Final Exam 2012 - US History Cold War Set 2

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In response to NATO, with whom did the Soviet Union form the Warsaw Pact?

Eastern European nations

How was Khrushchev different from Stalin?

He was less cruel and suspicious.

What event in 1956 threatened the flow of Middle Eastern oil to Europe?

Khrushchev becoming leader of the U.S.S.R.

What was one place on the globe where the Cold War was "hot" and U.S. soldiers fought and died?


term used to describe extreme, reckless charges


What was a result of the Hollywood Ten trial?

Movie executives blacklisted entertainers with alleged communist ties after the hearings.

having so many weapons that both sides would be totally destroyed in an all-out war

Mutual Assured Destruction

fear of communists, both outside and within the United States

Red Scare

A reason for communist victory in China

The Nationalists were reluctant to fight.

What was the Eisenhower Doctrine?

The United States would use force to help any Middle Eastern nation threatened by communism.

endless race to acquire greater numbers of more and more powerful weapons

arms race

Where did Senator McCarthy first announce that the State Department was infested with communists?

at a campaign rally

Why did the United States send several billion dollars to aid the Nationalists in China?

because leaders feared that a Nationalist defeat would create a communist superpower

The CIA participated in the Cold War by

carrying out secret operations in other countries.

In 1954, after he had worked on developing the atomic bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer was investigated and denied future access to classified information because

he had friends and family who belonged to the Communist Party

What was HUAC responsible for?

holding hearings about communist ties to the entertainment industry

war to achieve specific goals rather than the total defeat of the enemy

limited war

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were charged, convicted, and executed specifically for

passing secrets about nuclear science to the Soviets.

What led to Senator McCarthy's downfall?

the broadcast of the McCarthy hearings on television

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