Final Exam HD 200

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Why is it important to regulate the funeral industry? Select all that apply.

-Because most people are do not trust funeral directors -Because funeral directors have been found to inflate prices -Because grieving family members may be pressured to buy unneeded services

Which of the following are Kübler-Ross's stages of grief? Select all that apply.

-Exhibiting anger and resentment -Denying that the deceased is really gone

For which older Americans do we have limited knowledge regarding their health? Select all that apply.

-LGBT individuals -Asian/Pacific Islanders -American Indians

Why do older adults have more problems with medications that younger people do? Select all that apply

-Older adults take more medications. -Physiological changes that accompany aging can affect how medications are absorbed and used by the body. -Older adults are frequent users of dietary and herbal supplements, many of which can negatively interact with prescription drugs they may be taking.

When it comes to older workers, which of the following statements is/are true? Select all that apply.

-Older people are less likely than younger people to be self-employed. -Researchers have found no differences between younger and older workers in terms of their motivation, resistance or willingness to change, or the trust they place in co-workers. -Once out of work, older people remain unemployed for a longer period of time than younger people do.

How do younger and older people differ when it comes to financial abuse? Select all that apply.

-Older people have much higher losses on average. -Younger people are more likely to experience stress, anxiety, and a loss of personal confidence. -Younger people are more likely to end up declaring bankruptcy.

When it comes to public housing, which of the statements below is/are true? Select all that apply.

-Public housing is restricted to apartments that are designed and built by the federal government. -Public housing programs limit the cost of rent to between 20% and 30% of a person's income. -One section of the federal Housing Act was written to provide housing specifically for older adults.

Which of the organizations below is an advocacy group? Select all that apply.

-The Gray Panthers -Gray is Green -Silver-Haired Legislature

Which of the following statements about the Older Americans Act is/are true? Select all that apply.

-The Older Americans Act addresses the human and social services needs of Americans aged 60 and over. -Each State Unit on Aging is responsible for developing a statewide plan to serve older people, and these plans are approved by the federal Administration on Aging.

What issue/issues do most older homeowners face? Select all that apply.

-The rising cost of heating and cooling their homes -Their homes are older, leading to increased costs for repairs and upkeep

What do we know about sleep disorders? Select all that apply.

-They can be caused by pain associated with conditions such as arthritis. -Effective treatments include counseling and regular exercise.

What steps do women often take to attend to family caregiving responsibilities? Select all that apply.

-They look for, and change to, jobs that will give them greater flexibility in their work schedules. -They quit their jobs or take early retirement so they have more time to devote to these responsibilities.

Which of the following are characteristics of continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs)? Select all that apply.

-They provide assurance than an individual's needs will be met in one setting as they age. -Would-be residents must be capable of living independently when they move in.

Which treatments can be effective for arthritis? Select all that apply.

-getting enough sleep -Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet -Exercises, such as weight training

Approximately what percentage of those who are homeless are age 50 or older?

10%, 50%

According to the National Poll on Healthy Aging's survey on sexual health, approximately what percentage of older adults report discussing sexual health with their healthcare provider?


The Investor Protection Trust has found that approximately _______ of older Americans have been taken advantage of financially in terms of inappropriate investments, unreasonably high fees for financial services, or outright fraud.


What year was the Social Security Act signed?


In what year was Medicare enacted?

1965, the great society

Based on research on progress towards closing the gender wage gap, White female workers are expected to achieve parity with White male workers by the year 2056. In what year is it projected that Hispanic female workers will achieve parity with White male workers?


Many approaches to sexual functioning exist for older men and women. Select all that apply.

Becoming more adventurous with sexual positions and practices, using sex toys or sex aids, Dealing with relationship problems with the help of a counselor or therapist

At what age can eligible workers begin collecting full retirement benefits from Social Security?

Between age 65 and 67, depending on the beneficiary's year of birth

The aging of America has been referred to as

Both a social revolution and having only just begun

What parts of Medicare are managed by Medicare-approved private insurance companies?

C and D

What factor is now considered to be a major contributor to abuse committed against older people? Select all that apply.

Isolation, brought about by life transitions and societal barriers, as well as possible transportation challenges and poor health

Taking multiple medications concurrently is referred to as ______________.


Which of the following statements about Alzheimer's disease is true?

Research is confirming that the immune system plays an important role in the development of the disease.

Low levels of what vitamin can lead to mood changes, depression and symptoms of dementia?

Vitamin B12

What organization is leading the movement to make communities age-friendly?


Which states have the smallest proportion of older adults among their citizens? Select all that apply.

WV, Utah, Alaska

In addition to using the PLISSIT model, what should healthcare providers determine about residents of long-term care facilities prior to sexual intimacy encounters? Select all that apply.

Who should be consulted regarding their decisions about sexual expression, the residents decision making capacity, The resident's interest in sexual intimacy

What has become the fourth leg of the retirement stool for older adults?

Working past retirement age

The interpersonal relationships that can provide an individual with various types of social support is referred to as:

a social network

Who commits most of the abuse of older people? Select all that apply.

adult children, spouses

An individual can make their personal preferences for a good death known by making them explicit in a(n) ________________.

advance directive

What can influence the older adult's ability to be more open and exploratory in their sexual relationships?

age, experience, confidence

Prejudice against the elderly is called:


Body temperature is not as easily regulated in older people in response to changes in air temperature:

all of the above

Bone thinning...

all of the above

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, what percentage of adult Americans live single lives?

almost half

Age-related changes in the urinary tract include:

an increased chance of infection

What is one of the most dangerous room in an older person's home?


Older adults with still-living parents are sometimes referred to as______________ seniors.


Normal aging...

can be differentiated from aging-related diseases

Dr. Robert N. Butler:

contended that society could adapt to the great achievements in longevity

Which serious mental health problem is associated with feelings of despair, somatic symptoms, loss of appetite, and fatigue?


From a biological point of view, humans begin aging around the age of 60, though some begin to age earlier and others a bit later.


Most people are enthusiastic about reducing their caloric intake enough to slow the aging process.


Persons 85 years of age and older make up the largest group of the elderly.


Presbyopia is a disease of the eyes, which disrupts the daily lives of most people.


The characteristics of older persons in the age categories designated by the U.S. Census Bureau are very similar.


The elderly have never been seen as a "problem" in the United States.


The means of production in a society do not influence how older people are viewed.


The racial and ethnic composition of the population in America is not expected to change in the 21st century.


True or false. Age discrimination in employment is no longer a problem in America.


True or false. Among all older Americans, men and minority group members are the most likely to live at or near poverty levels.


True or false. Among older adults, only those who were creative when they were young have been found to be creative in the later years of their life.


True or false. Both Kübler-Ross and Worden agree that everyone goes through all the stages of grief and that everyone goes through them in the same order.


True or false. It was common in earlier times in America for older parents to live in a home with an adult child and their grandchildren.


True or false. Older men across all races and ethnicities are much more likely to live alone than are older women.


True or false. Older people are more likely than younger people to use protection when having sex.


True or false. Professionals who regularly work with those who are aging, such as physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, are well educated regarding issues related to death, dying, and bereavement.


True or false. The Eldercare Locator is a nationwide service to help locate older people who have wandered from their homes


True or false. The number of friends a person has is directly correlated with feelings of isolation or loneliness.


True or false. The number of healthcare providers who can demonstrate competence in the care of older adults is growing as rapidly as the aging population in America.


True or false. Violent crimes, such as rape and sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated assault, are much more common among older people than they are among younger people.


The difference between nursing homes and assisted living communities is that nursing homes are regulated by:

federal govt.

Which of the following statements is true?

foot pain contributes to falls in adults

The diversity of the older population is


Which chronic condition causes the highest percentage of deaths among older adults?

heart disease

Which chronic condition is more prevalent in men than in women?

heart disease

Which Americans have the greatest life expectancy?


Medicare Part A is _______, Part B is _______, Part C is _______, and Part D is _______.

hospital insurance, medical insurance, Medicare Advantage plans, prescription drug coverage

What is the most common chronic health condition reported by Americans age 65 and older?


What medical condition is frequently associated with erectile dysfunction?


Where do most older people prefer to live?

in their existing residence as long as possible

The time in American history when older people were increasingly regarded as a financial burden and referred to in derogatory terms, such as old goat, over-the-hill, old hag, and others, came into use during the:

industrial era

Who has better mental and physical health and a longer life-expectancy?


_________ services are the most well-known services supported by the OAA.


The use of a firearm is the most common means of suicide among which age group?

older adult men

Which of the following people are least likely to report abuse and neglect?

older men

Who tends to be more satisfied with their marriages and the degree to which their emotional needs are fulfilled?

older men

Modernization theory postulates that:

older people's wisdom and life experiences are less important in modern society

Beneficiaries of Social Security can be which of the groups below? Select all that apply.

older, retired workers, dependent children of retired workers, spouses of retired or disabled workers

Which age group has the largest percentage in assisted living and long-term care facilities?

over 85

What federal law enacted in 1991, requires hospices, nursing homes, hospitals, and some healthcare agencies to ask if the patients have completed an advance directive or to provide information about them?

patient self-determination act

Which of the following services does Medicare not cover? Select all that apply.

routine eye exam, hearing aids, private duty nurses

Which program helps older people who are frail?

senior companion program

Which personality traits seem to change during middle and old age? Select all that apply.

social dominance and agreeableness

What has been shown to produce the most positive outcomes in an older person's perception of their quality of life?

social network characteristics

According to the social-ecological model, policies that work toward a climate where elder abuse and neglect are no longer tolerated is at what level?


In a recent study, veterans who accepted negative age stereotypes were more likely to develop which psychiatric conditions? Select all that apply.

suicidal thoughts, PTSD, anxiety

Changes in vision that occur with aging can make nighttime driving more hazardous for older people.


Compared to women, men are much more likely to be married and much less likely to be widowed at every age.


In a national survey, the definition of "old" seemed to depend on the age of the persons questioned.


In general, older persons have quite a lot of power and are given high status in nonindustrial, agricultural societies.


In industrial societies, older people generally have relatively little power and are given lower status.


In order to address the issues of an aging population adequately, it is helpful to examine the subcategories of the elderly.


The Supreme Court has ruled that grandparents can receive foster care benefits for raising their grandchildren if they would otherwise be eligible to be foster parents.


Throughout the lifespan, new neurons develop in the hippocampus, an area of the brain that is critical for cognitive functioning.


True or false. A majority of Americans have indicated that they are in favor of allowing physicians to assist terminally ill people in ending their lives.


True or false. A very small percentage of older people live in institutional settings.


True or false. Female workers earn less than male workers do in all occupational categories.


True or false. In the United States, most cancers are diagnosed in people age 50 years of age or older.


True or false. Married couples and couples in committed relationships have sex more often than single people do.


True or false. Medicare Advantage plans are offered by private companies that contract with Medicare.


True or false. Older adults can benefit from both Medicare and Medicaid, if they meet the respective eligibility requirements of each program.


True or false. Ombudsmen are advocates for residents of nursing homes, board and care homes, assisted living facilities, and other adult care facilities.


True or false. People who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual are more likely to live in poverty than are their heterosexual counterparts.


True or false. Rates of abuse in residential living facilities are hard to come by because reporting is not mandated by all states.


True or false. State and local community agencies more than double the funds they receive through the Older Americans Act by actively seeking funding from other sources.


True or false. Stressful events early in life, especially physical or sexual abuse, can decrease older adult's ability to cope with late-life stressors making them more vulnerable to suicide.


True or false. The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation provides pension payments to retired workers when their defined-benefits pension plan is terminated or runs out of money.


True or false. The majority of philanthropic donations come from older Americans.


True or false. Whether by intercourse, masturbation, mutual masturbation, or other means, the vast majority of older people remain sexually active.


When sex ratios are examined for any elderly age group, women predominate.


With the right exercise program, older adults can increase muscle and maintain it as well as, or better than, their younger counterparts who do not train.


In one study, over a third of the nurse aides surveyed reported observing or seeing evidence of what type of abuse in their nursing home.


After the Great Recession, what class of Americans had successfully recovered their losses a year later?


According to lecture, the three subcategories of the elderly population are

young old, old, oldest old

Among American adults age 15 and over, what is the age group with the highest prevalence of HIV/AIDS?


What percentage of adult caregivers report it as a positive experience?


Social Security is funded by employees who pay what percentage on their wages?


Which age group is the least likely to use condoms?

61 years or older

At what age are individuals least likely to report feeling sad or hopeless most of the time?


American families give _________ percent of the personal care needed by elderly family members.


The fastest-growing sector of the American population is made up of persons

85 years and older

All of the following are true, except...

Americans were eager to adopt Social Security for older people.

Which of these statements about guardianships is false?

Approval, certification, and monitoring of guardians is carefully overseen by state courts.

When earnings of both sexes are considered, what ethnic group has the highest earnings?

Asian Americans

Which of the following broad clusters of personality traits are included in The Big Five?

Extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness

When is the annual open enrollment for Medicare?

Oct 15-Dec 7

Which benefits are guaranteed by the Social Security Act? Select all that apply.

Old Age and Survivor's Insurance, Supplemental Security Income Disability Insurance

Under the Older Americans Act, which of its seven titles receives the highest percentage of the Act's budget?

State & Community programs

What are Medigap policies?

Supplemental private health insurance plans for Medicare beneficiaries who opt for Original Medicare (Parts A and B)

Which of the following statements about dating among older adults is/are true? Select all that apply.

Sweetheart scams are perpetrated by con artists who develop romantic relationships with older people in order to bilk them out of their financial assets.

Which of the following statements is accurate regarding palliative care?

The healthcare team may include the family.

In one study of memory performance, participants were: young university students, middle-aged university students, middle-aged out-of-school adults, and older out-of-school adults. Which groups recalled more words on the memory test?

The young university students and the middle-aged university students

Which of the following statements about senior centers is/are true? Select all that apply.

They are beginning to incorporate programs to appeal to Baby Boomers.

Compared to other racial and ethnic groups, what will the status of older non-Hispanic White Americans be by 2060?

They will be a smaller majority of older people than they are now

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