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How can teachers best create partnerships with families in regards to sensory play?

a. explain the use of sensory materials b. explain the guidelines that protect children's health and safety during sensory play d. suggest activities for sensory play that can be done at home

Which fine motor sequences develop during toddlerhood?

a. filling and dumping c. working simple puzzles

Which large motor activities develop in the preschool years?

a. kicking b. throwing d. catching

When incorporating movement into the curriculum, teachers should:

a. plan and provide well-defined movement activities every day. b. combine movement activities with music. c. allow specific times for movement exploration. d. start with slow stretches to get the children warmed up.

Which sense involves perceiving the world through touch?


For sensory play involving toddlers, the children should share a single container so that they can develop cooperative skills.


Which technological device can be easily made by hand and enhances the visual impact of explorations?

A light box

Which materials are appropriate for helping children to develop their understanding of math concepts?

A stacking nesting and sorting blocks Measuring cups and pitchers Balances, weights, and scales Legos and wooden blocks Calendars and calculators

Which three activities are best for helping young children learn math skills?

B. singing number songs C. sharing flannel board stories to numbers D. playing board games

When providing guidance in fine motor and manipulative play, teachers should:

b. allow children to practice fine motor skills without having to follow a guided activity. c. remember that development takes place at different times for different children. d. be patient and provide positive reinforcement. e. start with the simpler fine motor skills

Which large motor activity develops in toddlerhood?

b. climbing

Which sense involves perceiving the world through taste?

b. gustatory

Which block formations typically occur together during a child's development?

b. rows c. towers

How do children develop their vestibular sense?

b. spinning c. swinging d. twirling e. rolling

Which activities are appropriate forms of fine motor play for preschoolers?

b. stringing beads c. holding and shaking instruments d. painting at an easel e. playing games with finger puppets

What is the first type of block structure that a child usually builds?

a pile

Which of the following rules should teachers implement as they guide children's outdoor play?

a. Make room for others. b. Keep fingers away from moving parts. c. Wear shoes when outside. d. Hold on to grips and rails. e. Always climb up and slide down.

Learning about color, weight, and size is part of:

Physical knowledge

Which fine motor sequences are most typical of infants?

Reaching Grasping Moving objects from hand to hand

When incorporating math into the curriculum, math activities can readily be combined with:

Science Art Language Literacy and literature Cooking

The teacher's role in construction play includes:

a. helping children gain confidence with blocks. b. introducing new blocks or accessories to the center as appropriate. c. taking photographs of children's block constructions often. d. observing the developmental levels of the children. e. keeping the developmental stages of block building in mind.

To include each and every child successfully in large motor activities, teachers should:

a. invite children to partner and teach each other the activity. b. use hula hoops or carpet squares to define personal space. c. teach skills in slow motion. e. demonstrate when explaining movement activities.

Which activities can appropriately be suggested to families to keep their children physically active?

a. organizing a family walk around the block after dinner b. encouraging older children to join a sports team d. giving children active toys such as balls, kites, and jump ropes e. limiting TV time and keeping TV out of children's bedrooms

Symptoms of sensory processing disorder include:

a. not being able to tell where one's limbs are in space. c. oversensitivity to sound, taste, or light. d. lack of coordination. e. an inability to engage in conversation or play.

Ideally, program evaluation should be done by:

a. objective third parties with no investment in the results.

Which is the best time to introduce easels as a vertical surface for making marks?


For which age group would it be most appropriate to provide blocks that are all the same size but different colors and ask the children to sort the blocks by color?


A good way to engage the senses of infants and toddlers is to construct a texture box for them.


A summative evaluation might be used to see how well a preschool program did in meeting its goal to prepare children for kindergarten.


An activity that involves taking items out of a container and putting them back into the container is appropriate for developing the fine motor skills of infants.


Because Piaget's theory is based on biological maturation and stages, children should not be taught certain concepts until they have reached the appropriate stage of cognitive development.


Despite research indicating that handwriting is very important for brain development and cognition, most grade schools emphasize keyboarding skills over penmanship.


Early childhood programs should limit media exposure for older children by treating it as a special occasion activity.


For young children, the predictable sequence of routines in a typical day helps them put order to things, which is part of the process of math learning.


Games and movement activities are great ways to develop spatial awareness.


In the beginning of learning math language, children can recite the names of the numbers in order, but they do not understand the meaning of what they are saying.


It is appropriate to incorporate nutrition and cooking activities into the early education environment.


It is important for children to have experience with the natural world in order to thrive as individuals and develop an intuitive sense of biology.


It is important for teachers to facilitate the development of fine motor skills, because the development of fine motor skills is linked to both mathematical ability and writing skills.


Letting children control the time they spend on experimentation is important.


Providing families with suggestions for home-based science activities they can do with their children is appropriate.


Sensory play can be combined with dramatic play very effectively.


Sensory play is important because it supports the whole child in developing skills necessary for learning and life.


Symptoms of sensory processing disorder occur within a broad spectrum of severity.


Teachers can incorporate diversity in construction play by offering photographs that show buildings from each child's native culture.


The block center should be available for children to use daily throughout the year.


Which of these activities align with the goals and purposes of sensory play with water, sand, and mud?

a. predict which objects will sink or float, and then try it out c. pull magnets through different kinds of sand in the sand table d. explore the time it takes for water to evaporate on a hot day e. pour water from one container to another to compare their volumes

How can teachers help children with sensory processing disorder?

a. provide sensory-rich opportunities, such as music and varied textures b. encourage active play and limit sedentary activities c. consult with experts, such as occupational therapists or special education teachers d. observe the response to various types of sensory stimuli

Fine motor materials that should be emphasized in a manipulative center include:

a. puzzles b. play dough e. locks and keys

Which of the following options are considered quality measures in a program evaluation?

a. ratings of the physical environment level of family satisfaction with services d. level of family involvement

Which fine motor sequences develop during the preschool years?

a. self-feeding c. getting dressed e. using scissors

Which pieces of equipment are appropriate for the outdoor environment?

a. slides b. permanent climbing structures c. plastic hoops d. balls of various sizes

Sensory activities can help develop:

a. strength and dexterity in small muscles. b. hand-eye coordination. c. conceptual understanding. d. cooperation and language skills. e. strength in large muscles.

Which materials are appropriate for a science center?

a. thermometers and stethoscopes b. dried flowers and grasses c. batteries, wires, and bulbs d. pulleys and levers

When planning the outdoor environment, teachers should:

b. understand the large motor development of every child in the class. c. incorporate developmentally appropriate outdoor activities into the lesson plan. d. encourage students to observe and discuss the sensory aspects of nature. e. change the outdoor environment regularly to offer a variety of experiences.

When does Piaget's sensorimotor stage occur?

birth to age two

How can concept development be fostered?

by solving problems

How does evaluation differ from assessment?

d. Assessment focuses on children's abilities and needs, whereas evaluation examines a program to determine its effectiveness.

What should be done to conduct an evaluation fairly and without bias?

d. Be sure that instruments and procedures are culturally and linguistically relevant.

Which statement best describes the role of video cameras in sensory play?

d. They are helpful, because they let children revisit their explorations and document their discoveries

Which type of structure would occur latest in the developmental stages of block building?

d. a house

You have been asked to directly observe a program and answer questions such as "How welcoming is the outdoor environment?" You would prefer to respond by selecting the statement that best describes the conditions from a previously prepared list. Which evaluation method should you choose?

d. a rating scale

Number concepts typically develop:

d. continually and gradually.

The primary use of evaluation information is to:

d. determine how a program can be improved.

Consider placing the block center next to the ________ center, to stimulate the shared use of materials in each center and to create more complex play scenarios.

d. dramatic play

How is data collected for qualitative evaluation?

d. focus groups e. observation b. portfolios a. interviews

Classification, counting, and comparing are part of:

d. logico-mathematical knowledge.

Block building provides a very natural context for the development of early ________ concepts.

d. math

Which type of movement includes stretching, bending, twisting, bouncing, shaking, and clapping?

d. nonlocomotor movement

Which action requires fine motor skills to perform?

d. using a pencil to write carefully

Holding and pouring from a pitcher with one hand requires which form of fine motor skill?

d. wrist rotation and wrist stability

The best way for young children to learn science is to:

do science

In science, an inquiry:

encourage exploration is a questioning process encourages a childs natural curiosity

Which body parts are involved in fine motor skill development?

hands and fingers

Which activity is appropriate for helping an infant to learn about patterns?

looking in a mirror

For which age group would it be most appropriate to ask children to sort objects by material, function, length, or thickness?

primary school aged children

Which items make good props for water, sand, and mud play?

slotted spoons plastic buckets sieves and colanders

A dedicated manipulative center is unnecessary, since fine motor skills are incorporated into activities around the classroom.


Block building and woodworking experiences should be completely child-driven and should not be connected to curriculum themes or projects.


Family involvement has very little effect on a young child's level of physical activity and physical fitness.


What is the most fundamental component of numbers?

One-to-one correspondence

Which activity is appropriate for helping a toddler to learn about patterns?

Reciting a book with the teacher

Good evaluation tools and techniques should be:

a. valid. d. objective. e. reliable.

What are the purposes and objectives for sensory play? a. to develop inquiry-based learning b. to perform simple experiments c. to develop new vocabulary and demonstrate new concepts d. to measure, compare, and problem solve e. to play creatively

All of the above

Research indicates that:

Teachers should encourage children to recognize the properties of shapes, just not the names of them

Which statement accurately characterizes Piaget's sensorimotor stage of development? a. It involves the use of movement and the senses to explore the world. b. It involves using only the senses of touch and taste to explore the world. c. It involves relying on only advanced motor skills to deeply explore the world. d. It involves using only the senses of sight and hearing to explore the world.


Which statements provide good advice for planning and preparing the environment for sensory activities? a. Clean and sanitize water play tables at least once a day. b. Set up an outdoor sand and water table in a shady area that is easy to supervise. c. Place an outdoor sand table close to the door and leave it uncovered when not in use. d. Have smocks, aprons, and changes of clothes available for the children. e. Put an indoor sand or water table next to the art area where floors can be easily cleaned.


Which statements provide good advice for incorporating ecology activities into the early education environment?

a. Adopt a tree or plant a tree that can be observed throughout the year. b. Create a mini greenhouse and let children care for the plants that sprout. d. Help children make their own orange juice so they connect the fruit with the beverage. e. Recycle materials in the classroom to encourage conservation.

Which questions belong on a checklist for creating an environment that is ideal to support mathematical skill and concept development?

a. Are materials and activities open-ended or self-correcting? c. Is there a clearly defined math area in a quiet part of the room? d. Are children encouraged to connect mathematical ideas to everyday experiences? f. Is there a variety of developmental math activities for each of the math standards?

Which questions belong on a large motor and outdoor environment checklist?

a. Are there areas to climb, crawl, balance, and jump? b. Are nonmobile children protected from mobile children? c. Is there shade and protection from the elements? d. Is there an area for riding tricycles, scooters, and bikes?

Which statements accurately describe the teacher's role in math play?

a. Break down a project into its parts if a child feels overwhelmed. d. Let children know that not having an immediate answer to a math activity is acceptable. e. Hand pieces of a manipulative toy one by one to a child who is easily distracted.

How can teachers incorporate culture into their science activities?

a. Cook food using culinary styles from around the world. b. Find out about the home cultures of all the students in the class. d. Connect science lessons to stories and music from around the world.

Which statements correctly match an activity with the math skills it develops?

a. Develop spatial awareness by having children play a "hide the object" game. c. Develop seriation concepts by having children arrange colors from darkest to lightest. d. Develop measurement skills by asking children to weigh and compare two objects. e. Develop patterning skills by asking preschoolers to string colored beads.

Which of these statements should be used as guidelines when setting up the sensory environment?

a. Do not include any materials that could be a choking hazard. b. Put the sensory area near a water source for easy clean up. d. Exclude children with cuts or open sores from the sensory table.

Which of the following questions belong on a manipulative center checklist?

a. Do the materials meet the children's developmental needs? b. Are there trays or baskets to hold all the materials needed? c. Is the manipulative center available as a choice activity on a daily basis? d. Does the area allow children to find the materials they need and return them when finished? e. Are the materials provided of high interest to the children?

Which of the following questions belong on a science center checklist?

a. Does the center encourage action rather than just observation? b. Does the arrangement of the center encourage communication and cooperation? c. Are there a variety of materials for exploring? d. Are all needed materials easily accessible to the children? e. Are process skills stressed in the science center?

Which statement provides the best advice for taking a nature walk?

a. Encourage children to examine items in nature and then put them back.

Before interpreting the information gathered from an evaluation, which questions are important to ask yourself?

a. Has a large enough sample been used to compare whether a group of children is growing at a normal rate? b. Has something occurred at the time of evaluation that could affect the results? c. Have I gathered enough information over time to see change, or is this a one-time observation? d. Are the evaluation tools I used valid instruments? e. Are there enough samples?

Which are good suggestions to share with parents and guardians for incorporating math concepts and skills in the home?

a. Have children help set the table. d. Have children help sort clean laundry.

Which projects described here are appropriate for an early education classroom?

a. Investigate the ways shadows are created. b. Investigate ways to create rainbows. c. Investigate which items will sink or float in water. e. Investigate making and blowing bubbles.

Which questions belong on a construction environment checklist?

a. Is the block area on a surface that is appropriate for block building? b. Are all children involved in the block building area over time? c. Are a variety of cultures represented in the block center pictures and accessories? d. Does the carpentry area contain protective devices, such as goggles?

Which statements are true of woodworking?

a. It should always be closely supervised. b. It offers children a unique opportunity to use real tools. d. It allows children to plan and execute ideas. e. It develops math, science, and physical skills.

Which piece of advice will help an observer stay objective while documenting observations?

a. Record the facts in order.

Which suggestions will help teachers prevent problems in the block building center?

a. Supply an adequate number of blocks. c. Supply a variety of block shapes for each child. d. Provide enough building space for each child.

Doing big, messy art projects outdoors is a good way to incorporate large muscle activities into the curriculum.

a. True

Manipulating blocks on a computer screen (such as in the game Tetris) may promote language, cognitive schema, and impulse control—much like playing with traditional building blocks does.

a. True

Which strategies can teachers use to help all children be successful in developing fine motor skills?

a. Use manipulatives on the floor as well as on the table. b. Stabilize a manipulative toy by taping its base to the table d. Block distractions at the manipulative table by positioning it to face a shelf or by making partitions. e. Create a nonslip workspace by putting down rubbery shelf-liner materia

Studies show a relationship between television watching and:

a. a risk of being overweight in preschool.

Involve families in cooking activities by:

a. asking parents and guardians to help plan menus. c. reminding parents and guardians about ways to involve their children in food preparation at home. d. sharing weekly menus with parents and guardians. e. inviting families to share traditional foods at a potluck.

The manipulative center should:

a. be planned as a quiet area. b. contain open shelves for materials. c. offer both horizontal and vertical work surfaces. e. be well lit.

Which items are appropriate for developing large motor skills indoors?

a. beanbags d. push and pull toys e. workbenches

Which items are appropriate for use as accessories to enhance the block building experience?

a. cars and trucks b. dollhouse furniture c. toy people d. toilet paper tubes e. toy animals

In creating a partnership with families in regards to science, teachers should help parents understand that:

a. children are natural scientists discovering their world.

Which of these activities illustrate a good way to incorporate large motor activities into the curriculum?

a. combining movement with poetry and songs c. tossing bean bags d. painting with brooms on butcher paper e. playing "Simon Says"

Science concepts presented to children need to be:

a. concrete and observable.

Which fine motor play activities are appropriate to share with parents and guardians, so they can do them at home with their children?

a. cutting with scissors b. sewing and lacing c. stapling paper d. tracing shapes and letters e. performing finger plays

Activities to develop fine motor skills can most easily be found in which of the following areas?

a. dramatic play b. music and movement c. sensory play e. art

Which of the following options is considered a quantity measure in a program evaluation?

a. education and training of personnel

You may be asked to document information for:

a. families, so they can track their child's progress. b. an accrediting body, to document your program's quality. c. the children, so they can see what they learned. d. your governing board, to report progress towards goals. e. a licensing agency, to confirm compliance with standards.

Block building gives children an opportunity to develop ________ skills.

a. geometry b. large motor c. fine motor d. problem-solving e. social

In the early education environment, how should unit blocks be stored?

b. on low shelves with the long side showing

One way to create a partnership with families through construction play is to develop an information sheet for families, which would include items such as:

a. topics that parents can discuss with their children regarding the construction area b. things the children are learning in the block or woodworking areas c. the number of blocks that the children are able to stack e. rules for the block and woodworking areas

To support each and every child's success:

a. watch out for food allergies when cooking with children. b. let children practice new skills so they can generalize them from one context to another. c. use pictures to help explain recipes and science experiments. d. introduce new textures slowly to children with tactile hypersensitivity.

When planning your method of documentation for an evaluation, consider:

a. when documentation needs to be done in order to achieve your purpose. b. what needs to be documented in order to achieve your purpose. c. why you are collecting the information. d. for whom you are documenting the information. e. how you will document your information.

According to Piaget, children do not develop logical thought until about:

age 7

Documentation boards should be shared with other teachers or child-care providers at a facility, but should not be shared with the parents or guardians of the children.

b. False

Since large motor skills are not connected to culture, there is no need to consider cultural diversity when planning large motor activities for young children.

b. False

Woodworking is an activity that is typically of interest to boys but not to girls.

b. False

What are some advantages of questionnaires?

b. They are inexpensive. d. They generate large samples of data.

Which steps should teachers take to be sure that children with disabilities can successfully learn math concepts and skills?

b. Use manipulatives, pictures, number lines, and graphs. c. Glue knob handles on top of puzzle pieces to make them easier to grip. d. Use systematic and explicit instruction to guide children through a defined instructional sequence.

Formative evaluations:

b. are done regularly. d. judge the program while activities are in progress. e. aim to catch deficiencies

According to Piaget, children in the preoperational stage:

b. can mentally represent events and objects, and engage in symbolic play.

Which items should be included in the woodworking center in an early childhood environment?

b. cross-cut saws c. nails of various sizes d. small claw hammers e. soft wood

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, how much television should children younger than age 2 watch each day?

c. 0 hours

Which activities are part of the teacher's role in water, sand, or mud play?

c. Have children wash their hands before and after playing in the sensory table. d. Check the sand and mud each day for foreign objects that should be removed. e. Always supervise children when they are around any type of water.

If you are evaluating an early childhood program and would like to find out how often teachers say "no" to the students, which evaluation method should you choose?

c. a frequency count

If you would like to look at a collection of child- and teacher-produced materials that show the program's strengths, which evaluation method should you choose?

c. a portfolio assessment

If you would like to observe the natural behavior of students and teachers in the classroom and you want to determine the popularity of different learning centers, which evaluation method should you choose?

c. a time sample

The development of the vestibular system results in:

c. balanced and coordinated movement through space.

What is the first stage of block building?

c. carrying blocks from place to place

What kind of vocabulary develops with the understanding of seriation?

c. comparative vocabulary, such as "big," "medium," and "small"

Which type of movement includes pulling, pushing, lifting, throwing, kicking, and catching?

c. manipulative movement

Which type of science includes chemistry and physics?

c. physical science

Evaluations should be used to determine ways that ________ can be improved to enhance each child's development.

c. the quality of the materials d. the knowledge and skills of the teachers e. the quality of the curriculum a. the appropriateness of the environment

When should documentation be done?

c. the timing depends on what is being documented

Which type of block is most popular in the early education environment?

c. unit blocks

Research indicates that children learn science concepts best when teachers:

c. use a combination of responsive teaching and explicit instruction.

Which fine motor skill does not develop until the primary grades?

c. writing cursive letters

Which technological device should be available to every young child to aid in the development of math skills?


Fine motor play is no longer necessary once children enter the primary grades.


Gardening should only be done in areas where plants can be grown outdoors all year round.


Incorporating activities that involve taste is not appropriate in the early education classroom.


Infants do not need to have outdoor time.


Interpreting evaluation data should be quick and easy if you have collected worthwhile information in an appropriate manner.


One way to incorporate diversity into manipulative play is to add materials from other countries and cultures.


Primary-age children still do not have the fine motor skills to create complex, detail-oriented crafts involving beading, sewing, scrapbooking, and building models.


Ride-on toys with wheels (such as tricycles and wagons) are not appropriate for the early education setting.


Since block play is a quiet activity, the center should be close to other quiet areas in the classroom.


Since science is a universal discipline, it does not lend itself to having culture or diversity imbedded for teaching purposes.


Surprisingly, there are very few ways that technology can be incorporated into science curricula.


Teachers should help children engage in writing experiences as early as possible, even if their hands are not yet ready to hold a pencil appropriately.


Teachers should provide indoor and outdoor movement activities once or twice a week.


There is only one set of nationally recognized standards that should be used for the evaluation of early childhood programs.


Touch-screen phones and tablets have no place in the development of handwriting.


Unlike physical education, recess is not an important part of a young child's day, so replacing recess with academic subjects is better for children's development.


Unlike planning for other types of activities, an activity plan worksheet is not necessary or helpful in planning and incorporating sensory play.


Virtual manipulatives are not appropriate for children with special needs or for children who speak English as a second language.


When incorporating math into the curriculum, teachers should keep math activities indoors rather than doing them outdoors.


When incorporating sensory play, teachers should keep sand play and water play separate.


When interpreting evaluation information, focusing only on the data you have gathered, rather than considering outside factors that may have affected the performance of teachers or students, is important.


When introducing woodworking to children, letting them use sandpaper and glue is appropriate, but tools such as hammers and saws have no place in the early education environment.


When teaching scientific concepts to young children, it is best to explicitly tell them the concept first and then let them explore for a few minutes based on their new knowledge.


While block building offers many opportunities for development in a wide variety of areas, block building lacks any opportunity for creativity.


While sand and water are great for sensory activities, teachers should not allow young children to play in the mud in an early education setting.


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