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During his years as president, Ronald Reagan exhibited all of the following traits except A) a well-informed administrator who knew his policies and programs in great detail B) a vigorous and resilient person who bounced back quickly from disease and injury C) an excellent public speaker who was a master of television D) an overall leader who decided general policy, but stayed out of the day-to-day operations of government E) a spokesman for wealthy and conservative Americans


During the presidential campaign of 1980, Ronald Reagan took advantage of A) all of the answers below B) the spreading tax revolt C) President Carter's uninspired campaigning D) his ability to appear amiable on television E) President Carter's inability to solve the Iran hostage crisis


In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the dominant factor in foreign affairs was A) the ending of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union B) a lessening of the tensions between the United States and China C) a substantial increase in terrorist activity in the world D) renewed diplomatic clashes between the United States and the Soviet Union E) new missile crisis in Eastern Europe


One of the major contributing factors to the rising inflation of the Ford administration during the 1970s was One of the major contributing factors to the rising inflation of the Ford administration during the 1970s was A) dependence on foreign oil supplies B) a major cut in tax rates C) a sharp drop in interest rates D) a significant decrease in federal spending E) the decreasing importance of the national bank


The Reagan coalition of the early 1980s included a group of A) all of the answers below B) wealthy Americans who opposed antibusiness government regulation C) neoconservative intellectuals who opposed destructive radicalism D) populist right-wingers who opposed centralized government power E) powerful elite who believed that markets cured economic ills


U.S. involvement in the Gulf War A) all of the answers below B) produced remarkably few allied and American casualties C) was sanctioned by the U.S. Congress and the United Nations D) featured the largest use ever of highly sophisticated military technology E) resulted in the withdrawal of Saddam Hussein's troops from Kuwait


During the 1980s, Congress cooperated with the Reagan administration by A) eliminating regulations on national banks so that easy credit would enhance business expansion B) reducing regulatory controls over troubled savings and loan banks C) keeping the same level of regulations to keep from disrupting a secure savings and loan industry D) enacting stiff new banking regulations to control the activities of the national banks E) supporting strict regulations of financial markets and banking


Economic recovery during 1983 was a result of all of the following developments except A) a decrease in the rate of inflation B) increased interest rates by the Federal Reserve Board C) a sharp drop in oil prices D) federal budget deficits E) the tight money policies of the Federal Reserve Board


George Bush defeated Michael Dukakis in the 1988 presidential election by identifying him with A) outlandish increases in military expenditures B) all of the unpopular social and cultural stances Americans identified with liberals C) an inability to deal with pressing social problems D) an aggressive and warlike stand on foreign policy E) the conservative racial stances of the Democratic party


President Reagan sought to achieve deficit reduction by lowering "discretionary" domestic spending A) on military and defense programs B) for food stamps and federal subsidies for low-income housing C) for Social Security and Medicare benefits D) on interest payments for the national debt E) on subsidies for large corporations


The "Christian right" of the late 1970s and early 1980s opposed all of the following ideas except A) the teaching of evolution B) the censorship of pornography C) the right of abortion D) the growth of feminism


The conservative populists of the Southeast and Southwest that rose to prominence in the late 1970s and early 1980s supported all of the following political concepts except A) opposition to the growth of government B) commitment to the protection of minority rights C) resentment of the proliferating environmental laws D) support of the virtues of the rugged individual E) rejection of regulations on land use


n the battle over Proposition 13 during the late 1970s, California conservatives discovered the effective new political tactic of attacking A) Social Security B) taxes C) welfare programs D) environmentalism E) civil rights


Among the major accomplishments of the Ford administration was A) all of the answers below B) a significant decline in the inflation rate C) the signing of an arms control agreement with the Soviet Union D) the prosecution of former President Nixon for crimes committed while in office E) an impressive restoration of antipoverty programs


During the presidential campaign of 1988, George Bush A) had a big lead at the start of the campaign and kept it all the way to win a big victory B) had a big lead at the start but lost most of it as the campaign progressed and won by only a small margin C) was far behind at the start of the campaign but came on strong at the end to achieve a substantial victory D) was far behind at the start but recovered sufficiently by the end of the campaign to win a close contest E) was able to maintain a close margin of victory throughout the campaign


From the 1950s until the 1970s, U.S. policy toward Iran emphasized A) military assistance to the Islamic clergy in an effort to overthrow the Shah B) military and financial support of democratic forces attempting to overthrow the government C) political and military support of the Shah D) support of anticommunist guerrillas fighting in Iran's mountainous regions E) refusal to recognize the Iranian government


In response to the Iranian hostage crisis, President Carter took the action of A) sending a Marine division to the capital of Iran B) returning the Shah of Iran to Iran in exchange for the hostages C) negotiating the release of the hostages after more than a year of captivity D) getting the Soviet Union to intervene in Iran on behalf of the hostages E) ordering air strikes against Tehran


Negotiations between the Reagan administration and the Gorbachev regime resulted in A) all of the answers below B) a 50 percent reduction in U.S. and Soviet nuclear arsenals C) the elimination of American and Soviet intermediate-range nuclear forces from Europe D) the re-election of Gorbachev as leader of the Soviet Union E) the removal of American and Soviet troops from Germany


The Iran-contra scandal seriously damaged the Reagan administration's reputation when it revealed that the United States A) sent funds to Iranian terrorists to finance their attacks on the Muslim government B) sent funds to Iraq to support the country in its war with Iran C) used the money from the sale of arms to Iran to aid the contras in Nicaragua D) used government funds to purchase arms for the rebels in Iran E) was involved in supporting the communist revolution in Nicaragua


The most serious domestic problem that faced the Bush administration, causing the erosion of its popularity before the 1992 election, was the A) administration's failure to provide adequate funding for AIDS research B) involvement of the vice president in the Iran-contra scandal C) failure to bring an end to the 1990 recession D) allegation that the president had used the influence of his wealthy family to avoid military service E) belief that the president meant to overturn the Voting Rights Act v


"Reaganomics," or "supplyside" economics, operated from the assumption that the woes of the American economy were largely the result of A) interest rates B) foreign causes C) corporate welfare D) excessive taxation E) inadequate government spending


Contenders for the presidency in 1976 included all of the following except A) Jimmy Carter B) Ronald Reagan C) Eugene McCarthy D) John Anderson E) Gerald Ford


The Salt II arms control agreement met with opposition from conservatives in the Senate because A) the Senate had not been consulted on the formulation of the treaty B) they were hoping that the agreement would halt all production of nuclear weapons C) it would take control of defense spending away from Congress D) of a lingering and fundamental distrust of the Soviet Union E) there was no limit on the number of long-range missiles, bombers, or nuclear warheads that the Soviets could have


The demonstrations in Beijing on June 3, 1989, resulted in A) an expansion of democracy in China and the lessening of tensions between China and the Soviet Union B) reunification of the Chinese Democratic Republic and the People's Republic of China C) hardline Chinese Communists being overthrown and the installation of a free market economy D) the democratic movement being crushed and a renewed period of repression E) free elections being held to determine China's status as a communist nation


The election of Ronald Reagan to the presidency in 1980 signaled a change in American politics that was also evident in A) a shift in rural voters from the Republican to the Democratic party B) a Democratic majority in Congress C) the African-American shift away from the Democratic party D) the highest voter turnout since 1936 E) Republican control of the Senate


The new "glasnost" and "perestroika" policies in the Soviet Union introduced A) the ending of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union B) a lessening of the tensions between the United States and China C) a substantial increase in terrorist activity in the world D) renewed diplomatic clashes between the United States and the Soviet Union E) new missile crisis in Eastern Europe


During the Reagan administration, relations between the United States and the Soviet Union were marked by A) all of the answers below B) a series of military conflicts between both nations C) aggressive American efforts to reduce tensions at all costs D) ratification of the Salt II arms control agreement E) American efforts to link armament reduction with Soviet behavior on other issue


In his "malaise" speech, Jimmy Carter said that A) federal spending for public works should be reduced and taxes increased B) the United States should denounce the Salt II agreements andseek peace between Egypt and Israel C) America was experiencing a "crisis of confidence" and needed to decrease its dependence on foreign oil D) civil rights a war on poverty were the major issues of his administration E) America should give foreign aid to the Arab countries and attempt to form political alliances with the oil-producing countries


President Carter's diplomatic efforts in relieving the tensions between Egypt and Israel resulted in A) the return of the West Bank to the Palestinian Arabs B) an initial movement toward peace but an inability to formulate a final peace treaty C) the Egyptian occupations of the Golan Heights D) an agreement to reduce tensions by placing U.S. troops on the West Bank E) a formal peace treaty between Egypt and Israel


By the end of the Carter administration, the economy was plagued by all of the following economic conditions except A) unemployment in excess of 10 percent B) inflation running at over 10 percent C) interest rates near 20 percent D) a major fuel shortage E) high prices imposed by OPEC


The Reagan doctrine of American activism in the Third World wasmost particularly exercised in A) Grenada and Nicaragua B) the Philippines and South Africa C) Iran and Saudi Arabia D) Venezuela and the Dominican Republic E) Korea and Vietnam


In the 1970s, Americans experienced the "age of limits," a period of loweredexpectations characterized by all of the following problems except A) economic decay B) defeat in Vietnam C) the Watergate crisis D) loss of hope E) loss of governmental credibility


In the 1992 presidential election A) George Bush became the first incumbent president to be defeated by a challenger B) Ross Perot finished second behind Bill Clinton C) Ross Perot became the first third-party candidate to receive any electoral votes D) Ross Perot had the best showing of any third-party or independent candidate since Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 E) George Bush won the popular vote, but lost the electoral vote


The conservative resurgence of the late 1970s was strongest in the state of A) New York B) Michigan C) Massachusetts D) California E) Illinois


A 1991 attempted coup by Communists in the Soviet Union led to A) all of the answers below B) the collapse of the coup C) the breakup of the Soviet Union D) the outlawing of the Communist party E) the declaring of independence by some republics


As the New Right developed in the 1970s and 1980s, it opposed the activities of men such as A) Gerald Ford B) Barry Goldwater C) Ronald Reagan D) Jesse Helms E) Richard Viguerie


During the Gulf War, the United States and its allies fought the forces of A) Iraq B) Iran C) Saudia Arabia D) Kuwait E) Syria


Well-known evangelical Christians of the 1970s and 1980s included all of the following men except A) Billy Graham B) Oral Roberts C) Jerry Falwell D) Jimmy Carter E) Edward Kennedy


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