Exam 3 (chapter 13-17)

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In a hypothetical population of gazelles, 28 individuals are homozygous for the d2 allele, 72 individuals are heterozygous for the d2 allele, and 100 individuals lack the d2 allele. What is the frequency of the d2 allele?


The frequency of an allele in a population of manatees is 0.15. If the population is at Hardy-Weinberg for this locus, what number of 600 individuals should be homozygous for this allele?


A phylogenetic tree can be defined as:

A graphic representation of a hypothesis of the evolutionary relationship amongst organisms

The loss of continental shelf resulting from the merging of continents during the Devonian period may have contributed to what effect?

A mass extinction of marine species

Which sample would be appropriate for dating by means of radioactive carbon?

A mastodon that is about 15,000 years old

What event is least likely to lead to allopatric isolation?

A small lake dividing a population of butterflies

In the Dobzhansky-Muller model, an ancestral population (aabb) splits into two lineages. Different mutations produce different new alleles in each population (A in one population, B in the other). All of the following genotypes would be viable except: A) AaBb B) aabb C) Aabb D) aaBB

A) AaBb

All of the following are components to biological evolution except: A) natural selection B) evolution of individuals C) allele frequency D) mutations

B) evolution of individuals

The large meteorites that struck Earth in the past left behind evidence that includes all of the following except A) large craters B) high CO2 levels in the atmosphere in certain eras C) soot, probably from forest fires, found in deposits D) mass extinctions that cannot be explained by terrestrial events

B) high CO2 levels in the atmosphere in certain eras

There are two isolated populations (A and B) of an endangered plant species. Population A has a constant size of 2,000 plants, and population B has had a constant size of 250 plants. We most expect to see an increase in the frequency of deleterious alleles in population______ due to_______

B; genetic drift

Which statement best illustrates a common feature of all types of species concepts?

Biological diversity does not vary in a smooth, incremental way

Which of the following could be a correct hypothesis for the question "what advantages to sexual reproduction can overcome short-term disadvantages?" A) it creates deleterious mutations B) it eliminates novel genetic combinations C) it facilitates damaged DNA repair D) all of the above

C) it facilitates damaged DNA repair

Which of the following Is not an ideal condition for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium? A) random mating B) no mutations C) small population size D) no natural selection

C) small population size

Evolutionary relationships can be revealed through the studies of morphology, however there are places where it is best applies. Choose the INCORRECT application. A) when comparing organisms have similar anatomy B) when comparing closely related species C) when comparing organisms from different environments D) when comparing macroscopic multicellular organisms

C) when comparing organisms from different environments

During which geological period did the most new kinds of body mass appear?


Modern biological classification began with:

Carl Linnaeus

What is biological evolution?

Changes in the allele frequencies of populations over time

A hybrid zone between two species of rodents remains in more or less the same location, but its width is increasing. What factor is a reasonable explanation for its growing size?

Changing environmental conditions have caused hybrids to become more fit

Suppose there are two species of birds and one has much longer beak than the other. What would be the best way to determine whether the beak sizes are due to heterochronic changes in CaM expression?

Charting the time course of expression of CaM during development of the beaks in both species

In which of the following datasets can evolutionary changes be observed? A) laboratory experiments B) natural populations C) fossil records D) all of the available answers are correct


Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium is a fundamental idea in evolution. However, no population is nature every meets its conditions. What is the purpose of this phenomenon, then? A) There is no purpose, it was an idea proposed in early evolutionary science, but isn't longer of use B) it is used as a comparison, to determine if a population has evolved C) it can be useful in prediction genotype frequencies D) Both B and C

D) Both B and C

Eukaryotic genomes are large and complex, and in general have more protein coding genes. They also have more regulatory sequences and meat more regulatory proteins. Most of the Eukaryotic DNA does not encode proteins, there are various kinds of DNA sequences that are not transcribed into mRNA. What are some of the sequences? A) genes for functional RNAs B) they contain various kinds of repeated sequences C) introns or regulatory sequences D) all of the above

D) all of the above

Genes can be shared laterally, as opposed to vertically through generations, via______? A) picking up fragments of DNA from the environment B) Via viruses C) hybridization D) all of the above

D) all of the above

The evolution of sexual recombination is puzzling due to which of the below choice? A) dividing offspring into separate genders greatly reduces overall reproductive rate B) sex reduces rate at which females pass genes on to their offspring C) recombination breaks up adaptive combinations of genes D) all of the above

D) all of the above

What are some of the ideas that influences Darwin? A)Thomas Robert's essay on "an essay of the Principle of Population" B) The uniformitarianism hypothesis from geology C) his own observations during the voyage of the beagle D) all of the above


What statement about selection is true?

Disruptive selection is the only type of selection that can produce a bimodal distribution

In breeding Brassica Oleracea, which trait is artificially selected for in order to produce cauliflower?

Enlarged developmentally stunted flower clusters

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes have some distinct differences between their genomes. What is an incorrect comparison between the two?

Eukaryotes will necessarily encode more proteins than prokaryotes

The genes H and K act in accordance with the Dobzhansky-Muller model, leading to sterility in hybrids between two species of monkey flowers. Any combination of the H2 and the K1 alleles causes hybrids to be sterile. Based on the Dobzhansky-Muller model, which genotype should have high fitness?

H1H1; K1K1

Which is the best evidence that a gene involved in antibiotic resistance in bacteria underwent lateral gene transfer?

It has a phylogeny that is very different from those of most other gene

What statement about the morphological species concept is true?

Linnaeus used it

Which group of organisms has been most affected by periods of increased glaciation at different times in Earth's history?

Marine Life

What term described a group of individuals containing a common ancestor and all of its descendants?

Monophyletic group

What theory explains the accumulation of deleterious mutations in asexual populations?

Muller's Ratchet

If the beetle Ubx gene were to be expressed in a shrimp, what would be the most likely result?

No legs would develop in abdominal segments because the beetle Ubx would repress DII

What principle of "evo-devo" (evolutionary development) is properly stated?

Organisms share similar molecular mechanisms for development, including regulatory molecules that control gene expression

With the virus that causes COVID-19, information on how and where the virus spread is significant in containing and studying its transmission. What is most useful in reconstructing the transmission and spread of COVID-19

Phylogenetic tree

What statement about Earth's history is true?

Sedimentary rock forms via the accumulation of grains at the bottom of rivers and other bodies of water

What statement about traits is false?

Synapomorphies are shared ancestral traits

The phrase "survival of the fittest" is often applied to Darwin's Theory of natural selection. What does this phrase refer to in Darwin's terms?

The ability to leave viable reproductive offspring in the population

There has been a proliferation of a large number of descendant species from a single ancestor in a group of beetles over the last 2 million years. This beetle clade has also evolved diverse suits of traits to better exploit diverse environments. What can we conclude from this information?

The beetles have undergone both an adaptive radiation and an evolutionary radiation

Why can genetic incompatibility between two isolated populations develop over time?

The hybrid offspring of the two populations may have a new combination of genes that is functionally inferior, or even lethal

What is the gene pool?

The sum of all copies of all alleles at all loci in a populations

What about synonymous mutations is true?

They are likely to be neutral because they do not change the phenotype

What led to the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period?

a meteorite striking Earth

The explosion of the "Cambrian explosion" refers to:

a period of rapid diversification of life on Earth

What is the definition of a taxon?

a unity of organisms

Darwin's finches on the Galapagos Islands have diverged primarily via _____ speciation, and they exhibit diverse morphologies owning to differences in ______

allopatric; their diets

Speech, found foley in humans and not in any other primates is an example of _____ trait


In which group do you expect the greatest extent of lateral gene transfer?


Why is it better to base an evolutionary classification system on homologous rather than analogous structures?

because homology reflects evolutionary relationships

A disadvantage of sexual recombination is that it:

breaks down combinations of beneficial alleles

Sexual recombination:

can result in the elimination of harmful mutations

Which gases have opposing effects on Earth's climate?

carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide

Suppose that in a population of ruddy ducks, 45 percent of individuals with the beta-1 mutation survive from hatchling to the first year, while individuals without the mutation have a survival rate of 58 percent. This mutation does not affect any other component of fitness. We would call beta-1 a ______ mutation


Which mode of selection is most likely to lead to an increase in phenotypic variation ?


Ernst Mayr's biological species concept:

does not apply to organisms that reproduce asexually

Scientists divide geological time into eras and periods. The _____ is most inclusive, and the boundaries are based on _________

era; changes in fossils

Today, biologists use_____ as the basis for classifying all living things

evolutionary relationships

Speciation rates in flowering plants are

faster when the number of different pollinating insects is low

Explain why paleontology helps us determine evolutionary relationships

fossils show us where and when organisms lived, and give us an idea of what they looked like

Binomial nomenclature names an organisms by:

genus followed by species

Biological features that have a common evolutionary origin, even if they have a different function, are said to be:


Gene families are groups of _______ genes that arose by _______ and _______.

homologous; gene duplication; sequence evolution

The last set of genes two turn on in the Drosophila embryo are _______ genes

how genes

sympatric speciation

is common in plant since many plant species can reproduce by self-fertizilation

A neutral mutation:

is fixed in a population at a rate equal to the mutation rate

The increase in the concentration of CO2 in Earth's atmosphere over the past 100 years:

is primarily caused by the burning of fossil fuels by humans

A gene involved in neural development shows three times as many synonymous site substitutions then non synonymous ones. A likely explanation is that this gene:

is under purifying selection

What statement about oxygen is true?

it made aerobic metabolism possible

The ratio of radioactive C-14 to its stable isotope C-12 is relatively constant in living organisms and their environment. However, this ration changes once an organism dies. In a fossil presumed to be around 20,000 to 30,000 years old, the ratio of C-14 to C-12 would be

lower, because the C-14 is not replenished after death

A non synonymous mutation is also called a _____ mutation


The neutral theory asserts that:

most variability in the structure of molecules does not affect their function

Plates of Earth's crust:

move in a phenomenon called continental drift

Orders are less inclusive than _____ and more inclusive than _____

phyla; families

A taxon of sunflowers contains species that do not share a common ancestor. This taxon is referred to as:


Charles Darwin studies the possible mechanisms for evolution. What was the main point from the essay of the principle of population?

population growth is exponential and food supply is linear, so only some of the population will survive

Mistakes in the replication of DNA:

provide genetic variation

As illustrated in the textbook, the _____ of a phylogenetic tree represents the common ancestor, the _____ represent events where lineages diverged, and the _____ axis represents

root; nodes; horizontal

Reduction of expression of a gene in fruit flied during early development causes the reduction of the anterior structures of one thoracic segment. What type of gene is it most likely to be?

segmentation gene

A certain species of moose went extinct because only the individuals with the largest antlers were chosen as mates, resulting in moose with antlers too large to survive. This is an example of a failed adaption due to:

sexual selection

______ selection operates if individuals within a population with the smallest and largest body sizes have fewer offspring than those of average body size


The percent of the genome that encodes functional genes _____ as genome size increases

steadily decreases

A butterfly species is separation into two different groups- one that lays eggs in the understory of bushes and the other that lays eggs in the tops of bushes. This butterfly species is most likely experiencing

sympatric speciation by disruptive selection

A _____ is any group of organisms we name, while a _____ is any _____ that consists of all evolutionary descendants of a common ancestor

taxon; clade; taxon

Natural selection can be defined as:

the differential survive; and reproduction of individuals

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