Exam 3 - Advanced Nutrition 2

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What is the ionic state of ferrous iron?


What is the optimal fluoride concentrated in community water supplies?

1 ppm

Endocytosis is the mechanism for a transferrin receptor transporting iron into a cell.

1) True

Which of the following would be the minimum amount of dietary iron known to impair zinc absorption in an individual with a zinc intake of 15 mg?

20 mg

Iron content of the average Western diet is estimated to be about

5 to 7 mg iron per 1,000 kcal.

Which mineral is associated with the glucose tolerance factor (GTF)?


What is the primary function of the thyroid hormones?

Control the rate of oxygen use by cells

Which of the following is a known side effect of prolonged ingestion of excessive amounts of zinc supplements?

Copper deficiency due to interference with copper absorption

What are the two oxidative states of copper?

Cu +1 and Cu +2

Which of the following symptoms would ordinarily not be found in individuals with iron-deficiency anemia?

Diminished sense of smell

Which of the following is the most effective and least costly strategy for preventing an iron deficiency?

Eat small quantities of meat, fish, and poultry frequently together with liberal amounts of vegetables and legumes.

True or False? At least 60 grams of iodide must be taken up by the thyroid gland each day to produce adequate thyroid hormone.


True or False? Iodine deficiency results in a diminished size thyroid gland.


True or False? Iron is the most important major mineral in the human body.


True or False? Molybdenum has no known medical functions.


True or False? Zinc deficiency is often found in large and tall individuals.


True/False. Iron regulatory protein (IRE-BP) is activated (i.e., to bind IREs) by iron.


Which of the following compounds provides a major storage reservoir for iron?


Which statement about selenium metabolism is true?

Free selenide can be converted into selenophosphate.

It is believed that chromium will help with _____.

GI metabolism

Which of the following disorders is positively correlated with the presence of high blood iron?

Heart Disease

What iron-containing subtance carries oxygen in the bloodstream?


As far as is known, what hormone is dependent upon chromium for optimal activity?


What nutrient deficiency during pregnancy may give rise to a child with cretinism?


Which statements are true regarding iron?

Iron is stored mainly in the liver, bone marrow, and spleen. Iron is released more slowly from hemosiderin than from ferritin. Ferritin is an unstable compound that is constantly being degraded and re-synthesized.

Which of the following would most likely be found in the first stage of iron deficiency?

Iron stores decline as assessed by serum ferritin.

Which of the following foods should be especially limited in the diet of individuals with hemochromatosis?

Iron-fortified cereals

Which of the following is a feature of iron absorption?

It is higher in people with severe iron deficiency.

Which of the following is a feature of copper nutrition?

It is involved in tyrosine metabolism.

Which of the following population groups is least susceptible to iron deficiency anemia?

Men 20-45 years of age

Which of the following is a feature of iron nutrition?

Most women do not eat enough iron-containing foods.

Which of the following individuals would most likely need an iron supplement?

Pregnant female

Which cancer showed the most promising protective effect from selenium?


What trace element is part of the enzyme glutathione peroxidose?


Which non-metal nutrient is associated with Kershan disease, characterized by cardiomyopathy?


Which of the following nutrients has functions similar to those of vitamin E?


Which of the following is true of selenium in nutrition?

Severe deficiency is associated with heart disease in China.

Which of the following has been shown to improve absorption of iron from iron supplements?

Taking them on an empty stomach rather than with meals

Which of the following is a feature of zinc in nutrition?

The body's primary excrtory route is the feces.

Why would measurment of the hemoglobin levels be of limited usefulness in the assessment of iron status?

They are late indicators of iron deficiency.

True or False? Excess dietary iron can decrease copper absorption.


True/False. Copper deficiency can result in iron deficiency due to an inability to oxidize iron (i.e., Fe+++), required for transport by transferrin.


True/False. Hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder that ultimately results in the excessive accumulation of iron in certain tissues.


What genetic disorder causes copper toxicity?

Wilson's disease

Which of the following minerals undergoes enteropancreatic circulation during normal metabolism?


What is cretinism?

a birth defect observed in infants born to mothers with low dietary iodine consumption

Chromium absorption is inhibited by _____ and enhanced by _____.

antacids, picolinate

For what ultratrace element that is well known for its toxicity, yet is now deemed essential in small quantities, have no human dietary requirement and no Tolerable Upper Intake Level been established?


Selenium and iodine interact antagonistically with _____.


The element that appears to be needed for formation and utilization of methyl groups and formation of S-adenosylmethionine is _____.


What ultratrace element plays a role in the metabolism of methionine to taurine?


Which element impairs iodine uptake, causing compensatory goiter in mice?


Which vitamin enhances copper transfer and reduction?

ascorbic acid

Which vitamin may enhance copper reduction?

ascorbic acid

Which ultratrace element affects the composition, structure, and strength of bones as well as cell membrane stability and inflammation?


Which ultratrace element was used as a preservative for meat, fish, and dairy products in the early 1900s, considered dangerous for humans in the 1920s, and then deemed essential starting in the 1980s?


What is the main function of manganese?

cartilage tissue formation

The protein that plays a dual function in both iron and copper homeostasis is:


Which mineral is contained in a preformed metallovitamin essential for humans that cannot be synthesized from dietary sources?


Which ultratrace element is a constituent of vitamin B12?


Which ultratrace element is not required by humans in its ionic form, but is a necessary component of the coenzyme form of a vitamin?


Where would you find iron regulatory element binding protein (IRE-BP)?


What is the primary method for losing zinc from the body?

fecal losses

The primary route of zinc excretion is from:


Which of the following is the primary iron storage protein?


Which micromineral plays a contributing role in the formation of hydroxyapatite crystals that are more resistant to acid erosion?


Which micromineral plays a contributing role in the formation of hydroxyapatite crystals?


What is the name of the condition that results in hypertrophy of the thyroid gland?


Zinc is important for taste perception as a component of ______.


Absorption of dietary iron is regulated by _____, produced by the liver when iron stores are high and released to the blood to act at the surface of enterocytes and macrophages.


The primary phsiological role of which mineral is as a constituent in the thyroid hormones?


The addition to the diet of which food will alleviate the problem of endemic goiter?

iodized salt

Hemoglobin and hematocrit are common measurements for assessment of nutriture for which mineral?


What two minerals can cause damage to cells when in their free ion forms?

iron and copper


is the primary transporter of zinc into enterocytes

Which of the microminerals is considered essential for normal brain function?


Which mineral serves as a cofactor in xanthine oxidase in the metabolism of purines, pyrimidines, and pteridines?


Which categories of food provide the most nickel?

nuts, legumes, grains

Iron deficiency is second only to ______as the most prevalent nutrition problem in the USA.


The binding of iron by proteins defends the cells against

oxidative damage from free radicals

Glutathione loses two electrons when it acts as an antioxidant. Glutathione is _____.


Which of the following interacts with fluoride in such a way as to enhance uptake?


The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 requires that manufacturers _____.

provide a disclaimer on the label stating that "this statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration"

Which of the following groups of foods are richest in boron, providing 1.0 to 4.5 mg/100 g?

raisins, legumes, nuts, and avocados

Which of the following would NOT be a Red Flag of Junk Science?

recommendations based on peer-reviewed studies

A child diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia would most likely benefit from increasing the consumption of

red meat

In the presence of low intracellular iron, the binding of iron regulatory protein (IRE-BP) to iron response elements (IRE) present on the ferritin mRNA:

results in a decrease in ferritin abundance.

The binding of iron regulatory protein (IRE-BP) to iron response elements (IRE) present on the transferrin receptor (TfR) mRNA:

results in an increase in transferrin receptor abundance.

Which micromineral is necessary for iodine metabolism?


Which non-metal nutrient deficiency is associated with Keshan disease, characterized by cardiomyopathy?


Which element is second only to oxygen in abundance on earth?


In humans, signs of nickel _____ include nausea, vomiting, and difficulty breathing.


What ultratrace element has been shown to inhibit Na+/K+-ATPase function and the absorption of amino acids at higher concentrations?


Which vitamin increases iron's absorption?

vitamin C

What foods are rich sources of silicon?

whole grains and root vegetables

Among the trace minerals, which mineral participates in the greatest number of enzyme systems?


At the cellular level, vitamin A interacts with which mineral in promoting growth and synthesis of plasma protein, especially retinol-binding protein?


At the cellular level, which mineral interacts with vitamin A by promoting growth and helping to synthesize retinol-binding protein?


Excessive intake of non-heme iron interferes with absorption of which mineral by an unknown mechanism?


What percentage of the iron in meat is heme iron?


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