exam3 govt.

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the house and the senate each elect ____ to lead their party efforts in the chamber

party leaders

choosing committee chairs based on which member has the longest continuous tenure on a standing committee is an example of the

seniority system

which of the following terms describes a permanent committee in congress that has a defined legislative jurisdiction

standing committee

the structure of the state court systems is defined by

state law

which of the following are limits on judicial power

the law itself AND the facts of the case

who or what serves as the last or highest source for legal disputes in the us

the supreme court

how does public opinion affect supreme court decisions

the supreme court is less responsive to public AND the court is aware of public opinion

why do justices write concurring opinion

they agree with the courts decision but disagree with some of the legal arguments made by the justices in the majority

why are bureaucrats brought into the policy formulation process

they are often consulted because of their expertise in dealing with societal problems AND they will have to decide how to fill in the program details of a bill that....

put in order the following steps that a bill must pass through in order to become a law

1. a member of the HP or S formally proposed the bill 2. the bill is submitted 3. a majority of members approve the bill 4. the president signs

the federal bureaucracy experienced its greatest expansion during the

1930s under Franklin R.

in order to member of the SENATE a person must be ___ age and ___ citizen

30 years old and 9 years

the cost of running for SENATE rose by more than ____ between 1990 and 2012


compared to the 1980s the cost of running for the HOUSE of representatives has risen by more than ____ in 2010


members of the US house of representatives are re elected in ___ of races


there are ___ federal district courts altogether with at least one court in every state


which of the following statements does not apply to SES

SES personnel receviez special leadership training

amicus curl brides have what impact on the american legal system

they help the court to understand how interested parties feel about the case in questions

which of the following statements about presidential commissions is true

they provide advice to the president

which of the following are ways in which accountability is encouraged within bu...

administrated law judges AND whist blower protections AND SES

federal courts address which two types of laws

administrative AND federal stuturoty

when citizens believe that they have become harmed by a bureaucratic decision they can contest the ruling in front of

an administrative law judge

the supreme court receives most of its cases through which jurisdiction


the supreme court has

appellate AND original

which of the following are activities that typically take place in a party caucus

developing issues AND adopting a single policy message

once the house and senate vote on their budget bills what happens next

differences in house and senate bills are...

how does the public generally feel about congress


most of the bills congress passes are _____ in nature which means they provide....


which type of federal court hears criminal cases

district courts

according to the doctrine of judicial restraint judges should

generally defer to the policy decisions made by elected officials

appellate courts review which aspect of lower court decision

how a lower court applied the law

which of the following is a right of the presidents pro tempore

to preside over the senate in the absence of the vice president

congress is an institution where many interest are represented which is a strength in a diverse nation ...........


members of the house of rep. typically serve on ___ committees while members of the senate serve on ____

two, four

as a result of the increased level of party polarization in the US which candidates face greater risk of losing the primary election

incumbent moderates

the practice in which members of congress agree to vote for a bill in exchange for their colleagues vote on another bill is called


each of the 50 states

maintains its own court system

who helps the speaker set the party legislative agenda in the house

majority leader

in the house, both the fill committee and a subcommittee may j____ or propose changes to a bill

mark up

elections held in the years between presidential elections are called ____ elections


the merit based civil service system requires that workers be skilled in the jobs and willing to serve people of all political parties

neutral competence

which of the following are issued by the supreme court after hearing a case

one or more opinions AND a decision

merit based positions constitute ____ the jobs in the national bureaucracy

a majority of

the framers of the constitution intended that lawmakers _____, something which has become difficult

act in the spirit of compromise

what policy perspective tends to dominate over time among most high ranking bureaucrats who have spent years working in the same agency

agency point of view

which of the following makes a senate challenger more likely to be successful

all 3 EXCEPT having not held elective office previously

the supreme court has

almost complete control in deciding the cases it will hear

in congress, disagreement over national policy usually occurs

along partisan divisions

some ways the president exerts control over the bureaucracy include

appointing particular people to head agencies or departmentsAND issuing executive orders to require ....

which of the following strongly and positively affects a congressional candidates ability to raise money and win an election

bein an incumbent

____ is a proposed legislative act that if passed by both chambers of congress and signed


federal departments are each responsible for one

broad policy area

bureaucrats often have expertise over other govt workers because

bureaucrats have trained and worked in specialized areas

during the policy implementation stage, bureaucrats must

carry out the decisions

when an incumbent personally hips constituents sole problems with the federal bureaucracy it is known as


to plan strategy and resolve policy issues, party members in congress typically meet behind closed doors in a session called a party____


a constituency is compromised of

citizens of the incumbents state or district

to end a filibuster, sixty senators must agree to invoke ____ and end the debate


among the reasons why congress has difficulty taking the lead on broad issues are the facts that

congress has two chambers and they are not always... AND members of congress come from different districts ...

for its estimates on govt spending and revenues, congress relies mainly on what organization

congressional budget office

members of congress usually serve on congressional committees that concentrate on policy areas that affect the members


which of the following circuit courts has jurisdiction over appeals invovoling patents and international trade

court of appeals for the federal circuit

identify the checks on judicial power enjoyed by congress

exercising the authority to confirm super court justiceAND rewriting legislation

a whistleblower in the federal bureaucracy is a person who


under the merit system a civil servant can be fired for

falling to perform his or her job properly

the privilege of incumbents to send mail to their constituencies at the govt expense is known as the ____ prive.


hearings are an effective way for committees to

gather information

in financial terms, a federal agency must prove that its proposed regulation

has benefits that outweigh the costs

which of the following are most likely to persuade the supreme court justices to review a case

if the us govt is a party in the case AND if the legal issue it raises is being handled inconsistently

during the budgetary process, federal agencies follow guidelines that

include limits on the amount of money they can request

_______ typically benefit from gerrymandering ....

incumbents s

what is the purpose of the writ of certiorari

it is an order from a higher court for a lower court to submit ...

when a bill falls into the area in which a committee is authorized to act, that committee is said to have


an example of congress's ___ is when congress passes legislation that creates incentives for the development of alternative energy sources

lawmaking function

statutory laws are created by this branch of govt


the party that controls the rules and has the most powerful leadership position in the house is the


which of the following position in the senate schedules debates on legislation

majority leader

an opinion in a case that is agreed upon by at least five of nine members

majority opinion

the framers of the constitution granted congress the power to ______, the greatest of all powers

make laws

which type of spending obligates the govt to meet social program commitments as long as the program is in existence


which of the following is a major reason why incumbents are reelected

many congressional district and some states are

how many justices can sit on the supreme court


an open seat election is one which

no incumbent is running

the supreme court tends to hear cases

of substantial legal significance

which of the following organizations provides oversight through review of all agency regulations and policy proposals....

office of management and budget

An ____ rule allows members to propose amendments that are relevant to any section of the bill


the authority to be the first court to hear a case is known as

original jurisdiction

ensuring that laws are being administrated by the executive branch int he way intended by congress is an important function of congress known as


a vote where most members of one political party vote one way while most members of the other party vote the other way is categorized as a ____ unity vote


supreme court justices tend to vote according to their personal

political attitudes

the nomination process for the supreme court places high importance on which of the following ...

political philosophy AND legal credentials

the term precedent refers to

previous court rulings on similar cases

under the common law tradition judges should base their decisions on

previous judicial rulings

the process of determining how many house seats each state is allowed as a result of population change since the last census is known as


the trend toward party unity in congress can clearly be seen in voting records of members congress when their votes are officially recorded during a _______ vote

roll call

bureaucrats make policy as they fill in the details necessary to implement legislation through the process of

rule making

which of the following are duties of the speaker of the house

scheduling legislations AND recognizing members who will be allowed to speak on the floor

the speaker of the house has the right to

select the chairperson of the HRC AND speak first AND choose who may speak on the house floor

each federal judge is nominated by the president and is confirmed by the


by tradition if the president fails to consult with the senator from the state where a judicial appointment ....

senatorial courtesy

which of the following refer to the system prior to the 1880s by which bureaucrats were hired

spoils AND patronage

civil servants are prohibited from doing which of the following

striking to get what they want AND negotiating salaries

which of the following are common threats to incumbency

strong challengers AND personal misconduct AND disruptive issues

what occurs after a conference committee reconciles differences int he house and senate versions of a bill

the bill goes back to both chambers for a vote

which of the following statement concerning the constitution and the judiciary is true

the constitution is silent concerning the approach that judges should take

what are characteristics of job specialization in a bureaucracy

the explicit definition of duties for each position AND a precise division of labor within the bureaucracy

what usually is the best indicator of how individual supreme court justices vote on cases in which the court issues a divided decision ?

the justices political backgrounds

which of the following about midterms elections are true

voter turnout is lower than for presidential elections AND the presidents party usually loses seats AND there is less media coverage

alexander hamilton said that of all the branches of govt the supreme court was the


when does a bill become a law

when congress overrides a presidential veto AND when the president signs it

when is congressional oversight exercised vigorously

when members are intending to modify an agency program AND when cambered are annoyed with an agency

both political parties in the house have a _____ who acts as a go between with the leadership and the party members


which of the following best explain why a member of congress is chosen to a party leadership position

ability to successfully promote the partys goals AND demonstrated leadership ability AND ability to work with the other party

the type of law that involves issues such as shoplifting, murder, and rape is known as ______ law


the role of presidential appointees to a federal bureaucracy is to provide

day to day oversight ...

select committees are

designed to address a specific issue or problem

members of congress are attentive to the concert of the constituents because constituents

determine whether or not they stay in office

what is one reason why incumbents have a fundraising advantage over challengers

incumbents have a ready list of potential contributors from past campaigns

bureau tic agencies are at odds with democratic principles because the agencies have

workers who serve permanent terms AND a fixed hierarchy

the merit system of hiring civil servants was instituted because of the need for a

workforce that could serve ever everyone AND skilled workforce

when four supreme court justices agree to request a record of the case form a lower court the court issues a

writ of carts..

the only type of federal court that features two sides presenting a case to a jury for a verdict is

a district court

when people at different levels of an organization have authority over people in lower levels of the organization, it creates

a hierarchical authority

following oral argument the supreme court justices meet in complete privacy and secrecy to discuss and vote on the case...

a judicial conference

why is the rules committee considered one of the most important committees in the house

because it decides the length of debate that will occur on a bill and whether amendments will be allowed

which of the following could be considered personal misconduct that might lead to congressional incumbent losing a bid for reelection

being involved in a sex scandal AND engaging in bribery

which committees in congress are responsible for reviewing the presidents budget and for recommending overall spending and revenue levels

budget committees

congress and the president decide how much money each bureaucratic agency will be authorized to spend in the ___ process


what is the earliest step of the resource allocation process

bureaucrats develop annual budget requests for their agencies

most members of congress are

career politicians who want to stay in congress...

groups in society that benefit directly from a bureaucratic agencies programs and thus usually lobby congress and the president on behalf of the agency are known as a ____


the constitution establishes the supreme court which entity is empowered by the constitution to establish the lower federal courts


as part of the policy formulation process, bureaucrats can bring ideas for potential policies to the

congress AND white house

after 9/11 president bush sought to streamline the intelligence bureaucracy and thus make is more efficient by

consolidating all of the intelligence services under a single director

partisan voting occurs more often when members are voting on____ issues that involve intense partisan differences

domestic policy

the organization of a bureaucracy is structured to achieve maximum


the federal budgetary process begins in the _____ brach,where in consultation ....


most congressional bills survive committee scrutiny and are voted upon by the house and senate


the president submits his budget to congress in april where it will undergo varying degree of change


federal courts usually do not intervene into state court matters unless a ____ issue or law is involves


when members of the senate wish to halt or delay the passage of a bill, a -__ may take place


bureaucratic agencies can benefit rom

focusing on policies a president AND addressing the concerns of voters

the redrawing of congressional boundaries to benefit a political party is


if the majority of the members are the HOR are republicans then every com.....

have a majority of republican members

judges might not be able to use legal precedents if their cases

have significant differences AND fall in between

what unique and vital power does the chief justice enjoy once the supreme court has reaches a decision in a case

he chooses who writes the courts opinions provided he is a member of the majority

when a committee or subcommittee holds a _____ they are trying to gather information


the difference between amendments that can be offered in the house and senate to a bill under consideration is that in the

house amendments must directly relate to a bills contents

pork barrel projects show constituents that their representative

is actively working for them in congress

the written brief in a court case

is an argument by a party to the case as to why its position ...

overall, what effect has the exercise of judicial review had on the balance of power between levels of govt...

it has increased the power of the federal govt AND it has increased the power of the courts by creating new powers

how does the court system hold federal bureaucratic agencies accountable

it reviews the actions of the executive legislative branches to ensure that they are following....

a committee that is composed of members of both chambers of congress is known as a _____


in making their decisions what are the three main sources of law that judges consider

legal precedent AND the constitution AND US statutory law

if congress is displease with a bureaucracy performance or behavior, what are some actions it can take

modify its authority AND cut its budget

when major disruptive issues over incumbents are

more likely to lose

compared with republicans president democratic presidents have appointed _____ to the federal bench

more minorities and more women

in regards pay and benefits, federal employees

receive good fringe benefits such as full health insurance

when congressional district boundaries are redrawn within a state, it is known as


redistricting consists of

redrawing congressional district boundaries within a state

which of the following are tools available to the president to help hold the bureaucracy accountable and to make them more....

reform panels... AND executive orders that force AND initiative such as the NPR

which of the following are functions of congress

representation AND oversight AND lawmaking

members of congress give various interest a voice in the legislative process as part of congress's ____ function


which of the following statements concerning the political orientation of supreme court justices is correct

republican appointees are more likely than democrats

__________ refers to practice where members of congress respond to constituents individual requests for information or a help with a federal benefit

service strategy

incumbents have ____ over challengers

substantial advantages

a clause in legislation that sets an expiration date for the authorized program unless congress reauthorizes it is known as a ____ clause


the emergence of ____ ______ groups that can pour money into a political campaign with few limits, has given challengers a better opportunity.......

super PACs

which of the following are examples of independent agencies

the CIA and the NASA

which act limited civil servants rights to engage in political activity

the Hatch Act

which of the following is not a part of the missouri plan for selecting state level judges

the political parties nominate judicial to run for office

which of the following are example of regulatory agencies

the security and exchange commission AND the environment protection agency

which statement is true regarding decisions made by the us court of appeals

the vast majority ...

how do committees and subcommittees serve to decentralize power in congress

they allow more members to hold leadership positions

how are government corporations similar to private corporations

they are governed by boards of directors AND they charge for their services

which of the following statements about federal employees are true

they are mainly hired though the merit system

which of the following is true of bills that emerge form committee with the full support of the committee members

they are typically passed by and over whelming majority

what are some ways bureaucrats have expertise in their areas

they have scientific, technical or other types of training AND they have spent years working with particular policies

US bureaucrats administer ____ of programs


Full time employees working in the US federal bureaucracy number is in the millions


compared with their percentage of the overall populations of the US women and minorities are ____ in congress


according to the doctrine of judicial activism judges should

use the law in ways that expand the protection of basic rights such as liberty and equality

gerrymandering is

usually legal

if a vote in the senate is tied the

vice president

top paying bureaucratic jobs are most likely to be held by

white men

which of the following statements reflects the agency point of view in federal bureaucracies

workers at one agency hold that the needs of their agency come before the needs of other agencies

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