Final Geography Test - geo. Q

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Tropical rain forests grow in hot areas near the equator that have no dry season. Where would you be likely to find such a forest, in Brazil or Egypt?


Which country has the largest land area in South America?


A South American country, hoping to lure people to its sparsely populated interior, built (1956-1960) a splendid new city at 16 degrees S/ 48 degrees W. What is the city?


Budapest is to Hungary as _________ is to Belgium.


What is the capital of Belgium?


Which city is the capital of Hungary: Bucharest, Budapest, Vienna, or Prague?


Sofia is the capital of which European nation?


Capital of the country that is bordered by Libya, Sudan and Israel?


Which country has the largest land area in the Western Hemisphere?


What is the name of the Spanish islands off the northwest coast of Africa?


What is the capital of Australia?


The world's largest canyon is the Grand Canyon in Arizona. What is the name of the river that flows through the canyon?

Canyon river

Name two capes at the southern tip of Africa.

Cape Agulhas and Cape of Good Hope

What is the name of a well-known cape in the state of Massachusetts?

Cape Cod

What is the capital of the country whose neighbors are Colombia, Brazil, and Guyana?


In which gulf is the intersection of 30 degrees N and 50 degrees E located?

Gulf of Aden

Does Mexico have more coastline on the Gulf of Mexico or on the Pacific Ocean?

Gulf of Mexico

What is the largest gulf in the world?

Gulf of Mexico

In which gulf does 101 degrees E intersect 11 degrees N?

Gulf of Thailand

Two countries in the Caribbean Sea share an island. What are the names of the countries and the island?

Haiti and Dominican Republic

Is Phnom Penh or Hanoi the capital of Vietnam?


Are there any states in the United States located south of 25o N latitude? If so, which one(s)?


What is the capital of the Scandinavian nation that shares a long border with Russia?


What is the capital of the country with the largest land area on the Arabian Peninsula.


What kind of weather does high pressure usually bring? Low pressure?

High pressure nice weather, low pressure bad weather

Which mountain range separates India and Nepal from China?


What is the name of the bay (the world's largest) that is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Hudson Strait?

Hudson Bay

What is humidity? Which is more comfortable, a day with high humidity or one with low humidity?

Humidity is water vapor in the air. A more comfortable day would be a day with low humidity.

Which term doesn't belong: Poland, Hungary, France? Why not?

Hungary because it doesn't touch a sea or an ocean

Name the country that has the longest border on the Arabian Sea.


Which oceans does the equator cross?

India, Atlantic and Pacific Ocean

Name the three countries that border the Bay of Bengal.

India, Bangladesh and Myanmar

Which country that is not a former Soviet republic borders the world's largest lake?


The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers formed the boundaries of ancient Mesopotamia. In which modern country is that area found?


The Amazon River in South America flows in which general direction?

Is west to east

The international date line roughly follows which meridian? Why does it vary from that meridian in places?

It follows the 180 degrees meridian. It varies from different places because they are from different distances from the meridian.

What is the capital of the nation whose northern border touches Lebanon?


If you wanted to go skiing in New Zealand, which would be the better time to go, July or January? Why?

July because its winter there

Which countries border Lake Victoria?

Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda

What is the capital of the island country just south of Cuba?


Which African lake borders Niger, Chad, Nigeria, and Cameroon?

Lake Chad

What is the name of the large lake in south central Australia?

Lake Eyre

What is the name of the largest lake in Central America?

Lake Nicaragua

Which countries share a land border with Vietnam?

Laos and Cambodia

What is the difference between latitude and longitude?

Latitude is across and longitude is up and down

What part of a map contains information on the meaning of the map's symbols?

Legends or keys

Why do people in desert countries usually wear light-colored clothing and some sort of headgear?

Light-colored clothing so the sun doesn't attract because the sun attracts dark clothes and headgear because then they protect their heads.

Which lines measure distances east and west of the prime meridian?

Longitude lines

What does key mean in this case?

Low islands

Causes of coastal flooding?

Low surface pressure and new moon

What is the capital of Luxembourg, a European country smaller in land area than Rhode Island?


Name three European countries that are landlocked.

Luxembourg, Macedonia and Czech Republic

Which country is due north of Niger and Chad?


Where would you be more likely to find a scale of 1 inch equals 1 500 miles: on a map of a city, a state, or the world?

Map of the world

Which has the longer coastline on the Atlantic Ocean, Benin or Mauritania?


Name the six countries in Africa that have coastlines on the Atlantic Ocean and lie on or between 20o N and 10o N.

Mauritania, Guinea-Bissau, Gambia, Guinea, Senegal and Sierra Leone

Which is larger, the Red Sea or the Mediterranean Sea?


The tropic of Cancer cuts through which large North American country?


On which river is St. Louis, Missouri, located?


Which country possesses Easter Island(Rapa Nui), which is about 2000 miles (3500 km) west of South America?


What is the capital of trinidad and Tobago?

Port of Spain

What is the line of longitude that passes through Greenwich, England, called?

Prime Meridian

Lines of longitude are measured east and west of imaginary this line?

Prime meridian

If you travel from the Eastern Time Zone to the Central Time Zone, you must adjust your watch. What do you need to do to it?

Put it back

Capital of North Korea?


Which capital city is near the equator and 80o W?


Name as many kinds of precipitation as you can.

Rain, snow, frost and ice.

Which sea separates the continents of Europe and Africa?

Red Sea

Which country is bordered by Libya, Sudan, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Nigeria and Niger?

Republic of Chad

What is the capital of the island nation southeast of Greenland?


What natural boundary separates Texas from Mexico?

Rio Grande

Which large river in eastern Europe passes through Vienna, Austria, and Budapest, Hungary?

River Danube

What is the capital of the country on the Adriatic Sea that has France, Switzerland, and Austria on its northern border?


What is the capital of the country that is located on a long boot shaped peninsula that juts out into the Mediterranean Sea?


Excluding Canada and Mexico, which country is closest to the United States?


Where is the Sea of Okhotsk located?


Which country has the largest land area in the Eastern Hemisphere?


Which part of a map tells you the relationship between distance on the map and distance on the earth?


What is the capital of the landlocked country that borders Russia to the north and China to the south?


Which of the following cities does not fit: Lisbon, Portugal; Vienna, Austria; Sofia, Bulgaria; Vaduz, Malta. Why?

Vaduz, Malta because Vaduz is not the capital of Malta.

Is it farther to go from Venezuela to Bolivia or from Venezuela to Cuba?

Venezuela to Bolivia

Which state is west of New Hampshire and east of New York?


What is a tornado?

Violent winds mixed with thunderstorms

Which area has the higher elevation, eastern or western Brazil?


How many countries does the Antarctic Circle pass through?

eight countries

Does the Tagus River have its source or its mouth in Spain?

its source

Which ocean is closest to Mongolia?

pacific ocean

Which large desert in Africa is almost as big as the forty-eight contiguous states in the United States?


Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. Is the city north or south of 40 degrees S?


Is Paris southeast or southwest of the intersection of 50 degrees N and 0 degrees?


Which famous river of northeast India is south of Nepal?


What is the capital of the South American country of Brazil?


What large desert is found in northern China and Mongolia?

Gobi desert

Which nation is farther north, Egypt or Greece?



Physical features

Which river runs west to east across northern Italy?

Po river

The mount of the Parana River is in Argentina. In which country can its source be found?


Which country claims Greenland?


Which city would probably have a warmer climate, one at 20o N or one at 40o S? Why?

20oN because it is closer to the equator.

The earth is divided into time zones that roughly correspond to fifteen degrees of longitude. How many regular time zones are there in all?


Which line is closer to the equator, 30o S or 25o N?

25o North

The following are the longest rivers in the world: 1) Nile, 2) Amazon, 3) Ob-Irtysh, Chang Jiang (Yangtze). On which continents are they found?

1. Africa 2. South American 3. Asia 4. Asia

The following are the five largest lakes in the world: (1) Caspian Sea, (2) Lake Superior, (3) Lake Victoria, (4) Aral Sea, (5) Lake Huron. To which continent does each belong?

1. Asia 2. North America 3. Africa 4. Asia 5. North America

If you were designing a map of your city, would you let 1 inch equal 1/4 mile, 40 miles, or 400 miles? Why?

1/4 mile because then to draw Warsaw with a larger scale is easier.

Into how many degrees of longitude is the earth divided?


What is the latitude of a place that is exactly halfway between the equator and the North Pole?

45 degrees

How many degrees are there between the equator and the southern tip of Greenland?

60 degrees

Which of these lines of longitude runs through the Ural Mountains: 40 degrees E, 60 degrees E, or 80 degrees E?

60 degrees E

How many degrees south of the equator is the South Pole?

90 degrees South the equador

What is a continental divide? Where is the Continental Divide in the United States?

A continental divide is a body of water that separates a continent. The body of water in the United States is Lake Michigan.

What is a climograph?

A graph that predicts weather.

In the eastern United States, in the Piedmont area between the Appalachians and the coastal plain, is the fall line. What is it?

A line connecting the waterfalls on the rivers flowing from the highlands to the coast.

When you look for city populations in an almanac, you may see figures for metropolitan areas. What is a metropolitan area?

A metropolitan area is an area where there is a lot of movement

What is the difference between a physical map and a political map?

A physical map shows us all the physical features, like rivers and mountains while political only shows us the division of the countries

What is a polder?

A piece of low land.

Which is the only completely accurate representation of the earth, a flat map or a globe?


What is the difference between absolute location and relative location?

Absolute location is a location that is the exact coordinates and relative it is not precise but it is around

What chain of islands off the Alaskan Peninsula is part of the United States?


What is the name of the gulf that is north of Somalia and south of Yemen?


Kabul is the capital of the country that borders Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Iran, and Pakistan. What is this country's name?


Cape Agulhas is the southernmost point on which continent?


Sudan is a country with the largest land area on which continent?


Which continents does the Arabian Sea border?

African and Asian continent

"Land of the Midnight Sun"?


How many states in the United States are on or north of the 60o N line of latitude?


What is the westernmost state in the United states?


The Beaufort Sea touches which two North American countries?

Alaska and Canada

The forty-eight states that touch one another are called contiguous. Name the states that are not part of the contiguous United States.

Alaska and Hawaii

What do the following countries have in common: Angola, Suriname, United States, Portugal?

All in the Atlantic Coastline

What is a watershed?

An area of land where all of the water that is under it or drains off of it goes into the same place.

What and where is Puerto Rico?

An island next to the Dominican Republic

What is the name of the country in the Pyrenees Mountains between France and Spain?


Wind, or the movement of air, is an important part of weather. A weather vane measures the direction of the wind. What instrument measures the speed of wind?


What is the capital of Turkey, a country that occupies the area known as Asia Minor?


What is the latitude of the North Pole? The South Pole?

Both are 90 degrees

Which line of longitude forms a great circle with the prime meridian?

Arctic Circle

Where is the Chukchi Sea?

Arctic Ocean

What are the seven continents of the earth, from largest to smallest?

Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia

Which national capital is east of 70 degrees W: Ottawa, Washington, D.C., Santiago, or Asuncion?


Unlike lands near warm ocean currents, lands near cold currents may be cool and dry. The cold Peru Current passes near the earth's driest desert. What is its name?


Name the mountains in the northwest corner of Africa.

Atlas Mountains

Which is closer to the South Pole, the southern tip of Africa or the most southern edge of mainland Australia?


A thermometer is to air temperature as a _____ is to air pressure?


What part of the Indian Ocean is between the east coast of India and Myanmar (formerly Burma)?

Bay of Bengal

Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is on the equator, yet its climate is cool. Why?

Because of its high elevations

Native Americans of the dry Southwest built homes of a sun-dried clay brick called adobe. Why didn't they use wood and bark as people in the Northeast did?

Because this clay helped to keep the houses cool inside.

Washington D.C. is to the United States as __________ is to China


Which of the following is the capital of Lebanon: Basra, Baghdad, Boston, or Beirut?


Belmopan is the capital of what Central American country?


Why are the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg called the Low Countries?

Below sea level

Long ago northern Asia and Alaska were connected. Today a strait separates the two lands and links the Arctic and Pacific Oceans. What is the name of that strait?


What is the capital of Germany?


Which capital city is farther east, Bern (Switzerland) or Paris (France)?

Bern (Switzerland)

Which bay borders both France and Spain?


A compass rose may show both cardinal and intermediate directions. What are the cardinal directions? What are the intermediate directions?

Cardinal: North, South, West and East. Intermediate: Northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast.

The largest sea in the world is south of Cuba. What is its name?


Large inland body of water bordered by Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia , Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan?

Caspian Sea

Which mountains form part of the southern boundary of Europe?


Time zone of Nebraska?

Central Time Zone

What are the two central African nations with the same name that are separated by a river that shares their name?

Chad and Niger

Through which four South American countries does 20o S latitude pass?

Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil

Which sea touches Hong Kong?

China Sea

What kinds of maps can you name, in addition to physical and political maps?

Climate maps

If it is twilight in the western United States, what is it in the eastern United States? Why?

Darkness because the earth rotates from west to east.

What is the name of the salt lake located on the border between Israel and Jordan?

Dead Sea

A globe is the only accurate representation of the earth. All flat maps are projections that must distort at least one of the following properties: distance (scale), shape, size, and __________?


Name three large cities near the delta of the Nile River.

Durma, Al-Khartum and Shandi

From which direction does the sun rise in Los Angeles, California?


Lima is the capital of Peru. Is it east or west of 80o W longitude?


The capital of Poland is Warsaw. Is this city east or west of 20 degrees E?


Name four seas that surround the Philippines

East China Sea, South China Sea, Philippine Sea and Java Sea.

Which hemisphere has more land area, the Eastern or the Western?


Which will have dawn first, eastern North America or eastern South America?

Eastern South America

Latitude is measured north and south of which imaginary line?


What is the name of the imaginary line of latitude, or parallel, that divides the earth in half?


What name do geographers use when they refer to Europe and Asia as one continent?


On which continent and in what hemispheres do you reside?

Europe and the hemisphere is Northeastern Hemisphere

Which island group is closest to the South Pole: Falkland, Hawaiian, or Solomon?


Katmandu (or Kathmandu) is the capital of which Asian nation?

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

Find the Volga River in Russia. In which direction does the river generally flow?

Flows North to South

Name an overseas department of France that is on the South American continent.

French Guiana

Which western state in the forty-eight contiguous states has the longest border with Canada (about 1000 km)? what is the latitude of that border?

Montana and latitude is 49 degrees north

Which city is farther south: Havana, Cuba, or Mumbai (Bombay), India?

Mumbai, India

Gabarone is to Botswana as _______ is to Kenya.


Which desert lies along the southwest coast of Africa?


Bogota is to Colombia as _____ is to India?

New Delhi

What is the name of the only state capital in the United States with three words in its name?

New York City

Which large island is found off the coast of southern Labrador?


Russia's population density is about twenty-two people per square mile. Does this mean that every square mile in Russia has about twenty-two people? Explain.

No, this means that the square miles of Russia (the size of the country) has twenty-two people per square miles. So even though on the most populated places of Russia and the less populated places of Russia they are still divided into the same square miles.

Is the Arctic Circle north or south of the tropic of Cancer?


Is the Tropic of Capricorn north or south of the Antarctic Circle?


How far north and south do the Rocky Mountains run in the United States?

North Canada South New Mexico

Is Baffin Bay northeast or southeast of Hudson Bay?


Which hemisphere has more land, the Northern or the Southern Hemisphere?

Northern Hemisphere

What are the names of the four hemispheres of the earth? In which two do you live?

Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western Hemispheres. I live in the Northeastern Hemisphere.

What is the northernmost point in the world called? The southernmost?

Northernmost is the North Pole and the Southernmost is the South Pole

Which of the Scandinavian countries is most mountainous?


Population density is the average number of people per square mile or square kilometer. Which country would you guess has a lower population density, Norway or Italy? Why?

Norway because there is a lot of snow and mountains and people don't live there as much as in Italy.

Which Canadian provinces border the Great Lakes?


The delta of which river is south of the island nation of Trinidad and Tobago?


What is the capital of the country with the largest land area in the Western Hemisphere?


Which two oceans touch Russia?

Pacific and Arctic Oceans

Which oceans border Australia?

Pacific and Indian Ocean

Name the earth's oceans from largest to smallest.

Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic Oceans

Which North American country is narrow enough to be considered an isthmus?


Which isthmus connects North and South America?


Name the seven countries that make up Central America.

Panama, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua

What is the capital of the country north of Spain that has coastlines on both the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean?


What is the body of water that separates Iran from Saudi Arabia?

Persian Gulf

Which country is the smallest in land area in Central America? What is the largest?

Smallest is El Salvador Largest is Nicaragua

What is the name of the island group northeast of Australia whose capital is Honiara?

Solomon islands

Suriname and Guyana are countries on which continent?

South America

Seoul is the capital of which east Asian nation?

South Korea

Does northwestern or southeastern France have higher elevations?


What is the only country on the Iberian Peninsula that borders the Mediterranean Sea?


Capital of the island nation off the southeast coast of India?

Sri Lanka

Which European city is near the intersection of 60 degrees N and 30 degrees E?

St. Petersburg

What is the capital of the Scandinavian country located between Norway and Finland?


Which country is due south of Egypt?


Which canal joins the Mediterranean Sea to the Gulf of Suez?

Suez canal

In which island nation does the equator cross 120o E?


If it is winter in Poland, what season is it in Zimbabwe? Why?

Summer, because it is on the other side of the equator.

Which country would you be most likely to visit if you enjoyed mountain climbing: Switzerland, Kuwait, Bangladesh, or Denmark? Why?


Which large lake is shared by the countries of Peru and Bolivia?


Which state is due south of Kentucky?


A country in Southeast Asia between Myanmar and Laos used to be called Siam. What is it called today?


Assuming that two cities are at the same latitude, which would probably have the milder climate, one along the ocean coast or one farther inland?

The city farther inland.

In West Africa and west central Africa, two other countries have almost the same name. They are named after a river that runs through both nations. What are the countries and the river?

The countries are Niger and Nigeria and the river is the river Niger.

What do the following South American rivers have in common: Japura, Madeira, Purus, Putumayo, Xingu?

They all come from the great Amazonas

What do the following terms have in common: sierra, base, chain, range, piedmont?

They all have to do with mountains

What do Kingston, Jamaica, and Dakar, Senegal, have in common?

They are all capital nations

What do the following have in common: Aconcagua, McKinley, Kilimanjaro, and Elbrus?

They are all the tallest mountains on their continents.

What do Mt. Rainier, Mt. Shasta, and Mt. St. Helens have in common?

They are all volcanoes

Find two plateaus in Asia.

Tibet and Mongolian

What is the capital of the country through which 40o N and 20o E pass?


Why do people build dams on rivers?

To control the water flow

What is the capital of the island nation that has the Sea of Japan as its western border?


Which four lines mark the middle latitudes?

Tropic of Capricorn, Tropic of Cancer, Antarctic Circle and Arctic Circle.

Tunis is the capital of which country?


In which country does 40o N cross 40o E?


An ocean current is the movement of the surface water of the ocean. Currents are called cold or warm in comparison to the atmosphere. Is the Gulf Stream a cold current or a warm one?

Warm one

Which side of the Coast Mountains of British Columbia is the dry side?

West side

Which Canadian city is further east: Edmonton, Winnipeg, Regina, Vancouver?


Which lake in Manitoba shares its name with the provincial capital?


Which capital city is near 20o N and 100o W?


If it is dawn in the eastern United States, is the western United States in darkness? Why or why not?

Yes because the sun rises East.

What is the name of the country completely surrounded by South Africa?

Zambia or Chad :))

Which country in southern Africa, with Mozambique and South Africa on its eastern and southern border respectively, used to be called Rhodesia?


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