Final ND 305

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Approximately how much money per capita is spent on food for households with incomes below $20,000 a year?​ a.​ $1,400 b.​ $3,500 c.​ $1,000 d.​ $5,000 e.$2,000​


In Cambodia, it is important to have the flavors of sweet, sour, and salty in each dish. Match the following ingredients a cook in Cambodia might use to the associated flavor attributes.​ BITTER HERBS


What ethnic group is one of the most notable in the northern Mountain states and known for sheep ranching?​ a.​ Roman Catholic Italians b.​ Basques c.​ Mexicans d.​ Amish e.​ Mormons


Parts of what country are known as the "spice islands"?​ a.Indonesia ​b.Singapore​ c.​ Malaysia d.Laos​ e.​ Thailand


Born in Japan; most food habits from Japan are maintained.


What is the mildly intoxicating beverage that is popular in the Pacific Islands?​ a.kava​ b.yerba mate ​c.cocao samoa​ d.​ café latte e.kombucha​


What state is known for its whiskey being aged in charred oak barrels?​ a.​ Kentucky b.Ohio​ c.​ Maryland d.​ Delaware e.​ Louisiana


What region of the U.S. has the largest percentage of whites in the nation?​ a.​ West b.​ Midwest c.​ South d.​ Northwest e.Northeast​


What region of the U.S. is known as the Great Plains?​ a.​ Northeast b.​ West c.​ South d.​ Midwest e.​ Southwest


What type of regional fare is described as no-frills homestead and farm food? a.​ Coastal b.​ Southern c.​ Northeastern d.​ Midwestern e.​ Southwestern


What part of the United States has a lower percentage of persons under age 15 and a higher percentage over age 65 compared to national averages?​ a.​ Northwest b.​ South c.​ Midwest d.Northeast ​e.​ West


Chinese cooking has very specific regional variations based on climate. Which of the following is a dish traditionally associated with northern Chinese cooking?​ a.​ tea-smoked duck b.​ Peking duck c.dim sum​ d.​ zampa e.​ fagara

Peking duck

What is the unique unexplained condition that occurs in Southeast Asians in the U.S.?​ a.​ UNDAH b.​ ADHD c.​ SUNDS d.​ SIDS e.​ PTSD


​ Their grandparents were born in Japan and their parents were born in the U.S.; they often have dual-career households.


In Cambodia, it is important to have the flavors of sweet, sour, and salty in each dish. Match the following ingredients a cook in Cambodia might use to the associated flavor attributes.​ TAMARIND-


A very temperate climate that allows many fruits and vegetables to grow​

South African

In conversation, Germans are ________, which means that they prefer to deal with one topic at a time.​ a.​ monochronisticb.​ monochromaticc.​ monotargetedd.monocentered​e.​ monolinguistic


The Amish are a sect of​ a.​ Mennonites.b.Lutherans.​c.​ Mormons.d.​ Episcopalians.e.​ Anglicans.


The Cajuns of Louisiana are descended from​ a.​ French Canadian immigrants.b.​ Andorran immigrants.c.​ the French Creole population.d.​ a French and Spanish mix of the Creole population.e.​ French immigrants


The climate and geography of Italy has led to more​ a.cream- and cheese-based dishes in the northern region.​ b.​ cheese-filled pasta dishes in the southern region. c.cream-based dishes in the southern region. ​d.​ tomato- and cream-based dishes in the northern region. e.tomato-based dishes in the northern region.​


What is bread called in northern India?​ a.​ roti b.​ kofta c.​ korma d.ghee​ e.​ kheer

a. Roti

Crunchy twice-baked cookie slices served on special occasions in Italy are called:​ a.​ Marsala .b.biscotti.​c.​ gnocchi.d.shortbread.​e.canolli .​


In France, what general categories can be used to describe the two types of cuisine?​ a.​ cassoulets and caviarb.​ haute and provincialc.​ caviar and condimentsd.​ haute and cassouletse.​ haute and quotidian


In the 1600s, who first added sugar to the bitter chocolate beverage native to Mexico?​ a.Italians​b.Spanish​c.Portuguese​d.​ Frenche.British​


The largest ethnic group, which includes one in every six Americans, is from what country?​ a.​ Austriab.​ Germanyc.​ Polandd.​ Russiae.Czech Republic​


What is the name of the Polish food that consists of stuffed dumplings filled with meat, liver, bacon, potatoes, or fruit?​ a.​ shnitzelb.pierogi​c.​ kulebiakad.​ Maultaschene.​ kotlety


What is the name of the beer created by the Germans that is now described as American-style beer?​ a.​ porterb.​ lagerc.pilsner​d.​ bocke.​ stout


What is the open-faced sandwich traditionally served in Denmark, with a name that means "buttered bread," called?​ a.​ flatbrødb.​ smørrebrødc.​ øllebrødd.​ danskee.smörgåsbord​


In Ayurvedic medicine, what are the practitioners called?​ a.​ vedas b.​ vaidyas c.Sikhs​ d.​ Parsis e.​ hakims

b vaidyas

What high-proof brandy made from plums is available in Serbia and Slovenia?​ a.briki​ b.sljivovica​ c.civek​ d.ouzo ​e.retsina​


For Southeast Asians, which of the following factors promotes health and helps prevent illness?​ a.​ malevolent spirits b.​ respect for one's ancestors c.​ imbalance between hot and cold d.​ yin and yang out of balance e.​ not having accumulated enough merit

b.​ respect for one's ancestors

What is one type of cow pea which is found in West Africa? ​ a.​ green pea b.​ snap pea c.​ chick pea d.​ sweet pea pea​

black-eyed pea

A meal is not a meal unless the traditional staple prepared in the traditional manner is served. Which of the following would make a meal a meal in southern India?​ a.boiled rice​ b.​ chutney c.​ coffee or tea d.​ diced fruit and vegetables e.​ pickled vegetables

boiled rice

What is the most commonly omitted meal when Asian Indians are acculturated? a.​ dinner b.​ lunch c.breakfast​ d.​ brunch e.​ supper


Recent immigrants from sub-Saharan regions of Africa are most likely to adhere to which faith? ​ a.​ Santeria b.​ Islam c.​ Protestant d.​ Roman Catholic e.Hinduism​


Soup made from beets called borscht is a popular meal in​ a.​ Finland.b.​ Armenia.c.Russia.​d.​ Poland.e.the Czech Republic


What is one health practice in Sweden that has been widely adopted in the U.S?​ a.​ aromatherapyb.cupping​c.​ massaged.​ reflexologye.​ bloodletting


What are meat strips dried and preserved over smoke in South Africa called?​ a.​ chutney b.​ atjar c.biltong ​d.​ bredie e.​ bobotie


What year did slave importation to America end?​ a.​ 1776 b.​ 1902 c.​ 1807 d.1690​ e.​ 1720

c.​ 1807

How many meals a day do Gypsies customarily eat?​ a.6​b.​ 3c.​ 4d.​ 2e.​ 5


In Devonshire a slightly fermented, thickened cream that is spread on scones and biscuits is called what?​ a.​ cream cheeseb.​ cottage creamc.​ butter fatd.​ clotted creame.​ whipped cream


Since the 1970s, approximately how many British have immigrated to the U.S. per year? a.​ 20-30 thousand b.​ 60-70 thousand c.​ 50-60 thousand d.​ 10-20 thousand e.​ 5-10 thousand


The Cajun music style zydeco got its name from what vegetable?​ a.​ potato b.​ yellow squash c.​ red pepper d.​ green bean e.​ okra


What are the parts of an animal that are often discarded, such as lamb's brain, pig's tail, and calf's heart, called?​ a.​ mirepoixb.​ sweetbreadsc.​ trifled.​ offale.​ veloute


What is something that Scandinavians are likely to avoid talking about?​ a.​​c.​ politicsd.​ illnesse.​ religion


Which immigrants maintain their health through marimé, a system of purity and pollution that may be related to Asian Indian beliefs?​ a.​ Armeniansb.​ Polesc.Gypsies​d.​ Lithuanianse.​ Siberian Russians


Which of the following is notone of the 5 Ks followed by male Sikhs? a.​ kanga b.​ kes c.​ kada d.​ korma e.​ kaccha

d. korma

Middle Easterners represent one of the fastest growing immigrant groups in the U.S. What is the estimated Arab population based on a recent poll of Arab ancestry?​ a.2,500,000 ​b.1,000,000 ​c.​ 200,000 d.3,500,000​ e.450,000​


Wheat kernels that are steamed and either dried and crushed are known as​ a.fireek .​ b.ful medames . ​c.hummus .​ d.burghul .​ e.​ pita .

d.burghul .​

In Turkey, what does Seker Bayram mean?​ a."egg festival"​ b.​ "olive festival" c."apple festival"​ d.sugar festival"​ e."children's festival"​

d.sugar festival"​

What is the premise that Ayurvedic medicine is based on?​ a.​ Quiet consideration of religious teachings can lead to enlightenment. b.​ Good health relies on the maintenance of harmony, balance, and order. c.​ All living things have souls. d.​ Each human is a microcosm of the universe. e.​ Balance is maintained through use of a hot-cold approach to food and living.

d.​ Each human is a microcosm of the universe.

What are the four meals of the day in Great Britain?​ a.​ breakfast, brunch, tea, and supperb.​ brunch, supper, tea, and the evening mealc.​ breakfast, lunch, supper, and dinnerd.​ breakfast, lunch, supper, and teae.​ breakfast, lunch, tea, and the evening meal


What country is reputed to be the home of apple strudel?​ a.​ Switzerlandb.Russia​c.​ Polandd.​ Hungarye.​ Austria


What foods do Italians consider to be "heavy" foods?​ a.baked foods and red meat​ b.baked and fried foods​ c.pasta and red meat​ d.​ pasta and cheese e.fried foods and red meat​


Which aspect of their life in Cambodia has it been most difficult for Cambodian Americans to retain in the United States?​ celebrations​ b.religious beliefs​ practices​ d.​ cuisine structure​ structure

Moroccan food reflects Berber cooking. The Berbers are​ a.from southern Albania originally.​ b.​ people from Sub-Saharan Africa. c.Moghuls. ​d.the Shiite Muslims.​ e.from the Maghreb region.​

e.from the Maghreb region.​

What is the national dish of Serbia made from lamb and beef called?​ a.sarma ​b.​ somun c.cevapi​ d.ajyar​ e.pljeskavica​


One common characteristic shared by Pacific Islanders and Southeast Asians is that they both​ a.share similar tropical climates and possibly the same ancestors.​ b.​ live on similar arid plains with monsoonal rains. c.share same ancestors and mountainous terrains. ​ in same Mediterranean climates and mountainous terrains.​ e.share similar cultural traditions and cuisine.​

e.share similar cultural traditions and cuisine.​

What is Israel's Independence Day called?​ a.​ Apokreas b.Kurban Bayram ​c.​ Krsna Slava d.Eid al-Fitr​ e.​ Yom Ha-Atzma'ut

e.​ Yom Ha-Atzma'ut

Consumption of what substance is common in many parts of Ethiopia and is associated with esophageal cancer?​ a.clay​ b.​ enset c.​ anjeero d.​ fool e.​ starch


Even with an increase in socioeconomic status, chitterlings remain a popular food eaten by many urban blacks. True False


In Oklahoma, the Native Americans who lived there were mainly hunters and gatherers with little agriculture. True False


What is the Chinese word for yellow rice wine?​ a.​ bamboo leaf-green b.mou tai​ c.​ fen d.​ hua diao e.​ sake

hua diao

What was the population of Africa estimated to be in 2013?​ a.​ 400 million b.​ 624 million c.​ 850 million d.​ 750 million billion​

one billion

What is the main ingredient in the popular Hawaiian dish lomi-lomi?​ a.​ coconut cream b.salmon​ c.taro root​ d.rice​ e.dolphin fish​


In Cambodia, it is important to have the flavors of sweet, sour, and salty in each dish. Match the following ingredients a cook in Cambodia might use to the associated flavor attributes.​ FISH PASTE


In Pakistan, what kind of holidays are Pakistan Day, Independence Day, and Jinnah's birthday? a.​ fasting b.​ mourning c.​ outlawed d.​ secular e.religious​


What is fruit juice called in Pakistan?​ a.biryani​ b.ladoo ​c.​ sharbat d.​ lassi e.​ cholay


What Chinese dumpling consists of small, steamed bundles made with wontons and filled with bits of shrimp, crab, and vegetables?​ a.​ fuyu b.sui mai​ c.​ gai choy d.​ bok choy e.​ rangoon

sui mai

During Vietnamese meals, all of the dishes are served at the same time. True False


When eating at a home in the Middle East, the guest should always accept the offer of food; to refuse would be an insult. True False


Which of the following is a category of Ayurvedic body humors?​ a.​ rajus b.​ tamas c.​ sattwa d.​ jati e.​ vata


The Parsis brought what religion to northern India 1200 years ago?​ a.​ Sikhism b.​ Christianity c.​ Animism d.​ Judaism e.​ Zoroastrianism


What type of dishes are commonly eaten for breakfast and lunch in Thailand?​ a.fruit ​b.noodle ​c.seafood ​d.rice bowls​ e.​ soup


What is the term Iranians use for undifferentiated feelings of physical and emotional discomfort?​ a.tagdir ​b.​ narahati c.khella​ d.ko'hl​ e.roti​

​b.​ narahati

What pre-Lenten holiday that is similar to Carnival or Mardi Gras is celebrated by the Greek Orthodox Church?​ a.Ramadan​ b.Eid al-Fitr ​c.​ Apokreas d.Shabbat​ e.Krsna Slava​

​c.​ Apokreas

What are Hmong herbalists called?​ a.shaman ​b.compadrazgo ​c.​ kws tshuaj d.diviners ​e.magic healers

​c.​ kws tshuaj

On average, African American men living in high-risk inner-city neighborhoods live how many fewer years than Asian American women in general?​ a.​ 29 b.5​ c.​ 21 d.​ 9 e.​ 16


What is the approximate population of Asian Indians in the U.S., according to the 2013 census estimates? a.​ one million b.​ 2.8 million c.​ 2.3 million d.​ 3.8 million e.​ 3.2 million

3.2 million

As of 2013, how many African Americans live in the United States?​ a.​ 39 million b.​ 18 million c.12 million​ d.​ 25 million e.​ 45 million

45 million

What percentage of Pakistani Americans hold a college degree?​ a.​40 b.​12 c.​62 d.​56 e.​28


What is the typical family size among the Hmong?​ a.8 members​ b.4 members​ c.​ 3.7 members d.6 members​ e.3.1 members​

6 members

In conservative Pakistani American homes, girls may be pulled out of school at what grade to prevent mixing with boys?​ a.​ 4th b.​ 7th c.​ 6th d.​ 5th e.​ 9th


Southern Europeans may have a higher rate of lactose intolerance than do other European groups. True False


The first black Christian church founded in the 1770s in South Carolina was what denomination?​ a.Baptist ​b.​ Protestant c.​ Catholic d.​ Lutheran e.​ Methodist

A Baptist

What state is known for emphasizing fresh and local cuisine?​ a.​ New Mexico b.​ Wyoming c.​ Arizona d.​ Utah e.​ California


What is the cooking style the majority of Chinese restaurants in the U.S. use, making it the most familiar to Americans?​ a.​ Hakka b.Hunan​ c.​ Sichuan d.​ Shandong e.​ Cantonese


Which of the following is a majority religion in South Korea?​ a.​ Shintoism b.​ Protestantism c.​ Taoism d.Confucianism​ e.​ Catholicism


Some African Americans believe that "worriation" results in what disease?​ a.syphilis ​b.​ diabetes c.​ anemia d.​ hypertension e.​ asthma


Which country's immigrants suffered from the Chernobyl nuclear power accident of 1979? ​ a.​ Polandb.​ Czech Republicc.​ Austriad.​ Ukrainee.​ Russia


Climate and geography are suited for farming and ranching

East African

Which of the following regions in Texas is known for its affluence and important rice crop?​ a.​ Southern b.​ Central c.Eastern​ d.​ Western e.​ Mountain


An arid climate with mountainous plains and lowland valleys


Age-adjusted mortality rates for Korean Americans are much higher than for the general population. True False


Although Gypsies originally come from a variety of countries, they all speak the same dialect. True False


Dumplings are common in Germany and in Czechoslovakia but not in Russia.​ True False


In Africa today, ethnic affiliations have no bearing on destabilization among individual nations. True False


In Greece, traditionally eggs are dyed many colors to celebrate Easter. True False


It is the southern section of the Balkan region that is known for using German-style sausages and hams. True False


Most of the land in Hawaii is devoted to sugar cane production and the many sugar cane plantations continue to be a major economic driving force. True False


Nearly all British immigrants to America were Catholic. True False


Shintoism, the indigenous religion of Japan, has a formal hierarchy of "masters" and priests. True False


There were more than an estimated 1 million Native Hawaiians in the Hawaiian Islands at the time explorer James Cook discovered them. True False


What European settlers are primarily responsible for the Cajun fare that is synonymous with Louisiana? a.​ French b.​ Spanish c.​ Greek d.​ English e.​ Italian


Ohio is well-known nationally for its Cincinnati chili, an all-beef version created by _____ immigrants. a.​ Middle Eastern b.​ Greek and Macedonian c.​ Latino and African American d.​ German e.​ Polish

Greek and Macedonian

What religion do nearly 85% of Indians follow? a.​ Islam b.​ Buddhism c.​ Judaism d.Christianity​ e.​ Hinduism


What region of the U.S. is known for its bean dishes, in particular baked beans and bean pot?​ a.​ Southwest b.​ South c.​ West d.New England​ e.​ Midwest

New England

Which state is often called the "garden basket" of New York due to its numerous commercial crops? a.​ .​ New Jersey c.Virginia​ d.​ Florida e.​ Nebraska

New Jersey

What region of the U.S. prefers foods that are prepared by roasting, boiling, and stewing and are simply made?​ a.​ New England b.​ South c.​ Northwest d.​ Mid-Atlantic e.​ Southwest

New england

Born in America to Japanese parents; after the internments during WWII, they no longer had to work in only the narrow number of job open to their parents.


The first ice cream parlor was founded in​ a.​ Vermont. b.​ New Jersey. c.New York.​ d.​ Maryland. e.​ Pennsylvania.


Which of the following is not one the four regional cooking styles of the Philippines?​ a.Viscayan Islands ​b.​ Luzon c.Mindanao ​d.Polynesian ​e.Bicolandia​


Before 1900, the small number of Koreans who arrived in the United States were practitioners of which religion?​ a.​ Islam b.​ Roman Catholic c.​ Protestant d.Taoism ​e.​ Hinduism


What is the term used to describe American home-style food prepared with local ingredients?​ a.local cuisine​ b.​ provincial cuisine c.​ comfort foods d.​ majority food habits e.​ regional fare

Regional fare

the majority of Americans of Filipino descent are what religion?​ a.Islam ​b.​ Lutheran c.Buddhist ​d.Roman Catholic​ e.Protestant​

Roman Catholic

In Cambodia, it is important to have the flavors of sweet, sour, and salty in each dish. Match the following ingredients a cook in Cambodia might use to the associated flavor attributes.​ FRUITS


Census data did not differentiate between Egyptians and other Middle Easterners prior to 1900. True False


Central European foods have become common in the American diet. True False


Kimchi is served at every Korean meal. True False


Many Japanese etiquette rules are similar to those of the Chinese except in Japan the rice bowl is not held as close to the mouth. True False


Native Americans taught the colonists in New England how to use corn in puddings and breads. True False


Technically "wild rice" is not a rice. True False


Voodoo is a spirituality that is both African and Caribbean in origin. True False


Zakuski , meaning "small bites," is still part of Russian dinners today. True False


Climate and geography are suited for farming and ranching

West African

Often fully assimilated into the American society; their great-grandparents were the last generations born in Japan.


How were immigrants from the Middle East identified in U.S. records until 1900?​ a.Egyptian ​b.Arabs​ c.​ Syrian d.Greek​ e.Turks


What is the term for a leavened Arabic flat bread?​ a.pita​ b.​ phyllo c.tabouli​ d.roti​ e.chapatti​


Nearly all recently-arrived Bosnian refugees in the United States are​ a.​ Muslim. b.Jewish.​ c.Buddhist.​ d.Christian.​ e.Hindu.​

a.​ Muslim.

Fruits simmered in thick syrup are a Balkan specialty called​ a.​ slatko .b.samana .​c.musaka.​ d.sarma.​ e.bayildi.​

a.​ slatko

Which of the following is not a Greek beverage with alcohol content?​ a.​ verjuice b.metaxia ​c.arak​ d.retsina​ e.ouzo​

a.​ verjuice

What is the special category of foods that are considered an alternative to a full meal in Korea?​ a.​ tapas b.​ anju c.​ kim d.​ soju e.tiffin​


Which of the following is not a major Hmong tribe?​ a.​ Red Hmong b.Yellow Hmong​ c.Black Hmong​ d.Blue Hmong ​e.Flowery Hmong​

b.Yellow Hmong​

What is the term used by Italian Americans for a health care provider who is warm and empathetic?​ a.tipo​ b.cacoila ​c.​ simpatico d.suspiro ​e.superba​


What percentage of men in Finland are estimated to be overweight or obese?​ a.​ 70%b.​ 30%c.​ 60%d.20%​e.​ 50%


Which European country is the largest producer of olives in the world?​ a.Portugal​b.Greece​c.Spain​d.France​e.​ Italy


Which food listed below is typically found in the diet of southern Italians but is not indigenous to Europe?​ a.olives​b.beans​c.tomatoes​d.​ porke.basil​


What is the name for thin slices of souvlaki folded into pita bread with tomatoes, cucumber, and yogurt?​ a.falafel​ b.​ baba ganouj c.gyro​ d.shawarma​ e.kofta​


What amendment gave all blacks living in the United States their freedom? ​ a.​ Sixteenth Amendment b.​ Twenty-first Amendment c.​ Thirteenth Amendment d.​ Nineteenth Amendment e.Tenth Amendment​

c.​ Thirteenth Amendment

Korean diets in Korea and in America tend to be high in what nutrient?​ a.​ calcium b.fats​ c.​ amino acids d.​ protein e.​ carbohydrates


An African American healer would prescribe ingesting Vicks® VapoRub® for what ailment?​ a.​ evil eye b.​ headache c.​ malaria d.cramps​ e.​ cold


Which of the following best describes Chinese food preparation?​ a.Most foods are eaten raw .​b.​ Fruit must be cooked before it is eaten. c.​ Cooked foods may be eaten cold. d.​ Foods are never deep-fried. e.​ Both meat and vegetables are grilled.

cooked foods may be eaten cold

Which of the following are both types of German beer?​ a.​ Aquavit and sköllb.​ Marzen and aquavitc.Lager and kvass​d.​ Lager and märzenbiere.​ Weissbier and Abendbrot


​ Which country in Europe has some of the best farmland, with three-fifths of its land under cultivation? a.​ Ireland b.​ Italy c.​ Great Britain d.​ France e.​ Scotland


What is the name of a stuffed pasta named for its "little hat" shape served in Bologna, Italy?​ a.sopesseta ​b.tortellini ​c.prosciutto​ d.mortadella​ e.​ cappelleti


What is the popular wine custard dessert thought to have been created by Franciscan monks to increase male vigor?​ a.​ crostini b.torrone ​c.minestra​ d.saltimboca​ e.zabaglione​


What is the traditional entrée served on New Year's Eve in Scotland?​ a.​ spice cake b.​ bangers and mash c.​ shepherd's pie d.​ fish and chips e.​ haggis


Which immigrants consume "ghost vomit" as a home remedy?​ a.​ Czechsb.​ Austriansc.​ Slovaksd.​ Russianse.Gypsies​


What Southeast Asian group identifies 32 spirits that oversee the 32 organs of the body?​ a.Filipinos​ b.​ Cambodians c.Samoans ​d.​ Hmong e.Laotians​


Sympathy healing refers to the belief that if the doctor listens attentively and supports the patient emotionally, a better prognosis is expected. True False


A bag worn around the neck with powders, animal bones or teeth, stones, and/or herbs is called what in Africa?​ a.​ magic talisman b.​ hex c.​ mojo d.​ root e.gris-gris​


Healers in Pakistan are known as what? a.​ masalas b.​ ghee c.​ hakims d.​ Parsis e.​ Sikhs


What is the traditional approach to natural cures in Korea?​ a.​ hwabyung b.​ hanyak c.​ ki d.​ han e.shingyonghaeyak​


What is the Hawaiian name for the fire pit used for traditional cooking?​ a.​ imu b.​ haupia c.​ uma d.​ adobe e.​ oka


What are the stress-reducing therapies in Japan called?​ a.​ iyashi b.​ gohan c.koroshi​ d.​ uni e.​ kanpo


What is Indian ice cream called?​ a.kulfi​ b.​ chaat c.​ barfi d.​ jaggery e.​ khir


In reference to the practice of pica, which type of substance is usually ingested in urban areas?​ a.clay ​b.​ ice c.​ laundry starch d.​ grass e.​ paint

laundry starch

What is the practice of eating nonnutritive substances such as clay, chalk, and laundry starch known as?​ a.fool ​b.​ kitta c.​ file d.​ pica e.​ pone


Kimchi is a famous Korean dish that contains​ a.​ pickled and fermented vegetables. b.rice and fish sauce.​ c.​ a hot barley soup and is served at most meals. d.​ mixed vegetables, aged and stored with chile sauce. e.​ rice and mixed vegetables.

pickled and fermented vegetables

What is the Iranian version of pilaf called?​ a.sarma​ b.foul​ c.polo​ d.khoresh​ e.​ basmati


What Pakistani dish is like cheesecake, but without a crust?​ a.​ ladoo b.​ ras malai c.​ sharbat d.​ rayta e.​ koftay

ras malai

What is the foundation of the diet in Southeast Asia?​​ ​c.noodles​ d.rice​ e.​ cassava


Chinese immigrants have been described according to their intention (or lack thereof) of returning back to China. Which of the following is the name for Chinese immigrants who intended to return to China but remained in the U.S., some of whom were successful in bringing their wives here to America?​ a.sages​b.​ sojournersc.​ Niseid.​ settlerse.​ Taoists


What is the term coined in the 1960s associated with fresh meats and vegetables made from scratch and thoroughly cooked?​ food ​b.​ heavy food c.​ pone food d.​ real food e.​ soul food

soul food

What dish, along with rice, is almost always served at breakfast in Korea?​ a.​ soup b.​ tofu c.​ noodles d.eggs​ e.​ fruit


Ghee is butter that has been clarified.​ True False


In the Philippines hot and cold theory is part of the therapeutic uses of food. True False


Jalebis are deep-fried sweets that are soaked in sweet syrup before serving. True False


The practitioners of the oldest religion in India believe in worshiping the spirits of natural phenomena. True False


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