Final (Quizzes 4-6)

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Using interaction analysis, a researcher codes:

) messages or texts into theoretically-based categories. B) ongoing conversation. C) verbal and/or nonverbal features or functions of conversation. D) ***all of the above.***

Credibility is essential to qualitative research because:

) multiple interpretations are likely in qualitative research. B) researchers using qualitative methods want to prove that some reality exists. C) qualitative research is objective. D) researchers using qualitative methods want to demonstrate the quality of their interpretations. E) ***a and d***

A correlation coefficient can range from:

-1.00 to +1.00.

For tests of relationship, the significance level is usually set at:

.05 as the criterion for making the decision to accept the research hypothesis.

The literature review should include:

A) a review or summary of the research completed prior to this study. B) literature that supports and contradicts the researcher's position. C) the hypotheses and research questions (often presented at the end of this section). D) an analysis and critique of research completed prior to this study. E) ***all of the above.***

Structural equation modeling:

A) allows researchers to test whether a theoretical model is statistically different from their collected data. B) employs both endogenous and exogenous variables. C) is used when communication researchers want to test for significant associations among multiple independent and dependent variables. D) ***all of the above.***

Techniques for helping the researcher analyze qualitative data include:

A) analytical memos. B) diagramming the data. C) using computers. D) ****All of the above.****

In qualitative research, research questions:

A) are quite similar to research questions for quantitative research. B) provide the researcher with a focus. C) give the researcher considerable latitude. D) usually ask "how" or "what." E) ***all except a.***

Content analysis is conducted on texts or messages that are:

A) captured in writing. B) captured on audiotape. C) captured on videotape. D) spoken; the researcher codes the content in real-time. E) ***All but d.***

Training coders involves which of the following:

A) committing the coding scheme to paper. B) preparing a codebook to identify coding content, coding units, and rules for coding. C) practicing on text or messages similar to those that must be coded. D) a simple discussion of the coding categories. E) all of the above F) ***all but d***

In terms of validity, surveys should have:

A) content validity. B) face validity. C) construct validity. D) ***all of the above***

Which of the following is a characteristic of qualitative data?

A) data are continuous rather than discrete B) data exist on a continuum from public to private C) data are anything that can be collected, recorded or captured D) ***all of the above**

Questions to ask yourself in regards to the completeness of the literature review include:

A) does the title of the literature report reflect what happened or was found in the study? B) are all of the terms defined and documented the first time they are used in the literature review? C) does the problem statement still reflect the social or practical significance of your study? D) have you added any additional journal articles or book chapters that strengthen your arguments? E) ***all of the above***

Due to the nature of the researcher's role in qualitative research, he or she needs to:

A) have a great deal of control over what happens. B) be able to fit in with events, people and interaction with which he or she is unfamiliar. C) develop trust and rapport with participants. D) develop additional questions or modify the initial research question based on the interaction that is observed. E) ***all except a.****

Content analysis and interaction analysis are similar in that each:

A) is a quantitative method. B) uses some form of experimental research design. C) is a method for analyzing content of interaction. D) relies on participants' perceptions of communication. E) ***a and c***

Regression is superior to correlation because it:

A) is more flexible. B) can predict some variables by knowing others. C) can be used with more than two variables. D) can test for the influence of more than one independent variable. E) ***all of the above.***

Purposive sampling:

A) is often used when a researcher selects a person or site to be included in the study because the person/site is thought to be typical of the communication being investigated. B) involves inclusion criteria. C) is one form of snowball sampling. D) ***a and b***

The mean:

A) is the most commonly reported measure of central tendency. B) is the most sensitive to extremely high or low scores. C) depends upon each and every score. D) is also known as the average. E) ***all of the above.***

Qualitative methodologies are more subjective and initially less structured than quantitative methodologies. Thus, the:

A) researcher does not need to design the research process before collecting data. B) initial research question may change as evidence of the problem is observed (or not observed.). C) qualitative data are continuous rather than discrete, often representing a stream of events or interactions. D) researcher does not need to consult the research literature before entering the scene. E)*** b and c.***

The t-test is:

A) restricted to one independent variable. B) restricted to one dependent variable. C) restricted to two groupings or categories of the independent variable. D) can test independent or dependent groups. E) ***all of the above.***

Surveys can be:

A) self-administered in writing without a researcher present. B) administered by an interviewer over the phone. C) administered by an interviewer in person. D) completed over the Web or email. E) ***all of the above.***

Type 1 error occurs when:

A) the null hypothesis is rejected even though it is true. B) the null hypothesis is retained (or the researcher fails to reject the null hypothesis) when it is true. C) the researcher does not claim a difference or relationship and one is not identified. D) the researcher claims some different or relationship exists when one does not. E) ***a and d***

The model for qualitative research demonstrates that:

A) the research process is not linear. B) cannot be planned in its entirety before entering the scene. C) research questions guide the investigation. D) interpretation and analysis can begin as soon as data are collected or shortly after. E) ****All of the above.****

When dealing with unexpected results:

A) the researcher should throw out the results and discontinue writing the research report. B) the researcher should consider alternative explanations for findings. C) the researcher should talk to others with expertise in their research topic and methodology for useful insight. D) all of the above. E) ***b and c only.***

Significance level is:

A) the same as the probability level. B) reported as p or alpha level in written research reports. C) set by the researcher prior to computing the statistical test. D) ***all of the above.***

A writing strategy, or style, used in qualitative research reports is:

A) thematic. B) chronological. C) separated text. D) puzzle explication. E) ***all of the above.***

Member checks, or member validations, are useful because:

A) they enhance credibility of data interpretation for participants. B) they give participants a chance to comment on or even edit the preliminary research report. C) participants' contributions are often the source of valuable insight for the researcher. D) ***all of the above****

A contingency analysis is also called:

A) two-way chi-square. B) two-dimensional chi-square. C) contingency table. D) ***all of the above.***

A researcher can enhance his or her credibility by:

A) using triangulation methods. B) engaging in member checks or member validations. C) prolonging engagement with interactants. D) ****all of the above.*****

Despite the variety in how researchers might write their qualitative research reports, the one thing that must be included is:

A) when the fieldwork was conducted. B) the extent of the researcher's involvement in the field. C) steps used to analyze the data. D) to what extent data were triangulated or checked. E) ****all of the above should be included.****

In content coding, a unit of analysis may be:

A) words or phrases. B) complete thoughts or sentences. C) themes. D) communication acts, behaviors, or processes. E) ***all of the above.***

Participant observation studies are best used when a setting has been so explored that formal hypotheses have been developed.


The results and discussion section of a qualitative research report includes:

a balance between description and analysis.

A linear relationship is one in which:

a one-unit change in one variable is associated with a constant change in the other variable.

A one-tailed t-test tests for:

a significant difference in a specified direction.

Selecting and developing authorial voice means making a decision:

about who will tell the story in reporting the qualitative data.

Closed questions are most effectively used when:

all potential responses are known in advance

Many qualitative research reports begin with:

an introductory premise to frame the descriptions and analyses.

ANOVA stands for:

analysis of variance.

Techniques for helping the researcher analyze qualitative data include:

analytical memos. diagramming the data. using computers. ***All of the above.***

Field notes:

are a continuous or sequential record of what was observed.

Measures of central tendency:

are the mean, median, and mode.

Likert-type scales:

assign numerical values to each response choice.

Maximum variation sampling is:

based on informational redundancy; a researcher seeks participants until the data received are the same as previously collected data.

Ideally, participants in a focus group should:

be randomly selected.

Analyzing qualitative data often:

begins after initial data collection.

Stories or narratives:

can be a reliable guide to storytellers' beliefs, attitudes, values, and actions.

A skewed curve is:

characterized by the data being bunched to one side or the other.

In content analysis, it is common to see coding schemes with one category identified as "other." This category indicates that a:

coding scheme was not successfully developed; the coding scheme is not as developed as it could be.

The chi-square:

compares the observed frequency with the expected frequency.

A paired comparison t-test:

compares two matched scores on the independent variable.

The researcher who does not engage interactants in any fashion is a:

complete observer.

In writing a qualitative research report, it is common for the researcher to

continually revise the document to improve the claims and conclusions drawn.

Regarding limitations, it is:

customary for researchers to draw readers' attention to those limitations that are most likely to influence the results and implications drawn from findings.

Multiple regression allows a researcher to test for a significant relationship between:

dependent variable and multiple independent variables separately and as a group.

The four analytical steps include all but:

determining if respondents answered the questions as the researcher expected

A correlation matrix:

displays how every variable is correlated with every other variable.

Inferential statistics are used to:

draw conclusions about a population by examining the data from a sample.

One of the primary strengths of interaction analysis is that:

elements preceding and subsequent to the element being coded are considered in placing conversational elements into categories.

A focus group is a facilitator-led group discussion in which the facilitator:

encourages participants to interact with one another, not just respond to the researcher's questions.

Triangulation is used by qualitative researchers to:

enhance credibility of their findings.

Descriptive statistics convey:

essential information about variables in a dataset.

A field interview:

has the goal of uncovering the respondent's point of view by drawing on terminology, issues, and themes introduced into the conversation by the respondent.

Due to the nature of the researcher's role in qualitative research, he or she needs to:

have a great deal of control over what happens. be able to fit in with events, people and interaction with which he or she is unfamiliar. develop trust and rapport with participants. develop additional questions or modify the initial research question based on the interaction that is observed. ***all except a***.

In qualitative research, data:

have few restrictions. Anything that can be observed or captured could count as data

In reading a quantitative research article you should:

independently assess the results in addition to reading the researcher's interpretation in the discussion section. B) refer back to the method section to determine how the data were collected when assessing the researcher's interpretations in the discussion section. C) look for other plausible interpretations of the data beyond those presented by the author. D) assess the link the author has made from the results to the supporting theory or framework. E) ****all of the above.****


involves the combination of forms of analysis, and presentation and representation of qualitative data in written research reports.

The normal curve:

is a theoretical distribution of scores.

Hypothesis testing:

is an act of decision making.

Using existing questionnaires and surveys:

is preferred because these questionnaires and surveys have undergone extensive testing and refinement.

Gaining access to the interaction environment:

is sometimes accomplished through a gatekeeper or sponsor.

If you must write your own questionnaire or survey, a good survey item is one that:

is straightforward.

Inductive analysis:

is the discovery and development of theory as they emerge from qualitative data

In qualitative research, the researcher:

is the primary data collector.

Open coding:

is unrestricted and is the first pass through coding.

One way to address your impact as the researcher on the usefulness of your data is to:

keep a separate journal of your research experiences to reflect on your role as the researcher.

Analysis is the process of

labeling and breaking down raw data.

In order, the four basic sections of a quantitative research report are:

literature review, method, results, discussion.

Interpretation is:

making sense of or giving meaning to the patterns, themes, concepts and propositions found during data analysis.

The focus group moderator:

may or may not be the researcher.

Internal reliability is the degree to which:

multiple items are consistent in measuring a construct or subconstruct on a questionnaire or survey

When data is theoretically saturated:

no new categories are emerging and the existing category structure appears stable.


nvolves the combination of forms of analysis, and presentation and representation of qualitative data in written research reports.

In coding and categorizing qualitative data, the researcher:

often allows themes to emerge from the data.

Qualitative research:

preserves the form and content of human interaction.

An open question:

provides data from the respondent's point of view.

An interview guide for field interviewing should include:

questions that encourage the respondent to discuss the topic of interest.

The standard deviation is the:

representation of variability in the dataset.

Qualitative methodologies are more subjective and initially less structured than quantitative methodologies. Thus, the:

researcher does not need to design the research process before collecting data. initial research question may change as evidence of the problem is observed (or not observed.). qualitative data are continuous rather than discrete, often representing a stream of events or interactions. researcher does not need to consult the research literature before entering the scene. ****b and c****.

The reporting accuracy of numerical information is most critical in which section?


Response rate is the:

return rate.

In using grounded theory, a researcher would:

seek to find relationships between data and categories

The method section in a qualitative research report:

should include information about the research methods and procedures used in the study.

In the results section, the minimum information needed to be presented for each hypothesis or questions is:

statistical test used, the results of the test, the significance level of the test, and a written description of the statistical test as support for or rejection of the hypothesis, or connecting the result of the statistical test to the answering of the research question.

A correlation coefficient must be interpreted both for its:

strength and direction.

A correlation is the statistical test for:

testing the linear relationship between two continuous level variables.

Ethnography is best described as research

that develops an in-depth and holistic description of interactants in their cultural or sub cultural environment.

Ethnography is best described as research:

that develops an in-depth and holistic description of interactants in their cultural or sub cultural environment.

Autoethnography is best described as research:

that is highly personal and emotional because the researcher is also a participant.

Field interviews are best conducted in pairs so:

that one team member can interview while the other team member takes notes.

A test of relationship examines patterns in the data to determine if:

the alternative hypothesis is true and the null hypothesis is not.

r2 is used to determine:

the amount of variance two variables has in common.

A social desirability response is:

the answer the participant believes the interviewer or researcher is seeking.

In content analysis, validity refers to:

the appropriateness and adequacy of the coding scheme for the text or messages being coded.

In content analysis, manifest content and latent content refer to:

the content itself and interpretations about the content that imply something about the communicators.

The quantitative aspect of content analysis is the:

the frequency counts for each coded element.

When a researcher uses an ANOVA, you can assume that:

the independent variable is nominal level data and the dependent variable is continuous level data

A significance level is:

the level of error the researcher is willing to accept for each statistical test.

In the qualitative research report:

the researcher must keep his or her agreement about confidentiality and anonymity with participants

In the qualitative research report:

the researcher must keep his or her agreement about confidentiality and anonymity with participants.

The discussion section is characterized by:

the researcher's interpretation of the results.

In qualitative research, discourse is:

the set of naturally occurring messages used as data.

A writing strategy, or style, used in qualitative research reports is:

thematic. chronological. separated text. puzzle explication. ****all of the above.****

Metaphor, dramatistic, and theoretical frames are used by researchers to:

translate categories into meaning.

To test for the interaction effect, the statistic must be:

two-way ANOVA

Sampling observations during qualitative research should take into consideration:

what is considered routine. what is considered a special event. what is considered an untoward event or emergency. different time periods. ***all of the above.****

After reading the method section of a quantitative research report, you should know:

what the researcher did to collect the data.

Threats to credibility in qualitative research exist when:

when data that fail to fit the explanation or interpretation are not addressed.

Despite the variety in how researchers might write their qualitative research reports, the one thing that must be included is:

when the fieldwork was conducted. the extent of the researcher's involvement in the field. steps used to analyze the data. to what extent data were triangulated or checked. ****all of the above should be included.****

In working with qualitative data, the researcher:

works reflexively between analyzing and writing the data.

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