Exam 3 mini summer mark 350

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________ is when ordinary objects, events, and even people take on sacred meaning.


stages in the rite of passage

1.Separation 2. Liminality 3. Aggregation

Brands that we closely link to our rituals are called ________ brands; once they become imbedded in our rituals we are unlikely to replace them.


Consumers who refuse to sacrifice style, but achieve it on a budget are called ________.


Movie and restaurant reviewers, magazine editors, retail buyers and DJ's are considered ________ because they filter information.


Angela belongs to a film club that selects and views classic movies once a month. Angela won't watch scary movies on her own, but agrees to watch the classic vampire film with the club because almost all of the other club members voted to see it. This example demonstrates which factor of conformity?

group unanimity

Duane and Kenneth are both active members of LinkedIn, a professional networking Web site. They follow and post to discussion boards, connect with colleagues, and frequently update their profiles. In networking terms, Duane and Kenneth are both ________


Within groups, informal rules of behavior are called ________.


Culture is best described as a society's ________.


In advertising terms, a(n) ________ refers to a view or exposure to an advertising message.


One percenters are an example of ________.

income inequality

Collecting refers to the systematic acquisition of particular objects or a set of objects (Rational AND emotional components)

hoarding reflects the reluctance to discard used objects.

a creation valued because of the beauty with which it performs some function; this type of product tends to follow a formula that permits rapid production, and it is easier to understand than an art product

Craft product

Couples who are better educated on average and choose not to have children are considered DINKS.


Earlier purchasers tend to be innovators, who like to take risks.


A ________ is an economy that is driven by a fairly small group of rich people.


Casting directors, textbook authors, and retail buyers are all examples of formal gatekeepers in the culture production process.


ethic groups lose their customs and traits over time and gradually adopt behaviors of the dominant cultures


a professional who is retained to evaluate or make purchases on behalf of a consumer a) Usually compensated for their advice b) EX: interior decorators, stockbrokers, professional shoppers, college admission consultants

Surrogate consumer

Commitment or the degree to which the individual is dedicated to continued membership in a group influences behavior. Generally speaking, the greater the desire to remain in a group, the more conformity an individual will exhibit.

Susceptibility to interpersonal influence refers to an individual's need to identify or enhance his or her image in the opinion of significant others. This enhancement process is often accomplished by the acquisition of products the person believes will impress his or her audience.

Hundreds of millions of global consumers now enjoy a level of purchasing power that's sufficient to let them afford high-quality products—except for big-ticket items such as college educations, housing, or luxury cars. This consumer group, known as the ________, tend to buy affordable cars rather than luxury cars.

mass class

Grooming rituals express two kinds of binary opposition: private/public and ________.


The meaning of invidious distinction is when consumers purchase items to inspire envy of others through their display of wealth and power.

"invidious distinction."

includes all people and organizations that create symbolic meaning and transfer those meanings to cultural goods.

A fashion system

A cultural production system is a ________.

A) creative subsystem B) managerial subsystem C) communications subsystem

A reason why consumers conform is ________.

A) cultural pressures B) fear of deviance C) commitment D) Group unanimity E)Environmental cues

a creation viewed primarily as an object of aesthetic contemplation without any functional value

Art product

Raymond Chandler wrote classic American detective stories. By always using certain roles for his characters and props that were appropriate to the genre, Chandler's novels followed a(n)

Cultural formula

a sequence of media events in which certain roles and props tend to occur consistently

Cultural formula

individuals who are responsible for determining the types of messages and symbolism to which members of mass culture are exposed

Cultural gatekeepers

the process by which some alternatives are selected over others by cultural gatekeepers

Cultural selection

the set of individuals and organizations responsible for creating and marketing a cultural product

Culture product system (CPS)

________ refers to the set of individuals and organizations that create and market cultural products.

Culture production system (CPS)

________ derives from the knowledge that a consumer possesses about a content area.

Expert power

American spendthrifts outnumber American tightwads.


________ refers to the factors that motivate people to physically uproot themselves from one location to another.


If a member of the upper class wore shredded Levi's jeans to a formal party, the person would be exhibiting a sophisticated form of conspicuous consumption known as ________.

Parody display

The process of movement and adaptation to one country's cultural environment by a person from another country is called ________.


In the cultural production process, the people who control the flow of information between producers and customers are called ________.

cultural gatekeepers

Products are winnowed out as they make their way down the path from conception to consumption, a process called ________.

cultural selection

Which term refers to exchanges of resources, information, or influence among members of networks?


A set of multiple symbolic behaviors that occur in a fixed sequence and tend to be repeated is called a ________.


Wedding rice, birthday candles, and diplomas are considered ________.

ritual artifacts

British psychologist Frederic Bartlett used ________ to examine how information mutates

serial reproduction

The cultural learning acquired through ________ leads immigrants to a process of adaptation


According to the trickle-down theory, fashion moves from the upper classes to the lower classes.

trickle-down theory

Co-optation occurs when cultural products undergo a transformation. Original meanings are transformed by outsiders.

An example of the change is how the influence of hip-hop has gone beyond its urban, African American roots to the American mainstream.

need independence, so they try to break away from their families; however, they need to attach themselves to a support structure.

Autonomy versus belonging-teens

________ happens when we do not devote as much time and effort to a task as we could because our contribution is part of a larger group effect.

Social loafing

maintains the social order because it authorizes a social code for members of a culture to follow.


A consumer's belief about what the future holds is an indicator of consumer confidence.


A sophisticated form of conspicuous consumption is called parody display.


Buzz is created by word-of-mouth advertising


Christy, Jillian, and Robert were all born between 1965 and 1985; they are considered part of Generation X


People born between World War I and World War II belong to the Silent Generation.


Social stratification refers to the creation of artificial divisions in a society.


What is the most powerful age segment economically in the United States?

The Baby Boomer Generation

People and institutions that teach the ways of a culture are called ________.

acculturation agents

According to Pierre Bourdieu, people's taste regarding entertainment and the arts serves as a status-making force or ________ that causes consumption preferences to cluster together.


A special ritual marking a person's transition from one role to another is called a ________.

rite of passage

Immigrants to the United States who exhibit ________ tend to live and shop in places separated from mainstream Anglo consumers.


The ability of a person to pass from one social class to another is called ________.

social mobility

________ are generally more involved in a product category and actively search for information.

Opinion seekers

A component of a person's subculture is ________.

A) age B) race C) ethnic background

friends, family, local businesses, and other reference groups that facilitate the learning of cultural norms

Acculturation agents

well-off consumers who are stressed or unhappy despite of, or even because of, their wealth


refers to a change in the beliefs or actions as a reaction to real or imagined group pressure


a "pecking order" within a culture that dictates which members are relatively higher in status than other members

Dominance-submission hierarchy

Power that is granted by virtue of a social agreement, such as the authority we give to police officers, is called ________.

Legitimate power

helps to explain the origins of existence


________ is the extent to which less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.

Power distance

is the extent to which the less powerful members of an organization or institution accept and expect the power to be distributed unequally

Power distance

provides models for personal conduct.


the extent to which different indicators of a person's status (income, ethnicity, occupation) are consistent with one another - Scientists use this concept to asses the impact of social class inconsistency

Status crystallization

The average American's standard of living continues to improve. These income shifts are linked to two key factors:

a shift in women's roles and an increase in educational attainment

It is quite common for mainstream culture to modify symbols identified with "cutting edge" subcultures and present these to a larger audience. Such cultural products undergo a process of ________, by which their original meanings are transformed by outsiders.


The Macah, a Native American tribe from the Northwest, built functional seagoing canoes that are considered works of art by modern shipbuilders. By definition, these boats would be considered ________.

craft products

Green bagels and green beer on St. Patrick's Day are both examples of


According to the principle of _____________, a person will gain power in a group as she decreases her commitment to the group.

least interest

The donor may feel that the response to the gift was inadequate or insincere or a violation of the __________(a culturally learned obligation to return the gesture of a gift with one of equal value)

reciprocity norm

A(n) ________ is an actual or imaginary individual or group conceived of having significant relevance upon an individual's evaluations, aspirations, or behavior.

reference group

Thomas and his family recently toured the Gettysburg Battlefield on their vacation. The area was rich in history. While walking, Thomas remembered all the accounts of the battle that he had read in school. He finally understood why this place had such a special meaning in American history and to Americans in general. Gettysburg Battlefield is best classified as ________.


A ________ is defined as a group whose members share beliefs and common experiences that set them apart from others.


A(n) ________ is a marketing intermediary retained by a consumer to guide what that consumer buys.

surrogate consumer

When people are differentiated in terms of their aesthetic and intellectual preferences, a ________ is being applied

taste culture

Through the process of ________, immigrants make the unfamiliar familiar by integrating symbols from their former lives into their new homes.


This type of connection allows a consumer access between subgroups (strength of weak ties) (1) EX: you might have a regular group of friends that is a primary reference group (strong ties). If you have an interest in tennis, one of these friends might introduce you to a group of people in her dorm who play on the tennis team. As a result, you gain access to their valuable expertise through this bridging function

weak ties - bridging function

Sophie tells Nick about a great new restaurant. Sophie is practicing ________.

word-of-mouth communication

________ usually dictate what is right and wrong, acceptable or unacceptable.


describes consumers who recently achieved wealth and don't have the benefit of years of training to learn how to spend it.

Nouveau riche

Cultural selection — the process by which some alternatives are selected over others by cultural gatekeepers

Winnowing out is part of the cultural selection process.

In the process of ________, new immigrants adopt products, habits, and values they identify with the mainstream culture.


A ________ is a very short-lived fashion.


Which functional area of culture is most closely related to the idea of a common worldview


the mental characteristics of a people and the way they relate to their environment and social groups


Consumers who always are on the lookout for novel products or services and who are first to try something new are ________.


The best predictor of major expenditures that do not have status or symbolic value is ________.

social class and income

Consumers who buy everything in sight are called ________.


Most groups exhibit a structure called a ________ in which some members are somehow better off than others in terms of authority, power, or respect.

status hierarchy

When a Rolls-Royce, a Cartier diamond, and an Andy Warhol painting are bought and displayed as markers of social class, they are ________.

status symbols

A member of ________ has recently gained personal wealth and may experience status anxiety. Such individuals may try to display symbols of their success to make up for an internal lack of assurance about the "correct" way to behave.

the nouveau riche

Fashion refers to ________.

the process of social diffusion by which style is adopted by consumers

Gen Z is the most diverse generation in American history.


Gift giving involves economic and symbolic exchange.


Emic perspective — an approach to studying (or marketing to) cultures that stresses the unique aspects of each culture - They feel that each culture is unique, with its own value system, conventions, and regulations - A marketer must therefore tailor its strategy to the sensibilities of each specific culture. An emic approach to a culture is subjective and experiential: It attempts to explain a culture as insiders experience it.

Hong Kong Disneyland is an example of an emic perspective

(focus on the content of objects, not on relationships among objects) the ways of expressing and interpreting meanings that focus on the content of objects, which tend to be used by the working class

Restricted codes

__________model of influence proposes that a small group of influencers disseminates information because they can modify the opinions of a large number of other people.

The two-step flow

the nature and potency of the bond between members of a social network

Tie strength

that fashion trickles horizontally across social groups.


tend to view adults as hypocrites, whereas they see themselves as being sincere.

Idealism versus pragmatism-teens

the mental characteristics of a people and the way in which they relate to their environment and social groups. This revolves around the notion that members of society possess a common worldview. They share certain ideas and principles of order and fairness. They also share an ethos, or set of moral and aesthetic principles.


________ describes consumers in terms of their aesthetic and intellectual preferences.

A taste culture

A type of reference group is ________.

A) membership B) aspirational C) avoidance

The indulgence versus restraint dimension of Hofstede's Dimensions of National Culture deals with the extent to which a society allows relatively free gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life.

According to Hofstede, power distance refers to the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.

a cultural process by which the original meanings of a product or other symbol associated with a subculture are modified by members of mainstream culture (outsiders transform original meanings)


emphasizes that all components of the universe are part of a single picture


Boomerang kids are living with their parents after graduating from college. The main reason for this is the shrinking job market.

Boomerang Kids

a lifestyle term coined by the advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi to describe young consumers who place high value on being both footloose and connected


refers to the process whereby a product formerly associated with a specific ethnic group is detached from its roots and marketed to other subcultures. Examples are bagels, burritos, and salsa (to name a few).


The Japanese greatly value products that make efficient use of space because of the cramped conditions in urban areas in Japan. This is an example of ________ in Japan's cultural system.


the way in which a system is adapted to its habitat. This area is shaped by the technology used to obtain and distribute resources.


the way members of a culture adapt to their physical habitat


________ occurs when an individual may have reason to believe that the group will apply sanctions to punish nonconforming behavior.

Fear of deviance

1-Cultural pressures can exert enormous influence on individuals to "do the right thing." 2-Group size, unanimity, and expertise all combine to increase a group's power to elicit great conformity.

Fear of deviance pressures individuals because most societies and groups punish or disapprove of behaviors different from those of the group.

________ refers to analytical techniques that combine data on consumer expenditures and other socioeconomic factors with geographic information.


________ refers to a stage in the gift-giving process, where the giver procures an item to make some event.


is the preparation stage in which the giver procures an item.


ways in which we classify experiences as a result of our socialization processes


refers to the degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of education, social status, and beliefs. Effective opinion leaders tend to be slightly higher in terms of status and education than their influence.


Lurkers — passive members of an online community who do not contribute to interactions

Lurkers absorb content that others post rather than contribute their own.

a person who likes to transmit marketplace information of all types a) Not necessarily interested in the products they recommend; they simply enjoy staying on top of what's happening in the marketplace

Market maven

a term analysts use to describe the millions of global consumers who now enjoy a level of purchasing power that's sufficient to let them afford many high-quality products

Mass class

consumers who care for their own children and their aging parents

Sandwich Generation

tend to obsess about their appearance and need; however, they also feel the desire to connect with others.

Narcissism versus intimacy-teens

the belief that a country has a distinctive set of behavior and personality characteristics

National character

members of a social network connected to others via one or more shared relationships


Contamination — desire for items tat belonged to (touched by) famous people

Objectification — when we attribute sacred qualities to mundane items - One way this process occurs is through Contamination

What are the two major components of social class?

Occupational and Income-income

________ is a system in which we define people by what they do for a living.

Occupational prestige

________ are frequently able to influence others' attitudes on behavior.

Opinion leaders

deliberately avoiding status symbols; to seek status by mocking it

Parody display

the process of consuming objects and events that are ordinary/not special - More price sensitive, less impulsive

Profane consumption

need to rebel against social standards, yet they need to fit in and be accepted by others.

Rebellion versus conformity-teens

refers to the shift in the bond between giver and receiver due to the experience.


associated with milestones in a person's life; practices vary across cultures but are rich in symbolic value

Rites of passage

Many adults care for their parents as well as their children. These adults are part of the sandwich generation because they support both the generation above them and the one below them.

Sandwich Generation

________ influence helps the consumer make decisions about specific brands or activities.

Social cue

________ argue(s) that each of us has several "selves that relate to groups."

Social identity theory

________ refers to the passage of individuals from one social class to another.

Social mobility

________ describes the capacity to alter the actions of others.

Social power

________ is the degree to which a person is able to make other people do something.

Social power

the process in a social system by which scarce and valuable resources are distributed unequally to status positions that become more or less permanently ranked in terms of the share of valuable resources each receives; refers to the creation of artificial divisions

Social stratification

the way in which orderly social life is maintained. This includes the domestic and political groups that are dominant within the culture.

Social structure

the way members of a culture maintain an orderly social life

Social structure

An interrelated function in culture that maintains social order because it authorizes a social cope for members of a culture to follow


they maintain social order because they authorize a social code for members of a culture to follow


Several research methods are used to study reference groups and opinion leadership. ________ methods trace communication patterns among members of a group. These techniques allow researchers to systematically map out the interactions that take place among group


a ranking of social desirability in terms of consumers' access to resources such as money, education, and luxury goods

Status hierarchy

products whose primary function is to communicate one's social standing to others - EX: luxury cars, designer brands

Status symbols

Hofstede's Dimensions of National Culture organizes cross-cultural values based on power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term orientation, and indulgence.


Which of the following is a determiner of how much a person will save (saving rate)?

The individual's own sense of optimism about his or her personal circumstances

is the process of the actual exchange.

The presentation stage

Trickle-up effect — fashion originate in a lower-class group and diffuse into the mass market

Trickle-down theory — the perspective that fashions spread as the result of status symbols associated with the upper classes "trickling down" to other social classes as these consumers try to emulate those with greater status

________ proposes that a small group of influences disseminates information because they can modify the opinion of a large group.

Two-step flow model of influence

________ refers to the strategy of getting visitors to a website to forward information on the site of their friends in order to make more consumers aware of a product.

Viral marketing — the strategy of getting customers to sell a product on behalf of the company that creates it

process of transforming new objects and places into those that feel cozy, hospitable, and authentic


Which of the following is an object that is admired strictly for its beauty or because it inspires an emotional reaction?

Which of the following is an object that is admired strictly for its beauty or because it inspires an emotional reaction?

Maria Gomez is thrilled to be in the United States. After spending her childhood years in Mexico, she is looking forward to the freedom given to teenage girls in the United States. "I can wear shorts, pantsuits, and even halter tops and no one will think badly of me," says Maria. Maria is in the process of ________.


The importance of weak ties in a social system is demonstrated by their

bridging function

The actual number of years a person has been alive is their ________ age.


Fashion with an extremely long acceptance cycle is considered to be ________.


The systematic acquisition of a particular object or set of objects is called ________.


One of the goals of marketing to Gen Yers has been to allow them to remain free of the restraints of wires and cords, but still have media available at any time. The lifestyle created by this approach is referred to as ________.


John Jones purchases products to show visible evidence of his ability to afford luxury goods, John is practicing ________.

conspicuous consumption

Through the process of ________, objects associated with sacred events or people become sacred in their own right.


Money available to a household over and above what is required to have a comfortable standard of living is called ________.

discretionary income

The process whereby a product formerly associated with a specific ethnic group is detached from its roots and marketed to other subcultures is called ________.


When a sacred item or symbol is removed from its special place or is duplicated in mass quantities, then it becomes profane as a result of


Researchers primarily see the gift-giving ritual as a type of ________ exchange.


Restricted codes focus on the content of objects, not the relationship among objects.

elaborated codes are more complex and depend on a more sophisticated worldview.

The Prizm System

every U.S. zip code into 1 of 66 categories, ranging from blue-blood estates to public assistance.

A group composed of people that the consumer actually knows is called a(n) ________ reference group.


People born between 1946 and 1964 belong to ________.

the Baby Boomer Generation

The fear of deviance affects individuals because

they may have a reason to believe that a group will apply sanctions to punish nonconforming behavior.

When Bob, a wealthy real estate investor, saw an inner city kid wearing a heavy gold chain with a medallion around his neck, Bob wanted the same for himself. Bob's behavior is best explained by the ________.

trickle-up effect

money available to a household over and above what is required to live comfortably.

discretionary income

A set of socially relevant nodes connected by one or more relations is called a social ________.


an informal rule that governs behavior within a group. Without these rules, we would have chaos. Imagine the confusion if a simple norm such as "always stop for a red traffic light" did not exist.


The ______________argues that each consumer has several "selves" that relate to groups. These linkages are so important that we think of ourselves not just as "I," but also as "we."

social identity theory

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