Exam 4 SCL

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What does process integration mean?

sharing information and coordinating resources to jointly manage a process or processes

Information is used at all phases of decision making:

strategic, planning, and operational

What is supply chain execution software?

automate different steps in the supply chain such as automatically sending purchase orders to vendors when inventories reach specified levels

A system which allows sales managers to obtain current information and reporting capabilities regarding each salesperson's activities on each customer's account is referred to as a __. a) Sales activity management system b) Sales territory management system c)Lead management system d) Knowledge management system e) None of the above are correct

b) sales territory management system

SC cash to cash cycle time is

the avg. # of days between paying for materials and getting paid by SC partners

SC delivery performance is

the avg. % of orders filled by requested delivery date14

SC production flexibility is

the avg. time required to provide an unplanned 20% increase in production

Total SCM costs are

the costs to process orders; purchase and manage inventories; and information systems

What is Sales Activity Management?

tool offering sales reps a guided sequence of sales activities

What is Reciprocal interdependence?

parties come together, exchange information and inputs in both directions

What is Environmental sustainability?

Addressing the need for protecting the environment and reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well business and consumer needs

Failing to see the big picture and acting only in regard to single firm in the supply chain can be referred to as:

a) silo mentality

What is knowledge management?

Enables quick decision making, better customer service, and a better-equipped and happy sales staff

What is Sequential interdependence?

activities of one partner precede the other

True or False: Segmenting customers based on things like products purchased, sales history, demographic information, and desired product features can dilute the results of a CRM program; segmenting customers should be avoided.


True or False: While a well-planned and organized CRM plan can be extremely useful in developing effective and efficient marketing programs for retailers, they are not particularly helpful for manufacturing companies like GM since their touches with the customer are few.


True or False: The cost of information acquisition and exchange has increased

False: decreased

What is supplier relationship management?

Processes focused on the interaction between the firm and suppliers that are upstream in the supply chain

What is Lead Management?

Sales reps follow prescribed tactics when dealing with prospects to aid closing the deal

Which of the following is one of the most basic and very important activities of CRM?

Segmenting Customers

What is Green supply chain management (GSCM)?

Sharing of environmental responsibility along the SC such that sound environmental practices predominate, and adverse global environmental effects are minimized.

Two basic types of SCM system software are:

Supply Chain Planning Software and Supply Chain Execution Software

What is a Carbon Footprint?

Supply chains evaluate design configurations and various options for reducing total carbon emissions

What are Target Marketing Efforts?

addressing specific customer segments avoids becoming a nuisance to other customers

What is customer relationship management?

The overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships

True or False: A properly constructed scorecard should support the firm's strategy and consist of a linked series of measures that are consistent and reinforcing


True or False: Financial performance measures, while important, cannot adequately capture a firm's ability to excel in these areas


True or False: IT investment is often a critical requirement for sustainability in the marketplace


When an organization attempts to offer the right products and services to customers at the right time through the offer of individual promotions tied to specific events, like birthdays, and anniversaries, this is referred to as

a) event-based marketing

The phase of the supply chain integration model concerned with identifying the important processes linking each of the supply chain partners is

c) align supply chain strategies with key supply chain process objectives

What is Relationship Marketing or Permission Marketing?

customers select the type and time of communication (opt-in or opt-out)

Which of the following supply chain performance metrics measures the average percentage of orders that are filled on or before the requested delivery date:

d) supply chain delivery performance

There are a variety of data benefits, which of the following is not one of the benefits? a) determine industry trends b) harness customer knowledge c) track sales projections d) document customer complaints e) All of the above are benefits

e) all of the above are benefits

For both consumers and businesses, e-business can increase the ease with which one does business by a) automating the purchasing process b) increasing the speed of conducting business c) decreasing the costs of placing orders d) accessing a larger pool of customers and/or supplies e) all of the above are correct

e) all of the above are correct

Information is ____ a) the supply chain driver that serves as the glue to create a coordinated supply chain b) crucial to supply chain performance c) needs to be accessible in a timely manner d) provides the basis for supply chain decision making e) all of the above are correct

e) all of the above are correct

Which of the following is not an area of responsiveness that could be enhanced by e-business? a) direct sales to customers b) 24 hour access to any location c) faster time to market d) lower stock-out levels e) all of the above are opportunities to enhance responsiveness

e) all of the above are opportunities to enhance responsiveness

What is supply chain planning software?

mathematical models to predict inventory levels based on the efficient flow of resources into the supply chain

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