Sociology Final Review Ch. 2, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15

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services for domestic violence victims

- feminist movement has created a variety of services to help women prevent or cope with family violence - these include hotlines, shelters, legal counseling, etc - there is no one solution - despite the decline of family violence and abuse, these problems remain widespread and systemic.

family violence

- include several kinds of harm caused by family members against other family members - includes indirect and direct violence - can be defined by the relationship between victims and perpetrators - can classify victims of family violence 1. intimate partners 2. children 3. elders

violence in lesbian and gay relationships

- intimate partner violence is similar for homosexuals and heterosexuals - lesbian and straight women are more likely to experience violence than either gay or straight men


A legal, rational organization or mode of administration that governs with reference to formal rules and rules and emphasizes meritocracy


A measure of the relationship between two variables

negative sanction

A punishment for breaking an established norm. Example: Getting a traffic ticket for speeding

Spurious Correlation

A relationship between two variables that is actually caused by a third factor

positive sanction

A reward for conforming to established norms.

Representative Sample

A sample that accurately reflects the characteristics of the population as a whole


A society that assigns social status, power, and economical rewards on achievement not ascribed personality attributes or favoritism


A survey method in which a trained researcher asks questions and records the answers

Welfare state

A system in which the state is responsible for the well-being of its citizens


A type of relationship in which people love or at least know each other very well and interact in private - 2 elements present in relationship between victims of violence and perpetrator 1. intimacy 2. a care relationship

Intervening Variable

A variable that changes the relationship between an independent and a dependent variable


A written set of questions to be answered by a research participant


Ability to carry out one's own will despite restraint

Glass Escalator

Accelerated promotion of men to the top of a work organization, especially in feminized jobs

Characters of ethnic groups

-language -shared religion and culture -folk practices -dress -gestures

Participant Observation

a qualitative research method that seeks to uncover the meanings people give their social actions by observing their behavior in practice

Care Relationship

a relationship in which one person is responsible for another's care

Deductive Approach

a research approach that starts with a theory, forms a hypothesis, makes empirical observations, and then analyzes the data to confirm, reject, or modify the original theory

Inductive Approach

a research approach that starts with empirical observations and then works to form a theory

Affirmative Action

a set of policies that grant preferential treatment to a number of particular subgroups within the population, typically, women and historically disadvantaged racial minorities


Institutionalization of heterosexuality as the only legitimate sexual orientation

Case Study

Intensive study of a single group, incident, or community

Feminist Methodology

a set of systems or methods that treat women's experiences as legitimate empirical and theoretical resources, that promote social science for women (think public sociology, but for a specific half of the public), and that take into account the researcher as much as the overt subject matter

Reverse Causality

a situation in which the researcher believes that A results in a change in B, but B, in fact, is causing A

Weber Economy and Society

a social actor has power if they can "carry out their own will despite resistance"


a society that assigns social status, power, and economic rewards on achievement, not ascribed, personal attributes or favoritism.

International state system

a system in which each state is recognized as territorially sovereign by fellow states

Welfare state

a system in which the state is responsible for the well-being of its citizens.

welfare state

a system in which the state is responsible for the well-being of its citizens


a system of government wherein power theoretically lies with the people; citizens are allowed to vote in elections, speak freely, and participate as legal equals in social life

Content Analysis

a systematic analysis of the content rather than the structure of a communication, such as a written work, speech, or film

interest group

an organization that seeks to gain power in government and influence policy without campaigning for direct election or appointment to office A way to make collective action work

interest group

an organization that seeks to gain power in government and influence policy without its representative (a lobbyist) seeking election.


an overemphasis on credentials for signaling social status or qualifications for a job


an overemphasis on credentials for signaling social status or qualifications for a job

Intersection theory

analysis of interplay of race, class, and gender, often resulting in multiple dimensions of disadvantage


analyzing and critically considering our own role in, and effect on, our research


annihilation of an entire nation or people

political participation

any activity that has the intent or effect of influencing government action

Political participation

any activity that has the intent or effect of influencing government action.


any category of people distinguished by physical or cultural differences that a society sets apart and subordinates

Research Methods

approaches that social scientists use for investigating the answers to questions

According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence survey, more women have been raped than

are on the pill

What do conflict theorists argue?

argue that patriarchal capitalists benefit though systems that subordinate women

Jesse Rothstein

argued that high school GPA and school and individual demographic information predict freshman year GPA as well as high school GPA and SAT scores

symbolic ethnicity

a nationality, not in the sense of carrying the rights and duties of citizenship but of identifying with a past or future nationality ethnicity as a nationality, not in the sense of carrying the rights and duties of citizenship but in indentifying with a past or future nationality


a nearly universal system involving the subordination of femininity to masculinity

patriarchy/male primacy

a nearly universal system involving the subordination of femininity to masculinity

Best Practices or Best Guesses, Kalev, Dobbin, and Kelly

looks at effectiveness of corporate affirmative action and diversity policies white men slightly less, white women slightly more, black men and women stagnant

sir fancis galton

main person in favor of eugenics

institutional racism

institutions and social dynamics that may seem race-neutral but actually end up disadvantaging minority groups institutions and social dynamics that may seem race-neutral but actually disadvantage minority groups

Primary assimilation

integrated in personal, intimate associations, as with friends, family, and spouses

Secondary assimilation

integrated in public areas and social institutions

Criticism of conflict theories

binary, pitted against each other in struggle for resources


biologically male or female


born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that does not seem to fit the typical definitions of male and female

ruling class theory

bourgeoisie own the means of production

_____________________ is a legal-rational organization or mode of administration that governs by rules and roles and emphasizes meritocracy.


Contrary to stereotypes, children are least likely to be abused _____________.

by a friend or neighbor

De jure

by law

true democracy

each citizen is a legislator, but high levels of mass participation are unsustainable


each race has a separate package of social and psychological traits transmitted through bloodlines - "well born" - everything from crime to disease could be transmitted - kill those bad ones

international state system

each state recognized as territorially sovereign by fellow states noninterference as long as borders respected

Weber also differentiated between domination by _____________________ and domination by _____________________, which is the willing obedience of the ruled to the commands of legitimate authority.

economic power; authority

modern tenants of race

externally imposed involuntary usually based on physical differences hierarchichal exclusive unequal

Individual Racism

face-to-face discrimination

Identify the factors that would make someone more likely to claim membership in the Naim ethnicity. a) Strong and negative stereotypes are associated with Naim ancestry. b) The individual otherwise identifies as white. c) There is no stigma or discrimination associated with claiming a Naim ethnicity. d) A Naim ethnicity is very common.

factors: b and c

statistical discrimination

firms use race as a shorthand proxy for having attended poorer schools and having experienced other disadvantages that would lead to less productive performance

The _____________________ dimension of power has to do with outright conflict over something that results in one side "winning".


feminism movement

first wave: 19th-early 20th century -challenges de jure inequality (ex. voting) second wave: post WW2 -challenges de facto inequality in public and private life third wave: post-1980 -class and race intersectional, beyond heteronormativity

micro approach to political sociology

focus on political attitudes, behaviors, and identities

immigration act of 1924

formalized exclusive definition of whiteness with quota system limiting number of yearly immigrants from each country


formation of a new racial identity by drawing ideological boundaries of difference around a farmerly unnoticed group of people

Intersex Society of North America (ISNA)

founded 1993- advocated reform in the medical practice of sex reassignment

civil-social rights contradiction

freedom from interference, but also state interference

Using _____________________, other scholars have argued that the masses, in resisting the domination of the elites with the threat of revolution, have a brief window of opportunity when they can try to change the distribution of political power to bring about democratization.

game theory

Ancient Greeks and sexuality

gay accepted, active-passive distinction (with exceptions) active- older, higher in status

social constructionist

gender is a process microinteractionist

Marxist feminism on gender

gender is the driving force of history

Welcome to Ze College, Ze

gendered options, unisex colleges, roommates, sports, locker room policy

criticism of Parsons sex role theory

glossed over other structures that could fill same positions, kinda just says it works because it works, does not explain how and why things change over time, enforces binary


group of people who share a set of physical characteristics that distinguish it from other groups

_____________________ is the use of military or economic force to influence behavior.

hard power


harmful or negative acts actions or practices that result in differential treatment of categories of individuals

sexual harassment

illegal form of discrimination that ranges from jokes to sexual assault to sexual "barter"-- all intended to make women uncomfortable, especially at work

A sociological study of family violence should include a consideration of all of the following EXCEPT

individual traits of abusers

gene-behavior connection

many people say blacks worse off because they are inherently worse, not because of social reasons


marriage to someone outside one's social group


marriage to someone within one's social group

If George's parents fail to take him to school on a consistent basis, they

may be guilty of neglect

Kilbourne, Still Killing Us Softly

media and women are photoshopped, --> body image

Parsons sex role theory

men and women perform their sex roles as breadwinners and wives/mothers because the nuclear family is the ideal arrangement in modern societies, fulfilling the function of reproducing workers

hegemonic masculinity

men are dominant and privileged, and this dominance and privilege are invisible

glass escalator

men in "female" jobs are privileged

gay APA

mental disorder until 1973

Taylorism/scientific management

methods of labor management introduced by Frederick Winslow Taylor to streamline processes of mass production- one repeated task/assembly line

Qualitative Methods

methods that attempt to collect information about the social world that cannot be readily converted to numeric form

Experimental Methods

methods that seek to alter the social landscape in a very specific way for a given sample of individuals and then track what results that change yields; often involve comparisons to a control group that did not experience such an intervention

Quantitative Methods

methods that seek to obtain information about the social world that is already in or can be converted to numeric form

The _____________________ tested people to see how far they would go in obeying an authority figure. The results showed that obedience to authority is a very powerful form of social control that can make "ordinary" people do unspeakable things.

milgram experiment

a less violent future

modernity has been a period of reduced interpersonal violence

"ethnic stock"

more accepted, including Europeans, excluding blacks

Piven and Coward Why Americans Don't Vote

most approaches assume: non-participation reflects voter satisfaction limited participation limits extremism, and individual characteristics explain non-participation party system and political elites → low participation Apathy, lack of political skill, barriers to voting Electoral college "over-represents the better off and under-represents the worse off" Piven organized a mass voter drive of poor people- people were signing up but not active

Sambia and sexuality

mountain people in Papua New Guinea, Gilbert Herdt: young boys give fellatio to older men to become a man, take in semen "vital life liquid" to become a warrior and sexual partner of women

collective resistance

movement such as revolution or genocide, or non-violence a group response to domination, an organized effort to change a power hierarchy on the part of a less powerful group in a society


movement to protect and preserve indigenous land or culture from the allegedly dangerous and polluting effects of new immigrants

Sue and Larry are both hotheads and often physically battle for control in their relationship. They are likely engaged in

mutant violent control


negative thoughts and feelings

quantitative data

numeric, quick to gather, consistent, but too generic & doesn't really tell you anything "rich" weak validity, strong reliability

Individual discrimination

occurs when individuals treat persons unfairly or unequally due to their group membership

Institutional discrimination

occurs when normal operations and procedures of social institutions result in unequal treatment of minorities

Middle Eastern Americans

often refugees, most from Iran, negative stereotypes

logic of industrialism thesis

one idea of how welfare state came to be- helps satisfy social needs caused by industrialization Takes care of people not in labor market: children, disabled, elderly Basically economic growth → welfare state


refers to thoughts and feelings about an ethnic or racial group thoughts and feelings about an ethnic or racial group which lead to preconceived notions and judgments about the group

Pluralist Models of Power

reject the notion that power is concentrated in the hands of business divided by class and also industry, region, tax status, etc. mobilization by interests often cancel each other out

"laissez-faire racism"

replace biology with culture, assume something fixed, innate, and inferior about non-white cultural values

Aversive racism

represents a subtle, often unintentional form of prejudice exhibited by many well-intention white Americans who view themselves as non-prejudiced


requires a significant investment of time and money to aquire

Historical Methods

research that collects data from written reports, newspaper articles, journals, transcripts, television programs, diaries, artwork, and other artifacts that date back to the period under study


response to oppression where blending in with the dominant group occurs a group response to domination- blend in with dominant group


response to oppression where the oppressed group leaves


society with several distinct ethnic or racial groups -- low degree of assimilation -- minority groups live separately but equally the presence and engaged coexistence of numerous distinct groups in one society, low degree of assimilation


the belief that one's own culture or group is superior to others and the tendency to view all other cultures from the perspective of one's own


the clear, rule-governed procedures used repeatedly for decision making


the clear, rule-governed procedures used repeatedly for decision making

1964 Civil Rights Act Title VII

unlawful to discriminate on basis of race, nationality, creed, or sex

residential segregation

urban underclass, perpetual poverty, "culture of segregation" (isolated ghetto)

"hard power"

use of military or economic force to influence behavior, traditionally highlighted in international politics coercive

In countries where men have greater educational and occupational advantages

violence against women is more common

modern ethnicity tenants

voluntary self-defined nonhierarchal fluid and multiple cultural planar (much less about unequal power than race is)


voluntary, self-defined, non-hierarchical, fluid, cultural, and not as closely linked with power differences distinct cultural norms and values of a social group

strategic voting

voting not for preferences but for a specific outcome

Neo-Marxist theory

wants to explain contradictions of formal legal equality and social class inequality/democracy and capitalism welfare state as a mediator of class conflict

Collective action problem

the difficulty in organizing large groups because of the tendency of some individuals to freeload or slack off

collective action problem

the difficulty in organizing large groups because of the tendency of some individuals to freeload or slack off Smaller groups- greater threat if inaction one answer- surveillance


the extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to


the extent to which we can claim our findings inform us about a group larger than the one we studied

The Coleman Report

the family and SES matters more than school environment/funding to academic success


the formation of a new racial identity by drawing ideological boundaries of difference around a formerly unnoticed group of people

functional illiteracy

the inability to read or write well enough to function in society

Social Capital

the information, knowledge of people, and connections that help individuals enter, gain power in, or otherwise leverage social networks

social capital

the information, knowledge of people, and connections that help individuals enter, gain power in, or otherwise leverage social networks

Cult of Domesticity

the notion that true womanhood centers on domestic responsibility and child rearing

Dependent Variable

the outcome that the researcher believes has a causal impact on the dependent variable

ontological equality

the philosophical and religious notion that all people are created equal

elder abuse

the physical, sexual, or emotional abuse of old people by someone with whom they share an intimate or caring relationship


the practice of having more than one sexual partner or spouse at a time


the practice of having multiple husbands simultaneously


the practice of having multiple wives simultaneously


the practice of having only one sexual partner or spouse at a time


the probability that a command will be obeyed by a group of people


the process by which formerly separate groups merge and become integrated as one


the process of assigning a precise method for measuring a term being examined for use in a particular study


the process of breaking up work into specific, delimited tasks


the process through which academic, social, and cultural ideas and tools, both general and specific, are developed


the process through which academic, social, and cultural ideas and tools, both general and specific, are developed

recidivism rate

the proportion of released convicts who are rearrested

Citizenship rights

the rights guaranteed to each law-abiding citizen in a nation-state.

citizenship rights

the rights guaranteed to each law-abiding citizen in a nation-state; T. H. Marshall 3 types: 1. civil rights 2. political rights 3. social rights

political rights

the rights guaranteeing a citizen's ability to participate in politics Ex. right to vote, hold office

political rights

the rights guaranteeing a citizen's ability to participate in politics, including the right to vote and the right to hold an elected office

civil rights

the rights guaranteeing a citizen's personal freedom from interference Ex. freedom of speech

civil rights

the rights guaranteeing a citizen's personal freedom from interference, including freedom of speech and the right to travel freely

social rights

the rights guaranteeing a citizen's protection by the state

social rights

the rights guaranteeing a citizen's protection by the state Ex. housing, employment, health, education 2 types: 1. contributory 2. means-tested


the science of genetic lines and the inheritable traits they pass on from generation to generation


the skill rests in our body


the social identity of a person who has sexual attraction to and/or relations with other persons of the same sex


the stregth of ethinic ties resides in deeply felt or primordial ties to one's culture - this is why assimilation models are iffy Geertz, strength of ethnic ties because of deeply felt or primordial ties to one's culture

Game theory

the study of strategic decisions made under conditions of uncertainty and interdependence

Game theory

the study of strategic decisions made under conditions of uncertainty and interdependence.


the subset of the population from which you are actually collecting data

Cultural Capital

the symbolic and interactional resources that people use to their advantage in various situations

criminal justice system

the system of police, courts, and prisons set up to deal with people who are accused of having committed a crime


the technical term for interracial marriage, literally meaning "a mixing of kinds"; it is politically and historically charged-sociologists generally prefer exogamy or outmarriage


the technical term for interracial marriage; politically and historically charged--sociologists prefer exogamy or outmarriage

social control

the techniques and strategies for preventing deviant human behavior in any society

cultural goals

the ultimate objectives held out to the members of a society

Gender stratification

the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege between men and women

soft power

the use of cultural or ideological means to influence behavior. power attained through the use of cultural attractiveness rather than the threat of coercive action


the use of force to get others to do what you want


the use of force to get others to do what you want

hard power

the use of military or economic force to influence behavior.

capitalist class

the wealthy who own the means of production and buy the labor of the working class

Structural Functionalism

theoretical tradition claiming that every society has certain structures (the family, the division of labor, or gender) that exist to fulfill some set of necessary functions (reproduction of the species, production of goods, etc.)

The _____________________ simply states that it is harder to organize larger groups than smaller ones because less accountability exists in larger groups and individuals in larger groups may find it easier to slack off and not do their part.

theory of collective action

strain theory

theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve these goals by legitimate means

The _____________________ is a system in which the state is responsible for the welfare of its citizens. There are numerous theories about the origins of the welfare state, including the logic of industrialism thesis, neo-Marxist theory, and statist theories.

welfare state


when a dominant group forces a subordinate group to leave the country or to live only in designated

conflict relations

when antagonistic groups within a society live integrated in the same neighborhoods, hold the same jobs, and go to the same schools


when capital is legitimized through a formal system

Stereotype Threat

when members of a negatively stereotyped group are placed in a situation where they fear they may confirm those stereotypes

stereotype threat

when members of a negatively stereotyped group are placed in a situation where they fear they may confirm those stereotypes

collective action problems

when we all have to chip in some common good where there is a possibility of "free riding"

"majority minority" states

whites not the majority of the population within major metropolitan areas now at least 4 states

Moore, Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy

why did modernization --> democracy, fascism, or communism in different cases? class structure → type of government agrarian elite, peasantry, bourgeoisie, and working class Bourgeoisie strong enough to get control of land owners → revolution → democracy In sum: capitalism → democracy example of macro approach

Jill Quadagno The Color of Welfare

why does the US have such a minimal welfare state? -rejects purely cultural explanations -emphasis on political institutions -key point New Deal- all racialized

W. J. Wilson, The Declining Significance of Race

why have ghettos grown at the same time when policy targeted racial segregation? class, patterns of settlement, and family/neighborhood structure have isolated inner city residents from mainstream society key is class, not race

group responses to domination

withdrawal, passing, acceptance, or collective resistance

token (re women in jobs)

women in power becomes a stand-in for all women heightened visibility --> performance pressure

Second Shift

women's responsibility for housework and child care

shaming laws

works under certain conditions: must have responsibility of (majority must comply for shaming to work) and reputation of (a clear guilty party to target) works well for collective action problems criticism: reputation-destroying

street crime

crime such as mugging, rape, and burglary

International state system

System in which each state is recognized as territorial sovereign by fellow states


physical separation of two groups in residence, workplace, and social functions

special-interest groups

political alliances of people interested in some economic or social issue examples: NRA, AARP, ACLU

_____________________ is any activity that has the intent or effect of influencing government action. Studies consistently show great differences in rates and types of political participation across social groups in the United States, with those at the top of the socioeconomic ladder participating more and those at the bottom less.

political participation

political sociology v. political science

political sociology is more social bases of political systems

John Gray

pop psychologist, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus- men and women are fundamentally different limits of essentialism

_____________________ is the ability to carry out one's will despite resistance.



power in small group of leaders This inevitability is called "the iron law of oligarchy"

Weber's Theory of Authority

power is the ability to impose will on others, limits based only on coercion 3 forms of legitimacy

Lukes Power: A Radical View

power most effective when least observable, maybe no resistance, 3 dimensions: 1. Different agendas clash → conflict → one side wins 2. One side thinks it's a losing battle → no visible conflict 3. Persevere despite resistance and/or to prevent such conflict in the first place -"Power's third dimension" -Averted through "influencing, shaping, or determining" desires 3 faces of state power: 1. decision making 2. agenda defining 3. ideological


power relations among people


power relations among people or other social actors


simultaneous variation in two variables

All of the following are generally recognized as risk factors for children being abused EXCEPT

single parenthood

James S. Coleman and Thomas Hoffer

social capital

Race is a ________________

social category, not a biological category

macro approach to political sociology

social movements, political systems, etc. ex. Moore, Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy


social position, set of social arrangements built around normative sex categories A social construction, but so deeply rooted that it is a major social structure

mechanisms of three dimensional power

socialization, persuasion, framing, information control

Kinship Networks

strings of relationships between people related by blood and co-residence (that is marriage)

minority group

structurally: unequal treatment by institutions culturally: seen as inferior to dominant group THERE IS NO MINORITY WITHOUT A MAJORITY

class inequality in schooling

students with parents who have higher educational attainment, occupational status, income and wealth have better educational opportunities

political sociology

studies the ability for the state to punish individuals and other politics the study of power, whether formal or informal - but mostly formal


subtle, often unintended slights that symbolize and perpetuate the boundaries between groups

Institutional racism

systemic and woven into the fabric of society that results in unequal outcomes for members of different racial groups ex. - resume call-backs - mortgage lending - healthcare (stress)


the belief that members of separate races possess different and unequal traits 1. Humans are divided into distinct bloodlines/physical types 2. These bloodlines/physical types are linked to distinct cultures, behaviors, personalities, and intellectual abilities 3. Certain groups are superior to others


the belief that certain groups or races are innately superior to other groups

workforce data and women

Since 1970s, % of women in workforce went from 43 to 57

_____________________ is the probability that a command with specific content will be obeyed by a given group of people.



explain social phenomena in terms of natural ones

biological determinism

explains social behavior in terms of who you are in the natural world


"anatomy is destiny," biological determinism + family socialization Oedipus complex, penis envy


"in between" whites and blacks, mostly voluntary immigration- high demand for labor in service, agriculture, construction; 1995 ended "open door" policy towards Cubans

new definition of state

"organizations that extract resources through taxation and attempt to extend coercive control and political authority over particular territories and the people residing in them"

decline in married or cohabiting adults

- a decline in the number of marries or cohabitation adults may have reduced violence simply by reducing the number of people exposed to potentially violent partner

consequences of family violence

- can create a cycle of violence, suffering, and unhappiness and can impact future intimate relationships - survivors of abuse have a higher rate of risky sexual behaviors and reduced likelihood of establishing health relationships - sexual abuse survivors are less likely to marry and more likely to cohabitate - women are more likely to end abusive relationships than in the past - increasing acceptance of divorce

context of violence

- common couple violence - intimate terrorism - violent resistance

interventions for family violence and abuse

- local and state governments have created and tried a wide variety of criminal justice approaches to the problem of domestic violence five more popular programs and policies used to eradicate or alleviate domestic violence: 1. civil protection orders 2. mandatory arrest or pro-arrest rules 3. court-ordered treatment 4. domestic violence courts 5. services for domestic violence victims

court ordered treatment

- many courts require perpetrators to undergo court-ordered psychological counseling or other treatments as part of or in addition to their punishment - low success rate, can lead to greater violence

how common are rape and sexual assault

- national intimate partner and sexual violence survey conducted by the federal government in 2010 - found the 18% of women and 1% of men in US have been raped at some point in their life - rates in college are higher

Minority Groups

- people singled out for unequal treatment and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination - people with less power

feminist perspective of family violence and abuse

- prevalence of violence against women, is the result of male domination more broadly - rape is much more common in relationships than between strangers - religious authority

common couple violence

- results from specific arguments within the relationship of the couple - does not involve a pattern of escalating violence over time, and not involve frequent attacks or severe injuries

Institutional Racism Examples

- resume call-backs - mortgage lending - healthcare (stress)

patriarchal terrorism

- termed by Johnson (1995) - most commonly involved violence by men against women

declining violence

- the US has experience sharp decreases in violent crimes since the 1990s - family violence has similarly decreased - children experience serious less violence from family members much less than 2 decades ago - for children, dropped by about 4/5 since the early 1990s - homicide rate for men and women dropped, and dropped for homicides

shelters and hotlines

- the increase of shelters and hotlines for abused women and children and in domestic violence legal services may have made it easier for women to gain protection or distance form their abusive partners

domestic violence courts

- these have been created in an attempt to prevent domestic violence - employ specially trained staff, including judges - advocate a problem-solving approach, as opposed to a punitive one

patterns of abuse and neglect

- those who live with parents who have their own mental health problems, poor impulse control and low self-esteem or a history of violence - those in households where domestic violence occurs between adults - those in poor families or poor neighborhoods - those in families with weak support networks

Mandatory Arrest or Pro Arrest Rules

- to separate couples and increase the chance that police can convince the victim to press charges, some communities have instituted mandatory arrest policies requiring police to make an arrest and separate a couple experiencing violence

Civil Protection Orders

- under certain conditions, after a spouse or partner is abused, she or he may be able to obtain a legal order from a judge prohibiting contact between the abused and the abuser or imposing harsher sentences if more violence occurs

intimate terrorism

- violence is a part of a campaign for control or domination within a relationship - likely to involve psychological abuse

violent resistance

- when an intimate partner is the victim of violence or a pattern of violence, she or he may last out in response - should be seen as a part of an overall defensive pattern where one partner defends himself or herself or prepares to leave the relationship

Who is at greater risk

- women are at much greater risk of rape and violence that causes serious injury - women in families that experience economic hardship are more likely to suffer intimate partner violence - relationships that involve drug or alcohol abuse are more likely to be violent - women in cohabiting relationships are more likely to experience violence than those who are married - for serious violence, women face higher risks shortly after they have left their abusers

economic independence

- women's increased economic independence and the greater acceptance of divorce have made it easier for many women to leave abusive relationships, which could reduce the risk of violence

Pierre Bourdieu

--cultural capital The French sociologist who wrote about how capital (cultural and social) sustains individuals and families from one generation to the next.-argues that the most important factor responsible for social status is the transmission of cultural capital

Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis

-Marxist theorists -argued that schools are pawns of the capitalist classes and teach the skills that are conductive to maintaining dominant and subordinate positions in the workforce

Implicit Bias

-also known as "unconscious bias" -stereotype that you aren't consciously aware of

private schools vs public schools

-catholic schools are the most successful in preparing students academically -the academic and behavioral differences provide certain academic outcomes for private vs. public schools

Reasons for success of Asian Americans

-family life -educational achievement -assimilation into dominant culture

Dominant Group

-most power -greatest privileges -highest social status


-process of being absorbed into the dominant culture -coexistence

Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson

-tested the effects of the self-fulfilling prophecy; the "spurters" academic performance proved to be consistent with their teacher's biased expectations; they made high grades and made substantial gains in IQ points -Pygmalion effect

conflict perspectives

-the dramatic increase in college graduation may be traced to American views on education in the 20th century -credentialism

cultural capital

-the symbolic and interactional resources that people use to their advantage in various situations -embodied -objectified -institutionalized

Three dimensional power

1. Direct conflict of preference 2. Yielding/Surrendering to another's preference 3. Invisible power: shaping preferences to one's benefit--they want what you want them to want

Weber 3 claims to legitimacy

1. charismatic authority (TRUMP) 2. traditional authority (QUEEN) 3. legal-rational authority (PRESIDENT)

Sociologist T. H. Marshall identified three types of citizenship rights

1. civil rights 2. political rights 3. social rights

characteristics of bureaucracies

1. hierarchical 2. specialized -Taylorism/scientific management 3. impersonal -dangerous- lack of personal responsibility for decisions 4. meritocratic 5. highly efficient Weber "iron cage" and "parceling-out of the soul"

Elder abuse is reported by approximately _____________ percent of the population over 60.


Plessy v. Ferguson

1896, separate but equal, one-drop rule

"one-sex" model

18th century Greeks, only one body (male), female is its inversion, lesser but not so different

For most of American history, rape could not legally occur in a marriage because wives did not have the right to say no to sex. This law began to change starting in


David Reimer John/Joan

1976 at 8 months botched abortion almost no penis, given sex reassignment surgery and became Brenda Dr. John Money used this as a success story Brenda never felt like a girl, learned the truth, multiple suicide attempts, changed back to male, reconstructive surgery → normal sex life, died by suicide at 38

scientific racism

19th centrury theories of race - feverish investigation into the origins, explanantions, and classifications of race

scientific racism

19th century theories of race that characterize a period of feverish investigation into the origins, explanations, and classifications of race

Independence and action

2 expectations that men use when handling children

Passivity and emotion

2 expectations that women use when handling children

math data and women

2000- 48.2% of students who graduated with a bachelor's in math from a top 50 university were women, but only 8.3% of math faculty were women


A group of people that represents a larger population

Mills, The Power Elite

3 wings of national elite: corporate, military, and executive branch depression, war increased their power over Congress, local authorities members of this elite share social ties, identity formed via club memberships, boarding schools, social ties anti-democracy stronger military power > diplomacy- institutionalized belligerence and US policy

_____________ percent of female homicide victims were murdered by an intimate partner.


In one year, women are _____________ times as likely as men to be victims of intimate partner violence.


political participation in US

60% for presidential elections, 40% for non-presidential

In the Catholic church child abuse scandal, _____________ percent of the victims were boys.


Participant Observation

A case study where the researcher becomes a member of the group being studied

Quantitative Variable

A characteristic that can be measured numerically

Independent Variable

A characteristic that causes something to occur

Qualitative Variable

A characteristic that is defined by its presence or absence in a catagory


A characteristic that is subject to change

Dependent Variable

A characteristic that reflects a change


A form of government that restricts the rights to political participation to a small group or even to a single individual


A group of people with certain specific characteristics

game theory

Acemoglu and Robinson The Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy the study of strategic decisions made under conditions of uncertainty and interdependence Each state- elite player and mass citizenship player Mass citizenship must find a way to transform "temporary opportunity into permanent advantage" for the elite to listen If citizens can use the credible threat of revolution to induce change, → democracy but first, must overcome collective action problem

Paradox of authority

Although the states authority derives from the implicit threat of physical force resorting to physical coercion strips the state of all legitimate authority

Three types of Legit Authority: (Weber)

Charismatic, Traditional, Legal

Asian Americans

Chinese Exclusion Act 1882, "Chinatown" ghettos, Oriental Exclusion Act of 1924, high SES, "model minority"


An ever expanding process of ordering or organizing ex. the milligram experiment

Political party

An organization that seeks to gain power in the government, generally by backing candidates for office who subscribe to their organizations political power, group that exist to promote agendas


And ever expanding process of ordering and organizing

Interest group

And organization that seeks to gain power in the government and influence policy without campaigning or direct election or appointment office, independent people in party and hold offices and responsibilities


Anderson, blacks in presence of white society

Political participation

Any activity that has the intent or effect of influencing government action


Clear, rule governed procedures used repeatedly for decision making

What do socialist feminists argue?

Argue that all social relations, including relations between workers and the owners of the means of production, stem from unequal gender relation

What do black feminists argue?

Argue that gender doesn't function in a vacuum and that gender studies must take into account that there is no single category of men and women. Point out that some women are not only more privileged than other when but also are more privileged than some men

What do social constructionists argue?

Argue that gender is a process that people participate in all the time

"impossibility theorem"

Arrow, there is no system of voting that will consistently yield the top choice of the most voters when there are more than two alternatives more than 2 options --> no resistance to strategic voting

What do Structural Functionalists assume?

Assumes the gender differences exist to fulfill necessary functions in society. Doesn't allow for the possibility that other structures could fulfill the same function for the fact that structures change throughout history

Sexual Orientation

Attraction people feel for people of the same or different sex


Atypical chromosomal makeup and is mixed or indeterminate male and female sex chromosomes

Legal rational authority

Authority based on legal, impersonal rules; the rules rule, most pervasive in modern society (attached to roles not individual)


Authority is based on the implicit threat of violence, but the moment that force is used, all authority is lost; sex --> gender, but also gender --> sex

Charismatic authority

Authority that rest on the personal appeal of an individual leader (has to be passed on)

Traditional authority

Authority that rests on appeal to the past or traditions (not adaptive)


Belief that one sex or the other is innately inferior or superior


Biological characteristics that differentiate categories of male and female

"Matrix of domination"

Collins, different women have different definitions of what it means to be a woman

Hegemonic Masculinity

Condition in which men are dominant and privileged, and this dominance and privilege in invisible


Consciousness-raising movement to get people to understand that gender is an organizing principle of life. The underlying belief is that women and men should be accorded equal opportunities and respect

Domination by economic power

Control by virtue of constellation of interest or by virtue of a position of monopoly

Sexual Identity

Definition of oneself formed around one's sexual relationships


Desire, sexual preference, sexual identity, and behavior


Do more men or women complete 4-year degrees?

what do psychoanalytic theories focus on?

Focus on individualistic explanations for gender differences as opposed to societal ones. Support that there are natural differences between men and women that dictate how they behave

access and legitimacy view

Ely and Thomas, diversity perspectives when companies hire minorities mainly to gain access to minority customers

integration and learning view

Ely and Thomas, diversity perspectives when firms encourage employees to learn from one another rarest, non-profit

fairness and discrimination view

Ely and Thomas, diversity perspectives when firms fasten on % as solving the problem

"deceptive distinctions"

Epstein, exaggerate actual differences between men and women

Biological Determinism

Line of thought that explains social behavior in terms of who you are in the natural world


Line of thought that explains social phenomena in terms of natural ones

1. Structured hierarchically 2. Highly specialized positions 3.defined by its impersonality 4. Highly efficient 5. Based on achievement not personal attributes

Five defining characteristics of bureaucracy


Forced vaginal, anal, or oral penetration or attempted penetration of a person without his or her consent


Foucault, the observation and management of populations by influencing patterns in births, deaths, and illnesses (sex)

The Feminine Mystique

Friedan, woman's right to work, but ignored the working-class and non-white women who were already working, sometimes 2 jobs

"ethics of care"

Gilligan, how women make decisions- men decide by system of rules

cultural assimilation

Gordon 1: change cultural patterns to those of host society

structural assimilation

Gordon 2: large-scale entrance into cliques

marital assimilation

Gordon 3: large-scale intermarriage

identification assimilation

Gordon 4: development of sense of collective identity based exclusively on host society

attitude reception assimilation

Gordon 5: absence of prejudice

behavior reception assimilation

Gordon 6: absence of discrimination

civic assimilation

Gordon 7: absence of value and power conflict

Gender Stratification

Hierarchical distribution of social and economic resources according to gender

"pink-collar" jobs

Howe, low-paid secretarial or service industry jobs mostly occupied by women

Sexual Harassment

Illegal form of discrimination, involving everything from inappropriate jokes on the job to outright sexual assault to other sexual "banter"-all intended to make women feel uncomfortable and unwelcome, particularly on the job


In action the benefits a group it doesn't directly benefit the individual performing the action


India, biological men who wear female clothing and ideally renounce sexual desire and practice by undergoing sacrificial emasculation

Glass Ceiling

Invisible limit on women's climb up the occupational ladder


Occurs when a person's sex or gender is the basis of judgement, discrimination, and hatred against him or her


Japan, 3% of the population, originally displaced group during 14th century feudal wars, complete social closure (not genetic) Today- seen as "descendants of a less human 'race'" Often hire PIs to make sure no Burakumin traces Live in ghettos called burakus and have poor health, education, and income This distinction meaningless in US


Kanter, the demand of personal loyalty and devotion of secretary to boss


Kulick, trans prostitutes in Brazil- female names, clothing, etc. and medically transition BUT do not self-identify as women sexual practice --> gender: penetration = male

_________ are the largest minority group


power's third dimension

Lukes, persevere despite resistance and/or to prevent such conflict in the first place averted through "influencing, shaping, or determining" desires

"differentialist"/"cultural" racism

MacMaster, the call to protect national (white) identity from "criminal" and polluting cultural outsiders, constructing an image of "fortress Europe" anti-refugee

Charismatic, authorities traditional, legal rational

Max Weber's three types of rulers superiority and fitness tool


Max Weber, a human community that claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory


Men and Women of the Corporation, cultural connection of masculinity and authority has hurt women Deceptive distinctions- people believe men and women occupy the jobs for which they are best suited Kanter found, though, that the job makes the person, job requirements and structure → employee behavior fealty tokenism

Men: math/science/instrumental tasks Women: English/expressive tasks

Men are better in ______ subjects, while women are better in _________.

all-weather liberal

Merton Typology, neither prejudice nor discrimination

fair-weather liberal

Merton Typology, no prejudice, but discrimination

active bigot

Merton Typology, prejudice and discrimination

timid bigot

Merton Typology, prejudice but not discrimination

Domination by authority

Situation in which the will of the ruler influences the conduct of the ruled so they act as if the ruler's will were also their own


System of government wherein power theoretically lies with the people; citizens are allowed to vote in elections, speak freely, and participate as we will equals in social life

Identify the following as either associated with monogenism or polygenism. a) claims that humanity is composed of several distinct species b) claims that all human beings are part of a single family tree c) eventually lost the debate d) eventually won the debate e) a view held by Darwinists f) a view held by religious traditionalists

Monogenism: b, d, e, f Polygenism: a, c

Social politics

Policies developed to meet social needs (insurances and pension programs)

"rank orders of discrimination"

Myrdal, blacks and whites think about equality in different but complementary ways Whites cared most about intimate relations- preferred distance from blacks, but good with them having equal chances at earning a living Blacks valued equal employment and legal rights first- freedom to marry whites almost a non-issue

"Pink-collar" jobs

Name for jobs that women hold that are at the lower end of the pay scale


Natural state of humans: better themselves at the expense of all others To achieve peace and avoid death, enter social contract and submit to authority "leviathan"- deviance = death


Navajo third gender- ambiguous genitalia or self-determined, masculine and feminine, dress for the moment, often treated like women but free to marry anyone

2010: Citizen's United vs. Federal Election Commission

No limits to the role that money can play in today's elections

2002: Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act

No more than $5,000 to a single candidate No more than $15,000 to a single party PACs started encouraging individuals to give

Siwans and sexuality

North Africa and Keraki of Papua New Guinea prefer homosexuality- gay during adolescence then bi after straight marriage limited straight sex keeps birth rates low

soft/co-optive power

Nye, power attained through the use of cultural attractiveness rather than the threat of coercive action Cultural myths or legitimization → persuasion to obey

Political Action Committees

Organizations formed by special- interest groups to raise and spend money in support of political goals


Organizations that extract resources through taxation and attempt to extend coercive control and political authority of particular territories and the people residing in them


Oyewumi, Western cultural binary logic

Judith Lorber

Paradoxes of Gender- gender is a social institution that "establishes patterns of expectations for individuals, orders the social processes of everyday life, is built into the major social organizations of society, such as the economy, ideology, the family, and politics, and is also an entity in and of itself"

straight-line assimilation

Park, 4 stages- contact, competition, accommodation, and assimilation universally progressive pattern in which immigrants arrive, settle in, mimic the practices and behaviors of the powple who werre already there, and achieve full assimilation in a newly homogenous country

Critique of Wilson

Patillo-McCoy Black Picket Fences: middle class black more likely than white to go to segregated schools --> less social networks --> less chance for success Conley: neighborhood segregation still inequalities in wealth Alexander The New Jim Crow: war on drugs Feagin The Continuing Significance of Race in the United States- interviewed middle class blacks, found exclusion, neglect, denial of services


Personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being male or female

masculine emotional labor

Pierce, performed by trial lawyers- aggression, intimidation, manipulation

Soft power

Power attained through the use of cultural attractiveness rather than the threat of coercive action


Power relations among people or other social actors (government level interpersonal level or in between)


Process of breaking up work into specific, delimiting tasks

What do postmodernists question?

Question the whole notion of "woman" as a separate, stable category and the value and appropriateness of Western scholars applying their cultural logic to the study of non-Western societies

Open-ended Questions

Questions a person is to answer in his or her own words

Closed-ended Questions

Questions a person must answer by choosing from a limited, predetermined set of responses


Race as we know it has no deterministic, biological basis; all the same, race is so powerful that it can have life-or-death consequences.

Identify each quality as characteristic of either race or ethnicity. a) fluid and multiple b) planar c) exclusive d) voluntary e) unequal f) externally imposed

Race: c, e, f Ethnicity: a, b, d

Gender Roles

Sets of behavioral norms issued to accompany one's stays as a female or male


Research method in which people respond to questions

Field Research

Research that takes place in a natural (nonlaboratory) setting

"compulsory heterosexuality"

Rich, imposed to serve a male-dominated capitalist system in which women's unpaid domestic work is required to support men's paid work outside of the home

Citizenship rights

Rights guaranteeing to each law-abiding citizen in a nations state, only available to some, three types

"sex/gender system"

Rubin, biological sex transformed through kinship into asymmetrical gender statuses; all societies take part in some way


Sexual or romantic attraction to a person of the opposite sex/gender

Right to contributory program

Social Security benefits, citizens earn their right there tax contributions


Social construct that consists of a set of social arrangements that are built around sex categories


Social identity of a person who has sexual attraction to and/or relations with other persons of the same sex

William Sewell and Robert Hauser

Sociologists that found that family background and educational attainment happens since many people, such as parents, influence a child's educational and career aspirations; these aspirations become an influence on schooling and careers throughout a child's life

1. Visible when different agendas Clash, conflict results, one side prevails 2. Power is so fermentable that no conflict results from competing interest because one side is convinced it's a losing battle 3. The power not only to preserve despite overt or veiled resistance but to prevent such conflict from arising in the first place

Stephen Luke's, power as three dimensions

Scientific Method

The recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses

Civil rights

The rights guaranteeing a citizens personal freedom from interference, including freedom of speech and the right to travel freely

Social rights

The rights guaranteeing citizens protection by the state including protection from the free market in the areas of housing, employment, health and education, two types

Karl Marx says about class inequality:

The source of class inequality is unequal access to means of production


The use of force to get others to do what you want

Case Study

an intensive investigation of one particular unit of analysis in order to describe it or uncover its mechanisms

glass ceiling

an invisible limit on women's climb up the occupational ladder


an ordered series of questions intended to elicit information from respondents


a group of people who share a set of characteristics - typically, but not always, physical ones - and are said to share a common bloodline externally imposed, involuntary, usually based on physical differences, hierarchical, exclusive, unequal refers to a group of people who ahare a set of characteristics - typically, but not always, physical ones

political party

an organization that seeks to gain power in a government, generally by backing candidates for office who subscribe to the organization's political ideals

Hard power

Use of military or economic force to influence behavior in international policies

Secondary Analysis

Using precollected information for data collection and research purposes

Max Weber defined the state as?

a human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory.


What gender makes up more of the college population?

60%, 71%

What percent of woman work? What percent is full-time?


What percent of women make up the military?

Hispanics or Latinos

What's the largest minority group in the U.S.?


a label used to devalue members of certain social groups


before an authority, humans were peaceful- each person had power to punish deviance


a legal-rational organization or mode of administration that governs with reference to formal rules and roles and emphasizes meritocracy ex. red tape


a legal-rational organization or mode of administration that governs with reference to rules and roles and emphasizes meritocracy.

motherhood penalty

a loss in wages associated with becoming a mother

two-sex model

began women and men radically different

Independent Variable

a measured factor that the researcher believes has a causal impact on the dependent variable

Comparative Research

a methodology by which two or more entities( such as countries), which are similar in many dimension but differ on one in question, are compared to learn about the dimension that differs between them

In American law, a rule once widely used declared that "one drop" of black blood makes one black. Identify the effects of the one-drop rule. a) It put all blacks on the same level. b) It introduced differences between "pure" whites and "impure" whites. c) It was used to enforce antimiscegenation laws. d) It provided an easy, logical test of who was black and who was not.

a and c


behavior that violates the standards of conduct or expectations of a group or society


a form of government that restricts the right to political participation to a small group or even to a single individual.


a form of social organization in which females dominate males


a form of social organization in which males dominate females

Social order

a fundamental concept in sociology that refers to the way in which the various components of society—social structures and institutions, social relations, social interactions and behavior, and cultural features such as norms, beliefs, and values—work together to maintain the status quo.


belief that members of separate races possess different and unequal human traits


belief that most members of a group have some characteristics

Collective action problem

The difficulty in organizing large groups because of the tendency of some individuals to freeload or slack off

"equity inequality"

The historical disadvantage of minority groups and the way those disadvantages accrue over time


The justifiable right to exercise power

Sex Role Theory

Talcott Parson's theory that men and women perform their sex roles as breadwinners and wives/mothers, respectively, because the nuclear family is the ideal arrangement in modern societies, fulfilling the function of reproducing workers

Right to means-tested program

Temporary assistance to needy families and food stamps, the deserving poor


Testable statement of relationships among variables

Merton Typology

active bigot all-weather liberal timid bigot fair-weather liberal


The probability that a command with specific content will be obeyed by a given group of people

Multiple Causation

The belief that an event occurs as a result of several factors working in combination


The belief that events occur in predictable ways and that one event leads to another

Social feminism

Type of feminism in which family form must change with some collective means of carrying out housework and childcare; supports an end to social classes and family gender roles that encourage "domestic slavery"

Liberal feminism

Type of feminism in which women are free to develop their own talents and interests; seeks change only to ensure equality of opportunity

Radical feminism

Type of feminism in which women seek an egalitarian, gender-free society; supports an end to the family system

institutional discrimination

Unequal treatment comes to be built into the 'normal' functioning of the social system, independently of the individuals involved

Sexual Assault

Unwanted penetration or touch by force or threat of force, without consent

Intimate Partner Violence

Violence between partners who are (or were) involved in a sexual or romantic relationship

1924 National Origins Act

WW1, European immigration basically stopped

state (Weber)

Weber Politics as a Vocation, "a human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory" basically, implicit threat is enough to not need coercion

charismatic authority

Weber claim to legitimacy 1, authority based on personal appeal of leader, charisma problem: hard to maintain or pass on because individual in passing on, becomes traditionalized (try to copy lead) or rationalized (write out rules and procedures)

traditional authority

Weber claim to legitimacy 2, authority that appeals to past or traditions problem: not adaptable unless there is a clear precedent for change

legal-rational authority

Weber claim to legitimacy 3, based on legal, interpersonal rules, "the rules rule" routinization, rationalization, bureaucracy

domination by economic power

Weber, by a monopoly more common


Weber, the probability that a command with specific content will be obeyed by a given group of people 2 types: by economic power or by authority

domination by authority

Weber, will of ruler --> will of subject (willing obedience)

"Doing Gender"

West and Zimmerman, gender is not fixed, but a product of interactions, a constant performance microinteractionist

Liberal, socialist, and racial feminism

What are the 3 types of feminism?

Physical ability, life expectancy, education, politics, and poverty

What are the 5 main differences between males and females?

Brick masons, stone masons, heavy equipment mechanics, architects and engineers, police officers, lawyers, physicians and surgeons, and corporate managers

What are the common jobs that men mainly work in?

Dental assistant, preschool/kindergarden teacher, dental hygienist, secretary/administrative assistant, and speech pathologist

What are the top 5 jobs that women are employed in?


Willer, an action that benefits the group but not the individual self interest OR altruism --> generosity


Winant, relies more on culture and nationality to explain differences between non-whites and whites than physical traits

78 cents

Women earn ____ cents for every dollar a man makes.

5 years

Women live how many years longer than men?


Women make up what percent of college students?

Milgram experiment

Yale 1961, how far will people go for obedience? shocks, 65% of subjects went to "lethal" levels, despite the estimated 10%

Techniques of neutralization

a theoretical series of methods by which those who commit illegitimate acts temporarily neutralize certain values within themselves which would normally prohibit them from carrying out such acts, such as morality, obligation to abide by the law, and so on. In simpler terms, it is a psychological method for people to turn off "inner protests" when they do, or are about to do something they themselves perceive as wrong.

differential association

a theory of deviance that holds that violation of rules results from exposure to attitudes favorable to criminal acts

means-tested programs

a type of social right, eligible through proof of need, depends on state definition of "deserving poor" ex. food stamps

contributory programs

a type of social right, eligible through taxes ex. social security

control theory

a view of conformity and deviance that suggests that our connection to members of society leads us to systematically conform to society's norms


a violation of criminal law for which some governmental authority applies formal penalties


a way of dividing students into different classes by ability or future plans


a way of dividing students into different classes by ability or future plans

Identify the reasons why residential segregation is such a serious social problem. a) it is hard to change or prevent b) it leads to other forms of segregation c) there is not remedy for laws mandating residential segregation d) it fosters a culture of segregation

a, b, d

Identify the correct statements about the eugenics movement. a) Eugenicists contended that mental, physical, and psychological traits were passed down within racial groups. b) Eugenics is a pseudoscience, long discredited among the scientific community. c) Eugenics has been used to promote racial understanding and differences between racial groups. d) Eugenics is an untested scientific theory. e) Eugenics was used to support programs to control fertility and immigration to limit the presence of racial groups within the population.

a, b, e

Luker, Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood

abortion is about more than pregnancy, less barriers until late 1800s First Right to Life Movement mid 1800s -gave doctors authority to decide when life begins -women too emotional Century of Silence 1850-1950 mid 1900s- women work more claims: right to bodies, only women can decide 1973 Roe v. Wade activists pro and anti have very different world views, resources

Ely and Thomas, diversity perspectives

access and legitimacy fairness and discrimination integration and learning

the SAT

accurately predicts freshman year GPA, class rank, likelihood of graduation and student's chance of obtaining an advanced degree

ethnic groups in US

almost no single dominant group

paradox of authority

although the state's authority derives from the implicit threat of physical force, resorting to physical coercion strips the state of all legitimate authority

Paradox of authority

although the state's authority derives from the implicit threat of physical force, resorting to physical coercion strips the state of all legitimate authority.


american psychologist who administed iq tests to immagrants and deemed them all moron


an act against minorities harmful or negative acts against people deemed inferior on the basis of their racial category, without regard to their individual merit


an action that benefits a group but does not directly benefit the individual performing the action

Spurious Correlation

an apparent but false relationship between two (or more) variables that is caused by some other variable

labeling theory

an approach to deviance that attempts to explain why certain people are viewed as deviants while others engaged in the same behavior are not


an attitude or judgement, usually negative, about an entire category of people


an entire group of individual persons, objects, or items from which samples may be drawn


an ever-expanding process of ordering or organizing

Milgram experiment

an experiment devised in 1961 by Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University, to see how far ordinary people would go to obey a scientific authority figure.

The decrease in family violence has been attributed to

an increase in working women

Social Class or Socioeconomic Status

an individual's position in a stratified order

functionalist perspective

as industrialization took hold, jobs became more technical and required a more educated workforce

one-drop rule

asserting that just "one-drop" of black blood makes a person black -- developed out of the struggle to have conrete race lines the belief that "one drop" of black blood makes a person black, a concept that evolved from US laws forbidding miscegenation


assigns social status, power, and economic rewards on achievement, not ascribed, personal attitudes or favoritism

minority-majority group relations

assimilation, pluralism, segregation, or conflict

Gender roles

attitudes and activities that a society links to each sex

____________________ is the justifiable right to exercise power.


What factor partially explains the comparatively long period of time that Asian Americans remain unemployed after losing a job? a) Low education levels are a barrier to reemployment. b) They are able to wait for good jobs. c) They are victims of antiAsian prejudice. d) Asians are socially less well connected than other minorities.


Identify the beliefs that characterize racism. a) that certain groups are, by virtue of their language and culture, superior to others b) that certain groups are, by virtue of their bloodlines or physical characteristics, superior to others c) that humans are divided into distinct bloodlines and/or physical types d) that bloodlines or physical characteristics are linked to distinct cultures, behaviors, and intellectual abilities e) that acquired characteristics, like a dark tan due to life in a sunny climate, are hereditary

b, c, d

_____________________ has argued that the key factor for the development of a democratic government is a strong business class (or bourgeoisie) that can stand up to the land-owning, noble class.

barrington moore

Traditional authority

based on appeals to the past or a long established way of doing things.

Traditional Authority:

based on appeals to the past or the long-established way of doing things Designed according to traditional rules & are obeyed because of their traditional status Ie: respecting & listening to parents; elders

Legal Rational Authority:

based on legal, impersonal (same for everyone) rules that have been routined & rationalized -The power is given by the state -Routinized (routine, due process: innocent until proven guilty) -Based on standards -Regular Procedures

Legal-rational authority

based on legal, impersonal rules that have been routinized and rationalized attached to roles not individuals which depersonalizes work

Color-blind racism

based on the belief that paying attention to race is, itself, racism, and therefore, people should ignore race

Charismatic authority

based on the personal appeal of an individual leader

Charismatic Authority

based on the personal appeal of an individual leader Difficult to maintain or pass (appealing to the masses) Ie: Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez (Dolores Huerta)

In the 1940s, Gunnar Myrdal studied white Americans who had reservations about full equality and integration for blacks. What did Myrdal find was most important to these whites? a) making sure that whites continued to have preferred access to good jobs b) making sure that blacks did not get equal voting rights c) maintaining distance between the races in personal relationships, especially marriage


What, according to Nell Irvine Painter, is the foundation of white identity? a) an insistence on a position of privilege b) opposition to the nonwhite "other" c) not thinking about being white d) allegiance to Anglo-European values


Identify the consequences of making everyone (whites and others) more aware of whiteness as a racial category. a) It reinforces white privilege. b) It eliminates white privilege. c) It encourages some whites to embrace white consciousness in racist fashion. d) It removes the assumption that whiteness is normal and nonwhiteness is deviant.

c and d

civic voluntarism model

certain pre-existing attributes predispose people to participation or nonparticipation 1. Political orientation- strength of political commitment 2. Resources- ex. Money, leadership skills, organization, etc. 3. Mobilization efforts- interest + resources + mobilization efforts = action -only works with willing and able

_____________________ is based on the personal appeal of an individual leader.

charismatic authority

Sociologist T. H. Marshall identified three types of _____________________—civil rights, political rights, and social rights.

citizenship rights

The _____________________ of political participation focuses on individual-level traits that affect how politically active a person is. Some scholars reject this model and point to the American party system and political elites as being responsible for low political participation by instituting, or being slow to do away with, barriers that hinder citizen involvement.

civic volunteerism model

_____________________ is the use of force, as opposed to authority, to get others to do what you want. Once a person or institution decides to use physical coercion, it loses all its legitimate authority.


Women who suffered sexual abuse in their past were most likely to

cohabit but not marry

Native Americans

colonized and enslaved, eventually reservations, hundreds of thousands died, forced assimilation, lowest SES and high suicide rates

Sharif and Sharif, Robbers Cave

competition- contact makes people dislike out-group working together- cooperation and inclusion with out-group


consciousness-raising movement to get people to understand that gender is an organizing principle of life; women and men should be accorded equal opportunities and respect Less about erasing differences between women and men, more about uncovering power stakes behind the socially constructed differences between genders

robert park stages of straight-line

contact, competition, accommodation, and assimilation

Gordon 7 stages of assimilation

cultural, structural, marital, identification, attitude reception, behavior reception, civic

gordons stages of assimilation

cultural, structural, marital, identificational, attitude receptional, behavior receptional, and civic assimilation

Foucault The History of Sexuality

culture is already inscribed on our bodies, how we see our bodies is linked to power, knowledge 1800s Europe pop. growth - "bio-power" gay stigma by late 1800s

Saracino and Scott, The Porning of America

culture resembles porn, things are sexualized

"women's enslavement to the species"

de Beauvoir, lactation, menstruation

types of segregation

de facto- in practice de jure- in law


declared inner-city, black neighborhoods too much of a liability and ineligible for aid

criticism of straight-line assimilation (Park)

does not apply to non-white or involuntary immigrants

Enos, Causal Effect of Intergroup Contact

demographic change with more intergroup contact --> strong exclusionary reactions

qualitative data

descriptive data drawn from non statistical sources, including participant observation, personal stories, interviews, and life histories, detailed "rich" data weak reliability, strong validity


desire, sexual preference, and sexual identity and behavior

Weber on democracy and dictatorship

differ only by ideas of legitimacy


different races were different species

how is class power exercised?

direct mechanisms: campaign contributions --> votes, lobbying, revolving door, elite origins of officials, etc. indirect mechanisms: dependence on private investments, capital on strike, corps withdraw activity, business class wields structural power indirectly

Adaptive discrimination

discrimination based on prejudice of others

What are the policy consequences of Trump?

economic: trade, fiscal and tax, entitlement programs, climate and regulatory policy immigration: DACA, refugees judiciary and law: Roe v. Wade, voting rights, corporate power, separation of power, checks and balances foreign policy: NATO, Middle East/Israel, human rights, EU

Milton Friedman

education would be better financed if instead of getting loans students had to pay a percentage of their income

statistical discrimination example

educational system- testing- cultural bias, effect of stereotypes on performance Steele and Aronson- negative black stereotypes → lower scores

The physical, sexual, or emotional abuse of a parent or older family member is defined as

elder abuse

Kimmel, Predatory Sex

entitlement, silence and protection


ethnic affiliation--voluntary, self-defined, non-hierarchical, fluid and multiple, cultural, planar

structural functionalism

every society has certain structures (family, gender, etc.) that exist to fulfill some necessary function (reproduction, etc.)

direct deliberative democracy

ex. Town hall meeting, difficult with many people

Identify the examples of collective resistance. a) An oppressed group engages in a campaign of nonviolent protest. b) An oppressed group develops a means of quietly coping with their circumstances. c) An oppressed group rises up in organized, armed rebellion. d) An oppressed group relocates to a place where they can live in peace.

examples: a and c

Identify the examples of ancient beliefs about race that associated skin color with geographic or environmental factors. a) ancient egyptian records b) chinese creation myth c) a biblical story of noah and his sons d) the writings of the greek philosopher Hippocrates

examples: a, b, d

Nye and power

exclusive use of hard power in international politics is outdated Globalization → increased state economic interdependence Instead, soft/co-optive power

Philip Jackson

hidden curriculum

Who votes more?

high income whites women ages 65+

index of dissimilarity

how many women do you need to bring in to make it equal? measure of equality

social darwinism

humankind evolved based on selected characteristics that will help the individual survive the most -- this allows people to see humankind on a trajectory in which some groups have advanced more than others


humans are all the same species with races not creating a different race just variation in the same

three key beliefs of racist thinking

humans are divided into distinct bloodlines and or physical types these bloodlines are linked to distrinct cultures, behaviors, personalities, and intelectual abilties certain groups are superior to others


humans were one species, united under God

Resource Dilution Model

hypothesis stating that parental resources are finite and that each additional child gets a smaller amount of them

resource dilution model

hypothesis stating that parental resources are finite and that each additional child gets a smaller amount of them

white-collar crime

illegal acts committed by affluent, "respectable" individuals in the course of business activities

Kenneth Arrow's _____________________ shows how difficult it is for people to express their true, first-choice desires when selecting between more than two alternatives. When there are more than two choices, strategic voting quickly comes into play. To avoid this and to have more control over the outcome, authorities will try to limit the set of choices to two and then influence voters to make the "right" choice.

impossibility theorem

Rape occurs primarily

in committed relationships

De facto

in fact


in game theory, any situation where the outcome for one or more actors depends on the choices of another actor or actors

The effects of child abuse are often first noted

in their behavior

John and Martha are in love and have a sexual relationship. Martha is also John's aunt. In most states, this meets the legal definition of:


Overt discrimination

individual discriminates because of his or her own prejudice

Most European states developed over the course of hundreds of years through a long series of fights over territorial boundaries, but many countries in the world have been somewhat arbitrarily "produced" through colonization and subsequent decisions by the influence of the _____________________ and the United Nations.

international state system


interracial marriage

Jack and Jill live together and have a romantic relationship. Occasionally they get into screaming matches that escalate into pushing. This is considered

intimate partner violence

The current term used by the federal government for violence between partners who are in, or were in, a romantic relationship is

intimate partner violence

Keynesian Economics

investing in the people --> stimulate demand --> help economy

Modern racism

involves the rejection of traditional racist beliefs but displaces negative racial feelings onto more abstract social and political issues

preferential treatment

is also based on athletes, legacies, leadership experience, living in certain places and having unusual life circumstances

_____________________ argued that people live in peace and equality in the state of nature but that they ultimately submit to authority (the state) for financial reasons, for example, to help iron out disagreements about property.

john locke


judement of other gorups by one;s own standards and values


judgement of other groups by one's own standards and values

"urban renewal"

kicked blacks out of their ghettos and moved them to public housing projects

Extended family

kin networks that extend outside or beyond the nuclear family

"new immigration"

late 60s, mostly Asian and Hispanic

_____________________ is based on legal, impersonal rules that have been routinized and rationalized.

legal-rational authority

institutionalized means

legitimate ways of achieving success.

Statistics on violence in same-sex partnerships are limited but indicate that

lesbian and straight women are equally likely to be victims

Race (as a social construct)

lies not in peoples's physical characteristics, but in the historical treatment of different groups and the significance

1790 naturalization law

limited rights of citizenship to "free white persons" who counts as white?


literally meaning "well born"; the pseudoscience that controlling fertility of populations could influence inheritable traits passed on from generation to generation


living together in an intimate relationship without formal legal or religious sanction


oppressed group a subordinate, oppressed group of people


oppressed group feigns complinace and hides its true feelings of resentment a group response to domination- feign compliance, hide resentment Goffman subaltern "code-switching"

Acker's theory of the gendered organization

organizational structure is gendered, males advantaged

Most of the elderly who report abuse are abused by

other family members

1954 Brown v. Board

outlawed school segregation


outside appearances --> inner virtues, favoring light skin of course

college data and women

overtaking men in college enrollment, 2013 57% of college students were women


phallus < 2 cm

ontological equality

philosophical and religious notion that all people are created equal

Gender Socialization

process of learning the expectations associated with their sex

The Working Class

proletariat sustain themselves only by selling their labor to those who own the means of production

herbert spencer

promulgated the idea of social darwinism


pseudoscience of differences in head formation

The two broad approaches social scientists use to gather data about the social world are:

quantitative & qualitative

Super PACs

raise money on behalf of candidates cannot work directly with candidates

Kay's boyfriend had sex with her after she drank too much and passed out. This meets the legal definition of


US Prisons and sexuality

rape is about power, not sex gay sex is not being gay

Marital Rape

rape within marriage

Sex Gender refers to the characteristics, behaviors, and norms that society regards as appropriate for the members of each sex biological essentialism (Lipsitz) The view that explains the differences between men and women as innate and natural consequences of their biological makeupEx. men are more aggressivewomen are more passive Gender Socialization The learning of gender roles through social factors such as schooling, peers, media, and familyEx. Babies are dressed immediately in a way the marks their sex categoryEx. - A boy wears a sailor suitA girl wears a pink bow Motherhood Penalty the phenomenon that working mothers often experience disadvantages in pay. Perceived competence and benefits compared to other female workers with children The GII (Gender Inequality Index) a measure of gender inequality which measures reproductive health, empowerment, and participation in the labor force Radical Feminism A form of feminism that believes that men are responsible for, and benefit from, the exploitation and domination of women Transnational Feminism A type of feminism concerned with how global processes, such as colonialism and imperialism, influence gender relations and gender inequality Liberal Feminism A form of feminism that looks for explanations of gender inequalities in social and cultural attitudes. They tend to focus their energies on establishing and protecting equal opportunities for women through legislation and other democratic means Upgrade to remove ads Only $1/month Black Feminism A strand of feminist theory that highlights the multiple disadvantages of gender, class, and race that shape the experiences of non-white women; black feminists reject the idea of single, unified gender oppression that is experienced evenly by all women Intersectionality Ways that women/men's multiple identities and social locations shape their experiences Social Construction of Gender Gender identities emerge in relation to perceived sex differences in societies and cultures, which shape those differencesGender is a role we performWe learn how to present ourselves as "male or female" through our choices Transgender Express gender identity that differs from assigned sex at birth Intersex Individual possessing both male/female genitalia Effect of Gender Inequality on Social Institutions -Patriarchy-Gender Inequality-Education-College majors-Women in Workplace Patriarchy Dominance of men over women Gender Inequality Difference in status, power, and prestige women and men have in groups, collectives, and societies Gender Typing seeing something as a "man" or "woman's" job Sex segregation concentration of men and women in different occupationswhich leads to a gender pay gap Glass ceiling promotion barrier that prevents a woman's upward mobility within an organization "Glass elevator" sudden promotion of men into management position in female dominated fields Upgrade to remove ads Only $1/month Sexual harassment unwanted or repeated sexual advances, remarks, or behaviors that are offensive/cause discomfortTwo Examples:-Quid Pro Quo-Hostile work environment Quid pro quo supervisor demands sexual acts form a worker as a job condition in exchange for work benefits Hostile work environment pattern to sexual language, lewd posters, or sexual advances make a worker feel uncomfortable that it is difficult for them to do their best job Family and Gender Issues -"Motherhood Penalty"-"Second Shift" "Motherhood Penalty" -Belief by employers in traditional gender roles and notions of parenthood-Women seen as less reliable/productive because primary caregiver of child

refers to a person's physical and anatomical characteristics


refers to a state in which racial and ethnic groups maintain their distinctness but respect each other and have equal access to social resources


refers to adopting the culture of a group different from the one in which a person was originally raised

factors against black people in housing

restrictive covenants, white flight, redlining, etc.


restricts right to political participation to a small group or individual

socialist/radical feminists

root of all social relations is unequal gender relations

Pitirim Sorokin

schools are sorting machines

socialization of schools

schools pass down the values, beliefs and attitudes that are important in American society

Project STAR

schools with smaller classes benefited their students more

The _____________________ dimension of power has to do with power that is so imposing that it seems pointless to resist.


Pygmalion effect

self-fulfilling prophecy

Le Duff, Slaughterhouse

self-segregation, best-worst: whites, Indians, blacks and Mexicans, stereotypes towards each other

institutional racism example

sentencing laws for cocaine- Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 1g crack cocaine = 100g powder cocaine- minimum sentence 5 years for 1st time possession Crack cheaper → more low-income black drug sentences Obama Fair Sentencing Act 2010 100:1 → 18:1 another example: hiring patterns- look to social networks for recruitment

gender roles

sets of behavioral norms assumed to accompany one's status as male or female


sex between close relatives

"deceptive distinctions" examples

sex differences because of roles occupied ex. men think in rationality and justice because they tend to have jobs with those things Ex. women good at mothering because socialized to be mothers


sex is basis for prejudicial discrimination, may matter more than merit

Jan was fondled by a stranger on her way to the bathroom when she was out with her friends. This meets the legal definition of

sexual assault

Marxist feminism on sexuality

sexuality in US is an expression of unequal power balance between men and women

Why Trump Won

socio-economic trends: corporate policies, social and economic marginalization, resentments from Recession, rural working class declining economic position, skill-biased tech change cultural and ideological factors: rural/urban divide, rise of religion in politics, resentment against urban educated elites, anti-intellectualism sociodemographic factors: erosion of white male privilege --> backlash against minorities political factors: less mainstream party control of money, political elites unresponsive to people

_____________________ is the use of cultural or ideological means to influence behavior.

soft power

index of dissimilarity

standard measurement of segregation, degree to which blacks and whites are evenly spread among neighborhoods in a given city, % of non-whites who would have to move in order to achieve residential integration

Weber defined the _____________________, the ultimate example of domination by authority, as "a human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory."


Marxist Theories of the State

state is an "instrument" of class power- a reflection of the need for class-based coercion does 3 things: 1. enacts policies that further the interests of the ruling class 2. manages threats to the established order 3. seeks to insure the accumulation of capital internationally

statist/state-centered theory

state/government bureaucrats who design policies based on perceived social conditions (because money = power) → welfare state

individual fixed effects

statistical technique, compare an outcome across time as some factor changes doesn't work for everything, some things don't change over time: race, birth cohort, etc. ex. effect of education on wages

_____________________ describes three dimensions of power.

steven lukes

occupation data and women

still overrepresented in "feminine" areas; men in "masculine" areas which also pay more


the ability to carry out one's will despite resistance

Child Abuse and Neglect

the act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in (or puts children at imminent risk for) physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation


the advocacy of social equality for the sexes in opposition to patriarchy and sexism

social darwinism

the application of Darwinian ideas to society, namely, the evolutionary "survival of the fittest"


the justifiable right to exercise power

Legitimate Authority

the justifiable right to exercise power


the justifiable right to exercise power Have authority if persuade subordinates that power is valid


the legal or social practice of separating people on the basis of their race or ethnicity


the likelihood of obtaining consistent results using the same measurements


the mass killing of a particular population based on racial, ethnic, or religious traits


the methods of labor management introduced by Frederick Winslow Taylor to streamline the processes of mass production in which each worker repeatedly performs one specific task.

David Figlio

the more behavior problems in a classroom significantly increase other students disciplinary problems and reduce test scores

marginal working class

the most desperate members of the working class, who have few skills, little job security, and are often unemployed

Donald E. Langlois and Charlotte Rappe Zales

the most effective teaching methods are -minimizing lost class time to activities other than instruction -having clear expectations for acceptable behavior -having consistent consequences for misbehavior -maintaining a fixed routine -setting high standards for school work

Hidden Curriculum

the nonacademic and less overt socialization functions of schooling

hidden cirriculum

the nonacademic and less overt socialization functions of schooling


the notion that a change in one factor results in a corresponding change in another

Social Darwinism

the notion that some groups or races had evolved more than others and thus were better fit to survive and even to rule other races

The _____________________ dimension of power has to do with averting conflict altogether by limiting people's choices or influencing their preferences.


_____________________ believed that the state of nature is chaos and that people submit to authority (the state) as a means of survival.

thomas hobbes

prejudice is a _____________ discrimination is a ___________

thought action

The most common form of elder abuse is

to neglect

Jeanie Oakes

tracking is bad because there are differences in the quality of teaching and content between tracks

_____________________ is based on appeals to the past or a long established way of doing things.

traditional authority

Deirdre McCloskey

trans economist, wrote Crossing, memoir in 3rd person transitioned at 52, her sister threatened to commit her, estranged from family wrote 41 differences between Donald and Deirdre

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