Exam 2 HW

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You are looking for carnivorous plants. Which of the following locations would likely be best for finding them?

A sunny, damp area with poor soil.

_____ cells are the cells that regulate the opening and closing of stomata, thus playing a role in regulating transpiration.


Which of the following steps occurs first during soil formation?

Weathering of solid rock occurs.

After leaf abscission, growth will resume from the _____.

axillary bud

Most fungi are _____.


Angiosperms are most closely related to _____.


The release of CO2 into the soil results in the formation of _____.

hydrogen ions and carbonate ions

How does auxin produce gravitropism in a plant that is placed on its side?

Auxin accumulates on the lower surface of the root and inhibits elongation of cells in that region

In the pine, microsporangia form _____ microspores by _____

haploid ... meiosis

Which of these characteristics is shared by algae and seed plants?


Which compound is not used in the localized response to pathogen invasion?

Salicylic acid Salicylic acid is a phytochemical involved in the systemic acquired resistance response in plants.

The formation of the abscission layer cuts off transport of substances to and from the leaf. As the concentration of sugar trapped within a leaf increases, _____ pigments are produced.

anthrocyanin Anthocyanin pigments, which have a deep red coloration, are produced when sugar gets trapped in leaves.

The living plants that are most similar to the first plants to bear gametangia are the _____.


The breakdown of chlorophyll reveals the _____ pigments of a leaf.


This is an image of a(n) _____. This figure shows a plant. It has erect corpus with nodes and internodes. At each node, there are some branches.


What is used at Cognito Farm to control fly larvae in the pasture?


Which of these ions is most likely to be leached from the soil?

chlorine ions

_____ trees lose their leaves in preparation for winter.


Acid precipitation _____.

decreases soil fertility

Which of these was the dominant plant group at the time that dinosaurs were the dominant animals?


In pines, an embryo is a(n) _____.

immature sporophyte

In pine trees, pollen grains get to the ovule via the


In mosses gametes are produced by _____; in ferns gametes are produced by _____.

mitosis ... mitosis

The sperm produced by mosses require _____ to reach an archegonium.


Which of these are symbiotic associations?


Which organism does not cause disease in plants?


Which of the following is an elemental ion?


Which of the following statements about nutrient uptake by plants is true?

Plants require other elements besides carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen to grow, and they can obtain these in soil.

________is the fusion of hyphae. The hererokaryotic stage is produced by _____


Which term describes the direction of auxin transport in a plant?


The male gametophytes of flowering plants are also referred to as _____.

Pollen Grains

Which of the following statements correctly describe nitrogen and its role as a plant nutrient?

-Nitrogen is a macronutrient in plants. -Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil convert N2 to NH3. -Nitrogen is a component of nucleic acids, proteins, hormones, and coenzymes. -Plant roots can only absorb nitrogen in the form of ammonium ions (NH4+) or nitrate ions (NO3−). -Nitrogen deficiency usually causes plant leaves to turn yellow.

Which structures are haploid? Select all that apply.

-gametophyte -spores -egg

The following statements describe something about the body structures or functions of fungi. Identify those statements that are correct.

-mycelia are made up of small-diameter hyphae that form an interwoven mass, providing more surface area for nutrient absorption. -some fungi can grow as either filamentous or single-celled forms. -some fungi secrete digestive enzymes into the environment and then absorb the digested nutrients. -all fungi are heterotrophs; some species live as decomposers and others as symbionts.

Consider a plant that grows best in bright sunlight in which seed germination is controlled by phytochromes. Which of the following statements describe(s) the structure and function of phytochromes in this plant?

1) The plant seeds are more likely to germinate after exposure to red light than after exposure to far-red light. 2) Phytochromes contain photoreceptors. 3) Phytochromes absorb red light maximally when the phytochrome is in the Pr configuration. 4) When a phytochrome in the Pfr configuration absorbs far-red light, the phytochrome reverts to the Pr configuration.

Blue-light photoreceptors and phototropism

1. Plant shoot is exposed to blue light on one side, but not the other side 2. phototrophins in the shoot tip absorb blue light 3. auxin is released asymmetrically at the tip of the shoot 4. auxin binds to an auxin receptor 5. proton pump activity in the cell membrane increases 6. the cell wall becomes more acidic 7. proteins called expansins are activated 8. connections between cellulose microfibrils are loosened 9. water enters the cell. turgor increases and expands the cell 10. Plant shoot grows unequally, causing the shoot to bend towards the blue light

On average, how far do agricultural products travel from farm to plate in the United States?

1400 miles

A stamen consists of _____

Anther & Filament

Cup fungi are in the phylum _____.


How does auxin produce phototropism?

Auxin accumulates in cells on the side of the plant opposite the source of light and stimulates their elongation.

Where does meiosis occur in a mushroom?


Which of the following is true?

Carnivorous plants can photosynthesize.

What is the physical basis of the phototropic response?

Cell elongation.

Which of these is unique to flowering plants?

Double Fertilization

_____ are an example of seedless vascular plants.


What are the largest particles formed from the breakdown of rock?


Fungi produce _____ spores.


You are a botanist. You discover a new species of pitcher plant. How does it capture its prey?

It entices prey to drop into a deep cup.

You are a botanist specializing in tree defenses. Which of the following would you expect to see in a plant under normal conditions?

Measurable amounts of constitutive compounds and low levels of inducible compounds. That hormone is released by plant cells that are damaged by chewing insects. It acts as an alarm, prompting the entire plant to make inducible compounds.

Which structure allows the growing mushroom to nourish itself?


Which term describes an area where sugars are used or stored?

Sink A sink is an area where sugars are used or stored; typically, these are the roots and fruits of a plant.

You work for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and have been assigned to handle the emerald ash borer. Which of the following would likely be the best for you to do?

Spray ash trees with methyl jasmonate.

A carpel is composed of _____

Stigma, Style, and Ovary

Fungi release digestive enzymes into their _____.


True or false? Most of the cells in a mushroom contain haploid nuclei.


True or false? Plants do not produce many defenses against pathogens unless they are threatened because defensive structures and compounds require much energy and materials to produce and maintain.

T The production and maintenance of defensive structures and compounds requires more energy than a plant may have at all times.

You are studying how the Venus flytrap catches prey with the idea of creating a new type of insect trap for gardeners. Which of the following are you hoping to make use of?

action potential

In moss, _____ produce sperm.


In pines, the female gametophyte contains _____, each of which contains a(n) _____.

archegonia ... egg

The protective layer that forms between the abscission layer and the stem consists of _____.

densely colored cells filled with a waxy layer

How do cations enter root hairs?


The conspicuous part of a fern plant is a _____.

diploid sporophyte

Karyogamy produces a _____.

diploid zygote

The binding of H+ ions to soil particles _____.

displaces mineral cations

Which tissue acts as a filter on the water absorbed by root hairs?


Which term describes the fusion of cytoplasm from two individuals?


Basidia produce spores by a process known as _____.


Which of these contains two haploid nuclei?

the heterokaryotic stage of the fungal life cycle

It has been estimated that confined animal feeding operations contribute to about _____ of world carbon dioxide emissions.


Plants evolved from green algae approximately _____ million years ago.


Today, it takes about ______ Calories of energy to produce about 1 Calorie of food.


Where does the majority of stem growth in a plant occur?

Apical Meristem

Cognito Farm avoids washing chicken carcasses with __________, which is done at many packing plants in the United States.


What characterizes the rates of photosynthesis and transport in a plant on a dry cloudy day?

Both the photosynthesis and transpiration rates are low.

In roots the _____ forces water and solutes to pass through the plasma membranes of _____ cells before entering the _____.

Casparian strip ... endodermis ... xylem

You wish to find out if the emerald ash borer has any natural enemies in its native habitat. Where do you visit?

East Asia

True or false? In most fungi, fertilization is complete after the cells fuse together.


True or false? Auxin is asymmetrically distributed in shoots because the auxin on the side of the plant facing the source of light is destroyed.

F Auxin is asymmetrically distributed in shoots because the auxin on the side of the plant facing the source of light moves to the side of the plant away from the light.

True or false? Plants use both active and passive transport processes to transport ions against their concentration gradients.

F Plants use passive transport, which requires no energy expenditure, to transport ions down their concentration gradients, but they can only use active transport, which requires energy in the form of ATP, to transport ions against their concentration gradients.

True or false? Root pressure can move water a long distance up the xylem because of the higher water potential of the xylem in comparison to the water potential in the surrounding cells.

F Root pressure can move water a short distance up the xylem because of the lower water potential of the xylem in comparison to the water potential in the surrounding cells.

True or false? Soil texture affects the amount of water available to plants; water is held best by clay and sand particles.

F Soil texture does indeed affect the amount of water available to plants, but water is held best by the smallest soil particles, clay and silt.

True or false? The rate of sugar transport in a plant depends on the rate of photosynthesis, the rate of transpiration, and the difference in turgor pressure between the source and the sink.

F While the rate of photosynthesis and the difference in turgor pressure between the source and the sink do influence the rate of sugar transport in the phloem, the rate of transpiration does not; transpiration mainly influences the rate of water transport through the xylem.

Which of the following statements about hormones is true?

Hormones can function at very low concentrations.

_____ bonds are responsible for the cohesion of water molecules.


What is the initial localized response of a resistant plant to pathogen invasion?

Hypersensitive response The hypersensitive response causes the infected plant cells to die and sends a signal to the rest of the plant to prepare its defenses.

Which of the following events occurs first in the development of a spore into a mature mushroom?

Hyphae are produced by mitosis.

Consider the characteristics of moss and fern life cycles.

In mosses, the gametophyte is the dominant stage of the life cycle; in ferns, the sporophyte is the dominant stage of the life cycle. In both mosses and ferns, moisture is required for sperm to reach the egg.

Which of these statements is true about the gametophyte tissue that surrounds the pine embryo?

It functions as a haploid food reserve.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between Hardwicke's wooly bat and the Bornean pitcher plant?

Mutualism, as both the bat and the plant benefit.

Which structure is not directly involved in the reproduction of at least one major group of fungi?


Of the four haploid cells produced by a pine cone's megasporocyte (megaspore mother cell), _____ survive(s).


When does Cognito Farm use antibiotics on its cattle?

Only when they are sick.

Which of the following statements about systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in plants is false? Hormones produced by an attacked leaf carry a signal to the rest of the plant. Salicylic acid is the only compound involved in SAR signaling. SAR results in the production of protective compounds distant from the site of initial infection. A suite of genes called the pathogenesis-related loci is expressed in response to a signal from an attacked leaf.

Salicylic acid is the only compound involved in SAR signaling. This statement is false; salicylic acid is involved in the SAR response, but its function is unclear and there may be other molecules involved in SAR signaling.

How does a plant defend against herbivores?

The hormone systemin is produced at the site of injury and signals the plant to produce proteinase inhibitors

Which of the following statements about the distribution of sap throughout a plant is true?

The mechanism that explains the movement of sugars throughout a plant is called the pressure-flow hypothesis.

Why is the decomposition of dead organisms important for soil formation?

The process adds organic matter to the soil, which is necessary to support the growth of larger plants.

Which statement is true for all sexually reproducing plants and animals?

The process of meiosis produces haploid cells.

_____ provide(s) the major force for the movement of water and solutes from roots to leaves.


As of now, which of the following states is least likely to have a problem with the emerald ash borer?

Washington Mostly in the Eastern States

Which of the following statements about xylem transport is true?

Water and minerals move through the root cortex into the xylem and upward through the stem and into leaves.

Where do fern antheridia develop?

on the underside of the gametophyte

The channels indicated by the pointer, are _____.


What process is the source of the CO2 that root hairs release into the soil?


In flowering plants the integuments of the ovule develop into a(n) _____.

seed coat

Where is an emerald ash borer most likely to lay eggs?

sick North American ash

Evergreen trees lose their leaves __

steadily all year

In angiosperms, pollination is the transfer of pollen grain to the _____ of a flower on the same plant or another plant of the same species


Which structure does not protect stems and leaves from damage by herbivores?


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