exam 5

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Which of the following does NOT medially rotate the arm? a) pectoralis major b) trapezius c) subscapularis d) latissimus dorsi

b) trapezius

During hearing, which of the following is the first to vibrate?a) basilar membrane b) tympanic membrane c) hair cells of spiral organ d) oval window e) stapes

b) tympanic membrane

Match the following: contains utricle and saccule a) semicircular canals b) vestibule c) cochlea

b) vestibule

Intrinisic muscles of the tongue

bend, roll,

WHat are the 2 chief forearm flexors?

bicep brachii and brachialis

musculocutaneous nerve invervates with _______.

biceps brachii and brachialis

what is the nickname for the optic disc?

blind spot- no photoreceptors

subclavius has _____ under clavicle?

blod vessels

you make fluid with _______ from the _____.

blood supply; ciliary body

Given bicep and brachialis, which is the prime mover?


the most powerful muscle of the flexor is the _____.


what is the strongest flexor in the forearm?


the anterior flexors consist of the ______ muscles.

brachialis, brachioradialis, and bicep brachii

Which of the following INCORRECTLY describes the muscles of respiration? a) As the diaphram contracts, air enters the lungs. b) The main muscle of respiration is innervated by the phrenic nerve. c) The external intercostals depress the ribs during forced expiration. d) Contraction of the abdominals muscles results in forced expiration.

c) The external intercostals depress the ribs during forced expiration.

Match the following: functions in hearing a) semicircular canals b) vestibule c) cochlea

c) cochlea

cataracts defined

clouding of lens

what nerve goes for hearing to the brain?

cochlear nerve

anterior and lateral compartments of the leg are attached to ______ nerve.

common fibular (branch of sciatic)

______ help you see color and sharpness.


what is the white of your eye and also covers eyelids and sclera?


#3 stapes


Achilles or Calcaneal Tendon #3


Extensor Carpi Ulnaris #3


Extensor Digitorum #3


Sartorius #3


external oblique #3


zygomaticus #3


supraspinatus #4


Adductor Magnus #9


latissimus dorsi #9


what nerves comes out of the brachial plexus?

1. musculocutaneous 2. median 3. radial

name 3 muscles for swallowing

1. suprahyoid 2. infrahypod 3. pharyngeal constrictors

what nerve flexes wrists, fingers, and thumb?

median nerve

anterior arm ________ with what nerve?

move forearm; musculocutaneous (flexors)

suprahypoid muscles function

move hyoid up

infrahyoid muscles function

move hyoid/larynx down

extrinsic muscles of the tongue

move jaw forward, back, down

What nerve are the bicep brachii and brachialis innervated by?

musculocutanesous nerve

The tongue has ______ attachment to bone.


What nerve is in the back of the arm?

radial nerve, extensors

pronators and supinators insert on the ______.

radius (bone that moves)

Naming skeletal muscles: example of location

rectus femoris

round window function

stop wave of pressure and absorb energy

Styloid process is on what bone?

temporal bone

what is the chief forearm extensor?

tricep brachii

Match the following innervation: flexor carpi radialis a) femoral nerve b) musculocutaneous nerve c) obturator nerve d) tibial branch of sciatic e) radial nerve f) median nerve

f) median nerve

All muscles of the face are innervated by _________ nerve.


All of the hamstring muscles insert on the fibula. T/F


Cataracts result from excess intraocular pressure while glaucoma is a clouding of the lens. T/F


The middle ear has four bones. T/F


aqueous humor is in the posterior cavity T/F


superficial muscles of the thorax touch the humerus T/F


quadriceps are attached to _______ nerve.


what nerve comes out of the lumbar?


the outer tunic is also _______ and is the sclera.

fibrous tunic

Match the nerve with the muscle group: flexor carpi radiali & flexor digitorum a) radial b) hypoglossal c) phrenic d) trigeminal e) musculocutaneous f) ffacial g) median

g) median

Match the nerve with the muscle group: flexor carpi radiali & flexor digitorum a) radiall b) hypoglossal c) phrenic d) trigeminal e) musculocutaneous f) facial g) median

g) median

within the saccule and utricle has the ______ with hair cells


How many distinct sets of fibers compose the deltoid muscle? a) two b) three c) four d) five

b) three

flexor carpi ulnaris flexes and ____ the wrist


The muscles of facial expression are innervated by the trigeminal nerve and the muscles of the tongue are innervated by the hypoglossal nerve. T/F


what part of the ear is for balance?

inner ear

when the muscles of respiration contract, and the external intercostals enlarge the space, what are you doing?


#11 eustachian tube


patellar ligament #12


#13 optic disc


#2 cornea


pectoralis minor #4


rectus abdominis #4


subscapularis #4


#5 anterior cavity


#5 round window


Quadriceps Vastus Lateralis #5


hamstring Semimembranosus #5


infraspinatus #5


lateral pterygold #5


orbicularis oris #5


serratus anterior #5


teres major #5


#6 cochlear duct


#6 lens


#7 posterior cavity


Quadriceps Vastus Medialis #6


medial pterygold #6


platysma #6


teres minor #6


tibial nerve(branch of sciatic) posterior compartment #6


#7 scala tympani


Adductor Longus #7


teres major #7


#8 basilar membrane


temporalis #8


triceps brachii #8


#9 choroid


#9 scala vestibuli


occipitalis #9


Name all muscles of the face

1. zygomatic major 2. frontalis 3. orbicularis oris 4. orbicularis occuli 5. occipitalis 6. buccinator 7. platysma

How many cranial nerves are there?

12 pairs

Eversion of the foot results in the contraction of the _________ muscle. a) fibularis longus b) tibialis anterior c) extensor hallucis longus

a) fibularis longus

The deep posterior compartment does not contain the ________. a) fibularis longus b) flexor digitorum longus c) flexor hallucis longus d) tibialis posterior

a) fibularis longus

The anterior fibers of the deltoid ______. a) flex the arm at the shoulder b) flex the forearm at the elbow c) flex the hand at the wrist d) extend the arm at the shoulder e) extend the forearm at the elbow

a) flex the arm at the shoulder

Match the following: iliopsoas a) flexes hip b) adducts thigh c) dorsiflexion d) flexes hip and flexes knee e) everts foot f) flexes hip and extends knee g) abducts thigh h) plantarflexion I) extends hip and flexes knee j) abducts the fingers

a) flexes hip

Trapezius acts on the _______. a) head, neck, and scapula b) head, neck, and sternum c) scapula, wrist, and digits d) neck, scapula, and forearm, e) head neck, and abdomen

a) head, neck, and scapula

Match the following: orbicularis oris a) kissing muscle b) look of horror c) squints the eye d) smile e) whistle

a) kissing muscle

the _________ constricts pupils


what is vagus nerve apart of?


Which of the following INCORRECTLY describes the sensory or nervous tunic of the eye? a) The axons of the ganglionic cells pass out of the eye as the optic nerve. b) Light must pass through the ganglionic and bipolar layers of neurons to reach and stimulate the photoreceptors. c) The more numerous rods, are dim-light and peripheral photoreceptors while cones function in visual acuity and color vision. d) all of these are true

d) all of these are true

Match the following muscle with the correct attachment: gastrocnemius a) anterior superior iliac spine b) lesser tuberosity c) tibial tuberosity d) calcaneaus e) pubis f) greater trochanter g) lesser trochanter

d) calcaneaus

The three heads of the triceps brachii arise from the ______. a) clavicle and humerus b) ulna c) humerus d) scapula and humerus

d) scapula and humerus

The area of greatest visual acuity is the ____. a) lens b) optic disc c) fovea centralis d) sclera

c) fovea centralis

Which of the following does NOT insert on and move the scapula? a) serratus anterior b) rhomboideus major c) latissimus dorsi d) trapezius

c) latissimus dorsi

Match the following innervation: adductor magnus a) femoral nerve b) musculocutaneous nerve c) obturator nerve d) tibial branch of sciatic e) radial nerve f) median nerve

c) obturator nerve

Which muscle is not considered a prime mover of the shoulder joint? a) deltoid b) latissimus dorsi c) teres major d) pectoralis major

c) teres major

What nerves are attached to muscles for facial expression?

facial nerves

In keeping with the criteria for naming muscles, match the following using each only once: sternocleidomastoid a) size b) number of origins c) shape d) direction of fibers e) location of muscle f) action g) origin and insertion

g) origin and insertion

deep Gluteus Medius #1


transversus abdominis #1


femoral anterior compartment (nerve) #13


obturator medial compartment (nerve) #14


#2 incus


Buccinator #2


Ddeltoid #2


Extensor Digitorum #2


Fibularis brevis #2


Gluteus Medius #2


Soleus #2


brachialis #2


deep Gluteus Minimus #2


deltoidd #2


flexor carpi radialis #2


iliopsoas Iliacus #2


infraspinatus #2


internal oblique #2


longissimus erector spinae #2


orbicularis oculi #2


scalene #2


#3 iris


hamstring Biceps Femoris #3


latissimus dorsi #3


palmaris longus #3


pectoralis major #3


spinalis erector spinae #3


temporalis #3


teres minor #3


triceps brachii #3


#4 oval window


#4 pupil


Extensor Pollicis Longus #4


Quadriceps Rectus Femoris #4


buccinator #4


flexor carpi ulnaris #4


hamstring Semitendinosus #4


levator scapulae #4


masseter #4


#8 sclera


adductors Gracilis #8


biceps brachii #1


Match the following muscle with the correct attachment: sartorius a) anterior superior iliac spine b) lesser tuberosity c) tibial tuberosity d) calcaneaus e) pubis f) greater trochanter g) lesser trochanter

a) anterior superior iliac spine

Muscles of the lower limb can be separated into 3 groups: ____________. a) anterior, medial, posterior b) superficial, medial, anterior c) posterior, anterior, deep d) lateral, medial, posterior

a) anterior, medial, posterior

Match the following with the insertion....remember the insertion is on the bone that moves: flexor carpi ulnaris a) carpal bones b) olecranon process c) greater tubercle d) thumb e) scapula f) mastoid process g) palmar aponeurosis h) tongue I) mandible j) lesser tubercle k) radius

a) carpal bones

Match the following: dynamic equilibrium a) semicircular canals b) vestibule c) cochlea

a) semicircular canals

Match the following: crista ampullaris a) semicircular canals b) vestibule c) cochlea

a) semicircular canals

In keeping with the criteria for naming muscles, match the following using each only once: pectoralis major vs pectoralis minor a) size b) number of origins c) shape d) direction of fibers e) location of muscle f) action g) origin and insertion

a) size

Which is not an erector spinae muscle? a) splenius b) longissimus c) spinalis d) iliocostalis

a) splenius

Which of the following is not a muscle of breathing? a) splenius b) abdominals c) scalene d) internal intercostal

a) splenius

When you lie on your back, your _______ muscles contract to lift your head. a) sternocleidomastoid b) glossal muscles c) splenius d) platysma

a) sternocleidomastoid

Sound vibrations reach the cochlea via... a) the footplate of the stapes in the oval window. b) the footplate of the stapes in the round window. c) the tympanic membrane. d) the three bones of the middle ear. e) the basilar membrane.

a) the footplate of the stapes in the oval window.

The transparent, vascular membrane that covers the anterior surface of the eye and inner palpebrae is the ______. a) cornea b) conjunctiva c) sclera d) ciliary body

b) conjunctiva

Sympathetic fibers innervating the iris of the eye cause which response? a) constriction b) dilation c) papillary decrease d) rapid blinking

b) dilation

Match the nerve with the muscle group: muscles of the tongue a) radial b) hypoglossal c) phrenic d) trigeminal e) musculocutaneous f) facial g) median

b) hypoglossal

Match the following: platysma a) kissing muscle b) look of horror c) squints the eye d) smile e) whistle

b) look of horror

Match the following innervation: brachialis a) femoral nerve b) musculocutaneous nerve c) obturator nerve d) tibial branch of sciatic e) radial nerve f) median nerve

b) musculocutaneous

Match the following with the insertion....remember the insertion is on the bone that moves: triceps brachii a) carpal bones b) olecranon process c) greater tubercle d) thumb e) scapula f) mastoid process g) palmar aponeurosis h) tongue I) mandible j) lesser tubercle k) radius

b) olecranon process

Which of the following terms is a synonym for eyelids? a) commissures b) palpebrae c) caruncles d) tarsal plates

b) palpebrae

Match the following: maculae a) semicircular canals b) vestibule c) cochlea

b) vestibule

the muscles that result in wrist flexion are the _______. a) flexor carpi radialis b) flexor carpi ulnaris c) flexor digitorum superficialis d) all above

d) all above

Glaucoma is a disorder in which ______. a) the scleral venous sinus becomes blocked b) intraocular pressure increases above 16mm Hg c) the retina is compresses and its blood supply is blocked d) all of the above

d) all of the above

The hamstring muscles consist of the ________. a) biceps femoris b) semimembransous c) semitendinsus d) all of the above

d) all of the above

A muscle immobilizes a bone, or a muscles origin so that the prime mover has a stable base in which to act, is called a _________. a) secondary stabilizer b) antagonist c) synergist d) fixator

d) fixator

Match the following: sartorius a) flexes hip b) adducts thigh c) dorsiflexion d) flexes hip and flexes knee e) everts foot f) flexes hip and extends knee g) abducts thigh h) plantarflexion I) extends hip and flexes knee j) abducts the fingers

d) flexes hip and flexes knee

Muscles that act on the knee joint exhibit two actions ___________. a) abduction and adduction b) adduction and lateral rotation c) medial rotation and extension d) flexion and extension

d) flexion and extension

The _______ muscles insert onton the calcaneal tendon and are prime movers of the plantar flexion. a) plantaris and popliteus b) soleus and tibialis anterior c) gastrocnemius and tibialis posterior d) gastrocnemius and soeus

d) gastrocnemius and soeus

Which of the following is not considered a medial muscle? a) adductor magnus b) gracilis c) pectineus d) iliopsoas e) adductor longus

d) iliopsoas

Match the following: area where axons of the optic nerve leave the eye a) ciliary body b) iris c) cornea d) optic disc e) canal of Schlemm

d) optic disc

Match the following:zygomaticus major a) kissing muscle b) look of horror c) squints the eye d) smile e) whistle

d) smile

When you lie on your back, your ____ muscles contract to lift your head. a) platysma b) splenius c) serratus anterior d) sternocleidomastoid

d) sternocleidomastoid

Match the following with the insertion....remember the insertion is on the bone that moves: extensor pollicis a) carpal bones b) olecranon process c) greater tubercle d) thumb e) scapula f) mastoid process g) palmar aponeurosis h) tongue I) mandible j) lesser tubercle k) radius

d) thumb

Match the following innervation: semitendinosus a) femoral nerve b) musculocutaneous nerve c) obturator nerve d) tibial branch of sciatic e) radial nerve f) median nerve

d) tibial branch of sciatic

Match the following innervation:hamstring muscles a) femoral nerve b) musculocutaneous nerve c) obturator nerve d) tibial branch of sciatic e) radial nerve f) median nerve

d) tibial branch of sciatic

Match the nerve with the muscle group: masseter & temporalis a) radial b) hypoglossal c) phrenic d) trigeminal e) musculocutaneous f) facial g) median

d) trigeminal

Which of the following is part of the bony labyrinth of the ear? a) malleus b) cochlear duct c) scala tympani d) vestibule

d) vestibule

This muscle is the primary muscle used in smiling. a) mentalis b) platysma c) orbicularis oculi d) zygomaticus

d) zygomaticus

Match the following: rectus femoris a) flexes hip b) adducts thigh c) dorsiflexion d) flexes hip and flexes knee e) everts foot f) flexes hip and extends knee g) abducts thigh h) plantarflexion I) extends hip and flexes knee j) abducts the fingers

f) flexes hip and extends knee

What are the 3 cranial nerves that attach to your brain?

facial, trigeminal, hypoglossal nerve

Which of the following is NOT a muscle of facial expression? a) frontalis b) temporalis c) platysma d) orbicularis oris

b) temporalis

Which of the following is NOT considered a prime mover of the shoulder joint? a) latissimus dorsi b) teres major c) pectoralis major d) deltoid

b) teres major

The deepest abdominal muscle is the ______. a) rectus abdominis b) transversus abdominis c) external oblique d) internal oblique

b) transversus abdominis

Trapezius can ______the scapula. a) raise and abduct b) adduct, protract, and raise c) abduct and medially rotate d) lower, adduct and raise

d) lower, adduct and raise

When you bite down on an ice cube, this muscle strongly contracts. a) lateral pterygoid b) buccinator c) hyoglossus d) masseter

d) masseter

Match the nerve with the muscle group: masseter & temporalis a) radial b) hypoglossal c) phrenic d) trigeminal e) musculocutaneous f) facial g) median

d) trigeminal

In keeping with the criteria for naming muscles, match the following using each only once: brachialis a) size b) number of origins c) shape d) direction of fibers e) location of muscle f) action g) origin and insertion

e) location of muscle

Match the nerve with the muscle group: biceps brachii and brachialis a) radial b) hypoglossal c) phrenic d) trigeminal e) mmusculocutaneous f) facial g) median

e) musculocutaneous

#10 tympanic membrane


Quadriceps Tendon #10


masseter #10


flexor digitorum superficialis #1


frontalis #1


#11 macula lutea


patella #11


#12 optic nerve


iliocostalis erector spinae #1


iliopsoas psoas major #1


sternocleidomastoid #1


sternocleidomastoidd #1


supraspinatus #1


trapezius #1


#10 retina


#1 ciliary body


#1 malleus


Extensor Carpi Radialis #1


Fibularis longus #1


Gastrocnemius #1


Gluteus Maximus #1


Orbicularis oris #1


Tibialis Anterior #1


medial pterygoid I: O: A: I:

I: mandible O: sphenoid A: raises mandible I: trigeminal nerve

masseter I: O: A: I:

I: mandible O: zygomatic/temporal bone A: raises mandible I: trigeminal nerve

tricep brachii I: O: A:

I: olecranon process O: humerus and scapula A: I: radial nerve

vastus lateralis I: O: A:

I: tibial tuberosity O: femur A: extend

vastus medialis I: O: A:

I: tibial tuberosity O: femur A: extend

flexor/extensor carpi I:

I: wrist bones

semitendinosus (cross 2 joint, hip and flex at knee) I: A: O:

I: tibia A: flex at knee O: ischial tuberosity

rectus femoris (crosses hip and knee) I: O: A:

I: tibial tuberosity O: AIIS A: extend

lateral pterygoid I: O: A: I:

I: head of mandible O: sphenoid A: protract jaw foreward I: trigeminal nerve

Match the following: biceps femoris a) flexes hip b) adducts thigh c) dorsiflexion d) flexes hip and flexes knee e) everts foot f) flexes hip and extends knee g) abducts thigh h) plantarflexion I) extends hip and flexes knee j) abducts the fingers

I) extends hip and flexes knee

Match the following with the insertion....remember the insertion is on the bone that moves: lateral pterygoid a) carpal bones b) olecranon process c) greater tubercle d) thumb e) scapula f) mastoid process g) palmar aponeurosis h) tongue I) mandible j) lesser tubercle k) radius

I) mandible

Rhomboids (major and minor) I: O: A:

I: O: scapula A: adduct scapula

levator scapulae I: O: A:

I: O: scapula A: raises scapula

trapezius I: O: A:

I: O: scapula A: raises, adducts, rotates, lowers scapula

gluteus maximus I:

I: ITB A: extensor

pec major I: O: A:

I: anterior humerus O: sternum, clavicle, ribs (axial) A: FLEX, adduct, medially rotate

soleus I:

I: calcaneal tendon

fibularis longus O: A:

O: fibular head to under foot A: everter

extrinsic muscles of tongue O: on bone

O: on bone

Deltoid can't initate what motion?


Sternocleidomastoid and splenius would be considered?


inspiration: what happens to diaphragm and external intercostals?


the _____ is the first thing to refract light.


Main muscle for breathing in and out normally?


What is the most important muscle for breathing and what nerve is it innervated by?

diaphragm; phrenic

_____ root sends sensory(afferent) information to the spinal cord?


2 mixed spinal roots

dorsal rami and ventral rami

what flat tendon connects the frontalis and occipitalis?

epicranial aponeurosis

what are the prime movers of trunk extension?

erector spinae 1. iliocostalis 2. longissimus 3. spinalis

what is used to equalize pressure in the middle ear?

eustachian tube

glaucoma defined

excess aqueous humor

Muscles posteriorly to the vertebral column do what?


the posterior compartment of forearm ____ to wrists and fingers and innervates with ______ nerve.

extends; radial

If the sternocleidomastoid and scalenes are flexors, the splenius is a _________.


Muscle in anterior to the vertebral column do what?


if contract both sternocleidomastoids, what does it do?

flex both

Match the following with the insertion....remember the insertion is on the bone that moves: palmaris longus a) carpal bones b) olecranon process c) greater tubercle d) thumb e) scapula f) mastoid process g) palmar aponeurosis h) tongue I) mandible j) lesser tubercle k) radius

g) palmar aponeurosis

a medial muscle that crosses 2 joints?


Match the following: soleus a) flexes hip b) adducts thigh c) dorsiflexion d) flexes hip and flexes knee e) everts foot f) flexes hip and extends knee g) abducts thigh h) plantarflexion I) extends hip and flexes knee j) abducts the fingers

h) plantarflexion

Match the following with the insertion....remember the insertion is on the bone that moves: styloglossus a) carpal bones b) olecranon process c) greater tubercle d) thumb e) scapula f) mastoid process g) palmar aponeurosis h) tongue I) mandible j) lesser tubercle k) radius

h) tongue

If you turn your head right, you are using your _____________ muscle.

left sternocleidomastoid

Fixator definiton

hold in place

the 3 heads of the of the tricep brachii arise from which 2 bones?

humerus and scapula

The extrinsic muscles are innervated by what nerve and are attached to what?

hypoglossal nerve; bone

To blow out a candle you want to contract __________ and they pull the ribs _______.

internal obliques; inward

Match the following: dorsal interossei a) flexes hip b) adducts thigh c) dorsiflexion d) flexes hip and flexes knee e) everts foot f) flexes hip and extends knee g) abducts thigh h) plantarflexion I) extends hip and flexes knee j) abducts the fingers

j) abducts the fingers

Match the following with the insertion....remember the insertion is on the bone that moves: pronator quadratus a) carpal bones b) olecranon process c) greater tubercle d) thumb e) scapula f) mastoid process g) palmar aponeurosis h) tongue I) mandible j) lesser tubercle k) radius

k) radius

purpose of core/abdominal muscles?

keep in aligment, flexion, rotation at trunk

what part of the eye do you make tears?

lacrimal apparatus in the lacrimal gland

what eye muscle attaches to the abducens?

lateral rectus

the ____ is the second thing to refract light.


adductors are attached to ______ nerve.


what nerve is for sense of smell?


the tissue inside the cochlea with hairs

organ of cort

the stapes covers the ________.

oval window

the palmaris longus inserts on ______.

palmar aponeurosis

what nerve comes out of the cervical plexus?


if posterior compartment of leg flex, you will ___________.

plantarflex and flex toes

A synergist helps the ______ by adding extra force to the same movement.

prime mover

erector spinae is considered a _______ of the back extension and lateral bending.

prime mover

muscles of the forearm that function in the pronation and supination are the ______.

pronation quadratus, pronator teres, and supinator

The prime mover of pronation is the ______.

pronator quadratus

purpose of bulbospongiosus?

propels sperm, opening in female contracts

pectoralis minor muscle purpose

pulls scapula down

what is your tear duct name?


What anterior quadricep crosses at the hip and knee?

rectus femoris

expiration: what happens to diaphragm and external intercostals?


we want to get light to the photoreceptors that are in the _____.


If you tilt your head right, you are using your ____________ muscle.

right sternocleidomastoid

_____ help you see in dim light, grays, and peripheral vision.


the semicircular canals are involved in ________ whereas the vestibule canals are involved in ________.

rotation movement; stop and start (tilt of head)

all eye muscles insert on______.


purpose of external auditory meatus?

sound comes in

when the dorsal and ventral root come together they form _________.

spinal nerve (mixed)

posterior leg to under foot is attached to _____ nerve.


What nerves are attached to muscles of mastication?

trigeminal nerve

superior oblique attaches to which cranial nerve and curves around?


Contracting the right sternocleidomastoid muscle will turn your head toward the left but contracting both muscles will result in neck flexion. T/F


Levator ani and coccygeus are part of the pelvic diaphragm that support pelvic organs while bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus are muscles of the perineum that function in maintaining an erection. T/F


Of the intrinsic muscles of the hand, the thenars supply the first digit and the hypothenars supply the fifth digit. T/F


Short wavelengths, from high pitched sounds, cause displacement of the basilar membrane near the oval window. T/F


The erector spinae and the abdominal muscles would be considered anatagonists. T/F


The first ear structure that sound waves cause to vibrate is the tympanic membrane. T/F


The function of the round window is to dampen sounds after they stimulate the hair cells. T/F


The iliacus and psoas major are known as the iliopsoas muscle because they share a common insertion on the lesser trochanter of the femur. T/F


The muscles of the lower limb, as a group, are the largest muscles in the body. T/F


erector spinae group is a major _____ of the vertebral column. a) flexor b) extensor c) abductor

b) extensor

How many sphincters does the perineum have?

2 1. external urethral 2. external anal

orbicularis occuli A: I:

A: close eye I: facial nerve

THe insertion of the biceps femoris muscle is the head of the _________. a) fibula b) tibia c) femur d) femur e) humerus

a) fibula

pinkeye is an infection of the ______ of the eye. a) conjunctiva b) lacrimal apparatus c) cornea d) palpebrae

a) conjunctiva

The muscles of the ____ are rather unusual for muscles because they insert onto the skin or other muscles. a) face b) posterior thigh c) abdomen d) hand

a) face

Insertion definition

The attachment of a muscle tendon to a moveable bone or the end opposite the origin

The ___________ muscle inserts on metatarsal 5. a) fibularis brevis b) extensor hallucis longus c) extensor digitorum longus d) tibialis anterior

a) fibularis brevis

Match the following innervation: rectus femoris a) femoral nerve b) musculocutaneous nerve c) obturator nerve d) tibial branch of sciatic e) radial nerve f) median nerve

a) femoral nerve

The cornea is actually part of the _____ layer of the eye. a) fibrous b) vascular c) sensory d) scleral

a) fibrous

The latissimus dorsi _____ the arm at the shoulder. a) flexes b) extends c) abducts d) laterally rotates e) circumducts

b) extends

When you have forced expiration what muscles contract?

abdominal muscles and internal intercostal

trunk flexion is considered what muscles?


when you contract your lateral rectus what action does your eye do?


Arrange the following structures in the order in which the vibrate when a sound wave enters the ear. 1. eardrum 2. endolymph 3. ossicles 4. oval window 5. perilymph a) 1, 3, 5, 2, 4 b) 1, 3, 4, 5, 2 c) 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 d) 1, 3, 2, 5, 4

b) 1, 3, 4, 5, 2

Which of the following INCORRECTLY identifies the nerves that innervate the extrinsic muscles of the eye? a) The oculomotor nerve innervates 4 of the 6 muscles. b) The abducens innervates the inferior oblique muscle. c) The superior oblique muscle is innervated by the trochlear nerve. d) all of the above are correct.

b) The abducens innervates the inferior oblique muscle.

Movement of the shoulder away and laterally from the body is called _______. a) medical rotation b) abduction c) adduction d) extension

b) abduction

Long wavelengths from low pitched sounds cause displacement of the basilar membrane... a) near the oval window. b) far from the oval window. c) near the round window. d) far from the round window. e) near the tympanic membrane.

b) far from the oval window.

Which group of muscles all cross two joints? a) vastus medialis, rectus femoris, soleus, b) gastrocnemius, biceps femoris, semitendinosus c) sartorius, adductor magnus, rectus femoris d) emimembranosus, vastus lateralis, gracilis

b) gastrocnemius, biceps femoris, semitendinosus

Rhomboid major acts on the _______. a) humerus b) scapula c) vertebral column d) radius e) ribs

b) scapula

Which of the following inserts on the scapula? (Remember that the insertion is on the bone that moves) a) pectoralis major b) trapezius c) deltoid d) latissimus dorsi

b) trapezius

Which of the following is NOT an auditory ossicle? a) stapes b) tympani c) malleus d) incus

b) tympani

Match the following: static equilibrium a) semicircular canals b) vestibule c) cochlea

b) vestibule

Anterior flexors of the forearm consist of the ____muscle (s). a) brachialis, supinator, biceps brachii b) brachialis and coracobrachialis c) biceps brachii and brachialis d) biceps brachii, brachioradialis and coracobrachialis

c) biceps brachii and brachialis

The levator ani _____ muscles form the pelvic diaphragm. a) ischiocavernosus b) bulbospongiosus c) coccygeus d) gluteus maximus

c) coccygeus

Match the following: organ of Corti a) semicircular canals b) vestibule c) cochlea

c) cochlea

The eustachian or auditory tube______. a) connects the middle and inner ear b) is covered by the stapes c) equalizes pressure in the middle ear d) contains the auditory ossicles

c) equalizes pressure in the middle ear

Muscles of _____ typically insert onto skin or other muscles. a) hand b) neck c) face d) abdomen

c) face

Focusing an object on the ____ provides the highest visual acuity. a) rods b) blind spot c) fovea centralis d) choroid

c) fovea centralis

Which of the following correctly describes the rotator cuff muscles? a) The subscapularis laterally rotates the humerus while the infraspinatus medially rotates the humerus. b) All of the rotator cuff muscles insert on the greater tubercle. c) The subscapularis is the prime mover during abduction of the humerus. d) The rotator cuff muscles include subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor.

d) The rotator cuff muscles include subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor.

what keeps the diaphragm alive?


how does the fluid leave the eye?

canal of schlemm

the _____ has muscles and is attached to the lens.

ciliary body

what control the shape of your lens?

ciliary body

What nerves are attached to muscles of the head?

cranial nerves

ampulla had hair cells in the _____.

crista ampullaris

The prime overs of the hip flexion are the _____. a) iliacus muscle b) psoas major muscle c) adductor magnus d) a and b e) a and c

d) a and b

Naming skeletal muscles: example of shape


In keeping with the criteria for naming muscles, match the following using each only once: supinator a) size b) number of origins c) shape d) direction of fibers e) location of muscle f) action g) origin and insertion

f) action

Match the nerve with the muscle group: buccinator & platysma a) radial b) hypoglossal c) phrenic d) trigeminal e) mmusculocutaneous f) facial g) median

f) facial

Match the nerve with the muscle group: buccinator & platysma a) radiall b) hypoglossal c) phrenic d) trigeminal e) musculocutaneous f) facial g) median

f) facial

the anterior compartment of the leg does what?


Match the following using each only once: pectoralis major a) adduction, extension, medial rotation b) abduction, extension, flexion c) abduction d) lateral rotation e) adduction, flexion, medial rotation

e) adduction, flexion, medial rotation

The deep fascia separated the lower leg muscles into an ________________. a) anterior compartment b) lateral compartment c) posterior compartment d) a and b only e) all of the above

e) all of the above

Match the following: drains aqueous humor a) ciliary body b) iris c) cornea d) optic disc e) canal of Schlemm

e) canal of Schlemm

anterior tibialis is a flexor or extensor?


at the elbow joint, the posterior muscles do what job?


splenius is posterior so what is their job?


what is the most superficial abdominals?

external oblique

Match the following with the insertion....remember the insertion is on the bone that moves: sternocleidomastoid a) carpal bones b) olecranon process c) greater tubercle d) thumb e) scapula f) mastoid process g) palmar aponeurosis h) tongue I) mandible j) lesser tubercle k) radius

f) mastoid process

The posterior compartment of the muscle that act on the ankle and foot contains deep leg muscles only. T/F


scalenes action

flex, tip to right/left, elevate ribs with deep breath

An example of antagonist: Biceps will _____ and triceps will _______

flex; extend


flexes forearm, synergist and stabilizer

anterior compartment of forearm ____ to wrists and fingers and innervates with ______ nerve.

flexes; median

The sternocleidomastoid and scalenes are anterior so what is their job?


Movement of the elbow joint movement is limited to __________.

flexion and extension

Brachialradialis is a _____ of the forearm.


finger flexion is not a function of ______.

flexor carpi radialis

at the elbow joint, the anterior muscles do what job?


Brachialis is a flexor of the ____.


Match the following: gluteus medius a) flexes hip b) adducts thigh c) dorsiflexion d) flexes hip and flexes knee e) everts foot f) flexes hip and extends knee g) abducts thigh h) plantarflexion I) extends hip and flexes knee j) abducts the fingers

g) abducts thigh

Match the following muscle with the correct attachment: iliopsoas a) anterior superior iliac spine b) lesser tuberosity c) tibial tuberosity d) calcaneaus e) pubis f) greater trochanter g) lesser trochanter

g) lesser trochanter

Anterior extrinsic shoulder muscles include

pectoralis minor, serratus anterior, subclavius

all quadricep muscles come together on what tendon which encases ________?

quadriceps tendon; patella

what nerve comes out of the sacral plexus?

sciatic (1. tibial 2. common fibular)

reason for the rotator cuff muscles

stabilize joint

When you have a forced inspiration what muscles contract?

sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, pec minor

styloid process for tongue

styloglossus pulls tongue back

forearm supinator is the result of the ______ , but is assisted by the ______.

supinator muscle; biceps brachii

pharyngeal constrictor muscles placement

surrounds pharynx

Muscles of the neck and throat help us to do what?


the _____ dilates pupils with radial muscles


the size of your pupil is controlled by what 2 things?

sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

Posterior extrinsic shoulder muscles include

trapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboids (major and minor)

what extensor is crossing at the elbow joint?


all heads of the tricep brachii insert on the olecrannon process of the ulna. T/F


muscle of extension for the forearm is located posteriorly. T/F


extrinsic muscles move your jaw foreward, backward and down. T/F

true; 3 of them

Intrinsic muscles have no attachment to bone. T/F

true; bend and roll the tongue

what is the covering over the middle ear?

tympanic membrane

_____ root sends motor information out to muscles.


what nerve goes from the balance information to brain?


the ______ humor provides the intracular pressure


posterior cavity contains _________.

vitreous humor

latissimus dorsi I: O: A:

I: anterior humerus O: thoracolumbar fascia (axial) A: EXTENDS, adducts, medially rotate

gracius (crosses hip and knee) I: O:

I: below knee O:pubis

Infraspinatus I: O: A:

I: greater tubercle O: scapula A: over and around/laterally rotate

Supraspinatus I: O: A:

I: greater tubercle O: subscapular fossa of scapula A: initiates abduction/ over and around

teres minor I: O: A:

I: greater tubericle O: scapula A: over and around/ laterally rotate

Intrinsic muscles of tongue I: O:

I: in tongue O: in tongue

Iliopsoas I:

I: lesser trochanter

Subscapularis I: O: A:

I: lesser tubercle O: scapula A: medial rotation

temporalis I: O: A: I:

I: mandible O: skull A: raises mandible I: trigeminal nerve

Sternocleidomastoid I: O: A:

I: mastoid process, temporal bone O: sternum, clavicle A:pull up, elevate ribs, flexor

triceps brachii I: O: A:

I: olecranon, radial nerve O: humerus, scapula A: posterior extensor

palmaris longus I:

I: palmar alponeurosis

serratus anterior I: O: A:

I: scapula O: ribs A:

flexor/extensor pollis I:

I: thumb

Antagonist examples: opposite muscles

1. bicep (flexion) and tricep (extension) 2. erector spinae (extension) abs (flexion)

Naming skeletal muscles: example of number of origins

1. biceps 2. triceps

synergists examples: work together

1. biceps and brachialis

what flexor is crossing at the elbow joint?

1. brachialis (prime mover) 2. bicep

the vascular tunic has 3 parts:

1. ciliary body 2. choroid 3. iris

prime mover examples: most work

1. deltoids in abduction 2. pec major in flexion 3. latissamis in extension

name 3 tongue muscles and function

1. genioglossus ( bring tongue forward) 2. styloglossus (pulls tongue back) 3. hyoglosses ( brings tongue down)

Naming skeletal muscles: example of size

1. gluteus maximus, medius, minimus 2. longus, brevis

3 muscles in erectus spinae?

1. iliocostalis 2. longissimus 3. spinalis

To blow out a candle, what 2 muscles are used?

1. internal obliques 2. abdominal muscles

what 2 muscles prevent bllod from leaving the penis/clitoris during erection?

1. ischiocavernosis 2. bulbospongiosus

order of steps making tears:

1. lacrimal gland 2. across surface of eye 3. out punctae 4. through canals to nasolacrimal duct 5. drains into nose

name the 3 eye nerves(cranial nerves):

1. ocular motor 2. trochlear 3. abducens

Naming skeletal muscles: example of location of attachment

1. origin that doesn't move 2. insertion does move 3. sternocleidomastoid

What are 3 prime movers of the arm?

1. pec major 2. latissimus dorsi 3. deltoid

In order to see erector spinae, what muscles have to be removed?

1. trapezius 2. rhomboids

Naming skeletal muscles: example of direction of fibers/cells

1. rectus 2. obliques

steps your eye receives light:

1. rods and cones 2. attached to bipolar cells 3. synapsing with ganglionic cells 4. ganglionic axons go to optic nerve

the fibrous tunic has 2 parts:

1. sclera 2. cornea

Naming skeletal muscles: 7 ways

1. shape 2. body region 3. size 4. direction of fibers 5. number of origins 6. location of origin/insertion 7. action

Name muscles of the neck/vertebral column

1. sternocleidomastoid 2. scalenes

For a deep breath, what 3 muscles are used?

1. sternocleidomastoid 2. scalenes 3. pec minor

what 4 muscles are attached to oculomotor nerve?

1. superior rectus 2. inferior rectus 3. medial rectus 4. inferior oblique

Naming skeletal muscles: example of action

1. supinators 2. pronators 3. extensors 4. flexors

purpose of the pelvic diaphragm

1. support organs 2. closes off the opening

Name muscles of the neck/throat

1. suprahyoid 2. infrahyoid 3. pharyngeal constrictors

Name all muscles mastication

1. temporalis 2. masseter 3. medial pterygoid 4. lateral pterygoid

Semimembranosus (cross 2 joints, hip and flex at the knee) I: A: O:

I: tibia A: flex at knee O: ischial tuberosity

sartorius (crosses hip and knee) I: O: A:

I: tibial tuberosity O: ASIS A: flexor

vastus intermedius I: O: A:

I: tibial tuberosity O: femur A: extend

frontalis I: O: A: I:

I:eyebrows O: front, aponeurosis A: raises brows I: facial nerve

subscapularis I: O: A:

I:lesser tubericle O: scapula A: medially rotates

Pelvic floor is composed of how many muscles; what are they?

2; levator ani, coccygeus

How many openings to the pelvic diaphragm?


how many ossicles with synovial joints in the middle ear?

3 1. malleus 2. incus 3. stapes

how many muscle to move the eye and how many nerves?

6; 3

buccinator A: I:

A: compress cheeks I: facial nerve

The posterior axial muscle that crosses the shoulder joint is the ______ muscle. a) latissimus dorsi b) pectoralis major c) trapezius d) brachioradialis

a) latissimus dorsi

The four muscles that comprise the posterior group of the pectoral girdle are the __________. a) levator scapulae, rhomboideus minor, rhomboideus major, and trapezius b) levator scapulae, rhomboideus minor, rhomboideus major, and pectoralis major c) pectoralis major, serratus anterior, pectoralis minor, and trapezius d) rhomboideus minor, rhomboideus major, trapezius, and levator scapulae

a) levator scapulae, rhomboideus minor, rhomboideus major, and trapezius

Dynamic and static equilibrium transduction both use the principal of _______. a) mechanoreception b) chemoreception c) thermoreception d) photoreception

a) mechanoreception

Short wavelengths from high pitched sounds cause displacement of the basilar membrane... a) near the oval window. b) far from the oval window. c) near the round window. d) far from the round window. e) near the tympanic membrane.

a) near the oval window.

A muscle that provides the major force for producing a specific movement is called: a) prime mover b) antagonist c) synergist d) fixator

a) prime mover

Match the following: controls the size of the pupil a) ciliary body b) iris c) cornea d) optic disc e) canal of Schlemm

b) iris

What nerves are attached to muscles for tongue movement?

hypoglossal nerves

hyoid bone for tongue

hypoglossus brings down and genloglosses forward

genial tubercles on tongue

if you contract you will move towards the origin (pull tongue forward)

________ control the size of your pupil.


what muscle maintains erection in penis/clitorus?


platysma A: I:

A: look of horror, tightens while shaving I: facial nerve

Match the following: contraction changes the shape of the lens a) ciliary body b) iris c) cornea d) optic disc e) canal of Schlemm

a) ciliary body

Match the nerve with the muscle group: triceps brachii a) radial b) hypoglossal c) phrenic d) trigeminal e) musculocutaneous f) facial g) mediann

a) radial

Match the nerve with the muscle group: triceps brachii a) radial b) hypoglossal c) phrenic d) trigeminal e) musculocutaneous f) facial g) mmedian

a) radial

The longest muscle in the body is the ____________. a) sartorius b) quadriceps femoris c) adductor magnus d) rectus femoris

a) sartorius

Rhomboid major acts on the ____ a) scapula b) ribs c) humerus d) vertebral column

a) scapula

Orbicularis oris A: I:

A: pucker lips I: facial nerve

occipitalis A: I:

A: pull back and down on scalp I: facial nerve

The middle ear ossicles serve to _____ the sound waves onto the oval window. a) bypass b) amplify c) transduce d) interpret

b) amplify

Gastrocnemius (crosses at knee and ankle) I: O:

I: calcaneal tendon O: femur

zygomatic major I: O: A: I:

I: corner of lip O: zygomatic bone A: smile, pull up on lips I: facial nerve

deltoid I: O: A:

I: deltoid tuberosity O: clavicle scapula A: flex, ABDUCT, extends

flexor/extensor digitorum I:

I: digits

Pectineus I: O:

I: femur O: pubis

adductor longus (medial) I: O:

I: femur O: pubis

adductor magnus (medial) I: O:

I: femur O: pubis

adductor brevis (medial) I: O:

I: femur O:pubis

bicep femoris I: A: O:

I: fibula head A: flexor O: ischial tuberosity

bicep brachii I: forearm bone

I: forearm bone

brachialis I:

I: forearm bone

gluteus medius I: A:

I: greater trochanter A: abduction

gluteus minimus I: A:

I: greater trochanter A: abductor

bicep brachii origin and insertion I: A:

I: musculocutaneous nerve, radius A: flexes elbow and supinates

Of the following senses, which accounts for the majority of sensory receptors in the body? a) hearing b) olfactory c) vision d) gustation

c) vision

All of the following are true of aqueous humor except? a) Unlike vitreous humor, aqueous humor is continuously produced. b) The aqueous humor is only found in the posterior chamber of the eye. c) Aqueous humor supplies nutrients and oxygen to the cornea and lens. d) Aqueous humor helps maintain a constant intraocular pressure in the eye.

b) The aqueous humor is only found in the posterior chamber of the eye

Match the following using each only once: deltoid a) adduction, extension, medial rotation b) abduction, extension, flexion c) abduction d) lateral rotation e) adduction, flexion, medial rotation

b) abduction, extension, flexion

Match the following: adductor longus a) flexes hip b) adducts thigh c) dorsiflexion d) flexes hip and flexes knee e) everts foot f) flexes hip and extends knee g) abducts thigh h) plantarflexion I) extends hip and flexes knee j) abducts the fingers

b) adducts thigh

Which of the following is NOT a muscle of mastication? a) masseter b) all of these are muscles of mastication c) temporalis d) medial pterygoid e) lateral pterygoid

b) all of these are muscles of mastication

Match the following: transparent anterior region of the fibrous tunic a) ciliary body b) iris c) cornea d) optic disc e) canal of Schlemm

c) cornea

Match the following: tibialis anterior a) flexes hip b) adducts thigh c) dorsiflexion d) flexes hip and flexes knee e) everts foot f) flexes hip and extends knee g) abducts thigh h) plantarflexion I) extends hip and flexes knee j) abducts the fingers

c) dorsiflexion

The anterior compartment contains the ___________. a) fibularis tertius muscle but not the extensor hallucis longus muscle b) extensor digitorum longus muscle but not the tibialis anterior muscle c) extensor digitorum longus muscle, extensor hallucis longus muscle, tibialis anterior muscle hallucis longus muscle, tibialis anterior muscle d) fibularis tertius muscle but not the tibialis anterior muscle

c) extensor digitorum longus muscle, extensor hallucis longus muscle, tibialis anterior muscle

Match the following with the insertion....remember the insertion is on the bone that moves: supraspinatus a) carpal bones b) olecranon process c) greater tubercle d) thumb e) scapula f) mastoid process g) palmar aponeurosis h) tongue I) mandible j) lesser tubercle k) radius

c) greater tubercle

During hearing, which of the following is the last to vibrate? a) basilar membrane b) tympanic membrane c) hair cells of spiral organ d) oval window e) stapes

c) hair cells of spiral organ

Which portion of the ear contains the sense organs for hearing and balance? a) external ear b) middle ear c) inner ear d) auditory tube

c) inner ear

The hearing receptors are located in the ______. a) external ear b) middle ear c) internal ear d) tympanic cavity

c) internal ear (cochlea)

Which of the following is innervated by the abducens nerve? a) superior rectus b) inferior rectus c) lateral rectus d) inferior oblique

c) lateral rectus

Match the nerve with the muscle group: diaphragm a) radial b) hypoglossall c) phrenic d) trigeminal e) musculocutaneous f) facial g) median

c) phrenic

Match the following: orbicularis oculi a) kissing muscle b) look of horror c) squints the eye d) smile e) whistle

c) squints the eye

Match the following muscle with the correct attachment:rectus femoris a) anterior superior iliac spine b) lesser tuberosity c) tibial tuberosity d) calcaneaus e) pubis f) greater trochanter g) lesser trochanter

c) tibial tuberosity

The external ear terminates at the ____. a) auricle b) oval window c) tympanic membrane d) internal auditory meatus

c) tympanic membrane

The four heads of the quadriceps femoris muscle include all of the following except the ________. a) vastus medialis b) vastus lateralis c) vastus intermedius d) rectus femoris e) biceps femoris

e) biceps femoris

Match the following: fibularis longus a) flexes hip b) adducts thigh c) dorsiflexion d) flexes hip and flexes knee e) everts foot f) flexes hip and extends knee g) abducts thigh h) plantarflexion I) extends hip and flexes knee j) abducts the fingers

e) everts foot

Match the nerve with the muscle group: biceps brachii and brachialis a) radiall b) hypoglossal c) phrenic d) trigeminal e) musculocutaneous f) facial g) median

e) musculocutaneous

Match the following muscle with the correct attachment: adductor muscles a) anterior superior iliac spine b) lesser tuberosity c) tibial tuberosity d) calcaneaus e) pubis f) greater trochanter g) lesser trochanter

e) pubis

Match the following innervation: triceps brachii a) femoral nerve b) musculocutaneous nerve c) obturator nerve d) tibial branch of sciatic e) radial nerve f) median nerve

e) radial nerve

Match the following innervation:extensor digitorum a) femoral nerve b) musculocutaneous nerve c) obturator nerve d) tibial branch of sciatic e) radial nerve f) median nerve

e) radial nerve

Match the following with the insertion....remember the insertion is on the bone that moves: trapezius a) carpal bones b) olecranon process c) greater tubercle d) thumb e) scapula f) mastoid process g) palmar aponeurosis h) tongue I) mandible j) lesser tubercle k) radius

e) scapula

The foot plate is part of the a) malleus. b) spiral organ. c) incus. d) tympanic membrane. e) stapes.

e) stapes.

Match the following: buccinator a) kissing muscle b) look of horror c) squints the eye d) smile e) whistle

e) whistle

Match the nerve with the muscle group: muscles of the tongue a) radial b) hypoglossal c) phrenic d) trigeminal e) musculocutaneous f) facial g) median

b) hypoglossal

Which of the following protracts the jaw? a) zygomaticus b) lateral pterygoid c) masseter d) medial pterygoid

b) lateral pterygoid

Masseter inserts onto the angle and ramus of the ______. a) maxilla b) mandible c) temporal bone d) vomer e) zygomatic bone

b) mandible

In keeping with the criteria for naming muscles, match the following using each only once: biceps brachi and triceps brachi a) size b) number of origins c) shape d) direction of fibers e) location of muscle f) action g) origin and insertion

b) number of origins

Which muscles are involved in swallowing a) scalenes b) suprahyoids and infrahyoids c) splenius capitus and cervicis d) all of these

b) suprahyoids and infrahyoids

Match the following using each only once: latissimus dorsi a) adduction, extension, medial rotation b) abduction, extension, flexion c) abduction d) lateral rotation e) adduction, flexion, medial rotation

a) adduction, extension, medial rotation

The muscles of mastication include all of the following EXCEPT? a) buccinator b) masseter c) lateral pterygoid d) temporalis

a) buccinator

Which of the following is NOT a rotator cuff muscle? a) teres major b) subscapularis c) infraspinatus d) supraspinatus e) all of these are rotator cuff muscles

a) teres major

How many distinct sets of fibers compose the deltoid muscle? a) three b) two c) four d) one

a) three

Temporalis, along with the masseter, __________. a) compresses the cheeks b) closes the jaw c) draws the corners of the mouth superiorly and laterally d) draws the corners of the mouth backward e) raises the eyebrows

b) closes the jaw

The _____ is (are) the most important muscles for inspiratory breathing. a) internal intercostals b) diaphragm c) scalenes d) rectus abdominis

b) diaphragm

The muscles of the back that are most susceptible to injury during heavy lifting belong to the ______ muscle group. a) quadratus lumborum b) erector spinae c) semispinalis d) splenius

b) erector spinae

Match the following using each only once: supraspinatus a) adduction, extension, medial rotation b) abduction, extension, flexion c) abduction d) lateral rotation e) adduction, flexion, medial rotation

c) abduction

The prime movers of the shoulder joint flexion are the ______ muscles. a) coracobrachialis and the biceps brachii b) coracobrachialis and the deltoid c) deltoid and the pectoralis major d) pectoralis major and the coracobrachialis

c) deltoid and the pectoralis major

The ______ muscles are antagonistic to each other when flexing and extending the humerus. a) deltoid and levator scapulae b) trapezius and rhomboid c) pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi d) serratus anterior and trapezius

c) pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi

Match the nerve with the muscle group: diaphragm a) radial b) hypoglossal c) phrenic d) trigeminal e) musculocutaneous f) facial g) mmedian

c) phrenic

In keeping with the criteria for naming muscles, match the following using each only once: deltoid and trapezius a) size b) number of origins c) shape d) direction of fibers e) location of muscle f) action g) origin and insertion

c) shape

The pectoralis major muscle _______ the arm at the shoulder. a) flexes, abducts, medially rotates b) laterally rotates, extends, adducts c) abducts, extends, medially rotates d) adducts, medially rotates, flexes

d) adducts, medially rotates, flexes

Which of the following crosses the elbow joint? a) brachialis b) biceps brachii c) triceps brachii d) all of the above

d) all of the above

In keeping with the criteria for naming muscles, match the following using each only once: external oblique & internal oblique muscles a) size b) number of origins c) shape d) direction of fibers e) location of muscle f) action g) origin and insertion

d) direction of fibers

Match the following using each only once: infraspinatus & teres minor a) adduction, extension, medial rotation b) abduction, extension, flexion c) abduction d) lateral rotation e) adduction, flexion, medial rotation

d) lateral rotation

serratus anterior arises from _______. a) lateral border of the scapula b) lateral one-third of the clavicle c) coracoid process of the scapula d) superior half of the sternum e) ribs 1 through 8

e) ribs 1 through 8

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