First Five Presidents

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XYZ affair

An insult to the American delegation when they were supposed to be meeting French foreign minister, Talleyrand, but instead they were sent 3 officials Adams called "X,Y, and Z" that demanded $250,000 as a bribe to see Talleyrand.


British practice of taking American sailors from American ships and forcing them into the British navy; a factor in the War of 1812.

Jay Treaty

British would leave army posts in America and pay back damages done on navy ships but would not promise to stop seizing American Ships in future. US had to pay back revolution debts. not popular

12th amendment

Brought about by the Jefferson/Burr tie, stated that presidential and vice-presidential nominees would run on the same party ticket. Before that time, all of the candidates ran against each other, with the winner becoming president and second-place becoming vice-president.

Thomas Jeffersons fav thing he did

Declaration on Religious Freedom-basis of first amendment, the government couldn't decided the religion you had to be

James Monroe

Democratic Republican, 1817-1825, two terms, antifederalist, secretary of state under washington

Thomas Jefferson

Democratic republican, 1801-1809, 2 terms

James Madison

Democratic-Republican, 1809 to 1817, two terms, federalist

John Adams

Federalist 1797-1801 one term; first prez to live in capital; first and last federalist prez

who wrote the star spangle banner

Frances Scott Key

Federalist papers

Hamilton, Jay, and Madison; demands constitution be ratified in 1789 without the bill of rights

Two parties

Hamiltonians-Federalists: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay; supported by people in the north because of industry, strong central gov, rich should rule industry national bank fears the "common man" Jeffersonians-Democratic-Republic: Thomas Jefferson, state gov not federal, agricultural, common people smart enough to vote for rich, no national bank

Missouri Compromise (1820)

Henry Clay (Great Compromiser) 1. Missouri would become a slave state, create Maine as a free one to balance out 2. no new slaves states in the Louisiana Territory 3. Mason Dixon line, 36*30', slaves south free north

Great Triumvirate

Henry Clay (kentucky), John C. Calhoun (South Carolina), Daniel Webster (New England)

kentucky and virginia resolutions

James Madison and Thomas Jeffersons response to the Alien and Sedation Acts. opposes government; says that if a state disagrees with a federal law they can choose to ignore it. declare null and void

Louisiana Purchase

Jefferson sends two men (James Monroe and Robert Livingston) to France to buy New Orleans, Napoleon offers to sell them the whole Louisiana territory for 15 million, they accept

first supreme court justice

John Jay

Monroe's secretary of State

John Quincy Adams

Corps of Discovery

Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806... READ PAPER!!!....

Barbary States

Libia, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia. Pirates capturing US ships, sailors for ransom, we pay for protection, Pasha of tripoli wants more and declares war, peace treaty paid for. Hero=John Paul Jones

First Ladies

Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, Martha/Pattsy Jefferson, Dolly Madison, Elizabeth Monroe

where was John Adams born


Battle of Fallen Timbers

Miami Conference vs. USA, fight over land in the Northwest Territory, Hero Mad Anthony Wane; ends in the Treaty of Greenville

Where was Thomas Jefferson born

Monticello, Virginia

who is the hero of the battle of New Orleans and the Battle of Tippicanoe

NO-Andrew Jackson BT-William Henry Harrison

George Washington

No party, president from 1789-1797, 2 terms

First Five presidents

Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe

Neutrality Proclamation

Washington, French Revolution. Made America neutral and told citizens not to pick sides

Alien and Sedation Acts

acts by Adams, made him really unpopular. Alien: prez could deport anyone who seemed detrimental to USA. Sedation: anyone who falsely portrayed the Gov. would get in trouble

Thomas Jeffersons political philosophy

believed in common man, believed common man would choose the right leaders, agricultural future, believed you must protect citizens liberties from the central government--states rights!

Hamiltons compromise

capital taken away from north and put in the south if the south promised to pay some of the tax debt. L'Enfant designs DC. made up of part of Delaware, Maryland, And Virginia

Judiciary Act

creates our entire court system, organized the Supreme Court, with a chief justice and five associates, as well as federal district and circuit courts and established the office of the attorney general

difference between federalists and anti-federalists

federalists wants the constitution passed without the bill of rights while anti-federalists want the constitution to be passed with the bill of rights

Treaty of Greenville

gives Northwest Territory to USA and indians get money, the right to hunt on the land in return; basically USA saying we are taking your land, we feel bad, here is 20,000

Era of Good feelings

good sense of nationalism because of War of 1812, only one political party

Where was Washington inaugurated

in New York on Wall Street on April 30, 1789

Marbury vs. Madison

questioned who had finial authority to determine the meaning of the constitution, John Marshall (SCJ) judicial review

Washingtons cabinate

secretary of state: Thomas Jefferson, secretary of treasury: Alexander Hamilton, secretary of war: Henry Knox

effects of treaty of ghent

stopped fighting but didn't really do anything else for USA or Britain, gave USA respect of other nations

judicial reviews

supreme court has the final word on the constitution

John Marshall

supreme court justice, sets up judicial reviews


tax on imports. Financial plan

Pinckney Treaty

w/ Spain, gave America almost everything they wanted including navigation of mississippi, florda, and the right to deposit goods in New Orleans. :).

Citizen Genet

wealthy man from France, says USA must help France (money) rallies people; Washington tells him to leave

embargo Act

1807, forbids exports on all goods with Europe, messed up economy and no one liked it

Battle of Tippicanoe

USA vs. Indians-Mississippi Confed. over land, USA wins at this battle, great hero William Henry Harrison. Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa

Where was James Madison born

Virginia, Montpelia

George Washington was born in

Virginia, Mt Vernon

what treaty ended the war of 1812

Treaty of Ghent, december 1814

where was James Monroe from

Virginia, last of the Virginia dynasty

French revolution

(1789-1815) Jefferson for citizens rights, Hamilton for Wealthy french; both want to go to war but for different reasons. Washington decides to stay out of it

Monroe Doctrine (1823)

-spoke out against foreign countries (Europe) coming to america to colonize. Two basic features: 1. noncolonization 2. nonintervention. -really written by John Quincy Adams. -written because they would afraid foreign countries would try to colonize the Louisiana territory -empty threat till Teddy Roosevelt

Events of the War of 1812

1. British burn capital city, Dolly Madison saves history 2. Taking of Fort McHenry, writing of Star Spangle Banner 3. Battle of New Orleans (1815), US vicorious, ANDREW JACKSON hero

causes of the War of 1812 ("Mr. Madison's War")

1. British supporting Indians with weapons 2. war hawks-Madison caught up in War fever 3. want to establish US as a powerful nation 4. impressment, search and seizure 5. maybe take canada

Washington's Farewell Adress

1. avoid political parties 2. don't get involved with foreign countries (statements, wars, etc.)

why was the Louisiana purchase important

1. biggest real-estate purchase in history 2. we got New Orleans 3. stopped possible fight with france

Jeffersons plan when he came into office

1. limit power of the executive branch 2. reduce the national debt 3.strict interpretation of the constitution 4.follow washington's foreign policy-isolation

Hamilton's financial plan

1. make the wealthy happy so they give money to the government 2. the federal government is responsible for paying for the debt 3. guarantee wealth for wealthy 4. establish the bank of america and make the charter for 20 years, would recharter then but until then don't touch it

two important indians in the Battle of TIppicanoe

Tecumseh (chief) and Tenskwatawa (Great Prophet)

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