Exam #3

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Indian Country

Land within an Indian reservation or land that is technically owned by the federal government but held in trust for a tribe or tribal member

endonym natchez


sexual division of labor cherokee

o Women responsible for agriculture and food preparation, made distinctive pottery and baskets, worked hides and made clothing, collected wild plant foods and sap from maple and honey locust trees Men responsible for hunting, fishing, and warfare; blowgun used for bird hunting; made dug-out canoes, bows and arrows for hunting and warfare

matrilineages for iroquois

organized into 15 named matriclans (Bear, Beaver, Hawk, etc.)

class distinction

people are defined by wealth, ancestry, or occupation

Grand Village

primary village of the Natchez people. It is located near present day Natchez, Mississippi, on the eastern bluffs of the Mississippi

market saturation

the longer a product exists in the marketplace, the more likely it is that the market will become saturated


the most popular sport among Mississippi Indians; the object was to move a small ball downfield in a cup attached to a stick and throw the ball through uprights, = "the little brother of war"

Five Civilized Tribes

· Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole


a lineage that is formed by tracing descent in the female line


a married couple normally lived with or near the wife's family, but sometimes spent long periods with the husband's family, too

matrilocal iroquois

a married couple normally lived with the wife's family


a member of the Navajo Indian tribe in the southwest

linguistic isolate

a natural language with no demonstrable genealogical (or "genetic") relationship with other languages, one that has not been demonstrated to descend from an ancestor common with any other language.


most pressing problem, began with Mexican sales on limited basis

extended family household

multi-generational households comprised by a husband and wife, their adult children and spouses, and their children living together

sociopolitical organizations

Clans widely dispersed throughout Navajo territory, so no clan chiefs or clan councils

annual cash disbursements to tribal members

$5000 ballpark (to $1 million?)

extended family household iroquois

"Longhouse occupied by women of a matrilineage, their in-marrying husbands, and their children" (Oswalt, p. 381)

Six Iroquois Nations

(Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Tuscarora) has its own language, and Cherokee is an Iroquoian language, too


(Navajo) Gods prominent in creation of world, word for holy people

economy for natzhez

- Depended on corn, beans, and squash - Hunted for deer, bear for bear oil, bison; fished for garfish, suckers, catfish - Collected wild plants including walnuts, chestnuts, acorns - Cultivated tobacco for smoking

Vanishing Indian

- myth that is difficult to control because it has so many different manifestations - reason for this is because of the inherent nature of the settler state which is to eliminate natives -introduced by Euro settlers, at the time they wanted to control natives and wanted their land, so they had to make indians disappear by assimilating to Euro culture or die

6 phases of Natchez history

1. represented by contact European explorers. initial exploration was in 1542 by the Spanish 2. began as missionaries 3. establishment of the french tradition 4. military control began and tricked natchez to seize and kill those who murdered frenchmen 5. arrival of colonists under sponsorship of john law, obtained right from the french government to colonize 6. natchez revolt and destruction as a tribe

Native American Church

Church mainly composed of Native Americans, featuring a blend of indigenous North American religions and Christianity, Originally formed in the Oklahoma Territory, the Native American Church is monotheistic, believing in a supreme being, called the Great Spirit.

When and why is it thought that the Navajo migrated from the north to the Southwest?

1750-1760. The Navajo and the Apache are closely related tribes, descended from a single group that scholars believe migrated from Canada. Both Navajo and Apache languages belong to a language family called "Athabaskan," which is also spoken by native peoples in Alaska and west-central Canada. When the hunter-gatherer ancestors of the Navajo and Apache migrated south, they brought their language and nomadic lifestyle with them.

life-cycle ceremonies

: birth, puberty, marriage, death • Funerals are about who is still living, mark individuals relationship to group as a whole • For marriage: be monogamous, responsible (for bride: cook and clean, For men: provide for women). All kinds of symbols get attached to rituals


A celebration of Native American culture in which diverse nations gather for the purpose of singing, dancing, and honoring their ancestors


A clan tracing descent through the female line


A later native group to the eastern woodlands. They blended agriculture and hunting living in common villages constructed from the trees and bark of the forests


A name given to a place or a person from the outside, refers to cultivated field


A refugee or group of refugees returning to their home country, usually with the assistance of government or a non-governmental organization.


A society ruled or controlled by women

Holy People

Ancestors to the Navajo people, described in mythic narratives

origins of Navajo

Anthropologists hypothesize that the Navajo split off from the Southern Athabaskans and migrated into the Southwest between 200 and 1300 A.D. developed rich and complex cultures

Write a creative essay about your life as a Nachez woman or man. Tell me what year you were born. Tell me your position in Nachez society. Identify a significant historical event and explain how it impacted your life. In your essay, use and define five key terms. Italicize key terms.

As a Natchez woman I would typically take care of the agriculture working in farms and gathering food while the men were out hunting. The natchez were known for their elaborate ceremonies and celebrations for platform mounds. One of these cermemonies I would most likely attend is the Great corn ceremony. This is a celebration of thanksgiving for the first fruits that have been harvested. The life cycle ceremony would be another ceremony I would attending. This is a ceremony to mark the change of a person's social status or phases through life. These would be big changes that influence what someone's life would look like. The last significant ceremony that is popular during this time is the tattooed serpent burial ceremony. This is where sacrifices were ritually strangled at the temple buried and then eventually dug up and were stored in bundle burials. An event that would impact my life significantly would be the Indian Removal Act of 1830. This was a time period where families were forced to move out of their houses and moved across the country. This would impact my life because I would have to adjust to a completely different lifestyle. During the Natchez time I would under the chief called the Great Sun. This chief of Natchez destroyed the French settlement at fort Rosalie. This would impact my life because then I would not be under the control of the French because they would be defeated and have no power over me.

territories for cherokee

Autonomous villages

British political influence

British forces under general James Grant destroyed a number of Cherokee towns, which were never reoccupied

iroquois nation today

Close to 10,000 Mohawk live in Canada, many on the St. Regis and the Six Nations reserves in Ontario and the Caughnawaga Reserve in Quebec. Many Cayuga, who were strong allies of the British, also live on the Six Nations Reserve, which is open to all members of the confederacy.

sedentary farmers

Depended on corn, beans, and squash, plus hunting deer, bear, bison, elk, and turkey

based on these two accounts write an essay

During the summer of 1990 Mohawk Indians from the Kanesatake Indian Reserve, Quebec Provincial Police and Canadian army soldiers engaged in a 78 day stand-off that was sparked by the town of Oka's plans to expand a golf course through a native burial ground. The dispute was the first well-publicized violent conflict between First Nations and provincial governments in the late 20th century. Jean Quellette owned it. Three reasons that support Mohawk's claim is that they established networks, joined by people across Canada and the US, and lastly students stayed on aid. During the summer of 1990 Mohawk Indians from the Kanesatake Indian Reserve, Quebec Provincial Police and Canadian army soldiers engaged in a 78 day stand-off that was sparked by the town of Oka's plans to expand a golf course through a native burial ground. The mohawks protested by seized six vehicles, including four police cars, and commandeered the front-end loader to crush the vehicles and use them to form a new barricade across Route 344.

exogamous moieties

Each moiety (or half) of a pair will almost always be exogamous and take its husbands and wives exclusively from the matched group.

Exonym nacthez

French interpretation of their settlement called "Naches"

What prompted Navajo "belligerence" especially against Hispanics, prior to the Long Walk?

From being forced to remove from their homes which led to the Navajo's having a more bitter attitude towards Hispanics. Many Navajo experienced seizing children, little to no food and no places where they could escape.

Federal Recognition

Given status as citizens as well as rights to lands and political sovereignty, granted through treaties or other government recognition, requires Congressional approval - recognizes right to establish a reservation, obtain customary federal benefits such as health and educational services, establish casinos, etc.

physical environment for cherokee

Great Smoky Mountains - rugged mountains, dispersed flat land suitable for agriculture, great forests with abundant game, plenty of fresh water in rivers and streams, cold winters, beautiful summers

Foxwood Casino

Grosses $1 billion annuallyo Gives 25% of slot machine take to the state (1.6 billion 1993-2003)o Donated $10 million to the Museum of the American Indian

casino income

Harrah's provides employment for approximately 1,800 individuals with the average salary being $37,000. Each of 12,500 enrolled tribal members, children and adults alike, receives biannual checks averaging $3,500 that are drawn from the 50 percent of casino revenue that is distributed to the Indians. no more than a few thousand dollars each

sociopolitical organization cherokee

Historically, Cherokee lived in settled villages Villages were autonomous (politically independent) from each other, governed by council of elders Traditionally had matrilineal extended family households Father taught sons to hunt Mother's brother responsible for discipline of children

Great Sun

In the Mississippian culture, the chief who ruled each large town and stood at the top of the class structure.


Indian ironworkers

Eastern Cherokee

Indians who remained in their homelands even after the Indian Removal Act. exonym from the Choctaw-French word "Tsalagi"


Indigenous populations are composed of the existing descendants of the peoples who inhabited the present territory of a country wholly or partially at the time when persons of a different culture or ethnic origin arrived there from other parts of the world, overcame them, by conquest, settlement or other means and reduced them to a non-dominant or colonial condition; who today live more in conformity with their particular social, economic and cultural customs and traditions than with the institutions of the country of which they now form part, under a state structure which incorporates mainly national, social and cultural characteristics of other segments of the population which are predominant.

sexual division of labor natchez

Men had some responsibility for crops, primary responsibility for hunting, fishing, warfare Women had primary responsibility for agriculture

mound building society

Mound Builders were prehistoric American Indians, named for their practice of burying their dead in large mounds. Beginning about three thousand years ago, they built extensive earthworks from the Great Lakes down through the Mississippi River Valley and into the Gulf of Mexico region

US Navajo treaty of 1868

Nation agreed to cease war against the United States, allow U.S. officials to live within their lands and oversee their obligations to the Navajo (Diné), and permit the construction of railroads through their lands.

Navajo Code Talkers

Native Americans from the Navajo tribe used their own language to make a code for the U.S. military that the Japanese could not decipher

Explain historical processes that led the Navajo from the cold north to the Navajo Reservation today.

Navajo consolidated as a tribe US assumed partial political control of the region US army founded fort defiance long walk-in fort summer treaty was negotiated livestock reduction programs introduced courts of the Navajo nation introduced new constitution set forth intensive commercial coal mining on the reservation

Indian Removal Act of 1830

Ordered the removal of Indian Tribes still residing east of the Mississippi to newly established Indian Territory west of Arkansas and Missouri; those resisting eviction were forcibly removed by American forces, often after prolonged legal or military battles.

Longhouses (Iroquois)

Permanent society that could sustain themselves, communal, maternal side lives together

type 2 diabetes

Requires control of diet and insulin pills to regulate body's production of insulin, which is required to metabolize food Can lead to kidney failure, heart failure, amputations, blindness Develops due to high carbohydrate diet, lack of exercise, and genetics

Major Corruption

Reviews financing - checks for funding from organized crime o Background checks on employees Reviews management contracts Limits investor profits Oversees operations

cherokee people today

Services provided include health and human services, education, employment, housing, economic and infrastructure development, environmental protection and more continue the old, sacred dance traditions unique to their tribe.


Small family groups lived (and live) at small homesites

Trail of Tears

The Cherokee Indians were forced to leave their lands. They traveled from North Carolina and Georgia through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas-more than 800 miles (1,287 km)-to the Indian Territory. More than 4, 00 Cherokees died of cold, disease, and lack of food during the 116-day journey.

Southeast Culture are cherokee

The Cherokee are North American Indians of Iroquoian lineage who constituted one of the largest politically integrated tribes at the time of European colonization of the Americas.

Iroquoian language family

The Iroquoian languages are a language family of indigenous peoples of North America

Northeast culture area

The culture area encompassing the northern part of the Eastern Woodlands; divided in this text into the Midwest and the Great Lakes on the one hand and the Northeast proper and the Mid-Atlantic on the other.

What historical processes led to the blending of cultures that characterized Navajo culture by about 1725

The different routes that people took as well as economy led to this blending process. When groups migrated then they would come across each other path as they traveled from one place to another. Early historic emphasis on maize cultivation, hunting, trading, as well as raiding pueblos and Spanish settlements


The expansion of countries into other countries where they establish settlements and control the people, happened by the French

What was the final resolution of the conflict? Did the Mohawk regain the land, or not? Who decided? Do you think they made the right decision, given the circumstances? Why, or why not?

The golf course expansion that had originally triggered the crisis was cancelled and the land under dispute was purchased from the developers by the federal government for $5.3 million. This motivated the development of a national First Nations Policing Policy to try to prevent future incidents. The land defenders ended the crisis. Ending it was the right move because someone would have to eventually and it prevented things from getting worse

tattooed serpent burial ceremonies

The sacrifices were ritually strangled at the temple. Tattooed Serpent was buried in a trench inside the temple floor. The sacrifices were buried in other locations on the mound surrounding the temple. After a few months, the bodies were dug up and the bones stored as bundle burials in the temple.

What actions did the Mohawk employ in their 1990 protest? Do you think they did the best thing, given the circumstances? Why, or why not?

The mohawks protested by seized six vehicles, including four police cars, and commandeered the front-end loader to crush the vehicles and use them to form a new barricade across Route 344. I think using vehicles was a smart move. There was a lot of pressure so doing that under the circumstances was all they could do. They put in all their effort for what they could've done


a notional form of sociopolitical organization in which political and economic power is exercised by a single person (or group of persons) over many communities.

natchez people today

Today, most Natchez families and communities are found in Oklahoma, where Natchez members are enrolled in the federally recognized Cherokee and Muscogee (Creek) nations in Oklahoma. Two Natchez communities are recognized by the state of South Carolina.

Athapaskan Language

a large family of indigenous languages of North America

sexual division of labor for Iroquois

Women had primary responsibility for planting and harvesting crops, collecting wild plant foods, making pottery (plus childcare and meal preparation, of course, which is true in all societies)o Men had primary responsibility for hunting, using bows and arrow, snares, organized cooperative deer hunts (plus politics and warfare, which is true in all societies)


a social and political movement that unites culturally distinct tribes to work together on issues that affect all Native Americans


a unique sense of in-group identity, which distinguishes the lifeway of one tribe from another


also known as the Beaver Wars and the French and Iroquois Wars, were a series of 17th-century conflicts involving the Haudenosaunee Confederacy (also known as the Iroquois or Five Nations, then including the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca), numerous other First Nations, and French ...


an adverse reaction to some political or social occurrence, success in casinos

Green Corn Ceremony

an important ritual among southeastern Indians held in late August in anticipation of a bountiful harvest, Most important annual event for southeastern Indians it's purpose was to restore harmony

cultural and revitalization preservation

assisting or allowing the client to maintain traditional values and practices

national Indian gaming commission

assists with the oversight & regulation of Native American gaming in the US


battled over the land with the french, French interpretation of their settlement called "Naches." They have southeast culture area

How did the blending of cultures result?

blending of cultures led to the Navajo needing to migrate.

history of land losses

came from application of Euro-American laws and legal concepts - tribal concepts not seriously considered

the big rez

capital of the Navajo nation is window rock and its dominated by this

Indian Casinos

casinos, bingo halls, and other gambling operations on Indian reservations or other tribal land in the United States. Because these areas have tribal sovereignty, states have limited ability to forbid gambling there, as codified by the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988

Great Corn Ceremony

celebration of thanksgiving to Hsaketumese (The Breath Maker) for the first fruits of the harvest, and a New Year festival as well. The Busk is the celebration of the New Year.

southwest culture area

centered around the four corners area of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico.


clans formed through descent and inheritance from women of their group

ritual torture

complex mix of different ways of harm

Three Sisters

corn, beans, squash

matriclan exogamy

could not marry members of father's clan

divine matrilineage

descent from either gender

physical environment for Iroquois

dry and hot - "deserts and plateaus with sporadic and unpredictable rainfall" (Oswalt, p. 305), beautiful canyons, sandstone and shale rock formations, rivers, and natural springs, mountains and mesa tops with juniper and pinyon forests; valleys with grasslands, cottonwoods, and willows; low desert with sagebrush habitat

physical environment

dry and hot - deserts and plateaus, sporadic and unpredictable rainfall, beautiful canyons, sandstone and shale rock formations, rivers, and natural springs, mountains and mesa tops with juniper and pinyon forests; valleys with grasslands, cottonwoods, and willows; low desert with sagebrush habitat


family of indigenous American languages. Second oldest & largest family. Less widely diffused.

kinship for cherokee

from the females decent


groups of linked clans that are usually exogamous

Museum of American Indian

it houses one of the world's largest collections of its kind, established in 1989 through congress

Territories of Iroquois

land allocated among matriclans


land of the people, Navajo homeland

international indigenous movement

likewise promotes indigeneity in the sense of both "tribalism" and "Pan-Indianism

navajo tribal council

made the first written system of Navajo laws


many people did this and visited the big rez

kinship for Iroquois

matrilineal descent

kinship natchez

matrilineal kinship

federally unrecognized tribes

members - about 4% of Indians in U.S.) mostly in eastern U.S. and California, it can own land as a corporate entity, but the federal government will not put these lands into trust for the tribe.

lazy gamblers and loungers

men usually filled this role and were characterized by it

Booger Dance

men wearing ragged clothing and masks interrupted an evening of social dancing

warfare cherokee

retaliatory raids

war chief

selected by each the nations to sit on the Grand council.

Describe the responses of the local citizens to this protest. Do you think they did the best thing, given the circumstances? Why, or why not?

some members of the Mohawk community erected a barricade blocking access to the dirt side-road between Route 344 and "The Pines" Ciaccia wrote a letter of support for the Mohawk, saying that "these people have seen their lands disappear without having been consulted or compensated, and that, in my opinion, is unfair and unjust, especially over a golf course. Sending this was right and fair because people cannot take away someone's land without getting their permission first.

Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (1988)

states must negotiate gambling agreements with reservations and cannot prohibit any gambling already allowed under state law

physical environment for natchez

swamps, floodplains, and forests of the Mississippi River Valley, humid and hot, deep fertile soils, productive forests of pine, hickory, and other hardwood trees, plenty of rainfall and fresh water in rivers and streams

cherokee nation of 1827

the Cherokee Nation adopted a formal constitution, "in order to establish justice, ensure tranquility, promote our common welfare, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of liberty

matriclans for iroquois

the Tuscarora, the Onondaga, the Cayuga, and the Seneca. The Mohawk and Oneida clans may possibly have been subdivided into smaller clans, itanding in the relation of clans to phratry; but this point has still to be proved.

State Revenue

the income of a government from taxation, excise duties, customs, or other sources, appropriated to the payment of the public expenses.

Navajo Nation

the largest native american group in the united states


the name used by a particular group to refer to their own group.


the people or earth surface people

endonym cherokee

the principle peoples


the process or industry of obtaining coal or other minerals from a mine. most controversial and economically rewarding operation on black mesa


the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services, sedentary pastoralists (herders)/farmers and artisans

Grand Council of Iroquois League of Five Nations

the world's oldest representative democracy

matrilineal descent iroquois

traced ancestry, inheritance, and land use rights through the female line through one's matriclan

matrilineal descent

traced clan membership through the female line

Tribal Sovereignty

tribes have the right to govern themselves

war women

typically, did not fight but exceptions were made, captured by an enemy and survived to return home, Beloved Women have been carefully selected for their honesty and wisdom. Historically, the title was attributed to women who had protected the Cherokee as warriors.

dutchman antoine S . Le Page du Pratz

was a French ethnographer, historian, and naturalist who is best known for his Histoire de la Louisiane. It was first published in twelve installments from 1751 to 1753 in the Journal Economique, then completely in three volumes in Paris in 1758.

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