exam 2 retake

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About ________ of students aged 3 to 17 have a communication disorder and about ________ of school-age children receive speech or language services.

8%; 21%

Nicole has difficulty controlling her pitch. Which quality may describe her voice?


Which type of language includes words that are used in school and in textbooks?

Academic vocabulary

Which answer is an example of a physical cause of intellectual disabilities?

Low birth weight

Three answers include one of criteria found in the definitions of emotional and behavioral disorders. Which answer does NOT include a criterion?

Behavior is displayed in only one setting.

Which statement describes a student with selective mutism?

Mackenzie refuses to speak in certain social situations.

all answers include a characteristic that is typically exhibited by students with Asperger syndrome EXCEPT for one. Which one does NOT?

Delayed cognitive abilities

Which answer contains a possible explanation for the steady decrease in the percentage of students with learning disabilities since 2003?

Early screening and intervention procedures were implemented

Which strategy is Aaron using if he encourages a student with ASD to request a favorite toy in order to play with it during break time?

Naturalistic instruction

Which term describes individuals with visual acuity in the range of 20/70 to 20/200, who continue to have difficulty with vision even with corrective lenses?

Legal blindness

which factor is one of the most important predictors of whether a student will be identified with a learning disability?

Referral from the classroom teacher

A student who struggles with syntax is likely to struggle with which skill?

The order of words in sentences

Which statement about students with emotional and behavioral disorders is true?

They are among the most highly segregated students with disabilities.

Why does Matthew, an eleventh-grade science teacher, present an advance organizer to his students at the start of each new unit?

They orient his students to the task and materials.

Why are Social Stories used?

To improve students' social interactions

Which answer is an example of an environmental factor that can occur at home, at school, and in the community?


In your classroom, you have three students with very distinctive types of learning disabilities. The first student has _______because she has difficulty reading due to decoding and spelling problems. The second student has ________ because she has problems with math concepts and computation. The third student has ________ because he has difficulty forming letters when he handwrites.

dyslexia; dyscalculia; dysgraphia

When administering classroom tests, all of the following answers are beneficial modifications for students with visual impairments, EXCEPT for ________.

exempting them from testing

The ability to convey a message is referred to as ________ language and the ability to understand what is being communicated in referred to as ________ language.

expressive; receptive

Rett Syndrome is extremely rare, requires Level 3 supports, and only affects ________.


The concept that language is a code for representing sounds, words, and ideas is called ________, and it can be developed by playing word games.


ADHD only affects young children" is a ________.


Casey noticed that several of her first graders have difficulty segmenting words into individual sounds and blending individual sounds to make words. These students are having difficulty with ________ awareness.


A/An ________ is a condition where young children experience language delays without symptoms of other developmental or hearing problems.

specific language disorder

Students with conduct disorders may display covert behaviors, such as ________, or overt behaviors, such as ________.

stealing; bullying

Children's speech should be at least 90% intelligible by the ________.

time they enter kindergarten

Challenging behaviors are often a form of communication for students with limited verbal skills, so it is essential for teachers to ________.

understand why the behaviors are occurring

An example of self-talk is when teachers describe ________

what they are doing or thinking

Three of the answers below are reasons why it is important for students with multiple or dual sensory disabilities to learn communication skills. Which answer is NOT one of those reasons?

A lack of speech indicates a lack of communication.

The DSM-5 requires two criteria for diagnosis with an intellectual disability. What is one of them?

Adaptive behavior deficit

Bobby is a first grader who has been working with a speech and language pathologist for six months. He tends to substitute, omit, or distort words in his speech. What type of disorder is Bobby experiencing?

Articulation disorder

When are children with mild intellectual or developmental disabilities usually diagnosed?

By age 10

Which strategy is suggested for parents of older students to extend their child's language concepts at home?

Encourage families to let students take responsibility for communicating in the community.

Which student is eligible for special education services under the other health impairment category?

Gabe has persistent inflammation of his air passages and difficulty breathing.

What is comorbidity?

Having more than one disability

Which key practice for language intervention involves providing additional language intervention time during the school day or by adding language intervention after school or during the summer?


Which statement about American Sign Language (ASL) is accurate?

It has its own unique grammar and usage.

Which statement about functional behavioral assessment (FBA) is accurate?

It is a method of gathering data in order to design a behavior improvement plan.

Identify which technique is used in this exchange between Patrick and his teacher: Patrick: "I did that question easy." Teacher: "Yes, you answered that question easily."

Language expansion

Which DSM-5 level of support is correctly described?

Level 2 requires substantial support

Which answer provides a reason why children with intellectual disabilities may have difficulty forming friendships?

Limited communication skills

Which student has muscular dystrophy?

Madison, because she has progressive muscle weakening that limits her mobility

Which term is used to describe autistic disorder or autism, Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, Asperger syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder—not otherwise specified?

Pervasive developmental disorder

Which step should a teacher follow if a student has a tonic-clonic seizure in class?

Place something soft under the student's head so it will not bang on the floor.

Which strategy is suggested for parents of young students to extend their child's language concepts at home?

Practice figurative language through jokes and word play

Which student is considered medically fragile?

Renee has cancer and is at risk for medical emergencies on a regular basis.

What skill is Jude, an autistic support teacher, teaching when he helps his students with ASD to initiate conversations with others, respond to social initiations from others, maintain conversations, and respond to criticism?

Social skills

Evan just learned that a student with a visual impairment will be in his science class in the next term. What kind of information will be most valuable in trying to meet this student's academic needs?

The student's level of functional vision

For what purpose does a student use an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) system?

To send and receive messages

Which of the following pieces of evidence is required in order for a student to receive special education services from a teacher specializing in visual impairments?

Written documentation from an ophthalmologist

a student in your kindergarten classroom is having difficulty pronouncing certain words with the "t" sound. You think she needs to be evaluated. Which professional will conduct the evaluation?

Speech and language pathologist

In a/an ________, categories are placed along one axis of a matrix and specific vocabulary is placed along the other axis in order to create a visual representation of the relationships among the concepts.

semantic feature analysis

Jessica makes sure to teach vocabulary, word categories, word relationships, multiple meanings, and figurative language in her seventh-grade class. What skill is Jessica teaching her students?


Victoria is six years old and has demonstrated regression in language, social skills, bowel and bladder control, and motor skills. Which disability is she likely to have?

Childhood disintegrative disorder

It is difficult to keep track of the prevalence of students with ADHD because there is not a separate category for this disability under IDEIA 2004. Children with ADHD are often classified under the ________ category.

Specific Learning Disability

What term did Samuel Kirk coin in 1963 that is now generally accepted to describe students who, despite adequate cognitive functioning and the ability to learn some skills quickly, have great difficulty learning other skills?

Specific learning disability

Christine uses cooperative learning in her Health class. Which technique is she using to teach academic skills to her students with ASD?

Consider grouping practices

Samantha works with elementary students who have severe physical disabilities. To support her students' literacy development, she decorates the classroom with a variety of posters, signs, bulletin boards, and other visual displays that include words, pictures, and symbols. Which practice is Samantha using?

Print in the environment

During the identification process, what tool may be used by parents, teachers, other professionals, and students to evaluate adaptive behaviors across settings?

Rating scale

Which student would be identified as having a specific learning disability according to IDEIA 2004?

Robert loves animals. He can talk for hours about the latest National Geographic documentary. When his seventh-grade teacher asked him to write an essay about his favorite reptile, he was only able write a few illegible words. When he was six, the optometrist discovered a defect in the curvature of his cornea that limits his vision.

A child in your classroom has recently been diagnosed with autism. In order for him to be diagnosed with autism, he had to have documented features in three areas. What is one of those areas?

Stereotypic behavior

Which tip is the central, guiding principle for teachers when they explain ADHD to children?

Tell the truth.

Which behavior is a student with internalizing behaviors likely to exhibit?

Withdrawal from peers

Research indicates that students with learning disabilities are ineffective at employing memory strategies. Therefore, it is not only important to teach students to use memory strategies, but also to cue them to ________.

use the memory strategies they have learned

A student who is unable to see the blackboard at a distance of 20 feet has limited ________, and a student with limited peripheral vision has a limited ________.

visual acuity, visual field

You have a student in your class who is constantly checking to see if his answers are correct and will start an assignment over if there are any extraneous marks on his paper or if he has made a mistake. Which one of the following types of anxiety disorders may your student be experiencing?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Which two common developmental factors distinguish ADHD from mild attention or hyperactivity problems?

Onset in early childhood and deviance from age-based standards

Derrick's teacher noticed that he frequently challenged her directions and often blamed other students in his third grade class for his own actions. Later, he would destroy the property of students he thought had tattled on him. What disability might Derrick have?

Oppositional defiant disorder

Alex, a ninth-grade teacher, starts a unit on Native Americans by showing a documentary. He then passes around beads, bracelets, pottery, and tools once used by Native Americans. After a discussion about what they have seen and touched, Alex provides his students with a written outline of the important dates and facts they will learn. To end the unit, he will have a lesson on how to make pottery with techniques used by Native Americans. What strategy is Alex using to teach this unit?

Presenting information in multiple ways to address students' learning styles

Normal hearing falls within the range of ________ dB.


Students with intellectual disabilities comprise approximately ________ of the school population.


Sabrina earned an average score on her intelligence test. What was her score?


What term refers to the age-appropriate conceptual, social, and practical skills necessary for daily living and includes skills like communication, hygiene, work skills, and practical literacy and numeracy?

Adaptive behavior

Which type of assessment is Christopher taking if it is designed for students with more severe disabilities and is based on modified versions of his state standards?

Alternate Assessments Based on Modified Academic Achievement Standards

Heather is considering referring one of her students to determine if he has a learning disability. What is the best way for her to determine his perceptions about school and of himself as a learner?

Ask the student

If a student is diagnosed with this disability, then he or she must have behaviors documented in six areas that may include impairment in social interactions and stereotypic behavior, but no clinical delays in cognition or self-help skills.

Asperger syndrome

All answers include a part of the FBA process EXCEPT for which one?

Conduct an IQ test and additional assessments of the child's academic abilities

When Cassie's teacher introduces a new vocabulary word, she simultaneously presents Cassie with a picture flash card and a flash card with the printed word. What type of systematic instruction is being used?

Constant time delay

Three answers identify one of the factors that should be considered when adapting curriculum for students with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Which answer does NOT?

Curriculum overlapping addresses a single curricular area by extending it over several lessons or units.

You see an increase in gang activity in your school and have students whom you suspect of being in a gang. These students tend to dress alike, but they are not very structured. In which type of gang do you suspect these students are claiming membership?


What is the title of the reference book that provides a uniform nomenclature so clinicians and researchers can discuss, research, diagnose, and treat mental disorders?

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Which answer includes two characteristics of the social skills of students ASD?

Difficulty interpreting social cues and regulating their emotions

What is the most common chromosomal disorder?

Down syndrome

During which stage of an individual's life does an ASD typically appear?

During the first three years of life

What is the most widely used reading accommodation for students with visual impairments?

Large print

What factor is quickly becoming the leading cause of intellectual disabilities and can be prevented?

Maternal use of alcohol during pregnancy

What type of assessment is Abby using with her students who have intellectual disabilities when she has them compile multiple artifacts that show tangible evidence of their progress?


Cindy, a first-grade teacher, introduces a new book to her class. She talks about the cover and states her prediction about the topic, based on the title and pictures. What strategy is Cindy using to introduce the book?

Thinking aloud

At which tier of the response to intervention (RTI) model would a student be receiving services if she received interventions regarding self-control and self-management skills training in a small group?

Tier 2

Which student will be identified, and eligible for special education services, under the multiple disabilities category?

Winston has a profound intellectual disability and spina bifida.

Emerson's parents scheduled an appointment with a/an ________ who will test his hearing and plot his responses to sounds on a graph.


Prenatal refers to ________ birth, perinatal refers to ________ birth, and postnatal refers to ________ birth.

before, during, after

A student without the ability to withhold or delay a planned response lacks ________.

behavioral inhibition

Viewing hearing loss not as a disability, but as a common characteristic among a group of individuals, is a ________.

belief of members of the Deaf culture

The initial identification of ADHD usually is conducted by a ________.

classroom teacher

What does it mean if a disability is considered to be a low-incidence disability?

comparatively few students have that disability.

The prevalence of individuals with ASD has ________ in the last 15 to 20 years.

increased dramatically

Seizure disorders, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, and polio are all examples of ________.

neurological impairments

The Social Skills Improvement System, Childhood Behavior Checklist, Social Skills Rating System for Children, and Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders are all examples of ________.

rating scales

If it is determined that a student has ADHD that adversely affects his/her educational performance, then he/she will ________.

receive special education services under IDEIA 2004

A/An ________ occurs in a home-school partnership when there is mutual trust, ongoing communication, high yet realistic expectations, and sensitivity to the family's culture, basic needs, and choices.

reliable alliance

Alan is identified as displaying socialized aggression because he ________.

routinely engages in antisocial behavior, often in groups of other children

There is a student in your sixth period Biology class who, over the last few months, has shown significant changes in her behavior. It seems as if she is hallucinating and having delusions that cause her to act in strange ways. She may be exhibiting ________.


A strategy that can be used with children with autism where the teacher uses a combination of role-playing, feedback, modeling, and verbal instruction is called ________.

social problem solving

you have a student who has difficulty interacting with peers and teachers because these skills have not been addressed in her home environment. In order to help her, you choose to use ________ because it is "a positive, proactive intervention, designed to teach specific social behavior by replacing negative behaviors with more desirable ones."

social skills training

When asked a question, Kara often repeats exactly what she hears rather than providing an answer. What is this behavior called?


Which answer is an example of a student engaged in functional practice with an academic skill?

Elise reads a menu.

According to the text, what is one of the most effective classroom strategies for individuals with ASD?

Establish a predictable classroom routine early in the school year.

Which statement about behavioral rating scales is true?

Examples of behaviors rated include distractible, restless, impulsive, and excitable.

Jocelyn has limited mobility in her hands and feet, in addition to speech that is very difficult to understand. Which type of assistive technology is best suited to her needs?

Eye-gaze pointing

Which syndrome is the most common inherited cause of intellectual disabilities and manifests itself with a range of intellectual abilities and physical symptoms?

Fragile X syndrome

What type of tool is used to break each goal or activity into steps or subskills and determine the student's present performance for each step or subskill?

Functional assessment

You have a student in your fifth-grade classroom who is constantly hitting, pushing, or tripping other students. You have considered referring him for evaluation for an emotional or behavioral disorder. Which characteristic is this student exhibiting?

Harm to others

What is the most frequent academic challenge of students with learning disabilities?


Georgina is currently being evaluated to see if she has an intellectual disability. Which method of identifying individuals with intellectual disabilities is now considered outdated and is no longer likely to be the sole determining factor in her diagnosis?

IQ score

Read the following interaction between Ray and his teacher. What strategy is the teacher using to assist Ray? Teacher: "Read the first sentence." Ray: "The boy cut the branches from a beautiful maple tree." Teacher: "Well done! Which word in the sentence is the verb?" Ray: "Cut." Teacher: "What did you ask yourself to figure out which word was the verb?" Ray: "What action did the boy do?"

Instructional conversation

Helping students with emotional and behavioral disorders learn to self-manage their own behavior is one of the major areas teachers must address with this population of students. Which of the following statements is one of the benefits of teaching self-monitoring skills?

It helps students to become responsible for their own behavior.

You may be involved in the assessment and evaluation process for students with ASD or PDD. Which answer includes two areas that teachers may be asked to document student performance as part of this process?

Language skills and social skills

In order for your students with limited verbal skills to participate in your classroom, you can use a/an ________ made of symbols and pictures.

communication board

As a teacher of middle school students with emotional and behavioral disorders, Amanda spends a great deal of time addressing inappropriate behaviors. One of her goals is to teach ________ that will enhance instruction, relationships with others, and her students' success.

desirable behaviors

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