FAM 4440 Chapter 1

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Reticular activating system does not excite the neurons of the cortex

A difficulty in learning, poor memory, and little self-control

According to DeLongis, what can counteract the hassles of stress?

A person saying something nice about the one who is experiencing stress

Which of the following is believed to precede the development of ulcers?

A sense of helplessness


A stimulus that has the potential to trigger a fight-or-flight response


Coordinates body movements

_____ is a condition characterized by very high levels of cholesterol in the blood.


Which among the following statements best illustrates distress?

Jacob loses a good friend

Which of the following individuals is most likely to suffer from hypertension?

Jacob, a 40-year-old man

Psychological stressor

Jacob, an executive at a firm, is criticized by his superiors for a below par performance on a new project. Jacob's self-confidence drops, and he thinks of quitting his job.

Joel was reprimanded by his manager for being late to work. According to DeLongis, what can Josh, Joel's colleague, say to counteract the hassles experienced by Joel?

Josh should tell him that his work on an important project was vital to its success.

_____ and its receptors play a role in appetite and obesity.

Neuropeptide Y

The ____________________________________ (RAS) is a complex collection of neurons serving as a point of convergence for signals from the outside world and the internal environment. (Please use the expanded form of the term to answer.)

Reticular activating system

Holmes and Rahe

Nicholas, a teenager, has been diagnosed with cancer.

Identify a relaxation technique that involves the tensing and relaxing of muscles so as to recognize muscle tension and bring about muscular relaxation when desired.

Progressive relaxation

Which of the following best reflects prehypertension?

Systolic blood pressure between 120 and 139 and/or a diastolic blood pressure between 80 and 89

Thomas, an overworked businessman, visits the doctor to check his blood pressure level. Which of the following would indicate that Thomas is suffering from high blood pressure?

Systolic blood pressure of 140 Hg


a job promotion

Some of the symptoms of bulimia nervosa are _____.

a sore throat, decaying teeth, and kidney problems

Which of the following is a behavioral strain?

alcohol abuse



Infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis are caused by _____.


People who are experiencing the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that fall into the avoidance category will _____.

be unable to remember important aspects of the traumatic event that caused the disorder

Cancer-causing agents are called


Which of the following kills more Americans than any other single cause of death?

heart attacks

When exposed to stress, hot reactors respond with dramatic _____.

increases in blood pressure


most prevalent

People with anorexia see themselves as _____.


A good way for college students to deal with stress is by _____.

participating in intramurals

Johannes Schultz developed the relaxation technique of autogenic training by combining specific exercises to bring about heaviness and warmth in the limbs with the knowledge that _____.

people were capable of hypnotizing themselves

Thomas is a new college student, who was plagued by self-doubt in school. To overcome and deal with this self-doubt, Thomas should _____.

permanently bury all negative self-remembrances after sifting out any constructive value they may provide

The ability of the body to function daily with energy remaining to respond to emergencies is known as _____ health.


The fight-or-flight response is termed _____.

stress reactivity

In the context of bulimia nervosa, binge-eating is followed by _____.


Many students who graduate from college do so _____.

with a good deal of debt

To deal with financial problems related to their college education, students will _____.

work and study at the same time

True or false: An individual's blood pressure is measured using a microspectrophotometer.


Identify a true statement about course overload.

It affects students both emotionally and physically.

Systolic reading

It is the higher number in a blood pressure reading.

Diastolic reading

It is the lower number in a blood pressure reading.

Identify the techniques used to treat temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome. (Check all that apply.)

Wearing an orthodontic splint Using stress relaxation techniques such as biofeedback Using crowns and bridges

When does the adrenal cortex secrete glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids?

When the anterior hypothalamus releases corticotropin releasing factor (CRF), and the pituitary then releases adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

The term " _____________________ " specifically refers to forcible sex between people who know one another.

acquaintance rape

The inner portion of the adrenal gland that secretes catecholamines is called the

adrenal medulla

_____ refers to the cumulative biological wear and tear that results from responses to stress that seek to maintain body equilibrium.

allostatic load

How does aldosterone raise blood pressure?

by increasing blood volume

Walter Cannon was the researcher who first identified stress reactions as the _____.

fight-or-flight response

Hot reactors tend to suffer from chronic anger or anxiety, which leads to high blood pressure. The high blood pressure, in turn, is associated with susceptibility to _____.

heart attacks

cerebral cortex

it is responsible for thinking functions

Stress management is important since researchers have found that a lot of stress _____.

leads to illness

If an individual cannot abstain from sex, the best way to prevent the contraction of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is to _____.

maintain a monogamous sexual relationship

A(n) _____ lover's needs for affection are insatiable.


_____ lovers are often racked with highs of irrational joy, lows of anxiety and depression, and bouts of extreme jealousy.


A substance that looks like a medication but is not is called a(n) _____.


Which relaxation technique was developed when a doctor noticed that his bedridden patients were muscularly tense because of the nerve impulses sent to the muscles, which was also interfering with their recovery?

progressive relaxation

The field of scientific inquiry that studies the link between the nervous system and the immune system is called _____.


The focus of researchers in the field of _____ is on both the illness-causing and the healing effects the mind can have upon the body.


A stressor minority college students experience that is unique to their minority status is _____.


Hans Selye specified the changes in a person's physiology when he or she is experiencing stress by using _____.

rats and exposing them to stessors

To be afraid of people and being worried of what strangers and powerful others think of oneself is known as _____.


Alan is a versatile person and excels in both basketball and biology, but he fails to interact well with his friends and colleagues. In this scenario, Alan's weakness is his _____ health.


Excessive _____ intake may cause hypertension in those genetically susceptible.


Blood pressure is measured with a _____, an instrument consisting of an inflatable cuff placed around the upper arm and a stethoscope.


A belief in some unifying force, which varies from person to person but has a concept of faith at its core, is called _____ health.


Jane, who is an artist, is unable to feel a connect with other people. She doesn't believe that one's life has a purpose or meaning. In this scenario, Jane's weakness is her _____ health.


Which of the following reduces the number of T-lymphocytes that destroy mutant cells?


When a person encounters symbolic stressors and his or her body's physiological responses are not put into action due to social or psychological pressures, it results in the buildup of _____.

stress products

When the smooth operation of the temporomandibular joint is interrupted, ______________________ (TMJ) syndrome develops.

temporomandibular joint


the death of a loved one

According to Hans Selye, stress reactivity is a _____ process.


The _____________ is an endocrine gland that secretes the hormone thyroxin.

thyroid gland

The relaxation technique developed by Herbert Benson to effectively treat people with high blood pressure is similar to:

transcendental meditation.

Generally, a diastolic pressure greater than _____ indicates hypertension.

90mm Hg

_____ involves an individual being dependent on their partners to affirm their worthiness of having their needs met.

Attachment anxiety

_____ is a relaxation technique that involves a sensation of heaviness, warmth, and tingling in the limbs.

Autogenic training

Which of the following is most effective against acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)?


Janine, an extremely busy film producer, gets her blood pressure checked after feeling stressed at work. Which of the following would indicate that Janine is suffering from high blood pressure?

Diastolic blood pressure of 90 Hg

Reticular activating system is excited and arouses the neurons of the cortex

Easily startled, hypervigilance, restlessness, and hyperactivity

Which of the following are catecholamines secreted by the adrenal medulla? (Select all that apply.)

Epinephrine Norepinephrine

Identify the characteristics associated with people suffering from anorexia nervosa. (Check all that apply.)

Extremely disturbed eating behavior Lack of menstruation Intense fear of gaining weight

Identify the sexually transmitted infections. (Check all that apply.)

Gonorrhea Chlamydia Syphilis

Which of the following is more likely to cause acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)?

Having multiple sex partners

Identify the characteristics associated with cancer-prone individuals. (Check all that apply.)

Having poor self-image Holding resentment Using self-pity

What was A. T. W. Simeons's view on the relationship between the development of the human brain and stress?

He believed that the human brain had failed to develop at the pace needed to respond to symbolic stressors of twentieth-century life.

True or false: According to Hans Selye, eustress and distress are both experienced the same physiologically.


True or false: Cancer is the unbridled multiplication of cells that leads to tumors and, eventually, organ damage.


True or false: Managing the transitional changes that a young person faces when attending college for the first time requires him or her to develop new roles and modify old ones.


True or false: Posttraumatic stress disorder is a condition that develops in people who have experienced an extreme psychological or physical event that is interpreted as particularly distressing.


True or false: Self-doubts of returning college students and older, first-time college students related to academic success are understandable since society too often perceives learning as a young person's activity.


True or false: There are some drugs that can slow the course of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and prolong the life of a victim.


It is preferable to respond to jealousy in a relationship by _____.

trying to improve the relationship

Which of the following is a sociological stressor?


Some of the most significant stressors that college students experience relate to ______.


Headaches are caused by stress accompanied by ______.

muscle tension

The vast majority of backache problems are the result of _____.

muscular weakness

Hans Selye defined stress as

nonspecific response of the body to any demand made on it

Identify the functions of thyroxin. (Select all that apply.)

Accelerates the heart rate Increases the basal metabolic rate Increases free fatty acids Increases the rate and depth of respiration

Identify the changes within the body that are caused by epinephrine and norepinephrine. (Select all that apply.)

Acceleration of heart rate Dilation of bronchial tubes Increase in force at which blood is pumped out of the heart Constriction of blood vessels in the muscles and skin of the arms and legs Increase in oxygen consumption Increase in basal metabolic rate Dilation of coronary arteries

Which of the following is a psychological strain?


The constriction phase of a migraine headache, often associated with light sensitivity, irritability, and flushing of the skin, is known as the preattack or


Which among the following symptoms indicates the presence of hot reactors?

Experiencing nausea

Which of the following causes hypertension? (Check all that apply).

Obesity Kidney disease Cushing's syndrome

_____ disease is not "all in the mind" but involves both mind and body.


During the resistance phase of the general adaptation syndrome, when does resistance ensue?

Resistance ensues if continued exposure to the stressor is compatible with adaptation.

Parasympathetic nervous system

Responsible for conserving energy

Helper T cells

They identify an invading foreign substance.

True or false: Allostasis is the adaptive maintenance of vitality in body systems in response to changing environmental circumstances.


Fissures or cuts in the wall of the stomach, duodenum, or other parts of the intestines are called _____.


A feature of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is that it _____.

results in an ineffectiveness of the immunological system

In _____, the synovial membrane multiplies exceedingly fast and creates swelling, which can cause the membrane to enter the joint.

rheumatoid arthritis

Which among the following statements best illustrates eustress?

sam takes a vacation

The last stages of rheumatoid arthritis may be the development of _____.

scar tissue that immobilizes the joint

When the hypothalamus experiences a stressor, it activates the _____.

endocrine system and the autonomic nervous system

Erotic love, a passionate, all-enveloping love is also known as _____.


In the context of coping with stress, men are more likely to _____.

exhibit a flight-or-fight response

In coping with stress, females tend to:

exhibit nurturing activities

A person experiencing apoplexy is likely to _____.

experience pain between the eyes

The combination of a stressor, stress reactivity, and strain is known as __________.


Ambrose, a veteran film actor, is performing a high intensity stunt sequence despite recommendations from his doctor to use a stunt double. While shooting the scene, Ambrose experiences blurred vision, a severe and unusual headache, and a sudden numbness on one side of the body. Ambrose is displaying the symptoms of a(n) _____.


Ridley, a high school teacher, leads an unhealthy lifestyle. During one his classes, Ridley stumbles while teaching after experiencing a sudden dizziness. Ridley's speech begins to slur and he is unable to explain to his concerned students what he is experiencing. Ridley is displaying the symptoms of a(n) _____.


Hans Selye conducted a detailed study on the physiological response to stress by exposing rats to stressors and concluded that _____.

the body reacted in the same manner regardless of the source of the stress

An increase in cortisol impairs the production of _____.


_____ is defined as a body mass index of 30 or higher.


High schools and colleges can help students cope with major life changes by _____.

offering stress management courses

What is the second phase of the general adaptation syndrome?

the resistance phase

The reason for older college students experiencing self-doubt about attending college is _____.

the society perceiving learning as a young person's activity

People tend to maintain romantic relationships when _____.

their partners meet their fundamental psychological needs

Factors that have a potential to cause stress are called _____.


The limbic system consists of the _____.

thalamus and the hypothalamus

cerebral cortex

the upper part of the brain

Environmental stressor

Aaron goes to Alaska to celebrate Christmas with a few friends. Aaron is unable to cope with the cold weather and does not enjoy the trip.

Identify the important tasks that a younger college student confronts during his or her college life. (Check all that apply.)

Achieving competence Developing integrity Managing emotions and establishing identity

Which of the following is a stress-related hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that activates the autonomic nervous system?

Adrenocorticotropic hormone

_____ is an eating disorder in which a person takes in so few calories as to potentially starve himself or herself.

Anorexia nervosa

_____ is a waxy, fat-like substance that is produced in the body and obtained from foods that come from animals.


Identify the risk factors that are closely associated with coronary heart disease. (Check all that apply.)

Cigarette smoking Occupational stress

Identify the traits associated with Type A behavior. (Check all that apply).

Competitiveness Aggression Time-urgency Hostility

_____ considers routine stressful life events more significant than major ones that happen infrequently.


Which of the following can be a result of an increase in cortisol?

Decrease in the effectiveness of the immune response

Identify the characteristics of the prodrome of a migraine headache. (Check all that apply).

Differing patterns Flashing lights Dark spaces

Which among the following statements best describes the alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome?

During this phase, the body shows the changes characteristic of the first exposure to a stressor.

According to the theory of stress developed by Holmes and Rahe, who among the following is experiencing the greatest amount of stress?

Eric, whose mother died in an accident that occurred a week ago

Which of the following involves getting a patient to remember and discuss an event that precipitated the posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) until the actual event seems less frightening and symptoms subside?

Exposure therapy

True or false: Allostatic load is based on the hypothesis that there is no association between a cumulative physiological risk and exposure to psychosocial stressors over one's life.


True or false: The prodrome of a migraine headache usually occurs 10 or 12 hours prior to the headache itself.


Identify the symptoms that fall into the avoidance category of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). (Check all that apply.)

Feeling like one has no future Feeling detached Showing less of one's moods

Which of the following prevents individuals from attending their first-choice college?

Financial situation

Identify the characteristics associated with the "reliving an event" category of the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). (Check all that apply.)

Flashback episodes of experiencing the event Strong, uncomfortable reactions to situations that remind one of the event Repeated nightmares of the event

Identify the characteristics associated with erotic lovers. (Check all that apply.)

Fluttering in the stomach Heart racing

Freddie experiences stress when he realizes that he could lose his job. He overcomes the stress by taking it as a challenge, an opportunity to measure himself. Which among the following theories of stress is best illustrated in this scenario?

Hardiness theory

Identify the characteristics associated with the arousal category of the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). (Check all that apply.)

Having trouble falling or staying asleep Startling easily Feeling more aware

Reeves is given a well-reasoned explanation by his manager about how he lacks the qualities required for his post such as an aggressive attitude. How should Reeves respond in this situation?

He should see his demotion as a blessing in disguise as he is better suited for other roles.

Many cases of ulcers are caused by a bacteria called _____.

Helicobacter pylori

inflames the gastrointestinal lining and stimulates acid production, which lead to the development of ulcers.

Helicobacter pylori

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Is transmitted through _____.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Is transmitted through _____.

Identify the symptoms associated with stress reactivity. (Select all that apply.)

Increased muscle tension Elevated blood pressure Increased heart rate Increased perspiration

Sympathetic nervous system

Increases respiratory rate

Identify the high-risk groups associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). (Check all that apply.)

Infants born to infected mothers Homosexuals Intravenous drug users

Identify the true statements about the reticular activating system (RAS). (Check all that apply.)

It can be considered the connection between mind and body. It is a complex collection of neurons serving as a point of convergence for signals from the outside world and the internal environment.

Which of the following statements best describes muscular bracing?

It can lead to numerous states of poor health, such as tension headaches and backaches.

Which of the following is a negative aspect of grades?

It can lead to physical health deterioration of a student.

How does cortisol increase blood glucose?

It does this by the conversion of amino acids to glycogen.

Identify an accurate statement about psychosomatic disease.

It involves both mind and body.

How is the adrenal medulla activated?

It is activated through a direct nerve connection from the posterior portion of the hypothalamus.


It is responsible for various physiological processes necessary to stay alive.

Systolic blood pressure

It is the amount of pressure on the arterial walls when blood is pumped from the heart.

Diastolic blood pressure

It is the pressure of blood against the walls of the arteries when the heart is relaxed.

Identify an accurate statement about ludic love.

It is usually played with several partners at once.

Which among the following statements best describes the fight-or-flight response?

It refers to the body's stress reaction that includes an increase in heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and serum cholesterol.

What is bracing?

It refers to the contraction of muscles for no obvious purpose.

Which among the following statements best illustrates the social support theory of stress?

Jack, who is experiencing stress, is comforted by his friends.

Which among the following statements illustrates the hardiness theory of stress?

Joel, who is diagnosed with cancer, perceives it as a challenge instead of a threat.

Which of the following individuals is least likely to suffer from hypertension?

Julie, a 21-year-old woman

Philosophical stressor

Kristen's friend is killed in a car accident. This incident makes Kristen think about how short life is and what the purpose of her existence is.

Identify the techniques used for the treatment of headaches. (Check all that apply).

Medication Massages Heat on tense muscles

Identify the conditions associated with the racism that minority students experience. (Check all that apply.)

Mental health problems Body aches High blood pressure

_____ are the result of a constriction and dilation of the carotid arteries of one side of the head.

Migraine headaches

_____ involves a structured set of exercises that trains people to eliminate unnecessary muscular tension.

Neuromuscular relaxation


Physical, psychological, or behavioral consequences such as headache due to change physiological changes

stress reactivity

Physiological changes such as increased muscle tension and blood pressure due to a stimulus

Identify the components of the endocrine system. (Select all that apply.)

Pituitary gland Pancreas Thyroid gland

Identify the components of the subcortex. (Select all that apply.)

Pons Cerebellum Diencephalon Medulla oblongata

_____ is sometimes termed neuromuscular relaxation.

Progressive relaxation

refers to a physical disease caused by emotional stress.


Medulla oblongata

Regulates heartbeat, respiration, and other such physiological processes


Regulates sleep cycle


Regulates the balance between sodium and potassium

Sympathetic nervous system

Responsible for expending energy

What are the components of treating a person with anorexia? (Check all that apply.)

Restoring the person to a healthy weight Treating the psychological issues related to the disorder Eliminating behaviors and thoughts that lead to disordered eating and preventing relapse

___________ are the outcomes of stress reactivity and may be physical, psychological, or behavioral.


Which of the following are true of the stress theory developed by Holmes and Rahe?

Stress increases when there are more frequent disturbing life events. Stress occurs when a situation requires more resources than are available.

Greg, a cafe employee, regularly chews gum and is constantly bites his nails. Greg has earaches accompanied by a loud ringing in his ear. Which of the following is Greg suffering from?

Temporomandibular syndrome

Matthew, an accountant, experiences a clicking sound when he opens or closes his mouth while eating. He feels that his teeth are weak and sensitive. Which of the following is Matthew suffering from?

Temporomandibular syndrome

Identify the statements that best illustrate distress. (Select all that apply.)

Terrence is neglected by his mother. Joey's children are bullied at school.

Which of the following is a component of the diencephalon that relays sensory impulses from other parts of the nervous system to the cerebral cortex?


T cells

They are a type of lymphocyte whose purpose is to destroy substances foreign to the body by puncturing invaded body cells and killing the cells and the foreign substances.


They are a type of white blood cell whose purpose is to destroy substances foreign to the body.

Identify a true statement about people who are shy.

They find it hard to meet new people and make friends.

Which of the following is a positive aspect of grades?

They help students who aim to go to graduate school.

Identify a true statement about posttraumatic stress disorder.

They involve a victim having recurrent flashbacks to distressing events.

B cells

They neutralize an enemy or tag it for attack by other cells and chemicals.

killer T cells

They puncture the membranes of body cells invaded by a foreign substance.

True or false: Phagocytes, T cells, and B cells share the common function of identifying and destroying all substances foreign to the body.


True or false: The limbic system is thought to produce such emotions as fear, anxiety, and joy in response to physical and psychological signals.


A comprehensive review of studies of the _____ behavior pattern has verified the relationship between these stress-related behaviors and coronary heart disease.

Type A

Identify the characteristics associated with cancer-prone patients according to Lawrence Leshan's study. (Check all that apply.)

Unable to express hostility in their own defense Loss of a relationship before cancer diagnosis Having a tense relationship with one or both parents

The buildup of plaque in coronary arteries causes a form of chest pain called _____ and greatly increases a person's risk of having a heart attack.


Allergies like asthma and hay fever are the body's defense against a foreign, irritating substance called _____.


Lack of oxygen in the brain resulting from a blockage or rupture of one of the arteries that supply it is called _____.


The loss of elasticity of the coronary and other arteries in the heart is called _____.


Which of the following is a psychogenic psychosomatic disease?


Increased serum cholesterol leads to the clogging of arteries. This condition is known as _____.


When the diencephalon recognizes an emotion, the _____ can use judgment to recognize the stimulus and override the emotion.

cerebral cortex

According to Kobasa, if people perceive potentially stressful events as a Blank______, less stress will result.

challenge instead of a threat

The abnormal buildup of _____ forms clumps that narrow and harden artery walls.


The most common talk therapy is _____, the goal of which is for a patient with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to perceive fear more realistically and as less of a threat.

cognitive behavior therapy

To reduce or eliminate binge and purge behavior, a bulimia patient may undergo _____.

cognitive behavioral therapy

Experts have recognized that the most significant reason for rape is _____.


_____ is a playful, flirtatious love that involves no long-term commitment.

Ludic love

_____ first defined the allostatic load theory.


Marwin meets with a minor accident and is flustered by the trauma he had just experienced. Sam, who is Marwin's concerned neighbor, wants to help him relax. According to DeLongis, what can Sam tell Marwin to help him counteract the stress?

Sam should tell Marwin that he admired the courage displayed by him.

DeLongis and colleagues

Sam, an accountant, has been taking the crowded metro to work since his car broke down a month ago.

Identify the characteristics associated with temporomandibular syndrome. (Check all that apply.)

Sensitive teeth Facial pain Earaches

Rooney is a college student. According to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, identify the guidelines she should follow to prevent acquaintance rape. (Check all that apply.)

She should not allow a person to touch her if it makes her uncomfortable. She should be clear about her limits.

Identify the high-risk health behaviors associated with women with PTSD entering pregnancy. (Check all that apply.)

Smoking Poor prenatal care Alcohol consumption

Jeremiah experiences stress after he loses his friend in an accident. Sam, who is Jeremiah's neighbor, provides him emotional support to overcome the grief. Which among the following theories of stress is best illustrated in this scenario?

Social support theory

Janine has no friends, and she lives alone. She is not financially stable. Which of the following types of stressors is responsible for Janine's current mental state?

Sociological stressor

Identify the statements that best illustrate eustress. (Select all that apply.)

Solomon buys a house. Sophie learns photography. Amanda travels around the world.

_____ is a calm, companionate love.

Storgic love

_____ are quietly affectionate and have goals of marriage and children for the relationship.

Storgic lovers

What is the first phase of the general adaptation syndrome?

The alarm phase

Which of the following controls basic body processes such as hormone balance, temperature, and the constriction and dilation of blood vessels?

The autonomic nervous system

During the exhaustion phase of the general adaptation syndrome, what happens if the body is exposed to the same stressor for long?

The body adjusts, but eventually the adaptation energy is exhausted.

What is the rationale of the theory of stress developed by Holmes and Rahe?

The frequency of stressful experiences determines the level of stress.

To activate the endocrine system, the anterior portion of the hypothalamus releases _____.

corticotropin releasing factor



is having too many courses or courses that are too difficult to do well during any one semester.

course overload

Students who failed to verbally request permission before proceeding sexually were at risk of being accused of _____.

date rape

According to experts, rapists may want to act out violently against the person being raped to _____.

deal with feelings of rejection from the past

The purging aspect of bulimia nervosa results in _____.

electrolyte imbalances

The _____________________ includes all the glands that secrete hormones.

endocrine system

Robert, a college student, started drinking heavily due to peer pressure, which resulted in him dropping out. With the support of his family, he sought counseling to deal with his addiction and turn his life around. In order to overcome his feelings of low self-esteem, Robert should _____.

forgive himself for his mistakes, failures, and past embarrassments

The human body responds to stressors by altering its physiology to _____.

gain greater speed and strength

The electrodermal response or the electrical conductance of the skin is called

galvanic skin response

The adrenal cortex secretes _____, which regulates metabolism of glucose.


Which of the following causes tissues to swell, mucous secretions to increase, and air passages in the lungs to constrict?


People who react to stress with an all-out physiological reaction are called _____.

hot reactors

Which of the following refers to a network of nerves that connects the mind and the body?

The reticular activating system

According to A. T. W. Simeons, what happens when the human body prepares itself physiologically to act during a stressful situation but is inhibited psychologically?

The unused stress products break down the body.

Mineralocorticoids is a class of hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex that increase blood pressure by _____.

increasing sodium retention and decreasing urine production

According to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, to prevent acquaintance rape, one should _____.

avoid hanging out in places that keep him or her isolated from others

Public health officials would rather direct attention to high-risk behaviors than to high-risk groups since _____.

it is what a person does that can give them acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Which of the following does the cerebral cortex control?

language and judgment

The unusable food substances are transported through small intestine to the _____.

large intestine

When engaging in sex, it is best to use a condom made of ______, because other materials may be too porous to prevent the disease-causing organism from penetrating.


Muscular bracing causes the muscle to _____.

lose its elasticity

Research regarding the usage of condoms has revealed that _____.

many college students fail to use condoms during intercourse

As the invasion by a foreign substance becomes contained, _____ are left in the bloodstream and in the lymphatic system to recognize and respond quickly to a future attack by the same invader.

memory T and B cells

In the context of Hans Selye's experiment on the physiological response to stress, identify the bodily changes observed in the rats exposed to stressors.

bleeding ulcers in the lining of the stomach and duodenum an almost total disappearance of eosinophil cells a substantial enlargement of the cortex of the adrenal glands

Muscle tension that is unnecessary is called _____.


The most common cause of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome is _____.


is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent and frequent episodes of eating unusually large amounts of food and feeling a lack of control over the eating, followed by compensatory behavior like fasting or purging.

bulimia nervosa

Which of the following is a psychological stressor?


A physical trait associated with anorexia is _____.

dry and yellowish skin

People with anorexia typically _____.

eat small quantities of food

True or false: People who are told that a placebo is a drug that will improve their health often report feeling worse.


The only medication approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating bulimia nervosa is _____.


The major purpose of aldosterone is to increase blood pressure so that _____.

food and oxygen can be transported to the active parts of the body

Muscle tension that causes headaches affects _____.

forehead, jaw, or neck.

Hans Selye termed the stress reactivity process as the _____.

general adaptation syndrome

The production of glucose from amino acids by the liver is called _____.


Buffering between stress and the development of illness and disease is termed _____.


Jacob, a news correspondent, is injured by a bullet while reporting a terrorist attack on-site. After the incident, Jacob experiences posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Jacob would be displaying the symptoms of PTSD under the arousal category if he _____.

has outbursts of anger when his wife or doctor checks on his condition

Kristen, a high school teacher, has a major car accident while returning home from work. After the accident, Kristen experiences posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Kristen would be displaying the symptoms of PTSD under the "reliving an event" category if she _____.

has repeated upsetting memories of the accident

A person experiencing the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) under the "reliving an event" category will _____.

have repeated upsetting memories of the event

Herbert Benson used the relaxation response technique effectively to treat people with _____.

high blood pressure

The technique of progressive relaxation was developed by Dr. Edmund Jacobson when he noticed _____.

his bedridden patients were muscularly tensed even when they were resting

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is caused by a virus called the _____.

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Which of the following is a component of the diencephalon that is a key structure in stress reactivity?


The _____ is the primary activator of the autonomic nervous system.


is the fear of losing one's property, whether that be one's lover, friend, status, or power.



least prevalent

People with high attachment anxiety seem to be _____.

less psychologically willing or able to break up a relationship even when their partners fail to meet their psychological needs

The goal of stress management is to _____.

limit the harmful effects of stress

Identify the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that fall under the arousal category.

startling easily

A controversial method used at Antioch College to limit date rape involved _____.

students having to verbally request permission to proceed sexually

As the invasion by foreign substances becomes contained with the help of various white blood cells, _____ are produced that halt the immune response.

suppressor T cells

What is the third phase of the general adaptation syndrome

the exhaustion phase


the lower part of the brain

Parasympathetic nervous system

Decreases respiratory rate


Regulates emotions


Regulates metabolism of glucose

B cells

They are a type of lymphocyte that produces antibodies.

What is the skin's reaction to stress?

Increase in perspiration

A systolic reading that is consistently above _____ is considered harmful


Blood pressure greater than _____ is classified as high blood pressure.


Aldosterone can raise systolic blood pressure _____.

15mm-20mm Hg

Identify a true statement about acquaintance rape.

Acquaintance rape is very frequent among freshmen.

are a part of the immune system that destroy mutant cells prior to their multiplying.


The best approach to preventing sexually transmitted infections is to _____.

abstain from sexual activity

Andy and Paul are co-captains of the college swimming team. Paul constantly insults Andy, a passionate swimmer, and insists that Andy does not have the qualities to be a captain. This causes Andy a lot of stress. Andy should deal with this stressor by _____.

accepting only constructive criticism and ignoring the rest

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Chapter 12 Electrostatic Phenomena

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