exam 2 study guide

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Theory-of-mind abilities emerge:

during preschool.

In the United States, childhood obesity started to become a serious problem:

during the 1980s.

The hallmark of ADHD is deficits in:

executive functions

Which type of play involves running and chasing each other and exercises children's physical skills?

exercise play

The research method in which people report their activities and emotions when randomly beeped during the day is called the:

experience-sampling technique.

Studying only in order to raise one's GPA is an example of:

extrinsic motivation.

The _____ task has been used by developmentalists to demonstrate theory of mind.


Theory-of-mind abilities are tested via:

false-belief tasks.

The hormone leptin is sensitive to the amount of _____ in the body.


Selective attention refers to a person's ability to:

focus only on relevant information.

When do MOST people master learning strategies such as rehearsal and selective attention?

in elementary school

The main index that researchers use to measure the secular trend in puberty is when:

menarche occurs.

Brandon is in the third grade. What stage of development is he in?

middle childhood

People who feel sympathy rather than empathy for others are _____ likely to help those in need because _____.

more; empathy can cause anxiety and the desire to run away

Samantha can observe her own actions and abilities from an outside frame of reference and can reflect on her feelings. Samantha is showing:


The frontal lobes develop:

slowly; they let people consider options and inhibit immediate responses.

Sixteen-year-old Donna is experimenting with smoking and drinking and often argues with her parents. From an evolutionary standpoint, why is it developmentally logical for Donna to start adolescence with risk-taking tendencies?

so that she is pushed to leave the nest and venture forth into the world

Executive function tests may be able to predict adolescent:


Children know about 10,000 words by age:


Early childhood generally ends at age:_____ believe that social cognitive capacity puts humans at an advantage to other species.


In a 2015 study, it was found that approximately 1 in _____ U.S. high school students report having considered taking their own life in the past year.


Roughly 1 in _____ children in the United States are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.


When does sexually abusive behavior between peers first emerge?

7th or 8th grade

Pick the factor that did NOT help to make adolescence a distinct life stage.

High school made teenagers want to rebel.

Which of the following is NOT an attribute of formal operations?

It is a milestone reached by every adult.

Why is the crowd the ideal medium to bridge the gap between the sexes?

There is safety in numbers.

Which characteristic is MOST common in teens who cut or self-injure?

They have emotional regulation issues.

Which of the following is often a characteristic of maltreated children?

They may be highly aggressive.

Children who live in single-parent mother-headed families are often:


Imagine that you are a researcher interested in determining an individual child's level of self-esteem, and you only have time to ask one question. Which of these questions would be the BEST one to ask?

"Are you succeeding in the areas of life you really care about?"

What percentage of children are subjected to chronic harassment?

10 to 20 percent

According to Piaget, formal operations begins at about age:


What is the current average age of first sexual intercourse for adolescent girls and boys in the United States?

17.8 for girls and 18 for boys

Deficits in executive functions are the main symptoms of:


Since she watches _____, one can predict that Catalina, a 15-year-old Latina girl, will be less vulnerable to body-image issues.

African American-oriented TV showsthe nightly TV newsmainstream American TV shows

Which of the following 14-year-old girls is LEAST likely to be sexually active?

Bianca, whose parents are very religious

_____ believe that social cognitive capacity puts humans at an advantage to other species.

Evolutionary theorists

Becky is in kindergarten and is learning how to write her name. She is developing:

Fine motor skills

Lee is in the first grade. His writing is extremely sloppy. It turns out that he is left handed and is currently developing:

Fine motor skills

Who is likely to become sexually active at the youngest age?

Franklin, a low-SES African American male

According to adolescence specialists, what is the "problem" with the teenage brain?

Frontal lobe development is still occurring when puberty activates the brain's emotion centers.

_____ coined the phrase "storm and stress" regarding adolescence.

G. Stanley Hall

The command center that produces the physical changes of puberty is the:

HPG axis.

The hormonal system that programs the physical changes of puberty is the:

HPG axis.

Major academic differences between poor and affluent children arise around what grade level?


Child art can be wonderful. At age 3, young children often struggle with drawing circles but by the time they are in third grade they can draw people with both bodies and faces. This is an example of the _____ principle.

Mass to specific

Which statement is true about popular children as they move into middle school?

Popular middle-school children may not be well liked.

Pick the primary twentieth-century trend in puberty.

Puberty is occurring at younger ages.

_____ refers to the parenting style that is low on structure and low on love; in this worst-case scenario, parents are missing in action in children's lives.


_____ is evaluating oneself as either good or bad as a result of comparing the self to other people.


Margo had an excellent teacher during her seventh-grade in comparison to the other teachers she had from kindergarten to the end of high school. Which of the following is NOT expected for Margo?

She is more likely to suffer from a psychological disorder.

_____ indicates a steady rise in overall performance on IQ tests that has been occurring around the world during the past century.

The Flynn effect

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a community that promotes upward mobility?

The community has more crime.

Which of the following statements is NOT one of the criticisms made regarding Baumrind's parenting styles framework?

The framework applies only to U.S. poor children.

Which is NOT a feature of anorexia nervosa?

a total obsession with health

For immigrant teens, the task of separating from one's parents may be more difficult because of issues related to:


What programs one's first sexual feelings?

adrenal androgens

Sternberg's successful intelligence includes a combination of _____ abilities.

analytic, creative, and practical

Abstinence-focused sex education programs in the United States:

are not very effective.

Which term refers to young children's belief that everything in nature was created by humans?


Rafael's parents provide plenty of rules, demand total obedience, and are not very affectionate. Rafael's parents have a(n) _____ parenting style.


William expects instant obedience from his children when he tells them to clean up their rooms. Richard is willing to negotiate with his children regarding household chores. In Baumrind's parenting styles framework, William is _____ and Richard is __

authoritarian; authoritative

The optimal child-rearing style in which parents rank high on nurturing and discipline is called _____ parenting


What parenting style is BEST suited for the adolescent years?


John has sympathy for his friend Tom who recently went through a divorce. This means that John feels:

bad for Tom, without feeling his intense distress.

Bulimia involves which of the following?

binging and purging

Internalizing and externalizing problems:

cause social difficulties around the world.

With regard to puberty, developmentalists recommend:

changing to K-8 schools or having smaller, more intimate schools for preteens

James is 9 years old. Which stage of development is he currently in, according to Piaget?

concrete operations

Professor Mary tests children's reasoning abilities. She changes the shape of a mound of clay in front of a child and asks if the quantity of clay has changed. Professor Mary is investigating cognitive abilities using a _____ task.


Disciplining by physical measures such as spanking is called:

corporal punishment.

Sternberg described _____ intelligence as producing novel ideas or doing innovative work.


In what group structure do younger teens typically start to really connect with the opposite sex?


At 15, Jeremiah's parents are having a lot of difficulty with him. He frequently argues with them and tests their rules. According to the research, as Jeremiah reaches late adolescence this intense urge to rebel will probably:


Picture a typical male teenager. Statistically, he MOST likely has:

friends in a main crowd and in some other similar groups

Tyrell disregards his academic failures and blames others for his problems. Tyrell's teachers should:

gently provide accurate feedback about his failures.

Long-term research on adolescents with eating disorders shows that MOST will:

grow out of the disorder.

Undernourished children tend to:

have impaired physical and social skills.

Which of the following is the only characteristic shared by normal dieters and people with eating disorders?

having an interest in losing weight

Nine-year-old Nanette realizes that she is not a scholar, but she is a star athlete, which is the life domain she really cares about. Nanette MOST likely has:

high self-esteem.

George feels that everyone is out to get him. George has a(n):

hostile attributional bias.

When is a teen MOST likely to take risks?

in emotionally charged situations with friends

All are examples of blended families EXCEPT for children living:

in traditional two-parent families.

Obesity rates among children:

increased dramatically in the 1980s.

Typical parent-child conflict centers on _____ issues.


The WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) is given:

individually by a psychologist.

According to Erikson, preschoolers face the challenge of:

initiative versus guilt.

According to Vygotsky, thinking is a form of:

inner speech.

Jeremy has received an IQ score of 65. His diagnostic classification is:

intellectually disabled

Raquel has a natural ability to understand other people. Gardner would view Raquel as high in _____ intelligence.


Vincent enjoys playing the guitar and practices for hours at a time. Practicing is a very pleasurable activity for him, and he does not do so for any kind of tangible reward. Vincent is _____ motivated to play the guitar.


Sixteen-year-old Amanda is hanging out with a high-status crowd in her local public school. Amanda's group is MOST apt to be:


What kind of school tends to foster the development of distinctive separate crowds?

large high schools

Research has shown that being suspended from school results in _____.

later delinquency

Antisocial behaviors that occur during the teenage years and continue into adult life are called:

life-course difficulties.

Synaptogenesis refers to the process of:

making billions of connections between neurons

The mean length of utterance refers to the number of _____ in a sentence.


When William Corsaro went undercover as a member of a preschool class, he found that preschool play plots:

often centered on mastering upsetting events.

Judith Harris proposed that the main force shaping children's behavior is their _____ rather than their parents.


The secular trend in puberty refers to the fact that:

people are undergoing puberty at younger ages.

What is the parenting style in which children are given total freedom and unconditional love?


Research suggests that:

personality weighs heavily in whether one is judged attractive

Humans begin to develop an autobiographical memory, which is the sense that they have a personal past history as well as ongoing selves, during:


Long-term weight problems can be detected as early as:


The physical transition from childhood to adulthood is often celebrated in traditional cultures by a:

puberty rite.

This type of aggression occurs in response to being hurt, threatened, or deprived.


When a person feels guilty, that person is motivated to:

reconnect with others

Since she does not have a pen, paper, or GPS in her car, Deedra memorizes her friend's phone directions by repeating the turns and street names in her mind over and over. Deedra is using a learning strategy called:


Eleven-year-old Sarah loves to tattle on her older sister. Last week, Sarah told her sister's boyfriend that her sister had kissed another boy. Sarah showed _____ aggression.


For contemporary U.S. parents, the MOST popular discipline strategy is:

removal of privileges.

The way that school expulsion may promote criminal behavior and incarceration for at-risk youth is referred to as the:

school-to-prison pipeline.

Pick the word that BEST characterizes boys' reaction to spermarche


The name for a system of grammatical rules in language is:


Vygotsky emphasized the vital importance of _____ in propelling children's mental growth.


What causes the increase in adolescent boys' muscle mass?


Ovaries are to estrogen as testes are to:


Pick the first sign of puberty in girls.

the growth spurt

Fifteen-year-old Evelyn believes that everyone is watching and evaluating everything she does. In Elkind's framework, her hypersensitivity to what others think is called:

the imaginary audience.

Which of the following is a primary sexual characteristic?

the maturation of ovaries

How well a child adjusts to the parents' divorce depends primarily on:

the quality of care the custodial parent provides.

The difference between what children can do and what they can potentially do is:

the zone of proximal development.

Vocabularies can be expected to continue to grow:

throughout the lifespan.

Piaget's concept of egocentrism means that young children are:

unable to consider another's point of view.

Taylor is 3 years old and has a cat named Rudy. In the car, Taylor's mother says, "Look! There is a cat." Taylor replies, "That not cat, that not Rudy!" Taylor's semantic mistake is called a(n):


Who is the typical bullying target?

unpopular children

MOST adolescents are:

upbeat and happy.

Basira runs into her old friend Gina from high school. Gina wants to give Basira her phone number but neither woman has a pen. Basira memorizes the number and calls Gina that evening. This means that Basira transferred the phone number from her _____ to more permanent memory storage.

working memory

When asked why Jorge likes his friend Victor, he replies, "Because we both love playing with swords." These boys are probably _____ children because they describe their friendships in terms of _____ qualities.

younger; external

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