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You are trying to be healthier so you decide you want to make eating an apple everyday a habit. You decide to eat the apple right after you go on your daily run. This type of habit change is an example of __________. a. Identifying Rewards b. Reducing Friction c. Adjusting Cues d. Piggybacking


You can manipulate perceived power _________ by imagining going up or down an escalator. a. Structurally b. Physically c. Emotionally d. Cognitively


According to the research discussed in "Lipstick Tips", trust in influencer reviews is critical, with most respondents indicating that they only follow influencers who openly disclose their endorsement deals.


Approximately 40% of women would purchase a beauty product that a company paid an influencer to promote but another 40% were unsure.


Consumers are drawn to micro-influencers because they feel like friends, and micro-influencers tend to have higher rates of engagement that influencers with higher number of followers.


Wood, Quinn & Kashy (2002): conducted diary studies with college students and discovered that _________ of behaviors are repeated in the same location almost every day.


During the onset of Coronavirus, people `bought toilet paper just because they saw a lot of other people buying toilet paper. This would be an example of _________. a. Informational conformity b. Normative conformity c. Groupthink d. Nonconformity


In class, we discussed the 'Triggers' principle to explain why _________ got more word of mouth than _________. a. Cheerios, Disney b. Disney, Cheerios c. Apple, Samsung d. Samsung, Apple


Jake is a member of a small Harley-Davidson motorcycle club. Members meet once a week to ride and talk about their bikes. This club might exert a ________ influence on Jake as he decides which model of bike he buys for his girlfriend. a. referent power b. normative c. coercive power d. legitimate power


Match.com and eharmony.com measure identifiable personal characteristics called ________. a. personality traits b. personality image c. personality matches d. ego matches


People who live with others will have _________ habitual behavior than people working long hours. a. Less b. More c. The Same


Sophia tells Nick about a great new restaurant. Sophia is practicing ________. a. word-of-mouth communication b. social advertising c. group advertising d. viral advertising


The presence of ___ compared with nonsocial controls has been found to increase removal of litter, increase voter turnout, and reduce bicycle theft. a. Eyes b. Noses c. Mouths d. Hands


Adidas shoes are an example of a _________. a. Private Necessity b. Public Necessity c. Private Luxury d. Public Luxury


Halle was embarrassed when her friends teased her about dancing on a table on Friday night. She tried to tell her friends that she is really quite introverted and shy. Her friends observed that Halle does not appear shy when she is out on a weekend evening. Which of the following statements is most applicable in understanding Halle's personality? a. Personality is a set of consistent traits that do not change from one environment to the next. Either Halle or her friends are wrong in their observations. b. Personality is a person's unique psychological makeup that consistently influences behavior within a certain environmental situation. Although behavior will be consistent within consistent environments, it does not have to be consistent between environments. c. Personality is a hypothetical construct that grows stronger with age. Halle will likely be extroverted for the rest of her life. d. Halle's behavior on a weekend night is due to Freudian problems with her superego.


Trust and the number of followers an influencer has are _________-related, with nano- and micro-influencers being the _________ -trusted a. Directly, Most b. Inversely, Most c. Directly, Least d. Inversely, Least


When companies use celebrities in their ads they are using the principle of ________ reference groups. a. membership b. aspirational c. coercive d. normative


________ are regarded as the best information source when consumers want to make the best decision and avoid risk. a. Marketers b. Other People c. Prior Preferences d. Salespeople


_________ conformity occurs in order to meet the expectations of others, e.g. to be liked, to not be rejected, to not look foolish. a. Informational b. Normative c. Social Proof d. Nonconformity


Bellezza, Gino, and Keinan (2013) studied nonconformity, i.e. the red sneakers effect, in Milan. Which of the following results is correct? a. Pedestrians and shopkeepers both attributed a higher level of status to the customer shopping at a luxury shop when she was wearing gym clothes versus a dress and elegant coat. b. Pedestrians but not shopkeepers attributed a higher level of status to the customer shopping at a luxury shop when she was wearing gym clothes versus a dress and elegant coat. c. Shopkeepers but not pedestrians attributed a higher level of status to the customer shopping at a luxury shop when she was wearing gym clothes versus a dress and elegant coat. d. None of the above is correct.


British psychologist Frederic Bartlett investigated message transmission through serial reproduction, a process that he called assimilation in which people engage in ___________, when they omit details to simplify the structure, and __________, when they exaggerate prominent details. a. dulling, sharpening b. sharpening, dulling c. leveling, sharpening d. sharpening, leveling


Individuals low in_________ and high in conscientiousness are correlated to the utilitarian shopping value. a. Extroversion b. Agreeableness c. Neuroticism d. Openness


No matter how randomized the researcher made the participant groups, the participants continually had favorable biases to other people placed in their group, regardless of the number of times their group changed. This is an example of a/the __________. a. Cultural Bias b. Fundamental Attribution Error c. Minimal Group Paradigm d. Confirmation Bias


Simonson et al. found that if you see someone disliking a product for reasons that do not apply to you, you will often evaluate the product _________ favorably than if you had not seen that review. a. Equally as b. Less c. More


A(n) ________ is a marketing intermediary retained by a consumer to guide what that consumer buys. b. market maven c. opinion leader d. power user e. surrogate consumer


Anna asks people in her social group their opinion about a movie before she watches it. Her social group is an example of a(n) ________. a. group norm b. leaderboard c. core group d. reference group


Expert reviews are most influential when the purchase is _________ involvement and _________ in monetary or psychological risk. a. High, Low b. Low, High c. Low, Low d. High, High


Influencers potentially meet followers' needs for ideality, i.e. achieving an ideal self, through all of the following EXCEPT: a. New ideas b. Broadening followers' horizons c. Being a role model d. Being physically attractive


Influencers potentially meet followers' needs for relatedness, i.e. the desire to feel socially connected to others, through each of the following EXCEPT: a. Enjoyability b. Similarity in demographics c. Great personality d. Relatability e. Creating visually attractive content


Ariely and Levav's research (the beer study) showed that consumers in the independent condition sought more variety and experienced less choice regret.


Habits often originate in ________ but then become well-practiced responses, devoid of conscious decision making.

goal pursuit

When things go crazy around us and normal cues disappear, such as during a job loss or a move, we experience ______________.

habit discontinuity

Many consumers look for influencers who are willing to give products negative reviews, since it's considered a sign of _________.


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