exam 3- mass comm

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According to one study, portrayals of sex that include possible risks like sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy occur in _____ percent of the sexually explicit material on TV


Children under the age of _____ typically lack the ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality, and many advertisers use this to their advantage.


Unlike the _____ who had gained fame through their artistry, scholarship, and athleticism, many of the advertising characters of the 1950s were famous for being domestic servants.

African Americans

Of the 26 newly released TV programs in Fall 1999, none depicted _____ in a leading role, and even the secondary roles on these shows included almost no racial minorities.

African americans

Italian philosopher and critic _____ originated the idea of cultural hegemony to describe the power of one group over another, arguing that culture and the media exert such a powerful influence on society that they can actually influence workers to buy into a system that is not economically advantageous to them.


President Woodrow Wilson established the advertiser-run Committee on Public Information to make movies and posters, write speeches, and generally sell _____ to the public.

World War 1

Companies employ many different ways to raise revenue for their services, but all boil down to two fundamental ideas: The money comes either from consumers or from _____.


_____ is defined as promoting a product or service through the use of paid announcements.


Combining traditional Indian music and dance with American-style filmmaking, _____ studios release around 700 major films each year, three times the rate of the major Hollywood studios.


Throughout most of the 19th century, before the widespread adoption of _____, consumers purchased goods in bulk, weighing out scoops of flour or sugar from large store barrels and paying for them by the pound.


_____ is the clearest example of advertising-driven income, as there are no subscription fees for these channels

broadcast television

_____ is defined as suppressing or removing content deemed objectionable.


The _____ was passed to prohibit companies from obtaining the personal information of children who access websites or other online resources.

children's online privacy act of 1998

Major TV networks dropped their long-standing ban on _____ advertising in the 1970s, leading to a new trend in positioning ads such as the Coke versus Pepsi and, later, Microsoft versus Apple advertising wars.


Driven by advertising, U.S. culture and media have a strong _____ bent--meaning that the ever-increasing consumption of goods is encouraged as an economic virtue.


_____is the ability of companies to use the same content across multiple platforms, for instance Disney movie characters appearing at Disney theme parks and in shows on ABC.

content integration

_____, text files that web page servers embed in users' hard drives, help search engines like Google and Yahoo! track their customers' search histories, buying habits, and browsing patterns.


_____ is a form of protection provided by U.S. law, under which the creator of an original artistic or intellectual work is automatically granted certain rights, including the right to distribute, copy, and modify the work.


_____ occurs when false statements about an individual are printed, broadcast, spoken, or otherwise communicated to others.


_____ engages citizens in government and civic action through online tools.

digital democracy

The _____ provides basic legal guidelines for copyright and intellectual property protections online.

digital millennium copyright act

In the United States, the digital divide between those who have access to the internet and those who do not is largely a matter of _____, cost barrier, and lack of adoption of new technology.


Communication Act's Section 315—also known as the _____—requires radio and television stations to give equal opportunity for airtime to all political candidates; News programs, interviews, and documentaries are exempt.

equal time ruling

Information is an _____, meaning that consumers must actually experience the good to judge its value.

experience good

Once news is released online by one source, it spreads rapidly, and other organizations scramble to release accounts, too, in order to keep up, often leaving staff less time for _____ and editing.


Under the Privacy Act, media personnel must be careful to avoid revealing certain information about an individual without his or her permission, even if the information is_____.

factually accurate

One of the significant limitations of copyright is the policy of "_____," under which the public is entitled to freely use copyrighted information for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, research, or parody.

fair use

Since its creation by the Communications Act in 1934, the _____ has been "charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable."

federal communications commission

First established with the passage of the Radio Act of 1927, the _____ was intended to "bring order to the chaotic situation that developed as a result of the breakdown of earlier wireless acts passed during the formative years of wireless radio communication.

federal radio commission

First established with the passage of the Radio Act of 1927, the _____ was intended to "bring order to the chaotic situation that developed as a result of the breakdown of earlier wireless acts passed during the formative years of wireless radio communication."

federal radio commission

The _____ came into being when President Woodrow Wilson signed the act into law, creating an agency designed to "prevent unfair methods of competition in commerce."

federal trade commission

The Internet has allowed media companies to synergize their content, broadcasting the same ideas and products across multiple platforms thus significantly reducing relative _____ because the Internet's marginal costs are minimal

first copy costs

Columnist Ellen Goodman notes that there has always been a tension in journalism between being _____ and being _____.


Titanic was not anticipated to perform particularly well at the U.S. box office (only about one-third of box office sales were from the U.S.); rather, predictions of _____ receipts allowed the movie to be made.

foreign box office

By requiring full or partial disclosure of U.S. government information and documents, the _____ "helps the public keep track of its government's actions, from the campaign expenditures of city commission candidates to federal agencies' management of billions of dollars in tax revenues."

freedom of information act

In the 1950s, TV provided advertisers with unique, _____ oriented mass markets that could be targeted with regionally appropriate ads.


Material deemed _____ can be broadcast, but not between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., to make it less likely that children will be exposed to it.


_____ material meets the following three criteria: contains graphic sexual or excretory depictions; dwells at length on depictions of sexual or excretory organs; and is used simply to shock or arouse an audience.


The principle of journalistic _____ is an important component of the news media's watchdog role.


Responsible journalists should strive to balance disclosure of the news with a respect for_____.

individual privacy

The majority of advertisements that target children feature either toys or_____.

junk food

Twenty-four-hour news stations such as CNN have become more popular, and nightly news programs have been forced to change their focus, now emphasizing more _____ stories that may not be covered by the major news programs.


A 2009 Pew Research Center survey found 64 percent of _____ survey participants did not have access to the Internet at home.


In the mainstream news media, _____are predominately featured as authorities on specialized issues like business, politics, and economics, while _____ are more likely to report on stories about natural disasters or domestic violence—coverage that does not require expertise.


In network television broadcasts, major publications, and other forms of mass media and entertainment, _____ are often either absent or presented as heavily stereotyped, two-dimensional characters.


A _____ occurs when one controls a product or service—for example, a small town with only one major newspaper.


_____ tend toward local monopolies and oligopolies, as there are generally few local news sources.


Because the programming about, by, and for ethnic minorities in the mainstream media is disproportionately low, many turn to _____ publications and channels such as BET, Univision, Telemundo, Essence, Jet, and others for sources of information and entertainment.


To comply with U.S. law, the FCC prohibits broadcasters from airing _____ programming, regardless of the time of day.


_____ material must meet all three of the following criteria: causes the average person to have lustful or sexual thoughts; depicts lawfully offensive sexual conduct; and lacks literary, artistic, political, or scientific value


The book publishing industry is basically a _____; the top 10 trade publishers made up 72 percent of the total market in 2009, with the top 5 alone comprising 58 percent of this.


The music industry, with it's Big Four record companies, is widely considered an _____, despite the presence of countless small, independent companies.


_____, or the control of a product or service by just a few companies, commonly occurs in publishing; a few major publishers put out most best-selling books, and relatively few companies control many of the nation's highest-circulating magazines.


Under the_____, authorities have access to personal records held by Internet service providers and other third parties, and government officials can tap into an individual's e-mail communications and web searches if he or she is suspected of terrorist activity or of having connections to terrorist activity.

patriot act

_____ is defined as using someone else's information, writing, or speech without properly documenting or citing the source.


_____ is an important aspect of TV advertising because it incorporates products into the plots of shows.

product placement

The goal of the _____ model is to release information to a constituency; this model is less concerned with obtaining dramatic, extensive media coverage than with disseminating information in a way that ensures adequate reception

public information

_____ is the attempt to establish and maintain good relations between an organization and its constituents.

public relations

Under a traditional _____ model, public relations professionals seek to create media coverage for a client, product, or event.


In the 1920s, advertising agencies often created their own _____ that networks then distributed.

radio programs

A typical PR campaign often involves four phases in the following order:

research, strategy, tactics, evaluation

The 21st century has seen the rise of the popularity and influence of _____ news shows such as The Daily Show and The Colbert Report.


Psychologists have long noted that teens and children get much of their information and many of their opinions about _____ through TV, film, and online media.


The quiz shows of the 1950s were the last of the _____ programs.


Creditors look at individuals' _____ to determine whether they would be good credit customers, and banks may access social network information to make loan decisions.

social networks

The mass media are important_____; they help people learn about the norms, expectations, and values of their society.

socialization agents

Through the 1960s, ads targeting women generally showed them performing domestic duties such as cooking or cleaning, whereas ads targeting men often placed women in a _____ role.

submissive sexual

Media law comprises two areas: _____ law--which regulates radio and television broadcasts; and print law--which addresses publications such as books, newspapers, and magazines.


The persuasive communication model, or the _____, works to persuade a specific audience to adopt a certain behavior or point of view.

two-way asymmetrical

The _____ model facilitates a back-and-forth discussion that results in mutual understanding and an agreement that respects the wishes of both parties.

two-way symmetrical

Regulations under the Federal Trade Commission's Advertising Substantiation Program established that supposed experts used in advertisements must be qualified experts in their field, and celebrities must _____ the products they endorse.


A business model in which a company owns both its suppliers and buyers.

vertical integration

When the framers of the U.S. Constitution guaranteed freedom of the press, one of the things they had in mind was the ability of the news media to serve as a _____ those in positions of power.

watchdog over

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