Final exams

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union contracts.

Promotion, layoff, and retirement policies are typically contained in:

the same types of questions.

Recruiters, regardless of where they are from, typically ask candidates:

the quality of supervision.

Research has indicated that the number one cause of turnover in the hospitality industry is:

employee teams.

Research has shown that new employees are more likely to understand an organization's culture more quickly if they are socialized by:

all of the above.

Research indicates that there is a direct correlation between high employee turnover and:

the skills and abilities an employee acquires.

Skill-based pay systems determine pay based on:

verify that applicants are authorized to work in the United States.

The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRC


The __________ Act attempted to balance the requirements of unions and employers by placing requirements on unions.

multiple hurdle

The __________ selection strategy allows for the elimination of applicants at any stage of the selection process.


The act of Congress that requires the chief executive officers of publicly held companies to certify in writing that their companies' annual financial reports do not contain any false statements or omissions is called the __________ Act.

sees the work actually being done.

The advantage of using the work sampling approach during a training needs assessment is that the assessor:

curtail activities that may be seen as damaging to society as a whole.

The affirmative approach to social responsibility is typified by companies that:

analyze the total cost of each employee.

The best way to approach the problems associated with wage compression is to:

establish open communication with all workers.

The best way to reduce unwanted turnover when dealing with a diverse work force is to:

employee discipline.

The single topic that generates the largest number of grievances is:

the values, norms, and behaviors consistent with success in the organization.

The socialization process is generally complete once an employee has a clear understanding of:

not let the employee work in the restaurant, but not terminate employment if the restaurant can make reasonable accommodations instead.

Which of the following would be considered a violation of the four-fifths rule?

an outside consultant trained to collect job analysis information

Which one of the following individuals should be selected to collect job analysis information if the goal is to design job specifications that will withstand close investigation by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)?

requiring that front desk agents are multi-lingual because the majority of guests are international tourists who know little or no English

Which one of the following is an example of a bona fide occupational qualification?

critical incidents

Which one of the training needs assessment method is recommended when the intended training method will involve the use of case studies?

Smokers; nonsmokers

__________ have higher absenteeism rates than __________.


__________ is the process of introducing new employees to their work and the environment in which their work is completed.

performance standards.

The required levels of quality in the work completed by employees are referred to as:

job worth

The results of a job evaluation should be used to determine:

critical gaps can develop when employees move from one department to another

Which of the following represents a DISADVANTAGE associated with internal recruiting?

outsourcing some or all of an operation's human resources functions

Which of the following represents a growing trend in the business environment, including hospitality?

job summary

Which of the following represents a key element of a job description?


A 300-room hotel anticipates a 67 percent occupancy rate for the upcoming year. If the desired labor productivity ratio of employees to occupied rooms is 1.2, how many employees will the hotel need over the next twelve months?


A company that does not restrain from questionable or controversial activities until legal action is taken will typically adopt a(n) __________ response.

any condition that elicits powerful emotional responses and is stressful enough to affect a person's ability to perform their job.

A critical incident is best defined as:


A labor union will most likely __________ a job analysis and design program.

past-record anchoring error

A manager who tends to give employees the same performance appraisal ratings they've received in the past is committing which of the following performance appraisal errors?

a union concession to management in the form of future pay.

A two-tier wage system is often the result of:

consider whether the employee has the ability to reach the goal

According to Locke's Goal Setting Theory of employee motivation, a manager should do what before setting a goal that is too difficult for the employee to achieve?

immediate supervisor

An employee's __________ does the best job of assessing the employee's performance.

the possibility of mediation

An employer and a union are negotiating a new contract. They disagree sharply on several issues. Which of the following options is most likely to keep both sides from making offers with unreasonable demands?


An organization is considering the purchase of a Human Resource Information System (HRIS). If the necessary hardware and software will cost $8,000, what can the operation expect the total systems implementation cost to be?

very important.

Appearance and personality are traits that recruiters generally view as:


As the consumer price index goes up, the value of money:

the behavioral side of service.

Attitude surveys are used to identify training needs relating to:

Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression as men.

Which of the following statements regarding depression is TRUE?

build the trust and confidence of their employees.

Before implementing any training program, it is important for managers to:

specifying and then following the company's discharge policy.

Employers can help protect themselves from wrongful-discharge complaints and lawsuits by:

halo effect

Which of the following selection errors or biases occurs when a single positive trait of a job applicant leads an interviewer to evaluate everything the applicant says in a favorable light?

the employees no longer want the union to represent them.

Decertifying a union means:

protect an organization against charges of discrimination or unlawful discharge.

Effective and thorough employee performance documentation can be used to:

conducted by a third party.

Exit interviews are most effective when:

someone not associated with the company.

Exit interviews are most likely to be useful for training needs assessments when they are conducted by:

negligent hiring.

Failure to conduct a thorough check of references supplied by job applicants can leave an employer open to litigation for:

54 percent

For the previous year, an operation averaged forty-six employees at any one time and experienced twenty-five terminations. What was the turnover rate?

guestroom attendant

For which of the following positions would a seniority-based pay rate be most appropriate?

relate the history of events that has lead to termination.

The purpose of a discharge interview is to:

Managers may come to expect extraordinary work as normal performance.

From an employee's perspective, what is the principal DISADVANTAGE of individual and group incentive programs?

506 covers

Given the data below, use a five-week moving average to forecast lunch covers for week 7 at The Fork and Spoon Restaurant: Week 1 425 covers Week 2 500 covers Week 3 475 covers Week 4 525 covers Week 5 500 covers Week 6 530 covers

teamwork is an important organizational goal.

Group incentive programs are most useful when:

a court order requiring the business to cease and desist the work condition of practice that caused the violation.

Imminent danger violations issued by OSHA compliance officers generally result in:

relate specifically to issues that are potential predictors of actual job performance.

In general, questions on an employment application should:

job related.

In order to avoid illegal discrimination charges in relation to selection strategies, managers must prove that the job requirements they outline are:

implementing a systematic appeals process.

In regard to a discipline program, an operation can give each party an opportunity to present its side of an issue by:

variable labor expenses.

In terms of labor costs, managers have the most control over:

employers holding federal (and sometimes state) contracts.

In the United States, affirmative action programs are mandatory for:


In the United States, organizations with at least ______ employees must file an EEO-1 report.

Representatives should have the authority to accept or reject binding agreements.

In the process of choosing a negotiation team, which of the following criteria applies to the company but not the union?

Collect information on why employees leave and learn what can be changed to ensure that more employees don't leave

The purpose of an exit interview

clear and measurable.

It is important for training objectives to be:

negative information about job applicants.

Job interviewers more likely to notice and remember:

all of the above.

Linking pay to performance often results in:

creating optimistic expectations among trainees.

Managers can help bridge the gap between learned helplessness and an effective training program by:

job performance.

Merit pay should relate directly to an employee's:


Mick is a restaurant manager who, in McClelland's terms, has a greater need for power than for affiliation. But Mick is open to social interaction. According to McClelland, Mick is a(n) __________ manager.

They want to decrease or eliminate the likelihood that employees will unionize

Most employers who establish grievance procedures do so because

it does not take into account situational or individual differences.

One weakness of using the hot stove approach to discipline is that:


The degree to which a selection method consistently produces the same results is known as _____________.

comparing turnover rates.

The effectiveness of a training program designed to encourage employee satisfaction could best be measured by:

reflect the goals of the organization and suit the needs of the employees.

The incentive system a company chooses should:

support from top management.

The key element for any ethics program is:

within thirty days of hire.

The most turnover in the hospitality industry usually occurs:

ascertain the amount and type of prior experience the applicant has had.

The primary goal of a reference check should be to:

there has been a shift from a manufacturing- to a service-based economy.

The principal reason that the percentage of workers who belong to unions has declined in the United States is that:


The process of determining how a job will be done is referred to as job:

bona fide occupational qualifications and business necessity.

The two possible defenses against illegal-discrimination charges brought under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 are:

Illegal drug use in the workplace is not as prevalent as alcohol abuse.

Which of the following statements about workplace drug use and drug testing in the United States is TRUE?

objectivity and job relatedness.

Typically, the key legal issues in investigations of performance appraisals are:

choosing candidates who are likely to succeed in the job

What should be the overall goal of the selection process?

to reinforce or improve job performance

What should be the primary goal of providing employees with performance feedback?

not let the employee work in the restaurant, but not terminate employment if the restaurant can make reasonable accommodations instead.

When a restaurant employee is diagnosed with Salmanella typhi, Shigella, E. coli, or hepatitis A virus, the restaurant must:

seasonal demand

When forecasting anticipated business volume, managers should take __________ into consideration.

Strikes are used as a last resort in negotiations.

Which of the following best summarizes the role of strikes in collective bargaining negotiations?

all of the above

Which of the following can influence the compensation rates organizations must pay to remain competitive?

The rewards for success are distributed once a year.

Which of the following factors would reduce an incentive program's effectiveness?

Did you enjoy your previous job?

Which of the following is a closed-ended interview question?

all of the above

Which of the following is a common organizational symptom of job burnout?

all of the above

Which of the following is a disability covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?


Which of the following is a mandatory bargaining issue?

focus on making new employees comfortable with the workplace and their co-workers

Which of the following is a recommended approach to orientation?

managerial time spent on interviewing candidates

Which of the following is an example of an intangible cost of turnover?

Active, hands-on experience provides the best training.

Which of the following must managers remember when conducting successful team training programs?


Which of the following negotiation strategies is an unfair labor practice?

critical incidents method

Which of the following performance appraisal methods requires managers to keep logs that focus on individual-employee behavior in specific situations?

"Flexible part-time opportunities for retirees"

Which of the following recruitment advertisements is discriminatory?

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