Expansion of The Muslim World unit Quiz study set

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Allahu Akbar

"Allah is most great" or "God is greater than"/ a part of the daily call to prayer sounded from minarets around the world

Why did few early people settle in the Arabian Peninsula?

1. There were few rivers 2. The land was mostly desert. 3. The region receives limited rainfall.

Eid al-Adha

A feast celebrated at the end of the Hajj, both in Mecca and around the world; lasts for four days; a lamb or other animal is sacrificed and distributed to the poor; commemorates Abraham nearly sacrificing his beloved son


A member of the branch of Islam that supports the descendants of Muhammad as his rightful successors--accept only the descendants of Ali as the true rulers of Islam


A scholar of Islamic law

FOCUS QUESTION ANSWER: Who was Muhammad, and where was he from?

According to Islam, Muhammad was the final prophet to bring messages from God. He was born in Mecca.


Arabic word for God

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How were regions of the world affected by the spread of Islam? Specifically, how were the Byzantine and Persian empires affected?

As Islam spread, it brought a distinctive Muslim culture to those regions. Some Muslim leaders forced the non-Muslim people to convert to Islam, and members of other religions were treated harshly. In the Byzantine empire, the Muslim invaders brought military might and expanded the territory as the Ottoman empire. When Islam spread to Persia, the Safavid dynasty brought advances in art and architecture, as well as crafts such as carpet weaving and metalwork. Astronomy and mathematics flourished as well.


Belief in many gods

Identify and describe the five pillars of Islam.

Belief- Muslims must state " there is no God but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God." Pilgrimage- Muslims travel on pilgrimage to Mecca at least once; called the Hajj. Prayer- Five Times Daily Charity- Must give to the needy Fasting- no eating or drinking during certain periods; Ramadan requires fasting between daybreak and sunset


Cube - a Muslim shrine in Mecca toward which Muslims turn to pray

How did Muhammad change the Kaaba?

He turned it into an Islamic holy site.

Why did Muhammad retreat to a cave outside of Mecca?

He wanted to escape corrupt Meccan society.

Identify the effect of Muhammad's death on Islam

In a short time following Muhammad's death, Islam spread from Arabia across southwest Asia and North Africa and into Europe. Today, Islam is one of the world's major religions.

Which of the following was an effect of the fall of the Gupta empire?

India divided into smaller kingdoms.


Islamic judge


Islamic law

Identify the reasons why Islam spread

Like many empires before them, the Sasanians began to lose control of their territory. The king fled to the eastern provinces where he was murdered in 651. The Sasanian empire fell entirely under Arab control. Persia was only one area that would fall under Arab Muslim control starting in the 600s. For centuries, Islam spread through much of the Eastern Hemisphere. And two dynasties—the Umayyads and Abbasids—would be at the center of it all. Muslim control of the land around the Mediterranean allowed merchants to travel safely through the region. All Muslims learned Arabic, making communication easier.


Mongols invade and destroy Baghdad.

Identify and describe the role Muhammad played in the rise of Islam.

Muhammad believed that Meccans had become greedy and corrupt. Muhammad said that the God who sent him messages was the same God who spoke to Abraham, Jesus, and other religious figures of Judaism and Christianity. Muhammad banned worship of the old Gods and rededicated the Kaaba to Islam. It became a place for Muslim pilgrims to visit. He also led the dessert tribes to conquer all of the Arabian Peninsula.

Identify the major events of Muhammad's life.

Muhammad was the final prophet to bring messages to God.


Muhammad's cousin, Ali, becomes the fourth caliph.


Muhammad's migration with his followers from Mecca to Medina


Muslim armies defeat the Sasanian Persian empire.


Muslim prayer leader

FOCUS QUESTION: What do Muslims believe and how do people practice the religion?

Muslims believe in one God and that Muhammad was his prophet. Muslims declare that belief, pray five times daily, give to charity, fast during certain periods, and make the pilgrimage to Mecca, if possible. Muslims live according to the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah, and according to the laws that are part of Sharia.


One that calls Muslim worshippers to prayer

Identify events in the succession of rulers of the Muslim empire

Other powerful empires were in decline. Muslim warriors were highly skilled and believed they were doing God's will.


Rebel forces overthrow the Umayyads and install the Abbasids


Spain becomes an independent Muslim state


The Fifth Pillar of Islam--the Muslim pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca


The First Pillar of Islam-- Belief that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet


The Fourth Pillar of Islam - a fast (held from sunrise to sunset) that is carried out during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar


The Second Pillar of Islam-- Obligatory Prayer 5 times per day - facing Mecca


The Third Pillar of Islam-- Charity to the needy (poor, widows and orphaned )


The Umayyad caliph and the Byzantine emperor agree to jointly rule Cyprus.

Identify the ways in which the environment and geography of the region affected Arabian culture and development.

The huge Arabian Peninsula lies south of modern- day Iraq. It is across the red sea from eastern Africa. Arabian is very dry and receives little rain. Much of it is covered by dessert. It is surrounded by three sides of water. Some coastal areas provided good soil for farming, these conditions heavily impacted where people started settling and how their cultures developed.

Identify the holy texts that shape Islamic teaching.

The main source of Islamic teachings is the Quran. Muslims believe that this holy book is made of God' messages to Muhammad. Islam holds the Muhammad recited these messages to his followers, who later wrote them down. Another key text is the Sunnah. This is a record of Muhammad's traditions- his words and actions. Muslims see the Sunnah as a guide for living a faithful life.

Identify the duties of Muslims to their religion.

There are Five Pillars, or Duties, of Islam that every Muslim is expected to follow. Completing these duties; daily prayer, belief, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage; is a key element of everyday life for Muslims. In addition, Muslims must follow Islamic law, which is called Sharia. Sources for Sharia include The Quran, The Sunnah, and the knowledge of religious scholars.

Compare and contrast Sunni and Shia beliefs

They both believed in, Allah as only God; Quran; Five Pillars of Islam; Imams are divinely inspired religious leaders.

How do Bedouin nomads live?

They move from place to place with their animals

What do Muslims do on a hajj?

They travel to the holy city of Mecca.

Identify and describe how different people were treated in the Arab Muslim empire

They were somewhat tolerant of Jews and Christians. They were less tolerant of Buddhists, Zoroastrians, and Hindus.

What was the goal of the Hijra?

To escape persecution


Turks begin migrating into Muslim lands.1250s

Who brought Islam to India?

Turks from central Asia


a collection of traditions believed by many Muslims to have come from their prophet, Muhammad


a follower of the Islamic faith (means "one who surrendered to God"


a group of related families


a person who adopts new beliefs, especially those of a religious faith


a person who moves from place to place, often in search of water and vegetation


a pilgrimage made by Muslims to their holy city of Mecca


a refusal to do business with an organization


a series of rulers from the same family

Which of the following was one contribution Muslim mathematicians made to today's world?

a widely used system of numerals


accounts of Muhammad's words or actions that are accepted as having authority for Muslims


an Islamic house of worship


an Islamic lifestyle that emphasizes controlling one's desires, giving up worldly attachments, and seeking nearness to God


an Islamic religious group that supported Abu Bakr as the first caliph and now forms a majority of the world's Muslims


an Islamic religious group that supported Ali as the first caliph and now forms a minority of the world's Muslims


an object that is worshipped as a god

Which of the following were common characteristics of Muslim architecture?

arches and domes


believing that there is only one god

Eid al-fitr

end of Ramadan feast, literally, breaking of the fast


message, usually one believed to come from God


person believed to be chosen by God to bring truth to the people


place in the desert where water can be found

What do the Five Pillars of Islam require Muslims to do five times a day?


The mosque and minaret are mostly closely associated with which Pillar of Islam?

praying five times a day


social group that shares a common ancestry, leadership, and traditions


the Jewish scriptures, The Torah is often used to mean the first five books of the Bible

Which is Islam's most sacred text?

the Quran

Which is the name of the Muslim holy book?

the Quran

Mecca ("Makkah")

the city on the Arabian Peninsula where Muhammad founded Islam; the Ka'ba is here.


the example of Muhammad

Which of the following was a significant event in the spread of Islam?

the fall of the Sasanian Persian empire

Hijra (Hegira)

the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina to escape persecution AD 622: regarded as the beginning of the Muslim Era.


the founder of Islam who became a religious and political leader during the Middle Ages


the holy book of Islam


the holy book of the religion of Islam; contains God's words as they were told to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel


the religious faith of Muslims; also the civilization based on the Islamic religion and the group of modern countries where Islam is the main religion

What do Muslims believe that the Sharia describes?

the rules for proper conduct by Muslims


the struggle with internal and external challenges


the title for a ruler of a Muslim country


title meaning "successor" in Arabic; given to leaders of the Muslim community after Muhammad's death

Over which main point did Sunnis and Shias disagree?

who should be Muhammad's successor

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