Flexion, Extension, Etc.
Ankle-foot dorsiflexion
(Focus on the arrow)
Ankle-foot plantar flexion
(Focus on the arrow)
Elbow flexion
(Focus on the arrow)
Hip abduction
(Focus on the arrow)
Hip adduction
(Focus on the arrow)
Hip extension
(Focus on the arrow)
Hip flexion
(Focus on the arrow)
Knee extension
(Focus on the arrow)
Knee flexion
(Focus on the arrow)
Shoulder abduction
(Focus on the arrow)
Shoulder adduction
(Focus on the arrow)
Shoulder extension
(Focus on the arrow)
Shoulder external rotation
(Focus on the arrow)
Shoulder flexion
(Focus on the arrow)
Shoulder internal rotation
(Focus on the arrow)
Spinal rotation
(Focus on the arrow) Can be left or right
Spinal extension
(Focus on the arrow) The body should be level or leaning slightly backwards
Spinal lateral flexion
Can be left or right
Hip external rotation
Leg moving so that the foot is facing away from the body
Hip internal rotation
Leg moving so that the foot is facing straight forward or in towards the body
Elbow extension
(Focus on the arrow)