FMF Tactical Measures Fundamentals

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SMEAC - Execution

- Concept of Operations. is the patrol leader's brief summary of the tactical plan the patrol is to execute. - Task organization of the patrol. - Movement to the objective area to include navigation method. - Actions in the objective area. - The return movement to include navigation method. - Use of supporting forces, including illumination if required. - Subordinate Tasks (Missions). In each succeeding paragraph, missions are assigned to each element and any attached units. - Coordinating Instructions. In the last paragraph, instructions that apply to two or more subordinate elements, coordination of details, and control measures applicable to the patrol as a whole. - Time of assembly in the assembly area. - Time of inspections and rehearsals that have not already been conducted. - Time of departure and estimated time of return. - Location of departure and re-entry of friendly lines, - Details on the primary and alternate routes to and from the objective area. - Details on formations and order of movement. - Rally points and actions at rally points. - Final preparation position and actions at this point. - Objective rally point and actions at this point. - Actions at danger areas/- Actions in the event of enemy contact. - Details on actions in the objective not covered elsewhere. - Estimate time of patrol debriefing upon return.

The low crawl is used when

- Cover and concealment are scarce. - The enemy has good observation over the area in which the scout is moving. - Speed is not essential.

To perform the low crawl

- Keep your body as flat as possible against the ground. - Grasp the rifle sling at the upper sling swivel. - Let the balance of the rifle rest on the forearm and let the butt of the rifle drag on the ground. - Keep the muzzle off the ground. - Start forward by pushing your arms forward and pulling right leg forward. - Move forward by pulling with arms and pushing with right leg. Change the pushing leg frequently to avoid fatigue

Column Formation

Raise either arm to the vertical position. Drop the arm to the rear, describing complete circles in a vertical plane parallel to the body. The signal may be used to indicate either a troop or vehicular column.

Hasty Ambush Left/Right

Raise fist to shoulder level and thrust it several times in the desired direction.

Maintaining the helmet

- Do not heat water in it. - Do not hammer with it. - Do not dig with it - Clean the suspension, headband, chinstrap, and retention band of the helmet. - Wash the suspension, headband, chinstrap, and retention band and air dry.

SMEAC - Situation

- Environment. Weather, terrain, visibility, local population situation, and behavior as they impact on the patrol and enemy forces. - Enemy Forces. Consists of the composition, disposition, location, movement, capabilities, and recent activities of the enemy forces. - Friendly Forces. A statement of the mission of the next higher unit, location and mission of adjacent units, and mission of non-organic supporting units that may affect the actions of the unit. - Attachments and Detachments. Units attached to or detached from the patrol by higher headquarters, including the effective time of attachment or detachment.

Demonstrate techniques that enhance hearing.

- Hearing is amplified with the mouth open. - Removing the helmet will reduce sound distortion. - By holding the ear close to the ground, sounds of people walking and vehicles moving can be heard

Search field of view using the strip method.

- In daylight, look first at the ground nearest you. Begin observing close to your post and search a narrow strip 50 meters or less deep, going from right to left parallel to your front. Then search from left to right a second and similar strip farther away, but overlapping the first. Continue to observe until the entire field of view has been searched as shown in the below figure.

To perform the high crawl

- Keep your body off the ground. - Rest weight on forearms and lower legs. -Cradle rifle in arms, keeping the muzzle off the ground. - Keep knees well behind the buttocks to stay low. - Move forward, alternately advancing right forearm and left knee, then left forearm and right knee.

Crossing a Danger Area

- Open areas such as streets, alleys, and parks should be avoided. They are natural kill zones for enemy crew-served weapons. They can be crossed safely if certain fundamentals are applied by Marines and small-unit leaders. - When using the correct procedure for crossing an open area, develop a plan for your own movement. Use smoke from hand grenades or smoke pots to conceal the movement of all Marines. Run the shortest distance between buildings and move along the far building to the next position. By doing so, you reduce the amount of time during which you are exposed to enemy fire. - Before moving to another position, make a visual reconnaissance and select the position that offers the best cover and concealment. At the same time, select the route that you will take to get to that position. - When moving from position to position, be careful not to mask your supporting fires. When you reach your next position, be prepared to cover the movement of other members of your assault force or element.

Crossing a wall

- Reconnaissance the wall before crossing. - Quickly roll over the wall, keeping a low silhouette. The speed of your movement and a low silhouette deny the enemy a good target

Avoid all unnecessary movement.

- Remain motionless while observing. Anything in motion attracts the eye. - Use all available concealment because it offers a low silhouette and makes detection by the enemy difficult. -Expose nothing that reflects light. - Blend with the background because contrasting colors are noticeable. - Remain in the shade because moving shadows attract attention. - Distort or change the regular outline of objects. Most military objects have distinctive shapes that make obvious shadows and silhouettes. - Avoid the skyline. Figures on the skyline can be seen from great distances and are easily identified by their outlines.

Search field of view using the scanning method.

- Scanning enables the Marines to overcome many of the physiological limitations of their eyes. It can also reduce confusing visual illusions. This technique involves looking from right to left or left to right using a slow, regular scanning movement as shown in figure 1. At night, it is essential to avoid looking directly at a faintly visible object when trying to confirm its presence.

Ensure serviceability of 782-gear.

- Scrub any soiled spots lightly with a brush, or use a white or colorfast cloth. - Dry items in the shade or indoors. - Do not dry items in the sun because direct sunlight will discolor them. - Do not dry 782-gear in a mechanical/commercial dryer because this creates excessive wear and may damage the dryer.

Helo Landing Zones (Cont)

- Site should not contain high obstacles or debris, which will be blown by rotor wash. -The site should offer some measure of protection for the vulnerable helicopter form enemy direct fire weapons. Terrain cover and an effective base of fire suppressive fire during the critical landing, loading can provide this protection, and departure phases of an evacuation conducted in forward battle areas. - Flat open spaces and hilltops are good locations for a landing zone. - All around security (360-degree perimeter defense) should be maintained at all times. - Landing zones may have to be cleared by the platoon. Tools likely to be used would be chain saws, hatchets, K-bars, entrenching tools, and explosives such as TNT and C-4. In extreme cases, where single and double canopy exists, casualties may have to be evacuated by hoisting as the helicopter hovers overhead.

SMEAC - Command and Signal

- Special instructions on communications, including prearranged signals, password and countersign, radio call signs and frequencies, emergency signals, radio procedures, pyrotechnics, and restrictions on the use of communications. - Location of patrol leader. - Location of assistant patrol leader - Location of subordinate leaders

Search field of view using the off-center vision method.

- The technique of viewing an object using daytime central vision is ineffective at night. This is due to the night blind spot that exists during low illumination. Marines must learn to use off-center vision. This technique requires viewing an object by looking 6 to 10 degrees above, below, or to either side of the object rather than directly at it.

Silence gear.

- To silence 782-gear during combat patrolling, follow the steps below. - Cover all metal areas with tape. - Tape up all loose straps. - Tape anything that could enhance noise.

Waterproof gear.

- To waterproof 782-gear, follow the steps below. - Use trash and zip lock bags to prevent gear from getting wet. - Use waterproof bag to keep sleeping bag from getting wet

Inspect and clean the flak jacket.

- Visually inspect the flak jacket. Inspect for - Bunching caused by lumps or distortion in the ballistic nylon filter. - Tears, punctures, or damages to the outer nylon cover. - An increase in weight, which indicates that the nylon filter has become wet. - A damaged or dirty hook-and-pile velcro fastener. - Clean the hook-and-pile fastener by washing it with warm, soapy water or by brushing it, as necessary. - Inspect for broken or missing elastic laces. NOTE: Turn in a damaged jacket as soon as possible to supply - Brush off mud and loose dirt. - Wash the front, back, and the inside of the jacket. - Air dry the jacket.

Maintaining the canteens and canteen cup.

- Wash the canteens and canteen cup with warm, soapy water. - Rinse thoroughly. - Keep the canteen cup clean and dry when not using - Check for holes and rust.

Preserve night vision when subjected to lighted areas or illumination.

- When entering a lighted area or observing in a temporarily lighted area such as illumination and flares, one eye should be closed and covered to preserve its night vision. - When the light goes off, fades, or the lighted area is exited, the night vision retained by the protected eye enables it to see until the other eye adapts to the darkness. - Red light helps preserve night vision, but like white light, it can be observed at long distances. - Factors that decrease night visual acuity include fatigue, lack of oxygen, long exposure to sunlight, alcohol, nicotine within the pass 48 hours, and age. - When night vision has been attained, straining will not improve effectiveness; however, practicing to identify objects at night will improve perception.

High crawl is used when

-Cover and/or concealment are available. - Poor visibility reduces enemy observation. - Greater speed of movement is required.

Popping the Corner Technique

-Get into a prone position near the corner of a building or obstacle around which to observe. The weapon is short stocked, and the muzzle is pointed in the direction you are looking. This allows you to engage a target, if necessary, when observing around a corner. - Crawl to the corner but don't expose yourself. - Raise your upper body onto your elbows. Then push your body forward with your feet and legs without moving your elbows. Your upper body, with the weapon ready, will move forward. - The final position will expose the weapon, your helmet, and a minimal amount of your face. Your forearms will come to rest on the deck giving you a low profile, the ability to observe around the corner, and the immediate capability to engage targets with your weapon.


5-40 40-80 80+ UH-1E/N 100 150 200 CH-46 175 250 350 CH-53D 175 250 350 CH-53E 175 250 350

SMEAC - Mission

A clear, concise statement of the task that the patrol must accomplish.

Assemble the components of the helmet.

Adjust the headband. - Open all headband clips - Make the headband larger than your head size. - Put the headband on your head as you would a hat. NOTE: Ensure the leather is against your head, that the buckle is at the back, and that all six metal clips are opened and faced down. - Adjust the headband until it fits snugly. - Take the headband off. - Insert the headband into the helmet NOTE: Ensure the open clips are toward the rim of the helmet and that the buckle is at the back. Slip the clips over the fixed web straps centering the two front clips - Close all clips - Put the helmet on your head NOTE: If helmet is too high, adjust the drawstring tab toward the crown of the helmet. If it sits too low, adjust the drawstring tab toward the rim of the helmet. - Mount the camouflage cover on the helmet - Put the cover over the helmet so the end marked "front" covers the bill of the helmet. - Pull the cover over the back and sides of the helmet, and thread each end of the chin strap through slits on the side of the cover. - Extend the six, cover-retaining tabs down and around the fixed web strap of the suspension system (not the headband); fasten the tab onto itself using the Velcro closures. - Place the elastic helmet band over the helmet and cover


Anything that gives protection from bullets, fragments of exploding rounds, flame, nuclear effects, and biological and chemical agents. Cover can also conceal you from enemy observation. Cover can be natural or manmade.


Anything that hides you from enemy observation. Concealment does not protect you from enemy fire


Anything that you can use to keep yourself, your equipment, and your position from looking like what they really are. You can also use both natural and manmade materials for camouflage.

Explain unaided day and night observation techniques

Avoid all unnecessary movement. Search field of view using the off-center vision method. Search field of view using the scanning method. Search field of view using the strip method. Preserve night vision when subjected to lighted areas or illumination.


Carry the hand to the shoulder, palm to the front; then thrust the hand upward vertically to the full extent of the arm and hold it in that position until the signal is understood.


Casualties needing air MEDEVAC will be given appropriate degrees of precedence so that, if aircraft space is limited, more urgent patients are evacuated before those whose conditions are less serious. The senior military person present makes the determination to request medical evacuation and assignment of precedence. This decision is based on the advice of the senior medical person at the scene, the patient's condition, and the tactical situation. Assignment of medical evacuation precedence is necessary. The precedence provides the supporting medical unit and controlling headquarters with information that is used in determining priorities for committing their evacuation assets. For this reason, correct assignment of precedence cannot be overemphasized; over classification remains a continuing problem. Patients will be picked up as soon as possible, consistent with available resources and pending missions.

Discuss the characteristics of the following fighting positions NOTES

Do not disturb the natural concealment around your position while digging. Avoid creating fresh paths near the position. Use old paths or vary the route to and from the position. Camouflage the path if necessary. - Marines at their fighting positions dig fighting holes. Fighting holes provide excellent protection against small arms fire, shell fragments, airplane strafings or bombings, the effects of nuclear detonations, and the crushing action of tanks. - If not prescribed by higher authority, the squad leader will designate either one- or two-man fighting holes. The type of fighting hole used is based upon squad strength, fields of fire, size of squad sector of fire, and morale. However, the two-man fighting hole permits one Marine to rest while the other maintains security over the assigned frontage

Wedge Formation

Extend both arms downward and to the side at an angle of 45 degrees below the horizontal, palms to the front.


Extend both arms forward, palms of the hands down toward the leaders (or units) for whom the signal is intended, and describe large vertical circles with hands.

Dismount/Take Cover

Extend the arm sideward at an angle of 45 degrees above the horizontal, palm down, and lower it to side. Both arms may be used in giving this signal. Repeat until understood.


Extend the hand and arm toward the squad leader, palm of the hand down; distinctly move the hand up and down several times from the wrist, holding the arm steady.

Assemble 782-gear and adjust for fit.

Fit and adjust the belt. - Slide the two metal keepers away from the belt buckle and the adjusting clamp. - Unlock the adjusting clamp by spreading the looped webbing apart. - Slide the adjusting clamp toward the belt buckle to loosen the belt and away from the belt buckle to tighten it. - Squeeze the adjusting clamp to lock the cartridge belt in place. - Slide the metal keepers so one is next to the belt buckle and the other is next to the adjustable clamp. NOTE: Each adjusting clamp should be about the same distance from the belt buckle. - Buckle and place the cartridge belt. - Attach the ammunition cases to the belt. NOTE: One ammunition case is attached to the left side of the belt next to the belt buckle and the other case is attached to the right side of the belt next to the buckle. - Pull each slide keeper attached to the case to an open position, and slide it over one thickness of the webbing NOTE: Ensure the slide keepers are vertical and the bottom holes are out beyond the webbing. - Push the slide keeper down and into the bottom holes. - Attach the suspenders to the belt and magazine pouches. - Open all suspender-snap hooks by pushing the hooks up and out of the retainers. - Attach the back suspender-snap hooks into the eyelets at each side of the two, center, top eyelets at the back of equipment belt. -Attach the front, suspender-snap hooks to the top eyelet nearest the buckle on each end of the belt, or fasten the snap hook on the eyelet of each magazine pouch. - Attach the canteen cover. Using the two slide keepers on the back of the canteen cover, attach the cover on the right side as close as possible to the ammunition case. - Attach the first aid kit using the slide keeper on the back of pouch, attach the pouch to the center of the back of the belt. - Attach the bayonet with scabbard. - Fasten the double hook on the back of the scabbard into the two eyelets of the individual equipment belt. - Adjust the front and back suspender straps. - Put on the belt and fasten the buckle after you have the equipment attached to the belt and suspenders. - Adjust the length of the front and back suspender straps so the belt hangs evenly at your waist and the yoke is positioned comfortably - Pull down on the loose end of each strap to tighten (to raise the belt), or lift the end of each strap buckle to loosen (to lower the belt). - Secure the loose ends of the straps with the elastic loops. NOTE: Although you can adjust the back suspender-strap alone, it would be easier using the buddy system.


Helicopters are normally requested through battalion, but the platoon and rifle company commanders should be aware of their availability under all circumstances. A MEDEVAC request is submitted to the appropriate unit using a MEDEVAC request. The medical evacuation request is used for requesting evacuation support for both air and ground ambulances. There are two established medical evacuation formats and procedures - one for wartime use and one used in peacetime.

Advantaged of a Two-Man FIghting Hole

It allows continuous observation, mutual assistance and reassurance, and the redistribution of ammunition between the occupants.

Line 1 of Nine Line Medical Evacuation Request

Location of Pickup Site. Encrypt grip coordinates of pickup site using DRYAD Numeral CIpher. Location obtained from map and provided by Unit Leaders. Needed so evac vehicle knows where to pickup patient and so unit coordinating evac mission can plan vehicle route (if there's more than one pickup location)

Helicopter Landing Zones

MEDEVAC pickup zones cannot always be selected in favorable terrain, but mission success is largely dependent upon a pickup site that will accommodate the size of the helicopter employed. The size of the landing zone will dictate what type of helicopters will be able to support your MEDEVAC and may determine how large of a landing zone will need to be cleared. (see Table below) Notice that the size of the obstacles around the landing zone is paramount, locations requiring vertical ascent or decent are not desirable.

Marking the Landing Zone

Marking the landing zone. The size of the landing zone is dependent upon the height of the obstacles surrounding the zone and the number and type of helicopters needed on the largest wave planned landing zone size should be determined by using figure 0808-2 and computing the number of landing points needed to support the operation. Simple multiplication should provide good planning data. - A landing point is a specific point where one helicopter can land. Landing points collectively form landing sites. - A landing site is an area within a large landing zone used by the helicopter borne unit as a tactical control designator in order to land in predetermined locations. When such separation of units and functions is not required, the helicopter wave or flight leaders should be given the prerogative to land where safety and flight characteristics dictate - The marking of landing zones varies from the initial marking with smoke for landing zone identification and wind direction to elaborate markings. When using panels, care must be exercised to ensure proper security from the effects of rotor wash, either by distance separation or staking and typing of the panels. Smoke is best used downwind from the landing points so as not to obscure vision during landing.

Line 7 of Nine Line Medical Evacuation Request

Method of marking pickup site. Encrypt the brevity codes. A- Panels B- Pyrotechnic signal C- Smoke Signal D- None E- Other Determined based on situation by medical or senior person present. Required to assist the evacuation crew in identifying the specific location of the pick up. Note that the color of the panels or Smoke should not be transmitted until the evacuation vehicle contacts the unit (just prior To its arrival). For security the crew should identify the Color and unit verify.

Line 9 of Nine Line Medical Evacuation Request (WARTIME)

NBC Contamination. Include this line only when applicable. Encrypt the applicable brevity codes. N- Nuclear B- Biological C- Chemical Determined from situation by medical or senior person present. Required to assist in planning for the mission (Determine which evacuation vehicle will accomplish the mission and when it will be accomplished).

Line 6 of Nine Line Medical Evacuation Request (Peacetime)

Number and type of wound, injury, or illness. Specific information regarding patient wounds by type (gunshot or shrapnel). Report serious bleeding, along with patient blood type, if known. Provided by Medical or senior person present.

Line 3 of Nine Line Medical Evacuation Request

Number of Patients by Precedence A- Urgent B- Urgent-Surg C- Priority D- Routine E-Convenience If two or more categories Must be reported in the same request, insert the word "Break" between each category. Obtained from SOI. Provided by RTO. Required by the unit controlling the evacuation Vehicles to assist in prioritizing missions

Line 5 of Nine Line Medical Evacuation Request

Number of Patients by type: Litter/Ambulatory L:# A:# Obtained from Eval of Patient(s). Provided by medical or senior person.

Observing around a corner

Observe the area around a corner before moving beyond it. The most common mistake made at a corner is allowing the weapon to extend beyond the corner before observing, thereby exposing your position.

Line 8 of Nine Line Medical Evacuation Request

Patient Nationality And Status The number of patients in each category need not be transmitted. Encrypt only the applicable brevity codes. A- U.S. Military B- U.S. Civilian C- Non U.S. Military D- Non U.S. Civilian E- EPW Obtained from eval of patient by Medical or senior personnel present. Required to assist in planning for destination facilities and need for guards. Unit requesting support should ensure that there is an English speaking representative at the pickup site

The following are categories of precedence and the criteria used in their assignment:

Priority 1 - Urgent Priority 1A - Urgent-Surgical Priority 2 - Priority Priority 3 - Routine Priority 4 - Convenience

Line 2 of Nine Line Medical Evacuation Request

Radio Freq, Call Sign, Suffix. Encrypt the frequency of the radio at the pickup site, not a relay frequency. The call sign (and suffix if used) of person to be contacted at the pickup site may be transmitted in the clear. Obtained from SOI (Standard Operating Instructions). Provided by RTO (Radio Telephone Operator). Required for that evacuation vehicle can contact requesting unit while en rout (obtain additional information or change in situation or direction)

Skirmishers Left/Right

Raise both arms lateral until horizontal, arms and hands extended, palms down. If it is necessary to indicate a direction, move in the desired direction at the same time. When signaling for fire team skirmishers, indicate skirmishers right or left by moving the appropriate hand up and down. The appropriate hand does not depend on the direction the signaler is facing. Skirmishers left will always be indicated by moving the left hand up and down; skirmishers right, the right hand.

Acronym for Constructing a Fighting Position

SAFE S Security: Set up security before digging in. A Automatic Weapons: Set up your automatic weapons so that they are oriented to the most likely avenues of approach. F Field of Fire: Clear your fields of fire. E Entrenchment: Dig in your positions

Define and discuss the intelligence information report

SALUTE report. - Information must be reported as quickly, accurately, and completely as possible. - Size and/or strength - Activity or actions - Location and direction of movement - Unit identification (The enemy unit may be derived from unit markings, uniforms worn, or through prisoner interrogation - Time of observation - Equipment and weapons EXAMPLE: "Seven enemy soldiers, traveling SW, crossed road junction on BLACK RIDGE, unit unknown, at 211300 Aug carrying 1 machinegun and 1 rocket launcher"

Define and discuss the five paragraphs of the operations order

SMEAC Situation Mission Execution Admin & Logistics Command & Signal

Line 6 of Nine Line Medical Evacuation Request (Wartime)

Security of Pickup Site N- No enemy troops in area P- Possibly enemy troops in area (approach with caution) E- Enemy troops in area (approach with caution) X- Enemy troops in area (armed escort required) Obtained from eval of situation, provided by Unit Leader. Required to assist the evacuation crew in Assessing the situation and determining if assistance is required.

Selection of a pickup zone ...

Selection of a pickup zone necessitates extremely accurate map reading and communications with the helicopter. For normal operations when the helicopter approaches the landing site, the platoon commander should throw a smoke grenade to mark his position and show the pilot the direction of the wind. The platoon commander should also inform the pilot of the friendly position and the enemy position and situation. Particularly in a debris-strewn landing site, a Marine should direct the helicopter in, signaling where it is clear for the aircraft to land in the site. All obstacles within the landing zone need to be marked, so that the pilot has a clear view of the situation. Air panel markers are an excellent means of marking obstacles during good visibility; there are various methods to mark obstacles during low light situations, i.e., colored chemical lights. All Marines in the platoon should be trained in directing helicopters into a landing site, requesting medical evacuation helicopters from the company commander and communicating with the pilot over the radio. Radio communications are particularly important in night operations. Because of the inherent danger in night evacuation, the seriousness of the wound must be considered. It might be advantageous to wait until first light to evacuate the casualty.

Disadvantages of a Two-Man Fighting Hole

Since it is longer than the one-man type, the two-man fighting hole offers somewhat less protection against a tank crossing along the long axis, as well as less protection against strafing, bombing, and shell fragments.

Line 4 of Nine Line Medical Evacuation Request

Special Eqpmt Required. Encrypt the applicable brevity codes: A- None B-Hoist C- Extraction Equipment D-Ventilator Obtained from eval of patient(s). Provided by Medical or senior member present. Required so that the equipment can be placed on board the evacuation vehicle prior to the start of the mission.

Close Up

Start the signal with both arms extended sideward, palms forward, and bring palms together in front of the body momentarily. When repetition of this signal is necessary, the arms are returned to the starting position by movement along the front of the body.

Open Up/Extended

Start the signal with the arms extended in front of the body, palms together, and bring the arms to the horizontal position at the sides, palms forward. When repetition of this signal is necessary, the arms are returned along the front of the body to the starting position and the signal is repeated until understood.

Overall Length - Landing Zone Diameter

TYPE (FEET) UH-1E/N 57/57 CH-46 46/84 CH-53D 56/89 CH-53E 60/99

Line 9 of Nine Line Medical Evacuation Request (PEACETIME)

Terrain Description. Includes details of terrain features in and around proposed landing site. If possible, describe relationship of site to prominent terrain feature (lake, mountain, tower). Obtained from area survey by personnel at site. Required to allow evacuation personnel to assess route/avenue of approach into area. Of particular importance if hoist operation is required.

Echelon Left/Right

The leader may give this signal either facing towards or away from the unit. Extend one arm 45 degrees below the horizontal, palms to the front. The lower arm indicates the direction of echelon. (Example: for echelon right, if the leader is facing in the direction of the forward movement, the right arm is lowered; if the leader is facing the unit, the left is lowered.) Supplementary commands may be given to ensure prompt and proper execution.

Several differences exist between the wartime and the peacetime medical evacuation request formats and procedures.

The peacetime request form differs in two line item areas: - Line 6 - changed to number and type of wound, injury, or illness (two gunshot wounds and one compound fracture). If serious bleeding is reported, the patient's blood type should be given, if known. - Line 9 - changed to description of terrain (flat, open, sloping, wooded). If possible, include relationship of landing area to prominent terrain features. Security is another basic difference between wartime and peacetime requesting procedures. Under all nonwar conditions, the safety of US military and civilian personnel outweighs the need for security, and clear text transmissions of medical evacuation requests are authorized. During wartime, the rapid evacuation of patients must be weighed against the importance of unit survivability. Accordingly, wartime medical evacuation requests are transmitted by secure means only.

Fire Team

The right arm should be placed diagonally across the chest.

Short stock technique.

The shooter should be capable of both right-handed and left-handed firing of his or her weapon using this technique to be effective around corners. Short stocking the weapon will prevent the muzzle from protruding and keep the weapon ready to fire the instant visual contact is made with the enemy. Furthermore, it reduces the Marine's exposure as a target. A common mistake when firing around corners is firing from the standing position. The shooter exposes him or herself at the height the enemy would expect a target to appear and risks exposing the entire length of the body as a target for the enemy.

Individual fighting position

The size and shape of the fighting hole are affected by certain important considerations. It is as small as practicable, exposing a minimum target to enemy fire; wide enough to accommodate the shoulders of a man sitting on the fire step; long enough to permit use of an entrenching tool; and at least 4 feet deep to the fire step.The Marine should be able to aim and fire his or her weapon when standing on the fire step.

Two-man fighting position

The two-man fighting hole consists essentially of two adjacent one-man fighting holes. Details of construction are as follows. - In most types of soil, the fighting hole gives protection against the crushing action of tanks provided the occupant crouches at least 2 feet below the ground surface. In sandy or soft soils, it is necessary to revet the sides to prevent caving in. The soil is piled around the hole as a parapet, approximately 3-feet thick and ½-foot high, leaving a berm or shelf wide enough for the Marine to use as an elbow rest while firing. If turf or topsoil is used to camouflage the parapet, the Marine first removes sufficient ground cover and sets it aside until the fighting hole is completed. Once complete, the ground cover can then be laid on the top and side of the parapet so that it will better blend in with surrounding ground

SMEAC - Admin and Logistics

This paragraph contains information pertaining to rations and ammunition; location of the distribution point, corpsman, and aid station; the handling of prisoners of war; and other administrative and supply matters.

Back crawl

To perform the back crawl, - Slide head first, on your back. - Push yourself forward with your shoulders and heels. - Carry your weapon lengthwise on your body.


To perform the creeping technique, - Creep at night on the hands and knees. - Use your hands to feel for twigs, leaves, or other substances that might make a noise. - Clear a spot to place your knee. Keeping your hand at that spot, place your knee in the same spot. Keeping your hand at that spot, place your knee on the ground and repeat the action with the other hand and knee.


When starting from the prone position, - Raise your head slowly and steadily and select a new position. - Lower your head slowly, draw arms inward, cock right leg forward, and prepare to rush. - Use one movement to raise the body by straightening both arms. - Spring to your feet, stepping off with the left foot. - Bend forward as low as possible when running. - Never advance directly to the next position; always zigzag. When hitting the deck, - Stop. - Plant both feet in place. - Drop quickly to the knees and slide the hand to the heel of the rifle. - Fall forward, breaking your fall with the butt of the rifle. (To confuse the enemy, roll over after hitting the deck and roll into firing position with feet, knees, and stomach flat on the ground.) - Keep your head down if you do not intend to fire. When rolling over, - Hit the deck and assume the prone position. - Bring the rifle in close to the body, placing the rifle butt in the crotch. Roll over swiftly to confuse any enemy observers as to your final intended location. Never reappear at the same place you went down.

Night Walk

When walking at night, - Place the heel down first. Balance the weight of your body on the rear foot until a secure spot is found. - Lift the forward foot high to clear any stiff grass, brush, or other obstruction. - Continue to balance body weight on the rear foot, lower the forward foot gently, toe first, to explore the ground for objects that might make noise. - Step over fallen logs and branches, not on them. Lower the heel of the forward foot slowly, gradually transferring body weight to that foot.

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