would know that this condition is usually is associated with which complication?

-Incontinence -Urinary obstruction -Recurrent kidney infections - Infarction of renal vessels

A child with acute glomerulonephritis (AGN) with edema and oliguria is hospitalized. Which sign does the nurse remain alert for in the child?

-Jaundice - Hypertension - Stupor or coma -Bloody diarrhea

Well, assessing the ultrasound scan reports of a pregnant patient the nurse upstairs that the fetus is that a elevated wrist for Tristan, 13, which findings is likely to be associated with this risk select all that apply

-Low amniotic fluid volume -Low maternal serum marker levels -High daily fetal movement count -Elevated level of neutral translucency -Increase biophysical profile of the fetus

Which clinical test evaluates the health status of a pregnant patient who abuses substances select all that apply.

-Meconium testing -complete blood count -tuberculosis screening, -urine toxicology testing - glycosylated hemoglobin A-1 C

Which assessment finding is anticipate it for a patient diagnosed with primary syphilis?

-Muscle weakness and visual changes -Affirm and painless general lesion -sore throat and swollen lymph nodes -Rash over trunk of body

If a pregnant, patient suspects signs and symptoms of pre-term labor, which condition would lead the patient to go to the hospital immediately, select all that apply

-Nausea and vomiting -Upper abdominal pain -Fluid leakage from the vagina -Presence of vaginal bleeding -Contractions every 10 minutes

Treatment for group A B-hemolytic streptococci (GAS) infection prevents which serious sequelae?

-Otitis media - Diabetes insipidus -Nephrotic syndrome -Acute rheumatic fever

An 11-year-old boy acquired a testicular malignancy at the age of 10 years. An abdominal x-ray at the age of 6 months may have revealed which disorder?

-Phimosis - Hydrocele - Hypospadias - Cryptorchidism

Which is a possible cause of miscarriage during early pregnancy? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

-Premature dilation of cervix -Chromosomal abnormalities -Endocrine imbalance -Hypothyroidism -Antiphospholipid antibodies

Signs of a threatened abortion (miscarriage) are noted in a woman at 8 weeks of gestation. Which is an appropriate management approach for this type of abortion?

-Prepare the woman for a dilation and curettage (D&C). -Place the woman on bed rest for at least 1 week and reevaluate -Prepare the woman for an ultrasound and bloodwork - Comfort the woman by telling her that if she loses this baby, she may attempt to get pregnant again in 1 month

A pregnant patient in the first trimester reports spotting of blood and mild uterine cramping. Which will the nurse assess? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

-Progesterone levels -transvaginal ultrasounds -Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) measurement -Blood pressure -Kleihauer-Betke (KB) st reports

The nurse is discussing bed-wetting with the parents of an 8-year-old patient suffering from enuresis. The nurse would make the parents aware of which aspect of caring? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

-Regularly punish the child for this activity. -Shame the child publicly in front of friends. -Observe for side effects of any medication. -Reinforce the desired behavior in a positive way. - Assure the parents that the condition has nothing to do with upbringing.

Which is an appropriate nursing intervention while the child with nephrotic syndrome is confined to bed?

-Restraining the child as necessary - Discouraging parents from holding the child -Adjusting activities to the child's tolerance level - Doing passive range-of-motion exercises once a day

Which infectious diseases are at risk for maternal complications? Select all that apply.

-Rubella, -anemia, -diabetes, -HIV/AIDS -hepatitis B

The nurse is taking care of a 14-month-old child with nephrotic syndrome. Which is the ideal method by which the nurse can monitor fluid retention or excretion?

-Use diapers and weigh wet pads. -Maintain intake and output records. - Make the patient drink excess water. - Use collection bags for urine collectian.

A nurse is caring for an infant with a suspected urinary tract infection (UTI). Based on the nurse's knowledge of UTIs, which clinical manifestations would be observed? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

-Vomiting -Jaundice -Swelling of the face -Failure to gain weight -Persistent diaper rash

In a non-toilet-trained child with nephrotic syndrome, which is the best way to detect fluid retention?

-Weigh the child daily. -Test the urine for hematuria. - Count the number of wet diapers. - Measure the abdominal girth weekly

The nurse is assessing a pregnant patient who is obese. Which condition is the patient at risk of developing? Select all that apply.

-anemia -Hypertension -Liver cirrhosis -diabetes mellitus -Decrease cholesterol levels

Which specific laboratory results with the nurse assess to determine Rh incompatibility between mother and fetus?

-human chorionic gonadotropin level - Hemoglobin level -Indirect Coombs test -Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein

Which outcomes describe the general impact of substance used in pregnancy?

-issues with fetal brain development -Harm to the fetus -Fetal growth abnormalities -Intrauterine fetal demise

Which pregnancy is with the nurses discuss with a patient who's body mass index is 32. Five KG/M so like all that apply.

-neonatal macrosomia -phenylketonuria -operative vaginal birth -General track hemorrhage -Tetany and hypocalcemia

Which factor during a non-stress test of a pregnant patient indicates it is non-reactive

-no qualifying accelerations in a 20 minute. Period -to qualify accelerations in a 20 minute. -Less than two qualifying accelerations in a 20 minute. -More than to qualify accelerations in a 20 minute.

Which maternal risk is associated with placenta previa?

-preeclampsia -Placenta abruption -Surgery related trauma -Gestational hypertension

The nurse is assessing a pregnant patient with multi fetal gestation. Upon reviewing her medical history, the nurse finds that the patient had a previous preterm delivery which intervention will the nurse do to prevent preterm delivery in the patient during the second pregnancy.

-suggest that the patient avoid smoking and consuming alcohol -Suggest the patient increases physical activity to prevent risk -Administer progesterone suppositories to the patient -Administer a 17 - alpha hydroxyprogesterone injection to the patient

The nurse is caring for a pregnant. Patient with injuries in Burns. When interacting with the patient. The nurse expect that the patient is being physically abused by the intimate partner. Which would be the immediate action of the nurse

-tell the patient abuse by a partner is considered a crime -Ask the patient why are you silent and not revolting against your partner -Tell the patient is your mistake to tolerate your partners misbehaviors -Talk to the patient partner and advise stopping abuse of the patient during pregnancy

Which would the nurse include when providing education to a parent of a 10-month-old infant receiving iron supplements? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Administer iron with meals. Mix iron with milk for greater absorption. Report black, tarry stools to health care provider. Place iron toward the back side of the mouth with a dropper. Caution parents not to switch to a low-iron-containing formula or milk.

A young child is having a seizure that has lasted 35 minutes and there is a loss of consciousness. The nurse would recognize this as which type of seizure?

An absence seizure • A generalized seizure • Status epilepticus • A simple partial seizure

Which would the nurse instruct the parents to keep away from the child's diet when the child is receiving iron supplementation? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Antacids Fruit juice Whole milk • Meat or fish Tea or coffee

The nurse is assessing a child with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). The nurse observes that there is no active bleeding in the child. Which medication does the nurse expect in the child's prescription?

Anti-D antibody • Opioids (narcotics) • Kytril Penicillin prophylaxis

Which drug is associated with Reye syndrome in children?

Aspirin • Ibuprofen • Norfloxacin Acetaminophen

The nurse is assessing an adolescent with hemophilia A who has also experienced several episodes of joint bleeding. Which condition will be evident in the adolescent?

Bony changes • Fanconi syndrome Visual disturbances Delayed sexual maturation

Which constituent of the cranium would remain the same at all times to maintain a constant intracranial pressure (ICP)? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Brain Meninges Cerebrospinal fluid Blood Dura mater

Which diagnostic testing is indicated when acute rheumatic fever is suspected? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

C-reactive protein (CRP) Antistreptolysin O (ASO) titer Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) Elevated white blood cell count (WBC) Throat culture confirming a recent streptococcal infection

Which statement best describes the onset of clinical manifestations in thalassemia major?

Clinical manifestations are usually not identified until adolescence at the earliest. • Clinical manifestations may be insidious and not recognized until early toddlerhood. Clinical manifestations are late to form and usually present when the patient is a young adult. Clinical manifestations are delayed for many years, remaining dormant, until mid-adulthood.

A 7-month-old child with sickle cell anemia is not consuming enough fluid orally while recovering. Which suggestion by the nurse would help the parents best as they prepare to care for their child after discharge? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Count the number of wet diapers per 24 hours. Limit fluids before bedtime to prevent bed-wetting. Know which foods have a high source of fluid. Be sure to "force fluids" or "encourage drinking." Count the number of bottles or ounces of fluid needed daily.

A 12-month-old infant has been prescribed lumbar puncture to confirm the diagnosis of meningitis. The nurse is teaching the parents of the child about the rationale behind the procedure. The nurse incorporates in the teaching that a lumbar puncture is performed to determine which action?

Determine the causative agent. • Identify the presence of blood. • Reduce the intracranial pressure. Measure the glucose level.

Which intervention would the nurse include in the plan of care for a child with bacterial meningitis? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Ensuring a quiet environment in the room Ensuring maximum exposure to sunlight Placing the child in a side-lying position Using a pillow to lift the child's head Assessing whether the child is febrile

Which sign or symptom would not indicate an increase in intracranial pressure (ICP) in a child?

Excessive thirst • Increased sleeping ) Forceful vomiting • Seizures

The nurse is educating the parents of a child about the symptoms that would indicate sickle cell anemia. Which symptom does the nurse describe? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Hypoxia Chest pain Hearing loss Painful joints Big and swollen spleen

The nurse is educating the parents of a child about the symptoms that would indicate sickle cell anemia. Which symptom does the nurse describe? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Hypoxia • Chest pain Hearing loss Painful joints Big and swollen spleen

The nurse is teaching a group of adolescents about human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and ways to prevent it. Which point would be included in the teaching? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Importance of HIV testing Myths associated with HIV Routes of virus transmission Abstinence from sexual activity Dangers of recreational drug use

Which diagnostic test does the nurse evaluate when assessing a child with bacterial meningitis? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Lumbar puncture Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Blood cell count Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) glucose Computed tomography (CT) scan

Which test is used to understand the staging criteria for Reye syndrome in a child?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Computed tomography (CT) scan • Liver biopsy • Electroencephalogram (EEG)

Which condition may occur if strabismus is left untreated?

Myopia Hyperopia • Amblyopia Astigmatism

In which clinical situation would a pregnant patient with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), who is receiving corticosteroid therapy, be scheduled for a splenectomy?

No improvement from the administration of corticosteroids. Had an adverse reaction from the administration of corticosteroids. • Increased platelet count from the administration of corticosteroids. • Increased white blood cell (WBC) count from the administration of corticosteroids.

Which neurologic condition is indicated if a child's pupils are fixed bilaterally for more than 5 minutes?

O Seizures • Eye trauma • Hypothermia 0 Brainstem damage

The nurse is caring for a child with sickle cell anemia (SCA). The child has acute chest syndrome and has also experienced a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Which is the most effective treatment for the child?

Oxygen therapy • Influenza vaccination Hemoglobin electrophoresis Chronic transfusion therapy

The nurse assesses an infant with sickle cell anemia (SCA). Which clinical manifestation alerts the nurse that the patient may be experiencing a vaso-occlusive crisis? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Painful joints Growth restriction Visual disturbances Pulmonary insufficiency 7 Swollen hands and feet

The nurse assesses an infant with sickle cell anemia (SCA). Which clinical manifestation alerts the nurse that the patient may be experiencing a vaso-occlusive crisis? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Painful joints Growth restriction Visual disturbances Pulmonary insufficiency Swollen hands and feet

Which posttraumatic syndrome does the nurse assess for in a child after a head injury? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Postconcussion syndrome Posttraumatic seizures Neuroblastomas Hydrocephalus Bacterial meningitis

Which action would the nurse take when caring for a child with Kawasaki disease? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Provide frequent mouth care • Monitor fluid intake and output • Offer clear liquids and soft food • Provide stimulating musical toys • Monitor the child's cardiac status

A child is prescribed oral iron for iron-deficiency anemia. Which intervention would the nurse utilize to ensure the absorption of iron in the child?

Provide milk medications Provide citrus juice with the oral iron. • Increase iron-rich foods in the diet. Ensure the child drinks adequate fluids.

Which condition can occur from infection in the nervous system? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Rabies Seizures Meningitis Hydrocephalus Reye syndrome

The nurse is educating the parents of a child about the symptoms that would indicate sickle cell anemia. Which symptom does the nurse describe? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Refer parents and child for genetic counseling. • Teach parents and child how to minimize crises. • Observe for complications of multiple blood transfusions. Help the child and family to adjust to a short-term disease.

Which is the most appropriate nursing intervention when caring for a child experiencing a seizure? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Restraining the child when a seizure occurs to prevent bodily harm • Placing a padded tongue between the teeth if they become clenched Avoiding the suctioning of the child during the seizure Describing and documenting the seizure activity observed Applying supplemental oxygen after inserting an artificial oral airway

Which is a factor that increases the absorption of iron in the diet? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Tannins Oxalates Phosphates Ascorbic acid Acidity (low pH)

A 12-month-old child presents with symptoms of bacterial meningitis. The child undergoes lumbar puncture, and the nurse notes that the cerebrospinal fluid is cloudy. The nurse interprets this finding as an indication of which condition?

The cerebrospinal fluid is healthy. O The glucose level has increased. • The white blood cell count has risen. The count of red blood cells has risen.

The nurse is caring for an infant with iron-deficiency anemia who is overweight. The nurse is concerned due to the following reason?

The infant will become at risk for diabetes. The infant may be getting more milk than other foods. • The parents are overfeeding the infant with solid foods. • Infants with iron-deficiency anemia should be underweight.

A 5-month-old infant born to a mother with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection needs to be tested for HIV. Which test would be used for an accurate diagnosis of HIV in the child?

Western blot immunoassay HIV polymerase chain reaction Partial thromboplastin time test • HIV enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

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