Final Exam 3

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In religious affairs, Elizabeth I of England followed a policy that

adopted a middle course between Catholic and Protestant extremes.

Often referred to just as the "Index," what did this list show?

books that should not be read by Catholics.

Which of these was a consequence of the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre?

A continuation of religious warfare

Which definition describes the Portuguese caravel?

A three-masted sailing ship

What book of prayers, services, and liturgy helped push the Anglican Church from the Catholic Church?

Book of Common Prayer

Pedro Álvares Cabral led the expedition that landed on which landmass in 1500?


Henry VIII's first wife was...

Catherine of Aragon

The Council of Trent...

sought to reform the Catholic Church, and to reconcile with Protestants.

The defeat of the famed Spanish Armada in 1588 signaled...

that Philip II could not reimpose Catholicism on England by force.

The Roman/Byzantine Empire fell in 1453 when...

the Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople.

Which statement best characterizes the role of Europe in the system of world trade prior to the voyage of Columbus?

Europe was not the dominant player before Columbus, and the voyages derived from a desire to gain direct access to the goods of overseas trade.

What is ironic about Henry IV becoming King of France in 1589 after decades of religious civil wars?

He had been a Protestant (or at the least a politique)

What agency of the Catholic Church had the jurisdiction over the Roman and Universal Inquisition which sought to root out heresy with trials, torture, and executions if necessary?

Holy Office

Which name was given to French Calvinists?


Which statement best describes the accomplishment of the Treaty of Tordesillas?

It divided the Atlantic Ocean, giving Spain control of everything west of an imaginary line and Portugal everything east of the line.

The most important second-generation Protestant reformer was

John Calvin

Why did Elizabeth I have her cousin and heir, Mary, Queen of Scots, executed?

Mary was implicated in a conspiracy to assassinate Elizabeth.

A plot to kill Queen Elizabeth was backed by whom?

Philp II, King of Spain

Which European nation, with the help of Genoese financiers, merchants, and navigators, initiated an exploration along the Atlantic coast of Africa in search of new sources of gold, silver, and copper?


Portugal's participation in European expansion received critical support from

Prince Henry.

Through the Union of Utrecht, the United Provinces declared their independence from...


John Calvin rejected the idea of free will because he believed it would

detract from the sovereignty of God.

The Edict of Nantes

granted French Huguenots the right to worship in 150 towns

At the time of his death, Columbus believed the islands he found were

off the coast of Asia

The MAJOR theological difference between Luther and Calvin was the latter's belief in...


The dissolution of the English monasteries

resulted from Henry VIII's desire to confiscate their wealth

The overriding goal of the Catholic religious orders established in the sixteenth century was

to morally uplift both clergy and laity.

The Americas were so named because Amerigo Vespucci

was the first to recognize the magnitude of Columbus's discovery.

Which new religious order for women emerged in the sixteenth century?

Ursuline order

The Reformation in England was primarily the result of

the dynastic and romantic concerns of Henry VIII.

In addition to reforming the church, the other, unrealized goal of the Council of Trent was

reconciling with the Protestants.

The Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis ended the

Habsburg-Valois Wars

How did the Calvinists understand the idea of work or labor?

Hard work was a possible sign that one was among God's elect.

Who wrote Spiritual Exercises?

Ignatius of Loyola

Which Catholic religious order was founded in 1540 by Ignatius Loyola?


Who inherited The Netherlands from his father, Charles V, in 1556?

Philip II of Spain

The examples of Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, and Ferdinand Magellan all exemplify which trait of European overseas exploration in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries?

Royal patronage was important in funding such voyages.

Who was Marco Polo?

The Venetian trader whose tales of his travels to China fascinated Europeans

How did Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe affect Spanish colonization?

The great distances of the Pacific convinced the Spanish to abandon efforts to trade in Asia and develop their American colonies instead.

Why was the pope unable to grant Henry VIII of England the annulment he desired?

The pope was effectively the prisoner of Emperor Charles V

How did the Turks' expansion of the Ottoman Empire and their conquest of the Byzantine Empire and its capital Constantinople in 1453 influence European exploration?

They forced Europeans to search for alternative trade routes to China, bypassing the overland routes now controlled by the Ottoman Empire.

How did the English and French seek a route to East Asia?

They sought a northwest passage across North America.

Which factor was a major motivation for European exploration?

Desire for material profit

The Calvinist doctrine of predestination led to a

confidence among Calvinists in their own salvation.

The Ursuline order of nuns focused on

educating women

The Institutes of the Christian Religion...

was a publication of John Calvin's theology.

The Treaty of Tordesillas...

was between Spain and Portugal, dividing the New World between them.

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