NEC Challenge Exam 4

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50. Constant-voltage generators, except ac generator exciters, shall be protected from overload by _____ or other acceptable overcurrent protective means suitable for the conditions of use.

445.12(A) any of these: inherent design, circuit breakers, fuses.

41. At least one lighting outlet containing a switch or controlled by a wall switch shall be installed in attic spaces containing ballasts for electric signs. At least one ____ shall be at the usual point of entry to these spaces. The lighting outlet shall be provided at or near the equipment requiring service.

600.21(E) point of control

17. the markings required on signs and outline lighting systems in 600.4(A) shall be permanent, durable , and ______ when installed in wet locations.

600.4(E) weatherproof

30. Metal or nonmetallic poles used to support signs can contain the sign circuit conductors, provided the installation complies with 410.30(B)

600.5(C)(3) TRUE

10. Each sign and outline lighting system shall be controlled by an externally operable switch or circuit breaker that opens all ungrounded conductors simultaneously on _______ branch circuits.

600.6 multiwire

15. Where the disconnecting means is out of the line of sight from any section of a sign or outline lighting able to be energized, the disconnecting means shall be _____ in the open position in accordance with 110.25.

600.6(A)(2) lockable

13. Neon tubing which is readily accessible to pedestrians shall be protected from physical damage, other than _____.

600.9(B) listed dry-location, portable signs

48. Type USE cable used for service laterals shall be permitted to emerge from the ground if terminated in an enclosure at an outside location and protected in accordance with 300.5(D).

338.12(B)(2) TRUE

47. Three-way and four-way switches shall be wired so that all switching is done only in the _____ circuit conductor.

404.2(A) ungrounded

36. Transformers and capacitors installed in Class I, division 1 locations that do not contain flammable liquids shall not be required to be installed in vaults if they are identified for Class I locations.

501.100(A)(2) TRUE

27. Motors, generators or other rotating electrical machinery identified for Class I, Division 2 locations can be used in Class I, Division 1 locations.

501.125(A)(1) FALSE

7. Totally enclosed motors of the types specified in 501.125(A)(2) or (A)(3) shall have a device to de-energize the motor or provide an alarm if there is any increase in temperature of the motor beyond designed limits when operating in Class 1, Division 1 locations.

501.125(A)(2) and (A)(3) True

45. Luminaires installed in Class I, Division 1 locations shall be protected from physical damage by a suitable ______.

501.130(A)(2) guard or by location

18. Pendant luminaires in a Class I, Division 1 location shall be suspended by and supplied through threaded rigid metal conduit stems or threaded steel intermediate conduit stems, and threaded joints shall be provided with _____ or other effective means to prevent loosening.

501.130(A)(3) set-screws

20. Flexible cords in Class I hazardous (classified locations shall ________.

501.140(B)(1),(2),and (3) all of these: be listed as extra-hard usage, contain an equipment grounding conductor, be supported by clamps or other suitable means to avoid tension on the terminals

14. In Class 1, Division 1 or Division 2 locations where the boxes, fittings, or enclosures are required to be explosionproof, if ta flexible cord is used it shall terminate with a cord connector or attachment plug listed for the location, or a listed cord connector installed with a seal that is listed for the location. In Division 2 locations where explosionproof equipment is not required, the cord shall terminate ___________

501.140(B)(4) with a listed cord connector or with a listed attachment plug

8. For Class I locations where 501.140(A)(5) is applied, flexible cords shall be _____ from the power source to the temporary portable assembly and from the temporary portable assembly to the utilization equipment.

501.140(B)(5) of continuous length

25. In Class I, Division 1 locations, seals shall not be required for conduit entering an enclosure if the switch, circuit breaker, fuse, relay, or resistor is ________.

501.15(A)(1)(1) Ex any of these: enclosed within a chamber hermetically sealed against the entrance of gases or vapors, immersed in oil in accordance with 501.115(B)(1)(2), enclosed within an enclosure, identified for the location, and marked "Leads Factory Sealed", or Factory Sealed" "Seal not Required" , or equivalent

34. The minimum thickness of sealing compound in class I locations shall not be less than the trade size of the conduit or sealing fitting and in no case, shall the thickness of the compound be less than ______

501.15(C)(3) 5/8"

24. The removal of shielding material or the separation of the twisted pairs of shielded cables and twisted pair cables isn't required within the conduit seal fitting in a Class I, Division 2 hazardous (classified) location provided the termination is by an approved means to minimize the entrance of gases or vapors and prevent flame propagation.

501.15(E)(1) Ex 2 TRUE

46. In Class I locations, the locknut-bushing and double-locknut types of contacts shall not be depended on for bonding purposes.

501.30(A) TRUE

11. Where flexibility is required, the following wiring methods are permitted in a Class II, Division 1 location ______.

502.10(A)(2)(1),(2), and (5) any of these dustight flexible connectors, liquid tight flexible metal conduit with listed fittings, flexible cords listed for extra-hard usage with listed dustight cord connectors.

5. Rigid metal conduit and IMC shall not be required to be threaded when used in Class II, Division 2 locations.

502.10(B)(1)(2) True

29. Where flexibility is required the following wiring methods are permitted in a Class II, Division 2 location ________.

502.10(B)(2) and 502.10(A)(2)(1), (2), and (5) any of these: dustitght flexible connectors, liquidtight flexible metal conduit with listed fittings, flexible cords listed for extra-hard usage with listed dustight cord connectors

19. Seals in Class II hazardous (classified ) locations shall ______.

502.15(4) FALSE

35. Luminaires in Class III locations exposed to physical damage shall be protected by a(n) _____ guard.

503.130(B) suitable

1. In Class III locations, portable lighting equipment shall be equipped with handles and protected with substantial guards. Lamp holders shall be of the unswitched type with no provision for ______

503.130(D) receiving attachment plugs

31. In Class III locations, receptacles and attachment plugs shall be of the grounding type, shall be designed so as to minimize the accumulation or the entry of _____ and shall prevent the escape of sparks or molten particles.

503.145 fibers/flyings

23. Fixed electrical equipment sandalled in spaces above a Class I location in a commercial garage shall be ____.

511.7(B)(1) located above the level of any defined Class I location, identified for the location

40. a permanently mounted luminaire in a commercial garage located over lanes on which vehicles are commonly driven, shall be located not less than ____ ft above floor level

511.7(B)(1)(b) 12'

12. In assembly occupancies , Type NM cable, AC cable, ENT, and PVC, conduit can be installed in those portions of the building not required to be of _____ construction by the applicable building code.

518.4(B) fire-rated

3. Service equipment shall be securely fastened to a solid backing and be installed so as to be protected from the weather, unless of weatherproof construction

525.10(B) True

6. Where multiple services or separately derived systems supply portable structures of carnival, circus, or fairs, the equipment grounding conductors of all the sources of supply that serve such structures separately by less than ____ ft shall be bonded together at the portable structures.

525.11 12'

21. When installed indoors for carnivals, circuses, and fairs, flexible cords and flexible cables shall be listed for wet locations and shall be sunlight resistant.

525.20(A) FALSE

32. Wiring for an amusement ride attraction, tent or similar structure at a carnival, circus, or fair shall not be supported by any other ride or structure unless specifically designed for the purpose.

525.20(F) TRUE

22. Each portable structure at a carnival, circuits, or fair shall be provided with a means to disconnect it from all ungrounded conductors within sight of and within _____ ft of the operator's station

525.21(A) 6'

42. Portable distribution and termination boxes installed outdoors at carnivals, circuses, or fairs shall be weatherproof and mounted so the bottom of the enclosure is not less than ____ in. above the ground.

525.22(A) 6"

28. at circuses and carnivals, all equipment to be grounded shall be connected to a(n) _____ conductor of a type recognized by 250.118.

525.31 equipment grounding

4. Overhead wiring outside of tents and concession areas of carnivals and circuses which are accessible to pedestrians shall maintain a vertical clearance of _____ ft above finished grade, sidewalks, or from platforms, projections, or surfaces from which the wiring might be reached.

525.5(A) and 225.18(1) 10'

39. Agricultural buildings where excessive dust and dust with water may accumulate, including all areas of ____ confinement systems where litter dust or feed dust may accumulate shall comply with Article 547.

547.1(A) all oof these: poultry livestock, fish

16. Agricultural buildings where corrosive atmospheres exist include areas where the following conditions exist _________.

547.1(B)(1),(2), and (3) all of these: poultry and animal excrement, corrosive particles which may combine with water, areas of periodic washing with water and cleansing agents

49. Type NM cable shall be permitted in agricultural buildings

547.5(A) FALSE

2. All cables installed in agricultural building shall be secured within _____ in. of each cabinet, box, or fitting.

547.5(B) 8"

38. Mobile home service equipment shall be located adjacent to the mobile home, located in sight from but not more than ____ ft from the exterior wall of the mobile home it serves.

550.32(A) 30 ft

37. Mobile home service equipment shall be rated not less than _____ at 120/240V.

550.32© 100A

26. In marinas, boatyards, and commercial and noncommercial docking facilities, the NEC requires a(n) _____ disconnecting means which allows individual boats to be isolated from their supply connection.

555.17(B) readily accessible

43. A _____ is an enclosed assembly that can include receptacles, circuit breakers, fused switches, fuses, watt-hour meter(s), panelboards and monitoring means approved for marine use.

555.2 Marine Power Outlet marine power outlet

9. Temporary wiring methods shall be acceptable only if _____, based on the conditions of use and any special requirements of the temporary installation.

590.2(B) approved

44. Temporary wiring shall be ______ immediately upon the completion of construction or purpose for which the wiring was installed.

590.3(D) removed

33. Where shore power accommodations provide two receptacles specifically for an individual boat slip, and these receptacles have different voltages, only the receptable with the ____ shall be required to be calculated.

Table 555.12, Note 1 larger kW demand

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