Exam 3 PQ

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What ion must flow into the presynaptic cell in order for it to release neurotransmitter? magnesium hydrogen hydroxyl calcium


Taste buds are found on all the following structures EXCEPT the epiglottis tongue pharynx esophagus roof of the mouth


As Ca++ ions enter the presynaptic membrane _____ of neurotransmitters occurs.


Damage to the choroid plexus would interfere with myelin production. formation of cerebrospinal fluid. glycogen storage. motor movements of the upper limbs. impulse conduction.

formation of cerebrospinal fluid.

The class of sensory receptors that are structurally the simplest are separate cells encapsulated nerve endings proprioceptors free nerve endings none of the choices are correct

free nerve endings

Small masses of nervous tissue, consisting primarily of neuron cell bodies, found in the peripheral nervous system are called ganglia nuclei horns tracts nerves


Which of the following is an example of an effector? interneuron sensory receptor special sense organ nerve glands


The main source of energy for the brain is ___. cellulose glucose hemoglobin oxygen


The bacteria-killing enzyme present in tears is called lysosome lysozyme mineral salts water antibodies


The peripheral nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. may be divided into somatic, autonomic and enteric nervous systems. is only involved with subconscious (involuntary) activities. includes the brain and spinal cord and may be divided into somatic, autonomic and enteric nervous systems. includes the brain and spinal cord, may be divided into somatic, autonomic and enteric nervous systems, and is only involved with subconscious (involuntary) activities.

may be divided into somatic, autonomic and enteric nervous systems

Touch receptors are classified as mechanoreceptors nociceptors chemoreceptors photoreceptors osmoreceptors


The neurotransmitter released by the postganglionic fibers of the sympathetic division is norepinephrine acetylcholine acetylcholinesterase dopamine epinephrine


Trace the olfactory pathway from the nose to the olfactory areas in the brain. olfactory nerves, olfactory bulbs, olfactory tracts olfactory tracts, olfactory nerves, olfactory bulbs olfactory bulbs, olfactory nerves, olfactory tracts olfactory nerves, olfactory tracts, olfactory bulbs

olfactory nerves, olfactory bulbs, olfactory tracts

The dorsal root of spinal nerve contains only sensory fibers only motor fibers both sensory and motor fibers only autonomic fibers only somatic fibers

only sensory fibers

Special senses do not include vision. taste. pain. hearing.


Select the cranial nerve responsible for vision. II III IV VI


The ossicles of the middle ear are responsible for conducting sound waves from the tympanic membrane to the oval window. static equilibrium. dynamic equilibrium. pressure equalization across the eardrum. conversion of sound waves into electrical impulses.

conducting sound waves from the tympanic membrane to the oval window.

The ___ is a receptive portion of a neuron while the ___ is the conductive portion. synaptic end bulb; axon cell body; dendrite axon; dendrite dendrite; axon

dendrite; axon

The dura mater is composed of smooth muscle adipose tissue loose connective tissue dense regular connective tissue dense irregular connective tissue

dense irregular connective tissue

The thalamus is found in the region of the brain known as the brain stem diencephalon cerebrum cerebellum hypothalamus


Saltatory conduction refers to the type of impulse conduction used in cardiac muscle skeletal muscle unmyelinated fibers myelinated fibers all axons

myelinated fibers

The branch of medicine that deals with normal functioning and disorders of the nervous system is called pathology endocrinology neuroendocrinology neurology neuropathology


Which type of receptor does not tend to exhibit adaptation? thermoreceptors nociceptors and proprioceptors nociceptors only olfactory receptors

nociceptors and proprioceptors

Clusters of neuronal cell bodies that form gray matter in the brain are called ganglia tracts regions nuclei columns


The conscious awareness and interpretation of changes in the external and internal environments is perception. adaptation. a sensation. a visceral response.


Which of the following areas of the brain is sometimes referred to as the "emotional brain"? reticular activating system thalamus brain stem limbic system cerebellum

limbic system

The preganglionic motor neurons of the sympathetic division of the ANS release epinephrine norepinephrine acetylcholine GABA glutamate


The neuroglial cell that lines the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord is called a/an oligodendrocyte microglial cell Schwann cell ependymal cell satellite cell

ependymal cell

The principle that states that a stimulus either causes an action potential or does not cause an action potential is known as the all-or-none principle. polarity principle. membrane integrity principle. cellular hysteresis principle.

all-or-none principle.

The spinal cord is protected by meninges. vertebral canal. cerebrospinal fluid. All of these answer choices are correct

All of these answer choices are correct.

Which is (are) considered part(s) of the peripheral nervous system? brain cranial nerves spinal cord all of these choices

Cranial Nerves

Which of the following does not affect the conduction rate across an axon? Myelination Distance from the stimulus Temperature Diameter

Distance from the stimulus

Select the cranial nerves responsible for movement of the eyeball. II, III and IV III, IV and VI V, VII, and IX XI and XII

III, IV and VI

How does a neurotransmitter signal the post-synaptic cell to respond? It inhibits the continual flow of hydrogen ions into the post synaptic cell to change its pH. It activates an enzyme which allows the action potential to flow directly from the presynaptic cell to the post synaptic cell. It binds to receptors on the post synaptic cell membrane. It creates an electromagnetic signal that is transmitted to receptors inside the post synaptic cell.

It binds to receptors on the post synaptic cell membrane

Why is the parasympathetic division of the ANS considered the "rest-and-digest" division? The parasympathetic division causes release of glucose from the liver for energy. Parasympathetic responses cause airways to dilate, allowing faster movement of air into and out of the lungs. Parasympathetic responses conserve and restore the body's energy. Parasympathetic responses slow down movement of food through the digestive organs.

Parasympathetic responses conserve and restore the body's energy.

The neuroglia that produce the myelin sheath around axons in the peripheral nervous system are called Schwann cells oligodendrocytes microglia astrocytes satellite cells

Schwann cells

Once neurotransmitters are released, they do not remain in the synapse. What happens to them? Some are degraded by enzymes. Some are degraded by enzymes while some are transported back into the presynaptic cell. Some are transported back into the presynaptic cell. Some decompose on their own by a process known as autodecomposition.

Some are degraded by enzymes while some are transported back into the presynaptic cell.

Which pair is incorrectly matched? enteric nervous system: control functions in the digestive organs somatic nervous system: controls movement of smooth muscle autonomic nervous system: regulates cardiac muscle and glands somatic nervous system: voluntary

somatic nervous system: controls movement of smooth muscle

The digestive tract is primarily controlled by autonomic nervous system enteric nervous system somatic nervous system none of these

enteric nervous system

Electrical signals produced by neurons are known as action potentials. inducting pulses. neuro-initiators. hyperpolarizing signals.

action potentials.

During the fight-or-flight response, urine formation slows. blood glucose levels rise. airways dilate. all of these choices occur.

all of these choices occur.

The portion of the eyeball that contains aqueous humor is the ___. lens central fovea macula lutea posterior chamber anterior cavity

anterior cavity

The subarachnoid space is located between the arachnoid mater and pia mater. arachnoid mater and dura mater. dura mater and pia mater. bone and pia mater. bone and arachnoid mater.

arachnoid mater and pia mater.

The type of neuroglial cell involved in forming the blood-brain barrier is the astrocyte oligodendrocyte microglia satellite cells ependymal cell


Which of the following is found in the middle ear? cochlea auditory ossicles bony labyrinth vestibule scala tympani

auditory ossicles

All of the following are components of the external ear EXCEPT the auditory tube auricle external auditory canal tympanic membrane ceruminous glands

auditory tube

Which part of the outer ear collects sound waves? external auditory canal auricle tympanic membrane auditory ossicles auditory tube


The cardiac muscle is primarily controlled by autonomic nervous system enteric nervous system somatic nervous system none of these

autonomic nervous system

The portion of the nervous system that is not under conscious control and is thus considered involuntary is the somatic nervous system sensory nervous system autonomic nervous system motor nervous system peripheral nervous system

autonomic nervous system

The receptors for hearing are located in the semicircular canals cochlea utricle saccule vestibule


Myelinated axons are capable of saltatory conduction. This allows for more rapid action potential conduction because repolarization occurs across the entire membrane. depolarization occurs across the entire membrane. repolarization occurs only at the Nodes of Ranvier. depolarization occurs only at the Nodes of Ranvier.

depolarization occurs only at the Nodes of Ranvier

Spinal nerves connect to the spinal cord by horns. the endoneurium. dorsal and ventral roots. columns.

dorsal and ventral roots

The characteristic ability of neurons to respond to a stimulus and convert it into a nerve impulse is called depolarization hyperpolarization electrical excitability threshold contractility

electrical excitability

The nervous system and the _____ system share the greatest responsibility for maintaining homeostasis. immune endocrine cardiovascular respiratory muscular


Which of the following is NOT a type of connective tissue covering associated with nerves? epineurium endoneurium endomysium perineurium. all of the choices are types of nerve coverings


The brain region that controls most autonomic responses is the hypothalamus cerebrum cerebellum thalamus epithalamus


Accommodation for near vision involves changing the shape of the cornea conjunctiva lens vitreous humor retina


During the creation of an action potential, depolarization of a membrane begins with the opening of chloride channels. opening of sodium channels. opening of potassium channels. closing of potassium channels. closing of sodium channels.

opening of sodium channels.

The synapse consists of a neuron cell body, axon, terminus, myelin sheath, and nodes of Ranvier. a neuron cell body, axon, and terminus. the myelin sheath and nodes of Ranvier. presynaptic and post synaptic cell membranes separated by a synaptic cleft.

presynaptic and post synaptic cell membranes separated by a synaptic cleft.

The blood-brain barrier functions to supply the brain cells with oxygen. protect brain cells from many pathogens. store glucose in brain cells. prevent the passage of carbon dioxide into capillaries of the brain.

protect brain cells from many pathogens.

The somatic nervous system provides motor signals and conscious control to skeletal muscles. includes sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. regulates the gastrointestinal tract. is dependent on the autonomic system for control. includes motor neurons to smooth muscles.

provides motor signals and conscious control to skeletal muscles.

Pain that is felt in a body area away from the stimulated organ is chronic pain. slow pain. referred pain. fast pain.

referred pain.

Somatic motor neurons have long preganglionic fibers release norepinephrine release acetylcholine innervate smooth muscle are regulated by the hypothalamus

release acetylcholine

The charge difference between the outside and the inside of the plasma membrane of a neuron at rest is called the action potential synaptic potential excitatory postsynaptic potential resting membrane potential equilibrium potential

resting membrane potential

The process of image formation begins in the choroids. lens. retina. ciliary body. optic disc.


The sensors for maintaining dynamic equilibrium are located in the utricle saccule spiral organ cochlea semicircular ducts

semicircular ducts

If you enter a room and smell a strong odor which soon fades away, you have experienced damage to your sensory receptors. sensory adaptation. pressure on chemoreceptors. referred pain. a neuronal loss in the olfactory center of the frontal lobe.

sensory adaptation.

Neurons that conduct nerve impulses from the receptors to the central nervous system are motor neurons efferent neurons interneurons sensory neurons association neurons

sensory neurons

Which of the following correctly describes a function of the nervous system? sensory: detect changes in the environment; relays information to the brain and spinal cord integrative: response system; causes muscles to contract or glands to empty based motor: process and make decisions regarding sensory input; responsible for perception sensory and integrative sensory, integrative, and motor are correct

sensory: detect changes in the environment; relays information to the brain and spinal cord

The _____ nervous system contains sensory neurons and motor neurons associated with voluntary actions only. peripheral somatic autonomic central parasympathetic


The speed of nerve impulse conduction is determined by all of the following EXCEPT temperature fiber diameter presence of myelin absence of myelin stimulus strength

stimulus strength

In a spinal tap, cerebrospinal fluid is removed from the epidural space foramen magnum subdural space fourth ventricle subarachnoid space

subarachnoid space

The site where either two neurons or a neuron and effector communicate is called a neuromuscular junction neuroeffector junction motor endplate synapse synaptic terminal


The junction between a stimulating neuron and the next neuron or muscle fiber is known as a(n) synapse. initiating junction. sequence regulator. sensorium.


Neurotransmitters are released from the _____ into the synaptic cleft. dendrite axon collateral synaptic end bulb axon hillock motor endplate

synaptic end bulb

In resting neurons, neurotransmitters are stored in the synaptic cleft synaptic vesicles the cell body of the postsynaptic neuron neurofibrils smooth endoplasmic reticulum

synaptic vesicles

Which of the following senses uses receptors that are all housed in a complex sensory organ? taste touch heat cold pain


The synapse of parasympathetic preganglionic and postganglionic neurons occurs in the adrenal medulla. terminal ganglia. prevertebral ganglia. sympathetic trunk ganglia.

terminal ganglia.

The brain region responsible for relaying sensory information from the spinal cord and brain stem to the cerebrum is the hypothalamus pons cerebellum thalamus pineal gland


Nearly 80% of parasympathetic outflow to the terminal ganglia is conducted through the glossopharyngeal nerve. the oculomotor nerve. the vagus nerve. spinal nerves from the thoracic region. spinal nerves from the sacral region.

the vagus nerve.

The sympathetic or fight or flight division of the ANS is also called the somatic division. preganglionic division. postganglianic division. craniosacral division. thoracolumbar division.

thoracolumbar division.

A stimulus strong enough to generate a nerve impulse is called threshold stimulus. action potential. subthreshold stimulus. conducting stimulus. both threshold stimulus and conducting stimulus.

threshold stimulus.

A bundle of myelinated axons within the white matter of the central nervous system is called a/an axon nerve tract ganglion nucleus


Which nerve does not transmit impulses related to taste? facial trochlear vagus glossopharyngeal


The ___ nerve is the longest cranial nerve. trigeminal abducens vagus hypoglossal


Which of the following cranial nerves innervates the gastrointestinal tract?

vagus (X) nerve

The iris, ciliary body, and choroid are part of the ___. vascular tunic fibrous tunic nervous tunic muscular tunic conjunctive tunic

vascular tunic

The cranial nerve responsible for hearing is the: olfactory nerve (I) oculomotor nerve (III) trochlear nerve (IV) vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII) abducens nerve (VI)

vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)

The clear jellylike substance found in the large cavity of the eye behind the lens is the aqueous humor cellular body ciliary body anterior humor vitreous body

vitreous body

If the accumulation of graded potentials in the trigger zone reaches threshold, the result is mechanically-gated channels must close. the cell membrane goes to its resting state. the cell is blocked from any further action. voltage-gated channels open.

voltage-gated channels open.

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