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What interactions exist between a bee and a flower?


What interactions exist between a lion pride and a hyena pack if they utilize the same food sources?


What is the estimated frequency of allele A in the gene pool?


What proportion of the population is probably heterogeneous (Aa) for this trait?


Assuming Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, What is the vaule of q for this population?


In an isolated pea patch there are 36 purple flowering plants and 64 white flowering plants. Assuming Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, what is the value of q for this population?


Rocky Mountain Juniper and one seeded juniper have overlapping ranges. If pollen grains of the other species, then which of these terms are applicable?

1 and 2

The frequency of individuals born in a population with PKU is q2. There is one PKU birth per 10,000 births. What is the frequency of carriers in this population?


A population of ground squirrels has an annual per capita birth rate of 0.06 and an annual per capita death rate of 0.04. Calculate an estimate of the number of individuals added to (or lost from) a population of 1,000 individuals in one year.

20 individuals added

In July 2008, the U.S. population was approximately 302,000,000. Approximately how many Americans were there in July 2009 if the estimated 2008 growth rate was 0.01?


Given that 36 penguins in this sample had genotype pp, calculate how many penguins in the same are expected to carry at least one allele P.


Which curve best describes survivorship in elephants?


Given a population that contains genetic variation, what is the correct sequence of the following events under the influence of natural selection?

A change occurs in environment Poorly adapted individuals have decreased survivorship Well adapted individuals leave more offspring than do poorly adapted individuals Genetic frequencies within the population change

Which of the following phylogentic trees is most consistent with the results of the study?

ACB (C branches off of A)

A fungus is classified as a heterotroph rather than an autotroph because it

Absorbs food from the environment

This is called.... Even if these groups meet again and manage to mate before diverging to far from one another, the embryo may die during development. This is described as hybrid...

Allopatic; reduced viability

Adaptive radiation

Allows new species to occupy different habitats

Which of the following statements is consistent with the phylogentic tree above?

Amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals share a common ancestor

What is the hardy Weinberg equation?

An assessment of evolution at a particular locus

Plants produce flowers that have only male reproductive organs contain

Anthers and filaments

Most green algae are able to obtain carbon dioxide from an environment and use it to synthesis organic compounds. This activity is an example of

Autotrophic nutrition

Examine the diagram of a hypothetical food web above. The arrows represent the transfer of energy between the various trophic levels. Which letter represents an organism that could be a primary producer?


A biologist studied a population of squirrels for 15 years. During that time the population was never fewer than 30 squirrels and never more than 45. Which inference about this population might be true?

Both A and C could be true

Around a million years ago,the island of Hawaii rose above the sea surface, soon after the evolution of life on this new island have been most strongly influenced by

Bottleneck effect

In the diagram of roots cells shown, in which direction would net flow of water be the greatest as a result of osmosis?

C to B


Can happen whenever any condition for Hardy Weinberg equilibrium are not met

Which of the following statements applies to Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection?

Concluded that dominant alleles were passed from parents to offspring

If some xylem of a young oak tree were destroyed, it would most likely interfere with the trees ability to

Conduct water

A shark and dolphin are an example of which of the following mechanisms?

Convergent evolution

Molecular data indicates that the giant panda is a member of the Ursidae family with bears while the lesser panda is a member of the prycyonidae family with raccoons. Which of the following terms best explains the morphological similiarites between giant panda and lesser pandas?

Convergent evolution

For an evolutionary biologist studying birds, Which of the following is the est way to gauge an individual "fitness"?

Count the number of offspring it produces relative to the average number of offspring in the population

Why do populations grow more slowly as they get closer to their carrying capacity?

Density-dependent factors lead to fewer births and increased mortality.

Which of the following distributions is most likely assuming little migration of people up or down the mountain?

Diagonal going down

Why does a vegetarian leave a smaller ecological footprint than a person who eats meat?

Eating meat is an inefficient way to utilize autotrophic productivity.

Which of the following statements about the potential effects of genetic drift is inaccurate?

Elimination of harmful alleles

The flow of energy in an arctic ecosystem goes through a simple food chain: phytoplankton to zooplankton to fish to seals to polar bears. Which of the following is most correct about this food chain?

Energy transfer is greater from zooplankton to fish than from fish to seals.

Which of the following is not true about estuaries?

Estuaries usually contain no or few producers.

What environment prompts evolution of drug-resistant pathogens?

Excess antibiotics

Which letter indicates the area where carbon dioxide passes out of the leaf


Historically the movement of people on Earth has steadily increased. This has changed the course of human evolution by increasing

Gene flow

In evolution, which driving factor most consistently requires a small population as a precondition for its occurrence?

Genetic drift

An organism was added to a test tube containing water. Which was sealed then placed in sunlight. The graph here shows an increase in oxygen content of the test tubes over a period of time. Which type of organism was most probably added to the test tube?

Green alga

The rise of methicillin resistance MRSA can be considered to be an example of artifical selection because

Humans synthesize methicillin and create environments in which bacteria frequently come into contact with methicillin

Which of the following reproductive types of isolation would be considered a postzygotic barrier?

Hybrid breakdown

A population is accurately defined as having which of the following characteristics?

I only

Which of the following organisms from the food web would be both secondary and tertiary consumers

II and IV

Which of the following conclusions is most consistent with the experiment results in relationship to alleles coding for body size?

If selection for small body size was maintained after generation 25, average body size would continue to decrease

Which of the following would reverse speciation?

Increased gene flow

Which of the following is a true statement concerning genetic variation?

It must be present in a population before natural selection can act upon the population

In a tide pool, 12 species were reduced to 6 after one species was removed. The species removed was likely a(n)

Keystone Species

Which organism is classified as a heterotroph


Which of the following mechanisms can cause increased genetic variation in a population?

Natural Selection

Which of the following examples best represents sympatric speciation?

Origin of a new species around finches that migrated to an island and became reproductive isolated from their ancestors

The diagram represents an opening and its surrounding cells in the epidermis of a green lettuce leaf. During the day which of the following substances diffuses through this opening into the atmosphere as indicated by the arrow?


Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the variation in phenotypes for this trait?

Polygenic inheritance for the trait under investigation

In which population would it be least likely that an accident would significantly alter the frequency of the brown allele?

Population B

Which of the following are important biotic factors that can affect biological communities?

Predation and competition

Which of the following traits do archaeans and bacteria share?

Presents of a plasma membrane

Which of the following statements about evolution is accurate

Prokaryotes evolve faster than eukaryotes

A scientist recently discovered a pond of organisms that is unicellular, contains chloroplast and other membrane bound organelles, and possesses a flagellum. In which kingdom is this organism classified


Which of the following is part of the Hardy Weinberg model?

Random mating

In maple trees, most gaseous waste are

Released into the air through stomates

Which of the following graphs illustrates the growth curve of a small population of birds that has grown to reach a static carrying capacity?

S curve. Bottom left to top right

Assume a flower has all the structures listed below. If these structures were removed in their natural order, from the outside toward the center of the flower, which structure will be removed first?


The diagram above represents a type of evolution. Which of the following conclusions is most consistent with the diagram?

Species Q and R are an example of convergent evolution

What is the dominant structure in the fern?


Most starlings lay four to five eggs. Starlings producing fewer or more than this have reduced fitness. Which of the following terms best describes this situation?

Stabilizing selection

Which of the following situations would most likely lead to the appearance of pesticide resistance stem borers?

Stem borers can easily travel long distance and neighboring farms have used this pesticide for years.

What is the most reasonable conclusion that can be drawn from the fact that frequency of the recessive trait (aa) has not changed over time?

The 2 phenotypes are about equally adaptive under laboratory conditions

Which of the following statements best describes energy in an ecosystem?

The biomass of each trophic level is approximately 90% of the one below it. (10kg of leaves supports 9kg of catepillars)

What is the biological significance of genetic diversity between populations?

The population that is most fit would survive by competitive exclusion.

Entomologist thought that 2 populations of insects were different species. Recent studies suggest that these populations are the same species. Which of the following observations best indicates that the 2 populations of instincts are the same species?

The populations can interbreed in the wild

Two types of frogs belong to the same genus occasionally mate, but the offspring fail to develop and hatch. What is the mechanism for keeping the two frogs species separated?

The postzygotic barrier called hybrid inviability

If the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus experiences a cost for maintaining one or more antibiotic-resistance genes, then what should happen in environments from which antibiotics are missing?

These bacteria should be out completed and replaced by bacteria

Which population is most likely to be subject to the bottleneck effect?

They are all equally likely

What is the function of sporangia?

To produce spores

What is one key difference between transduction and conjugation in bacteria cells?

Transduction involves DNA being incorporated via a virus from one cell to another.

What is one key difference between genetic transformation and transduction in prokaryotes?

Transformation involves the uptake of foreign DNA from the surroundings, whereas transduction involves a virus transferring DNA from one bacterium to another.

Leaves at the top of a giant redwood tree receive water from the

Vascular tissue in the branches, trunk, and roots

The removal of the cuticle from a leaf would most likely result in an increase in the leafs

Water loss

Which statement about natural selection is most correct?

Well adapted individuals leave more offspring, and this contribute more to the gene pool, than poorly adapted individuals.

A species is a member of a group called a population

Whose members have the ability to interbreed and produce viable fertile offspring

Will a population of dusky warblers reach Hardy Weinberg equilibrium?

Yes, average warblers could experience a mutation that results in short supercilium

Name letter "B" from the longitudinal section of the root above.

Zone of differentiation

Which describes a Type II survivorship curve?

a constant death rate over the organism's life span

Species richness increases

as we travel southward from the North Pole to the equator.

Which of the following have unevenly thickened primary walls that support young, growing parts of the plant and provide flexibility?

collenchyma cells

Root hairs, which absorb the water and minerals in the majority of plants, are the extensions of root

epidermal cells.

In the process of evolution, ________ in the life cycle became reduced in size and completely dependent on ________ for nutrients.

gametophyte; sporophyte

Which of the following best shows human efforts to improve environmental sustainability?

increasing our reliance on renewable sources of energy, such as wind

Which is most likely to contribute to density-dependent regulation of populations?

intraspecific competition for nutrients

In two nearby forests, one is an undisturbed old-growth forest and the other has recently been logged. In which forest are species likely to experience exponential growth, and why?

logged, because the disturbed forest affords more resources for increased specific populations to grow

Which tissue is responsible for plant growth?


Dwarf mistletoes are flowering plants that grow on certain forest trees. They obtain nutrients and water from the vascular tissues of the trees. The trees derive no known benefits from the dwarf mistletoes and can be harmed if nutrients and water are scarce in the environment. Which of the following best describes the interactions between dwarf mistletoes and trees?


A student examining leaf cross sections under a microscope finds many tightly packed cells with relatively thick cell walls. The cells have no nucleus and are dead. What type of cells are they?


The cortex in a cross section of a dicot root is located between

the epidermis and endodermis.

During the process of evolution of an angiosperm,

the gametophyte became reduced, smaller, simpler, and short lived.

Carrying capacity is

the maximum population size that a particular environment can support.

In a hypothetical situation, assume that the genes for sex pilus construction and for tetracycline resistance are located together on the same plasmid within a particular bacterium. If this bacterium readily performs conjugation involving a copy of this plasmid, then the result should be

the rapid spread of tetracycline resistance to other bacteria in that habitat.

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