Exam 4 (Final) Biology

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'Fairy rings' of mushrooms are the result ofA.niche construction A.niche construction B. niche maintenance C. niche destruction D. changes in niche requirement E. all of the above


A large population made up of smaller populations linked by migration is a: A.colonization. B.island founder event. C.metapopulation. D.habitat patch.


In the late 1960s, Robert Paine conducted landmark studies on diversity in the rocky intertidal zone, comparing the species diversity in control plots with diversity in experimental plots from which he removed the top predator, sea stars. After 5 years, 15 species of intertidal invertebrates lived in the control plots, while the experimental plots were dominated by only two species, one mussel and one barnacle. The process MOST likely responsible for the loss of species diversity in the experimental plots was: A.mutualism. B. predation. C. competitive exclusion. D. parasitism. E. resource partitioning.


Liebig's Law of the Minimum states that A. only one chemical element limits plant growth rate B. many chemical elements limit plant growth rate C. one chemical element limits plant growth rate at any one time D. many chemical elements limit plant growth rate at any one time E. many chemical elements limit plant yield.


The _____ of box turtles in the United States includes all of the individual box turtles that could mate and reproduce within the 50 states. A.density B.growth rate C.population D.carrying capacity


Two people place flags simultaneously on the surface of the Earth: one flag just north of the South Pole (at approximately 85 degrees), and one flag at the equator (approximately 0 degrees). Which of the statements is a CORRECT reflection of their speed? A. Both flags travel at the same speed because the Earth spins on its axis. B. The flag at the pole travels at a faster speed than the flag at the equator, but it makes multiple revolutions in order to travel the same distance as the flag at the equator.same distance as the flag at the equator. C. The flag at the equator travels faster than the flag at the pole because it will go further in one day (i.e., one turn on its axis). D.None of the answer options is correct.


Warm air is _____ dense than cold air, and warm air holds _____ moisture than cold air. A. more; less B. more; more C. less; more D. less; less


When (K - N)/K = 0, what does that imply about the birth rate (b) and death rate (d)? A.b > d B.b < d C.b = d D.It is not possible to make an inference about b and d from this information.


When lichens grow on bare rock, they may eventually accumulate enough organic material around them to supply the foothold for later rooted vegetation. These early pioneering lichens can be said to do what for species arriving in a later successional stage? A. inhibit B. exclude C. facilitate D. tolerate E. concentrate


Which of the following would you expect to observe as you go from the base to the top of a mountain? A. the same climate and biome from the base to the top of the mountain B. the same pattern of climate and biome change one would experience if hiking from high to low latitude C. the same pattern of climate and biome change one would experience if hiking from low to high latitude D.the same biome, but varying climate as you hike up the mountain


If the Earth spun on an axis that was perfectly perpendicular to the equator, how might this affect latitudinal differences in incoming solar radiation? A. There would be no latitudinal difference because the axis of the Earth would be perpendicular to the sun. B. There would be no latitudinal differences because all points on the Earth would be equidistant from the sun C. There would still be latitudinal differences because latitude is not determined by the Earth's position on its axis. D.There would still be latitudinal differences because incoming solar radiation would be spread across a greater area at the poles than at the equator.


Specialists outcompete and exclude generalists when A. their hyperspace is broad and food is abundant B. their hyperspace is narrow and food is abundant C. their hyperspace is broad and food is scarce D. their hyperspace is narrow and food is scarce


Sunlight hits the Earth MOST directly at: A. the equator rather than at the North Pole because the North Pole tilts away from the sun. B. the higher latitudes rather than at the lower latitudes. C. either of the poles rather than at the equator. D.the equator rather than at either of the poles.


Temperature differences on Earth are caused primarily by the: A. different seasons at each latitude. B. amount of moisture in the air at each latitude. C. amount of ice covering the landmass at each latitude. D.amount of solar energy received per unit area at each latitude.


Terrestrial biomes are defined by their average annual temperature and precipitation, and the range of values can be organized in such a way to produce the graph.What type of biome would you expect to find in an area where the expect to find in an area where the average annual precipitation is 100 cm and the average annual temperature is 12 C? A.temperate grassland/desert B.subtropical desert C.tundra D.woodland/shrubland E.temperate seasonal forest


The area shaded gray in the figure on the left represents the _____ of species A. actual niche B. realized niche C. accessible niche D. fundamental niche


The term (ΔN/Δt)/N1 (where N denotes the size of a population and t represents time) is used to calculate: A.a habitat's carrying capacity. B.the "available" percentage of a habitat's carrying capacity. C.a population's density. D.a population's growth rate.


Which of the following is NOT one of the defining features of a population? A.size B.density C.range D.sex ratio


Broad, ecologically uniform areas with stable and distinctive collections of species are called: A. interactions. B. habitats. C. communities. D.ecosystems. E. biomes.


Primary productivity is affected by the availability of: A. sunlight. B. water. C. nutrients. D. sunlight and nutrients. E. sunlight, water, and nutrients.


The niche of an ecospecies defined as a hyperspace has A. a predominant dimension with a range of suitability for a species B. a predominant dimension with a position of most suitability for a species C. two dimensions with a range of suitability for a species D. two dimensions with positions of most suitability for a species E. multiple dimensions with both ranges and positions of most suitability for a species


_____ are close interactions between species that have evolved over long periods of time. When these interactions enhance the reproduction and population growth of both species, they are called _____. A. Symbioses; mutualisms B. Mutualisms; symbioses C. Symbioses; antagonisms D. Antagonisms; symbioses E. Antagonisms; mutualisms F. Mutualisms; antagonisms


_____ is the proportion of individuals of an initial cohort that survives to each successive age or stage of the life cycle. A.Survivorship B.Mortality C.Age structure D.Demography


A general trend in global biodiversity is a gradient of: A. increasing diversity moving from the equator toward the poles. B. decreasing diversity moving from the equator toward the poles. C. increasing diversity moving out from continental margins to the interior. D.decreasing diversity moving from continental margins to the interior.


A group of field biologists goes out to mark beetles living in an area around a local pond in order to estimate population size. They capture 500 beetles on the first day. They return the following day and catch a total of 400 individuals, 200 of which are marked. What is the estimated population size for the beetles? A.10,000 B.1000 C. 500 D. 250


A scientist is studying a population of kangaroo rats in the southwestern deserts of the United States. For approximately 4 years the population remains at or near 125 individuals. In the fifth year, it falls to 30. This sharp decrease in population size is most likely the result of density-_____ factors. A.dependent B.independent


A severe drought is an example of a density-_____ factor that can influence population size. The availability of nest sites is an example of a density-_____ factor. A.dependent; independent B.independent; dependent C.dependent; dependent D.independent; independent


According to MacArthur and Wilson's theory of island biogeography, both the land area (size) of an island and the _____ affect species diversity. A.depth of the water surrounding the island B.distance of the island from neighboring land masses C.rock composition of the island D.climate of the islandE.proximity of the island to the equator


An ecological _____ is the set of all populations of all species found in a given place. A. ecosystem B. community C. population D. metapopulation E. interaction


An individual E. coli bacterium, much like a population of E. coli, can evolve antibiotic resistance. A.True B.False


Because tropical plants have very high species diversity, they also have very low population: A. richness. B. density. C. variation. D.numbers.


If the Earth spun on an axis that was perfectly perpendicular to the equator, then the poles would receive the same amount of solar energy as the equator. A. True B. False


In a pond, tadpoles eat algae and fish eat the tadpoles. Around the pond, grasshoppers eat grass and, at night, are preyed upon by bats. Other bats eat the fish that eat the tadpoles. In this community, the tadpoles are: A. primary producers. B. primary consumers. C. secondary consumers. D. tertiary consumers. E. decomposers.


Seasons are caused by the Earth's elliptical orbit around the sun. A.True B. False


Some of the characteristics used to describe biomes include precipitation and: A. number of grass species. B. average temperature. C. number of trophic levels in the communities. D.species richness


The Mojave Desert lies to the east of the coastal and Sierra Nevada mountains in California. Deserts in Chile lie to the west of the Andes mountains. Both the California and the Andes mountains run along the west coast of their respective continents. What probably accounts for the fact that one desert is on the east side of its neighboring mountain range, while the other is on the west side of its neighboring mountain range? A. Winds to the west of the Andes dry the air and create the deserts. B.Winds move from east to west along the Andes in the southern. C. The Andes are very high, and block any wind that might move over. D.The Andes are a young mountain range and there hasn't been enough time for plants to colonize the range.


The common mud turtle experiences relatively uniform mortality rates throughout its life. It exhibits Type _____ survivorship. A.I B.II C.III


The global carrying capacity of the human population will most likely be determined by A. disease B. food supply C. population density D. water supply E. warfare


The high specific heat of water means that land masses near the equator are:equator are: A. warmer than predicted because of all the heat in the water being released into the air. B. cooler than predicted because of all the heat carried by ocean waters from low to high latitudes. C. the same temperature regardless of the presence of water because it is only the amount of solar radiation on the land mass that affects temperature.


The prevailing wind over a mountain range travels from west to east. In this mountain range, rainshadows are located on the _________________ side of a mountain. A. South B. East C. North D.West


When a population is small relative to its carrying capacity, its growth will be: A.geometric. B.exponential. C.logistic. D.both geometric and exponential.E.both geometric and logistic.


You are MOST likely to observe succession in a terrestrial community where lichens were one of the first species to establish the area when you visit a(n): A. recently burned forest. B. recently created volcanic island. C. abandoned field. D. recently plowed field. E. tropical rain forest.


A _____ consists of all the individuals of a given species that live and reproduce in a particular place. A.population B.species C.family D.range


A _____ depicts the flow of carbon through an ecosystem, whereas a _____ depicts the transfer of energy. A. food web; trophic pyramid B. trophic pyramid, food web C. food web; niche D. niche; food web


A scientist is researching a population of blue jays in her city. In order to completely define this blue jay population, she must determine: A.the size, range, and density of the blue jay population. B.the predators and parasites of the blue jay population. C.the climates in which the blue jays can survive. D.whether the blue jays are r- or K-strategists.E.the typical life history for an individual blue jay.


A(n) _____ is a community of organisms and the physical environment it occupies. A. ecosystem B. community C. population D. metapopulation E. interaction


As air moves from the base up the side of a mountain, it cools. What is one consequence of this movement of air? A. Moisture will drop as rain as the air moves up the side of the mountain. B. The air is deflected and circles back down to the base of the mountain. C. The air slows because cold air is less dense than warm air. D.The air picks up additional moisture that falls on the other side of the mountain.


At the equator, the Coriolis effect is much smaller than at the poles A. True B. False


Competitive exclusion describes A. inability of similar ecospecies to coexist B.inability of distantly related ecospecies to coexist B.inability of distantly related ecospecies to coexist C. the mechanism of niche overlap D. the reason for allopatric speciation E. the reason for sympatric speciation


If the Earth spun on an axis that was perfectly perpendicular to the equator: A. there would be no seasonality in climate. B. seasonality would increase at high latitudes. C. seasonality would increase at low latitudes. D.summers would be warmer in the Northern Hemisphere.


If you stand at the equator and throw a ball north (really hard), which direction will it deflect relative to where you were standing when you threw the ball? A. The ball will deflect east. B. The ball will deflect west. C. The ball will move at the same speed as you and come right back to you. D.None of the answer options is correct


In 1987, 18 black-footed ferrets, the last known individuals of this species, were captured and brought into a captive breeding program in Wyoming. In 1989, the total ferret population, still in captivity, was 120 animals. These 120 animals in 1989 represented: A.N, the total population size. B.ΔN, the change in population size from 1987 to 1989. C.ΔN/Δt, the rate of change in population size. D.r, the per capita change in population size. E.r, the exponential rate of growth of the population.


In general, a species' _____ niche will be smaller than its _____ niche due to interactions with other organisms in the community. A. realized; fundamental B. fundamental; realized C. ecological; multidimensional D. realized; multidimensional E. multidimensional; fundamental


Once a hemlock-spruce forest is established in Glacier Bay, it tends to remain relatively unchanged unless disturbed. This makes it the _____ for the region. A. climax community B. ecosystem C. food web D. primary producer


Select the pattern above that describes the following scenario: Individuals establish exclusive territories to secure access to resources. A.diagram M B.diagram H C.diagram K


The coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) occurs naturally in a strip of habitat about 450 miles long and 5-35 miles wide, from southwest Oregon along the coast to just south of Monterey, California. What aspect of the population ecology of the coast redwood does this statement describe? A.geographic range B.population density C.population size D.distribution


The maximum number of individuals of a given population the environment can support is the environment's _____ for that population. A.carrying capacity B.effect on the intrinsic growth rate C.population size D.effect on the exponential growth rate


We think of termites as insects that "eat" wood. In fact, however, termites rely on a variety of eukaryotic and prokaryotic gut microbes to digest cellulose—without the microbes, the termites will ingest wood, but will starve. This, then, is an example of a(n); A. obligate mutualism. B. obligate antagonism. C. facultative mutualism. D. facultative antagonism. E.None of the answer options is correct.


Which of the following results from a mark-recapture study done on mice would reflect a larger population size? A.When taking the second sample, 200 individuals are caught and 20 are marked from the first sample. B.When taking the second sample, 200 individuals are caught and 80 are marked from the first sample. C.Both of these scenarios would result in the same population estimate.


You decide to plant a garden in your backyard. You dig up a strip of grass in a sunny spot. When you have finished digging up the grass, but you haven't planted anything, you have created a(an) _____ in the lawn. A. ecological disturbance B. new community C. ecological disturbance and a new community D. None of the answer options is correct.


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