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Covid-19 is less contagious but has a higher fatality rate than recent diseases also caused by coronaviruses like SARS and MERS. True or False

* False

An estimated 5 million residents left Wuhan after the coronavirus outbreak but before the lockdown of Wuhan. True or False


As the recent North Korean missile tests demonstrate, the development of these missile capabilities helps the North Korean regime demonstrate the credibility of its threats associated with nuclear deterrence. T/F


Before formally entering World War II in 1941, FDR successfully maneuvered around domestic pressure for nonintervention in the war and steadily increased American support for the war efforts of Great Britain through such initiatives as Lend Lease. True or False


German declaration of unrestricted submarine warfare played a large role in the United States declaring war on Germany. True or False


T/F: According to Malley and Finer in "The Long Shadow of 9/11," the US response to the 9/11 attacks have left the U.S. government and its people in a better position to respond to the long term challenges posed by the growth of Chinese power and influence in the international system.


T/F: Among all targets of terrorism, the United States has suffered the bulk of terrorist attacks and deaths attributed to terrorism over the last twenty years.


T/F: Hegemonic stability holds that the global concentration of economic and political power in one state tends to promote open international trade.


T/F: The attacks on September 11, 2001 helped prompt the formation of a new national security infrastructure in the United States, most notably the creation of the Department of Homeland Security.


The Treaty of Versailles helped cause World War II by destabilizing the Weimar government in Germany and pushing conservatives to pursue revisionist foreign policy goals. True or False


The United States contributed to the Great Depression with a restrictive tariff policy and higher interest rates that slowed the flow of credit to Europe. True or False


The United States sought to protect its allies in Western Europe during the Cold War through extended deterrence. T/F


The effectiveness of nuclear deterrence rests largely on the credibility of threats to impose unacceptable military, economic, and human costs on a target. T/F


What is deterrence?

A state pressures another state into not launching a nuclear strike, by threatening to impose an incredibly costly military strike in retaliation. Reason why the Cold War remained as such because they were afraid that they would destroy their biggest and most important cities/states

According to Walter LaFeber and the Wisconsin School (covered in lecture), how did crucial business interests and the need for foreign markets contribute to the timing of American expansion in the 1890s ?

Business enterprises became national, and it created societal demands for national regulation. Focus on industrialization and economic change push the US to act like other colonial powers based in Europe. An economic downturn in the American economy created a broader economic crisis. (Period marked by deflation aka falling prices ) By saving money to buy something better in the long run can mess with the economy because the businesses lose money.

Defense is a psychological process built around issuing credible threats of punishment to convince an adversary to refrain from acting in a certain way.

False This is the definition of deterrence. Defense rests on the physical capacity to repel an attack with force. Instead, deterrence rests on threats to convince an adversary that any attack would result in a costly retaliatory strike that would eliminate any of the military and political gains from the initial attack.

How have nuclear weapons complicated the provisions of national security?

In the conventional era, militaries could protect territory and civilians with military strategies. — machine guns etc., aircrafts Nuclear armed missiles shift national security strategy of US from one based on defense to one based on deterrence. — cannot shoot down incoming missiles so cannot defend population

How might national missile defense influence the stability of nuclear deterrence?

NMD is an anti-ballistic weapon system designed to shoot down incoming ballistic missiles before they reach their targets. If successful, it would undermine an adversary's second strike capability and threaten mutually assured destruction. Incentives may change for states with NM and those without.

What is nuclear proliferation? why do states acquire nuclear weapons, sometimes at the risk of provoking severe international backlash?

NP is the spread of nuclear weapons States that do not have nuclear weapons will seek some because they do not believe or trust extended deterrence. They get Nuclear weapons for security, Domestic politics and/or International norms

According to power transition theory, why does a shift in the distribution of military power between two states increase the likelihood of war between them?

The declining state chooses to attack before the growing military and political power of its adversary are used to impose a series of unfavorable political concessions

Covid-19 affects who mostly?

elderly people especially those with Type 2 diabetes

INN: Why was the virus called the "corona Virus" and why is it causing people to panic?

it has spikes on its surface resembling a corona; it can infect animals and people; can cause respiratory illnesses including pneumonia

Which of the following is the best example of extended deterrence given the current political alignment of states in the international system?

A. The United States threatens to launch military strikes against North Korea if North Korea first launches a military strike against the United States.

Module: 17 What is terrorism? What are the distinguishing features of terrorist organizations? What is the "terrorist's dilemma"?

According to International Relations, terrorism is defined as the use or threatened use of violence against non-combatants in pursuit of a political aim. - goals: terrorism is a political act to achieve a goal - target: provoke fear to a wider audience - nature of perp: non-state actors are principal perps of terrorism rather than states.

Under what conditions might nuclear weapons paradoxically make war less likely?

When someone has Second Strike capabilities it deters others from striking first because the outcome would be worse for them. Because Russia and the US has 2nd strike capabilities, it was able to make the other hesitant to strike with fear that their cities would be destroyed.

According to Fareed Zakaria (covered in lecture), why was America slow in expanding from a continental power to a global power?

After the Civil War, the US wanted to focus on themselves so that the war debts could be repaid. Congress and The president were all Republican which ended divided government and altered the balance of power between the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch in the management of foreign policy. Political arrangement at home affected U.S foreign policy.

Western expansion in the 1840s was promoted by: A. An ideology of Manifest Destiny that asserted that America's western expansion was part of God's plan for the United States. B. Technological advances, particularly the railroad. C. The domestic politics of slavery. D. Options A, B, and C are all correct.

All of the above

Which of the following is an example of public goods that an international hegemon helps to provide? A. A currency that acts as a medium of exchange in international trade B. Safe shipping lines C. A market for distressed goods in the global economy D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is NOT described as being an important political result of the end of World War I? A. The end of the multinational Russian, German, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman empires. B. The formation of the European Union. C. The championing of "self determination" by Woodrow Wilson, or the right of nations and peoples to establish their own countries.

B. The formation of the European Union.

The alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union during World War II quickly collapsed and was replaced by an adversarial relationship and a Cold War because: A. The two countries, having enjoyed a long history of friendly relations, were thrust into roles as adversaries by competition over new consumer markets in Europe. B. The two countries had radically different political and economic systems with incompatible goals. C. President Truman's attempts to befriend Joseph Stalin were not reciprocated. D. All of the above

B. The two countries had radically different political and economic systems with incompatible goals.

How is the Corona Virus epidemic affecting China and the rest of the world?

Because China has the second largest economy in the world, it is decreasing due to the outbreak causing detrimental economic instability around the world.

Countries experiencing significant outbreaks of coronavirus outside of China include: A. Iran B. South Korea C. Italy D. All of the above.

D. All of the Above

Examples of how a slowdown in the Chinese economy due to the coronavirus has hurt large swaths of the global economy include: A. Apple cutting its sales expectations due to supply problems and lower demand from China. B. Hyundai closing factories in South Korea due to supply problems. C. The loss of 13,000 flights a day in China since the travel ban due to the coronavirus epidemic. D. All of the above.

D. All of the Above

Factors behind a non-nuclear state's decision on whether or not to pursue nuclear weapons include: A. Security against external actors in the international system B. Domestic pressure from interest groups C. International norms of non-proliferation D. Answers A and B are both correct E. Answers A, B and C are all correct


If Europe had intervened in the Civil War, who would have won and why?

Europe had a big navy and if they had sided with the Confederates, they would have won but since they stayed neutral, the North won because they were the strongest.

How did Western expansion in the mid-1800s contribute to the emergence of the United States as a global power?

Extending its territory to the whole continent of North America provided the U.S with resources such as... (1) land which was a source of wealth, and was a place that a growing population could settle on (2) natural resources, which provided economy prosperity but was also important when mobilizing for war (3) a basis for dynamic economic growth which provided a solid economic foundation for global power

A state possesses secure second strike capabilities when all of its nuclear weapons can be destroyed in an initial preemptive strike by an adversary.


American leaders and foreign policy-makers within the Roosevelt and Truman administrations were eager for the United States to disengage from world affairs and embrace isolationism at the end of World War II. True or False


International factors, such as the prospect of alliances with European powers, played no part in the outcome of the Civil War. True or False


Missile defense systems strengthen Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) by bolstering one side's second strike capability. T/F


President Wilson had sought to intervene militarily in World War I shortly after its outbreak in 1914 but was unable to do so because of a lack of public support. True or False


T/F: China's recent increase in naval and maritime activity in the South China Sea is supported by other states in the region because they recognize it will boost overall commerce and security in the region.


T/F: The United States supports China in the maritime disputes over access to the South China Sea.


The coronavirus is much more lethal for young children than for older adults. True or False


The terrorist's dilemma describes the inner conflict a terrorist goes through before conducting a suicide mission.


MODULE: 16 What is the problem of credible in nuclear deterrence? Explain why the effectiveness of deterrent threats depends on credibility.

Nuclear deterrence depends on the credibility of threats to work and adversary must believe the threats are real. Credibility depends on capability and resolve, meaning that they are ABLE to carry out the threat if they wanted to (capability) and resolve is the WILL to carry out the threat. The effectiveness of deterrent threats depends on credibility because if they believe the other is bluffing, then they will go through with their "threats". Ex. If someone threatened to nuke West Germany, is the U.S willing to nuke them in order to protect Germany with the risk of putting Washington D.C and NY in jeopardy?

What forces promoted American expansionism in the middle of the 19th century?

Rapid population growth fueled new pressures for territorial expansion. Growing pop. needed new land to grow. New lands provided economic opportunities usually centered around natural resources found in Western Lands. 1st. Population and Economic Growth The economic opportunities provided prosperity which provided to keep social peace within large and diverse American society. 2nd. Technology: the Railroad technological innovations provided a impetus (driving force) for new expansions like the railroad. It was vital for integrating new territories into American states or the American economy .Tech reduced the costs associated with conducting commerce across greater distances, and helped create a demand to integrate these economic and territorial resources into the U.S. 3rd. Ideology: Manifest Destiny Western expansion also had an ideological foundation in which manifest destiny provided the underpinning for the social and political drive to populate newly acquired western lands (Basically, God wants us to obtain the whole continent) 4th. Domestic Politics: Slavery Conflict over slavery was connected to the expansion to the west. South wanted slaves in the west and the North didn't.

What is one of the main dangers of a widespread outbreak?

Social Panic

How does a state demonstrate credibility in nuclear deterrence?

States enhance capabilities by improving their weapons systems states exchange their resolve by managing risk during crisis public pronouncements by democracies - if they do not follow through, people will not want to vote for them because they are "weak" "the treaththat leaves something to chance" Tripwire forces - along the border of NK and SK, a few U.S troops are stationed there, if either side shoots them down, then the US will fight them no matter what.

Which is NOT part of the nuclear triad mentioned in this module's reading?

Tank-launched ballistic missiles (TLBCs)

Which of the following was described in lecture as distinguishing terrorist groups from states?

Terrorist groups typically have more limited goals than states

What are some of the border global patterns in terrorist attacks?

Terrorists attacks and deaths have risen since 9/11 and especially in the past several years. attacks have been concentrated in a small se of countries marked by civil conflicts Attacks occur in or near the terrorists organizations home base

Module: 15 How have nuclear weapons influenced US Foreign Policy since 1945?

The U.S dropped 2 bombs on, one bomb in Hiroshima and another in Nagasaki. Many people died and the Japanese surrendered because it costs lives, and money. 1st: it is destructive and posses a significant threat on any targeted society 2nd: the development of nuclear weapons has radically changed the challenges associated with protecting a civilian population from external threats

What made the American Civil War an international event?

The fate of the American experiment was in balance not only as a potential great power dominating North America, but also as an ideal about the possibilities for social progress offered by stable democratic rule. America was a model for positive and negative consequences of democracy for the Europeans.

President Eisenhower threatened nuclear strikes to contain and prevent small, regional conflicts.

True President Eishenhower threatened the use of nuclear weapons even in relatively small-scale conflicts such as North Korea. He believed that by threatening the use of nuclear weapons in any war, he could prevent the war from breaking out in the first place. Note though, the effectivness of this strategy waned as the Cold War went on, particularly after the Soviets acquired secure second strike capability. A threat to launch an attack against the Soviet Union if they invaded a third world country like Afghanistan faced a credibility problem. The United States could not eliminate all Soviet nukes in a first strike. Consequently, it became more difficult to deter attacks against countries like Afghanistan if the promised response (a nuclear strike on Moscow) resulted in a Soviet retaliatory strike on New York City.

What differentiated Union diplomacy from Confederate diplomacy?

Union diplomacy: Industry and anti-slavery - Industrial base made it an important trading partner with Europe. - North had more people and was stronger which made it an ideal partner. - Europe, Russia and other parts of the world had abolished slavery by 1863 Confederate Diplomacy: King Cotton - Economic bases on its cash crop of cotton which was made mostly in the south. - Europe textile mills required the cotton - South thought that if they could withhold cotton from Europe, they would support them financially during the war effort. -Failed because there was a surplus and that reduced the economic cost of potential supply disruptions in Europe

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