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a thoroughbred racehorse could have at most what alleles of the same gene?


humans have how many pairs of chromosomes?


which is the correct pairing of nitrogenous bases of deoxyribonucleotides inside a DNA double-helix strand?

A to T

which of the following is either consumed or synthesized in virtually cellular reaction?


How is RNA different from DNA?

All of the above

If a mother chooses not to vaccinate her children, who is at risk for contracting and suffering from the disease?

Any unvaccinated person with whom the children come in contact

Which of the following types of organisms are single-celled (unicellular)?

Bacteria, yeast, and many protazoans

bacteria reproduce asexually, so scientists classify them based on ?

DNA sequence similarity and morphology

During what of a cells life cycle is DNA duplicated?

G2 phase

If one strand of DNA has the sequence CGATT, the sequence of the other strand of the molecule will be?


Choose the correct statement?

Girls inherit an X from their mom and an X from their dad

How does anecdotal evidence differ from scientific evidence?

It is not composed of systematically collected data or scientific observations and therefore does not given an accurate picture of a subject

which of the following is an example of secondary literature?

Los Angeles Time

An increase in autism has been shown to occur with an increase in each of the following. Which has been shown to be the actual cause of autism?

None of the above have been shown to cause autism

Living cells have an intact phospholipid bilayer that separates the cell from its external environment; this structure is commonly referred to as the?


Developing a scientific understanding of a natural phenomenon typically begins by?

Observing a quantifiable natural phenomena

the key enzyme used during transcription is?

RNA polymearse

At what step during gene expression are introns removed from RNA molecules ?

RNA splicing

which of the following contain identical DNA

Sister chromatids

a patient is coughing and producing a wheezing sound as she breaths; she also has a fever. She goes to the doctor who listens to her chest, takes X-rays of her chest, and determines that she probably has something called croup. Which of the following are the facts in this scenario?

The patient is coughing, wheezing, and has a fever

In science, when a hypothesis or group of hypothesis supported by repeated experimental evidence holds true through time, it can be developed into a?


You own scientific literacy would NOT be helpful in answering which of the following questions?

Which movie should I watch this weekend?

In humans, on which chromosome is the master gene that determines the sex of an individual with help from other genes it controls?

Y chromosome

what is a species ?

a group of populations that interbred and produce fertile offspring

which of the following genetic changes would NOT be passed from parent to child?

a mutation in the skin

a genetic bottleneck is a type of genetic drift in which?

a population is reduced to very few individuals and alleles are lost

An allele is?

a version of a gene

When you go to the gym and work out to build muscle, which of the following are you using?

all of the above

which of the following can create reproductive isolation?

all of the above

humans stimulate the process of natural selection when they use what to develop new varieties of crop plants that better meet the needs of farmers ?

artificial selection

chromosomes that are NOT involved in determining gender are known as ?


in order for any speciation to occur, what must happen?

blockage of gene flow

how is the number of mutations minimized in the daughter DNA molecules of semiconservative replication?

both A and B are correct

disruptive selection operates whenever?

both extremes of the phenotype are more successful

what would be the initial outcome of decreasing the number of photosynthetic organisms on Earth with no change in the number of organisms using cellular respiration?

carbon dioxide levels would increase

chemical reactions that break down lipids are?


which of the following pairs of processes encompasses the entire cell cycle?

cell division and interphase

when the effect of the two alleles is equally visible in the phenotype of the heterozygote, the pair of alleles shows which mode of inheritance?


buff-tailed sicklebill hummingbirds have a strong recurved bill that matches the species favorite food flower. this is an example of?


two unrelated species evolving to look more similar due to the environment pressures is called?

convergent evolution

When a cell divides, it?

copies its own genetic information

usually dark-haired people have dark eyes, and light-haired people have blue eyes. What is the mechanism that gives to a brown-eyed blonde?


Where in the cell does glycolysis occur?


Which of the following organelles is only found in plants cells?


the red-breasted nuthatch and the white-breasted nuthatch are similar in appearance and, in many regions of the united states, their ranges overlap. the two organisms do not interbreed. based on this information, red-breasted and white-breasted nuthatches are?

different species

a population of mammals displays a variety of fur thickness. over time as the climate cools, those individuals with the thickest fur survive better, live long enough to reproduce, and pass on their genes to their offspring. what kind of natural selection is represented here?

directional selection

two copies of the same gene on a single chromosome would indicate an what had occurred?


Mendel's laws?

explain how genes are inherited

which of the following is the best description of PCR?

fast, artificial DNA replication

the X chromosome in humans is?

found as a pair in females

Mendel used what as his research organism to study patterns of genetic inheritance?

garden peas

which of the following is a stretch of DNA coding for a single protein?


horizontal gene transfer is an example of?

gene flow

mutations will affect the?

genotype, which may affect the phenotype

The CRISPR method for genome editing uses a system made up of what molecules?

guide RNAs and Cas9 proteins

both humans and whales evolved from a common ancestor. although our forelimbs are quite different, they are made of the same bones. this is an example of?

homologous structure

there are animals that have DNA sequences for genes for some of the same proteins as humans do. what does this suggest?

humans and these animals evolved via common descent from a common ancestor

horses and donkeys can reproduce and have viable offspring, a mule. mules are not fertile and cannot reproduce. what barrier to reproduction is happening here?

hybrid sterility

Two strands of a DNA molecule are held together by what bonds between their base pairs?


when scientists generate a single informed, logical, and plausible explanation for a question and observation of the natural world, they are proposing a scientific?


an example of evolution that has been really observed is?

increased resistance of bacterial to an antibiotic that is used to kill them

New medications undergo extensive human testing before receiving FDA approval. These tests represent an experiment, and variations in the dosage given to participants represents the?

independent variable

natural selection ?

is the principle cause of evolutionary change

what does gene regulation allow a cell to do?

it enables the cell to change which gene and how much a gene is expressed

which of the following statements is true about adaptation?

it is the process by which natural selection improves the match between an organism and its environment over time

which of the following statements about cell division is correct?

it is the process by which organisms grow and maintain their tissues

a scientific hypothesis must be constructed with which of the following characteristics?

it provides a reasonable explanation to a question and is consistent with current observations; it must also be testable and falsefiable

Which of the following use water to produce ATP?

light reactions

Adenine (A) , thymine(T), guanine(G), and cytosine (C) are the what building blocks for DNA; they are organized in different combinations to code for all of the proteins needed to accomplish everything the cell does?


Protein-coding genes specify the production of what as their immediate product?


DNA polymerase is used by the cell to?

make copies of a DNA sequence

which of the following involves separation of homologous chromosomes?

meosis I

chromosomes are lined up at the middle of the cell during the what portion of cell division?


to which of the following processes binary fission most similar?


which of the following is the only one that can generate new alleles?


which of the following is the correct order of compaction from least compact to most compact in a chromosome?

naked DNA, nucleosome, beads on a string, chromatin fiber, chromosome

can an individual evolve?


which of the following were adaptive traits in Indohyus?

none of these

fossils found in deeper layers are what than fossils found in more shallow layers?


which of the following directly uses oxygen to produce ATP

oxidative phosphorylation

Scientists are human beings and, like all human beings are susceptible to personal and group biases that may influence how they interpret evidence. Before original research work is accepted and added to a growing body of scientific understanding, perhaps even contributing to our understanding of an important scientific theory, it must be scrutinized by experts in the field who have no direct connection to the research under review. The main mechanism for doing this is?

peer-reviewed publications

which of the following is the entire genome of an individual?


what is the importance of photosynthesis to organism other than plants?

photosynthesis captures energy that other organisms access when they eat either plants or organisms that eat plants

A human gene put into a plant cell will?

produce the same protein produced in a human cell

Many amino acids have several codons specific for them in the genetic code. this property id called?


in order to contribute to the evolution of one's species, an individual must survive in its environment long enough to?


DNA technology can be used with all organisms because they all?

share the same chemical DNA structure

when of the following contain identical DNA?

sister chromatid

when individuals with intermediate values of an inherited phenotypic trait, like head circumference at birth, have advantage over other individuals in the population, what is the apparent pattern of natural selection?

stabilizing selection

which of the following is NOT a cause of evolution?

stable environmental conditions

Evolution is?

strongly supported by scientific evidence

which of the following is NOT evidence for evolution by natural selection?

the great diversity of domestic dogs

what does the chromosome theory explain?

the mechanism of the laws of segregation and independent assortment

Which of the following is the best and most basic description of what gene expression is?

the process in which the protein coded for by a gene in the DNA is converted to that specific protein

when comparing a human sperm cell to a skin cell from the same individual, what difference would be expected?

the sperm cell would contain only one allele for a given gene; the skin cell would contain two alleles

Scientists use a pedigree for what purpose?

to learn about the inheritance of a trait within a family

what genetic mutation has occurred when a piece of DNA has moved from one chromosome to a different nonhomologous chromosome?


which of the following does NOT take place in the nucleus?


Which of the following is NOT a base found in DNA?


if a homologous trait is no longer useful in a specific organism, then it is referred to scientifically by what term?


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