Forensic test 2

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The prevalence of psychopathy and the general population is


Moffitt also suggested that these children do not develop a pro social or interpersonal skills during these stages of the development explain what that means and how it might contribute to delinquent behavior

1. They may not learn the importance of caring sharing cooperating and communicating they may also not learn how to express empathy 2. This leads these individuals to not follow social norms and therefore be rejected by their peers later in life 3. They do not understand nor do they care for the feelings of others 4. This lack of empathy and respect as a child may continue and evolved throughout their adolescence in adulthood making it a precursor to crime. This may happen because they believe that their needs and wants are greater than the rights of others

The same research indicates that psychopaths make up___of the prison population

15 to 25%

The___states that at the time of the commission of the acts constituting the offense the defendant as a result of a severe mental disease or defect and was unable to appreciate the nature and quality or the wrongfulness of his acts

1984 federal insanity defense reform act

Statistics have shown that males with antisocial personality disorder make up___of the prison population

50 to 80%

Research has shown that children who are rejected by their peers for at least two years by second-grade had a___chance of developing significant delinquency problems in adolescence


In terms of criminal responsibility, a person cannot be held responsible for a crime if he/she does not possess

A guilty mind

Give an example of someone who might meet the criteria for insanity according to the 1843 make knocked in the rule

A schizophrenic that Heard voices telling them to commit a crime even though they knew it was wrong, but the offender thought they would be harmed if they did not do what the voices said

Identify three broad social factors related to the development of habitual criminal behavior

A. Poverty B. Racism or sexism C. Glorification of violence D. Availability of handguns

In order to be found competent to stand trial it must be shown that the defendant must

A. be able to assist in their defense B. understand the proceedings against them

Angie also began her criminal career during adolescence, being arrested for numerous status offenses and one count of Burghley for her for what she served one year +2 years probation. From that time on she was not arrested. This pattern represents the___offending pattern

Adolescent Limited path

As early as age 5 children who were___and___were more likely to develop delinquent behavior during adolescence

Aggressive and disruptive

Explain the differences between a person with APD and a psychopath

Antisocial: failure to conform to social norms, deceitfulness, failure to plan ahead, irritability and aggressiveness, reckless disregard for safety of self and others, consistent responsibility, lack of remorse. Psychopathy: selfishness, and ability to love or give genuine affection to others, frequent deceitfulness or lying, lack of guilt or remorse, callousness or lack of empathy, low anxiety prone Ness, poor judgment and failure to learn from experience, superficial charm, failure to follow a life plan, cycles of unreliability

The most stringent burden of proof in criminal proceedings is

Beyond a reasonable doubt

The burden of proof required in many civil proceedings is___which is a reasonable certainty that the truth a fax/evidence is highly probable

Clear and convincing proof

According to your text if the number of actual success stories and profiling is compared to the number of Mrs. or failures the ratio of hits to Mrs. might be

Close to chance

The VRAG, HCR - 20, and I CT are all used to determine

Competence to be sentenced

In order to be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder or the person must have shown evidence of or be diagnosed with___prior to age 15

Conduct disorder

Ted is 14 years old and has been placed in juvenile detention for his 30s so. He has also been arrested for various drug offenses and was expelled from school for breaking into students cars. He would most likely be diagnosed with

Conduct disorder

Explain some of the limitations of geographic profiling

Crossing state lines, which makes it difficult to connect crimes. The crimes are very random. Varying the MO of a crime scene. The parents may change like poacher or trapper or be a combination of the two.

___Space offenders tend to have more severe psychological disorders and be sexually incompetent or inexperienced


Children who___are more likely to participate in antisocial behavior

Experience physical abuse early in life, are frequently left unsupervised, and are exposed to aggressive peers in daycare or preschool

Two instruments typically used to determine competency to stand trial include

Georgia court competency test MAC

If a person is found___he or she will be sentenced to a psychiatric facility until it is determined that they no longer suffer from a mental illness, then they will serve out the remainder of their sentence in prison

Guilty but mentally ill

The BTK killer start his potential victims wanting their behavior patterns before determining when and where to attack them this is consistent with what pattern for selecting victims


One of the biological characteristics common to persons with antisocial personality disorder is

Increased ANS arousal

Which do you think it's more difficult to assess incompetency or insanity?

Insanity. There are many tests but they are not very reliable and there's no foolproof way to prove insanity insanity is a legal term he tried Teryan for and certainly are not the same everywhere and very from state to state it is also difficult to prove that somebody was in an insane state of mind at the time of a crime because the psychologist or person doing the assessment was not there.

According to your text criminal behavior refers to___acts that are in violation of criminal law without defense or excuse


Dick was hearing voices in his head which were telling him to break the store window with a brick he knew it was wrong but was afraid of the threats the voices were telling him would happen if you didn't break the window. The rule concerning his criminal responsibility that is most likely to be applied to this case would be

Irresistible impulse

Discuss why you believe criminal profiling is so in accurate

It is subject to confirmation of bias, profiling does not seek to find a single person but rather a general idea of who may have committed the crime, the state of mind of the individual may be different at different points in time at different crime scenes,

Tommy began breaking the law during early adolescence however he was arrested for more serious crimes and those crimes were committed numerous situations throughout the course of his life. This pattern represents___offending pattern

Life course persistent

Bubba began having significant behavior problems during high school. He was frequently Truitt and was arrested for underage drinking. Vandalism and petty theft. He continued this pattern of low-level criminal behavior throughout his life. This offending pattern is recognized as the___offender pattern

Lower level chronic

The term____is used to describe faking an illness or disability in order to avoid responsibility for one's actions or for personal gain


In Moffetts developmental model children who are in the LCP course sure numerous___and___issues throughout childhood

Neurological and behavioral

Johnny is a nuisance in the classroom and at home. He is allowed in unruly he frequently annoys other kids. Intentionally doing things to irritate them and he constantly defies anyone who attempts to set limits on him. Based on these characteristics Johnny is likely to meet the criteria for

Oppositional defiant disorder

In Patterson is coercion model there are several factors related to the child parent dynamic that explain why some of them engage in delinquent behavior. Describe three of those factors and how they contribute to antisocial behavior.

Parents are unable to monitor the child during the day after school, parents unable to consistently discipline because the kid thinks they can get away with anything, parents and children being aversive with each other and the parent giving in which makes the child think that they can get away with anything

One serial rapist was a long distance trucker who is often 100 miles from his home when he committed his crimes. This is consistent with what pattern?


The burden of proof that says one side has more evidence in it's favor than the other is called

Preponderance of evidence

According to your text and comparing the terms psychopath and it's a social personalities disorder

Psychopathy is more broadly defined set of characteristics

A___space is a symbolic communication left at the crime scene by an offender that goes beyond what was necessary to commit the crime


___Space may occur when distressed family members find a victim in a compromised condition


___Space of the scene may occur when the offender attempts to redirect the investigation away from the most logical suspect


___Are crimes that can only be committed by juveniles in our ad junked did only by a juvenile court

State offense

According to your text, habitual___is one of the strongest predictors of later delinquency


Identify two of the three instruments used for identifying if someone is speaking in illness

Structured interview for symptom response and MMPI - two

The standards for criminal insanity are based on determining if

The defendant knows what he or she did was wrong

Explain why children diagnosed with ADHD have a higher risk for developing criminal habits

They are socially rejected by their peers, children who are rejected for two or three years beginning in preschool through second grade have a higher percentage to get teased and get in trouble, they may fit more in with the kids that actually cause trouble and our deviant and defiant and they find this as their niche

The term antisocial means

To go against the norms of society

The craigslist killer would run false ads on craigslist to Luer potential victims to his home where he could attack them. This would be an example of what hunting pattern


And a hypothetical situation where a serial rapist was also employed as a delivery man who would be occasionally coming in contact with potential victims while doing his job he would be utilizing the blank hunting pattern


A distraught or emotionally upset offender may try to place/return the victim to a natural looking state. This behavior is called


In terms of academics, three factors related to eventual doing Quincy include low academic achievement, Limited___and poor___reasoning

Vocabulary, verbal

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