Final Test

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23.2 Annealing consists of heating a metal to a suitable temperature, holding at that temperature for a certain time, and then slowly cooling

(a) true

30.1 In brazing, the base metals melt at temperatures above 840F (450C) while in soldering they melt at 840F (450C) or below

(b) false

30.11 A soldering gun is used to inject molten solder metal into the joint area when the trigger is pulled

(b) false

30.14 Weld bonding is an adhesive joining method in which heat is used to melt the adhesive

(b) false

28.13 The amount of heat required to melt a given volume of metal depends strongly on which of the following properties (three best answers)

(b) heat of fusion, (c) melting temperature, (e) specific heat

28.10 For metallurgical reasons, it is desirable to melt the weld metal with minimum energy input. Which one of the following heat sources is most consistent with this objective

(b) high power density,

28.7 A flange weld is most closely associated with which one of the following joint types

(c) edge

28.3 Which of the following welding processes are classified as solid-state welding (two correct answers)

(c) friction welding, and (e) ultrasonic welding

28.12 Which one of the following welding operations generates the lowest power density

(c) oxyfuel welding

23.4 When annealing is performed to allow for further cold working of the part, it is called which one of the following

(c) process anneal

27.12 Which one of the following gases is the most commonly used in sputtering and ion plating

(a) argon,

27.2 Which of the following chemicals are associated with alkaline cleaning (two correct answers)

(a) borax, (d) sodium hydroxide,

28.6 Groove welds are most closely associated with which one of the following joint types

(a) butt,

30.2 The most common types of brazed joints are which two of the following

(a) butt, (d) lap,

30.9 Which one of the following is not a function of a flux in brazing or soldering

(a) chemically etch the surfaces to increase roughness for better adhesion of the filler metal,

15.6 As particle size increases, interparticle friction

(a) decreases

27.7 Which of the following processes generally produces a deeper penetration of atoms in the impregnated surface

(a) diffusion

15.11 After pressing in the press and sinter PM sequence, the work part is called which one of the following

(a) green compact,

30.16 Roughening the faying surfaces tends to

(a) have no effect on the strength of an adhesively bonded joint

15.16 Which of the following processes combines pressing and sintering of the metal powders (three best answers)

(a) hot isostatic pressing, (b) hot pressing, and (e) spark sintering

23.1 Which of the following are the usual objectives of heat treatment (three best answers)

(a) increase hardness, (d) reduce brittleness, and (f) relieve stresses

15.17 Which of the following design features would be difficult or impossible to achieve by conventional pressing and sintering (three best answers)

(a) outside rounded corners, (b) side holes, (c) threaded holes

15.8 Which of the following statements are correct in the context of metallic powders (three correct answers)

(a) porosity + packing factor = 1.0, (c) packing factor = 1.0 porosity, (e) packing factor = bulk density/true density

15.15 In cold isostatic pressing, the mold is most typically made of which one of the following

(a) rubber

28.15 The melting factor in welding is correctly defined by which one of the following descriptions

(a) the proportion of the heat received at the work surface that is used for melting,

15.13 Repressing refers to a pressworking operation used to compress a sintered part in a closed die to achieve closer sizing and better surface finish

(a) true

15.2 Powder metal part shaping operations are generally considered to be net shape or near net shape processes

(a) true

15.3 A powder can be defined as a finely divided particulate solid

(a) true

23.11 Hardenability refers to the relative capacity of a steel to be hardened by transformation to martensite

(a) true

27.13 Chemical vapor deposition can be defined as the interaction between a mixture of gases and the surface of a heated substrate, causing chemical decomposition of some of the gas constituents and formation of a solid film on the substrate

(a) true

27.3 Ultrasonic cleaning combines chemical cleaning and mechanical agitation of the cleaning fluid to remove surface contaminants

(a) true

27.6 Tumbling is a mass finishing method that uses a rotating barrel that contains a mixture of parts and media

(a) true

27.7 Electroforming is basically the same process as electroplating, but it is used to create a part formed around a pattern, and the plate thickness is much greater than in electroplating

(a) true

28.9 Power density can be defined as the rate of heat energy transferred to the work per unit surface area

(a) true

30.5 Best clearances between surfaces in brazing are which one of the following ranges

(b) 0.025-0.250 mm (0.001-0.010 in.),

15.12 Which one of the following most closely typifies the sintering temperatures used in powder metallurgy

(b) 0.8 Tm where Tm = melting temperature of the metal on an absolute scale

23.12 The most common method for measuring hardenability is which one of the following

(b) Jominy end-quench test,

28.2 An autogenous weld is best described as which one of the following

(b) a fusion-welding operation in which no filler metal is added,

30.10 Which of the following metals are used in solder alloys (four correct answers)

(b) antimony, (e) lead, (g) silver, (h) tin,

23.8 Of the following quenching media, which one produces the most rapid cooling rate

(b) brine,

27.6 Which one of the following plating metals produces the hardest surface on a metallic substrate

(b) chromium

28.4 A fillet weld can be used to join which of the following joint types (three correct answers)

(b) corner, (d) lap, and (e) tee

27.8 Calorizing is the same as which one of the following surface processes

(a) aluminizing

27.1 Which of the following are reasons why workparts must be cleaned in industry (four best answers)

(c) to enhance appearance, (e) to improve hygiene conditions for workers, (g) to prepare the surface for subsequent processing, and (h) to remove contaminants that might chemically attack the surface

23.3 Which of the following are typical reasons to anneal a metal (three correct answers)

(c) to recrystallize strain-hardened metals, (d) to reduce brittleness, and (f) to relieve stresses

23.10 Tempering is a heat treatment applied to hardened steels that is best defined as which of the following (one correct answer)

(d) heating and soaking at a temperature below the austenitizing level followed by slow cooling,

27.15 Porcelain enamel is applied to a surface in which one of the following forms

(d) powders

15.10 Before pressing and sintering in the conventional PM sequence, the powders are blended and/or mixed. Blending refers to which one of the following

(d) powders of the same chemistry but possibly different sizes are intermingled

30.12 Wave soldering is used in the production of which one of the following products and/or assemblies

(d) printed circuit board assemblies

15.7 Which of the following powder shapes would tend to have the lowest interparticle friction

(d) spherical,

27.5 Shot peening uses a high-velocity stream of which one of the following media

(d) steel pellets

28.5 A fillet weld has a cross sectional shape that is approximately which one of the following

(d) triangular

27.4 In sand blasting, which one of the following blast media is used

(e) SiO2

27.11 Sputtering is a form of which one of the following

(e) physical vapor deposition

27.8 Which one of the following plating metals is associated with the term galvanizing

(e) zinc

23.9 The treatment in which the brittleness of martensite is reduced is called which one of the following

(f) tempering

30.13 In adhesive bonding, which one of the following is the term used for the parts that are joined

(a) adherend,

23.13 In precipitation hardening, the hardening and strengthening of the metal occurs in which one of the following steps

(a) aging

27.10 With which one of the following metals is anodizing most commonly associated (one answer)

(a) aluminum,

27.9 Which of the following processes involves electrochemical reactions (two correct answers)

(a) anodizing, (d) electroplating

27.16 Hard facing utilizes which one of the following basic processes

(a) arc welding,

30.6 Which of the following are advantages of brazing compared to fusion welding (three best answers)

(b) dissimilar metals can be joined, (c) less heat and energy required, (e) multiple joints can be brazed simultaneously,

28.11 Which one of the following welding operations generates the highest power density

(b) electron beam welding

27.14 The principal methods of applying powder coatings are which of the following (two best answers)

(b) electrostatic spraying, (c) fluidized bed,

15.1 The conventional process for producing parts in powder metallurgy is to simultaneously press and sinter metallic powders in a closed mold

(b) false

15.4 The particle size that can pass through a screen is obtained by taking the reciprocal of the mesh count of the screen

(b) false

15.9 In the water atomization process for producing metallic powders, particle size is controlled largely by the velocity of the fluid stream; higher speeds create larger particles

(b) false

23.5 The hardness of steel increases with increasing carbon content, but the increase is achieved only through heat treatment

(b) false

28.1 Welding can only be performed on metals that have the same melting point; otherwise, the metal with the lower melting temperature always melts while the other metal remains solid

(b) false

28.16 Weld failures always occur in the fusion zone of the weld joint, because this is the part of the joint that has been melted

(b) false

28.8 A surfacing weld is a weld in which one or more parts are joined to the surface of flat plate stock

(b) false

30.4 Scarfing in the brazing of a butt joint involves the wrapping of a sheath around the two parts to be joined to contain the molten filler metal during the heating process

(b) false

30.7 Braze welding derives its name from the fact that some melting of the base metals occur, as in fusion welding

(b) false

23.6 The time-temperature-transformation curve (TTT curve) for steel can best be described by which one of the following

(b) indicates how cooling rate affects the transformation of austenite into various possible phases

15.14 Impregnation refers to which of the following (two best answers)

(b) putting polymers into the pores of a PM part, (c) soaking oil by capillary action into the pores of a PM part,

15.5 For a given weight of metallic powders, the total surface area of the powders is increased by which of the following (two best answers)

(b) smaller particle size, (c) higher shape factor

30.3 The strength of a brazed joint is typically

(b) stronger than the filler metal out of which it is made

28.14 The heat transfer factor in welding is correctly defined by which one of the following descriptions

(b) the proportion of the total heat generated at the source that is received at the work surface,

23.7 Martensite can best be defined as which one of the following

(c) a phase consisting of an iron-carbon solution whose composition is the same as the austenite from which it was derived

23.14 Which one of the following surface-hardening treatments is the most common

(c) carburizing,

30.15 Adhesively bonded joints are strongest under which type of stresses (two best answers)

(c) shear, and (d) tension

30.8 Which of the following soldering methods are not used for brazing (two correct answers)

(c) soldering iron, (e) wave soldering

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