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Which artist served as the dean of the painters' guild of Ghent and worked for Tommaso Portinari?

Hugo van der Goes

In Raphael's Stanza della Segnatura, he reconciled the philosophies and teachings of Plato and Aristotle. Which of the following have also been reconciled?

Humanism and Christianity

The Protestant concern about the role of religious imagery was in many cases outright hostile. Martin Luther spoke about destroying images. This destruction of religious imagery also occurred during the Byzantine period. Which of the following defines this act?


What is an Arcadian reverie

Idyllic olace of rural, rustic peace and simplicity

Which of the following was the mother church for the Jesuits in Rome?

Il Gesù

Which of the following was the primary church for the Jesuits in Rome?

Il Gesù

____ was the most influential church building in the later cinquecento.

Il Gesù

In the 16th century, Spain supported which of the following?

Interests of the Catholic Church

Although women had many limitations as artists, ____ demonstrated the important role women played as art patrons.

Isabella d'Este

Michaelangelo description of David he presents a perfect body with an attuned mind, prepared and ready for action. How would you describe this?

It is a combination of athletic tension and psychological insight

Michelangelo's fascination with the human body was a lifelong pursuit. In his David he presented a perfect body with an attuned mind, prepared and ready for action. Which of the following descriptions of this work would support this statement?

It is a combination of athletic tension and psychological insight.

In Masaccio's Trinity, he embodies two principal Renaissance interests. One is realism based on observation. Which of the following is the other?

It is the application of mathematics to pictorial organization of perspective

In Masaccio's Trinity he embodies two principal Renaissance interests. One is realism based on observation. Which of the following is the other?

It is the application of the new science of perspective.

In Masaccio's Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden Adam's feet clearly come into contact with the ground. Which of the following is the interpretation for this?

It marks the human presence on earth.

In Masaccio's Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden, Adam's feet clearly come into contact with the ground. Which of the following is the interpretation for this?

It marks the human presence on earth.

n Masaccio's Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden Adam's feet clearly come into contact with the ground. Which of the following is the interpretation for this?

It marks the human presence on earth.

The Nuremberg Chronicle is a tribute to the new craft of the printed illustrated book. What was the content of the Nuremberg Chronicle?

It was the history of the world.


Italian "colored" or "painted". A term used to describe the application of paint. Characteristic of the work of the 16th century Venetian artists who emphasized the application of paint as an important element of the creative process. Central Italian artists, in contrast, largely emphasized disegno - careful design preparation based on preliminary drawing


Italian "drawing" and "design". Renaissance artists considered drawing to be the external physical manifestation of an internal intelectual idea of design


Italian "originality".One of several terms used in Italian Renaissance literature to praise the originality and talent of artists

The monumental composition and sculpturesque form in Hans Holbein's The French Ambassadorsreflects the influence of ____.

Italian Art

Leonardo da Vinci, Last Supper

Italian High Renaissance, 1495-1498, Oil and tempera on plaster

Raphael, Philosophy (School of Athens)

Italian High Renaissance, Fresco

Michelangelo Buonarroti, David

Italian High Renaissance, Marble

Tintoretto, Last Supper

Italian Mannerism, Oil on canvas

Jacopo da Pontormo, Entombment of Christ

Italian Mannerism, Oil on wood

A major reason that the Renaissance began in Italy was that

Italian city-states had grown wealthy from trade between Europe and Asia


Italian, "500" - that is, the 16th century (the 1500s) in Italy


Italian, "smokey". A smokelike haziness that subtly softens outlines in paintings; particularly applied to the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci and Correggio

The illusionism found in French manuscript was influenced by contact with ____?


Which of the following artists created one of the earliest portraits where the sitter en-gages the viewer?

Jan van Eyck

Which of the following artists created one of the earliest portraits where the sitter engages the viewer?

Jan van Eyck

Which of the following artists secularized portraiture?

Jan van Eyck

____ created the first known Western portrait where the sitter looks directly at the viewer.

Jan van Eyck

Who was the noble patron who commissioned Les Très Riches Heures?

Jean, Duke of Berry

Of the following who was one of the most important roman patrons of Michelangelo

Julius II

Of the following, who was one of the most important Roman patrons of Michelangelo?

Julius II

In Grünewalds Isenheim Altarpiece the artist has used specific references, saints and symbols to depict pain, suffering, and salvation and redemption. Which of the following symbols can be interpreted to mean the son of god?


In el grecos burial of count orgaz the artist has successfully merged his early and late styles he combined elongated figures and rich color in this one work. Which of the following describes his early and late styles?

Late Byzantine and venetian 16th centrury

Andrea Palladio, Villa Rotonda

Late Renaissance

The Limbourg Brothers' last masterpiece illumination was which of the following?

Les Très Riche Heures du Duc de Berry

The miniature portrait of Elizabeth I shows an elegant, formally attired young Elizabeth presented as a princess. Who is the artist who created this memorable portrait?

Levina Teerlinc

The miniature portrait of Elizabeth I, shows an elegant, formally attired young Elizabeth presented as a princess. Who is the artist who created this memorable portrait?

Levina Teerlinc

Why is Dürer compared to Leonardo? How is he different

Like: wrote theoreticls trestises on subject, maintained careful onservstions was essential for any artist and his endeavor. However unlike Leo he published his stuff

In Hunters in the Snow, the artist has captured the atmosphere of a cold winter's day. The landscape is snow-covered and stark with the returning hunters wearily trudging home. It is reminiscent of earlier renditions of seasons. Which of the following also described the seasons and might have been influential in the conception of this work?

Limbourg Brothers' Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry

In hunters in the snow which of the following also describes the seasons and might have been influent in the conception of this work?

Limbourg brothers Les Tres riches heures du duc de berry

In Allegory of Law and Grace, the artist has depicted the differences between the Roman Catholic Church and the followers of Martin Luther. The artist who created this woodcut was dubbed with the title, "painter of the Reformation." Who is the artist?

Lucas Cranach the Elder

In allegory of law and grace, the artist has depicted the differences between the Roman Catholic Church and the followers of Martin Luther. The artist who created this woodcut was dubbed with the title, "painter of the reformation" who is the artists

Lucas Cranach the Elder

The German artist who was dubbed with the title "painter of the Reformation" is ____.

Lucas Cranach the Elder

The German artist who was dubbed with the titled "painter of the Reformation" is: Matthias Grunewald Hans Holbein Albrecht Durer Lucas Cranach the Elder

Lucas Cranach the Elder

Which of the following made up the territory known as the Netherlands in the 16th century?

Luxembourg, Holland, and Belgium

Which of the following made us the territory known as the Netherlands in the 16th century? Luxembourg, Holland, and Belgium Northern Italy, Germany, and France Bavaria, Holland, and Belgium Switzerland, Holland, and Belgium

Luxembourg, Holland, and Belgium

Which of the following made up the territory known as the Netherlands in the 16th century

Luxembourg, holland, and belgium

Which of the following works describes the Roman school of painting that replaced Byzantine stylized dignity with the careful depiction of light?

Madonna Enthroned with Angels and Prophets

The personal tastes of the court of Francis I ran to the elegant, erotic, and unorthodox. Which of the following styles would most appeal to this king and his court


The personal tastes of the court of Francis I ran to the elegant, erotic, and unorthodox. Which of the following styles would most appeal to this king and his court?


____ was the style that appealed to the French king, Francis I, because of its elegant, erotic, and unorthodox features.


_________ was the style that appealed to the French king, Francis I, because of its elegant, erotic, and unorthodox features. Medieval Mannerism The Venetian School Flemish Realism


Attributes of El Greco's style, such as elongated figures in an undefined space, are often characterized as ____.


Leonardo painted the virgin of the rocks, and it is said this work is a masterpiece in expressing emotional states. He modeled the figures with light and shadow-- a technique he learned from earlier works. Which 15th century Italian artist would have influenced Leonardo?


Leonardo's use of light and dark in the Madonna of the Rocks built on the work of the artist ____.


Leonardo's use of light and dark in the Madonna of the Rocks built on the work of the artist________. Piero della Francesca Masaccio Gentile da Fabriano Fra Angelico


Linear Perspective

Mathematical perspective, vanishing points, created by Brunelleschi

Often synonymous with the Renaissance, the ____ were great art patrons.

Medici Family

Often synonymous with the Renaissance, the ____ were great art patrons.

Medici family

Which of the following was the most prominent patron of fifteenth-century Florentine art?

Medici family

In contrast to other monastic orders, the ____ lived and preached in urban environments.


What was the theme of Christian Humanism?

Merging the best ideas of medieval Christian thought and humanism

The Neo-Platonic ideals of the Medici circle were most congenial to the thinking of which of the following artists?


The neo platonic ideals of the Medici circle were most congenial to the thinking of which of the following artists


The term terribilitia is most often used to refer to


Which artists's assertion of his authority anticipated modern concepts of the artist?


Which sculptor believed that the artist must proceed by first finding the idea- the image- locked in the stone and then release it by chipping away the stone


Which sculptor believed that the artist must proceed by first finding the idea¾the image¾locked in the stone and then release it by chipping away the stone?


Which of the following processes was a new technological advancement, during the 15th century, that increased a demand for printmakers?

Moveable metal type

Which of these paintings contains a portrayal of Joseph carving a mousetrap?

Mérode Altarpiece

The traditional interpretation of the meaning of Michelangelo's tombs for the Medici as the soul's ascent was influenced by ____.


Reflecting the influence of ____, Raphael included his portrait in the reflection in his painting of Pope Leo X.

Netherlandish art

Which of the following is the sculptor whose work showed the greatest influence of the forms of classical antiquity?

Nicola Pisano

Which of the following sculptor's work shows the greatest influence of the forms of classical antiquity?

Nicola Pisano

The facial types, beards, and coiffures of ____ figures reveal the influence of classical relief sculpture.

Nicola Pisano's

In the Creation of Adam, Michelangelo fashioned the conception of God after ____.

Olympian deities

In Raphael's Stanza della Segnatura, he reconciled the philosophies and teachings of Plato and Aristotle. Which of the following have also been reconciled?

Paganism and Christianity

In raphaels stanza Della segnatura, he reconciled the philosophies and teachings of Plato and Aristotle which of the following have also been reconciled?

Paganism and christianity

The dome Bramante designed for Saint Peter's in Rome would have resembled which of the following?

Pantheon, Rome

The dome Bramante designed for St Peter's in Rome would have resembled which of the following?

Pantheon, Rome

The dome Bramante designed for St. Peter's in Rome would have resembled which of the following?

Pantheon, Rome

Which of Brunelleschi's buildings comes the closest to the centralized plan so loved by Renaissance architects?

Pazzi Chapel

____ was one of the first Renaissance buildings conceived as a central-plan structure.

Pazzi Chapel

Who was Raphael's teacher?


____ influenced Raphael's perspective system in his Marriage of the Virgin.


Which artist that did a series of six paintings showing seasonal charges

Peter Bruegel

Which artist that did a series of six paintings showing seasonal changes?

Pieter Bruegel

Which of the following artists traveled to Italy yet chose not to incorporate classical elements into his work?

Pieter Bruegel

____ was the leading Roman painter at the end of the 13th century.

Pietro Cavallini

Which city was at its height of political and economic power when it employed the talents of the sculptor Nicola Pisano?


Which city was at its height of political and economical power when it employed sculptor Nicola Pisano?


Which of the following cities established itself as a major shipping power?


Titians altarpiece, the madonna of the pesaro family, differed from High renaissance compositions in central Italy in the

Placement of the figures on a steep diagonal

Which of the following artists departed from the rule of frontality that dominated sculpture since the Middle Ages?


Increasingly in portraiture, artists of the High Renaissance paid particular attention to the subject's personality and psychic state. This could also be said to describe the portraiture of which of the following artists?


In Pieter Aertsen's meat still-life, the artist has created what appears to be a descriptive genre scene, a butchers shop displaying its products as well as fish and pretzels. This work has embedded within it which of the following

Religious references

"Europe is waking out of a long, deep sleep...time was when learning was only found in the religious orders ... learning has passed to secular princes and peers." This quotation best describes the


The decline of Florence at the end of the fifteenth century is related to the rise of


The major center for artistic development in the High Renaissance was ____.


The major center for artistic development in the high renaissance was


The major center of art production in the High Renaissance was: Bologna Florence Parma Rome


Which of the following cities was considered the rightful capital of the Roman Catholic Church?


In Martin Schongauer's engraving he created distinctions of tonal values and textures. He distinguished between skin and cloth, feather and fur. Which of the following is the title of Martin Schongauer's engraving?

Saint Anthony Tormented by Demons

Which of the following is the title of Martin Schongauer's engraving?

Saint Anthony Tormented by Demons

Which of the following individuals denounced humanist philosophy?


​____ was the Dominican monk who denounced the secular humanism of the Medici and others.


Which of the following accounts for the decline in the role Florence played in the support of the arts at the end of the 15th century?

Savonarola's brief span of power

Who commissioned the Arena Chapel?


Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry like many Books of Hours contains a calendar. This section of this manuscript in particular depicts which of the following?

Seasonal Tasks

Emerging capitalism led to urban prosperity. This prosperity led to a growing interest in which of the following art types?

Secular Portraits

Which of the following artists was most interested in depicting the human body in violent action?


The artist ____ was instrumental in creating the International Gothic style.

Simone Martini

What anamorphic symbol appears in Holbein's The French Ambassadors?


El Escorial is in which country?


The duke of Bavaria, Wilhelm IV, engaged the invading Turks in a battle for supremacy. Which of the following works of art would be the most likely commission of Wilhelm IV?

The Battle of Issus

The most devastating natural disaster in Europe during the late 1300s was which of the following?

The Black Death

The most devastating natural disaster in Europe that broke out in the 1340s was ____.

The Black Death

Paul III convened the Council of Trent in 1545. It was part of which of the following?

The Counter-Reformation

Pope Paul III convened the Council of Trent in 1545. It was part of which of the following? The Counter-Reformation The League of Cambrai The Hanseatic League The Hundred Years War

The Counter-Reformation

The Renaissance was partly inspired by the Crusades because:

The Crusades promoted new trade, widening the span of culture and knowledge through all of Europe

Jan van Eyck's Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride contains many symbols. Which of the following is an allusion to God?

The Mirror

Ghiberti's competitive panel for the baptistery doors of the Florence Cathedral shows classical references that reflect influences of humanism. Which of the following is a classical reference seen on Ghiberti's panel?

The Naked figure of Isaac

Giotto's Enthroned Madonna reflected the new trend toward naturalism and classical modeling of the figures. Which of the following describes this new trend?

The Virgin is solid and has mass

What is the definition of Humanism?

The belief that humanity has great potential

Which of the following sculptural conventions did michelangelo use for the figure of Moses in order to create an expression of awful wrath

The bukgimg muscles and swollen veins of the figure

Leonardo's style fully emerges in the cartoon, Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and the Infant Saint John. Which of the following describes this work?

The cartoon is ordered with pictorial logic and visual unity

The Sistine Chapel ceiling represents which of the following themes? The chronology of Christianity The history of the papacy The history of Julius II The chronology of the early Christian church in Rome

The chronology of Christianity

The Sistine ceiling represents which of the following themes?

The chronology of Christianity

The Sistine ceiling represents which of the following themes?

The chronology of chrisitianity

Jan van Eyck's Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife contains many symbols. Which of the following is an allusion to fidelity?

The dog

Which of the following describes Ghiberti's use of the Medieval narrative method in his Baptistery panel?

The figures in varying degrees of projection and postures, move gracefully through a convincing stage space.

What did the humanist cult of fame emphasize?

The importance of creative individuals

What element did Duccio bring to the Maestà?

The modeled Figures

Ghiberti's competitive panel for the baptistery doors of the Florence Cathedral shows classical references that reflect influences of humanism. Which of the following is a classical reference seen on Ghiberti's panel?

The naked figure of Isaac

How did Michelangelo's David become a political statement?

The placement of fugure near the west door of the palazzo della signoria

In the money changer and his wife by Quentin Massys, the artist has given us an image of a professional man transacting business. Massys has provided insight into which of the following

The secular life of the netherlands

In Perugino's Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to Saint Peter, the artist has reminded the viewer of the link among Constantine, Saint Peter, and the basilica of Saint Peter. Which of the following is the vehicle used as that reminder?

The triumphal arches in the background

​How did Masaccio create a sense of bulk for his figures in the Tribute Money?

Through modeling with a specific light source outside the picture

Which painter created dynamic compositions, often by means of swirling clouds and fitful light


Who was the Venetian painter who created dynamic compositions, often by means of swirling clouds and fitful light?


After Bellini's death in 1516, ____ became the official painter of the Republic of Venice.


His remarkable sense of color and his ability to convey light through color emerge in the altarpiece, Assumption of the Virgin. Who was this artist?


His remarkable sense of color and his ability to convey light through color emerge in the altarpiece, assumption of the virgin, who was the artist?


The duke of Mantua commissioned the frescoes of the Camera degli Sposi from Mantegna for which of the following purposes?

To create a visual expression of his authority

Which of the following is a medieval element depicted on the pulpit for the Baptistery of Pisa Cathedral?

Trilobed arches

Titian, Venus of Urbino

Venetian Painting, Oil on canvas

Duccio's work occupies the very center of the sanctuary and must be splendid and rich in conveying its precious message. Which of the following works does this describe?

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints (Maestà)

How has Michelangelo portrayed David?

With stern watchfulness before the battle

How has michaeanelgo portrayed David?

With stern watchfulness before the battle

Which of the following is a manifestation of the commitment to private prayer?

a Book of Hours

Which of the following was the function of Or San Michele?

a guild church

In his representation of Pope Leo X, Raphael portrayed him as: an artist and a philosopher a man of learning and a collector a Franciscan monk a warrior and head of state

a man of learning and a collector

In 1401 an important competition was held to determine the design of the Baptistery doors for the Cathedral of Florence. Even at this early date Renaissance traits were evident. Which of the following is one of those traits?

a new pictorial illusionism

What anamorphic symbol appears in Holbein's The French Ambassodors? a skeleton a crucifix a skull a seal of Henry VIII

a skull

One factor that enabled the Renaissance to flourish in Northern Italy was that the region had

a wealthy class that invested in the arts

In Masaccio's Trinity, he embodies two principal Renaissance interests. One is realism based on observation. Which of the following is the other?

a. It is the application of mathematics to pictorial organization of perspective.

Which of the following was the most prominent patron of fifteenth-century Florentine art?

a. Medici family

In Perugino's Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to St. Peter, the artist has reminded the viewer of the link between Constantine, St. Peter, and the basilica of St. Peter. Which of the following is the vehicle used as the reminder?

a. the triumphal arches in the background

How do the works of Giorgione exemplify Poesia? the atmosphere is depicted as hazy and smoky the lighting is enigmatic all of these the bodies are fluid and softly modeled

all of these

Leonardo's Mona Lisa uses which of the following techniques? atmospheric perspective all of these chiaroscuro sfumato

all of these

Which of the following themes became popular in the Protestant art of the North during the 16th century? all of these genre scenes landscape portraiture

all of these

The term Accadian landscape, as seen in Bellini's Feast of the Gods, refers to ____.

an idyllic place

In Europe, a major characteristic of humanism was a(n)

appreciation for the basic worth of individual achievement

What best characterizes the Protestant opinion about religious art? art should communicate the human drama and suffering of Christ art should inspire awe and wonder in the believer art should connect to the viewer's emotions art should be a tool for understanding the bible

art should be a tool for understanding the bible

Based on what we know from Leonardo's numerous preparatory sketches of The Last Supper, he sought to depict his figures: as unified in their repsonses as individualized all of these as rageful

as individualized

In Masaccio's Trinity, the vanishing point can be found at which of the following?

at the foot of the Cross

n Masaccio's Trinity, the vanishing point can be found at which of the following?

at the foot of the Cross

The development of linear perspective is generally credited to ___.

b. Brunelleschi

Which Italainan city played the most important role in the development of Renaissance ideas and art forms in the early fifteenth century?

b. Florence

Which of the following artist was the winner of the famous competition for the bronze doors of the Florence Baptistery?

b. Ghiberti

In Masaccio's Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden Adam's feet clearly come into contact with the ground. Which of the following is the interpretation for this?

b. it marks the human presence on the earth

Renaissance men's view of educated women was that they should

be allowed to add a social touch to the household, but otherwise remain subservient to men

In El Greco's View of Toledo, the artist departed from Renaissance painters by not painting ____.

buildings in detail

In Durer's Melacholia I, the __________ is an optimistic detail, suggesting that the artist can create despite depressive episodes. burst of light on the horizon hourglass bat holding a banner tools of the artist and builder

burst of light on the horizon

In Dürer's Melencolia I, the ____ is an optimistic note suggesting that the artist can overcome depression.

burst of light on the horizon

In Masaccio's Trinity there is a coffered barrel-vault reminiscent of which of the following?

c. A Roman triumphal arch

Which of the following was the Dominican painter-friar who combined elements of the new style of art with traditional religious devotional works that did not conflict with the content of the works?

c. Fra Angelico

Which of Brunelleschi's buildings comes the closest to the centralized plan so loved by Renaissance architects?

c. Pazzi Chapel

Which of the following artists departed from the rule of frontality that dominated sculpture since the Middle Ages?

c. Pollaiuolo

Which of the following individuals denounced humanist philosophy?

c. Savonarola

Which of the following accounts for the decline in the role Florence played in the support of the arts at the end of the 15th century?

c. Savonarola's brief span of power

By ____ Donatello revolutionized relief sculpture in his image of Saint George Slaying the Dragon.

c. creating an atmospheric effect using incised lines

The style of Ghiberti can be characterized as a rhythmic, unified system for depicting space. He is further credited with which of the following?

c. realism in characterization, movement, and surface detail

Which of the following describes the style of Fra Angelico?

c. simple and direct

Ghiberti's competitive panel for the Baptistery doors of the Florence Cathedral shows classical references that reflect influences of humanism. Which of the following is a classical reference seen on Ghiberti's panel?

c. the naked figure of Isaac

Commissioned by the Sienese government, Ambrogio Lorenzetti's frescoes for the Palazzo Pubblico address the ____.

civic concerns of the Sienese

The work of Giovanni Pisano as seen in his pulpit for Sant'Andrea, Pistoia, shows a nervous energy and emotion not found in the work of his father. It can be said that the work of Giovanni shows an interest in which of the following?

classical antiquity

Titian's Meeting of Bacchus and Ariadne was likely inspired by___________. the tradition of romance poetry scholastic philosophy the sermons of Savonarola classical art

classical art

Titian's Meeting of Bacchus and Ariadne was most likely inspired by ____.

classical art

"Renaissance" means rebirth. Which of the following was a revived interest during this time?

classical culture

Who sculpted the Well of Moses?

claus sluter

Venetian painters relied more on ______ than on drawn design plans to structure their work. chiaroscuro color form line


The Northern Renaissance differed from the Italian Renaissance in that the former was a

combination of best aspects of antiquity and Christianity

Which statement best describes a characteristic of the Renaissance in Europe?

creativity in the arts was encouraged

The Classical principle of contrapposto, or weight shift, was reintroduced into Western art by the sculptor ___.

d. Donatello

The setting for Pietro Lorenzetti's Birth of the Virgin, which was a ____, represented an advance in worldly realism.

detailed interior of an upper-class house

Brunelleschi was renowned for

developing a system of linear perspective and designing the dome over Florence Cathedral

What are paneled altarpieces called?

diptych (2panels), tritych (3panels)

Saints Anthony and Sebastian appear in Grünewald's Isenheim Altarpiece because of their association with ____.

disease and miraculous cures

The ____ were the most powerful northern European rulers during much of the 15th century.

dukes of Burgundy

Who were the most powerful rulers and art patrons of the 15th century in northern Europe?

dukes of burgundy

Aerial Perspective

effect the atmosphere has on the appearance of an object as it is viewed from a distance

Dirk Bouts's The Justice of Emperor Otto III was among the first Northern European paintings to ______

employ the principles of linear perspective

What is meant by "hidden symbols" in works like the "Merode Altarpiece"

everyday objects you wouldn't see-religious iconology

In Ghiberti's Isaac and His Sons, the artist's study of ancient art is especially apparent in the ____.

figure of Rebecca

One of Giotto's innovations that moved away from the Italo-Byzantine style was the introduction of ____.

figures seen from the back

In Money-Changer and His Wife by Quentin Massys, the artist warns that ____ are a distraction from religious life.

financial transactions

In Money-Changer and His Wife by Quentin Massys, the artist warns that _______ are a distraction from religion. beauty and physical appearance fine garments financial transactions scientific experiments

financial transactions

The early Renaissance humanists in Italy would have been MOST interested in

finding an old Greek manuscript

The ____ of Duccio's figures from the Maestà was/were derived from Byzantine art.

formality and symmetry

The Renaissance in western Europe is best described as a period marked by

great intellectual and artistic creativity

Sluter's sculptural works can be characterized as ____.

having little physical movement or weight shift

In what ways was the artist Durer similar to Leonardo da Vinci? he was an organized professional who completed his commissions on time he published his writings he committed himself to specializing in one media he maintained that empirical observation was key to successful art

he maintained that empirical observation was key to successful art

Why is Saint Anthony prominently featured in the Isenheim Altarpiece?

his association with diseases and miraculous cures

What make the Man in a Red Turban so realistic?

his facial expressions

Nanni di Banco achieved a unified spatial composition by placing the figures ____ and in relation to one another.

in a semicircle

What was one ideal of Renaissance humanism?

investigating areas of interest and fulfilling one's potential

Hugo van der Goes's Portinari Altarpiece is characterized by which of the following?

its rich colors and a somber mood

In the Middle Ages, art

lacked background, depth, and human emotion

In Grünewald's Isenheim Altarpiece, the artist has used specific references, saints and symbols to depict pain, suffering, and salvation and redemption. Which of the following symbols can be interpreted to mean the Son of God?


What are confraternities?

lay people dedicated to strict religious observance

Confraternities are ____ who dedicated themselves to strict religious observance.


Which geographic factor contributed to the rise of the Renaissance in Italian city-states?

location near the coast of the Mediterranean Sea

The imagery of the Triumph of Death served as a warning against ____.

lust and greed

In his representation of Pope Leo X, Raphael did not portray him as head of state, but rather as a ____.

man of learning and a collector

The personal tastes of the court of Francis I ran to the elegant, erotic, and unorthodox. Which of the following styles would most appeal to this king and his court?


Who painted the altarpiece for the Chartreuse de Champmol?

melchior broederlam

In Dürer's print of the Fall of Man, the idealization of Adam and Eve is tempered by the ____ of the background.


In Martin Schongauer's engraving he created distinctions of tonal values and textures. He distinguished between skin and cloth, feather and fur. In what medium did Schongauer work?

oil paint

How would you know if you came across a unicorn?

one horn, always white, only go to virgins

Jan van Eyck's Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride contains many symbols. Which of the following is an allusion to the presence of God?

one lit candle

Renaissance architecture can be characterized by

open, light, and airy interiors

In the treatment of space and narrative, Ghiberti's Isaac and his Sons recall ____.

painting techniques

Visible in his David, rather than concentrating his efforts on ideal beauty, the artist Michelangelo focused on ____.

pent-up emotion

Which of the following developed in 15th century Italy but fully matured in 16th century Italy?

perspectival systems

Titian's altarpiece, the Madonna of the Pesaro Family, differed from High Renaissance compositions in central Italy in the ____.

placement of the figures on a steep diagonal

Titian's altarpiece, the Madonna of the Pesaro Family, differed from High Renaissance compositions in central Italy in the __________. the gesturing of figures towards the viewer the symmetrical arrangement of figures placement of the figures on a steep diagonal creation of a dark darkground

placement of the figures on a steep diagonal

Which art form grew in popularity partially because of its ability to memorialize the sitter?


Which of the following describes the Medieval narrative method?

presenting several episodes in a single frame

Which of the following describes the medieval narrative method?

presenting several episodes in a single frame

The style of Ghiberti can be characterized as a rhythmic unified system for depicting space. He is further credited with which of the following?

realism in characterization, movement, and surface detail

The style of Ghiberti can be characterized as a rhythmic, unified system for depicting space. He is further credited with which of the following?

realism in characterization, movement, and surface detail

The frontality, stiff poses, and lack of modeling as seen in Berlinghieri's Saint Francis Altarpiece can be said to be which of the following?

reflects the "new" Italo-Byzantine style

In Pieter Aertsen's Meat Still-Life, the artist has created what appears to be a descriptive genre scene, a butcher's shop displaying its products, as well as fish and pretzels. This work also has embedded within it which of the following?

religious references

Although it is diverse, the Mannerist style is characterized by a series of artistic techniques intended to: mimic precisely the appearance of the natural world reveal the artifice by which they were produced maintain the traditions of the High Renaissance communicate rational space on a 2D picture plane

reveal the artifice by which they were produced

In the calendar pages of Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry scenes of courtly life alternate with ____.

seasonal tasks

In the calendar pages of Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry scenes of courtly life alternate with ____.

seasonal tasks

In the calendar pages of Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, scenes of courtly life alternate with ____.

seasonal tasks

The style of Fra Angelico can be described as

simple and direct

Which of the following describes the style of Fra Angelico?

simple and direct

What anamorphic symbol appears in Holbein's French Ambassadors?


A major difference between Northern and Italian Humanism is that Northern Humanism stressed

social reform based on Christian ideals

What did Giotto incorporate into his work at the Arena Chapel?

stage-like settings

Elements of Giotto's new style that appear in the Madonna Enthroned include ____.

statuesque figures that cast shadows

The Battle of Issus, which depicts the battle that took place between Alexander the Great and the Persians, was selected as a subject by Wilhelm IV because it reflected his endeavors to ____.

stop Muslim expansion

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the Renaissance?

strong anti-Christian sentiment

The Battle of Issus may be a reference to the contemporary ____.

struggle against the Turks

n Masaccio's Trinity, he embodies two principal Renaissance interests. One is realism based on observation. Which of the following is the other?

t is the application of mathematics to pictorial organization of perspective.

What is known about the figures in the Double Portrait of a Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife?

that they are rich because of the clothing and setting

What event is credited w/ perhaps ending the careers of the Lorenzetti, Pietro and Ambrogio?

the Black Death

Which of the following was the most devastating disaster in Europe during the late 1300's?

the Black Death

Paul III convened the Council of Trent in 1545. It was part of which of the following?

the Counter-Reformation

Spain in the sixteenth century supported which of the following?

the Counter-Reformation

An example of an artist(s) associated with the International Gothic Style of painting would be

the Limbourg Brothers

Each of the following were beliefs held by Protestant Reformers EXCEPT: the bible was the vehicle for salvation the Pope was the ultimate authority over God's word the bible was the ultimate authority of God's word the Catholic Church was more interested in earthly wealth than spiritual salvation

the Pope was the ultimate authority over God's word

Art thrived in Northern Europe during that the 15th century. Two developments were of special significance:

the adoption of oil-based pigments as the leading medium for painting and the blossoming at printmaking as a major art form.

In his Self-Portrait, Durer's hand position may be a reference to ____.

the artist's hand as a creative instrument

In his Self-Portrait, Durer's hand position may be a reference to: his superiority over Italian artists the artist's hand as a creative instrument Protestant beliefs the Crucifixion

the artist's hand as a creative instrument

What made the Limbourg Brothers famous?

the book, tres riches heures

The Italian admiration for classical art resurfaced at ____.

the court of Frederick II

What work was used to establish the characteristics of Rogier van der Weyden's art?

the deposition

European society during the Renaissance differed from European society during the Middle Ages in that during the Renaissance

the emphasis on individual worth increased

Michelangelo deviated from earlier representations of David in his rendering by portraying_________. David watching Goliath die the moment of vistory the aftermath of battle the encounter before the battle

the encounter before the battle

Michelangelo deviated from earlier representations of David in his rendition by portraying ____.

the encounter before the battle

Simone Martini's rendition of Annunciation may have been inspired by ____.

the etiquette of chivalric courts

Andrea Pisano's south doors for Florence's baptistery were commissioned by ____.

the guild of wool importers

What did the humanist cult of fame emphasize?

the importance of creative individuals

In the 16th century, Spain supported which of the following? Martin Luther the interests of the Catholic Church John Calvin The Anabaptists

the interests of the Catholic Church

What did the guilds protect?

the members' economic interest

Jan van Eyck's Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride contains many symbols. Which of the following is an allusion to God?

the mirror

What element did Duccio bring to the Maesta?

the modeled figures

Ghiberti's competitive panel for the Baptistery doors of the Florence Cathedral shows classical references that reflect influences of humanism. Which of the following is a classical reference seen on Ghiberti's panel?

the naked figure of Isaac

Ghiberti's competitive panel shows classical references that indeed reflect the influences of humanism. Which of the following is a classical reference seen on Ghiberti's panel?

the naked figure of Isaac

In the Money Changer and His Wife by Quentin Massys, the artist has given us an image of a professional man transacting business. Massys has provided insight into which of the following?

the secular life of the Netherlands

Jan van Eyck's Arnolfini Wedding Portrait contains many symbols. Which of the following is an allusion of holy ground?

the shoes

In Perugino's Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to St. Peter, the artist has reminded the viewer of the link between Constantine, St. Peter, and the basilica of St. Peter. Which of the following is the vehicle used as that reminder?

the triumphal arches in the background

n Perugino's Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to St. Peter, the artist has reminded the viewer of the link between Constantine, St. Peter, and the basilica of St. Peter. Which of the following is the vehicle used as that reminder?

the triumphal arches in the background

The Triumph of Death is a powerful depiction of death and the folly of pleasure and the inevitability of death. The Dominicans, an order committed to a life of poverty, participated in the design of this work. Based on this which of the following groups would be portrayed in a negative light?

the young Aristocrats

The Triumph of Death is a powerful depiction of death and the folly of pleasure and the inevitability of death. The Dominicans, an order committed to a life of poverty, participated in the design of his work. Based on this which of the following groups would be portrayed in a neg. light?

the young aristocrats

How did Masaccio create a sense of bulk for his figures in the Tribute Money?

through modeling with a specific light source outside the picture

What was the goal of the Counter-Reformation? to reestablish the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Church to protest and reform the corruption of the Catholic Church to counter the influence of Savonarola in Florence to reestablish the dominance of the Medici family

to reestablish the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Church


treatment of light and shades in paintings

Which of the following is a medieval element depicted on the pulpit for the baptistery of Pisa Cathedral?

trefoil (triple-curved) arches

Which of the following is a medieval element depicted on the pulpit for the Baptistery of Pisa Cathedral?

trilobed arches

In Perugino's Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to St. Peter, the artist has reminded the viewer of the link between Constantine, St. Peter, and the basilica of St. Peter. Which of the following is the vehicle used as that reminder? It was the

triumphal arches in the background

Michelangelo went beyond self-contained statues in his David by ____.

turning his head

Name a well-known tapestry series

unicorn tapestry or hunt of the unicorn

Which of the following was characteristic of the work of Simone Martini?

use of elegant flowing contour

In his Assumption of the Virgin, Titian used ____ to create intensity and drama.

vibrant color

The cleaning of Michelangelo's Sistine ceiling initially shocked art historians because it revealed ____.

vivid colors

What are the characteristics of the International Gothic style?

vivid colors, microscopic detail with nature

What were the skills of Martin Schongauer?

was a printmaker and a painter

What is intaglio?

when you take a sharp tool and carve on to a metal plate, ink would fill into the incisions

What debate was had between Leonardo and Michelangelo? whether Plato or Aristotle was superior whether Florence or Rome was superior whether painting or sculpture was the superior media whether Catholicism or Protestantism was superior

whether painting or sculpture was the superior media

The culture of the Renaissance was

widely spread and practiced by a broad middle class

In his sculpture of David, Michelangelo depicted the figure: as idealized and emotionally neutral with delicate hands and facial features with intense emotionalism with pent-up emotion and tension

with pent-up emotion and tension

Donatello was commissioned to create five statues for the bell tower (Campanile) of Florence Cathedral. How did he design these figures in relation to the height factor?

with subtly calculated distortions

What were the primary printmaking techniques in the 15th century?

woodcuts and engravings on metal- intaglio and relief printing

Jean Clouet presented Francis I as a ____.

worldly leader

Di Sotto in su

worm's eye view (looking up from like a basement)

​____ took a fundamental step forward in his representation of Saint Mark by the contrapposto pose.


In 1401, Ghiberti's entry won the competition for the design of the baptistery doors for the Florence Cathedral partially based stylistically on its ____.

​new spatial illusionism

The House of Valois was an important patrons of the arts during the late 14th and early 15th centuries. Which of the following were this families best known benefactors?

(Charles II and Charles V)

Robert Campin's Salting Madonna illustrates which prominent theological concept of the Virgin Mary?

(She can be the mother to the motherless.) or She is the closest intercessor to God for humanity.

Which of the following does the Well of Moses, created by Claus Sluter, illustrate about Late Medieval church traditions?

(liturgy) or Mystery plays

Which of the following influenced Degas in his technique of using spatial projections and off-center empty space to create illusion and direct the viewer's attention into the picture?

-18th century Japanese woodblock prints

Encouraged to create art that would express the cultural history of his race, _________________ incorporated motifs from African sculpture into compositions painted.

-Aaron Douglas

The lawsuit ________________ brought in 1506 against an Italian artist for copying his prints reveals his business acumen.

-Albert Duer

Which of the following artists created large-scale, kinetic sculptures?

-Alexander Calder

He was an early successful career as a commercial artist and illustrator grounded in the sensibility and visual rhetoric of advertising and the mass media.

-Andy Warhol

__________ was an assemblage of works by leading American artist and an impressive array of Europeans.

-Armory Show

The Chrysler Building by William van Alen has elements from which of the following styles?

-Art Deco

Her paintings, such as Marilyn, were not simply technical exercises in recording objects in minute detail but were also conceptual inquiries into the nature of photography.

-Audrey Flack

________________ impacted later generations of sculptors even though many of his works are either unfinished or were deliberate fragments.

-Auguste Rodin

Even thought the ________________ only lasted 15 years its director, Gropius concepts that "form follows function", "less is more" and his emphasis on simplicity .


A comparison of Tintoretto's The Last Supper with Leonardo's The Last Supper will show the dramatic changes that had taken place in both art and the concept of art over almost a century. Which is a example of these changes?

-Both works have diagonals that lead toward a single horizon point and are balanced by strong horizontals and verticals in the architecture and figural groupings, lending a feeling of Classical stability and predictability.

How did Caravaggio create a dynamic composition in Conversion of Saint Paul?

-Caravaggio used a perspective and a chiaroscuro intended to bring viewers as close as possible to the scene's space and action, almost as if they were participants. The low horizon line augments the sense of inclusion. -Caravaggio's figures are still heroic with powerful bodies and clearly delineated contours in the Renaissance tradition, but the stark and dramatic contrast of light and dark, called tenebrism obscures the more traditional aspects of his style.

Which of these statements is true about the artist Paul Cezanne and his work Still Life with Basket of Apples?

-Cezanne drastically collapsed space; all the imagery is forced to the picture plane. -One in which he tried to capture the structures of natural forms, be it landscapes, still life, or portraits. -Though it is still conceptually coherent it is not optically realistic. -He focused equally upon solid forms and the spaces between them

No matter how abstract they appear the sculptures of ___________ are rooted in the figure.

-Constantin Brancusi

______________ was the first artist ever known to have staged a private exhibition of his own work. His __________________ and the statement he issued to explain the paintings shown there amounted to the ___________ movement's manifesto.

-Courbet; Pavilion of Realism; Realist

In a spirit of rebellion and disillusionment during World War I a group of artist established the ______ movement.


The Classical principle of contrapposto, or weight shift, was reintroduced into Western art by the sculptor ____.

-Donatello in Saint Mark

Who photographed the rural poor displaced by the Great Depression in the 1930s?

-Dorothea Lange

A generalized theme of overwhelming loneliness and reverberating isolation of modern life the modern metropolitan cities of the United States were used by this artist to show the despair of indifference.

-Edward Hooper

Painted in the aftermath of World War II, this intentionally revolting image of a powerful figure presiding over a slaughter is the artist indictment of the monstrous nature of humanity and a reflection of war's butchery.

-Francis Bacon, Painting

Her work is often described as autobiographical because of her unflinching self-portrait portrayals.

-Frida Kahlo

Which artists criticized the greed and capitalism that served as the root of war in works such as The Eclipse of the Sun?


What is significant about Nanni di Banco's Four Crowned Saints?

-He created a unified composition not tied to the niche or the architecture.

Georges Seurat differed from the Impressionist painters in which of the following ways?

-His concern for the emotional qualities of color, which he depicted using broad, passionate brush strokes.

The terms gestural abstraction and Action Painting are most appropriately applied to the work of ___________________.

-Jackson Pollock

The soaring clusters of concrete shells of _______________ opera house on an immense platform in Sydney's harbor suggest both the buoyancy of seabird wings and the billowing sails of tall ships.

-Joern Utzon's

In this large work, feminist _________________ used traditional female craft techniques to honor famous women of the past.

-Judy Chicago

_______________ chromatic abstractionist paintings—consisting of hazy rectangles of pure color hovering..........

-Mark Rothko's

The work Guernica by ________ was a mural executed in 1937 for the Pavilion of the Spanish Republic at the Paris International Exposition.

-Pablo Picasso

______________ was a pivotal work of art in the development of Analytic Cubism with its extreme faceting of form, the use of multiple views, and the collapsing of space.

-Pablo Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

The theme of a mother mourning over her dead child comes from images of the _______ in Christian art.


_________________ used the visual vocabulary of the comic strip, with its dark black outlines and unmodulated color areas.............

-Roy Lichtenstein

_______________ is a mammoth coil of black basalt, limestone, and earth extending into Great Salt Lake.

-Spiral Jetty

What features mark this work as High Renaissance? Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper

-The orthogonal converge on Christ's head, which is also framed by the light of the window and the curved pediment. -Leonardo groups the Apostles dramatically and has them react to Christ's announcement that one of them would betray him. -By the placement of Judas on the same side as Christ and the other Disciples

Which of the following works demonstrates the Futurists' interest in motion?

-Umberto Boccioni's Unique Forms of Continuity in Space

Which of the following describes the Portland Building located in Portland, Oregon?

-an enlarged jukebox

Bernini combined the arts of ________________ to archive the desired theatrical effect in the sculptural group The Ecstasy of St. Theresa for the chapel.

-architecture, sculpture, and painting

In the 14th century Europe as it was in the time of the pilgrimage churches of the Romanesque period all civil pride lay in the__________.

-city's cathedral/ false

An 1862 court case provided the answer: Photography was an art, and photographs were entitled _______________.

-copyright protection

By ____ Donatello revolutionized relief sculpture in his image of Saint George Slaying the Dragon.

-creating an atmospheric effect using incised lines

Monet's intensive study of the phenomena of light and color is especially evident in several series of paintings he made of the same subject. Monet's Rouen Cathedral is a series that observed the same viewpoint during which of the following?

-different times of the day or under various climatic conditions

When did the center of the Western art world shift from Europe to the United States?

-during the 1960s

Both plan and elevation conform to a ___________ that embodies the rationality of classical architecture.


This __________________ color scheme unifies the diverse parts of pieces such as Tropical Garden II and creates a mysterious field............


The often arbitrarily cut-off figures, the patterns of light splotches, and the blurriness of the images in this and other Degas works indicate the artist's interest in reproducing single moments. They also reveal his fascination with__________________.


The painting A Philosopher Giving a Lecture at the Orrery, by Joseph Wright of Derby, reflects the Enlightenment by its _________________.

-subject matter

Which of the following is a classical reference seen on Ghiberti's panel?

-the naked figure of Isaac

Describe the significance of Francis I as an art patron.

1) Francis favored Mannerism. 2) He hired three Italian Mannerists to create artworks for his pleasure and for decoration. 3) He enticed Leonardo da Vinci to come to France.

What stylistic influences are apparent in the work of El Greco?

1) He blended Late Byzantine, Venetian art, and Italian Mannerist elements. 2) He created a deeply emotional fervor evocative of Spain.

Why is Dürer compared to Leonardo? How is he different?

1) Like Leonardo, Dürer wrote theoretical treatises on a variety of subjects. 2) Like Leonardo, he maintained that careful observation was essential for any artist and his endeavor. 3) Unlike Leonardo, however, he published his writings and he finished his projects and commissions.

What effect did Protestant views have on the appearance of their churches?

1) There was an attempt to curb interior decorative programs of Protestant churches. 2) Protestant leadership felt images would distract the worshiper from direct communication with God, which was the sole purpose for their presence in church.

How were witches portrayed in the art of Hans Baldung Grien?

1) Witches are shown nude. 2) They are shown as both hags and seductresses. 3) They gather around a jar with the concoction escaping.

The Hundred Years' War took place between France and England during which years?


Which of the following works represented the beginning of the process of separating architectural sculpture from its architectural setting or niche?

13th century statues, West Front, Reims Cathedral


A Greco-Roman mythological prophetess

In Masaccio's Trinity there is a coffered barrel-vault reminiscent of which of the following?

A Roman triumphal arch

In Masaccio's Trinity, there is a coffered barrel-vault reminiscent of which of the following?

A Roman triumphal arch

In Leonardo's Last Supper, the curved pediment above the head of Christ represents which of the following?

A halo


A home in the country


A painted or sculpted representation of the Virgin Mary mourning over the body of the dead Christ

High Renaissance

A period of the Renaissance dominated by three artists; Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo

Which of the following was one of the favorite compositional devices of painters of the high renaissance

A pyramid

How did Masaccio create a sense of bulk for his figures in the Tribute Money?

A specific light source outside the picture


A style of later Renaissance art that emphasized "artifice", often involving contrived imagery not derived directly from nature. Such artworks showed a self-conscious stylization involving complexity, caprice, fantasy, and polish.Architecture of this style tended to flout the classical rules of order, stability, and symmetry, sometimes to the point of parody

The Merode Altarpiece: the Annunciation with Donors and St. Joseph, is a work from northern Europe and the early Renaissance believed to be by Robert Campin. Which of these statements is true about this work? a. In this piece we see the integration of religious and secular concerns. We have the biblical scene of the Annunciation tacking place in a Flemish home. b. This work is a historical biblical painting in which the figures are placed in contemporary dress, usually the dress from the time period and culture of the artist. c. This work is full of symbolism, such as the vase of lilies is a symbol for Mary's purity. d. There is not symbolic significance in this work and it is just a rendering of a typical Flemish family in the family dwellings. e. This painting has a historical biblical theme in which the owners or patrons of the work are depicted, but who could not have been alive at the time of the event. Donor portraits became very popular in the 15th century. f. The artist of Flanders are known for their supreme realism and this artist shows a meticulous rendering of details and in this work he has played attention to the precise replication of objects.


The formality, stiff poses, and lack of modeling as seen in Berlinghieri's Saint Francis Altarpiece can be said to be which of the following?

A. Fundamentally medieval

Which of the following cities was considered the rightful capital of the Roman Catholic Church?

A. Rome

In Ghiberti's Isaac and his Sons from the east doors of the Baptistery, he arranged the figures in front of grandiose architecture. Which of the following architects stated, "the grandeur of the architecture reflects the dignity of the events shown in the foreground"?


Which of the following architects wrote influential treatises on painting and architecture?


n Ghiberti's Isaac and his Sons from the east doors of the Baptistery, he arranged the figures in front of grandiose architecture. Which of the following architects stated, "the grandeur of the architecture reflects the dignity of the events shown in the foreground"?


Who created Knight, Death, and the Devil?

Albrecht Dürer

The following phrase from Revelations, "pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb" is depicted in which of the following?

Altar of the Lamb from the Ghent Altarpiece

The politics of the Italian city states were turbulent & violent. Governments were overthrown & reinstated. The sienese gov. commissioned a series of frescoes offering a new view, the need for a fair and just administration. The artist of note for this series is which of the following?

Ambrogio Lorenzetti

The politics of the Italian city-states were turbulent and violent. Governments were overthrown and reinstated. The Sienese government commissioned a series of frescoes offering a new view, the need for a fair and just administration. The artist of note for this series is which of the following?

Ambrogio Lorenzetti

Although tied to International Gothic style conventions, among the naturalistic details found in the Adoration of the Magi are ____.

Animals seen in different perspectives

The International Style illustrated rich color, intricate patterns, and weightless figures. Which of the following works depicts this style?


Who is the architect for the cathedral of Florence?

Arnolfo di Cambio

In Masaccio's Trinity the vanishing point can be found at which of the following?

At the foot of the cross

In contrast to his father, Giovanni Pisano worked in a style derived from ?

B. French Gothic art

The Italian admiration for classical art resurfaced at?

B. the court of Frederick II

Which of the following is a manifestation of the commitment to private prayer?

Book of Hours

The depiction of different months from ____ influenced Bruegel's Hunters in the Snow.

Books of Hours

____ contributed to the decentralization of religious practice.

Books of Hours

Bruegal's Netherlandish Proverbs is reminiscent of the unconventional scenes by the artist: Bosch Mantegna Giovanni Bellini Jan van Eyck


Bruegel's Netherlandish Proverbs is reminiscent of the topsy-turvy scenes by ____.


In bruegels Netherlandish proverbs the artist has depicted the Netherlandish obesssion with proverbs. The scene is busy with a topsy turvy multiplicity of figures and activities. It is reminiscent which of the following artists


Masaccio's Expulsion from the Garden of Eden and Tribute Money were placed in a private chapel owned by which of the following families?


One of the most important trading cities of 15th-century Netherlands was ____.


One of the most important trading cities of fifteenth-century Netherlands was ____.


Which city derived its wealth from banking and the wool trade?


Which city derived its wealth from the wool trade and then expanded into banking?


The development of linear perspective is generally credited to ____.


In Leonardo's Last Supper, how did the artist break with traditional iconography? by excluding Judas By placing Judas on the same side as Christ and the other disciples By including the Virgin seated at the table By including Mary Magdalene in the role of servant

By placing Judas on the same side as Christ and the other disciples

In Leonardo's Last Supper, how did the artist break with traditional iconography?

By the placement of Judas on the same side as Christ and the other Disciples

In Leonardo's Last Supper, how did the artist break with traditional iconography?

By the placement of Judas on the same side as Christ and the other disciples

How did Leonardo break traditional iconography in the last supper

By the placement of judas on the same side as christ and the other disciples

The frontality, stiff poses, and lack of modeling as seen in Berlinghieri's Saint Francis Altarpiece reveals the ____ roots of his style.


Which city was at its height of political and economic power when it employed the sculptor Nicola Pisano?

C. Pisa

Elements of Giotto's new style that appear in the Madonna Enthroned include ?

C. statuesque figures that cast shadows

Which of the following would support the argument that the Well of Moses created by Claus Sluter did not actually spout water?

Carthusian commitment to silence would preclude any sound-making device.

The first known northern European self-portrait by a woman is purportedly by which of the following?

Caterina van Hemessen

The first known self-portrait produced by a woman is which of the following? Levina Teerlinc Lavinia Fontana Caterina van Hemessen Judith Leyster

Caterina van Hemessen

The Roman fresco tradition can best be seen in the work of which of the following artists?


Which of the following was Philip the Bold of Burgundy's grandest artistic enterprise?

Chartreuse de Champmol

Which of the following was a dynastic symbol of Burgundian power?

Chartreuse de Champmol

The interior program of the Arena Chapel presents which of the following pictorial cycles?

Christian Redemption

Raphael's School of Athens reconciles the ideas of Plato and Aristotle as well as: Christianity and Humanism Catholicism and Protestantism Julius II and Lorenzo de'Medici Rome and Florence

Christianity and Humanism

Titians meeting of bacchus and Ariadne was most likely inspired by

Classical art

The word Renaissance means rebirth. Which of the following was a revived interest during this time?

Classical culture

Which artist created sculptures for Chartreuse de Champmol?

Claus Sluter

Which of the following characterizes Grünewald's Isenheim Altarpiece?

Correct It is an exacting rendering of anguish

In his diary Albrecht Dürer described Joachim Patinir as a good ____.

Correct landscape artist

Which artist painted groups of soaring figures on the dome of Parma cathedral that seemed to ascend through rings of cloud into the sky itself


The artist of the Assumption in Parma's Cathedral, ____ greatest contribution was illusionistic ceiling perspective paintings.


Who is the architect for the cathedral of Florence?

D. Arnolfo di Cambio

The most devastating natural disaster in Europe that broke out in the 1340s was ?

D. Black Death

Which of the following cities established itself as a major shipping power?

D. Pisa

Which of the following is a medieval element depicted on the pulpit for the baptistery of Pisa Cathedral?

D. Trefoil (triple-curved) arches

Which of the following episode from Christ's life was NOT included in Jan van Eyck's Ghent Altarpiece?


The Classical principle of contrapposto, or weight shift, was reintroduced into Western art by the sculptor ____.


____ are portraits of individuals that accompany religious scenes and became very popular in the 15th century.

Donor portraits

Who most strongly influenced the art of Pietro Lorenzetti?


Who created knight death and devil


Who said "Depart not from nature according to your fancy, imagining to find aught better by yourself?"


Based on this which of the following would describe Leonardo's conceptualization of the figures from his Last Supper?

Each figure was individualized

In Leonardo's Last Supper, the numerous preparatory sketches and studies he made for the work indicate how carefully he thought about this work as a complete entity representing the entire story and its theme. Based on this which of the following would describe Leonardo's conceptualization of the figures from his Last Supper?

Each figure was individualized

In Leonardo's Last Supper, the numerous preparatory sketches and studies he made for the work indicate how carefully he thought about this work as a complete entity representing the entire story and its theme. Based on this which of the following would describe Leonardo's conceptualization of the figures from his Last Supper?

Each figure was individualized.

The Hundred Years War involved primarily which two kingdoms?

England and France

The Hundred Years War primarily involved which two kingdoms?

England and France

Titian's Venus of Urbino is significant because it was the last time an artist sought to depict a reclining female nude. True False


Who commissioned the Tempietto?

Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain

Who commissioned the tempietto

Ferdinand and isabella of spain

In the 15th century, the Dukes of Burgundy wielded power over which of the following counties?


In the 15th century, the dukes of Burgundy wielded power over which of the following counties?


Hans Holbein, a master portraitist, combines realism with monumental composition and sculpturesque form. Which of the following traditions does this describe?

Flemish and Italian

Hans Holbein a master portraitist combines realism with monumental composition and sculpturesque form. Which of the following traditions does this describe

Flemish and italian

Historian Giovanni Villani wrote in the 14th century that this city was "the daughter and creature of Rome," suggesting a preeminence inherited from the Roman Empire. Which of the following city-states does this phrase describe?


This historian, Giovanni Villani, wrote in the 14th century that this city was, "the daughter and creature of Rome" suggesting a preeminence inherited from the Roman Empire. Which of the following city-states does this phrase describe?


Which Italian city played the most important role in the development of Renaissance ideas and art forms in the early fifteenth century?


Which of the following was the Dominican painter-friar who combined elements of the new style of art with traditional religious devotional works that did not conflict with the content of the works?

Fra Angelico

In 1305, the College of Cardinals elected a pope from which of the following countries?


The College of Cardinals in 1305 elected a pope from which of the following countries?


Which two entities divided the Burgundian territories after the death of Charles the Bold?

France and the Holy Roman Empire

In the 16th-century power was focused on the king. This monarch made a concerted effort to elevate his country's cultural profile by inviting esteemed Italian artists to his court. Who was this monarch?

Francis I

Which of the following is the monastic order that influenced art through its stress on nature and the primacy of personal experience?



French "rebirth". The term used to describe the history, culture, and art of the 14th through 16th century western Europe during which artists conciously revived the classical style

A familiar feature in French Gothic art, the loosely curved folds of the female saints in Duccio's Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints (Maestà) is a feature of ____ art.

French Gothic

In contrast to his father, Giovanni Pisano worked in a style derived from ____.

French Gothic art

The frontality, stiff poses, and lack of modeling as seen in Berlinghieri's Saint Francis Altarpiece can be said to be which of the following?

Fundamentally Medieval

The 15th-century Italian artist whose work showed the most influence of the International style was ____.

Gentile da Fabriano

The fifteenth-century Italian artist whose work showed the most influence of the International style was ____.

Gentile da Fabriano

Which painting by Jan van Eyck has a prominent section of grisaille?

Ghent Altarpiece

Which of the following artist was the winner of the famous competition for the Bronze doors of the Florence Baptistery?


Which of the following artists actively collected Classical sculpture?


Which of the following artists was the winner of the famous competition for the bronze doors of the Florence Baptistery?


Which of the following artists was the winner of the famous competition for the bronze doors of the Florence baptistery?


The Roman fresco tradition can best be seen in the work of which of the following artists?


This artist projected on a flat surface the illusion of space. He also projected the illusion of solid bodies moving though that space. This description describes which of the following artists?


What artist restored the naturalistic approach to painting as practiced in Antiquity, inaugurated a method of pictorial expression based on observation, and revealed nature and its visible order?


Whose work is best characterized by the use of solid volumes resting firmly on the flat and horizontal surface of this earth?


____ sought to reconcile the illusion of a weighty three-dimensional body and the illusion of space to contain it.



Goddess of love and beauty

In Riemenschneider's Assumption of the Virgin, the artist had successfully incorporated which of the following elements?

Gothic intricacy

In the ____, a band of Calvinists destroyed art works in Catholic churches in the Netherlands.

Great Iconoclasm

In the _________, a band of Calvinists destroyed works of art in Catholic churches in the Netherlands. Counter-Reformation the Thirty Years War Saint Anthony's Fire Great Iconoclasm

Great Iconoclasm

The destruction of images in German cities that occurred in the 1520s is known as the

Great Iconoclasm

The destruction of images in German cities that occurred in the 1520s is known as the ____.

Great Iconoclasm

The robust and monumental figures of the Virgin and Child in Leonardo's Madonna and Child with Saint Anne and the Infant Saint John are reminiscent of ____.

Greek pedimental sculpture

Which of the following artists excelled in portraiture?

Hans Holbein

Which of the following artists specialized in portraiture?

Hans Holbein

Which of the following artists specialized in images of the Madonna?

Hans Memling

How does Gentile da Fabriano reconcile the Adoration of the Magi with the current trends in Florentine Renaissance art?

He depicted animals from a variety of angles and foreshortened their forms convincingly.

Why is Saint Anthony prominently featured in the isenheim altarpiece

His association with diseases and miraculous cures

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