Examen #2 R and B only

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José Luis Cuevas

"Cortina de cactus" - uncompromising isolation- style in which he lived his life in Mexico Grostesque figures that represented the ingustice of the world through beggars, prostitutes, mentally ill to call attention to the lower class of Mexico city He used his imagination to make obscure figures and to show the corruption of humanity

Jorge Luis Borges

"The most important story teller of the Twentieth century in Latin America", part of the time of Existentialism. Their stories are often cuentos-ensayos in which a idea unusual, daring is developed until the ultimate consequences by the prodigious imagination of the author, or is invested in an ironic game that reveals the radical skepticism of the account.

la Guerra del Pacífico

(1879-1883) guerra entre Perú y Bolivia vs. Chile por las minas de salitre, Chile gana la costa de Bolivia y 2 provincias del sur de Perú, arruina a la economía peruana, la guerra dramatizo los gran desigualdades sociales en Perú

Eduardo Frei (presidente de Chile entre 1964 y 1970)

(presidente de Chile entre 1964 y 1970)- programas reformas sociales cuales aumentaron la intervención del gobierno en la economía (ej. distribuirán 8.6 millones de acres a los campesinos, inició la "chilenización" que ayudó a Chile ser el socio mayoritaria en las minas


-huracán Mitch in Honduras durante el tiempo de presidente Carlos Flores, considerable international help many died and were left homeless

La República

A book that includes a Greek philosopher and has information about the distinction between economics and philosophy. I think that this book includes information about the connection between philosophy and the economy to show the value in the philosophy

la Universidad Técnica del Estado y sus actividades antes del golpe militar

Before the military coup of the State Technical University offers free classes to people who have no money and it was thought that all people in the world need education. similar to a "trade" school. After the coup of the State, the classes for the poor stoped because the Government and ideas in Chile changed much. The Tech University was focused on more liberal arts where as private schools, where only the rich went, was focused on other things

Los Mapuches

Descendientes de la población araucana quienes fueron sometida completamente por los conquistadores, viven segregados en reservaciones situadas al sur del país, son 3% de la población

Oswaldo Guayasamín

Imaginative , Ecuador

Wilfredo Lam

Surrealism; Cuba; the jungle; pain of Spain

Las Provincias Unidas del Centro de América

a federal type-independent nation. But in reality, the provinces want independence. Five republics independent, Guatemala, Honduras, el Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica.

Fernando de Szyszlo


productos de exportación de los países centroamericanos

frutas, café, bananas, algodón, azucar. Manufacturas, artesanías, ropa, textiles, productos electrónicos.

la transformación del sistema universitario en Chile después del golpe

the remedy was the shock treatment: the privatization of the market, the Elimination of social programs, decreases government spending decrease the nationalization of industries and the participation of the State in the economy.

Unión Cívica Radical

A political party made of the new middle class, University professionals and intellectuals who opposed the oligarchy

Diego Portales

Alexander Hamilton de Chile" (1830-1861), estadista que gobernó con mano ferrea, tuvo estilo autoritario, eficiente y aristocrático

una "'economía abierta'"

an economy that eliminates customs barriers and restrictions. Also allows people in the country the opportunity to buy their things in the locations that think are cheap and produce real products for export to other countries for money. In Chile, the private sector increased free market is ironic because there is no real freedom, but for the high class the problem with this model is that there is great inequality between socioeconomic classes, then a free market is not fair, in a divided society.


central America free trade agreement, the United States, countries of central america and to the Dominican Republic, to compete with the low costs of production in the countries of Asia

productos de exportación de Chile

el cobre

los "'descamisados'"

los pobres del país, protegieron por Evita seguidores del peronismo


uses a language simple the love of Cardinal by a woman written to an age young because the says that the expected be a writer famous, remove the love of Claudia, and not alludes to his time as a priest (who does not can have wives)

los "'montoneros'"

wars leftist group that practiced urban terrorism thought democracies were an attempt to conceal Fascist (radical authoritarian nationalism); Perón did not support, but some believe that he did support their actions

Violeta Barrios de Chamorro

widow of a well-known journalist who was murdered by the dictatorship of Somoza. Part of the against, she led the coalition that defeated Daniel Ortega. Had seven years of Administration storm as President, 1990-1997.

la guerra de las Malvinas

A war that lasted ten weeks between Argentina and the U.K about two british islands It was a maneuver to arouse the zeal nationalist of Argentines and distract the political and economic attention of their problems

situación política/económica reciente en Nicaragua

ALBA (Organization Chavez promoting a hostile Alliance to the United States) provides all of the oil that consumes Nicaragua and has become a financial umbrella under which to run the finances of the Sandinista Front.

Frida Kahlo

An artist very significant to Mexican surrealism Wife of Diego Rivera Painted many self portraits Had two accidents in her childhood that effected the rest of her life Themes of pain, physical suffering, and her hopes of motherhood; dreams and the subconscious as well

el llamado "Boom"

An explosion of narrative talent that occurred in Latin America in the 1960's, and is known with the onomatopoeic title of "boom." Product of a lucky coalescenica of factors: in the Decade of 1960 a group of writers Latin American reaches its fullness creative almost simultaneously, producing a list of works of fiction of a quality and originality without preceding in this time. The authors include them Argentine Jorge Luis Borges and Julio Cortázar, and the Mexican Juan Jose Arreola

Sebastián Piñera

An opposition candidate, the conservative and successful entrepreneur turned out triumphant against the candidate nominated by Coalition

The Economist as Preacher

It was a book by George Stigler was published in 1982. This book would be the relevance of the discourse of economists. Also the book thinks about what makes up a society. Friedman was the "preacher" because it provides salvation for the economy of Chile. Also, Friedman tried to convince / persuade the company to change or achieve their goals. To do this, Friedman offered his preaching. According to Friedman, changing the economy can save the people and society.

el modelo de estado entre 1930 y 1970 en Chile

It was a country that has a focus on national development. Also the country create programs for substitution of imports. The State had the role business, Planner, and controller during this time. A focus on domestic industrialization Basically this time the State was very strong and controls many things in society and economy of Chile. Communist / Socialist under the leadership of Allende.

Milton Friedman

North American neoliberal economist; Universidad de Chicago; wanted the market to run freely with little control by the government

11 de septiembre de 1973

The military of Pinochet threw a coup

"El Ojo Silva"

a story with two sides: the eye and the Narrator Narrator retrospectively / metanarrative "the eye" is the window to the world real, with an element photographic, hav seen all your argument: wrong is inherent, society goes to convert is wrong, is inevitable, especially in Latin America. For example, Ciudad Juarez killers, molestaciones, drug trafficking. The destination for civilization is destruction and evil. eye and the Narrator are exiles the eye moves from Chile to Mexico to Paris to India to Berlin cruelty of a violent world and without compassion combination of sadness and joy for our world eye is a homosexual and emigration to Europe maturo its identity as a homosexual because you were not pursued because of their orientation there. But in Latin America, even with other exiles the eye was pursued. real violence that you can not escape refers to the inherent wickedness of man and the world

Rufino Tamayo

contempary muralist of mexico one of the most important painters of Latin America Used nacionlist themes in his art which was not popular in Mexico Was a professor at Dalton School of Art in NY where his art was accepted Figurative painters that inspired him was Braque y Picasso (abstraccionismo y surrealismo) Use of color

programa de "'shock treatment"'

cut spending public, reduced the amount of money in circulation, decreased State regulations on the market and stressed to offer very favorable conditions to foreign investors.

"'gunboat diplomacy"'

de la presidencia de Theodore Roosevelt, manera de política intervención

Ensayo Largo: Las consecuencias, en el área económica, política y cultural en Chile, del discurso de Milton Friedman en Santiago en 1975

economic liberalization, privatization of state-owned companies, and stabilization of inflation. Pinochet's dictatorship made the unpopular economic reorientation possible by repressing opposition to it. economica: privatizacion del mercado, disminución de gastos gubernamentales, atempots disminuir la inflacion, pero al mismo tiempo estableciendo una division fuerte entre las clases como los ricos se convirtieron más ricos Politica: inicialmente debajo del liderazgo de Pinochet (Junta Militar), una dictadura, que hizo cumplir todos los ideales de Friedman al gasto de la gente. Más tarde, resulto en la eleccion de un lider democratico. Cultural: ajuste cultural dramatico, tratamiento de choque, no hay libertad en un mercado libertado

los "'contra"'

military group that was formed and trained by the U.S. (CIA), with the goal of overthrowing them Sandinista

los "'Chicago boys"'

team of economists; That were rather politics that had the advantage of being supported by a regime dictatorial that not allowed expressions of discontent in the population.

la narrativa en América Latina durante esta época (de existencialimso)

Authors create their fictional worlds self-employed subject to their own laws, without importance in which site occurs the action in their stories. it is presented a spatial and temporal dimension open to experiences which only limit is the imagination of the author. In them appears often as fantastic, supernatural, and the absurd (which is counted with complete naturalness by the Narrator). The realism magic.

Edificio Diego Portales

Building where Friedman gave his homily about the economy in Chile. This place was ironically by Friedman speech because it was the building as Pinchot use for its military. Friedman spoke about liberal things but this building was for Socialist things originally and this is the reason why this building is an ironic place for the speech.

Hipólito Yrigoyen

Candidato de unión cívica radical, que era presidente de Argentina en 1916. Su partido tuvo la mala suerte de gobernar en tiempos difíciles: la primera guerra mundial causó graves transtornos en el comercio internacional que prejudicsron a Argentina; el clima de violencia laboral que carateristicó de aquellos años produjo serias huelgas que el gobierno tuvo a veces que sofocar por la fuerza. Yrigoyen mismo cometió el error de aspirar a la reelecion cuando ya sus facultades mentales le fallaban. Fue reelegido en 1928, pero su gobierno no sobrevivió por mucho tiempo a la crisis económica mundial que siguió al crash de wall street en 1929. Al año siguiente, un grupo de oficiales de ejército dio un golpe de estado que le depuso.

Roberto Bolaño

Chilean who moved to Mexico, and then Spain. was exiled, work is marked by the travel, those dreams political defeated, and the rescue of characters marginal is died of cancer pancreatic last novel 2,666, with 5 parts. the esecenario is the world and its destruction

Carlos Mérida

Contemporary painter in Guatemala/ muralist Technical semi-figurative, with trend to those patterns geometric "La raza mestiza de Guatemala" was a mural en Ciudad Guatemala a mixture of European art and latin american art

diferencias entre Costa Rica y los demás países de Centroamérica

Costa Rica did not have a dictoriship government for the majority of siglo XX

Tendencias artísticas de la pintura en México

Decline in nationalist and indeginist influences since 1940 Murals on the buildings of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México- mostly by Jaun O Gorman Integration of architecture and decorative paintings similar to pre-historic paintings

Grupo de Oficiales Unidos

Despues de 3 incompetentes generales en Argentina, la fuerzas armadas cayeron en manos de una nueva camarilla militar, el Grupo de Oficiales Unidos (GOU), compuesta mayormente de coroneles. Y uno de ellos se destaco como lider del grupo: Juan Domingo Peron.

el rol de las humanidades bajo la dictadura en Chile

During the dictatorship, the Humanities did not have a role in society because the dictatorship did not think that the Humanities offer important things to the society. Also the new private universities do not have classes of the humanities.

Ensayo Largo: Cómo se manifiesta el concepto de violencia cultural, social y física tanto en "El Ojo Silva" como en "Machuca"

El Ojo Silva: los derechos de homosexuales, de exilios, de ninos. El mal y violencia son inevitables, son inherente en la corazon del hombre. Machuca: las divisiones socioeconomicas producen violencia, diferencias entre partidos fabrican violencia y golpes

la relación entre los novelistas latinoamericanos y el gobierno de Fidel Castro durante la década de los sesenta

El caso Padilla produjo un cisma ideológico entre los autores del boom, diviendendolos en bandos armargis e irreconciliables.

Néstor Kirchner

El presidente de Argentina 2003-2007 Una enfoque Populista → aumentó el salario mínimo, las pensiones, creó programas para generar empleo La Ruta de Dinero K → una escándalo political; el desfalco de los impuestos para la infraestructura pública; hasta el día hoy no hay bastante evidencia contra los Kirchners para declarar culpables

Cristina Fernández

El presidente de Argentina 2007-2015 Kirchnerismo → populismo de izquierda la defensa de los derechos humanos así que los Kirchners revocaron las inmunidades de los que cometieron las violaciones de los derechos humanos durante la Guerra Sucia; es una causa de la formación de los grupos como Madres/Abuelas de plaza de mayo

Eva Duarte

Esposa de Peron, tenia el rol de "protectora de los pobres de la nacion." La mujer argentina fue beneficiara del ambiente profeminista que creo la popularidad de Evita, quien hizo campana abierta contra tradicional machismo de la socided de su pais. En 1947, las mujeres obtuvieron al fin su derecho al voto.

María Luisa Pacheco

Famous painter, although he lived in New York, his Expressionism remained based in the dry landscape of Bolivia. His work most famous is a series entitled Tiahuanaco

Fernando Botero

Fat figures as a metaphor Colombiano

los sandinistas

Group that overthrew the corrupt regime of the "expansion" in 1979, after his Marxist faction excluded the Government's more moderate members who had joined them to fight against Somoza, and implanted in the Cuban model of Fidel Castro regime. They received help and support from Cuba and the Soviet Union.

El "caso Padilla"

Heberto Padilla era un poeta cubano que se había puesto al servicio de la revolución. En 1968 la Unión de Escritores de Cuba concedió a Padilla un premio por su libro fuera de juego, pero luego los miembros más ortodoxos de la union, encabezados por el poeta Nicolás, trataron sin éxito de considerar la concesión del premio porque el libro contenía partes que se puedan interprearse como una crítica de la regimen de castro. Padilla fue arrestado por la policía secreta de Castro y mantenido en prision durante más de un mes, hasta que accedió a firmar una carta en que se acusaba a sí mismo de una Serie de actitudes y actos contrarevolucionarios. Efectó una confesión pública en la que inculpaba a otros escritores, incluyendo a Lezama Lima.

la política de Richard Nixon hacia el gobierno de Allende

It adopted a policy of harassment to the Chilean regime: alert to U.S. investors about the risks of investing in that country; on the other hand, conducted secret monetary contributions to Chilean newspapers and political parties that are opposed to Allende.

la matriz platónico-iluminista

Plato is defending certain ideas to the masses. they think that all the people have a right to an education. The platonico-iluminista matrix has the idea of equality between the classes in the society and Friedman thinks that there is no space for the ideas of Plato in a society free.

Anastasio "'Tacho"' Somoza

President (dictator) of Nicaragua from 1937 until his murder in 1956. His son, "expansion", came to power after him, from 1967 until 1972, and another time of 1974 until 1979.

María Estela Martínez

President of Argentina 1974-1976 after the death of her husband and former president, Juan Perón the first woman president in the world Benefited from the growing feminist movement with her reign, and she contradicted the traditional "machismo" In 1947, woman got their right to vote


Santiago, Chile 1973 Gonzalo y Peter Machuca el pobre=comunismo el rico=nacionalismo la pelicula muestra una mezcla entre las clases socioeconomicas porque de la amistad entre Gonzalo y Machuca. Pero también, muestra la amenaza de una sociedad hacer cumplir de division entre las clases. la escuela catolica favorece comunismo y la distribucion de beneficios como educación a la clase baja. aun con la inocencia de infancia, divisiones se existen ajuste cultural: pelo corto, educación por el ejercito y no por la religion el golpe de estado de Allende por Pinochet y la Junta Militar

Perón y su relación con el proletariado urbano argentino

Solicito ser nombrado Ministro de Trabajo en el nuevo gobierno, lo que le permitiria realizar su labor de proselitimso entre los trabajadores. Se cumplio con sus promesas a los trabajadores. 1944: doble cartera de Ministro de Trabajo/Ministro de Guerra y meses después el VP del gobierno, 9 de octubre de 1945: fue encarcelado porque había recelos sobre su ascenso, pero solo duró por 8 días, se casó con Eva Duarte (Evita), 1946: presidente

Ensayo Largo: Principales diferencias entre la pintura muralista y nativista y la pintura de vanguardia o surrealista

Surrealism was believed in the existence of another reality and free thought. Captured a world absurd, illogical, where the reason not can dominate to the subconscious. It IS IMAGINATIVE surrealist painters include Frida Kahlo, Wilfredo Lam Kahlo with her self-portraits using elements of dreams the main feature of the avant-garde is freedom of expression would experience with sleep and spiritualism, seeking to find the pure art, not polluted by the awareness. The mural is an artistic movement begun in Mexico at the beginning of the 20TH century, created by a group of intellectual Mexican painters after the Mexican Revolution, reinforced by the great depression and the first world war. the muralists expressed with pride its last indigenous and was raised to the people. It IS FIGURATIVE painters: José Clemente Orozco, Diego Rivera Orozco: March, UNAM murals in the library, reasons indigenous zapatista Rivera: people of the town, activities of ordinary people, workers, collective of all community

la guerra sucia

Terrorism towards the state of Argentina Strong military and Argentine Anti-Communist Alliance killed anyone who was associated with socialism Many members of los montoneros were assassinated

la performance de Milton Friedman

The performance of Friedman was similar to a doctor that gives a prescription to a sick person because Chile is the "sick" country in this situation. Friedman was also a religious person who gives a sermon to people who don't have many options. In this sense Friedman gives a "preaching" to the people of Chile. The performance of Friedman in general create many emotions in the country of Chile because it presents a new economic way with a free market.

Juan Domingo Perón

Un carismatico coronel de 49 anos destinado a ser el protagonista de la nueva era que se abria para la nacion de Argentina, lider del GOU . No fue totalmente fiel a la ortodixia pro-facista de sus companeros del grupo, porque se dio cuenta que habia sectores marginado de la poblacion argentina.

Nicanor Parra

Uno de los dos figuras poéticas que se destacan en el periodo posboom (70s) como dignos sucesores. el otro es el mexicano Octavio Paz.

Michelle Bachelet

a candidate of consensus; She was elected President of Chile in January 2006; What assure the continuity of the regime of center-left that Government to Chile since the fall of the dictator Pinochet.

la Concertación

a coalition of seventeen parties of centre-left that turned out wins in the elections of 1990 and its candidate, the Democrat Patricio Alwyn, was elected President of Chile

la dictadura de Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990)

a dictator unleashed a wave of repression that caused strong protests from numerous organizations for the defense of human rights in the world: thousands of people were killed, tortured or disappeared.

Augusto César Sandino

a legendary general rebel in Nicaragua, assassinated in 1934 by the future dictator Anastasio "Tacho" Somoza. "The sandinista war" name comes from Sandino.

el "León de Tarapacá"

apodo de presidente Arturo Alessandri porque tuvo un impresionante presencia física, el Congreso no lo apoyaron entonces sólo pudo aprobar un Código Laboral para conceder ciertos derechos para obreros y campesinos

"Salmo 5"

based on Psalm 5 in the Bible, used the moral authority of sacred text to denounce injustice the prays to God to save him from the injustice of the dictatorship and violence imposed on society religious narration

"Como latas de cervezas vacías"

belongs to Gethsemani, KY (on his vocation monastic) uses images urban, the speaks of his life previous to the convent uses metaphors and similes urban compare life present to life last for show the step of the time and the banality of his time in the monastery

Ernesto Cardenal

born in Nicaragua support the Cuban revolution and the theology of liberation communism and Catholicism (was a priest) attended the Trappist monastery of Gethsemani in Kentucky participated in the revolution of April against the dictator Somoza

United Fruit Company

compañía norteamericano, mayor símbolo de la dominación económica de los estados unidos. "imperialismo yanqui"

la catástrofe económica de 2001 en Argentina

el desempleo, disturbios (riots), la caída del gobierno, el impago (default) con la deuda (debt) extranjero, el aumento de otras formas de la moneda, y el término del cambio fijo del peso con el dólar en los EE.UU


manufacturing plants established by American companies and other countries to manufacture or assemble products at low cost, taking advantage of the working conditions and low wages in the region

el peronismo

movimiento nacionalista con un visible resentimiento contra el poder de EE.UU, conversión a un país industrializado, mucho apoyo a los trabajadores. social justice, economic independence, and political sovereignty. Peronism can be described as a third position ideology, as it rejects both capitalismand communism. Peronism espouses corporatism and thus aims to mediate tensions between the classes of society, with the state responsible for negotiating compromise in conflicts between managers and workers.

el gobierno de Carlos Saúl Menem

opened the doors to foreigners and foreign investors was against the traditional anti-american thought Pardoned the recent rebels Tried to establish an Argentina peso and lower inflation Made Argentina more attractive to other countries There were many fires on the capital; while Argentina survived it never fully recuperated

"'Banana Republics"

países con plantaciones bananeras.

Cristina Peri Rossi

poet, Narrator, essayist poet that uses metaphor, governed of the feminism, rights of the homosexual, and the fight against the tyranny realism magic born in Montevideo, Uruguay but was exiled to Spain

el existencialismo

proclaim human values as the only thing that could assert itself in an absurd world but at the same time claimed that the human being is a project be destined never to reach its fullness. After the second world war, many embrace the existencialimso, coming from France.

la Fundación Eva Perón

proveyó a las masas argentinas de una red de servicios médicos e instituciones de beneficencias (clínicas, hospitales, orfanatos, dispensarios médicos, etc.) sin precedentes

Daniel Ortega

sandinista president; He was defeated in 1990 by a coalition led by Violeta Barrios de Chamorro.

Salvador Allende

senador socialista que fue el primer presidente marxista chileno, líder de la coalición entre las socialistas y comunistas llamado Unidad Popular. Golpe del estado por Pinochet en 1973, suicidio.

Jorge Rafael Videla

the Commander of the army Argentine during the war dirty (1976-1981) and the President of Argentina the leader of the coup d ' état that deposed Isabel Martinez of Perón

"La navidad de los lagartos"

the well symbolizes the maturation of the child to realize truth waiting for the rain hunting lizards there is magical realism when the child tries to give alligators hunted child from the Virgin, and Virgin do not accept it because the child alone can accept living things there are some similes and metaphors and many descriptions of the heat , of the Sun, of the lizards, of the world that exists in the heat without rain sometimes the faith not works for them people of people wait to the Church for the child. The grandfather waiting for the bottom of the well. The boy hunting lizards and offer them as a gift. Each person has their own way of show or have faith in something. the uinco adultoa protagonist is in the well, which shows the innocence, and need of a reckon paternal / maternal

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