Exam 2 Questions

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In United States v. Windsor, the Supreme Court overturned a federal law that _____. A. protected gays and lesbians against employment discrimination B. denied federal benefits to same-sex couples C. allowed gays to take leadership roles in the Boy Scouts D. permitted housing discrimination against gays and lesbians E. prohibited gays and lesbians from serving in the armed forces

A (Correct)

_____ federalism describes how state and national governments work together to solve the nation's problems. A. Cooperative B. Dual C. Categorical D. Distinctive E. Collaborative

A (Correct)

The white primary in southern states allowed _____. A. whites to exclude African Americans from voting in the general elections B. African Americans the opportunity to vote for the first time C. whites to exclude African Americans from voting in Democratic Party primaries D. all races to participate in elections on an equal basis E. voters to select ballots for each party based on different skin colors

A (correct

During the time of the Constitutional Convention, federalism was an appealing compromise because ______. A. it maintained state traditions while creating a strong national government to handle common problems B. it allowed politicians to avoid issues of slavery and women's suffrage C. it prevented cities and states from being dominated by a single group or faction D. it permitted states to nullify actions of the national government E. it made the national government the focal point of dissatisfaction

A (correct)

In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court ruled that _____. A. laws against the use of contraceptives violated the right to privacy B. a right does not exist unless it is specifically mentioned in the Constitution C. laws against abortion were illegal D. laws against contraceptives were legal as public health regulations E. state laws against contraceptives violated the interstate commerce clause

A (correct)

In Lawrence v. Texas, the U.S. Supreme Court _____. A. upheld an existing Texas law that made homosexual conduct a crime B. indicated that states could declare homosexuality a crime C. invalidated anti-discrimination laws that protect homosexuals D. overturned laws against sexual activity between same-sex consenting adults in private E. upheld the Court's previous decision regarding sexual activity between same-sex consenting adults

A (correct)

In Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court _____. A. agreed that separation based on race was not a violation of the Constitution B. ruled that schools may not practice any type of racial segregation C. ruled that African Americans are not persons for the purposes of the Constitution D. tried to stop the development of legal racial segregation known as Jim Crow laws E. ruled that the practice of slavery must cease before the end of the 19th century

A (correct)

In the early nineteenth century, Chief Justice ______ worked to increase the federal government's power while reducing the states' power. A. John Marshall B. Warren Burger C. Earl Warren D. Roger Taney E. William Rehnquist

A (correct)

Since the 1990s, the Supreme Court has changed its stance on federalism ______. A. by showing a willingness to allow the federal government to extend its power when it deals with sensitive issues, such as gun control and violence against women B. by continuing the precedents established by John Marshall in McCulloch v. Maryland and Gibbons v. Ogden C. by allowing the federal government to involve itself in areas that are primarily local in character D. by establishing limits on the national government's powers under the commerce clause E. relying on broad interpretations of the commerce clause that justify extensive national involvement in many areas

A (correct)

The Constitution does not give the federal government _____. A. reserved powers B. implied powers C. enumerated powers D. concurrent powers E. inherent powers

A (correct)

The exclusionary rule _____. A. prohibits the admission of illegally seized evidence at trial B. prohibits the detention of a suspect for more than forty-eight hours without the suspect being charged C. none of these choices apply D. excludes juries from knowing the possible punishments if the defendant is convicted E. excludes arresting officers from serving as character witness at a hearing or trial

A (correct)

The federal government's power to regulate the use of the airwaves and to grant licenses to broadcast is based on the argument that _____. A. airwaves and all frequencies that travel through the air belong to the American people B. the Fairness Doctrine allows such regulation C. The PATRIOT Act and other counterterrorism legislation requires the control and regulation of the airwaves D. nothing in the Constitution explicitly prohibits such regulation E. the Sedition Act grants Congress the power to regulate

A (correct)

The use of _____ proved instrumental in bringing about the integration of lunch counters, buses, and trains. A. sit-ins B. roadblocks at night in rural areas C. armed force D. violence against whites E. court injunctions that prohibited interstate travel in areas threatened by violence

A (correct)

_____ employed an approach that differed from that used by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., when it came to fighting unjust laws affecting African Americans. A. Malcolm X B. Susan B. Anthony C. Lyndon Johnson D. Mahatma Gandhi E. Abraham Lincoln

A (correct)

______ refers to the transfer of government power from the national government to state governments. A. Devolution B. Regression C. Revolution D. Cooperative federalism E. Dual federalism

A (correct)

In ______, the Court ruled that only criminal defendants in capital (death penalty) cases automatically had a right to legal counsel. Later, in _____, the Court held that when a person accused of a felony cannot afford an attorney, the state must provide one to the defendant at its own expense. A. Gregg v. Florida; Lawrence v. Texas B. Betts vs Brad; Gideon v. Wainwright C. Griswold v. Connecticut; Miranda v. Arizona D. Mapp v. Ohio; Furman v. Georgia E. Miller v. California; New York v. Sullivan

A (wrong) B (correct)

Based on the clear and present danger test, expression can be restricted if such expression _____. A. would cause a condition, actual or imminent, that Congress has the power to prevent B. would cause a condition dangerous to America during a national crisis C. would cause a condition, actual or imminent, that Congress was powerless to prevent D. would cause a condition that states would be incapable of preventing E. would cause a condition that could not be suppressed by the military

A (wrong) C (correct)

The Constitution's _____ gives Congress the power to regulate trade among the states. A. trade clause B. commerce clause C. necessary and proper clause D. sales clause E. exchange clause

B (Correct)

The era of dual federalism ended when ______. A. the Supreme Court upheld legislation that outlawed child labor. B. citizens looked to the federal government and President Franklin D. Roosevelt to address problems created by the Great Depression. C. the federal government imposed a national income tax D. the United States entered World War I, and national security became paramount. E. President Hayes ordered federal troops to remain in the South for at least two more decades

B (Correct)

Civil rights are _____. A. political rights of speech and assembly to protect people from discrimination B. powers and privileges guaranteed to individuals and protected by the government to ensure equal protection and freedom from discrimination C. rights extended to citizens from legislative action D. guarantees of life, liberty, and property granted to all citizens E. rights generally accorded all citizens to protect them from government abuses of power

B (correct

When the national government provides funding for a program, but implementation is left to state governments, this is a good example of ______. A. dual federalism B. cooperative federalism C. the supremacy clause D. enumerated powers E. reserved powers

B (correct

Civil liberties are understood to be ______. A. equal economic treatment under the law B. limits on government power to interfere with personal freedoms C. equality of opportunity and equality of outcome for all individuals D. equal educational opportunity under the law E. absolute freedom for all individuals

B (correct)

Inciting a crowd to violence is protected speech because it does not lead to which of the following? A. Extra spending by police forces on crowd control B. Imminent lawless action C. Prior restraint D. none of these choices apply E. Obscenity

B (correct)

The Constitution's _____ allows federal laws to take precedent over state laws. A. commerce clause B. supremacy clause C. superiority clause D. mandatory clause E. elastic clause

B (correct)

The Constitution's _____ grants Congress the power to do whatever is required to execute its enumerated or expressed powers. A. supremacy clause B. elastic or necessary and proper clause C. due process clause D. reserved powers clause E. concurrent clause

B (correct)

The Constitution's ______ protects the rights of citizens as they move from state to state because it requires the states to recognize each other's laws and court rulings. This constitutional clause applies to civil and all criminal matters. A. habeas corpus clause B. privileges and immunities clause C. none of these choices apply D. supremacy clause E. full faith and credit clause

B (correct)

The Lemon test includes determining whether a law ______. A. meets the standards of rational basis review B. advances or inhibits a particular religion C. harms people D. has a compelling state interest E. none of these choices apply

B (correct)

The _____ Amendment allowed for the application of the Bill of Rights to the states. A. Twelfth B. Fourteenth C. Eleventh D. Fifteenth E. Thirteenth

B (correct)

Under its federal system, the U.S. has ____ separate governmental units. A. about 3,000 B. about 89,000 C. 50 D. about 13,000 E. about 37,000

B (correct)

When businesses refuse to serve or hire people based on their race, sex, sexual orientation, or national orientation, this is an example of _____. A. private choice B. public discrimination C. legal discrimination D. freedom of choice E. private discrimination

B (correct)

When students at a public elementary school are almost all Latino because most of the residents in the neighborhood are Latino, this is an illustration of ____ segregation. A. de jure B. de facto C. affirmative D. forced E. strict

B (correct)

_____ settles conflicts that involve power sharing between the states and the federal government. A. The president B. The Supreme Court C. The Speaker of the House of Representatives D. A congressional conference committee E. The committee of state governors

B (correct)

President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal included ______. A. policies that strictly followed the interpretation of commerce in the Constitution B. large-scale emergency antipoverty programs C. a hands-off approach to regulating labor relations D. a laissez-faire plan to address unemployment and poverty issues E. open competition among businesses to improve the economy

B (wrong) D (correct)

In the U.S., offensive, inflammatory, and blasphemous speech and expression are ______. A. generally prohibited under state law B. severely restricted according to hate speech standards C. discouraged by the Fourteenth Amendment D. protected under the establishment clause E. protected by the First Amendment

B correct

In Gibbons v. Ogden, the Supreme Court ruled that ______. A. the national government lost the power to regulate intrastate commerce B. state governments won the right to control navigation in interstate waters. C. the power to regulate interstate commerce is an exclusive power of the federal government. D. The national government has limited powers over economic affairs commerce is defined as the exchange of goods and not navigation or transport of people

C ( correct)

Federal block grants are aid given to state or local governments that _____ A. is contingent on state/local endorsement of so-called "social" federal legislation B. is divided into discrete "blocks" of grants, each limited to $100 million C. can be spent on a specific policy area decided on by the federal, state, and local governments D. is tied to federal mandates that state or local governments must then implement, or they will be taxed on the money E. is spent in the way the state or local government decides to spend it

C (Correct)

The _____ Amendment prohibits the states from denying any person "equal protection under the law." A. Thirteenth B. Twelfth C. Fourteenth D. Fifteenth E. Tenth

C (Correct)

Which of the following is true regarding the civil rights legislation that was passed by Congress after the Civil War? A. It prevented African Americans from being extended equal public accommodations. B. It was accepted by the American public. C. Some of these congressional civil rights acts were declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. D. All of these are correct. E. It played a major role in creating equality for African Americans.

C (Correct)

A white female applied to a college with limited slots in its medical school and was denied admission. During the school year, she discovered that her academic record was better than that of the male and minority applicants who were admitted. Based on the Bakke case, on what grounds might she sue the college? A. De facto segregation B. Rational basis C. Reverse discrimination D. Strict scrutiny E. De jure segregation

C (correct)

Freedom of religion is based on _____ of the Bill of Rights A. the free exercise and the general welfare clauses B. the establishment and the general welfare clauses C. the establishment and the free exercise clauses D. the supremacy and the free exercise clauses E. the general welfare and the supremacy clauses

C (correct)

In McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court _____. A. established major principles of states' rights B. affirmed the doctrine of national supremacy C. ruled that Congress exceeded its power when it created a national bank D. reaffirmed power of the people over the powers of national government E. ruled that Maryland was within its rights to tax the bank

C (correct)

In New York Times v. United States, the Supreme Court ______ A. affirmed the free speech of students in public schools B. upheld the government's right to control what information the public could have about Vietnam C. affirmed the no-prior-restraint doctrine in the Pentagon Papers case D. affirmed the no-prior-restraint doctrine in the Pentagon Papers case while punishing the New York Times for publishing secret documents E. punished the New York Times for publishing secret documents

C (correct)

In Texas v. Johnson, the Supreme Court ruled that state laws prohibiting the burning of the American flag as part of a peaceful protest violated freedom of expression. However, in 2003, the Supreme Court held that a Virginia statute prohibiting the burning of a cross did not violate the First Amendment. What was the difference between the two cases? A. Intent to intimidate B. Clear and present danger C. Symbolic expression D. Religious freedom E. Public safety

C (correct)

Prior restraint refers to ______. A. restraining judges from legislating from the bench B. restricting congressional hearings by excluding the public C. restraining an activity, such as expression, before that activity has occurred D. restraining methods used by the government to get terrorists to talk E. restraining the ability of police to detain people when riots appear imminent

C (correct)

The Bill of Rights guarantees rights of the people to peaceably assemble, however the Supreme Court has allowed local governments to _____. A. prohibit demonstrations by religious or hate groups B. prohibit demonstrations during rush hours C. limit the duration and loudness of demonstrations, allowing officials to eliminate business disruptions D. regulate the size of any and all assemblies, on public or private property E. require permits for parades and demonstrations, allowing officials to control traffic or prevent demonstrations from turning into riots

C (correct)

The Constitution's privileges and immunities clause _______. A. ensures that the public acts, records, and civil proceedings of each state are legal and binding in all states B. safeguards that a person charged with a crime in another state be returned to that state for trial or imprisonment C. ensures that state governments would not discriminate against another state's citizens D. guarantees that the national government provide equivalent shares of grant money to states E. guarantees that public officials would receive equal treatment under the law

C (correct)

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was proposed in 1923. However, it was not passed by Congress until _____ and approved by the states in _____. A. 2012; 2015 B. 1925; 1942 C. 1972; 2012 D. 1945; 1992 E. none of these choices apply

C (correct)

The PATRIOT Act _____. A. gave government increased power over who is allowed to run for office B. empowered the president to ban social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram in an attempt to maintain public order C. extended the government's power to prosecute unpatriotic acts D. expanded the government's ability to tap phones and monitor Internet traffic E. created a universal gun owner registration list

C (correct)

The Supreme Court created the _____ test to determine if a law violates the establishment clause. A. religious liberty B. Miller C. Lemon D. clear and present danger E. establishment

C (correct)

The _____ reserves rights and powers to the states. A. Fourteenth Amendment B. Second Amendment C. Tenth Amendment D. Eighteenth Amendment E. Fifth Amendment

C (correct)

The critics of federalism assert that ______. A. there is no check on the powers of the national government B. the system allows too much power at the local level C. Americans suffer because of the inequalities across the states D. the system allows too much power at the state level E. Americans often are unaware of the differences that exist from one state to the next

C (correct)

The first time Congress granted protection to the disabled was with the _____. A. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 B. Civil Rights Act of 1964 C. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 D. Rehabilitation Act of 1973 E. Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975

C (correct)

The goal of the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention was to _____. A. create a women's manifesto discussing temperance, abolition, and suffrage B. plan strategies that would advance rights for homosexual individuals and same-sex couples C. promote issues based on the notion that men and women are created equal D. debate the possibility of seceding from the United States to restrictions on slave trade E. discuss strategies for the abolition of slavery

C (correct)

The second wave, or the modern women's movement, gained momentum in 1963 from _____. A. the successful passage of the Equal Rights Amendment B. the implementation of the Voting Rights Act C. the publication of The Feminine Mystique D. the appointment of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor E. the rescission of the combat exclusion for women

C (correct)

The term _____ describes certain types of nonverbal activities, such as flag burning. A. exemplary speech B. emblematic speech C. symbolic speech or expression D. representational action E. figurative speech

C (correct)

To yell "Fire" in a crowded theater violates what legal concept? A. Bad tendency rule B. Strict scrutiny test C. Lemon test D. Clear and present danger test E. Prior restraint

C (correct)

______ are those powers held together by the federal and state governments. A. Inherent powers B. Cooperative powers C. Concurrent powers D. Statutory powers E. Reserved powers

C (correct)

A California church challenged the state's pandemic restrictions on in-person services by arguing that it violated the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. The Supreme Court _____. A. ruled in favor the church B. issued a writ of mandamus. C. ruled in favor of the state D. ordered a lower court to adjudicate it again E. refused to hear the case

C (wrong) A (correct)

Most countries today operate under the _____ form of government. A. none of these choices apply B. confederal C. federal D. monarchical E. unitary

C (wrong) E (correct)

The ______ clause prevents Congress from supporting any religion as the nation's official religion. A. impartiality B. free exercise C. full faith and credit D. establishment E. elastic


______ are federal funds given to state or local governments for specific programs or projects. A. Social service grants B. Mandates C. General welfare grants D. Categorical grants E. Block grants


The authority of the federal government to coin money, create naturalization laws, admit new states, and declare war are part of its _____ powers. A. implied B. inherent C. inferred D. enumerated E. reserved

D (Correct)

Under the Constitution and federalism, the power to change immigration policies belongs to ______. A. the president B. the states C. voters D. Congress E. the Supreme Court

D (Correct)

A 50-year-old man with no performance problems on the job is dismissed after being told the position is being eliminated. One month later, he learns that the same position was filled by a much younger person. What legal action can this individual take against his former employer? A. He can file a grievance under the ERA. B. He can file for Social Security. C. None. The employer has full discretion in hiring and firing. D. He can bring a lawsuit under the ADEA. E. He can bring a suit under the Civil Rights Act.

D (correct)

According to the separate-but-equal doctrine, separate-but-equal facilities were not a violation of _____. A. none of these choices apply B. the principle of reverse discrimination C. the idea of affirmative action D. the strict scrutiny standard of the Fourteenth Amendment E. the equal protection clause of the Seventeenth Amendment

D (correct)

For a public figure to get a damage award under libel laws, he/she must be proved ______. A. that the statement caused damage, regardless of its truth B. that the person making the claim cannot prove it C. a loss of reputation and income D. that the statement in question contained a reckless disregard for the truth E. suffering from the falsehood just as much as a private person

D (correct)

For material to be considered legally obscene, it must meet all of the following requirements, except which one? A. The average person finds that it violates contemporary community standards. B. The work, taken as a whole, appeals to a prurient (indecent) interest in sex. C. The work lacks serious redeeming literary, artistic, political, or scientific merit. D. The religious community of any given city, town, country, or state finds it offensive. E. The work shows patently offensive sexual conduct.

D (correct)

In a federal political system, authority _____. A. is concentrated in a unicameral legislature within a strong central government B. is always vested in a bicameral legislature C. is exercised by the national government only insofar as these powers are granted by the states D. is divided between the central government and regional or subdivisional governments E. is bestowed upon the central government, with no power being granted to the regional governments

D (correct)

The "New Federalism" involves ______. A. programs aimed at expanding executive authority B. legislation aimed at reigning in the powers of the Supreme Court C. programs aimed at forcing states to become financially sound D. devolving authority from the national government to the states E. collectivizing authority from the states to the national government

D (correct)

The Court has created several standards of review to determine if a law is discriminatory. The hardest one of these standards is ______ because, to be constitutional, it requires that the law be narrowly tailored to meet compelling government interests. A. elevated scrutiny B. rational basis C. normal basis D. strict scrutiny E. heightened scrutiny

D (correct)

The purpose of the poll tax used in many southern states was _____. A. to force individuals to buy property to be eligible to vote B. to limit the voting ability of African Americans and poor whites C. to prevent northern immigrants from moving to the South and voting in local elections D. to prevent blacks from voting E. to raise funds for voter registration among the minority community

D (correct)

Under a ______ system, ultimate authority is assigned to the national government, while the subnational governments can only exercise the powers the central government chooses to delegate to them. A. federal B. confederal C. totalitarian D. unitary E. authoritarian

D (correct)

Federal mandates ______. A. none of these choices apply B. are rules for operation in the Supreme Court C. are always accompanied by federal funding to the states to cover their costs D. are requirements in federal legislation that force states to comply with federal rules E. are requirements attached to state laws to dispense state grants

D (correct0

Following the Civil War, the Constitution was amended so that the states would _____. A. be compelled to allow all citizens the right to vote B. no longer be involved in selecting the state's representatives in the house of representatives C. not be able to abridge the freedom of speech D. not be able to deprive a person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law E. no longer be involved in selecting the president

D (wrong) A (Correct)

The Bakke case placed limits on affirmative programs because the Supreme Court ruled that _____. A. race cannot be the sole factor in admissions decisions B. affirmative action programs are permitted in law schools, but not in medical schools C. quota systems are unconstitutional D. race cannot be a factor in making admissions decisions E. all affirmative action programs are unconstitutional

D (wrong) a (correct)

In 1963, Congress passed the _____, which prohibits employers from paying different wages for the same job because of gender. A. Pay Equity Act B. Civil Rights Act C. Equal Rights Amendment D. The Employment Rights Act E. Equal Pay Act


In ______ was the first time in 60 years that the Court ruled to limit congressional power by arguing that Congress had exceeded its authority under the commerce clause. A. Barron v. Baltimore B. United States v. Morrison C. Kimel v. Florida Board of Regents D. Nevada v. Hibbs E. United States v. Lopez

E (Correct)

_____ was the period after the Civil War where former Confederate states gained readmission to the Union and the federal government passed laws to help emancipated slaves. A. The Progressive era B. The Era of Good Feelings C. Dual federalism D. The Civil Rights era E. Reconstruction

E (Correct)

A _____ system consists of a league of independent states, each having essentially sovereign powers, and a central government with limited powers. A. unitary B. bicameral C. federal D. authoritarian E. confederal

E (correct)

As originally presented in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights ______. A. contained no language on religion B. protected citizens from the national and state governments, but not from local governments C. protected citizens from all forms of government D. limited only the power of state governments E. limited only the power of the national government, not that of the states

E (correct)

Conscience-clause laws were enacted at the state and federal level in response to _____. A. the death penalty B. same-sex marriage C. gun control D. pornography E. abortion

E (correct)

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. advocated _____ as a means to achieve racial justice. A. creating superior public services for blacks B. armed force and race riots C. violent civil disobedience D. black militancy E. nonviolent civil disobedience

E (correct)

In Barron v. Baltimore, the Supreme Court ruled that ______. A. each state's constitution was supreme over the Bill of Rights B. Barron, as a property owner, held full voting rights C. federal courts do not have jurisdiction in cases involving personal property D. the city of Baltimore was part of the state of Maryland, not Virginia E. the Bill of Rights did not apply to state laws

E (correct)

In _____, the _____, with its equal protection clause, ultimately provided protection for same-sex marriages in every state. A. Hernandez v. Texas; Twenty-Fifth Amendment B. United States v. Windsor; Sixteenth Amendment C. Lawrence v. Texas; Eighteenth Amendment D. Bakke v. California; Fifth Amendment E. Obergefell v. Hodges; Fourteenth Amendment

E (correct)

In ______ the Supreme Court ruled that state employers must abide by the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). A. United States v. Morrison B. United States v. Lopez C. Kimel v. Florida Board of Regents D. Barron v. Baltimore E. Nevada v. Hibbs

E (correct)

In what landmark case the Supreme Court ruled that public school segregation based on race violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment? A. Bakke v. Board of Education B. Smith v. Allwright C. Plessy v. Ferguson D. Brown v. Educational Board E. Brown v. Board

E (correct)

Jim Crow laws _____. A. were laws that the North enforced in the South during the Reconstruction Era B. established slavery and contract law regulating the slave trade C. sought to end segregation by bringing the races into closer contact with one another D. justified slavery and set specific codes for the behavior of slaves E. were enacted by southern whites in the late nineteenth century to establish segregation policies

E (correct)

One of the advantages of a federal system is that _____. A. the federal government becomes the focal point of political dissatisfaction for most citizens. B. all Americans gain the benefit of uniform social services policies in every state. C. it is more practical to locate most power in one place. D. smaller political units, such as states and cities, are more likely to be dominated by a single political group E. state governments are frequently testing grounds for new governmental initiatives.

E (correct)

The Constitution gave Congress the authority to establish the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to implement its power to impose and collect taxes. This is an example of _____ power of the federal and state governments. A. a delegated B. none of these choices apply C. an expressed D. an implied E. a reserved

E (correct)

The Supreme Court ruling in _____ ensures that the accused will be tried by a jury that is chosen without regard to race or ethnicity. A. Smith v. Allwright B. Bakke v. California C. Lau v. Nichols D. Plessy v. Ferguson E. Hernandez v. Texas

E (correct)

The _____ requires that persons under arrest be informed of their legal rights, including the right to counsel. A. Medina rule B. Mendoza rule C. Martinez rule D. Mendez rule E. Miranda rule

E (correct)

The doctrine of dual federalism argues that ______. A. the national government and the states have authority over defined and mutually exclusive policy areas B. the Supreme Court should resolve conflicts between the authority of the national government and the states C. any law passed by the national government is the supreme law of the land D. the national government should initiate policies and then turn them over to the states for administration E. the national government and the states should share authority equally in all policy areas

E (correct)

Their _____ enables states to pass laws governing such activities as crimes, marriage, contracts, education, intrastate transportation, and land use. A. necessary and proper power B. boundary power C. police power D. sovereign power E. general welfare power

E (correct)

Though the civil rights movement focused primarily on the rights of _____, it had the additional effect of _____. A. Latinos; benefiting African Americans B. women; benefiting gay Americans as well C. women; strengthening the disenfranchisement of gay Americans D. African Americans; strengthening the disenfranchisement of other racial minorities E. African Americans; benefiting nearly all minority groups

E (correct)

Which constitutional right(s) inferred by the Court has been used to protect unlisted rights such as reproductive rights? A. Right to assembly B. Due process rights C. Wall of separation rights D. Right against self-incrimination E. Right to privacy

E (correct)

the rights of citizens as they move from state to state because it requires the states to recognize each other's laws and court rulings A. a person's right to individual freedom B. Congress's power to tax C. Congress's power to regulate interstate trade D. the president's emergency powers E. Congress's power under the commerce clause

E (correct)

Media coverage _____ played a key role in ending unjust Jim Crow laws in the Southern United States A. of the 1962 riots at the University of Mississippi B. of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom C. of the 1963 protests in Birmingham D. of the 1965 assassination of Malcolm X E. of the 1955 boycott of the Montgomery, Alabama, bus line

E (idk)

In Epperson v. Arkansas, the Court ruled that ______. A. schools may teach the theory of intelligent design B. southern states have the right to ban the teaching of evolution in schools C. the establishment clause does not apply to the issue of religion in schools D. states cannot ban the teaching of evolution in public schools E. evolution is a theory, not a fact

E (wrong) C (correct) Come back to

The Supreme Court's ruling in McCulloch v. Maryland was significant because _____. A. it increased the powers reserved to the states and the people B. it established the doctrine of implied powers C. it established the Court's power of judicial review D. it permitted the Court to nationalize banking E. it expanded the power of Congress to use the commerce clause

E (wrong) D (correct)

The incorporation doctrine _____. A. provides for congressional oversight into multinational corporations B. provides for government oversight to corporations doing business with the government C. allows companies to incorporate through government application D. holds the view that most of the protections of the Bill of Rights apply to foreign government activities through the Fourteenth Amendment E. is the view that the provisions of the Bill of Rights are extended to individuals for protection against action by states

E (wrong) D (correct)

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