Exam 2 Soc. Psych

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Edward and Bella are studying in the library. All of a sudden, Edward takes out his guitar and starts serenading Bella. Edward is... disobeying authority breaking a social norm defying traditional gender roles being socially dominant

breaking a social norm

According to the social facilitation effect, social psychologists would predict that Michael Phelps, one of the fastest swimmers of all time, would swim _______ at the Olympics compared to his solo practice sessions. much slower slightly slower the same faster


_______ is the sociocultural and psychological dimensions of being male or female while _______ is the biological dimension of being male or female. sex; gender gender; sex sex; genetics genetics; gender

gender; sex

Harry is a medical student and a fervent believer in each person's right to medical care. He learns about Doctors Without Borders, an organization which provides health care to regions struggling with conflict, epidemics, and disasters. After attending several meetings of the local chapter of Doctors without Borders, Harry has learned that Doctors Without Borders is turning its attention to preventing and controlling the spread of COVID-19 in refugee camps. He now feels even more passionate about the importance of delivering medical care to all people. Social psychologists would explain the shift in Harry's opinions using: minority influence risky shift group polarization normative social influence

group polarization

How can a minority influence the majority? taking a moderate stance having a consistent message having factions of the minority with differing messages attacking the morality of the majority's position

having a consistent message

Henry, a caveman living in the year 3200 BC, is freaking out because he thinks his partner is having sex with other cavemen. According to evolutionary psychologists, what is unconsciously going through his head? "I can never be 100% certain I'm the father of my children." "She's spending less time taking care of my children and making sure they reach sexual maturity!" "If these aren't my children, then I'm not passing on my genes!" "All of the above are stressing me out!"

"If these aren't my children, then I'm not passing on my genes!"

Prior to running his original obedience experiment, Stanley Milgram described the study design to 110 college students, psychiatrists, and middle-class adults. He then asked them how far they thought people would go before they disobeyed the experimenter. What percentage of these 110 individuals predicted that a person would proceed until they reached the maximum voltage (450 volts)? 0% 35% 65% 85%


While control participants were correct about line-length judgments more than 99% of the time in Asch's conformity study, his participants conformed to the incorrect judgments of others _____% of the time. 12 37 65 87


What percentage of participants obeyed the experimenter and shocked the participant all the way to the maximum of 450 volts? 0% 35% 65% 85%


What type of female would be considered more attractive to a man from an evolutionary perspective? A woman with a prepubescent shape A woman with an hourglass shape A woman with a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.1 A woman who is underweight

A woman with an hourglass shape

Tony would like to set up a business partnership with Jamal. How might Tony use the foot-in-the-door technique to convince Jamal that this would be a good partnership? Offer Jamal large sum of money Ask Jamal to help design the company's logo, then bring up the business partnership afterwards Take a drive out to a remote location to isolate Jamal from business associates who wouldn't support the partnership Create a detailed spreadsheet outlining Jamal's current vs. potential earnings

Ask Jamal to help design the company's logo, then bring up the business partnership afterwards

Diener et al. (1976) wanted to know under which circumstances children take more than one piece of Halloween after a confederate told them to only take one. Their independent variables were a) whether the children were alone or in a group and b) whether or not the children identified themselves. Which children were MOST likely to take more than one piece of candy? Children who were alone and who identified themselves to the confederate Children who were alone but did not identify themselves to the confederate Children who were in a group and who identified themselves to the confederate Children who were in a group and did not identify themselves to the confederate

Children who were in a group and did not identify themselves to the confederate

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is asking for donations nationwide, including people who are not at all interested in animal rights. How should PETA try to persuade these uninterested people to donate money? Create a Public Service Announcement with analytical and reasoned arguments for donating money. Go door-to-door and solicit donations in person. Hire a really popular celebrity to pose in PETA's famous "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" campaign. Put an ad in the paper that says in big letters "Take action against animal cruelty!"

Hire a really popular celebrity to pose in PETA's famous "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" campaign.

Which of these groups is usually most vulnerable to cults? People under the age of 16 who live in an abusive household People over the age of 40 with a strong social support system People under the age of 25 who are facing a personal crisis People over the age of 30 with an extended family

People under the age of 25 who are facing a personal crisis

Social psychologists observed which phenomenon when research participants solved simple and difficult anagrams? Difficult anagrams were solved more quickly when social arousal was present. Social arousal boosted performance on the easy anagrams, but hurt performance on the difficult anagrams. Social arousal increased response time in easy and difficult anagrams. Social arousal decreased subjects' ability to solve easy anagrams

Social arousal boosted performance on the easy anagrams, but hurt performance on the difficult anagrams.

Zimbardo reported that women who were masked and hooded in KKK-style hoods and robes tended to _______ than women who were visible and wore name tags. administer longer shocks to a victim engage in greater social loafing make riskier decisions engage in less conversation with a confederate

administer longer shocks to a victim

Shanice is assembling a task force to make important decisions about the future of the company. She wants to be cautious ensure groupthink will not happen. What steps can Shanice take? drop hints about what decision she hopes to be the outcome assign someone to be devil's advocate to question the group's reasoning and point out disadvantages of its plan create an environment where challenging others' views is frowned upon makes sure group members know cohesiveness and friendliness among the group is more important than making logical decisions

assign someone to be devil's advocate to question the group's reasoning and point out disadvantages of its plan

_________ involves exposing people to weak attacks on their attitudes, so that when stronger attacks come, they will have refutations available. attitude inoculation psychological reactance the boomerang effect the sleeper effect

attitude inoculation

People in _______ cultures exhibit less social loafing than people in _______ cultures. high power distance; low power difference low power distance; high power distance collectivistic; individualistic individualistic; collectivistic

collectivistic; individualistic

If we were to conclude that Milgram's obedient participants were particularly hostile, evil, and aggressive people, we would be... ignoring the strength of positive internal dispositions relying on hindsight bias committing the fundamental attribution error overestimating the power of authority

committing the fundamental attribution error

When the Philadelphia Phillies won the World Series in 2008, some groups of otherwise law-abiding baseball fans started bonfires and climbed on top of bus shelters until they collapsed. This type of behavior is an example of __________. dehumanization deindividuation the risky shift heightened self-awareness


Anne, Henry's partner, suspects that he's been seeing other women behind her back. According to evolutionary psychologists, she will confront him and tell him his infidelity is unacceptable because: they had previously discussed having a monogamous relationship. it's not natural for him to become involved with other cavewomen he is devoting less time and resources to help her children survive to sexual maturity nothing makes her more upset than the thought of him having sex with someone else.

he is devoting less time and resources to help her children survive to sexual maturity

Which of the following is a typical characteristic of a cult? the use of mind-altering drugs equal rights for all members and leaders a distant, arrogant, uncharismatic leader isolating members from the surrounding "evil" culture

isolating members from the surrounding "evil" culture

Evolutionary psychology has been criticized because it bases its conclusions on a population it can no longer study it underestimates the role of genetic factors denies the role of hormonal factors overemphasizes cultural differences

it bases its conclusions on a population it can no longer study

When Arthur Schlesinger questioned the Bay of Pigs invasion, Robert Kennedy told him "Don't push it any further" and explained that everyone should support the President. Robert Kennedy was acting as a: social facilitator mind guard protector enforcer

mind guard

Females score higher than men on assessments of ________. creativity vocabulary intelligence none of the above

none of the above

Milgram re-ran his original obedience study with differences in procedure and location. Which of these variations yielded a higher rate of obedience than the original study? receiving the experimenter's commands over the phone instead of in person requiring teachers to force the learner's hand onto a shock plate moving the study to a location unaffiliated with Yale University none of the above

none of the above

The results of Asch's conformity study is startling because the study did not employ any: groups larger than four persons experimental realism judgments about ambiguous stimuli open, obvious pressure to conform

open, obvious pressure to conform

The implications of evolutionary psychology suggest that human success is defined by: acquiring wealth maintaining health exceeding average life expectancy passing on one's genes

passing on one's genes

Suzy is overwhelmed by the variety of soft drinks available at HEB. She decides to purchase Diet Coke because it has a cute polar bear on the box. Suzy has been persuaded to purchase this particular soda because of the _______ route to persuasion. peripheral central logical credible


According to the ___________theory, a group's decisions are more dangerous than the individuals' decisions prior to joining the group. risky shift groupthink pluralistic ignorance group moderation

risky shift

The _______ effect occurs when we remember the message but forget the reason for discounting it. delay discounting sleeper longevity inoculation


Social psychologists would suggest the isolation cult members experience may cause: a reactance effect where members disregard the cult leader's ideas a heightened ability to make logical decisions social implosion, with the group defining reality now that members are cut off from counter arguments a lively debate on what is best for the community, with many shared ideas

social implosion, with the group defining reality now that members are cut off from counter arguments

Sam is on his school's rowing team. He has a tendency to exert himself more when he's rowing by himself than he does when he's in a 4-person boat, as he thinks the other rowers will be sure to pick up the slack. This is an example of: social facilitation social loafing deindividuation group polarization

social loafing

While preparing for a debate competition against Tinyville University, Texas State University debate team members were confident they would beat Tinyville because they'd viewed the rival university as inferior. Therefore, they didn't spend as much time researching facts or rehearsing. The day of the competition, the Texas State group was underprepared and Tinyville won the debate. What symptom of groupthink was the Texas State debate team susceptible to? conformity pressure stereotyped view of the opponent self-censorship rationalization

stereotyped view of the opponent

On a sinking ship, the parents of two children can save only one child. Both children are male. The older child is seven years old. The younger child is two years old. Neither can swim. According to evolutionary psychologists, which child would the parent choose to save, and why? the 2 year old, because he has more years of life ahead of him the 2 year old, because the 7 year old can swim the 7 year old, because he has survived infancy and is thus more likely to reach reproductive maturity Neither child, as choosing one over the other would result in cognitive dissonance

the 7 year old, because he has survived infancy and is thus more likely to reach reproductive maturity

Read the following fictitious review from yelp.com, then indicate the type of persuasion present. A reviewer on Yelp.com said the following about The Salt Lick BBQ: "On my tour of barbecue restaurants in Central Texas, I visited 16 different barbecue restaurants. At each restaurant I tried the ribs, brisket, and all entrees. I also ate all desserts at each location. Salt Lick has the best variety and most delicious flavor anywhere. Their brisket was the most tender and delicious. Their blackberry cobbler tasted fresher than any cobbler I've ever tasted." In order to encourage people to go to The Salt Lick, this reviewer is using which method? indoctrination the peripheral route to persuasion social facilitation the central route to persuasion

the central route to persuasion

Based on prior research on deindividuation, who might be more likely to honk aggressively at someone stopped at a green light? the driver of a motorcycle or Vespa scooter the driver of a car with tinted windows the driver of a convertible with the top down the driver of an SUV

the driver of a car with tinted windows

People in groups tend to exhibit less social loafing when: the members of the group are friends they will never see each other again the members are dissimilar the members are strangers

the members of the group are friends

Evolutionary psychologists would attribute present-day differences between males and females to all factors except: genetic differences non-conscious drives to pass on genes women's greater involvement in the workforce during the past four decades natural selection over thousands of years

women's greater involvement in the workforce during the past four decades

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