Exam P3 ****Part One***

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A client has a long history of heavy alcohol use. Although he has been sober for three months, he is now exhibiting symptoms of cognitive impairment. It would be MOST important to refer this client to which of the following? A. Inpatient treatment for his addiction B. A residential program for his addiction C. A neurologist D. The Department of Rehabilitation

C. A neurologist

A conflict between trust and mistrust is MOST likely to be apparent in which of the following? A. A 6-month-old who is fearful of a new babysitter. B. A 5-year-old who doesn't want to go to kindergarten. C. An 11-year-old who is afraid of the school bully. D. An adolescent who is afraid of dating.

A. A 6-month-old who is fearful of a new babysitter.

A client has completed her treatment goals and is ready to terminate treatment. During her final session with the social worker, the client abruptly says that she has other problems she wants to work on. What should the social worker do FIRST? A. Acknowledge the anxiety that normally accompanies termination B. Review the new skills the client learned in therapy C. Recontract for additional sessions

A. Acknowledge the anxiety that normally accompanies termination

A social worker has been conducting play therapy with a 6-year-old girl. The girl begins to cry during a session and says she wants to leave because she's scared. What is the social worker's BEST course of action? A. Acknowledge the girl's fear and ask the mother to join them in the playroom for a little while B. Reassure the girl that she will be able to leave when the session has ended C. Redirect the girl by offering her a selection of appealing toys D. Terminate the session and allow the girl to go to her mother

A. Acknowledge the girl's fear and ask the mother to join them in the playroom for a little while

Which of the following is NOT included as an alcohol-related disorder in the DSM-5? A. Alcohol dependence B. Alcohol intoxication C. Alcohol withdrawal D. Alcohol-induced major neurocognitive disorder

A. Alcohol dependence

A couple has sought counseling because they want help improving their relationship. During the first interview, the husband is extremely critical of the wife. What is the social worker's BEST course of action? A. Ask the husband to repeat his remarks, then examine them along with the couple B. Ask the wife how she feels about the husband's destructive style of communication C. Observe the couple for a few more sessions before broaching the topic of the husband's communication style

A. Ask the husband to repeat his remarks, then examine them along with the couple

Which of the following is a true statement about the factors that determine a group's level of cohesiveness? A. Cohesiveness tends to increase when group members participate in setting the group's norms and goals. B. Large groups tend to be more cohesive than small groups. C. The level of cohesiveness tends to be lower when the group members have to depend on one another to achieve their goals.

A. Cohesiveness tends to increase when group members participate in setting the group's norms and goals.

Jellinek's formulation of alcohol addiction is based on which of the following models? A. Disease B. Social learning C. Family systems D. Self-medication

A. Disease

An 85-year-old man has become incoherent, incontinent, and unable to care for himself. His daughters have been caring for him, but his problems have become so great that they are now overwhelmed and unable to meet his needs on their own. A doctor recommends that the man be moved to a nursing home. A day later, in a meeting with a social worker, the daughters agreed to visit several nursing homes that week to determine where they want their father to live. A week later, the social worker finds out that the daughters haven't called or visited any nursing homes. What should the social worker do? A. Explore the daughters' feelings B. Begin the application procedure himself in order to protect the father's welfare C. Remind the daughters that their father may suffer if he doesn't move to a nursing home D. Urge the daughters to begin visiting the nursing homes

A. Explore the daughters' feelings

The client is a 22-year-old man who has sought help because he is distressed over a decision he needs to make. The client, who is Catholic and whose faith is important to him, believes that premarital sex is wrong, but his fiance has been pressuring him to have sex with her. He has explained his beliefs to her, but she disagrees with him and has been trying hard to change his mind. The client says he is now completely confused and afraid that he might be wrong. In addressing the presenting problem in this case, what should the social worker do FIRST? A. Find out whether the client has talked with his priest about this, and if not, encourage him to do so B. Normalize the client's confusion by pointing out that his views are less modern than those of many of his peers C. Explore and discuss with the client the source of his confusion

A. Find out whether the client has talked with his priest about this, and if not, encourage him to do so

A social worker is meeting with a 21-year-old Korean American woman who immigrated to the U.S. four years ago with her family. In the interview, the client reports that she suffers from aches and pains and occasional insomnia. She doesn't describe any other symptoms or disclose information about her personal life or family. She says she has come in only because her doctor told her to. What should the social worker do? A. Focus on the problem brought in by the client and help her develop her own goals for therapy. B. Refer the client to a neuropsychologist for testing. C. Develop a treatment plan with the client. D. Ask the client if she has been feeling depressed

A. Focus on the problem brought in by the client and help her develop her own goals for therapy.

The client is a slightly overweight 30-year-old man who was referred by his doctor. The client's presenting complaint is his recent weight gain. In the first interview, he appears despondent about his appearance and expresses guilt about "destroying" himself by becoming too fat. He says he's been "a loser" for years and blames himself. The doctor has told both the client and the social worker that there is nothing medically wrong with the client. What should the social worker do FIRST? A. Identify and reframe the client's negative self-statements B. Assist the client in meal planning to manage his poor eating habits C. Help the client modify his negative beliefs about himself D. Convey acceptance of the client's perceptions by referring him to a different physician for a second opinion

A. Identify and reframe the client's negative self-statements

A client reports that he is being discriminated against at his job because of a physical disability. From what the client describes, the social worker believes that this allegation is true. As this client's advocate, what should the social worker do NEXT? A. Identify what steps the client wishes to take B. Schedule a meeting with the client's employer, after getting the client's permission C. Arrange to meet with the client and his attorney D. Help the client fight the apparent discrimination

A. Identify what steps the client wishes to take

During a therapy session, a teenage boy says, "My dad left my mom six months ago and we never see him anymore." A few minutes later, the boy says, "I've been feeling like there's something wrong with me lately; like I'm a bad person." After hearing these two statements, the social worker says, "I'm wondering if the reason you've been feeling like you're a bad person is that maybe you believe you caused your dad to leave." What technique has the social worker used? A. Interpretation B. Paraphrasing C. Confrontation D. Reflection of feelings

A. Interpretation

A client in need of case management services immigrated to the United States from Mexico two years ago. He is uncomfortable speaking English and asks the social worker to provide her services in Spanish. The social worker speaks some Spanish but recognizes that her Spanish-language skills may be insufficient for interacting effectively with this client. What should the social worker do? A. Make an appropriate referral B. Offer to bring in a translator with cultural knowledge C. Use a trained paraprofessional who speaks Spanish D. Encourage the client to speak English and use her Spanish-language skills to assist him when he has difficulty communicating with her

A. Make an appropriate referral

Which of the following skills is MOST associated with active listening? A. Reflecting B. Interpreting C. Questioning D. Confronting

A. Reflecting

The client is a middle-aged Hispanic man with a wife and two kids. He seems very anxious in the first interview and reports that he just lost his job. What environmental factors should be emphasized at intake? A. Socioeconomic and interpersonal relationships B. Job skills and interpersonal relationships C. Cultural background and support network

A. Socioeconomic and interpersonal relationships

A social worker discovers that a former client has filed a complaint against him with the state board. The board contacts the social worker asking for his records on this client. What should the social worker do? A. Submit the records B. Claim the privilege C. Get the client's permission before submitting the records D. Submit the records in summary form in an effort to safeguard the client's confidentiality

A. Submit the records

A social work professor has designed a research project regarding the impact of various factors on how students interact with each other during group assignments. He is requiring all his students to participate and has them sign an informed consent document. One student objects to being included in the project and the professor gives him a failing grade because of it. Which of the following statements is MOST true? A. The professor should have given the student an alternate assignment to be graded on a similar scale to participation in the research. B. Because the professor had the students sign an informed consent document, he is justified in giving the student a failing grade. C. The professor may allow the student to drop the class if he is not interested in participating. D. The professor acted unethically by asking his students to participate in the research project.

A. The professor should have given the student an alternate assignment to be graded on a similar scale to participation in the research.

During the initial interview, a client reports a loss of appetite, sleep difficulty, and spells of sadness and weeping. What should the social worker assess SECOND? A. Use of substances B. Suicide potential C. Medical history D. Level of anxiety

A. Use of substances

Benjamin, an 11-year-old, is brought to therapy by his parents because he has been depressed. They say he's always been kind of moody but he's been getting worse lately. When the social worker meets with Benjamin alone, he describes himself as a loser and just worthless. If the social worker used a narrative perspective, she would try to externalize the problem. Which of these statements accomplishes that? A. What does Worthlessness want from you? B. Why do you think you're a loser? C. How long has it been that you've felt worthless? D. It seems like depression has become who you are.

A. What does Worthlessness want from you?

The client is a 36-year-old single woman who reports feeling bored at her job and at a "dead-end" socially. She completed two years of college and sometimes thinks about re-enrolling to complete her degree but "never gets around to it." She says she's in a rut she can't get out of. The social worker decides to use a brief therapy model with this client. The assumptions of this model include all of the following EXCEPT: A a client lacks resources for change and a social worker's key role is to provide skills and knowledge to facilitate change. B. problems are a normal part of life rather than signs of dysfunction or pathology. C. the purpose of therapy is to find solutions rather than meaning or insight. D. a social worker should believe that change is possible and convey this expectation to the client.

A. a client lacks resources for change and a social worker's key role is to provide skills and knowledge to facilitate change.

Many precontact Native American societies were: A. egalitarian. B. matrilineal. C. patrilineal. D. theocratic.

A. egalitarian.

The client is a 12-year-old girl who was injured in an accident one year ago. The girl was paralyzed from the waist down and now uses a wheelchair. Many of the students at her school have been teasing and isolating her in the classroom and on the playground. The focus of the social worker's intervention plan should be on: A. helping the client adapt to and cope with her disability. B. educating the client's parents on how to help her. C. training the client's teachers about issues related to her disability. D. helping the client's teachers educate her classmates about disabilities.

A. helping the client adapt to and cope with her disability.

There are situations in which a social worker is required or permitted to breach confidentiality without authorization. Which of the following is NOT a valid reason to breach confidentiality? A. A client shares a detailed description of her plan and access to carry out her plan that will result in serious harm or death to herself. B. A client reports that his wife plans to kill her boss for not giving her a bonus this year. C. A client shares a desire to kill his wife after learning of her infidelity. D. A client is showing extreme distress and talking of wanting to hurt himself and others but wants the social worker to keep it between them.

B. A client reports that his wife plans to kill her boss for not giving her a bonus this year.

A child with oppositional defiant disorder is LEAST likely to exhibit which of the following? A. Frequent conflicts with his parents B. A high degree of physical aggression toward peers C. Frequently blames others for his mistakes D. Often loses temper

B. A high degree of physical aggression toward peers

The management philosophy of an agency reflects a "Theory Y" approach. Consequently, one would expect to find which of the following in the agency? A. Highly formalized communication channels B.A high degree of self-direction on the part of staff C. The use of pay and bonuses as the primary mechanisms of reward D. Promotion and selection based on technical competence

B. A high degree of self-direction on the part of staff

The social worker has been seeing a young man for several weeks before he admits he thinks he is addicted to alcohol, even though he has been only drinking for a year. In assessing his situation, the social worker will want to advise him about the levels of substance abuse treatment that are available to him in the community. His insurance tells him that he does not qualify for inpatient treatment. If he does not need medical detox, but is not certain that he can get clean on his own, what are his options? A. Outpatient treatment B. AA and partial hospitalization C. Medication-assisted treatment and AA D. Inpatient treatment followed by a referral to a 12-step program

B. AA and partial hospitalization

An 11-month-old baby becomes very upset when his mother leaves the room for a few minutes, but when she returns, refuses to look at her or make eye contact. This MOST likely reflects which of the following? A. Autism spectrum disorder B. An insecure/avoidant attachment pattern C. Separation anxiety D. Reactive attachment disorder

B. An insecure/avoidant attachment pattern

Ted and Alice come to therapy for marital problems. Ted feels that Alice disrespects him because she won't always do what he wants her to do. Alice says that she has a right to make her own decisions and that Ted should take her opinions more into account. They end up fighting about even little things, like who puts away the dishes. How would a strategic therapist view their communication style? A. A healthy symmetrical relationship B. An unhealthy symmetrical relationship C. A healthy complementary relationship D. An unhealthy complementary relationship

B. An unhealthy symmetrical relationship

A social worker is sued by a former client who is alleging that the social worker's therapeutic methods harmed him. The social worker receives a notice informing her of an upcoming deposition that is part of the lawsuit. What should the social worker do? A. Refuse to attend the deposition or to release any information at all until she has a signed waiver from the former client B. Attend the deposition C. Not attend the deposition unless she is subpoenaed

B. Attend the deposition

Which condition is NOT associated with an increased incidence of heart disease? A. Schizophrenia B. Conduct disorder C. Bipolar disorder D. Autism

B. Conduct disorder

A social worker has received a subpoena. What is the first step the social worker should take? A. Claim the privilege on the client's behalf B. Determine if the subpoena is legally valid C. Refuse to comply D. Submit requested information

B. Determine if the subpoena is legally valid

An individual with schizoid personality disorder is MOST likely to display which of the following? A .Eccentric behavior B. Isolation C. Suspiciousness D. Excessive emotionality

B. Isolation

The symptoms of shaken baby syndrome include which of the following? A. Bruising, seizures, drowsiness, vomiting, swollen eyes B. Lethargy, crying, vomiting, loss of appetite, seizures C. Crying, facial swelling, loss of appetite, seizures, apnea D. Lethargy, crying, seizures, bruising, bloodshot eyes

B. Lethargy, crying, vomiting, loss of appetite, seizures

A 30-year-old woman is an inpatient at a psychiatric facility, admitted for evaluation and treatment after attempting suicide during an episode of major depression. As a member of the treatment team, a social worker performs a biopsychosocial assessment of the patient during which she discloses many different concerns. To determine the targets of treatment for this patient, the social worker should do which of the following? A. Meet with the treatment team to discuss the assessment results and identify which problems require treatment at this time B. Meet with the treatment team to review the assessment findings and the patient's priorities C. Meet with the treatment team to present the assessment results and his view of which problems require attention now and which can be set aside until later D. Allow the patient to select the problems she wants to work on

B. Meet with the treatment team to review the assessment findings and the patient's priorities

In individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, which ego function is MOST likely to be disturbed? A. The ability to focus attention B. Object relations C. Stimulus barrier D. The ability to balance abstract and concrete thinking

B. Object relations

Which ethnic group has the lowest rate of teen pregnancies? A. Non-Hispanic Whites B. Pacific Islanders C. Alaska Natives D. African Americans

B. Pacific Islanders

A social worker has been working in short-term individual therapy with a client for four sessions. The client has not made any progress yet. What is the social worker's BEST course of action? A. Discuss with the client his lack of motivation B. Schedule a case consultation C. Allow the client more time to progress D. Terminate treatment and refer the client to another therapist

B. Schedule a case consultation

A social worker is providing group-based social skills training to a group of adolescents. In his effort to maximize the effectiveness of this training, the social worker should be MOST concerned about which of the following? A. Forming a small group B. The group members' active involvement C. Providing clear explanations of the skills

B. The group members' active involvement

The client is a 28-year-old female who has sought services for depression. She discloses that she's been taking sleeping pills every night for months and thinks she might be addicted to them. The social worker encourages the client to stop taking the sleeping pills because she thinks doing so might help her feel better during the day. The client stops taking the pills without seeking medical advice or support, and she experiences a seizure. Which of the following is the MOST significant ethical issue presented in this situation? A. The social worker failed to confer with the client's doctor before advising her about her medication. B. The social worker gave advice on a matter that is outside her scope of competence. C. The social worker failed to inform the client of the risks associated with the recommendation.

B. The social worker gave advice on a matter that is outside her scope of competence.

A social worker begins working with a family on behavioral problems involving the children. Instead of exploring the family's problems in detail, the social worker asks, "When is this problem not a problem?" What is the purpose of this intervention? A. To reframe the situation in a more positive way B. To identify exceptions as a resource for positive change C. To re-author the family's dominant story D. To restructure the family's cognitions

B. To identify exceptions as a resource for positive change

What is the primary role of a school social worker? A. To coordinate special education services B. To link the school, home, and community C. To improve the school's culture and climate D. To deal with student misconduct

B. To link the school, home, and community

Why do social workers perform self-assessments? A. To recognize and correct their mistakes B. To monitor their professional strengths and weaknesses C. To identify countertransference feelings D. To recognize when a client's problem is outside their scope of competence

B. To monitor their professional strengths and weaknesses

The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) would be MOST useful for which of the following purposes? A. Identifying risk and protective factors related to a client's presenting problem B. Tracking a client's progress during the course of therapy C. Identifying the etiology of the client's problems D. Making a differential diagnosis between disorders that have similar symptoms

B. Tracking a client's progress during the course of therapy

The geographic region that is served by a social agency is known as the agency's: A. mission statement. B. catchment area. C. functional community. D. claimed domain.

B. catchment area.

During a session, a client describes a recent blind date he had with a woman whom he found to be very unattractive. He tells the social worker that he left the woman in the restaurant and went home after telling her he was just running out to his car to get his phone. The client, who sought help because he was experiencing work-related stress, tends to be arrogant and has told similar stories several times during his sessions. To display positive regard in this situation, the social worker MUST ______________________. A. accept the client's behavior B. discuss this behavior objectively C. focus on the client's work-related stress D. honestly and openly evaluate this behavior

B. discuss this behavior objectively

Diana is a 34-year-old client who has been diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder. She has a great deal of trouble regulating her emotions and is constantly in turmoil in her personal relationships. The social worker is recommending that she enroll in a clinic that specializes in Dialectical Behavior Therapy for help in learning to manage her out-of-control emotions and interpersonal difficulties. In Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), the core skills of mindfulness are to be able to: A. observe and become aware of thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and behavioral urges. B. observe without judgment, describe by separating the experience from reality, and to participate by being fully present in the moment non-judgmentally. C. being able to inform the wise mind from the logical and emotional minds D. interpersonal effectiveness, emotional regulation, and distress tolerance.

B. observe without judgment, describe by separating the experience from reality, and to participate by being fully present in the moment non-judgmentally.

A social worker is working with a child that has a facial tic. One of the best known treatments for tic disorder is "habit reversal training." This intervention consists of: A. doing the opposite of the tic. B. predicting a tic and replacing it with a competing response. C. reversing the tic. D. taking a habit and replacing it with something new.

B. predicting a tic and replacing it with a competing response.

When using the DSM-5, a child with dyslexia who has not responded to interventions that target his problems with writing would receive a diagnosis of: A. academic skills disorder with impaired reading. B. specific learning disorder with impairment in written expression. C. learning disorder NOS.

B. specific learning disorder with impairment in written expression.

The primary element in determining "vicarious liability" is ____________________. A. the social worker's intentions B. the disparity in training and experience C .the presence or absence of a contract D. whether or not a waiver had been signed

B. the disparity in training and experience

In the Native American family, the person responsible for raising ethical, culturally aware children is typically ______________. A. the father B. the grandmother C. the mother D. the brother of the father

B. the grandmother

A social worker's 43-year-old client discloses that he is attracted to his 8-year-old niece and has been having sexual fantasies about her. The social worker is shocked and deeply disturbed when she hears this, so much so that her reaction (i.e., body language that conveys shock and revulsion) is clearly visible to the client. What should the social worker do about her reaction? A. Avoid drawing any more attention to it and emphasize conveying acceptance of the client as a person B. Gently explain to the client that it would be difficult for anyone to avoid reacting in some way to that disclosure C. Acknowledge it and emphasize that it was a reaction to the client's disclosure and not to the client as a person D. Immediately refocus the interview off of herself and back onto the client, and seek consultation before their next meeting

C. Acknowledge it and emphasize that it was a reaction to the client's disclosure and not to the client as a person

A client who is hospitalized for having a heart attack is referred to a support group for people in her situation. The client is very obese and is very angry at being told that she needs to go on a diet and exercise by the doctors. When the social worker attempts to reason with her about the consequences of her refusal to change her lifestyle and the effects it could have on her health, the client becomes belligerent and says, "Nobody can tell me what I can and cannot do." What would be a way to help this client understand the urgent situation? C. Acknowledge to the client that it is her life and she can ultimately do with it what she wants, but encourage her to process the likely outcomes with continuing her same choices D. Take a paradoxical stance and advise the client to eat even more junk food as soon as she is released

C. Acknowledge to the client that it is her life and she can ultimately do with it what she wants, but encourage her to process the likely outcomes with continuing her same choices

Which substance presents the highest risk of mortality during withdrawal? A. Heroin B. Methamphetamine C. Alcohol D. Antidepressants

C. Alcohol

A hospital social worker meets with a man whose wife was diagnosed with cancer a month ago. The man has been told that his wife's prognosis is very poor. He came to the hospital emergency room tonight complaining of acute pain. The doctors treated his pain with medication and then referred him to the social worker because he couldn't stop crying. The social worker believes that the man is experiencing grief. Specifically, the man is MOST likely experiencing which of the following? A. Anniversary grief B. Acute grief C. Anticipatory grief D. Dual grief

C. Anticipatory grief

A social worker engaged in macro practice helps bring together several groups in his community to discuss relevant issues and work toward achieving a goal. What strategy has he used? A. Networking B. Legislative advocacy C. Coalition building D. Informal co-optation

C. Coalition building

A social worker is working in family therapy with two parents and their teenage children, a girl, age 16, and a boy, age 15. The presenting problem was frequent arguing in the family, and the focus of treatment has been on identifying and altering the family's maladaptive communication patterns. After the family has been in treatment for six weeks, the father suddenly admits to the social worker that he drinks heavily. He manages to go to work and functions fairly well at his job, but he always drinks at night when he gets home, usually enough to become intoxicated. He says that he drinks at home because he can't stand all the fighting. Under these circumstances, what should the social worker do? B. Educate the clients about alcohol addiction and recovery C. Establish a therapeutic contract for abstinence with the family

C. Establish a therapeutic contract for abstinence with the family

A social worker begins working with a young married couple. In the third meeting, the wife suddenly asks the social worker if she has any children. What is the social worker's BEST response? A. No, do you? B. What would it mean to you if I did? C. I'm wondering why you ask? D. I'm sorry, but my personal life really should not concern you.

C. I'm wondering why you ask?

A social worker provides outreach services after a major flood in the community where he lives and works. Soon after the community has recovered, he considers publicizing in the local media the services he provided during this public emergency as a way of promoting his private practice. To behave in an ethical manner, what should the social worker do? A. Garner support for the claims he will make by soliciting testimonials from people he helped B. Make sure that the publicity is objective and does not exploit the people he helped or offer prospective clients any guarantees C. Not publicize his work D. Publicize his work but avoid giving any professional advice when speaking to the media

C. Not publicize his work

A new client has been referred by his psychiatrist. The client complains of depression. He says he's been feeling sluggish and unhappy for months and can't sleep well at night. He adds that he's been spending a lot of time alone because he doesn't feel like being around other people. When the social worker questions him, he denies having any suicidal thoughts, though he does say that he's tired of feeling "so down." What is the BEST way to provide treatment in this case? A. Refer to a psychiatrist for medication B. Arrange for inpatient treatment C. Refer for individual therapy D. Refer to a support group

C. Refer for individual therapy

According to the DSM-5, a person intoxicated on either cannabis or cocaine is likely to exhibit which of the following signs or symptoms? A. Impaired attention B. Psychomotor agitation C. Tachycardia

C. Tachycardia

A 42-year-old woman has been referred to a social worker's agency by a therapist who treated the client for depression about a year ago. The therapist has provided the client's record. The client recently lost her husband in a car accident. She is having difficulty managing her feelings about this and has withdrawn from her family and friends. She doesn't say much when responding to the social worker's initial questions. What would be the reason why the social worker would NOT perform an intake dialogue with this client? A. He is in possession of the client's record. B. He already knows why the client has come in. C. The client turns out to be in crisis. D. The client seems reluctant or unwilling to self-disclose.

C. The client turns out to be in crisis.

What is the model minority myth? A. The idea that Asian Americans are more successful than other ethnic groups. B. Indian and Asian Americans are smarter than other minority groups. C. The cultural expectation that Asian Americans are smarter, more self-reliant, and harder working than other groups. D. Asian Americans are naturally good at math, science, and technology and thus create a model for everyone else.

C. The cultural expectation that Asian Americans are smarter, more self-reliant, and harder working than other groups.

Erikson identifies identity formation as the key psychosocial task during adolescence. At age 17 or 18, this task begins to be replaced by which of the following? A. The need to come to terms with one's limitations B. The need to achieve a higher degree of individuation C. The need to develop interpersonal closeness and solidarity D. The need to be productive and creative

C. The need to develop interpersonal closeness and solidarity

An 11-year-old girl shows up by herself at a community clinic. She requests services from one of the social workers and says she doesn't want her parents to know about it. How could the social worker fulfill this girl's request? A. If the girl is mature enough to participate meaningfully in the treatment B. If the girl is the alleged victim of child abuse C. The social worker cannot treat this girl without consent from a parent or legal guardian

C. The social worker cannot treat this girl without consent from a parent or legal guardian

The social worker is trying to diagnose a new client who meets the criterion for a major depressive episode, but has had the symptoms for three years. What criterion must be completely ruled out for a client to be diagnosed with persistent depressive disorder (PDD)? A. There cannot have been any major depressive episodes in the past two years B. There cannot have been any manic episodes in the past two years C. There has never been a hypomanic or manic episode D. There cannot have been more than one hypomanic episode in the past two years

C. There has never been a hypomanic or manic episode

When asked by the social worker why he has come in, a client says he has low self-esteem and a lack of direction in his life and wants that to change. In the first interview with this man, which of the following should be the social worker's primary objective? A. To identify the goals of treatment B. To understand the problem C. To establish rapport

C. To establish rapport

What is the primary purpose of using self-directed strategies (i.e., self-instruction, self-monitoring, or self-reinforcement) in treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? A. To enable clients to track their own improvement over the course of treatment B. To assist clients to record psychosocial phenomena that affect their symptoms C. To help clients gain more control over their own behavior and rely less on support from others D. To obtain information needed to complete rating scales during assessment

C. To help clients gain more control over their own behavior and rely less on support from others

A child has just entered Kohlberg's "conventional morality" level of moral development. She is MOST likely to follow rules in order to: A. satisfy her own needs. B. avoid censure by a legitimate authority. C. avoid disapproval or dislike by others. D. avoid punishment.

C. avoid disapproval or dislike by others.

Online telemental health services is NOT appropriate for __________________. A. high-functioning individuals B. working with couples C. high-risk individuals D. clients with transportation issues

C. high-risk individuals

With regard to the confidentiality of disclosures made by participants in group therapy, the social worker leading the group should ___________________. A. explain to participants that confidentiality standards do not apply to group therapy B. encourage participants to discuss what they hear in group therapy with others C. seek an agreement from participants to maintain one another's confidentiality D. inform participants that they are legally required to maintain one another's confidentiality

C. seek an agreement from participants to maintain one another's confidentiality

Jane is a 56-year-old woman who is seeking therapy to help her deal with going through menopause. She has noticed many physical changes, such as hair loss, weight gain, and vaginal dryness. In general, however, postmenopausal women do NOT report that: A. an increase in sexual satisfaction due to decreased anxiety over getting pregnant. B. vaginal atrophy may make intercourse uncomfortable. C .the ability to have an orgasm increases with age. D. desire for sex is more apt to occur after arousal.

C. the ability to have an orgasm increases with age.

A social worker begins individual therapy with a woman whose husband abuses her. The client left her home to stay with a relative for a while, but her husband found out where she was and convinced her to come home. The client tells the social worker that she wants to "try again and make things work" with her husband. She admits that she worries about him "snapping" again but adds that he has "been good" since she returned home. When questioned by the social worker, the client says she's come in because she's been having trouble sleeping at night; her doctor prescribed medication to help her sleep and suggested she try therapy. What should the social worker do FIRST in this case? A. Take a psychiatric history to find out if the client has had other symptoms of depression or anxiety C. Work with the client to develop a safety plan that she can use right away if she is threatened

C. Work with the client to develop a safety plan that she can use right away if she is threatened

A social worker has started working with a Mexican American family. After meeting with the family three times at her office, she visits their home to complete her assessment. The mother has prepared a meal and asks the social worker to eat with the family. What is the BEST way for the social worker to respond? A. Remind the clients of the purpose of her visit and decline the invitation B. Decline the invitation and explain the ethical problem C. Decline the invitation with a polite excuse, such as telling the family that she has just eaten D. Accept the invitation to share the meal

D. Accept the invitation to share the meal

A divorced middle-aged client had been juggling work responsibilities with efforts to care for his elderly mother, but he then placed his mom in a nursing home three months ago. In a session with his social worker, the client says, "I should visit my mom more often, but I get so busy with work. I feel bad about that because I know she's lonely and won't be around much longer." In response to this, the social worker says, "You've said several times in our sessions that you think you should spend more time with your mom, but you're not doing it. I can't help but wonder whether the feelings you've described having about moving your mom to the nursing home are making it difficult for you to visit her there. What do you think about that?" What technique has the social worker used? A. Reframing B. Universalization C. Clarification D. Confrontation

D. Confrontation

Don has had a very successful career as a trumpet player in a major orchestra. He has played for over 40 years and is now planning to retire in a few months. What would be the most important thing for him to have a successful retirement? A. Staying in touch with his work friends B. Volunteering to help others C. Keeping active D. Finding a sense of meaning

D. Finding a sense of meaning

A social worker is meeting with a recently divorced man and his 7-year-old daughter. The man was granted sole custody of the girl because his ex-wife emotionally abused and neglected her. He reports that his daughter has been upset lately and seems disoriented at times. She recently stabbed herself in the leg with scissors so deeply that she needed stitches. The man thinks that the behavior was intentional. The man also reports that he lost his job two weeks ago, has few financial resources, and doesn't know what he and his daughter will do. During the interview, the social worker observes that the girl is withdrawn and doesn't respond to questions. Based on this information, what should the social worker do FIRST? D. Get a better understanding of the girl's symptoms by arranging for her to undergo medical and psychiatric evaluations

D. Get a better understanding of the girl's symptoms by arranging for her to undergo medical and psychiatric evaluations

The client is a college student who reports that she suffers from test-taking anxiety. She says she finds school difficult because she has always had trouble concentrating for long periods of time. She says, however, that an IQ test she took during high school indicated that her intelligence is above average and that this may be why she's been able to maintain fairly good grades. The client then changes the subject and begins focusing on her body; she says she spends a lot of time exercising because she doesn't want to get fat. She admits that she's preoccupied with her weight (which appears normal) and that she's "experimented" with self-induced vomiting after eating too much. What should the social worker do FIRST? B. Target underlying depression using cognitive therapy C. Provide training in relaxation techniques D. Get permission to speak with the client's physician

D. Get permission to speak with the client's physician

A family of four comes in for therapy after they discover that the two children (ages 9 and 13) have been caught stealing from the neighbors. The social worker uses Satir's communications approach. What would not be involved in the assessment of these clients? A. The systems symptomatic behavior B. Communication patterns and stances C. The influence of family-of-origin issues D. Identifying the current family schema

D. Identifying the current family schema

A social worker receives a phone call from a person with whom she was intimately involved for a short period of time. The relationship ended in a mutually agreeable way, and now, this person wants to start services with the social worker. In terms of the requirements of NASW's Code of Ethics, which of the following is true? A. It would be ethical to begin services as long as at least two years have passed since the end of the relationship. B. It would be ethical to begin services as long as it is clear that there is no risk for harm or exploitation. C. It would be ethical to begin services as long as the social worker discusses with the client at the outset the potential for conflict of interest, and the risk for harm to the client is minimal. D. It would not be ethical for the social worker to work with this client

D. It would not be ethical for the social worker to work with this client.

A client diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder is MOST likely to rely heavily on which of the following defense mechanisms? A. Projection, displacement, denial B. Isolation, denial, repression C. Somatization, introjection, reaction formation D. Reaction formation, isolation of affect, undoing

D. Reaction formation, isolation of affect, undoing

A school social worker works in a clinic that provides numerous services for adult clients who are on the autism spectrum. Which of the following is the social worker likely doing? A. Sensory integration therapy B. Occupational therapy C. Speech therapy D. Social skills training

D. Social skills training

The social worker is seeing a Native American man. The man speaks often of his clan and refers to his relationship with his brothers. When the social worker tries to clarify how many brothers the man has, the answer is unclear. This exemplifies that in Native American culture: A. roles are determined by kinship, not necessarily by blood. B. women tend to have a very large number of children. C. it is considered intrusive for an outsider to inquire about the family structure. D. roles are determined by relationships, not necessarily by blood.

D. roles are determined by relationships, not necessarily by blood.

A 19 year old who lives with his parents has sought therapy for help getting his life "on track" following a series of job losses and interpersonal failures. The social worker discovers that the client tends to passively resist doing what authority figures ask him to do, to a point where his supervisor at work has threatened to fire him and his parents have asked him to move out. During last week's session, the social worker raised the issue of the client's characteristic response to authority, and he changed the subject without acknowledging what she said. The social worker raises the issue again in the current session, and the client just sits there, silently. What is the social worker's BEST course of action? B. Actively encourage the client to respond to her C. Shift the focus to exploring the client's underlying thoughts and feelings D. Point out the pattern of behavior and help the client explore its effects

D. Point out the pattern of behavior and help the client explore its effects

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