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Class C Extinguisher

Circle, Blue, Electrical equipment

Class D

Combustible metals; heat-absorbing medium which is not reactive with burning metals

10 sqm

Coverage of one sprinkler head for extra hazard occupancy

20 sqm

Coverage of one sprinkler head for light hazard occupancy

Stage 4

Decay or Cooling period; gradual consumption of fuel in the compartment

Class C

Energized electrical equipment; no water, use electrical non-conductive extinguishing agents

Congested High Fire Load Areas; Loss of Integrity of Fire Wall; and Proximity of Buildings

External Fire Spread due to:

Half-way Stage 1 and half-way Stage 2

Fire Growth: Active Fire Protection, Development of heat and flames

Half-way Stage 2, Stage 3 and Stage 4

Fire Growth: Passive Fire Protection, Load bearing capacity of materials is maintained. Prevention of fir spread to other compartments.

Life Risk Areas

Fire zoning (hospitals); areas in which all occupants are ambulant and able to move unaided away from a fire. eg. Outpatient department; Service Zone

High Life Risk Areas

Fire zoning (hospitals); areas in which persons may reside and are not able to move unaided away from a fire. eg. Intensive Care Unit, Operating Department

High Fire Load Areas

Fire zoning (hospitals); areas which, because of their construction or contents, contain large amounts of combustible materials, thereby constituting a fire load in excess of that normally found eg. Gas Storage, Linen Closets

High Fire Risk Areas

Fire zoning (hospitals); areas which, due to their function, are more usually susceptible to an outbreak of fire, or to a rapid spread of fire or smoke. eg. Kitchen or Boiler Room

Class B

Flammable liquids and gases; exclude air from burning materials

Stage 2

Flashover; rapid change from local fire to one involving all combustible materials in a room

Stage 1

For Growth: Active Fire Protection, Slow rate of burning

Stage 3

Fully developed fire; all materials in compartment are alight; maximum rate of the release is dependent on either available ventilation or quantity of fuel

Air ducts; Vertical Shafts; Ceilings; and Non-Fire Rated Doors

Internal Fire Spread due to through:

Mechanical Fire Detection

Makes use of manual and automatic (electric/electronic) methods of informing the occupants in charge that a fire has occurred in a given location

Stage 1

Pre-flashover or growth phase; involves flaming combustion of item and may lead to spread of fire

Fire Avoidance

Reducing the possibility of accidental ignition of construction materials, as well as fittings and fixtures.

Class B Extinguisher

Square, Red, Flammable Liquids

Class D Extinguisher

Star, Yellow, Combustible metals

Automatic Sprinkler System

System of water pipes, discharge nozzles, and control valves designed to activate during fires by automatically discharging enough water to control or extinguish a fire.

6 meters; 23 meters

Wet standpipes shall be determined so that all portions of the building are within _____ of a nozzle attached to a hose _____ long


a pipe installed in the building not part of the water supply system but primarily for use as water conveyor in case of fire


a rapid oxidation process accompanied by the evolution of heat, light and emission of sound

Wet Standpipe System

a standpipe system having piping containing water at all times; a piping network connects to all levels of building

Fire Growth Restrictions

aimed at ensuring that the growing fire is extinguished immediately and at providing adequate time for firemen to arrive, control the fire and evacuate the occupants

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

are most effective on Class B and C fires; the gas disperses quickly, these extinguishers are only effective from 1 to 2.4 feet; is stored as a compressed liquid, as it expands it cools the surrounding air

Dry Chemical

are usually rated for multiple purpose use; contain an extinguishing agent and use a compressed, non-flammable gas as a propellant

Fire Containment

assumes that measures to control a growing fire may bot be successful, hence its maximum size needs to be restricted both to reduce the risk and to allow effective firefighting; fire cladding of structural components to ensure stability of structural frames


combustible and spreads flames

Fire Compartmentation

containing fire-prone areas by means of fire-resistive enclosures; to limit fire and smoke spread, allow longer escape time, and to reduce the maximum potential size of the fire


contains a gas that interrupts with the chemical reaction that occurs when fuels burn; use to protect valuable electrical equipment since it does not leave a residue and will not damage appliances

Escape Provisions

cover a range of passive or active systems which permit the occupants to move or be moved to a place of safety within or outside the building

Fire Control

covers those devices and systems which fire aid firefighters in actively extinguishing the fire and end it earlier than a free-burning fire


does not burn; high conductivity spreads heat; loses half of its strength in 550°C

Calcium Silicate

excellent thermal shock resistance; up to 100°C

Fuel, Oxygen, Heat

fire triangle

6-7 storeys

fire truck should be 5.6 meters away on 20 meter-building height or _____ storeys

8-9 storeys

fire truck should be 6.7 meters away on 25 meter-building height or _____ storeys

10 storeys

fire truck should be 8.5 meters away on 30 meter-building height or _____ storeys


high fire resistance, disintegrates at 400-500°C


high fire resistance; cracks at 575°C; are subject to high temperatures during manufacture

Siamese Connection

is located outside the building for additional water supply

75° angle

maximum and safe angle of a fire truck ladder

Smoke Control

measure which can assist to some extent occupants in the fire zone but particularly needed for other adjacent areas


minimum diameter for those more than 15 meters from the fire service connection


minimum diameter for wet standpipe is _____ for those less than 25 meters from the fire service connection

Dry Standpipe System

no longer being utilized in new buildings; a standpipe is connected to the building exterior for connection to the fire department

Class A

ordinary combustible materials, wood, paper, plastics etc; use water


projects through a finished ceiling when piping is exposed

Firefighting Shaft

provides access to a building for fire brigades; fully-equipped with service elevator, stair and lobby

3.6 meters to 6 meters

sprinklers can be spaced from _____ apart


standard float, toughened and laminated panes do not provide any fire resistance

Stairways Landings

standpipes should be located in _____

Smoke Dispersal

technique of clearing smoke locally by provision of natural cross-ventilation or mechanical venting.

Smoke Containment/Barrier

technique of restricting the movement of smoke by the provision of fire resisting elements.


technique whereby air is blown into spaces which are designed to be kept clear of smoke.


used above piping when piping is exposed

Visual Fire Detection

To visually expose fire risk and fire load areas to building occupants; fire-prone areas should be visually accessible; provide peepholes on doors

Class A Extinguisher

Triangle, Green, Ordinary combustible

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